
See this word as a collocate cloud

aren t even disguising itehma kind of m741: [inaudible]
actually usin that to disguiseehmabsolute racialist kind of m741:
m605: but you can stillehmabuse people in gaelic m741:
of them m741: right m605: ehmalthough i ve been to
use that m741: yeah m605: ehman m741: do when you
based popular m741: right m605: ehmand certain people like hugh
one b m741: right m605: ehmand i m doin one
about now m741: mmhm m605: ehmand i m lookin at
at university m741: mmhm m605: ehmand th- the job of
m741: mmhm m605: you knowehmand that s just one
you know m741: yeah m605: ehmand then edinburgh edinburgh scots
last year m741: right m605: ehmand they both do do
uh huh m605: the pictsehmare a germanic people m741:
on m741: uh huh m605: ehmartistic response to violence an
literature yeah yep m741: yepehmas well so they re
in gaelic m741: right m605: ehmbecause if you think about
have achieved m741: yeah m605: ehmbecause on the one hand
of contexts m741: mmhm m605: ehmbut i certainly think it
these forms m741: mmhm m605: ehmbut i mean th- it
movement poetry m741: yep m605: ehmbut if you look at
yeah well it s- m741: ehmbut it s m605: says
the sqa m605: right m741: ehmbut th- they they ve
school teacher m741: mmhm m605: ehmbut the only times i
thing an m741: mm m605: ehmbut what we- we- th-
english now m741: yeah m605: ehmbut with that i mean
[censored: forename] yeah m605: is thatehm[censored: forename] yeah m741: but she
professor of celtic ehm [censored: forename]ehm[censored: surname] his name is m741:
a lot m741: aye m605: ehm[censored: utterance] m741: yeah we re
is m741: mmhm m605: alwaysehmdon t stigmatise classical vocabulary
privileging m741: mm m605: ofehmgermanic over ehm latinate vocabulary
scots m741: yeah yeah m605: ehmhow naturalistically i don t
or is that appendixed m741: ehmi don t know all
given certainly m741: right m605: ehmi don t think i
instance m741: yeah yeah m605: ehmi don t think it
deadline kind of october m741: ehmi think it s end
you know m741: yeah m605: ehmi think it s like
know m741: uh huh m605: ehmin in reaction to the
germanic europe m741: mmhm m605: ehmin that they were different
like the norse influence onehminsular scots an m741: yeah
m605: of ehm germanic overehmlatinate vocabulary m741: uh huh
m605: yeah m741: i thinkehmlike emulating someone else like
talk about like linguistic choiceehmlike the privileging m741: mm
the writers m741: mmhm m605: ehmlinguistic tactics is a response
the strategies to do withehmliterary scots writing m741: right
of m741: aye cause thatehmm605: blasphemy must must still
what it s all aboutehmm605: right m741: but it
they were the bad wordsehmm605: yeah m741: but obviously
be able to do thatehmm605: yeah m741: to be
s not as if likeehmm741: but it s interestin
on go- goin on hereehmm741: is th- is this
the nineteen twenties and thirtiesehmm741: mmhm concern for yeah
asked to do it butehmm741: see that s the
a rare kind of exa-ehmm741: [tut] i think i
they re tryin to doehmm741: yeah m605: and y-
strengthen the department immensely ifehmm741: yeah m605: [censored: forename] [censored: surname]
people through it like thatehmm741: yeah m605: i was
have survived m741: mmhm m605: ehmor have not mo- changed
got a disproportionate amount ofehmpostgraduates an m741: yeah that
got to revise it forehmpublication m741: right m605: and
by this kind of wholeehmracial politics you know m741:
stuff like that m605: whatehmsaussure m741: er yes saussure
s television m741: yeah m605: ehmso i m looking at
m741: mmhm m605: you knowehmso on the one hand
of a political kind ofehmsubtext m741: sort of thing
yeah m605: idiomatic kind ofehmsyntax and yeah yeah m741:
the same you know likeehmt s eliot m741: mmhm
a conference m741: mmhm m605: ehmthe introduction to jamie- cause
national dictionary m741: mmhm m605: ehmthere s a little this
m741: mmhm m605: it saysehmthere s this one little
only difference m741: yeah m605: ehmwell no actually there s
yeah m741: er an iehmwhat s the point like
m741: yeah m605: you knowehmwhere are you in the
scholarship which m741: mmhm m605: ehmwhich begins in the nineteen
eadar lìon m741: right m605: ehmwhich literally means internet m741:
gaelic m741: right cool m605: ehmwhich means that i can
nice person m741: mmhm m605: ehmwithout [censored: forename] and [censored: forename] i
t know her m605: rightehmand i almost feel as
m605: in a different wayehmand not like t s
right m605: and i usedehmcertain other forms which were
mmhm m605: they ve beenehmg- gettin to know each
m605: here s a salaryehmhere s the teaching responsibilities
m605: i think them theehmi think that the the
right [yawn] m605: it sehmit s away in the
right uh huh m605: okayehmit s- it sounds really
eh there s [censored: forename] [censored: surname]ehmm605: what about [censored: forename] is
m605: i i wish thatehmscots language would be ehm
that looks quite cool m605: ehmso when i come to
doin that m605: which isehmthe new professor of celtic
huh m605: an why afterehmtwo hundred years of parliamentary
with them m605: it sehmwell we ve got quite
yeah m605: we know thatehmwhere we came from ethnically
m608: oh right yes f643: ehmand [tut] th- there was
[laugh] f643: art school [tut]ehmbut it was quite good
hear about [clap] m804: [tut]ehmdid you do anything interesting
in last [tut] egg f1126: ehmegg f1125: egg [sound of egg tapping bowl] egg
in heavy rain like [inaudible]ehmf1054: anything else m1004: [tut]
the other sun at m1094: ehmf1093: [tut] er erm m1094:
of them have died nowehmf631: mmhm f689: [tut] it
or mum f1054: what abootehmgrandmother m1016: [tut] eh granny
m055: [sniff] [sniff] f785: [tut]ehmi think you ve already
on a thursday evening [tut]ehmi ve just advertised a
had any confidence in itehmin her [tut] my mum
m1007: yeah f1009: [laugh] m1055: ehmleft handed alister m1008: [tut]
public public schools [tut] butehmso we cause sam sam
of that on it [tut]ehmso what other superheroes are
you use whodyacomepoof f1024: [tut]ehmsort of eh we d
like to do m805: [tut]ehmtake photographs of peter parker
the end of the monthehm[tut] and he just phoned
make sure we did stuffehm[tut] and the work i
enough um things like thatehm[tut] ehm we we sort
mmhm f643: so for exampleehm[tut] grampian did a programme
hoose where we bidit [inaudible]ehm[tut] harry s stepfaider and
the tourist attraction [laugh] f785: ehm[tut] how do you feel
the strunts was i thinkehm[tut] i don t have
weel different writers different casesehm[tut] i think irv- irvine
from the north of irelandehm[tut] i think it s
i ve walked doon taeehm[tut] ither writers i i
they make money by havingehm[tut] kind of festivals like
feelin poorly f1054: mmhm goodehm[tut] let s see pleased
my name as a superheroehm[tut] m805: supercrunch m804: supercrunch
couch yes f1054: okay goodehm[tut] main room of the
f746: oh right f978: andehm[tut] oh i don t
was actually she was veryehm[tut] she trie- well i
mmhm f643: and [phone rings] theyehm[tut] sponsored excuse me a
me experience doing marketing plansehm[tut] the company went down
unimpressive leaving certificate so theehm[tut] the field of commerce
remember about the s- theehm[tut] the snow when i
a superhero thing m804: okayehm[tut] well you ve told
but eh yeah f1054: okayehm[tut] what about oh left
m959: you were at thatehm[tut] white stripes gig weren
the parties we had andehm[tut] you know the the
this film on monday [tut]ehmwe re doing we re
things like that ehm [tut]ehmwe we sort of latch
m805: [inhale] [exhale] m804: [tut]ehmwh- do you know what
believe that uist m1055: uistehmand that would be how
desc mmhm m1055: ehm [inhale]ehmand there s what you
[laugh] m1007: [laugh] yeah m1055: ehmand you you ju- just
own day m1055: mmhm m1008: ehmbut eh you then go
[laugh] m1008: [laugh] m1055: [laugh]ehmbut that eh that that
say [laugh] m1055: mm soehmcan you no think of
while f1009: [laugh] m1055: mmehmcertainly my my own father
deiseal [?]is gabh ri[/?] m1055: ehm fromehmchild s soft shoes worn
[laugh] m1008: [inaudible] m1055: [laugh]ehmclothes in general clothes f1009:
huh f1009: yes m1055: [inhale]ehmdrunk oh we- we ve
here m1008: burn yes m1055: ehmeh a long the long
[wheeze] [laugh] aye wheeze m1055: ehmehm the glottal stop ehm
you do what yous doehmf1009: [laugh] m1055: to throw
was used m1008: mmhm m1055: ehmfor something that was quick
english m1055: mmhm m1008: andehmfor that reason i suppose
deiseal f1009: deiseal [?]is gabh ri[/?] m1055: ehmfrom ehm child s soft
cailean m1055: that s itehmgrandmother alister m1008: well grandmother
yes mmhm m1055: and ehehmhe and also some of
to be asked to m1055: ehmhm f1009: press his winners
[laugh] m1007: [laugh] m1055: [laugh]ehmi will go we ll
[inaudible] vocallex desc mmhm m1055: ehm[inhale] ehm and there s
m1055: and mother f1009: mumehmis what i call my
yes f1009: uist m1055: yesehmm1007: any [inaudible] will be
m1055: the water connection yesehmm1007: [laugh] f1009: [laugh] m1007:
ehm ehm the glottal stopehmm1007: [laugh] m1008: [laugh] m1055:
[laugh] f1009: [laugh] [cough] m1055: ehmm1008: and possibly so is
things f1009: yes m1055: [laugh]ehmm1008: yeah that one s
that my mother occasionally usesehmm1008: yes f1009: wabbit m1055:
wrong side of the lawehmm1008: yes m1055: and a
you agree alister se- m1008: ehmm1055: seanmhair m1008: seanmhair m1055:
m1008: mum m1007: mmhm m1008: ehmm1055: [?]see there[/?] one one w-w-
m1055: [laugh] f1009: [laugh] m1055: ehmn- not eh not a
m1007: yeah clothes was m1055: ehmpleased m1008: well degrees of
was right f1009: right m1055: ehmsome- somebody somebody gave me
[laugh] aye wheeze m1055: ehmehmthe glottal stop ehm m1007:
[inaudible] mm sleep generally justehmto sleep m1055: [throat] f1009:
it m1055: alister er [censored: surname]ehmtoilet m1008: yeah i was
[laugh] m1007: [laugh] m1055: [inhale]ehmunattractive f1009: mm well i
yes m1008: mmhm m1055: soehmwe ll just check eh
m1007: yeah m1055: baby f1009: ehmwee one bab nipper sprog
f1009: [laugh] m1055: [laugh] m1008: ehmwell all the ones eh
m1055: [laugh] m1007: [laugh] m1008: ehmwell i d have to
m1055: annoyed alister m1008: annoyedehmwell i would certainly use
[laugh] m1055: going back toehmwhat you ve just said
many many many years m1055: ehmyou d be in a
in scotland yes m865: okayehmactually linguists would say that
uh huh yeah mmhm m865: ehmand today it survives in
huh yeah m865: okay rightehmare you married were you
emails m865: mmhm f948: booksehmas a medium at teachin
you probably would yeah m865: ehmbut if i lived here
m865: oh yeah f951: glaswegianehmbut they they i ve
f951: oh right okay m865: ehmcan you give me the
f951: not really m865: okayehmdo you think there s
f948: different sorta accent m865: ehmdo you think there s
from the scottish parliament websiteehmf948: mmhm m865: you can
well say sixteenth fifteenth centuryehmf948: mmhm mmhm mmhm m865:
eh modern usage of scotsehmf951: yeah m865: these are
m865: yeah what what aboutehmgaelic should gaelic be taught
comprising various dialects like shetlandicehmglaswegian doric f951: mmhm m865:
so m952: [laugh] m865: okayehmhave you ever heard eh
orkney m865: oh right okayehmhow long have you been
okay m952: in lerwick m865: ehmhow long have you been
do m865: okay yeah okayehmhow should this be done
[inaudible] [inaudible] m865: mm f951: ehmi didn t do that
m865: it s interesting pointehmi started out you know
right uh huh mm m865: ehmif you could take a
the in aberdeen you theehmis it the doric m865:
read it [laugh] m865: okayehmjust to finish off one
its own m865: yeah f951: ehm[laugh] they ehm u1028: [inaudible]
m865: oh it means languagesehmleids yeah mmhm i think
i don t know butehmm865: [laugh] i mean all
a place for them tooehmm865: mmhm f951: not non
away five twenty eight [laugh]ehmm865: okay [laugh] i would
f948: i know i knowehmm865: um for example eh
dialects and accents in scotlandehmm952: uh huh m865: what
also determine language political issuesehmm952: yeah m865: what do
to this eh question hereehmm952: yeah mmhm m865: would
uh huh uh huh m865: ehmmaybe even you know reviving
good rain [laugh] m865: rightehmnow we ve got many
mmhm m865: yeah okay rightehmnow you ve got your
s right m865: eh butehmokay ehm what about teachers
mo- is this a modernehmpoetry u1028: [inaudible] m865: yeah
pan dialectal f951: sorry m865: ehmscots not you know relating
mmhm yes mmhm yeah m865: ehmso you ve mentioned shetlands
something else m952: yes m865: ehmthis is a print out
m865: mmhm f948: [cough] m865: ehmthis is a printout from
fae m865: no problem [laugh]ehmthis is from the scottish
yeah f951: ehm [laugh] theyehmu1028: [inaudible] [inaudible] m865: mmhm
m865: eh but ehm okayehmwhat about teachers eh what
accent m865: uh huh okayehmwhat about your own accent
mmhm mmhm yeah m865: mmhmehmwhat dialects do you like
private people f948: yeah m865: ehmwho would like to eh
our like language studies m865: ehmwould you like your children
just a cleaner m865: okayehmyou married yeah f948: yes
called primary m865: right nowehmyou ve got quite a
s languages m865: right okayehmyou ve got your own
huh yeah f948: [cough] m865: ehmyou ve mentioned both accent
oh right m865: okay soehmyou ve mentioned glasgow doric
m865: so talking about scotsehmyou ve said you would
f1054: ehm did mastrick andehmall these other areas open
f1025: [laugh] f1054: what aboutehmalso in that section lacking
things f1054: mmhm mmhm f1024: ehman lot lot lot of
gutties sandshoes as a kidehman trainers f1054: trainers f1145:
s peculiarly hawick f1054: mmhmehmand so do you kinda
re speaking with him f1054: ehmand young person in cheap
fair laughin mmhm f1054: greatehmannoyed m1146: annoyed beelin f1144:
endowed f1054: [laugh] what abootehmattractive f1040: bonny bonny f1041:
[laugh] f1054: okay what abootehmattractive unattractive drunk f1040: bleezin
yeah f1024: [cough] f1054: superehmattractive words for attractive f1026:
f1054: mmhm right f1025: [inhale]ehmbut i think most of
f1054: mmhm f1143: beelin raginehmcan t think of any
i don t know f1054: ehmcan you say it again
finished on that one f1054: ehmchild s soft shoes worn
interestin different isn t itehmcold f1006: shiverin ehm f1054:
f1054: mm what aboot babeehmcolin where would you hear
m1014: [inaudible] f1054: and whatehmcolour were they m1017: any
it s no certainly noehmcomin down hard f1054: good
ye changed f1043: mmhm f1054: ehmdid mastrick and ehm all
speaking er and properly f1054: ehmdo you all think of
good that- [laugh] [laugh] f1005: ehmexhausted f1006: mm f1054: or
t want to say [laugh]ehmf1006: [laugh] f1005: loaded f1054:
that s right f1054: andehmf1043: and a maik means
that f1006: ehm nice lookingehmf1054: and would you say
skint f1005: skint f1006: [laugh]ehmf1054: anything else you re
good to throw something f1006: ehmf1054: if you were saying
eh your vocabulary as wellehmf1054: is dunbar a fishin
thoroughfare [laugh] f1054: mm f1005: ehmf1054: now that s it
about what about rich f1005: ehmf1054: think of somebody you
the glasgow green nationalist [laugh]ehmf1054: you grew up on
it ehm cold f1006: shiverinehmf1054: you wo- would you
have to be scots wordsehmf1143: oh right f1054: just
be sayin that [laugh] okayehmf1144: [laugh] mmhm f1054: think
very good ye know f1054: ehmf1144: yeah f1054: is there
t use it what iehmfind in in f1054: [laugh]
say it ower again f1005: ehmfreezin f1054: and the opposite
[laugh] f1054: [laugh] what abootehmfriend f1011: just a freend
f1011: aye yes f1054: okayehmgood to rain heavily then
f1054: okay so you veehmgramp f1025: gramp g r
[laugh] mm f1054: nice pronunciationehmgrandfather f1144: grandpa that s
f1054: yeah i m sureehmi mind folk sayin at
word o dribble f1054: greatehmi think we ve done
words dae they use f1054: ehmi was wi a group
spittin mmhm mmhm f1054: excellentehm[inaudible] is that on that
kelsey rather than kelso f1054: ehm[inaudible] mmhm now mm m1013:
cracker [laugh] f1054: what aboutehminsane f1005: eh mad aff
f1054: that s alright f1005: ehmis is what george says
f1026: [laugh] f1054: [laugh] f1024: ehmit was quite amazing ehm
s interestin f1041: mmhm f1054: ehmjust to go back to
yeah [laugh] m1146: [laugh] f1054: ehmlet me see we ve
i just butt in f1054: ehmlet s do baby we
we re in here f1054: ehmlet s go for the
f1054: mmhm that s interestinehmlet s go onto how
f1054: yeah that s goodehmlet s see now i
word for that no f1054: ehmlet s see now to
s interestin f1143: mm f1054: ehmlet s see [toodle-doo] young
pen m1012: [inaudible] ta f1054: ehmlet s see what have
game f1043: [laugh] f1054: goodehmlet s think noo ehm
m1042: so f1054: great perfectehmlet s think now what
s a burnie f1054: goodehmlong soft seat in main
m shiverin f1054: yeah f1006: ehmm1004: freezin [?]can you stop me?[/?] f1054: [?]pinched o your wey[/?]
s busy the day f1054: ehmm1004: he s watching the
eh ugly f1006: ugly uglyehmm1004: pure rotten [laugh] f1054:
f1054: [?]pinched o your wey[/?] margaret f1005: [laugh]ehmm1004: use the same word
chaps aye okay it sehmm1015: aye f1054: what they
the answers i m afraidehmm1015: [laugh] f1054: what aboot
f1054: very little on thatehmm1015: mm f1054: i think
what they re after thereehmm1015: mmhm f1054: to sleep
round these last few thenehmm1015: right f1054: so words
f1054: aye that s fineehmm1017: fu as well but
never heard that one beforeehmm1042: mm f1054: what aboot
[laugh] [inaudible] f1054: okay rightehmm1042: so that s where
whole lot o bother savedehmm1146: no f1054: what aboot
f1054: yeah f1143: was itehmmaybe eighties yeah john ll
f1054: hunting country of courseehmmoody bert do you have
[inaudible] f1054: okay what abootehmnarrow walkway between or alongside
f1054: that s unanimous okayehmnarrow walkway between or alongside
f1054: what s that f1006: ehmnice looking ehm f1054: and
workers [laugh] f1041: [laugh] f1054: ehmnow let s see let
with f1054: mmhm what abootehmoh gosh i was gonnae
that m1004: no f1054: okayehmoh let s see insane
m1042: so no f1054: andehmoh let s see we
stiletto heels f1054: [cough] f1026: ehmon a saturday you were
f1054: er all friends superehmright first of all let
opposite o that hot f1005: ehmroastin m1004: bilin f1054: i-i-
f1054: bit of both okayehm[scans list of words] let s do hot
mmhm f1054: corrie fisted rightehmsee now u- up to
is ye ken f1054: goodehmso we ve done hot
tool- toolbox f1054: aye andehmso- word for something whose
e n f1054: mmhm m1146: ehmsomeone who s forfochen is
day off same thing f1054: ehmthat s aa the official
in toilets f1054: what abootehmthe main room in the
mmhm f1054: okay what abootehmto hit hard m1017: skelp
f1054: pick and mix thereehmto play a game m1019:
[laugh] f1025: [laugh] f1054: rightehmto sleep f1027: kip goin
as at the scuil f1054: ehmto sleep m1010: eh to
mmhm [laugh] f1054: what abootehmtrousers m1146: breeks just breeks
clobber m1022: [inaudible] f1054: goodehmtrousers trousers m1020: breeks f1018:
easily m1146: mmhm f1054: interestingehmunattractive f1145: well if someone
out f1054: okay what aboutehmunattractive the opposite of attractive
use that f1054: okay goodehmunwell f1006: ill feeling sick
oh dear f1144: [laugh] f1054: ehmunwell should we start wi
broader sense m1020: [cough] f1054: ehmwe had a super blast
his cartouche [laugh] f1054: okayehmwe ve done aa that
anyway f1023: [laugh] f1054: mmhmehmwe ve done have we
yesterday interestin f1006: [laugh] f1054: ehmwell speakin of [inaudible] oh
kids f1054: yeah do f1143: ehmwell we had ye know
a r e okay f1054: ehmwhat aboot annoyed f1043: fizzin
heard o that f1054: ganzieehmwhat aboot child s soft
t think uh huh f1054: ehmwhat aboot eh words for
s okay f1054: sure [inaudible]ehmwhat aboot ehm female partner
mmhm f1054: funny words [click]ehmwhat aboot er er er
yeah f1054: mm [inhale] goodehmwhat aboot er what about
bit of alright f1054: yeahehmwhat aboot erm lacking money
f1054: okay that s goodehmwhat aboot female partner what
lot an aa f1054: [inaudible]ehmwhat aboot goin on tae
about yeah f1144: yeah f1054: ehmwhat aboot grandmother f1143: nanny
bed settee f1054: good yeahehmwhat aboot mm mm mm
s just blootered f1054: andehmwhat aboot oh pregnant m1042:
f1054: fine that s goodehmwhat aboot rich m1015: eh
[laugh] f1027: [laugh] f1054: orehmwhat aboot slapper or tart
it [inaudible] f1143: yeah f1054: ehmwhat aboot the ma- running
good word m1146: mmhm f1054: ehmwhat aboot tired m1146: tired
back f1054: that s fineehmwhat aboot to play a
shame f1025: [laugh] f1054: okayehmwhat aboot well baby then
s it m1015: mmhm f1054: ehmwhat aboot words for eh
[laugh] f1054: that is interestingehmwhat about a kit of
it f1054: that s fineehmwhat about a young person
no f1025: no f1054: okayehmwhat about eh young person
ma last penny f1054: yeahehmwhat about er drunk george
is f1024: [laugh] f1054: [inaudible]ehmwhat about er insane attractive
pal pal f1005: pal f1054: ehmwhat about female partner f1006:
f1143: of course aye f1054: ehmwhat about moody any moody
m1004: just aye f1054: goodehmwhat about pleased opposite of
producer f1005: aye f1054: anywayehmwhat about speaking of attractive
probably yes yes f1054: okayehmwhat about the narrow walkway
in it f1054: okay goodehmwhat about the opposite o
common yes aye f1054: okayehmwhat about to sleep f1006:
interestin mm m1146: mmhm f1054: ehmwhat else to rain heavily
nippy day f1054: good goodehmwhat s next annoyed pleased
[laugh] f1054: [laugh] oh dearehmwhit aboot f1024: aye [laugh]
their bidie in f1054: okayehmword for something whose name
think f1054: let me thinkehmwords for a brush or
it f1023: yeah f1054: okayehmwords for tired f1027: knackered
f1054: that s funny [laugh]ehmwouldnae even think o say
fling f1023: fling f1024: launchehmyou launch something at f1054:
to contact [inaudible] f1054: okayehmyoung person in cheap trendy
a tragedy f631: mmhm f634: ehma a complete tragedy ehm
f978: ehm an i metehma couple an the man
party for m1090: mm yeahehma s- ehm i m
know there s the otherehmair terminals now for ehm
just said there alister [censored: surname]ehman example of ehm of
t remember f746: mmhm f978: ehman i met ehm a
is is is an exceptionehmand ehm i-i- it s
be enough [laugh] ehm ehehmand erm speech eh as
mm m954: the ehm dialogueehmand in black and blue
very committed ehm very vocalehmand through a lot of
ehm it was quite amazingehmbu- bu- it was great
the new professor of celticehm[censored: forename] ehm [censored: surname] his name
ehm sound the same asehm[cough] like the stuff they
of f606: mm m954: theehmdialogue ehm and in black
it f1071: ehm ehm ehmehmdon t know m1070: i
lot actually to be honestehmeh but ehm i was
the spoot eh ehm ehmehmeh eh an then there
talk might be enough [laugh]ehmeh ehm and erm speech
education f834: [laugh] and ehmehmeh what s the other
was it f1071: ehm ehmehmehm don t know m1070:
up the spoot eh ehmehmehm eh eh an then
philosophical education f834: [laugh] andehmehm eh what s the
where was it f1071: ehmehmehm ehm don t know
m999: up the spoot ehehmehm ehm eh eh an
it where was it f1071: ehmehm ehm ehm don t
swings was there swings f1071: ehmehm ehm ehm yes there
have you done today f1071: ehmehm ehm i ve drawed
was there swings f1071: ehmehmehm ehm yes there was
them all the time f1071: ehmehm i don t know
do they eat f1071: [drawing sounds]ehmehm i ehm [scribbling sound] they
you done today f1071: ehmehmehm i ve drawed [banging]
likes korma as well f1142: ehmehm if [censored: forename] s bigger
goin tae the school duffiesehmehm shithoose i cannae think
there swings f1071: ehm ehmehmehm yes there was swings
you re f1067: ehm yesehmer as gaelic was sliding
ehm farmhouse in the périgordehmerm partly tryin to do
the great er ehm radicalehmexpressions of brotherhood and so
crimes in leafy ehm villagesehmf606: [audience laugh] m954: with sort
example ehm glaswegian shetland doricehmf951: mmhm i wouldnae really
mm m842: ehm food kenehmfan i moved through to
little farmhouse very run downehmfarmhouse in the périgord ehm
sure [inaudible] ehm what abootehmfemale partner f1145: well if
regard to that but alsoehmfind ehm people who can
f831: aye f606: mm m842: ehmfood ken ehm fan i
m pleased to to knowehmfor for erm ehm loo-
of dialects like for exampleehmglaswegian shetland doric ehm f951:
in england [inaudible] f835: wellehmhe ehm said that you
all the time f1071: ehmehmi don t know m1070:
garden parties but ehm likeehmi don t know women
they eat f1071: [drawing sounds] ehmehmi ehm [scribbling sound] they eat
mmhm f634: that s okayehmi just felt ehm lucky
mm yeah ehm a s-ehmi m gettin a shaggy
[inaudible] [laugh] m811: [laugh] f812: ehmi think because ehm my
next day m608: [inaudible] f643: ehmi think if ehm on-
done today f1071: ehm ehmehmi ve drawed [banging] a
be honest ehm eh butehmi was certainly aware of
at these twelve language situationsehmif any ehm now this
korma as well f1142: ehmehmif [censored: forename] s bigger he
is an exception ehm andehmi-i- it s a probably
ehm like a broad languageehmit s it s no
castellano f950: no it sehmlike a broad language ehm
ki- not garden parties butehmlike ehm i don t
know ehm for for ermehmloo- looking at different models
ehm subject areas environmental educationehmlooking at countries in europe
okay ehm i just feltehmlucky to be restored to
do but f1071: ehm wellehmm1070: what does scrat do
f812: ehm i think becauseehmmy mum well there was
culture why in the earlyehmnine- the early ehm nineteen
early ehm nine- the earlyehmnineteen hundreds and then the
language situations ehm if anyehmnow this sort of language
[censored: surname] ehm an example ofehmof a gaelic word you
f643: ehm i think ifehmon- well once i get
that but also ehm findehmpeople who can support us
mmhm m078: the great erehmradical ehm expressions of brotherhood
[inaudible] f835: well ehm heehmsaid that you know like
f1071: [drawing sounds] ehm ehm iehm[scribbling sound] they eat [scribbling sound] i
tae the school duffies ehmehmshithoose i cannae think o
ehm a a complete tragedyehmso i remember that so
the music would just beehmsound the same as ehm
because they do projects acrossehmsubject areas environmental education ehm
wearin you know the theehmthe ehm thingy m1014: aye
know the the ehm theehmthingy m1014: aye m1015: but
ehm let s think nooehmto hit hard m1042: eh
my parents are very committedehmvery vocal ehm and through
gentlemen solving crimes in leafyehmvillages ehm f606: [audience laugh] m954:
does he do but f1071: ehmwell ehm m1070: what does
ehm air terminals now forehmwhen it started they had
the centre you re f1067: ehmyes ehm er as gaelic
swings f1071: ehm ehm ehmehmyes there was swings no
ehm scots language would beehmyou know higher cause he
m1008: they they distinguish betweenehma girlfriend and a mate
church m1007: yeah m1008: andehmboth these would be speaking
right f1009: but yes doggingehmbunking m1008: you liked skiving
m1007: [laugh] f1009: [laugh] m1008: ehmeh [laugh] m1007: i hope
basic word m1007: yeah m1008: ehmif you wanted again to
lounge has a slightly moreehm[inhale] m1007: upmarket m1008: yes
f1009: mmhm m1008: dogging m1007: ehmrun away would be playing
m1008: iona has recalled butehmsmashed i think is the
to rain lightly m1008: drizzleehmspitting sometimes that s about
frequently uses a little expressionehmuist f1009: mmhm m1008: which
alister alister [censored: surname] m1008: rightehmwell friend mostly pal mate
the influences f1009: [cough] m1008: ehmwhen i was teaching it
mmhm m1008: like that whoehmwith whom you have no
huh f643: they offered meehma job as a p-
m608: uh huh f643: shiningehma pulsed light through it
mm f643: a booklet andehma video [phone rings] [phone rings] which
to grampian f643: no noehmagain no when i when
was saying m608: mmhm f643: ehmalthough i didn t always
m608: [laugh] f641: [laugh] f643: ehmand it was it was
m608: mmhm f641: hm f643: ehmand m608: you e- you
dire f641: [laugh] [laugh] f643: ehmand there was things like
m608: mmhm f641: mm f643: ehmbut aberdeen i found to
again m608: uh huh f643: ehmbut i must admit i
wee bit m608: mmhm f643: ehmbut it s it s
learning french m608: mmhm f643: ehmbut when my dad tried
stage m608: yeah f643: andehmcouldn t take it seriously
bit m608: mmhm f643: andehmdid a bit about colour
was we wore vintage clothesehmf641: mmhm f643: and i
them and there s littleehmf641: mmhm f643: containers that
friendly m608: uh huh f643: ehmf641: mmhm f643: in the
checked out are hideously expensiveehmf641: must be yeah f643:
f643: uh huh and thenehmf641: sounds quite a lot
design m608: mmhm f643: andehmfashion and because i f641:
f641: mmhm m608: mm f643: ehmfor this other factory it
mmhm f643: you could doehmgraphics or illustration you could
m608: mm mm f643: andehmi checked out all the
myself m608: mmhm f643: andehmi learned reiki m608: mmhm
to ye m608: aye f643: ehmi mean i have many
do so m608: yeah f643: ehmi think i ll have
bohemian types m608: yeah f643: ehmi think there s a
would say m608: mmhm f643: ehmi ve i ve still
[laugh] f643: pinafore for childrenehmin i think it was
pronounce them m608: mmhm f643: ehmindian head massage massage reiki
was now f641: [laugh] f643: ehmit s changed so much
colour therapy f643: colour therapyehmit s it was there
very m608: mmhm f643: colderehmm608: [laugh] f643: mu- much
hassle and the most funehmm608: mm f641: mmhm f643:
which are kinda cash richehmm608: mm f643: i mean
working there was great funehmm608: mmhm f643: it was
quite traumatised when i gotehmmade redundant m608: mm f643:
f643: but i must sayehmof all the jobs i
bordeaux accent m608: mm f643: ehmshe was completely thrown m608:
f643: parties f641: mm f643: ehmso i remember things like
it m608: uh huh f643: ehmso i worked there for
all day m608: mmhm f643: ehmso it was a bit
this no m608: [laugh] f643: ehmso that that was the
feel relaxed m608: mmhm f643: ehmso they they were all
years m608: mmhm f643: andehmthat was interesting because i
mmhm f643: and i foundehmthe glass ceiling if you
yeah yeah f643: [inhale] butehmthe only times i ve
conscious [sniff] m608: mmhm f643: ehmwe couldn t afford the
nursery m608: uh huh f643: ehmwhat is there willie ross
early eighties m608: mm f643: ehmwhen i was at r
huh f643: that s rightehmyeah uh huh morag had
s right yeah f643: andehmyeah we actually worked up
i suppose f606: mm f828: ehma bit i suppose yeah
f606: uh huh [audience laugh] m954: ehma street that doesn t
f606: [audience laugh] m954: elderly lookinehman and he reads the
younger sister f606: mmhm f828: ehman my little brother stayed
a peploe f606: mm m954: ehmand er and you give
dilettante pursuit f606: yeah m954: ehmand of course it s
character for god s sakeehmand the justice minister f606:
boxes f606: uh huh f828: ehmbecause of course there was
the car f606: yeah f823: ehmbecause well when you re
reference in f606: yeah m954: ehmbut they hadn t questioned
time round f606: mmhm m954: ehmbut ye- you get all
justice minister f606: [audience laugh] m954: ehmcathy jamieson i think it
ve more freedom in thisehmcentre f606: yeah f823: you
in french that became agentehmf606: [audience laugh] m954: so you
speech f606: right [laugh] m845: ehmf606: i mean because the
can we change the rulesehmf606: [laugh] [audience laugh] uh huh
com- they re comin faeehmf606: [laugh] f1039: gourock right
mm f1067: gradually moving apartehmf606: mmhm f1067: and also
we do children s classesehmf606: mmhm f1067: we ve
do have roots there butehmf606: mmhm f828: and they
we used to go toehmf606: mmhm f828: france just
up when they were weeehmf606: mmhm f829: they got
a subculture there within easterhouseehmf606: mmhm m845: i- it
had pits f606: mmhm f828: ehmf606: pits f828: pit peat
will f606: right [laugh] m845: ehmf606: so are you very
course f606: yeah [laugh] m845: ehmf606: so how do you
been f606: yeah f828: butehmf606: so what kind of
no doubt f606: yeah m845: ehmf606: so when did you
as you would say butehmf606: uh huh f823: oh
o folk go tae aberdeenehmf606: uh huh f823: to
say in a different wayehmf606: uh huh f828: k
rebus would be the latinehmf606: uh huh m954: r-
s just to raise interestehmf606: yeah f1067: we ve
couldna wait tae leave [laugh]ehmf606: yeah f828: an i
orkney f829: yes uh huhehmf606: yeah f829: we ve
can visit if they wantehmf606: yeah [laugh] m845: no
actually in english as wellehmf606: yeah m954: but i
s nobody to come toehmf606: yes and that s
f606: mmhm m824: aye m822: ehmgreat big diamond tooth saw
of ways f606: mmhm m954: ehmhe was never meant to
aye mmhm f890: hou- thisehmhouse f889: mmhm f606: yeah
aye f606: mmhm f823: butehm[inaudible] m822: there i- there
were great f606: mmhm m845: ehm[inaudible] ye know and th-
writers block which is erehmmerchiston there s me f606:
the mainland f606: mmhm f1067: ehmskye and uist came under
accommodation f606: yeah [cough] f1067: ehmso as i say it
of books f606: mmhm m954: ehmso i know it s
f606: uh huh f828: butehmso it was kinda funny
it s not that anywayehmso yeah f606: [audience laugh] m954:
rule breaker f606: mmhm m954: ehmthat of course is problematic
for sure f606: yeah m845: ehmthe school was was eh
ireland so f606: mmhm f1067: ehmwe re trying to encourage
i think f606: mmhm f828: ehmwell maybe not it s
wanted really f606: mmhm f828: ehmwell we d no electricity
came tae aberdeen yeah f606: ehmwent to university there f828:
room f606: oh right m954: ehmwhich in french became erm
[laugh] f606: [laugh] [sigh] m845: ehmye know the the more
the same f606: yeah m845: ehmyou know the- there is
of rebus m954: [cough] f606: ehmyou know whether he is
s a there s aehma magazine in shetland eh
job had come up atehmaberdeen en- enterprise trust eh
would be moving away f978: ehmabout eh fourteen thirteen fourteen
c l a e sehmall different kinds but eh
yeah f978: evening classes andehman i think eh because
eh d d r sehman they ve managed tae
there he s he diedehmand eh one sister lives
bed in the cotter hoosesehmand eh roond aboot the
hadn t batted an eyelidehmand eh that was that
building eh ehma big edificeehmand he at one point
eh and then ye playedehmball against the wall sometimes
i remember one of theirehmboats was eh went on
well i ve got uglyehmbut eh i think a-a-
in glasgow on a holidayehmbut eh interesting enough highland
is one eh fu orehmcannae just think of any
and eh [laugh] so soehm[censored: forename] was eh asked ye
rebellion of of of 1798ehm[click] eh james hi- quigley
boa- eh fishing boats andehmcome in too f746: it
eh the department is facingehmdecreasing student numbers at the
orcadian glaswegian north east aberdeenshireehmdialect eh and they would
a a multi media multiehmeh audience but basically fu
the tv aboot aw theseehmeh cars that get clamped
also as you probably knowehmeh for my own eh
civilised m608: mmhm m635: butehmeh i can recollect another
s boiling which should beehmeh just onything but i
sure what time f810: supposedlyehmeh our our third flatmate
were never allowed tae callehmeh relatives by their first
s as simple as thatehmeh so that s as
i ve got weel offehmeh sometimes round aboot here
you ever find yourse- f978: ehmeh the islands were more
ponds an the lilies andehmeh there was a you
next generation we were askedehmeh what we would like
s i think it sehmeh when you re talkin
who belongs to emily m1090: ehmemily eh f1089: no is
that and eh another oneehmevery year the burn- the
ropes f638: eh f637: ayeehmf638: [exhale] f640: a house
eh what was the otherehmf638: [laugh] in and out
eh the car boot saleehmf809: uh huh f810: it
gala eh my sister threwehmf940: why would we be
semmits m1002: semmits m999: ehehmfit else is there f1001:
eh what people think aboutehmforeign language teaching what foreign
new year and you hadehmfruit loaf eh not f641:
quite separate m1002: aye m1000: ehmgenerally pretty good buildin eh
have gone and done itehmhe didn t eh express
eh their words an [censored: forename]ehmhis word was shoogly an
the other thing eh thatehmi that i ve noticed
to write down for thatehmi was never a eh
would have eh i thinkehmi would recognise being used
f640: but the thing wasehmif eh someone brought a
in eh industrial lanarkshire atehmin iron stone foundries work
one i used to hearehmin the eh further west
eh there s a gentlemanehmin the west of skye
loo eh bog john dunnyehmit s a number of
and seven boys twins ehehmjoseph and james they died
o them eh breeks troosersehmjumpers jerseys shoes baffies eh
i suppose we could startehmjust by going around eh
of information eh just [inhale]ehmm1007: too much information [laugh]
eh or modern scots usageehmmaybe you can show you
tae read it or noehmme son eh me oldest
one o them i wouldnaeehmmoody eh again the the
bed eh for walking andehmmy my balance was was
unwell f1025: eh sick orehmnae weel kinna no feelin
f1039: eh then that butehmnow the hawick has yin
had to make things andehmoch the usual eh i
eh i cannae mind fitehmoh lynn s friend s
directions eh one out towardsehmoh there s a loch
a very brief questionnaire ehmwithehmpersonal background eh can you
was mainly the the blackehmrubberized m1014: mmhm m1015: eh
or cultural reference there becauseehmscotland eh within the dominican
eh you can click hereehmscots is one language it
was never enough there andehmshe would eh boil a
know m1161: [laugh] aye f947: ehmso eh it ll be
people by eh a surgeonehmsomebody lister eh can t
character ava although eh [laugh]ehmsomebody seein me in my
an another thing in inehmsummertime was eh regattas an
a nap eh forty winksehmthat s aboot it aye
okay f810: but eh heyehmthat s it that is
eh probably how the theehmthe hebrideans an the outer
more of your generation andehmthe other thing eh that
the documents m055: the ehehmthe snp used to aye
other times i ve beenehmthe south of france eh
lang as it s ehehmthere s also a translation
isles i think ae theehmthese triang- eh three islands
th- they used to beehmthey use to s- eh
eh let me see likeehmthey were always very worried
that alastair eh stated thatehmtsk er particularly the older
examples i ve actually usedehmtut eh you want to
double t a word likeehmwater and eh a glaswegian
all agog aboot that andehmwe had sheets of eh
gran or granny but ehehmwe were always granny [censored: surname]
eh the islands were moreehmwe weren t on we
things eh like road signsehmwell anything private it you
thought of dave m1010: ehehmwell fair tain on is
it be german m865,: okayehmwhat about the teachers eh
is mair mischievous but ehehmwhat do you think eh
percent for the modern languageehmwhat is taught eh th-
it sounds like that ehehmyeah that s about all
school f814: mmhm f812: andehmaltogether there was about sixteen
hiv ye f831: mmhm m842: ehman eventually you kinda you
you know m1146: mmhm f1143: ehman i i was once
mmhm m939: [laugh] m941: sheehman if she did that
[inaudible] f1027: mmhm mm f1023: ehman the- the thing is
with his daughter i thinkehmand catholic campbell m608: mmhm
the house f641: mmhm f640: ehmand i can remember i
the day f746: mmhm f1160: ehmand sometimes maybe going ov-
deid f785: mmhm no m055: ehmand to whit extent it
of course f641: mmhm f640: ehmand you really had to
mmhm okay that s fineehmbaby madge ladies first f1011:
and bessie look look atehmbessie f1125: mmhm f1126: look
buckie twang f831: mmhm m842: ehmbut although ma ma folks
f831: mmhm m842: a barrierehmbut f831: mmhm m842: ye
mmhm f1159: mmhm yeah m1161: ehmbut i often wondered that
possible [laugh] f631: mmhm f689: ehmbut it was quite horrendous
an stuff f631: [taps pen top] f689: ehmbut the scotia mmhm f631:
m1096: mummy f1095: mmhm m1096: ehmcan you help me with
time m999: aye mmhm f1053: ehmchild s soft shoes worn
mmhm m1007: somebody who isehm[click] quick witted there s
we re makin good progressehmclothes m1013: mmhm m1012: clothes
mmhm bha mamaidh ann cuideachdehm[cnag] a dèanamh [neo-shoilleir] [tarraing anail]
ye know bureaucracy f785: mmhmehmdo you happen to know
it demands attention f785: mmhmehmdo you think mcdiarmid and
f785: mmhm m055: [sniff] f785: ehmdurin the scottish renaissance of
brunt doon f1073: mmhm f1074: ehmefter that then the hoose
a skiver is a buddyehmf1001: mmhm m1000: uh huh
mmhm that s interestin [inaudible]ehmf1005: i can t remember
an peebles m1010: [inaudible] m1012: ehmf1011: mmhm m1012: pend we
i mean gey gey plainehmf1011: mmhm m1013: plain jane
mmhm f1023: to catch itehmf1027: mmhm f1023: that s
t it f1001: mmhm m999: ehmf1053: when would you use
was at school she wentehmf1148: mmhm f1149: to venice
ruchill park and down downehmf1150: mmhm f1151: bilsland drive
inconsiderate sometimes with the noiseehmf1150: mmhm f1151: cause obviously
shop up the town [laugh]ehmf631: mmhm f689: and they
married soon an i saysehmf631: mmhm [laugh] f689: really
argument so f631: mmhm f689: ehmf631: what s the whole
to the regattas there becauseehmf746: mmhm f978: usually it
yeah f814: anything f812: familyehmf813: mmhm f812: but i
a bit o my tongueehmf831: mmhm m842: i mean
greater prominence in scottish societyehmf950: mmhm m865,: which could
in the summer they dinnaehmfilm f826: mmhm f902: so
now f1027: mmhm mmhm f1026: ehmgutties is more a word
this scots f950: mmhm m865,: ehmhave you heard this term
it yeah mmhm f1039: butehmhawick s no like what
till a competition f785: mmhmehmhow would you like scots
just now f1148: mmhm f1149: ehmi can t remember where
works f746: mmhm f745: andehmi don t think it
the scots movement f785: mmhmehmi heard anne donovan talk
feet in f631: mmhm f689: ehmi m not a person
how f637: mmhm f638: andehmi mean she d hems
uh huh mmhm f978: andehmi suppose that boat took
[laugh] f814: mmhm f812: andehmi was alright in primary
wi [censored: forename] f1101: mmhm f1102: ehm[inaudible] the ain [censored: forename] [inaudible]
or it s awkward ayeehmm1000: mmhm mmhm mmhm m999:
o that aboot unattractive m1012: ehmm1010: aye f1011: mmhm m1012:
the barras like this weeehmm811: mmhm f813: the heart
like we have tae learnehmm865,: mmhm f950: but perhaps
no as a medium noehmm865,: mmhm f950: just as
ga- the glasgow ones butehmm865,: mmhm mmhm f950: i
admit rather that scots butehmm865,: mmhm mmhm okay yeah
i don t like itehmm865,: mmhm oh right [laugh]
m1000: mmhm mm mm m1002: ehmm999: aye aye m1000: aye
m1002: yes f1053: moving onehmm999: mmhm f1053: to throw
a nurse mmhm m865,: okayehmmarried f950: yes m865,: okay
power ranger s this m1090: ehmmax f1089: max m1090: mmhm
said m1012: pourin or stottinehmmm mmhm aye yes you
it [inaudible] well quite anywayehmmmhm m017: well it hasn
mmhm okay f951: official speechesehmnot a f- not a
possible f718: mmhm m017: butehmpeople in scotland if we
it f963: mmhm f965: butehmshe used to make it
cheapest place f631: mmhm f689: ehmso [laugh] f631: and what
mmhm m954: agatha christie styleehmspinsters and titled gentlemen solving
mmhm m1015: attractive is bonnyehmsuppose there is other ones
mmhm m981: ch- chan eilehm[tarraing anail] nam biodh an trailer
m1146: mmhm mmhm f1143: andehmth- one o the staff
mmhm f1023: huffy more f1025: ehmthat s right but [inaudible]
mmhm mmhm uh huh m999: ehmthat s right i get
us f746: mmhm f978: thatehmthat we thought was we
went and sat it atehmthe grammar school m608: mmhm
school an m959: mmhm f958: ehmthe music part of it
start f746: mmhm f978: andehmthen people found my accent
cry it f785: mmhm m055: ehmthen perhaps ye know the
mmhm m078: [click] [inhale] andehmthis sense that people could
the mmhm f1053: what aboutehmto hit hard m1002: skelp
thing f746: mmhm f978: andehmwe lived we couldn t
anything about scots f950: mmhmehmwell there there u- i
mmhm m903: mm f902: butehmwell you re original and
f785: mmhm m055: interestin workehmwha else did ye mention
to mak progress f785: mmhmehmwhat place do you think
church service f640: mmhm f639: ehmwhich [laugh] i probably didn
housing schemes f631: mmhm f634: ehmwhich virtually were built in
so ye know f785: mmhmehmwould you also support the
tweenies anything else f1071: mmhmehmyeah we play drawing with
mmhm mmhm mmhm f951: certainlyehmyou could use it in
we went through youth fellowshipehmyou know f641: mmhm f640:
room f639: mmhm mmhm f640: ehmyou know the decorations set
me f1095: mmhm well youehmyou put them into piles
they cannae speak f785: okayehmauthors such as irvine welsh
f950: [third person in room answers phone] m865,: right okayehmcan i just show you
wouldn t m865,: right okayehmcan i just show you
m865,: okay right and finallyehmhow strongly do you feel
lid m804: [laugh] okay soehmi was wondering if maybe
uh huh yeah okay okayehmis there any dialect or
they say well you knowehmit s okay to catalogue
uh oh well yeah okayehmlet s do the next
you sure you have okayehmlinguists would say that the
wee bit different way m804: ehmm805: okay like like that
f950: i really don tehmm865,: okay f950: an an
of your birth please f950: ehmnineteen fifties m865,: okay where
broad spoken m865,: okay nowehmscotland or you ve got
s necessar f785: no okayehmso do you feel do
s it okay what aboutehmthe main room in the
scots language society f785: okayehmthere s a general growing
that was okay i hadehmthere was another programme called
pinchin a bit o paperehmtools okay young person in
okay f1122: oh okay f1121: ehmwhat about if we tidy
our political maisters f785: okayehmwhat about teachin scots in
f785: okay okay last questionehmwhat s your general opinion
f951: okay well when iehmwhen i maybe go to
change f831: uh huh m842: ehma big change in tongue
huh f1143: yeah an alsoehma word that they used
with ma accent as wellehman it f831: uh huh
that sucks f812: uh huhehmbut see what you re
apparently f631: uh huh f689: ehmdon t know why it
uh huh m1002: [laugh] m1000: ehmf1053: so a young person
the german speaking part anywayehmf1148: uh huh f1149: cause
seen me but [laugh] theyehmf1159: uh huh f1160: i
re not uh huh orehmh- hingin can refer to
aye uh huh m842: andehmhe didna change his tongue
huh m1048: [laugh] yeah [laugh]ehmi i i really liked
m865,: uh huh yeah f950: ehmi suppose it d be
huh f828: an we hadehmi suppose it it could
no aye uh huh m842: ehmi was growin up wi
m865,: uh huh yeah f950: ehmif there could be some
aye uh huh m842: andehm[inaudible] one one lad ken
uh huh [laugh] f828: butehmit was kinda strange cause
uh huh f1143: an theehmjohn s auntie was apparently
take a look at theseehmlanguage situations m952: uh huh
all o them m999: aehmm1000: uh huh suppose m999:
a minute [laugh] very goodehmm952: yeah [laugh] uh huh
f641: sure f640: uh huhehmmy mother had belonged to
huh [laugh] [laugh] f1049: noehmmy school was nuts although
mean f1049: uh huh m1048: ehmno my instructor was like
huh f835: mrs [censored: surname] f833: ehmoh [laugh] [censored: forename] [laugh] f832:
any different words margaret f1005: ehmpissed off [laugh] uh huh
wages office down to theehmplannin office m608: uh huh
f902: uh huh f826: butehmprobably more than before i
f1148: uh huh oh f1149: ehmshe went twice so i
mean f1049: uh huh m1048: ehmso i was quite surprised
agressive versus totally comatose f1005: ehmuh huh m1004: well fightin
uh huh f640: there butehmwe didn t have a
uh huh in primary schoolehmwe went to this activity
aberdonian m865,: uh huh f950: ehmwell glaswegian i suppose m865,:
yeah good ane uh huhehmwhat aboot hot m1012: s-
f641: uh huh yeah f639: ehmyeah at this time f640:
box apart from tool boxehma bass interestin yeah sorry
yeah f978: they started dancingehma shetland reel which is
f810: two more f809: yeahehmactually i won t be
yeah f978: we were justehmagog at all the news
here well from lewis andehmall that f746: yeah i
by a publisher called itchycooehmand they do yeah f948:
one is i think yeahehmbaby f1145: talk aboot the
f1025: norwich union f1026: yeahehmbut even latterly when i
into it f631: yeah f689: ehmbut it looked alright it
it again f807: mm f806: ehmbut yeah f807: hey um
you know f1025: [laugh] f1024: ehmbut yeah handbag with everything
[inhale] yeah and you hadehmdid you not have [censored: forename]
m865,: caithness yeah yeah [inhale]ehmdo you think there s
thing [laugh] f631: yeah f689: ehmf631: i think it s
tourists around the street andehmf746: oh yeah yeah f978:
carry on [laugh] f834: yeahehmf832: so yeah an we
so do ireland but butehmf833: yeah i know f834:
yeah i know ye seeehmf835: auchenblae f833: the lady
couple of month in advanceehmf958: yeah i know we
basically [laugh] f1150: yeah f1151: ehmfrom just being a wee
bought like m811: yeah f812: ehmi bought old records and
well kippie handed yeah butehmi d never heard it
yeah tiny f807: tiny f806: ehmi re- i remember wh-
f1150: yeah f1151: that graduatedehmi think myself i dropped
children do they m845: yeahehm[inaudible] they because we ve
or f814: yeah [inaudible] f812: ehmit was kinda like a
yeah do you remember itehmjohn like do you remember
see the light of dayehm[laugh] f809: yeah you could
s fine yeah no botherehmlet s see we re
m816: yeah m815: and thenehmlike i did quite well
french german m865,: yeah f950: ehmm865,: is that what you
the last two especially butehmm959: yeah aye [inaudible] well
f746: oh right yeah f745: ehmshe dropped out of it
ye ll probably have heardehmskanky yeah everything s skanky
[laugh] well yeah f978: andehmso we called him that
the east coast that sehmstotter word [inaudible] yeah yeah
about f631: yeah f634: butehmthat was what he did
interestin that s wise yeahehmthe only thing is of
fife yeah f951: fife theyehmthey like there s there
o normal m865,: yeah f950: ehmtoned down m865,: yeah f950:
would that be for yesehmunwell yeah i wrote that
that s right yeah nowehmwe ve taken a look
one yeah f1006: rich [laugh]ehmwell off rich that s
m845: it certainly has yeahehmwhen i arrived here in
up f1089: oh yeah m1090: ehmwho painted my room again
probably wouldnae use it butehmyeah expectin is the sanitised
yeah [laugh] f806: mm butehmyeah f807: hey when is
sorry carry on [laugh] f834: ehmyeah folk are just like
really nice bridges and stuffehmyeah norway [inaudible] like alan
caught in the middle butehmyeah we need to we
yeah m804: he s gotehmyou know how he s
cairrie on talkin f785: yeahehmyour website mentions only the
[laugh] m939: we had aehma fill in like an
o piss m939: [laugh] m942: ehman we were sittin an
wee bit f1144: [laugh] f1143: ehmand her husband had died
got a tight allowance [laugh]ehmand i mean that was
called itchycoo f950: [laugh] m865,: ehmand they write in well
know primary one two f940: ehmaye probably [laugh] it ll
i wasn t really tooehmbithered as they [laugh] say
[laugh] f631: and what aboutehmbooking the registrar s di-
were really down [laugh] andehmbut th- they re funny
of these of course [laugh]ehmbut that s about the
f828: for the subsidy [laugh]ehmbut we didna we had
m1002: [laugh] m1000: [laugh] f1053: ehmcold m1000: well i ve
[inaudible] right f1104: [laugh] f1103: ehmdo you want to mak
did that so [inaudible] f1005: ehmf1006: [laugh] well f1005: dog
the watermelon and stuff andehmf1049: [laugh] really wanted it
i was really old [laugh]ehmf1149: i was old as
denise linda [laugh] janet janetehmf631: [laugh] [laugh] f689: [laugh]
go christmas from her perspectiveehmf641: [laugh] f639: the work
and i was going wellehmf809: [laugh] f810: [laugh] yes
worked for an hour atehmf812: [laugh] m811: like one
some random rubbish out ofehmf814: [laugh] f812: [laugh] woolworth
what s the other oneehmf832: [laugh] f833: p d
[laugh] [inaudible] f835: oh wellehmf833: oh woops [laugh] f835:
[laugh] i m sorry ohehmf834: i dinnae ken fit
talk about that [throat] anehmf940: oh imagine [laugh] m942:
sound intelligent f940: [laugh] m941: ehmf940: you might lose us
[laugh] f810: [laugh] f809: andehmfiona hasn t got back
i don t know [laugh]ehmfriday i m supposed to
no f807: [laugh] f806: butehmhmm [inhale] what else can
t [laugh] m941: maybe hisehmhole s blocked might need
beats [inaudible] [laugh] f958: butehmi know i i m
i m thinking you wouldehm[inaudible] a far f940: [laugh]
[laugh] f834: [laugh] f835: anehm[inaudible] f833: do they also
on the negative [laugh] f1053: ehminsane insane m1002: feel m999:
ma memory f631: [laugh] f689: ehmit all started i think
s lovely f1151: [laugh] [laugh]ehmit s actually reasonable for
f813: [laugh] f812: at primaryehmit was actually quite funny
it [laugh] m1004: hello f1005: ehmjust something m1004: hello [note: on phone]
we were across there anehm[laugh] for some reason [laugh]
was really really crap andehm[laugh] i went i went
bed for ages and thenehm[laugh] just as i was
i was a wee boyehm[laugh] [laugh] it s jist
innocent party [laugh] f810: andehm[laugh] they told michael to
[inaudible] one o my cousinsehm[laugh] two cousins if ye
[laugh] f835: very nice manehm[laugh] well f834: used to
it on m818: [laugh] m819: ehmm818: [laugh] m819: it was
s right [laugh] f1049: andehmmum s like right what
inveigled in this m1015: [laugh]ehmmy name is gordon [censored: surname]
experience anyway f958: [laugh] butehmmy wee sister s the
f940: [laugh] m942: excuse meehmnude i think is when
[laugh] m842: fae teuchterland andehmof- well i suppose there
i tried to rediscover televisionehmon wednesday night f810: [laugh]
partner m1004: [laugh] [participant is speaking to other people in the room] f1005: ehmpardon [laugh] m1004: john john
no but then we wereehmquite well padded f1009: [laugh]
ve gained a lot [laugh]ehmso so i was born
[laugh] f1009: poor skint shortehmstrapped strapped for cash yes
[laugh] [laugh] m942: woman m939: ehmsubstitute teacher called mrs [censored: surname]
was out on my firstehmteacher training experience f641: [laugh]
studied french instead [laugh] butehmthe the shetland i mean
m815: [laugh] it s likeehmthere s another one you
right [laugh] ah f978: butehmthey d- i mean they
[laugh] f1144: [inaudible] f1143: butehmthis is the livy we
an he s scottish f835: ehmthou tis aye kin [laugh]
f807: mm [laugh] f806: butehmthough when i came back
that was originally used toehmto pack it was [laugh]
that kind of leonard saysehmto totally [?]balderdise[/?] and [laugh]
[laugh] m811: no we hadehmwe had registration at like
about it [laugh] m865,: nowehmwe ve talked about [telephone rings]
to read that [laugh] f950: ehmweel i wouldna mind i
[laugh] [laugh] m941: you neverehmyou never use your smokin
m999: ilka year that sehmaye i cannae think o
brought a few examples alongehmbecause i think this is
i should think m845: yesehmbut having said that there
or in the house f1005: ehmcutlery mm let me think
it is m1090: mm mmehmf1089: no i think that
i think he s oftenehmgiven too much he s
the sqa and other bodiesehmi also think it s
in that sense in skyeehmi don t think there
different in these days butehmi think i think my
dictionaries and stuff like thatehmi think if it had
enough stories for now m804: ehmi think if we could
one i had down butehmi think it describes it
what s this ain f1121: ehmi think she s got
right m818: is that whereehmi think this is the
f1071: did you remember m1070: ehmi think was it stephanie
just a wee bit longerehmjust trying to think what
pam s obviously very organisedehmlet me see i think
s name f1005: er fiancéehmlet me think m1004: i
nae bad that ye kenehmmm f1001: i think it
parties an working an stuffehmover new year i think
d like one of theehmsad boxes i think that
think it must have beenehmsaid well a- there s
till that length of timeehmso i think that s
couldnae even think of anyehmsort of words there but
think it s the theehmtelevision playin its part there
attended and er i thinkehmthat that probably helped and
place had one there sehmwas it [inaudible] i think
like five i think f1151: ehmwell again i think that
inventing new words for scotsehmwhat do you think of
about schools first of allehmwhat do you think what

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