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richard john ochil lab smithelaineagnes coatbridge and chryston lab
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
dr richard ochil lab smithelainecoatbridge and chryston lab smith
lab tommy sheridan glasgow sspelainesmith coatbridge and chryston lab
oath tavish scott shetland ldelainesmith coatbridge and chryston lab
cathy peattie falkirk east labelainesmith coatbridge and chryston lab
our duty to do soelainesmith coatbridge and chryston lab
west aberdeenshire and kincardine ldelainesmith coatbridge and chryston lab
distress at what had happenedelainesmith coatbridge and chryston lab
fergusson south of scotland conelainesmith coatbridge and chryston lab
to give us his alternativeelainesmith coatbridge and chryston lab
a future census 16 24elainesmith coatbridge and chryston lab
such as coatbridge s1w 24681elainesmith to ask the scottish
museum in coatbridge s1w 24684elainesmith to ask the scottish
museum in coatbridge s1w 24683elainesmith to ask the scottish
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab tosh mr
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab tosh mr
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab tosh mr
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab tosh mr
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab tosh mr
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab tosh mr
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab tosh mr
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab tosh mr
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab tosh mr
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab ullrich kay
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab wallace ben
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab wallace ben
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab wallace ben
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab wallace mr
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab wallace mr
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab wallace mr
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab wallace mr
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab wallace mr
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab wallace mr
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab wallace mr
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab wallace mr
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab wallace mr
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab wallace mr
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab watson mike
and easter ross ld thomsonelaineaberdeen north lab watson mike
north tayside snp t thomsonelainemargaret aberdeen north lab tosh
greenock and inverclyde lab drelainemurray dumfries lab elaine thomson
nora radcliffe elaine thomson drelainemurray mr jamie stone bruce
linda fabiani irene mcgugan drelainemurray ms elaine thomson mrs
irene oldfather mr jamie mcgrigorelainesmith elaine thomson margaret jamieson
con tavish scott shetland ldelainethomson aberdeen north lab andrew
dr elaine murray dumfries labelainethomson aberdeen north lab attended
partnership motion debated elaine thomsonelainethomson aberdeen north lab brian
hamilton highlands and islands snpelainethomson aberdeen north lab brian
and milngavie lab deputy convenerelainethomson aberdeen north lab committee
glasgow cathcart lab deputy convenerelainethomson aberdeen north lab committee
lab john scott ayr conelainethomson aberdeen north lab committee
local transport strategy for aberdeenelainethomson aberdeen north lab i
notices i move amendment 107elainethomson aberdeen north lab i
make real progress 16 31elainethomson aberdeen north lab i
members should have a copyelainethomson aberdeen north lab i
that will begin next aprilelainethomson aberdeen north lab i
all forms of tobacco advertisingelainethomson aberdeen north lab i
empowering local communities 12 35elainethomson aberdeen north lab i
hamilton north and bellshill labelainethomson aberdeen north lab mr
if circumstances were to changeelainethomson aberdeen north lab presumably
issue community care services 3elainethomson aberdeen north lab to
be made in the springelainethomson aberdeen north lab to
which currency do people tradeelainethomson almost certainly dollars although
in aberdeen from being tackledelainethomson also mentioned the drugs
aim of achieving significant changeelainethomson and brian adam mentioned
the official report the convenerelainethomson and you can tell
cake in the first placeelainethomson are you saying that
russell michael matheson irene oldfatherelainethomson bristow muldoon patricia ferguson
cathy jamieson mr jamie stoneelainethomson cathie craigie karen gillon
michael russell mr david davidsonelainethomson cathie craigie kate maclean
nora radcliffe dr sylvia jacksonelainethomson cathie craigie kate maclean
elaine dr murray i thinkelainethomson could i say the
jenkins rhona brankin jackie baillieelainethomson david mundell shona robison
jenkins rhona brankin jackie baillieelainethomson david mundell shona robison
tom mccabe convener jamie stoneelainethomson deputy convener dr richard
adam ingram dr richard simpsonelainethomson deputy convener mike watson
that is a fair assessmentelainethomson did anyone come forward
is said in the paperelainethomson did the people at
goes much further through parliamentelainethomson did the scottish executive
where we have gone wrongelainethomson do electronics companies feel
gibson mr murray tosh mselainethomson donald gorrie mr jamie
hamilton tommy sheridan margaret jamiesonelainethomson dorothy grace elder fergus
mcmahon margaret jamieson nora radcliffeelainethomson dr elaine murray mr
by cathie craigie margaret jamiesonelainethomson dr richard simpson allan
peattie robin harper mike watsonelainethomson dr richard simpson des
maureen macmillan mr duncan mcneilelainethomson dr sylvia jackson des
mr kenneth macintosh tavish scottelainethomson duncan hamilton also present
great northern partnership motion debatedelainethomson elaine thomson aberdeen north
karen whitefield mr murray toshelainethomson fiona mcleod mr kenny
msps mr mcaveety i thankelainethomson for her question the
the subject of s1m 4020elainethomson great northern partnership and
in any negotiations the convenerelainethomson has a specific question
and give them a voiceelainethomson has talked about an
mccabe marilyn livingstone paul martinelainethomson helen eadie johann lamont
mccabe marilyn livingstone paul martinelainethomson helen eadie johann lamont
services in socially excluded communitieselainethomson highlighted exactly why the
committee members marilyn livingstone andelainethomson i also welcome dorothy
is interested only in aberdeenelainethomson i am deeply interested
web pages or internet infrastructureelainethomson i am not sure
has been circulated this morningelainethomson i apologise for the
have a future 10 30elainethomson i apologise for the
bonus that superjanet gives aberdeenelainethomson i cannot think of
this year was 50 billionelainethomson i do not know
remember my remarks about ppbselainethomson i do sound labour
economic community in the areaelainethomson i may be wrong
that we should do thatelainethomson i may be wrong
recess was the best timeelainethomson i offer my apologies
up to what is happeningelainethomson i refute absolutely any
know which bit to grabelainethomson i should have thought
what is the actual dateelainethomson i suggest that it
in a couple of areaselainethomson i will backtrack ever
sheridan ms pauline mcneill mselainethomson irene oldfather mr jamie
to achieve cost savings butelainethomson is right to say
certain date alan fraser noelainethomson is the enterprise and
assessment for all care groupselainethomson is the minister aware
them to cope with thatelainethomson is this about the
who that representative will beelainethomson it was suggested previously
the scottish economy supported byelainethomson linda fabiani cathy jamieson
mr jamie mcgrigor elaine smithelainethomson margaret jamieson mr jamie
best one to go toelainethomson margo is the expert
the convener that is fineelainethomson margo macdonald and i
john swinney convener nick johnstonelainethomson marilyn livingstone allan wilson
henry cathy jamieson mike watsonelainethomson maureen macmillan rhoda grant
that exists in aberdeen aselainethomson mentioned in her speech
this that the project thatelainethomson mentioned is a model
michael russell mary scanlon mselainethomson mr david davidson dr
livingstone sarah boyack maureen macmillanelainethomson mr george reid rhoda
david davidson mr murray toshelainethomson mr jamie mcgrigor donald
trish godman dr richard simpsonelainethomson mr john mcallion robin
macintosh malcolm chisholm cathie craigieelainethomson mr kenneth gibson phil
by rhoda grant malcolm chisholmelainethomson mr kenneth macintosh karen
dr sylvia jackson robert brownelainethomson mr kenny macaskill michael
mcmahon ms pauline mcneill mselainethomson mr murray tosh mr
gibson stewart stevenson maureen macmillanelainethomson mrs lyndsay mcintosh mr
mcgugan dr elaine murray mselainethomson mrs margaret ewing rhoda
grant mr alex neil mselainethomson ms margo macdonald tricia
stone bill butler robin harperelainethomson ms wendy alexander alex
stone bill butler robin harperelainethomson ms wendy alexander alex
if my recollection is wrongelainethomson my final question is
a specific question on broadbandelainethomson my question is on
are there any questions forelainethomson nick johnston yes the
let david davidson speak firstelainethomson no i wanted to
elaine thomson want to speakelainethomson oh thank you sorry
the motion and i congratulateelainethomson on securing a debate
i am happy to congratulateelainethomson on securing the debate
be proud of i congratulateelainethomson on securing this debate
4020 in the name ofelainethomson on the great northern
dr richard simpson to replaceelainethomson on the local government
mr john mcallion maureen macmillanelainethomson paul martin johann lamont
indeed for the reasons thatelainethomson pointed out it can
figure be 6 335 billionelainethomson quite possibly the convener
delighted that in her speechelainethomson referred to the role
that is why i supportelainethomson s motion and the
business debate of the sessionelainethomson s motion should be
about fuel prices the convenerelainethomson s paper has been
about key point 15 inelainethomson s paper which says
studies that have been undertakenelainethomson s report was circulated
lodged on 2 april 2001elainethomson s1m 1817 gaelic cultural
targets supported by bill butlerelainethomson s1m 2117 transfer of
lodged on 23 october 2001elainethomson s1m 2337 scottish science
for the record that whenelainethomson said that aberdeen was
according to aberdeen city councilelainethomson scotland is blessed with
went to a brown cafeelainethomson so did she the
and my minister s responsibilityelainethomson so it is not
have to be a graduateelainethomson so the msc would
a question on her reportelainethomson sorry ms macdonald she
a lead authority because aselainethomson suggests we are trying
the tuesday of that weekelainethomson that is not during
3073 in the name ofelainethomson that the parliament commends
produced a report on skillseekerselainethomson the first suggested topic
the remit of the inquiryelainethomson things are becoming clearer
the industry s1f 955 6elainethomson to ask the first
by scottish homes s1w 27421elainethomson to ask the scottish
the directives s1o 6393 17elainethomson to ask the scottish
with their properties s1w 27420elainethomson to ask the scottish
in greenock s1o 204 3elainethomson to ask the scottish
school work s1o 1519 19elainethomson to ask the scottish
have not adopted s1w 27422elainethomson to ask the scottish
services are affected s1w 27419elainethomson to ask the scottish
health service s1o 3791 15elainethomson to ask the scottish
the local government committee andelainethomson to replace des mcnulty
the subject of s1m 3073elainethomson transport strategy for aberdeen
this case ms macdonald okayelainethomson undertaking procurement offshore is
issue concerns roll out doeselainethomson want to speak elaine
do we not retain peopleelainethomson we are retaining people
anyway ms macdonald gey bigelainethomson we are talking about
on how it is doneelainethomson we did not go
the availability of online learningelainethomson we were told that
factor of 10 among friendselainethomson what is the difference
fits in with those issueselainethomson what the convener is
to mention mike watson andelainethomson will hold the executive
still progressing at 11 30elainethomson will need to leave
the subject of s1m 908elainethomson women s pay 30
the subject of s1m 908elainethomson women s pay 30
review their policy s1m 908elainethomson women s pay 30
tosh alex fergusson s1m 1100elainethomson world corporate games july
the subject of s1m 2669elainethomson world heritage site status
computer manufacturer based in scotlandelainethomson you can say who
inverness west ld murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
inverness west ld murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
inverness west ld murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
inverness west ld murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
inverness west ld murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
inverness west ld murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
inverness west ld murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
mary linlithgow lab murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
mary linlithgow lab murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
inverness west ld murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
inverness west ld murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
inverness west ld murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
inverness west ld murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
inverness west ld murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
inverness west ld murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
inverness west ld murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
inverness west ld murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
inverness west ld murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
inverness west ld murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
inverness west ld murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
inverness west ld murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
inverness west ld murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
of scotland con murray drelainedumfries lab oldfather irene cunninghame
by their analysis the convenerelainedr murray i think elaine
inverness west ld murray drelainedumfries lab peacock peter highlands
mary linlithgow lab murray drelainedumfries lab peacock peter highlands
and inverness west ld murrayelainekildare dumfries lab n neil
conservation objective supported by drelainemurray alex fergusson colin campbell
by mr kenneth macintosh drelainemurray andrew wilson mr kenneth
gallie s1m 12 1 drelainemurray as an amendment to
1999 s1m 12 2 drelainemurray as an amendment to
rhoda grant nora radcliffe drelainemurray brian adam cathy jamieson
duncan hamilton irene mcgugan drelainemurray brian adam nick johnston
on 4 october 2001 drelainemurray business bulletin no 158
pauline mcneill margaret jamieson drelainemurray cathie craigie kate maclean
macintosh mr duncan mcneil drelainemurray cathy jamieson dorothy grace
supported by scott barrie drelainemurray cathy jamieson helen eadie
colin campbell s1m 279 drelainemurray crichton university that the
fergus ewing s1m 133 drelainemurray crisis in scottish agriculture
robert brown s1m 133 drelainemurray crisis in scottish agriculture
national galleries of scotland drelainemurray deputy minister for tourism
sheridan mr keith raffan drelainemurray donald gorrie cathy jamieson
on 12 may 2000 drelainemurray donald gorrie s1m 846
patricia ferguson i call drelainemurray dr elaine murray dumfries
munro dr sylvia jackson drelainemurray dr richard simpson kate
and inverness west ld drelainemurray dumfries lab cathy peattie
and easter ross ld drelainemurray dumfries lab dr winnie
kenny macaskill lothians snp drelainemurray dumfries lab fiona mcleod
called treating 18 00 drelainemurray dumfries lab i have
000 or 40 000 drelainemurray dumfries lab my point
forefront of our minds drelainemurray dumfries lab the committee
call dr elaine murray drelainemurray dumfries lab the minister
safeguarding employment s1w 11175 drelainemurray dumfries lab to ask
23 november s1w 11174 drelainemurray dumfries lab to ask
grace elder andrew wilson drelainemurray fergus ewing linda fabiani
2000 mr jamie mcgrigor drelainemurray fergus ewing s1m 1437
andrew wilson michael russell drelainemurray fergus ewing shona robison
janis hughes david mundell drelainemurray fiona hyslop margaret jamieson
harper dorothy grace elder drelainemurray fiona mcleod michael russell
subject of s1m 1742 drelainemurray foot and mouth disease
that was part of itelainemurray hit the nail on
the convener before i callelainemurray i want to ask
cathy peattie s1m 998 drelainemurray jubilee 2000 that the
on 29 september 2000 drelainemurray michael matheson s1m 1227
may 2000 margaret jamieson drelainemurray mike watson mr kenneth
1999 present fergus ewing drelainemurray miss annabel goldie john
by mr kenneth macintosh drelainemurray mr andrew wilson mr
may 2000 tommy sheridan drelainemurray mr brian monteith s1m
elaine smith fiona hyslop drelainemurray mr duncan hamilton tommy
johnstone miss annabel goldie drelainemurray mr duncan mcneil lewis
mcletchie mr keith harding drelainemurray mr jamie mcgrigor andrew
mcletchie mr keith harding drelainemurray mr jamie mcgrigor andrew
on 1 june 2000 drelainemurray mr jamie mcgrigor michael
donald gorrie bill aitken drelainemurray mr jamie mcgrigor michael
marilyn livingstone janis hughes drelainemurray mr jamie stone kate
on 23 march 2001 drelainemurray mr john home robertson
barrie ms margaret curran drelainemurray mr john mcallion alex
barrie ms margaret curran drelainemurray mr john mcallion alex
jamie mcgrigor maureen macmillan drelainemurray mr john mcallion nora
november 1999 maureen macmillan drelainemurray mr john mcallion nora
jamieson mr jamie stone drelainemurray mr kenneth gibson alasdair
russell mr brian monteith drelainemurray mr kenneth gibson dorothy
russell mr brian monteith drelainemurray mr kenneth gibson dorothy
on 5 june 2000 drelainemurray mr kenneth gibson roseanna
george lyon richard lochhead drelainemurray mr mike rumbles elaine
i was going to proposeelainemurray mr rumbles i second
rhoda grant malcolm chisholm drelainemurray ms margaret curran trish
gil paterson trish godman drelainemurray ms margo macdonald dr
that russell brown mp andelainemurray msp have complained to
margaret jamieson phil gallie drelainemurray nick johnston mr keith
winnie ewing jamie mcgrigor drelainemurray nicola sturgeon mrs margaret
ewing mr jamie mcgrigor drelainemurray nicola sturgeon mrs margaret
on 24 october 2000 drelainemurray nora radcliffe michael matheson
on 23 march 2001 drelainemurray nora radcliffe tommy sheridan
march 2001 richard lochhead drelainemurray nora radcliffe tommy sheridan
david mundell tricia marwick drelainemurray nora radcliffe trish godman
question s1w 24133 by drelainemurray on 28 march 2002
question s1w 25868 by drelainemurray on 28 may 2002
question s1w 22172 by drelainemurray on 5 february 2001
subject of s1m 223 drelainemurray pardon for executed soldiers
lloyd quinan tricia marwick drelainemurray pauline mcneill fiona mcleod
november 2000 des mcnulty drelainemurray rhoda grant maureen macmillan
brian adam cathy jamieson drelainemurray richard lochhead mr david
jamieson tavish scott irene mcguganelainemurray roseanna cunningham lord james
jamieson tavish scott irene mcguganelainemurray roseanna cunningham lord james
on 22 september 2000 drelainemurray s1m 1191 eniola adewale
johnstone mrs lyndsay mcintosh drelainemurray s1m 1210 misuse of
on 27 september 2000 drelainemurray s1m 1219 fife and
tosh mrs margaret ewing drelainemurray s1m 1290 gas safety
on 23 february 2001 drelainemurray s1m 1683 removal of
on 7 march 2001 drelainemurray s1m 1724 schools repairs
on 15 october 1999 drelainemurray s1m 198 jubilee 2000
on 15 october 1999 drelainemurray s1m 206 respect campaign
on 25 october 1999 drelainemurray s1m 209 south west
on 3 november 1999 drelainemurray s1m 248 marks and
media matters supported by drelainemurray s1m 3507 2 mr
june 2000 alex fergusson drelainemurray s1m 941 unrest at
jamieson mrs mary mulligan drelainemurray scott barrie malcolm chisholm
gorrie mr adam ingram drelainemurray scott barrie trish godman
the parliament s1w 12150 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
his appointment s1w 14934 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
those animals s1w 14591 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
tourist route s1w 1025 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
future years s1w 1027 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
disease outbreak s1w 14956 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
may 1997 s1w 1028 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
stations s1o 3294 25 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
the a76 s1w 14593 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
discussed s1o 1521 27 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
in part s1w 10873 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
in langholm s1w 1026 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
commercial confidentiality s1w 17711 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
easily available s1w 16776 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
is permitted s1w 14592 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
be made s1w 1024 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
are disregarded s1w 14957 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
into receivership s1w 7129 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
hill flocks s1w 14594 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
implemented s1o 3803 20 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
products s1o 3236 20 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
spectrum disorder s1w 14954 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
of scotland s1w 14955 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
to date s1w 14590 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
charges s1o 2755 16 drelainemurray to ask the scottish
invite the appropriate minister drelainemurray to come to the
robin harper rhoda grant drelainemurray tommy sheridan dr richard
rhoda grant fiona hyslop drelainemurray tommy sheridan dr richard
gorrie mr adam ingram drelainemurray tommy sheridan rhoda grant
have elaine no 1 andelaineno 2 dr murray there
elaine murray mr mike rumbleselainesmith also present mr adam
michael mcmahon bristow muldoon mrselainesmith mr murray tosh mr
ingram shona robison brian adamelainesmith mr murray tosh mr
gorrie linda fabiani andrew wilsonelainesmith alex neil nora radcliffe
christine grahame mr kenneth gibsonelainesmith andrew wilson ms sandra
jamie stone dorothy grace elderelainesmith business bulletin no 179
lodged on 14 january 2003elainesmith business bulletin no 23
donald gorrie mr michael mcmahonelainesmith cathy jamieson johann lamont
watson johann lamont trish godmanelainesmith cathy jamieson robert brown
tricia marwick mrs mary mulliganelainesmith cathy peattie ian jenkins
tricia marwick mrs mary mulliganelainesmith cathy peattie s1m 1152
margaret smith mr john mcallionelainesmith dennis canavan nora radcliffe
richard simpson mike watson mrselainesmith dorothy grace elder lodged
margaret jamieson mr kenneth gibsonelainesmith dr sylvia jackson cathy
ewing fiona mcleod michael russellelainesmith dr sylvia jackson cathy
peattie allan wilson trish godmanelainesmith dr sylvia jackson kenneth
examine the issue supported byelainesmith fergus ewing cathy jamieson
harper donald gorrie richard lochheadelainesmith fiona hyslop dr elaine
gil paterson mr kenneth gibsonelainesmith fiona mcleod tricia marwick
speak publicly in the chamberelainesmith given the limited number
jamie mcgrigor and mike rumbleselainesmith is having trouble starting
apologies gil paterson tommy sheridanelainesmith jamie stone kay ullrich
received apologies from tommy sheridanelainesmith jamie stone kay ullrich
alex neil mr michael mcmahonelainesmith karen whitefield johann lamont
sheridan ms pauline mcneill mrselainesmith lodged on 27 january
lodged on 8 march 2002elainesmith lord james douglas hamilton
craigie malcolm chisholm karen whitefieldelainesmith margaret jamieson mr gil
england and wales supported byelainesmith margaret jamieson trish godman
gallie angus mackay pauline mcneillelainesmith marilyn livingstone alasdair morgan
gallie angus mackay pauline mcneillelainesmith marilyn livingstone alasdair morgan
gibson cathie craigie scott barrieelainesmith marilyn livingstone alasdair morgan
alex neil dr winnie ewingelainesmith marilyn livingstone ian jenkins
oldfather donald gorrie andrew wilsonelainesmith michael matheson robert brown
irene mcgugan ms sandra whiteelainesmith mike watson margaret jamieson
robison malcolm chisholm karen whitefieldelainesmith mike watson margaret jamieson
alex neil ms sandra whiteelainesmith mike watson nora radcliffe
mike rumbles tavish scott mrselainesmith mr allan wilson tommy
kenneth gibson mr kenneth macintoshelainesmith mr andrew welsh susan
winnie ewing ian jenkins mrselainesmith mr andrew wilson ms
rhoda grant mr john mcallionelainesmith mr jamie stone helen
fiona mcleod dorothy grace elderelainesmith mr lloyd quinan dr
gorrie ms fiona mcleod mrselainesmith mr michael mcmahon cathie
ms margaret curran alex neilelainesmith mr michael mcmahon donald
stone mr jamie mcgrigor mrselainesmith mr robin harper lodged
mcallion mrs nora radcliffe mrselainesmith mrs margaret smith ms
karen whitefield mr david davidsonelainesmith mrs mary mulligan ms
grahame maureen macmillan shona robisonelainesmith mrs mary mulligan trish
martin mr jamie stone mrselainesmith mrs nora radcliffe ms
mr duncan hamilton tommy sheridanelainesmith ms margo macdonald des
robin harper r fiona mcleodelainesmith ms sandra white tommy
robin harper r fiona mcleodelainesmith ms sandra white tommy
the subject of s1m 1859elainesmith national breastfeeding awareness week
harper christine grahame kenneth gibsonelainesmith nicola sturgeon proposed tobacco
godman des mcnulty maureen macmillanelainesmith nora radcliffe mr jamie
maureen macmillan mr david davidsonelainesmith nora radcliffe mr jamie
adam christine grahame fiona hyslopelainesmith nora radcliffe robert brown
or five to take partelainesmith perhaps it would be
mr kenny macaskill s1m 1160elainesmith permitted telecommunications developments that
by hugh henry s1m 3929elainesmith possible military action against
grant christine grahame henry mcleishelainesmith proposed breastfeeding scotland bill
duncan mcneil r pauline mcneillelainesmith rhoda grant cathy peattie
neil mr andy kerr relainesmith robert brown mr michael
white ms linda fabiani mrselainesmith robert brown tommy sheridan
gibson michael matheson duncan hamiltonelainesmith robin harper cathy jamieson
gibson michael matheson duncan hamiltonelainesmith robin harper cathy jamieson
lodged on 25 march 2002elainesmith robin harper fiona hyslop
lodged on 27 march 2002elainesmith robin harper michael matheson
marwick alex neil michael russellelainesmith robin harper ms margo
lodged on 26 march 2002elainesmith robin harper ms sandra
lodged on 18 march 2002elainesmith robin harper pauline mcneill
lodged on 21 march 2002elainesmith robin harper s1m 2930
lodged on 21 march 2002elainesmith robin harper s1m 2931
is compulsory in reply toelainesmith s point i must
23 august 2000 tommy sheridanelainesmith s1m 1123 abuse of
september 2000 mr kenneth gibsonelainesmith s1m 1162 exam crisis
mcneill nora radcliffe alex neilelainesmith s1m 1182 johann lamont
ms sandra white michael russellelainesmith s1m 1233 christine grahame
lodged on 11 march 2002elainesmith s1m 2865 appeal for
lodged on 12 march 2002elainesmith s1m 2880 palestine lodged
lodged on 21 march 2002elainesmith s1m 2902 un resolution
lodged on 26 march 2002elainesmith s1m 2939 inverness and
lodged on 26 march 2002elainesmith s1m 2942 world s
lodged on 15 january 2003elainesmith s1m 3764 learndirect scotland
lodged on 17 january 2003elainesmith s1m 3773 drug rape
22 january 2003 bill butlerelainesmith s1m 3784 the widening
the current crisis supported byelainesmith s1m 3926 early partial
february 2003 mr tom mccabeelainesmith s1m 3936 fair trade
lodged on 20 march 2002elainesmith scott barrie pauline mcneill
lodged on 20 march 2002elainesmith scott barrie s1m 2925
jamie mcgrigor mr john munroelainesmith stewart stevenson apologies fergus
lodged on 12 march 2002elainesmith susan deacon ms sandra
lodged on 13 march 2002elainesmith susan deacon s1m 2889
mrs margaret ewing richard lochheadelainesmith tavish scott dorothy grace
by fergus ewing s1m 199elainesmith telecommunications developments that the
robison deputy convener tommy sheridanelainesmith the meeting opened at
animals during transport s1w 34759elainesmith to ask the scottish
strathclyde passenger transport s1w 34755elainesmith to ask the scottish
citizens juries s1o 279 2elainesmith to ask the scottish
rural stewardship scheme s1w 18258elainesmith to ask the scottish
national park s1o 4920 3elainesmith to ask the scottish
will be published s1w 34754elainesmith to ask the scottish
review by pricewaterhousecoopers s1w 24680elainesmith to ask the scottish
and civic society s1w 34760elainesmith to ask the scottish
28 march 2001 s1w 14435elainesmith to ask the scottish
strathclyde police s1o 3227 19elainesmith to ask the scottish
specifically for children s1w 24682elainesmith to ask the scottish
cities were chosen s1w 18259elainesmith to ask the scottish
the justice 2 committee andelainesmith to replace mary mulligan
on the justice 2 committeeelainesmith to replace mary mulligan
on the justice 2 committeeelainesmith to replace mary mulligan
adam michael matheson robin harperelainesmith tommy sheridan s1m 3932
hyslop shona robison karen whitefieldelainesmith trish godman robert brown
gorrie fiona mcleod s1m 280elainesmith un convention report on
erskine bridges s1o 79 13elainesmith withdrawn 14 nicola sturgeon
erskine bridges s1o 79 13elainesmith withdrawn 14 nicola sturgeon
or [inaudible] f1145: only sinceelainecame [laugh] only since elaine
the convener we should haveelaineno 1 and elaine no
elaine came [laugh] only sinceelainestarted at the school not
f1054: an i ll keepelaineposted on what s happening
b the letter sent byelainebailey to the justice 1
d the letter sent byelainebailey to the justice 1
c the letter sent byelainebailey to the justice 1
from ron tasker director andelainebailey managing director premier prison
f1134: [?]elaine[/?] f1133: no naeelaine[censored: forename] [censored: forename] [censored: surname] nae uncle
sixteen years f1143: i melaine[censored: surname] i also teach in
start f1143: okay i melaine[censored: surname] i live in bridge
ll start again i melaine[censored: surname] i teach in st
f1054: what does that meanelainef1143: but you know it
of a ned for meelainef1144: non educated delinquents m1146:
out to me an saidelainei need someone from primary
is that what you sayelaine[laugh] bridge of allan the
mmhm f1144: an then whenelainephoned me the night she
she was in not inelaines class but she took
a family one is itelainethe one you f1143: ehm
you for your helpful presentationelainewe now come to annabel

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