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to casework the plan alsoenablesus to look ahead objectively
of new information technology whichenablesthem to get their business
clotting recognises that diagnostic technologyenablesthese patients to self monitor
often associated with the novelenablesthe reader to enter into
young and old the euenablesus to explore and learn
grammatical features operate in textsenablesteachers to help pupils focus
texts of all types thisenablesus to claim with more
can only be an advantageenablesa more natural grip of
to post school education whichenablespeople to compete effectively we
as described previously present legislationenablesthe restriction of fishing effort
striped petticoats her vocal abilityenablesher to visit many parts
of grammar the patterning whichenablesus to make sense of
event and the policy whichenablesan open approach to access
russell given that modern itenablespeople to access the whole
heard in a way thatenablesthem to gain access to
in the modern world andenablesindividuals to reach their full
the member states it alsoenablesthe council of the eu
hypothetical inbuilt cognitive capacity whichenablesany normal human child to
as winnie ewing said earlierenablesall our citizens to achieve
body to local bodies thisenablesdecisions to be made at
any effect is that whichenableslocal authorities to act in
to the citizen and thatenablesus all to benefit from
important principle of complementarity whichenablesus to try in scotland
work of local council officialsenablesthem to keep expertise for
must establish a system thatenablespeople to feel that their
english f718: uh huh m017: enablesthe writer to sort of
the words are behaving thisenablessome terminology to be used
public resources and when itenablesthe parliament to tackle language
i suppose and and itenableshim to do that and

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