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aquaculture industry where farmers areencouragedto farm a variety of
perhaps those farmers should beencouragedto farm new species that
scale perhaps they should beencouragedto link with other farmers
is that students should beencouragedto check the accuracy of
past if scottish students areencouragedto engage with the linguistic
disgrace third students should beencouragedto explore differences between spoken
languages teachers and lecturers areencouragedto help students to develop
of every learner teachers areencouragedto point out to students
that is no nurtured anencouragedis a resource skailed 100
which is not nurtured andencouragedis a wasted resource 100
involvement in regional events whichencouragedall aspects of north east
to the people and hasencouragedmany to participate in events
at level d pupils areencouragedin the north lanarkshire materials
sessions but they are alsoencouragedto use the materials during
pre school children should beencouragedto develop a curiosity about
or its agencies would beencouragedto develop good practice disseminate
farm workers had to beencouragedto cultivate their gardens even
that now talk properly m865: encouragedto talk what proper proper
ground up that must beencouragedand watered with money transparency
on the ground we areencouragedby the progress to date
christian 7 are muslim iencouragedthe guide to talk a
mm mm f951: we wereencouragedto talk at school i
writing fluency was to beencouragedconsequently teachers were careful to
sessions in which teachers areencouragedto share their sexual experiences
er the local dialects beencouragedat school u1028: [inaudible] m865:
think it it should beencouragedi think if m865: mm
officially taught me french sheencouragedthe knowledge of other languages
french sonnets and he activelyencouragedthe translation into scots of
f1054: are you are youencouragedin school to use local
at alice s house sheencouragedme to use the telephone
use it and all beingencouragedto digitise speech but actually
between the wars people wereencouragedto use allotments to help
where we re all beingencouragedto use it and all
that er kids wouldnae beencouragedto use it because going
for the writing tasks areencouragedto use redrafting as a
and that conveners should beencouragedto use that weight to
vital that people should beencouragedto use their mither tongue
at school they were actuallyencouragedto use their right hand
to subject and predicate crinsonencouragedp4 pupils in pairs to
values pupils are to beencouragedto appreciate the value of
f948: well we were awencouragedtae speak what was supposed
more confident if they areencouragedto speak in their own
mm f718: so were youencouragedto speak scots in a
young disabled people must beencouragedto speak their minds and
erm i wasn t particularlyencouragedto to speak street vernacular
fortnightly review during 1869 smithencouragedfrazer to write the relevant
assistant etc they were alsoencouragedto write down any other
6 ellie mcdonald was firstencouragedto write in scots by
every individual smoker should beencouragedand supported to stop we
that decision should polyculture beencouragedat all what risks are
or other difficulties should beencouragedin a profession that is
agree that it should beencouragedin school but i think
duties and they should beencouragedin that for example the
that the child should beencouragedor compelled to take part
higher incomes should not beencouragedto answer such questions alex
bodied counterparts but should beencouragedto discuss what they want
and sweden schoolchildren should beencouragedto eat fresh fruit and
state does they should beencouragedwith consistent funding and a
of speaking is acknowledged andencouragedthe links between supported writing
during the war everyone wasencouragedto help by saving their
4 february members are thereforeencouragedto lodge any further amendments
5 november members are thereforeencouragedto lodge any further amendments
scots is perhaps maist activelyencouragedthrough competitions run by thi
and yet are also beingencouragedby the education system to
literary scots will also beencouragedin considering this subject we
salmon stocks nasco has alsoencouragedthe implementation of other measures
they are also to beencouragedto recognise the moral implications
homes the children were alsoencouragedto visit their neighbours and
their houses but who wereencouragedand given inflated opportunities to
dost and snd and warmlyencouragedtheir coming together sac s
confident their involvement can beencouragedthere are many clever disabled
they liked pets they wereencouragedto describe their pets if
their reading skills they areencouragedto discuss a text with
that scots could not beencouragedmore it was quite wrong
in other matters the executiveencouragedother workers to have the
the other parents can beencouragedto come to the classroom
caithness must be underpinned andencouragedmr morrison tha mi a
britain small businesses must beencouragedto realise that the training
of the club which hasencouragedmany young people to support
picture however his retaliation onlyencouragedthe young team to up
areas is greatly to beencourageda good dialect is something
that volunteering is to beencouragedin scotland s communities but
and it needs to beencouragedto do the work that
how more women can beencouragedto enter the labour market
the clubs need to beencouragedto provide coaching facilities for
and the student would beencouragedto redraft the original version
men though not to beencouragedwhen father raged mrs macdonald
to the directive are youencouragedby the discussions that you
which all women are nowencouragedto carry out but which
members of the public areencouragedto give information or to
that economic activity is beingencouragedinto the area because of
beginning of july and wereencouragedby ron tuck and me
into competitive sport were muchencouragedby that medium however as
in the highlands and islandsencouragedby the area s strong
aboot the commission memmers warencouragedtae attend sic meetins the
civic society is helped andencouragedby the actions of government
the laboratories we have beenencouragedby the fact that the
european union i am immenselyencouragedby the idea that we
census comes around i amencouragedby the news that the
of the parliament i amencouragedby the publication of the
capital issues cosla was notencouragedby the recent budget announcement
16 september i have beenencouragedby the response to our
only progression into tertiary trainingencouragedby the scottish executive is
1855 to 1903 and isencouragedby the support lent by
bill scott we have beenencouragedby the way in which
false pretences because the conservativesencouragedpeople to buy irresponsibly they
intimidating people and we reallyencouragedthem to tell it how
road from palma to sollerencourageda mini tourist boom of
divides indeed it may haveencouragedhim to do so he
prospect of the collection netencouragedme to return the task
vivid it was almost redencouragedme to think of starting
the late thomas laing firstencouragedme to try versions of
parks dept wished to seeencouragedmr [censored: surname] felt that a
tomorrow in inverness we haveencouragedthe group to start the
an oven and mabel wasencouragedto bake in it at
the voluntary sector i wasencouragedto hear jackie baillie say
care employers have been similarlyencouragedto offer vaccination to relevant
with diffuse pink tinged warmthencouragedme on but violet blue
operation of the scheme hasencouragedthose in charge of enforcement
we get we ve beenencouragedtae encourage the shetland dialect
as lochhead and duffy hasencouragedothers in addition the raising
speech for the deaf wasencouragedthat is achievable but not
as noted last week jamesencouragedand practised translation yet warned

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