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initiative and its plans toenhancethe current programme s1o 112
initiative and its plans toenhancethe current programme s1o 112
and scientists as role modelsenhancechoices and opportunities supporting children
books and other teaching resourcesenhanceeducation choices and opportunities involving
woodstock appreciation of which shouldenhancerather than obscure the rival
countless new projects destined toenhancehis literary reputation thus his
the overall aim was toenhancescotland s established reputation as
rural areas we aim toenhanceand protect farming assisting farmers
rivers and seas protect andenhancebiodiversity reduce social exclusion and
are adequate to protect andenhanceevening weekend and rural bus
to continue to protect andenhancethese links we will seek
community life we aim toenhancetheir independence rationalise and improve
mcmahon will the european initiativeenhancewhat we already have or
establish a national infrastructure toenhanceextend to other sites and
estaiblish a national infrastructure taeenhancerax tae ither sites an
powers in this area wouldenhanceits ability to promote gaelic
investigations and prosecutions they willenhancethe ability of law enforcement
matters were covered it couldenhancehouses values i hope that
what can be done toenhancethe links between groups at
creation to reduce poverty andenhancepersonal fulfilment including the expansion
to gain competitive economic advantageenhancelearning opportunities for all open
members in eastern europe toenhancethe opportunities available to develop
the key areas that wouldenhancethe productivity and quality of
further water quality standards andenhancethe protection of public health
part of a strategy toenhancethe quality of life of
a percentage figure that wouldenhancethe quality of the material
areas of activity projects whichenhancelocal networking such as locality
a worthwhile activity which willenhancerather than add to what
create jobs maintain services orenhancethe environment promote dialogue between
silver coffee service may itenhanceyour table when in future
be incorporated into courses andenhancelearning in tutorial and self
national sexual health strategy toenhanceself respect and tackle the
and co ordinated way toenhanceskills especially management skills subsequently
in partnership with them toenhancetheir roles and improve education
the technology to complement andenhanceteaching not to replace it
and if we are toenhancethe powers of that body
sorta we re meant toenhanceand value the dialect of
the public purchasing rules toenhancethe status of recycled goods
of working to support andenhancerural life and the rural
it would not in itselfenhancethe protection of allotment land
many clubs and societies thatenhanceour community life by creating
and firths action plan toenhancethe natural environment of the
from being a shackle canenhanceour understanding of how national
money were being used toenhanceservices in middlefield printfield fersands
examples sips are supposed toenhanceservices in socially excluded communities
the community planning process willenhancethe relationships between local authorities
gaelic would undoubtedly fortify andenhanceapproaches to overseas companies and
taken and is taking toenhancejob prospects in east sutherland
government scottish liberal democrats willenhancelocal government as a partner
work together to conserve andenhancethe world heritage site edinburgh
that our committee structure canenhancethe work of the parliament
mmhm mm f951: ence- enc-enhancean encourage m865: mmhm mmhm
scottish parliament s desire toenhancefreedom of expression and creativity
curtained facade did little toenhancehis confidence on this first
skilling that goes on toenhancepay rates some nurses in
aims to 8 preserve orenhancethe character or appearance of
of ict not just toenhancethe delivery of the language
of conduct to assist thisenhancethe urban landscape particularly by
schemes for locally produced foodenhanceproducers marketing strength by developing

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