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donalbain and lennox with attendantsentera wounded officer duncan what
forres a fanfare of trumpetsenterking duncan lennox malcolm donalbain
camp near forres trumpet offstageenterking duncan malcolm donalbain and
s castle oboes and torchesenterking duncan malcolm donalbain banquo
ablo the pend o heivinentermalcolm and donalbain donalbain what
malcolm siward ross and soldiersentermalcolm a wush oor missin
the gate of dunsinane castleentermalcolm siward macduff and the
forces with malcolm and siwardentermalcolm siward macduff siward s
fighting continue malcolm and siwardentersiward this wey ma lord
siward ma lord we soudenterthe castle nou they leave
hae ti fear nane itherenteryoung siward young siward what
exit boxers jilly starts skippingenterbj bj pat mah man
referee calls boxers to fightenterbj bj stands at the
bj sits down beside herentergary with four boxers gary
there exit gary and boxersentergeorge with sara and cherie
and watches as young boxersenterthe ring rab helps boxers
ho yoo hoo are heardenterandrey and ferapont ferapont wad
story bi godol silence silenceenterandrey followed by ferapont andrey
sits down on a swingenterandrey with the pram ferapont
an you stap that sneivellinenteranfisa and ferapont the latter
begins to read his bookenterferapont in an old shabby
chebutykin whit aboot yeir guidwyfeenterferapont with some papers andrey
o it sae ah imenterferapont wul ye tak this
v the palace at forresenterlennox and another lord lennox
a banquet has been preparedentermacbeth lady macbeth ross lennox
me it s no trueentermacbeth lennox and ross macbeth
forget ti mynd the porterentermacduff and lennox macduff what
heard and flags are flyingentermenteith caithness angus lennox and
fit for weimen s lugsenterbanquo ai banquo banquo oor
macbeth s castle at dunsinaneenterbanquo and fleance with torch
scene i the palace forresenterbanquo banquo ay ay macbeth
palace yett banquo and fleanceentercarrying torches 2nd murderer a
nou the spell is kuistentermacbeth and banquo macbeth sae
a gied ma utmaist trustentermacbeth banquo ross and angus
ai but ye r wunnerfuenternatasha carrying a candle natasha
fair whyte aboot the gillsenternatasha natasha they r sayin
fou the baron is flieinenternatasha natasha to chebutykin ivan
gey lyke him ah thinkenternatasha natasha to the maid
never luived oniebodie kisses herentertwo officers and seeing natasha
koolyghin thare she gaes againenterchebutykin masha the sojers ir
irena is lost in thoughtenterkoolyghin and olga followed by
na na deil a fearsenterkoolyghin in the uniform of
masha dinna ma dear dinnaenterkoolyghin koolyghin embarrassed never heed
juist awfu sae it isenterkoolyghin koolyghin whaur masha it
door at macbeth s castleentera porter slightly drunk there
the air s aye delicateenterl macbeth duncan see here
warld frae green ti crammasieenterl macbeth l macbeth ma
infernal bell the bell ringsenterl macbeth l macbeth what
ti foonder the tither sydeenterl macbeth what is t
v macbeth s castle invernessenterlady macbeth alone with a
leads to duncan s chamberenterlady macbeth l macbeth the
nae wutnesses ti credit meenterlady macbeth with a candle
kyth til us in sleepentermacbeth and a servant with
cry haud on haud onentermacbeth gret glamis wurthie cawdor
yeir maister up an abootentermacbeth here he is himsell
vii part of the battlefieldentermacbeth macbeth a m wappit
dishes over the stage thenentermacbeth macbeth if it wes
d better say nae mairentermacbeth now king and lady
a courtyard in dunsinane castleentermacbeth seton and soldiers macbeth
in the castle at dunsinaneentermacbeth the physician and attendants
ma faither in his sleepentermacbeth with bloodstained hands and
iv outside macbeth s castleenterross with an old man
macduff s castle in fifeenterlady macduff her son and
they war sae a heartellentermacduff here cums guid macduff
mynd the neibor o tentermacduff macduff horror horror horror
palace of edward the confessorentermalcolm and macduff malcolm lat
dad took his ain lifeenterbj and pat pat tries
they spar with each otherenterbj bj stops looks at
appear training in the gymenterbj bj things look different
sting bee s bite dogsenterbj jilly ah ken what
on boxing gloves shadow boxesenterbj jilly stops boxing sits
and jilly spar with bjenterlee lee goes to ring
other exit bj and jillyenterlee lee stands and watches
jilly what bj you heardenterlee lee stands at the
yiv been trainin fur jillyenterlee pat goes to bj
puts her arm around bjenterpat pat runs at bj
helmet an gloves they allenterring bj stands stands centre
ah gaed an got fouenterirena vershinin and toozenbach toozenbach
putting a baby to sleepentermasha and vershinin while they
awanou olga here she cumsentermasha vershinin ah hae cum
wul be vershinin ah daursayentervershinin lieutenant colonel vershinin vershinin
will be told exit zebenterrobby and lori lori will
chrissie you re right stubbornenterronnie stays by the exit
swythe exit officer with assistanceenterross and angus wha cums
and sara spar with garyenterjilly jilly does stretching exercises
ivy that chokes the lifeenterjilly jilly lee why did
some sorti freak huvin hurenterjilly jilly stands to the
dances in front of himenterjilly jilly stands to the
ti um make um apologiseenterjilly pat makes to punch
ah love lee whatever beejenterpat lee where s jilly
boxing out of the gymenterpat pat why jilly why
s castle oboes and torchesentera steward and various servants
to the baby off stageenterandrey wearing an overcoat and
masha thenk guidness for thatenterchebutykin followed by a soldier
thochts is aw steired upenterirena olga settil doun masha
wes here areddies roosed skraichinentermasha carrying a pillow she
doll being born door opensentered ed is carrying a
her determination not to breakenterjim carefully carrying a mug
the effects o the warenterjim carrying a box an
twa minutes in the microenterneil carrying a can of
is looking expectantly about himenterpompitie carrying his thimbleful of
and down wringing her handsentershona carrying the axe she
left o this unco nichtentershona followed by jek carrying
cammy exactly door opens slightlyentersteve he s carrying a
falls to the ground bahenterdella krista robby they stand
would be no robby silenceenterkrista and tess tess see
wheesht up here s robbyenterrobby robby is playing a
fur noo be mah mithirenterrobby robby naw naw tess
a lee valgerd and gunlödenterthirlman can ah gang nou
goes to back of stageenterirena and toozenbach the latter
speak aboot sum ither thingenterirena and toozenbach through the
gie ye haes been burntentersoliony irena na na awa
in hur corner or nohenterpat pat ah ve put
her fists on a doorenterpat pat sits on a
nhs bodies on proposals toenterinto any such arrangements c
description of individual who mayenterinto arrangements b conditions as
made by the scottish ministersenterinto arrangements for a the
authority or nhs body toenterinto arrangements mentioned in paragraph
an nhs body may notenterinto arrangements mentioned in that
1a each local authority shallenterinto arrangements with each nhs
for allowing local authorities toenterinto arrangements with private fostering
body in question were toenterinto i arrangements mentioned in
carron valley reservoir or toenterinto partnership arrangements for the
a dispose of or benterinto partnership arrangements in connection
be the nhs body toenterinto such arrangements as may
malcolm stares thoughtfully after himentereilidh eilidh ye haena touched
for a few seconds vigorouslyentermalcolm an shona moula faither
spin whyles an dern claesentermalcolm and shona malcolm walks
bad magic stew hugs steveentercammy cammy has a large
boxing gloves then removes dimpsentercammy dimps and stew hug
steve reaches up unties dollenterdimps cammy and stew stew
behind me where trouble meltsenterstew and ed ed is
us where yi come fienterstew and steve cammy hey
jeans revealing several more scarsenterstew dimps fuck sake you
can be heard shouting outsideenterstew stew need a hand
been searching him out silenceenterstew stew what the fuck
delighted i ken they laughenterloretta slowly miserably peggy loretta
weel get the kettle onenterpeggy a little anxious about
neil neil off hello peggyenterpeggy her clothes hardly acknowledge
oot o you these daysenterpeggy with another mug of
him hame for his teaenterpeggy with three mugs was
peggy you re never sureenterthe procession back from the
verra wurds wha s hereenterross and angus ross the
at dunsinane it is eveningentera physician and a lady
re a support group rightentersteve steve is wearing a
be seen and not ssssssshentercammy and dimps cammy what
ever heard sae it isentershona looking uncertain shona ah
the lest thing a daeentershona shona thare ye ir
she relapses into grieving silenceenterneil with a chair neil
room in a glen meditatorsenterthe holiness of silence where
in exercising a power toenterinto a contract to have
under subsection 1 it shallenterinto a contract with the
regulations and with that directionenterinto a deferred payment agreement
upon the scottish executive toenterinto a dialogue with the
from tonight we will reallyenterinto a new era the
not possible for me toenterinto a public debate i
of edinburgh propose now toenterinto a separate agreement with
they should be able toenterinto agreements with local authorities
novel enables the reader toenterinto burns s thoughts and
support that idea and toenterinto constructive dialogue with all
as a matter of urgencyenterinto consultation with all parties
precautions to take and benterinto discussion with their counterparts
precautions to take and benterinto discussion with their counterparts
on the word when weenterinto god s word that
upon the scottish executive toenterinto immediate discussions with the
he has the courage toenterinto it is a new
s agreement that he shouldenterinto negotiations to seek an
can encourage local authorities toenterinto partnership there may be
it is important that weenterinto positive discussions with our
scotland water authority to aenterinto regular and constructive dialogue
again he cannot see orenterinto the kingdom of god
financial commitments that they freelyenterinto the legal system has
one of those does notenterinto the timetable of course
of memory help us toenterinto their sorrow to bring
the police will not beenterinto them lightly parliament need
that the scottish executive shouldenterinto urgent dialogue with visitscotland
that the scottish executive shouldenterinto urgent dialogue with visitscotland
calle of vast arched doorwaysenternumber twenty into a small
literature are not supposed toentertoo much into the kind
his head and follows lenterthe children r margaret well
expect much at her ageenterneil backwards pulling a wheelchair
their knees and the sunenterat the back door as
door and mutters to someoneenterjek there is blood on
appeared at the door toenterrather than continuing to walk
it was a relief toenterthe pub door out of
unlocked heard but unseen peopleenterand go upstairs the tension
moaning is heard from offstageenterthe broun ogre looking distressed
and goes he expresses despairenterangelica angelica in a whisper
angelica comin angelica goes pauseentermuriel with the parcel she
comin grannie she goes pauseentermuriel with the red stringed
harry yeuch jack and deanaenterthrough the garden followed by
behind their backs when youenterancestral vaults hope may sip
thae twa may try taeenterhere but ye maun niver
accused 2 a constable mayenterland but not a dwelling
exercisable scottish natural heritage mayenterland in order to exercise
bill says a constable mayenterland in order to exercise
abody then are you ootsideentergladys also laden with bags
authorities have sufficient powers toenterpartnerships with the private sector
reckon wi valgerd and gunlödenterthe latter heavy with sleepiness
iii a moor with thunderenterthe three witches first witch
storm with thunder and lightningenterthree witches first witch whan
wi pron with win venterwinna v will not winnok
you down to dust idealsenterancestral vaults hope sips a
workbench a farlin down frontentergeorgie she takes up her
settles down to read pauseenterloretta she is wearing a
in thairs fedotik and rodéenterthe ballroom they sit down
s oot here are yeenterbessie a rather frail 84
descent of ishtar them faenterhere hae nae mair licht
derkness wed here winter wadnaeenternur ae ae heich wird
for a meinit ma dearenterandrae olga this is ma
out loud loud and clearenterberna berna fine ah kent
brither lyke this ah cannaenterolga she starts arranging things
gaelic the children when theyenterat primary one go through
s a good omen anywayenterharry through the garden harry
it must be possible toenterprofessions through a route that
she had been about toentera third when the warning
that gunnar is able toenterbefore she slips the bolt
pictures o aw the placesenterberna she picks up the
cannae herm yi oany mairenterberna she s very drunk
o parents that despises warkenternatalia ivanova she is wearing
in thought she seems agitatedentersoliony soliony puzzled the r
get on wi their workenterteenie she looks awful but
chap o ten she widenterthe hoose and bang the
cummin she wrings her handsenterthorfinn and orm thorfinn laughing
haed telt hir no tienterricht awa he hystit his
but you d grien tienterwi your fist you yourself
confines of the city humansenterthe kind of world where
that other person should soenteror use it mr jamie
standing orders perhaps they shouldenterthe discussion now there is
can be yeir lane thareentera thirlman valgerd whit ir
so before a man canenterin to the kingdom of
thus ensuring that children canenterschool fluent in the language
of respect before you canenterthat industry f943: yeah m944:
women can be encouraged toenterthe labour market and how
children have been about toenterthe room they can be
flexible so that people canenterthem without having to undertake
end of their schooling toenterthe work force on equal
i summoned enough courage toentertheir dark rich interiors to
isabella who was about toentera convent it could be
we are probably about toenteran era in which far
tara tum tum tum laughsenterfedotik fedotik dancing about burnt
report in full i wouldenterone or two caveats about
a man approaches about toenterthe doorway of the house
allows a local authority toentera building only if it
electronic card as identification toentera library that would give
finished and asked leave toentera somewhat similar arrangement at
a man and a girlenterand begin to play on
water of the world toenterand feed there as in
authority will be able toenterand inspect a building to
been tryin to keep hiddenenterdod this is my loon
of university graduates intending toentergaelic medium teaching and urges
and which i intend toenterin the register of members
does not encourage many toenterit understaffing leads to overworked
workplace or trying to reenterit we need to think
district salmon fishery board toenterland or gain access to
s a weird way toenterliterary life a joke trigonometry
say that i wouldnae evenentermy head to say trousers
could not be allowed toenterno unsaved sinner will ever
to permit another person toenteror use it to commit
who permits another person toenteror use it to hunt
golden thread in his handenterpompitie who is equipped to
percentage of children due toenterprimary school next year will
referred to deputes do fiscalsenterregional or district offices at
a minute to compose myselenterrowland rowland excuse me mr
do not enter kids willentersuch houses to play inside
a fool for agreeing toenterthe big brother house he
had never had occasion toenterthe city court before it
issued to firms intending toenterthe competitive pitch process how
certain agressive defensiveness tends toenterthe debate stories are dusted
precondition for allowing scallops toenterthe market s1w 9843 mr
me expressing a desire toenterthe miss world contest as
people as they prepare toenterthe promised land see i
landlords who are refusing toenterthe scheme when we get
you point blank refused toenterthe sitting room or even
who do not wish toenterthe system is an issue
tyson a convicted rapist toenterthe uk and wishes it
for further hardcore pornography toenterthe uk pledges to do
ruling allowing michael tyson toenterthe uk supported by mr
turning a nimble loop toenterthe wave and the wonder
young nephews left deeside toenterthe world of tea and
lip curled asian dogs toenterthis cool oasis like a
it toe dip do notenteri am no jean could
is some landlords will notenterit that is why we
state dangerous building do notenterkids will enter such houses
corn parks afore ye cdentera binder it s a
escalators people sit watching youentera block of flats [censored: forename]
fey wee body it winnaentera hoose till the hearth
a lan o haar taeentera lan o mist ahin
pay your 30 kopecks andenterbeneath a triumphal arch on
is hanging over a chairentereilidh in a state of
no it s jist meentergladys a lively bustling 80
was he auld enough taeenterintae a contract tae sell
street the stage is unlitenternatalia ivanova in a dressing
notice a sign as ienternew seizen press the publisher
there s a boat inenterronnie somewhat agitated ronnie oh
presume that they graduate qualifyenterthe service for a year
an me whit aboot meentertess tess grabs berna s
wards they winna help meentertwo murderers god wha are
variety of grades after theyenterandrew normand in my introduction
and lightning the three witchesenter1st witch thryce haes brindilt
and he s for affenterboyter and sanderson boyter good
and moan for several secondsentereilidh eilidh mercie whit s
of our young people nowenterfurther and higher education the
stay on at school andenterhigher education s1f 971 3
as actors line up andenterschool room in formal manner
injured on the same spotenterthe knicht and his mother
perms is affa aul fashionedenterdod dod doing his practised
would o his ain volitionenterthat place tae collogue wi
protection agency s vessels willenterdry dock for maintenance s1w
harper robin harper i willentermy concessionary bus pass in
wi that bairn o hirsenterchebutykin he has been resting
the fact is legitimacy disnaenterintae it if it did
cigarette smoke if i onceenterthat pub tonight is the
the action when the loversenterthe wood the moon sets
depute procurator fiscal new staffenterat that grade which covers
pouers haes made yeir weirdentermessenger what wurd dae ye
be it s no possibleenterharry harry morning james weel
literature ir no supposed taenterower mukl itae d kind
reedy chords letting dropping notesenterthe mind s cool evening
few days next monday weenterthe period during which it
i watch the waning moonenterthe theatre of the starlit

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