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particular disabled people people fromethnicminorities and older workers the
for example targets relating toethnicminorities and people with disabilities
its community action teams forethnicminorities are starting to appear
with children with disabilities fromethnicminorities as far as i
cultural traditions of scotland sethnicminorities can be supported and
cultural traditions o scotland sethnicminorities can be uphauden an
cultural integration of immigrants andethnicminorities i must mention the
household survey boosted to examineethnicminorities in scotland will cover
disadvantaged groups lone parents andethnicminorities in the edinburgh east
tae uphaud cultural inpit faeethnicminorities intil scottish society action
to support cultural input fromethnicminorities into scottish society action
committee allows individuals particularly fromethnicminorities to access the parliament
highlighted they were children fromethnicminorities very young children and
and all the other differentethnicminorities well i m sorry
in relation to families fromethnicminorities who have a disabled
demand for some sites fromethnicminorities women and younger people
in dealing with both minorityethnicand white young people as
group showing that both minorityethnicand white youths appear alienated
people from black and minorityethniccommunities for fear that they
organisations representing black and minorityethniccommunities have consistently raised concerns
involve members of the minorityethniccommunities in parliamentary decision making
funding for black and minorityethnicgroups in the voluntary sector
take evidence from the minorityethniclearning disability initiative but we
the blind kamali srirangam minorityethniclearning disability initiative procedures committee
the nhs by people fromethnicminority backgrounds 5 public appointments
in the home in theethnicminority boost of the scottish
to what the black andethnicminority communities and groups are
historic lack of data onethnicminority communities and that at
matters are different in ourethnicminority communities and we should
in scotland by members ofethnicminority communities arabic bengali chinese
the experiences of women fromethnicminority communities can have their
society is that speakers fromethnicminority communities may use their
members of black and otherethnicminority communities s1w 34851 susan
community including black and otherethnicminority communities s1w 34852 susan
heard from the black andethnicminority communities which stressed the
language policies relevant to theethnicminority community 4 the approach
denominations in the black andethnicminority community in particular religious
gaelic modern european languages scotsethnicminority community languages and bsl
gaelic modern european leids scotsethnicminority community leids an bsl
them and also through involvingethnicminority community parents in the
pupils are part of anethnicminority community whose culture depends
dt ir associated wi anethnicminority group da academic norm
which are associated with anethnicminority group the academic norm
the percentage of officers fromethnicminority groups is at each
the candidate countries have significantethnicminority groups that are denied
however scots are not anethnicminority i would like to
to bemis the black andethnicminority infrastructure in scotland that
brought up to speak anethnicminority language such as urdu
english local dialect or anethnicminority language the child is
leaflet will be available inethnicminority languages on audiotape as
a linguistic mix enriched byethnicminority languages such as urdu
see so many black andethnicminority people sitting in the
the need for black andethnicminority people to be included
council with high concentrations ofethnicminority populations had called for
peer pressure to issues ofethnicsolidarity at the outset a
as a cultural marker ofethnicsolidarity english was perceived to
with friendliness emotional warmth andethnicsolidarity whereas standard english was
gather detailed information on religionethnicbackground and language spoken in
the questions on religion andethnicbackground could provide the basis
religion on the broadening ofethniccategories in the census and
with religion more detail onethnicgroup language in the home
notably religion more information onethnicgroup language spoken in the
additional questions on religion andethnicgroup which i am pleased
made today on religion andethnicgroup will command the support
announced today on religion andethnicgroup will need to be
basis of sex racial orethnicorigin religion or belief disability
opportunity to understand our multiethnicand multicultural society better we
a modern multi cultural multiethnicsociety will the minister disassociate
regard themselves as being ofethnicasian origin from pakistan she
are broken down by aethnicorigin and b gender s1w
fuller use of information aboutethnicand religious groups in future
progress for other religious andethnicgroups with the same journey
questions that will reflect theethnicreligious and social diversity of
communities religious m741: mm m605: ethnicwhatever kind of communities you
hauds wi ongaun attitudes favourinethnicdiversity an social justice it
line with current policies favouringethnicdiversity and social justice it
regardless of social cultural orethnicbackground as it stands can
regardless of social cultural orethnicbackground how will the bill
background and membership of anyethnicgroup 4 after having regard
background and membership of anyethnicgroup mary scanlon 105b as
data that were provided onethnicgroups have enabled public authorities
years become home to variousethnicgroups imminent changes to immigration
provision of suitable guidance toethnicgroups in scotland the language
of the needs of differentethnicgroups in service planning and
a more detailed question onethnicgroup we have consulted extensively
a more detailed breakdown ofethnicgroup would be useful in
the views of black andethnicpeople in wider society i
shortly i refer now toethnicgroup a question on which
women or a non whiteethnicgroup are forced by the
weemin or a non whiteethnicgroup ir forced by d
consider an expansion of theethnicgroup question in scotland subject
we will also expand theethnicgroup question on the basis
on the form that theethnicgroup question should take after
on the form that theethnicgroup question should take i
and an enhanced question onethnicgroupings and language spoken at
speak scots an gaelic taeethniclinguistic cleansing 1872 howanever life
serving the kind of theethniccommunity yeah m1174: yes yes
in 1991 a question onethnicgrouping was included in the
their own particular statement ofethnicidentity it belongs to them
i 1983 the language ofethnicconflict social organization and lexical
local accent sometimes with distinctiveethniclanguage features and a version
rupees 1 00 today theethnicconstitution of the country is
for travelling people of differentethnicorigins such as those identified
taken i decided to goethnicand to [censored: forename] s disgust
market where i bought anethnicwaistcoat and [censored: forename] purchased a
jokes there are lots ofethnicrituals occasional tsarist outrages or
thick now greying hair andethnicclothes her views were interesting
and shoddy plastic dolls inethnicdress until the time came
performer the music like theethnictunes in fiddler on the
doot ere d been someethniccleansin wi an antrin puffie
the city working class usuallyethnictruck drivers labourers shopkeepers you

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