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has been funded from withinexistingbudgets muir russell all that
terms of any alterations toexistingbudgets or projected budgets for
other special duties from theirexistingbudgets unlike the metropolitan police
thousands of houses per yearexistingbudgets will not address supply
should that be met fromexistingcouncil budgets or should the
choice those still stand theexistinglegislation allows tenants choice for
have not taken away theexistingprovisions relating to tenants choice
for all new tenants andexistingtenants at the same time
protected across the board forexistingtenants or for tenants of
right to buy provisions forexistingtenants other provisions apply to
you will get complaints fromexistingtenants particularly of council housing
an impact the first isexistingtenants particularly those who are
concern was to ensure thatexistingtenants rights were not diminished
could stagger its application toexistingtenants that would mean that
until 16 september 2001 theexistingfacilities in quality partnership schemes
until 16 september 2001 theexistingfacilities in quality partnership schemes
until 16 september 2001 theexistingfacilities in quality partnership schemes
see the condition of theexistingfacilities the facilities and the
create new facilities and improveexistingones to promote tourism in
with the object of freeingexistingport facilities now in use
by building standards in anexistingbuilding or class of buildings
for major telecommunications development onexistingbuildings currently deemed to be
to invest in developing theexistingbuildings in order to ensure
the energy efficiency of largeexistingbuildings is upgraded whenever other
to be obliged to inspectexistingbuildings regularly to ensure that
to require the compliance ofexistingbuildings with building regulations that
buildings and is similar toexistinglegislation on those matters however
which simplifies updates and enhancesexistingallotments legislation is necessary some
are broadly in line withexistinganimal cruelty legislation however as
welfare problems and b enhancingexistinganimal welfare legislation to make
assembly has responsibility for implementingexistinglanguage legislation there are 2
of any legislation that changesexistinglaw clear and certain arrangements
of any legislation that changesexistinglaw there must be clear
future bills or amendments toexistinglegislation gavin corbett we would
compliant should simplify and moderniseexistinglegislation however some issues need
markets to comply with allexistinglegislation including the current biosecurity
every offence covered by theexistinglegislation is enforced there is
powers is now in forceexistinglegislation is robust and flexible
status in society notes theexistinglegislation on this subject and
affairs mr jack mcconnell theexistinglegislation provides protection and support
will be any different fromexistinglegislation such as the protection
drafted that will simplify allexistinglegislation that is an important
that has considerable support fromexistinglegislation that seeks to protect
that are not covered byexistinglegislation we are prepared to
be the bill that replacesexistinglegislation we must therefore ensure
option is to rely onexistinglegislation which would not allow
could easily accommodate amendments toexistinglegislation why is the bill
land is redefined from itsexistingmeaning by the pending legislation
the list contained in anexistingpiece of legislation because we
exercise of their right underexistingplanning legislation to erect transmission
includes a brief survey ofexistingsalmon fisheries legislation reviews the
includes a brief survey ofexistingsalmon fisheries legislation these sections
as much as possible onexistinglegislative provisions i want to
of which come from theexistingprovisions for secure tenancies the
it would simply bring togetherexistingprovisions from the civic government
or in relation to theexistingprovisions gordon jackson i have
extensive our review of theexistingprovisions should be should we
ministers policy to keep theexistingright to buy provisions for
could be achieved within theexistingtreaty provisions s1w 9844 mr
has been made public underexistingarrangements and if so whether
decide on any amendments toexistingarrangements by the end of
extensions or enhancements of theexistingarrangements other aspects that are
of 50 million over theexistingarrangements the bear scotland bids
of the report are theexistingemergency planning arrangements comprehensive and
an overlay on top ofexistingemergency planning arrangements it is
article 8 of the conventionexistingechr cases on this law
grahame referred to comes fromexistinginternational law instruments and from
millan committee s review ofexistinglaw and also supports the
to be built between theexistinglaw and the law as
to incorporate in the billexistinglaw from the civic government
the minister says that theexistinglaw is effective is he
success or otherwise of theexistinglaw mr wallace i am
millan committee s review ofexistinglaw nicola sturgeon moved amendment
it becomes an act onexistingscots law both statute and
the trouble of changing allexistingscottish homes tenancies from secure
from one date when allexistingsecure and assured tenancies convert
not a matter of theexistingsecure tenancy ending as a
later date but that theexistingsecure tenancy would be repealed
act required the reconstitution ofexistingdsfbs according to new rules
that forms the basis ofexistingrules on members interests subsequent
systematic management of hmos theexistingrules provide powers for a
and indeed timeously within theexistingrules the 40 day deadline
with the spirit of theexistingrules was in the lap
this will come from redirectingexistingcentral government expenditure in the
which introduce new or increaseexistingexpenditure charged on or payable
which introduce new or increaseexistingexpenditure charged on or payable
the first minister whether anyexistingexpenditure commitments will be cut
to obtain greater value fromexistingpublic expenditure in scotland that
the new assembly in anexistingbuilding and to have seen
are clear inadequacies in theexistingbuilding control system there are
importance of building on ourexistingcultural assets people have taken
and culture by building uponexistingpartnerships between museums and galleries
suitable subsidy building on theexistingpublic service obligations road transport
building on the experience ofexistingservices such as citizens advice
and making changes to meetexistingand future needs part 1
to format and changes toexistingpractice had been taken well
and fundamental changes to theexistingservice built up over the
their or scottish homes sexistingplanning documents i hope that
planning applications to help protectexistingspaces establish a scottish committee
are getting satisfaction from theexistingcomplaints system anecdotal evidence suggests
buy could add to theexistingproblems because no other system
be more flexible than theexistingsystem and will allow owners
possible proposals to abolish theexistingsystem for the distribution of
hand architects believe that theexistingsystem is well managed in
be possible to review theexistingsystem of regulating fish farming
exercise assumes nothing about theexistingsystem other than that it
important that we maintain theexistingsystem until a major improvement
be adjusted to make theexistingsystem work that exercise assumes
three strands looked at theexistingand future provision of national
executive how it will reviewexistingmental health service provision s1o
strategy for holyrood will developexistingprovision for facilitated visits by
is designed to build onexistingprovision not to replace it
care the project will complementexistingprovision of sheltered housing for
demand for this provision fromexistingresources and calls for a
rearrangement of the furniture withinexistingstatutory provision in england and
the basis for ensuring thatexistinghigh standards are maintained and
guidance will be based onexistingmandatory technical standards it is
is fine to defend theexistingstandards but what constitutes reasonable
neanderthal constituents i have theexistingstandards do not for example
ministers to reassure us thatexistingstandards of accessibility will be
save initiatives will add toexistingexecutive plans and make a
and integrate the policies ofexistingland use plans and guide
extra nurses over and aboveexistingplans in the next four
more consultants over and aboveexistingplans in the next four
policies and programmes of actionexistingplans of local authorities and
teachers by 3 000 aboveexistingplans over the next four
annual progress plans to replaceexistingreports these would set individual
improve the quality of someexistinghousing stock that people do
involve increased rationing of theexistinghousing stock which is not
people with disabilities living inexistingpublic sector housing s1o 78
people with disabilities living inexistingpublic sector housing s1o 78
b form part of anexistingmember of staff s remit
staff to provide it ourexistingregistration staff are kept fairly
are a additional to theexistingstaff complement and b form
to even more pressure forexistingstaff which affects nurse retention
not even allowed to useexistingstaff who know about the
solutions to everyday problems fundexistinginitiatives support voluntary and local
economy does not compound theexistingsocial problems of unemployment social
a quick review of theexistingguidelines and come up with
loyalty and comradeship within anexistingkinship group or clan a
an enforcement issue within theexistingscheme how can we produce
are not part of theexistingscheme might be introduced within
projects at the expense ofexistingcore services with a proven
transport services and g makingexistingdiesel buses and taxis in
continue also to offer theirexistingservices at post offices so
avoiding duplication or overlap withexistingservices clarification of the role
to assess the impact onexistingservices like other members he
improve people s health alongsideexistingservices that treat illness increase
and collaboration with all otherexistingservices with the key aim
and maternal services at theirexistingsite at yorkhill and urges
sportscotland will come from itsexistingbudget or from new money
is given for innovation onexistingferry routes and for new
interest or concern or amendexistinglaws or introduce new laws
to buy are proposed theexistingone and a new one
would affect new tenancies notexistingones in a working group
new variants grow up alongsideexistingones often as stylistic alternatives
employees the new and theexistingoperators must address the impact
to assess the impact ofexistingpolicies well into the new
new grants at this timeexistingprojects have been continued for
are on a new orexistingsite and with a local
agreeing an extension of itsexistingcontract to ensure that the
safeguards incorporated for re calculatingexistingcontracts these must have been
therefore we are drawing togetherexistingevidence however i must stress
seen as a bonus toexistingfunding we must take advantage
more important we must fundexistingprogrammes and work by voluntary
does he agree that theexistingstructure must be allowed to
must take the place ofexistingtrading activities and in which
that we invest in ourexistingand future nurses as a
if councils will use theirexistinglicensing systems to approve venues
that they could use theirexistinglicensing systems which means that
educated they chose to useexistingpoetic models modifying them where
to consider the use ofexistingprocesses of maintaining adherence to
we maximise the use ofexistingroutes and that we have
franchise which will include theexistingglasgow to leeds service notes
despite widespread satisfaction with theexistingservice considers that such major
to threaten the jobs ofexistingregistrars however a demand could
risks from these trials toexistingagriculture and to scotland s
twenty yards back from theexistingbridge this gave the war
private sector funding from developersexistingbusinesses etc seems limited over
users would be drawn fromexistingcar and bus users journey
the tendering process away fromexistingcontractors it continues perhaps those
jobs out of glasgow moveexistingfirms and jobs from glasgow
you have been funded fromexistinglocal authority and nhs board
recruited we are still losingexistingnurses from the profession the
bill may be met fromexistingresources financial memorandum p8 therefore
specific recommendations to increase theexistingsocial work complement from two
mouth disease outbreak came fromexistingstocks held in scotland prior
the funds may come fromexistingunderspends mr mcconnell no you
line 14 and insert theexistingwords from employ to the
refer the case of anexistinglife prisoner to whom part
not be part of anexistingport other factors to be
for a long time theexistingcontractors the local authorities and
spending local authorities are theexistingcontractors they could share depots
people s juries rather thanexistinglocal community voluntary groups and
best way is to encourageexistinglocal organisations rather than to
per local office by redeployingexistingpersonnel to assume specialist responsibilities
is an extension of theexistingpower that allows a local
local authorities intend to endexistingtemporary contracts for teachers in
but in support that allowsexistingbusinesses to grow we have
fifty stations connected by theexistingheavy rail network support initiatives
countries of europe every manexistingin these countries that isna
competition in these areas toexistingtraders and businesses which are
will be added to theexistingpublic guidance christine grahame okay
experience and skill base ofexistingpharmacies that had developed over
to the way in whichexistingdata are collected i have
which basically means streamlining theexistingguidelines so the first thing
dealt in detail with strengtheningexistingmonitoring which is the subject
sports halls and opening upexistingones which typically involves overcoming
which takes no account ofexistingtaxation profit or income streams
which takes no account ofexistingtaxation profit or income streams
and attempt to help theexistingvoluntary organisations which are operating
or change the boundaries ofexistingdistricts vary the weekly close
organic aid scheme in itsexistingor revised form would be
of enhancing and improving theexistingscheme or in the context
species with or close toexistingspecies is one thing but
change or even to destroyexistingways of thought and moral
an extremely ambitious enterprise theexistinginstitutions are under great strain
than 100 cases under theexistinglaws that seek to protect
have been raised under theexistingprocedures it is possible for
evolve here out of anyexistingold word it arrived ready
without the cessation of anyexistingtemporary contracts for teachers already
strengthening the remit of theexistingaudit committee make sure this
to make an amendment toexistingpractices if the legal advice
where they are and enableexistingstructures to make themselves accessible
24 understanding and communicating withexistingand potential customers who are
bill would cost in theexistingbudget are the current levels
we are complacent about theexistingnumbers i understand that we
scott are there examples ofexistingpolyculture fish farms dr black
if the proposals are implementedexistingregistrars would not carry out
in places where there areexistingsites the issue is more
and consequent operation of theexistingdesign could lead to a
be safe with respect toexistingagriculture and scotland s natural
formulate designees to replace theexistingbin areas with more suitable
best achieved by strengthening theexistingclose working relationship with management
mechanism to continue with theexistingcontract for the short term
with the snh recommendation thatexistingdesignations should not be removed
kilda a link with theexistingnorthumberland national park the inner
cold refusal even to questionexistingpatterns fair mary opens with
an independent state of palestineexistingpeacefully side by side with
inclusion process more clearly withexistingpolicy making processes and ensuring
and we can adapt ourexistingprocedures to fit in with
same way as with theexistingrequirement to display a current
westbank will be behind theexistingwedge with the floor levelled
to getting more out ofexistingfunding i commend those achievements
tends to work against successfulexistingprojects and causes waste and
residency work was linked toexistingtextile skills by enabling the
to work the land theexistingtractors were big and powerful
terminal illness is involved theexistingcases will be accelerated lord
will also deprive scotland ofexistingjobs and requests that the
simply irreplaceable the demands onexistingprojects will grow substantially i
roads dept say that theexistingrail will help people get
would involve a rationalisation ofexistingboundaries to take into account
remove the stability of manyexistingcommunity pharmacies would there not
be removed they would likeexistingdesignations to be used to
to information that would allowexistingdiligence to operate better but
charging for care and thatexistinganomalies should be addressed we
the utilities bill that theexistingarea electricity consumer committee be
cent of rent collected servicedexistingdebt the total bill for
a severe effect on theexistingindustry that is not to
who were not participating inexistingstructures were highlighted they were
between member states retaining theexistingaccess restrictions of the 6
welcome the recognition of linksexistingbetween heis and fe colleges
school er based on theexistingbody of literature f718: mmhm
whether they feel that theexistingconvention and requirement of having
the phasing out of theexistingcurrencies of the eurozone further
except in the case ofexistingemployees in post as at
abolished in favour of theexistingenglish weights and measures at
on the site of anexistingimportant celtic iron age town
at post offices using theexistinglarge network of outlets 21
refer the case of anexistinglife prisoner who was released
opening of railway stations onexistinglines and what criteria it
and revitalisation of scotland sexistinglinguistic heritage integration of scotland
charges for customers of theexistingnorth of scotland water authority
intention is to replicate theexistingnumber and structure of the
of the junior section theexistingoffice bearers remain in their
personal care it endorsed theexistingpolicy that the balance of
sector of industry as toexistingregulations and issue proposals for
well require some redistribution ofexistingresources the convener i wish
debate protect and promote theexistingrights of devolved nations particularly
the report states that theexistingroad route is of variable
was the transmitter of anexistingsong as opposed to its
tradition of transmitting and adaptingexistingsongs and airs for their
expertise we need access toexistingsources of advice such as
develop the role of theexistingsouth east scotland west scotland
need to be aware ofexistingstatute in the area and
and for improvement of theexistingstock alasdair morgan it is
to the features of theexistingstructure we seek evolution rather
to the need of theexistinguser community in scotland and
there is also the longexistingactivity where people have gone
a most useful addition toexistingenglish language studies the prerface
became song composers drawing onexistingfolk song traditions to create
add considerable value to theexistingindustry by developing a wider
tacking them on to theexistinginfrastructure for producing salmon is
greatly contributed to the undeniablyexistingscottish cringe the claim is
the action plan focuses onexistingstrategies and policies to tackle
placing increased demands on theexistingtransportation infrastructure and agrees to
tried to progress on theexistingtreaty by revising it the
the scottish executive what effectexistingbus taxi cycle lanes and
this initiative may have onexistingbusinesses in glencoe and ballachulish
dog and recognised body theexistingexceptions for blind persons in
is already incipient in theexistingfragmentary literature in scots and
road bridge were removed andexistingmaintenance commitments honoured and whether
access when renovating and extendingexistingpremises s1w 27403 roseanna cunningham
responses were provided by utilisingexistingreporting and management systems s1w
2003 reflects the uk sexistingstrategy against poverty and exclusion
the 1993 act a theexistingwords become subsection 1 and
money that is required byexistingsuccessful ventures one hopes that
2000 it went live forexistingclients the first consultation on
administering police checks reform theexistingcompetitive bidding process for funding
the spc concluded that theexistingcommon objectives have proved balanced
built in gretna all theexistinghotels now have en suite
have been told that manyexistingorganisations in lanarkshire feel that
as well as improving uponexistingskills has been a major
is almost certainly the oldestexistingstructure in the church the
screening at the side theexistingfourth area behind no 7
on car parking charges theexistingguidance says that the charges
the industry you mentioned theexistingmarketing infrastructure in the salmon
i say that because theexistingresearch as i noted in
can do so in additionexistingpharmacies might end up clustering
a f718: mm m017: anexistingcommunity globalisation f718: yeah m017:

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