
See this word as a collocate cloud

presiding officer i call lindafabiani09 37 linda fabiani central
subsections after section 6a lindafabiani15 after section 6a insert
1987 act section 9 lindafabiani17 in section 9 page
insert recreation in and lindafabiani1e as an amendment to
insert may section 9 lindafabiani22 in section 9 page
occurs insert or abuse lindafabiani23 in section 9 page
stage 3 section 1 lindafabiani7 in section 1 page
insert 24 section 2 lindafabiani8 in section 2 page
ordinary working class people lindafabianiaccepted that point in committee
implications johann lamont does lindafabianiagree that one of the
problems mr raffan does lindafabianiagree that we must find
tommy sheridan michael russell lindafabianialasdair morgan dr winnie ewing
margaret ewing michael russell lindafabianialasdair morgan fiona mcleod mr
on 21 march 2001 lindafabianialasdair morgan s1m 1772 scottish
fiona mcleod michael matheson lindafabianialasdair morgan tricia marwick michael
lochhead ms sandra white lindafabianialex fergusson fiona mcleod s1m
fiona mcleod michael russell lindafabianialex neil dr winnie ewing
donald gorrie andrew wilson lindafabianialex neil mr kenneth gibson
donald gorrie andrew wilson lindafabianialex neil mr kenneth gibson
donald gorrie andrew wilson lindafabianialex neil mr kenneth gibson
lloyd quinan andrew wilson lindafabianialex neil mr kenneth gibson
michael russell irene mcgugan lindafabianialex neil ms sandra white
michael russell andrew wilson lindafabianialex neil ms sandra white
donald gorrie andrew wilson lindafabianialex neil richard lochhead alasdair
donald gorrie andrew wilson lindafabianialex neil richard lochhead alasdair
margaret jamieson fergus ewing lindafabianialex neil shona robison fiona
november 2002 c 3615 lindafabianialso highlighted that concern there
report on the owner lindafabianialthough nothing has changed i
training the evidence that lindafabianiand i took from groups
as an absolute priority lindafabianiand johann lamont made that
authorities before doing so lindafabianiand john scott raised the
of that guidance as lindafabianiand ken macintosh indicated because
rural areas johann lamont lindafabianiand others referred to the
shona robison donald gorrie lindafabianiandrew wilson dorothy grace elder
tommy sheridan fiona hyslop lindafabianiandrew wilson dorothy grace elder
donald gorrie fiona hyslop lindafabianiandrew wilson dorothy grace elder
supported by donald gorrie lindafabianiandrew wilson elaine smith alex
elder ms sandra white lindafabianiandrew wilson mr lloyd quinan
grace elder christine grahame lindafabianiandrew wilson ms sandra white
sandra white fiona mcleod lindafabianiandrew wilson robin harper mr
gibson mrs margaret ewing lindafabianiandrew wilson robin harper nora
margaret ewing fiona mcleod lindafabianiandrew wilson robin harper nora
margo macdonald michael matheson lindafabianiandrew wilson tricia marwick mr
which is updated annually lindafabianiasked about section 9 and
john munro irene mcgugan lindafabianibrian adam alex neil business
dennis canavan nicola sturgeon lindafabianibrian adam dorothy grace elder
andrew wilson fergus ewing lindafabianibrian adam ms sandra white
fergus ewing andrew wilson lindafabianibrian adam shona robison fiona
to have to disappoint lindafabianibut i will not be
paul martin allan wilson lindafabianicathie craigie adam ingram proposed
apologies were received from lindafabianicathy jamieson kenny macaskill nora
supported by elaine thomson lindafabianicathy jamieson margaret jamieson donald
of scotland supported by lindafabianicathy peattie bill aitken alex
scanlon mr adam ingram lindafabianicathy peattie irene mcgugan fiona
best wish 12 12 lindafabianicentral scotland snp all i
which we referred earlier lindafabianicentral scotland snp does the
own devices 16 45 lindafabianicentral scotland snp i say
paper 531 09 47 lindafabianicentral scotland snp i was
the findings 15 57 lindafabianicentral scotland snp i wish
justice ms margaret curran lindafabianicentral scotland snp john scott
east and musselburgh lab lindafabianicentral scotland snp mr kenneth
north and leith lab lindafabianicentral scotland snp mr michael
lamont glasgow pollok lab lindafabianicentral scotland snp mrs lyndsay
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab lindafabianicentral scotland snp mrs lyndsay
1 s1m 3804 1 lindafabianicentral scotland snp performance of
bill aitken glasgow con lindafabianicentral scotland snp the deputy
mcintosh central scotland con lindafabianicentral scotland snp the deputy
caused by such divides lindafabianicentral scotland snp when we
linda fabiani 09 37 lindafabianicentral scotland snp you caught
supported by donald gorrie lindafabianichristine grahame andrew wilson brian
margaret ewing colin campbell lindafabianichristine grahame tricia marwick alex
the community supported by lindafabianicolin campbell fiona hyslop andrew
wilson mr kenny macaskill lindafabianicolin campbell fiona mcleod shona
kenny macaskill christine grahame lindafabianicolin campbell fiona mcleod shona
mcleod mr john mcallion lindafabianicolin campbell r andrew wilson
brian adam nicola sturgeon lindafabianicolin campbell richard lochhead mr
brian adam nicola sturgeon lindafabianicolin campbell richard lochhead mr
tommy sheridan fiona mcleod lindafabianidavid mcletchie colin campbell lord
gibson mr john swinney lindafabianidavid mcletchie mr keith harding
rhoda grant cathy peattie lindafabianidennis canavan patricia ferguson janis
minute and a half lindafabianidoes the minister have a
lloyd quinan andrew wilson lindafabianidonald gorrie fiona hyslop fiona
mcgugan mr lloyd quinan lindafabianidonald gorrie nicola sturgeon mr
brian adam christine grahame lindafabianidorothy grace elder colin campbell
brown mr lloyd quinan lindafabianidorothy grace elder donald gorrie
supported by fergus ewing lindafabianidorothy grace elder michael russell
michael russell ian jenkins lindafabianidorothy grace elder mr lloyd
bruce crawford tricia marwick lindafabianidorothy grace elder s1m 1631
tricia marwick michael russell lindafabianidorothy grace elder s1m 1647
kenneth gibson christine grahame lindafabianidr winnie ewing s1m 1485
organisations to canvass opinions lindafabianiechoed that and said that
progress on that and lindafabianiechoed that point i hope
or ancillary services as lindafabianieloquently put it funding is
donald gorrie s1m 357 lindafabianiestablishment of committee on international
alex neil christine grahame lindafabianifergus ewing andrew wilson mr
tommy sheridan robert brown lindafabianifergus ewing donald gorrie alex
ingram mr kenny macaskill lindafabianifergus ewing mr keith harding
wilson ms sandra white lindafabianifergus ewing s1m 119 mr
andrew wilson tommy sheridan lindafabianifergus ewing s1m 97 ms
grace elder andrew wilson lindafabianifergus ewing shona robison michael
on 21 june 2001 lindafabianifiona hyslop alasdair morgan s1m
2001 mr duncan hamilton lindafabianifiona hyslop alasdair morgan s1m
peattie mr john mcallion lindafabianifiona hyslop fiona mcleod richard
executive supported by ms lindafabianifiona hyslop mr alex neil
ms roseanna cunningham ms lindafabianifiona hyslop richard lochhead mr
neil mrs lyndsay mcintosh lindafabianifiona mcleod alasdair morgan mr
jamie stone brian adam lindafabianifiona mcleod alasdair morgan s1m
campbell mr andrew welsh lindafabianifiona mcleod andrew wilson richard
janis hughes karen whitefield lindafabianifiona mcleod maureen macmillan rhoda
by mr kenneth gibson lindafabianifiona mcleod mrs margaret ewing
michael russell tommy sheridan lindafabianifiona mcleod richard lochhead mr
irene mcgugan andrew wilson lindafabianifiona mcleod shona robison alasdair
bill aitken s1m 617 lindafabianihealth provision in scotland that
licensed or unlicensed hmos lindafabianihector currie s research showed
there is anxiety which lindafabianihighlighted that moving away from
the community fund which lindafabianihighlighted the fund has a
and other local funders lindafabianii accept the point that
authorities have lowered standards lindafabianii am not suggesting that
he would welcome that lindafabianii am sure that george
inspection levels are low lindafabianii have heard anecdotal evidence
the new holyrood building lindafabianii meant that mr stone
that point in committee lindafabianii thank the member i
in the official report lindafabianii thought that sarah boyack
available in urban areas lindafabianii would like to make
richard lochhead s1m 256 lindafabianiinternational investment strategies that the
michael matheson nicola sturgeon lindafabianiirene mcgugan donald gorrie dennis
gorrie michael russell ms lindafabianiirene mcgugan dr elaine murray
kenny macaskill duncan hamilton lindafabianiirene mcgugan roseanna cunningham s1m
supported by dennis canavan lindafabianiirene mcgugan tommy sheridan mr
i would say that lindafabianiis having a bad hair
february 2000 supported by lindafabianijohn mcallion tommy sheridan dennis
february 2000 supported by lindafabianijohn mcallion tommy sheridan dennis
members including johann lamont lindafabianikaren whitefield cathy peattie keith
christine grahame kay ullrich lindafabianikenneth gibson fiona mcleod tommy
dennis canavan colin campbell lindafabianikenny macaskill bruce crawford richard
ewing mrs margaret moray snpfabianilinda central scotland snp ferguson
highlands and islands snp ffabianilinda central scotland snp ferguson
winnie highlands and islands snpfabianilinda central scotland snp fergusson
ewing mrs margaret moray snpfabianilinda central scotland snp fergusson
ewing mrs margaret moray snpfabianilinda central scotland snp fergusson
ewing mrs margaret moray snpfabianilinda central scotland snp fergusson
ewing mrs margaret moray snpfabianilinda central scotland snp fergusson
ewing mrs margaret moray snpfabianilinda central scotland snp fraser
ewing mrs margaret moray snpfabianilinda central scotland snp gallie
ewing mrs margaret moray snpfabianilinda central scotland snp gibson
east nairn and lochaber snpfabianilinda central scotland snp gibson
ewing mrs margaret moray snpfabianilinda central scotland snp gibson
ewing mrs margaret moray snpfabianilinda central scotland snp gibson
ewing mrs margaret moray snpfabianilinda central scotland snp gibson
east nairn and lochaber snpfabianilinda central scotland snp gibson
winnie highlands and islands snpfabianilinda central scotland snp gibson
east nairn and lochaber snpfabianilinda central scotland snp gibson
east nairn and lochaber snpfabianilinda central scotland snp gibson
east nairn and lochaber snpfabianilinda central scotland snp gibson
winnie highlands and islands snpfabianilinda central scotland snp gibson
ewing mrs margaret moray snpfabianilinda central scotland snp gibson
ewing mrs margaret moray snpfabianilinda central scotland snp gibson
ewing mrs margaret moray snpfabianilinda central scotland snp gibson
ewing mrs margaret moray snpfabianilinda central scotland snp gibson
snp cunningham roseanna perth snpfabianilinda central scotland snp gibson
ewing mrs margaret moray snpfabianilinda central scotland snp gibson
mcleod michael russell ms lindafabianilodged on 18 february 2000
mind the points that lindafabianimade we are sponsoring volunteer
lloyd quinan tommy sheridan lindafabianimargaret jamieson trish godman mrs
mcleod mr lloyd quinan lindafabianimargaret smith nora radcliffe mr
quinan mr kenny macaskill lindafabianimargaret smith s1m 1249 1
ms sarah boyack ms lindafabianimaureen macmillan mr george reid
why they are made lindafabianimentioned social inclusion partnerships and
for charity law reform lindafabianimentioned that and the fact
john mcallion nicola sturgeon lindafabianimichael matheson brian adam mr
colin campbell sandra white lindafabianimichael matheson mike watson johann
tax payer supported by lindafabianimichael matheson mr gil paterson
alex johnstone alex fergusson lindafabianimichael russell david mundell colin
harding mr adam ingram lindafabianimichael russell john young mr
elaine murray fergus ewing lindafabianimichael russell shona robison irene
christine grahame shona robison lindafabianimike watson mr andrew welsh
the integration of refugees lindafabianimoved amendment s1m 2377 2
their homes and neighbourhoods lindafabianimoved amendment s1m 3477 2
ms jackie baillie ms lindafabianimr adam ingram mr gil
bill butler michael russell lindafabianimr adam ingram mr gil
brown mr lloyd quinan lindafabianimr adam ingram nicola sturgeon
campbell dorothy grace elder lindafabianimr andrew welsh ms sandra
michael russell colin campbell lindafabianimr andrew welsh richard lochhead
michael russell colin campbell lindafabianimr andrew welsh richard lochhead
lochhead mr keith harding lindafabianimr david davidson mrs margaret
richard lochhead michael russell lindafabianimr duncan hamilton alex neil
winnie ewing alex neil lindafabianimr duncan hamilton andrew wilson
neil shona robison ms lindafabianimr duncan hamilton mr robin
shona robison michael russell lindafabianimr gil paterson alasdair morgan
bill aitken robin harper lindafabianimr gil paterson christine grahame
november 2000 alex fergusson lindafabianimr gil paterson mr keith
august 2001 tommy sheridan lindafabianimr gil paterson mr lloyd
tommy sheridan bruce crawford lindafabianimr gil paterson mr lloyd
tommy sheridan donald gorrie lindafabianimr gil paterson mr lloyd
on 29 november 2000 lindafabianimr gil paterson s1m 1407
on 13 december 2002 lindafabianimr gil paterson s1m 3692
on 16 december 2002 lindafabianimr gil paterson s1m 3710
on 29 november 2000 lindafabianimr gil paterson tommy sheridan
on 14 december 2000 lindafabianimr jamie mcgrigor pauline mcneill
macdonald tricia marwick ms lindafabianimr jamie stone dr richard
lloyd quinan christine grahame lindafabianimr john munro alex neil
jamie mcgrigor mary scanlon lindafabianimr john munro mr jamie
margaret smith mary scanlon lindafabianimr keith harding alasdair morgan
grahame mr lloyd quinan lindafabianimr keith harding mr brian
donald gorrie robert brown lindafabianimr keith raffan andrew wilson
robert brown cathie craigie lindafabianimr kenneth gibson deputy convener
adam ingram shona robison lindafabianimr kenneth gibson irene mcgugan
donald gorrie andrew wilson lindafabianimr kenneth gibson mr jamie
bruce crawford fergus ewing lindafabianimr kenneth gibson roseanna cunningham
grace elder johann lamont lindafabianimr kenneth macintosh trish godman
grace elder shona robison lindafabianimr kenneth macintosh trish godman
supported by alex neil lindafabianimr kenny macaskill mr gil
dorothy grace elder ms lindafabianimr kenny macaskill mr kenneth
brian adam michael matheson lindafabianimr kenny macaskill ms sandra
on 22 march 2001 lindafabianimr kenny macaskill s1m 1781
supported by alex neil lindafabianimr lloyd quinan christine grahame
supported by roseanna cunningham lindafabianimr lloyd quinan kay ullrich
wilson mr kenneth gibson lindafabianimr lloyd quinan mr duncan
wilson mr kenny macaskill lindafabianimr lloyd quinan robin harper
david mundell donald gorrie lindafabianimr michael mcmahon david mcletchie
for the local area lindafabianimr raffan is right we
ms sandra white ms lindafabianimrs elaine smith robert brown
alex neil tommy sheridan lindafabianimrs margaret ewing dr winnie
andrew wilson fergus ewing lindafabianimrs margaret ewing irene mcgugan
refugee law supported by lindafabianimrs margaret ewing malcolm chisholm
on 15 december 2000 lindafabianimrs mary mulligan pauline mcneill
lloyd quinan michael russell lindafabianims margo macdonald andrew wilson
christine grahame shona robison lindafabianims margo macdonald fiona mcleod
alasdair morgan roseanna cunningham lindafabianims sandra white brian adam
scanlon mr david davidson lindafabianims sandra white dorothy grace
grace elder robert brown lindafabianims sandra white fiona hyslop
grace elder michael russell lindafabianims sandra white mr gil
referendum including that of lindafabianimsp who was sponsored by
for considering primary legislation lindafabianimy question is a general
tommy sheridan brian adam lindafabianinicola sturgeon christine grahame mr
by mr kenneth gibson lindafabianinicola sturgeon michael russell dorothy
quinan mr adam ingram lindafabianipauline mcneill mr jamie stone
malcolm chisholm irene oldfather lindafabianipauline mcneill mrs mary mulligan
jamie stone michael russell lindafabianiphil gallie mr duncan hamilton
robson s1m 1142 1 lindafabianiplanning and telecommunications as an
welfare and convenience as lindafabianipointed out the issue of
under rule 9 14 lindafabianiproposed scottish forests bill proposal
is the biggy as lindafabianiput it funding must be
and usability my colleague lindafabianiraised the issue of relaxations
us echo those sentiments lindafabianiraised the issue of section
considering that richard grant lindafabianiraises two issues if local
used and to which lindafabianireferred in her speech the
the independence to which lindafabianireferred that theme can be
donald gorrie andrew wilson lindafabianirichard lochhead alasdair morgan nora
on 21 march 2001 lindafabianirichard lochhead donald gorrie mr
on 21 march 2001 lindafabianirichard lochhead mr kenny macaskill
grace elder donald gorrie lindafabianirobert brown alasdair morgan margaret
quinan mr kenny macaskill lindafabianirobert brown margaret smith mr
nicola sturgeon donald gorrie lindafabianirobin harper michael matheson mike
public domain supported by lindafabianiroseanna cunningham alex neil mr
bill aitken tricia marwick lindafabianiroseanna cunningham dennis canavan mr
christine grahame nicola sturgeon lindafabianiroseanna cunningham fiona mcleod fergus
dennis canavan kay ullrich lindafabianiroseanna cunningham michael matheson nicola
scottish doctors supported by lindafabianiroseanna cunningham mr lloyd quinan
on 14 june 2001 lindafabianiroseanna cunningham s1m 2013 soweto
keith raffan nora radcliffe lindafabianiroseanna cunningham s1m 32 mr
supported by andrew wilson lindafabianiroseanna cunningham s1m 56 mr
was also interested in lindafabianis comment about the way
number of landlords echoed lindafabianis comments about rigidity and
their strategies supported by lindafabianis1m 1284 mr kenneth gibson
by mr kenneth gibson lindafabianis1m 1494 mr duncan hamilton
on 17 january 2001 lindafabianis1m 1545 celtic football club
2001 mr kenny macaskill lindafabianis1m 1564 strategy to tackle
on 18 january 2001 lindafabianis1m 1565 gaelic medium education
on 23 january 2001 lindafabianis1m 1569 debt advice and
2001 mr gil paterson lindafabianis1m 1590 acute services at
kenny macaskill tricia marwick lindafabianis1m 1594 centre for political
tricia marwick michael russell lindafabianis1m 1606 a pill in
kenny macaskill tricia marwick lindafabianis1m 1607 rough sleeping in
karen whitefield michael russell lindafabianis1m 1612 ocean youth trust
michael russell irene oldfather lindafabianis1m 1614 hospices lodged on
tricia marwick michael russell lindafabianis1m 1616 education graduate endowment
russell mr alex salmond lindafabianis1m 1619 deprivation in rural
kenny macaskill tricia marwick lindafabianis1m 1621 motion of no
on 20 june 2001 lindafabianis1m 2021 his eminence cardinal
on 26 june 2001 lindafabianis1m 2039 bank arrestments lodged
on 26 june 2001 lindafabianis1m 2049 unison resolution the
july 2001 donald gorrie lindafabianis1m 2081 regulation of opencast
supported by andrew wilson lindafabianis1m 21 tommy sheridan abolition
august 2001 tommy sheridan lindafabianis1m 2100 access to higher
2002 mr duncan hamilton lindafabianis1m 2783 national strategy for
on 28 february 2002 lindafabianis1m 2804 the college of
on 1 march 2002 lindafabianis1m 2812 euro 2008 lodged
mundell ms sandra white lindafabianis1m 2824 separate scottish results
gibson ms sandra white lindafabianis1m 2827 braille information on
2002 ms sandra white lindafabianis1m 2828 aberdeen international air
gibson ms sandra white lindafabianis1m 2835 attention deficit hyperactivity
mundell ms sandra white lindafabianis1m 2843 family history tourism
march 2002 bill butler lindafabianis1m 2844 scottish sub post
mundell dorothy grace elder lindafabianis1m 2848 deafblind people in
on 6 march 2002 lindafabianis1m 2849 ageism lodged on
michael matheson bill butler lindafabianis1m 2854 ayr united football
gibson ms sandra white lindafabianis1m 2858 ayr scottish eagles
grahame ms sandra white lindafabianis1m 2859 eurostar a return
march 2002 christine grahame lindafabianis1m 2861 school repairs fund
christine grahame bill butler lindafabianis1m 2864 oor wullie s
2002 mr kenneth gibson lindafabianis1m 2867 bagpipe tuition in
public sector supported by lindafabianis1m 3149 1 lord james
on 6 december 2002 lindafabianis1m 3664 race equality training
on 10 december 2002 lindafabianis1m 3691 scotland s fair
on 17 december 2002 lindafabianis1m 3713 records of property
lochhead mr kenneth gibson lindafabianis1m 375 maureen macmillan highlands
kenneth gibson michael matheson lindafabianis1m 3870 forest enterprise location
bill aitken richard lochhead lindafabianis1m 390 donald gorrie statements
margaret ewing fergus ewing lindafabianis1m 895 expansion of signum
they are either as lindafabianisaid the bill must be
of bilingual education as lindafabianisaid the question would also
subject of s1m 3691 lindafabianiscotland s fair trade towns
des mcnulty s1m 3691 lindafabianiscotland s fair trade towns
subject of s1m 3691 lindafabianiscotland s fair trade towns
winnie ewing s1m 1078 lindafabianiscottish civic forum 1 july
sandra white s1m 1044 lindafabianiscottish criminal records office checks
hugh henry s1m 3824 lindafabianiscottish police memorial trust that
colin campbell alex neil lindafabianishona robison andrew wilson mr
supported by donald gorrie lindafabianishona robison andrew wilson mr
richard lochhead fiona mcleod lindafabianishona robison andrew wilson robin
helen eadie donald gorrie lindafabianishona robison bill aitken michael
supported by donald gorrie lindafabianishona robison christine grahame mr
alex neil donald gorrie lindafabianishona robison christine grahame roseanna
alex neil donald gorrie lindafabianishona robison christine grahame roseanna
stone mr duncan mcneil lindafabianishona robison margaret smith nora
mcgugan mr lloyd quinan lindafabianishona robison michael russell andrew
andrew wilson fergus ewing lindafabianishona robison mr duncan hamilton
lloyd quinan donald gorrie lindafabianishona robison mr kenneth gibson
gil paterson tricia marwick lindafabianishona robison mr lloyd quinan
irene mcgugan christine grahame lindafabianishona robison s1m 1258 nick
robin harper irene mcgugan lindafabianishona robison s1m 2 mr
euan robson s1m 4006 lindafabianisouth lanarkshire secondary schools ppp
supported by colin campbell lindafabianistewart stevenson alex neil bruce
all take on board lindafabianistressed the problems of funding
david davidson s1m 337 lindafabianisupport for trade unions in
robin harper fiona mcleod lindafabianisusan deacon kenneth macintosh mr
supported by donald gorrie lindafabianitavish scott mr john mcallion
meant to give them lindafabianithat is understandable at this
for social justice or lindafabianithat said this has been
brown glasgow ld does lindafabianithink that the major problem
kenny macaskill s1m 1187 lindafabianithird world debt that the
s waters s1w 16783 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
multiple sclerosis s1w 10881 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
the project s1w 15764 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
the issue s1w 17687 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
may 2001 s1w 16546 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
scottish agriculture s1w 16545 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
to aviation s1w 27431 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
of care s1w 27428 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
board members s1w 24743 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
transfer proceeding s1w 15082 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
enterprises s1o 1839 12 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
including drugs s1w 2594 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
give details s1w 24749 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
may 1999 s1w 24746 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
obligation is s1w 24744 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
r s1o 1516 26 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
transfer proceeding s1w 15081 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
inclusion partnerships s1w 24747 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
its grounds s1w 4810 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
science centre s1w 28575 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
this area s1w 15095 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
transfer proceeding s1w 15078 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
detention centre s1w 17688 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
rented sector s1w 24751 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
purchase orders s1w 28576 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
commercial confidentiality s1w 24750 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
a power s1w 24741 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
public interest s1w 24748 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
benefit scotland s1w 15077 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
equality strategies s1w 24724 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
airports ltd s1w 27433 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
airports ltd s1w 27429 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
airports ltd s1w 27430 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
february 2000 s1w 10698 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
adequate maintenance s1w 27423 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
been received s1w 4809 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
for these s1w 13110 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
authority area s1w 13115 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
audit systems s1w 24738 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
local authority s1w 4807 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
be available s1w 15157 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
private operator s1w 4808 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
public bodies s1w 24745 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
has met s1w 27432 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
of education s1w 13114 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
three months s1w 13113 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
transfer proceeding s1w 15079 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
were released s1w 24740 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
scotland bill s1w 13111 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
other landlords s1w 16824 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
in scotland s1w 15156 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
electoral region s1w 16823 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
born babies s1w 14944 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
constitutional changes s1w 27424 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
scholastic year s1w 13112 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
april 2000 s1w 2577 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
transfer proceeding s1w 15080 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
homes properties s1w 16825 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
local authority s1w 24742 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
be complete s1w 24739 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
the changes s1w 16822 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
crime squad s1w 2578 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
and wales s1w 24737 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
make bids s1w 15127 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
being built s1w 2569 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
were issued s1w 27434 lindafabianito ask the scottish executive
radcliffe mr jamie mcgrigor lindafabianitommy sheridan alasdair morgan colin
duncan hamilton donald gorrie lindafabianitommy sheridan alex neil richard
michael russell cathy jamieson lindafabianitommy sheridan andrew wilson brian
hyslop ms sandra white lindafabianitommy sheridan dorothy grace elder
lloyd quinan michael russell lindafabianitommy sheridan fergus ewing nora
cathy peattie fiona hyslop lindafabianitommy sheridan mr andrew welsh
colin campbell michael russell lindafabianitommy sheridan ms margo macdonald
shona robison lloyd quinan lindafabianitommy sheridan ms margo macdonald
alex neil lloyd quinan lindafabianitommy sheridan nora radcliffe gil
wilson mr lloyd quinan lindafabianitommy sheridan nora radcliffe mr
record information supported by lindafabianitommy sheridan s1m 1283 alasdair
on 30 november 2000 lindafabianitommy sheridan s1m 1413 st
nicola sturgeon robert brown lindafabianitricia marwick andrew wilson robin
spelt out commitments as lindafabianiwas trying to encourage us

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