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of lodging amendments committee videoconferencingfacilitiesaccess to committee papers work
to the use of videoconferencingfacilitiesand if so what has
the scottish executive what videoconferencingfacilitiesare available to ministers and
committee rooms to make videoconferencingfacilitiesavailable at an earlier date
make full use of videoconferencingfacilitiesfor committee meetings for at
on the use of videoconferencingfacilitieshave been issued to ministers
been made of the videoconferencingfacilitiesin parliament buildings to date
the use of the videoconferencingfacilitiesin the parliament buildings r
meetings and use of videoconferencingfacilitiesr s1w 3625 david mundell
meetings and use of videoconferencingfacilitiesr s1w 3628 david mundell
members indicated agreement committee videoconferencingfacilitiesthe convener the fifth item
would better if the videoconferencingfacilitieswere in one of the
many awards granted for freightfacilitiesgrant and track access grant
result of anglo scottish freightfacilitiesgrant and track access grant
submitted each of the freightfacilitiesgrant applications currently being considered
an appropriate level of freightfacilitiesgrant for the proposed ferry
an application for a freightfacilitiesgrant s1w 1940 mr kenny
the relaunch of the freightfacilitiesgrant scheme has now been
plc has received in freightfacilitiesgrant to date s1w 17646
dependence on cars improve freightfacilitiesgrants and extend them further
contribution of awards for freightfacilitiesgrants and track access grants
franchises continue to extend freightfacilitiesgrants including for water transport
of the availability of freightfacilitiesgrants s1w 1943 mr kenny
the scottish executive whether freightfacilitiesgrants will be extended to
paid in relation to freightfacilitiesover the last three years
of tourist facilities eg leisurefacilitiesand indirectly exert a major
to group together homes leisurefacilitiesand jobs in order to
been at discussions on leisurefacilitiesand transport it can be
are direct providers of touristfacilitieseg leisure facilities and indirectly
that the accessibility of leisurefacilitiesis important a lot more
meals and to access leisurefacilitiesthe scheme is now being
to be used for leisurefacilitiestransport and libraries the accord
executive in developing community sportsfacilitiesand wishes the great britain
executive in developing community sportsfacilitiesand wishes the great britain
for sports such as cyclingfacilitiesare a challenging issue as
which has obliterated palestinian sportsfacilitiesdenied palestinian football teams the
and sports clubs to sharefacilitiesencourage clubs to provide coaching
we have international standard sportsfacilitiesfor a range of sports
that there are adequate toiletfacilitiesfor disabled people at sports
to the provision of toiletfacilitiesfor disabled people at sports
on the provision of toiletfacilitiesfor disabled people at sports
the adequacy of provision offacilitiesfor disabled spectators at sports
is not just about buildingfacilitiesfor specific sports the answer
sports council development of sportsfacilitiesfor use by visitors and
rates and refreshments f sportsfacilitiesincluding swimming are available for
lee cousins made all sportsfacilitiesincluding velodromes are not cheap
pools gyms and other sportsfacilitiesincrease the availability of school
s1m 1816 decline in sportsfacilitieslodged on 29 march 2001
allowed to use local sportsfacilitiesor cafes indeed they cannot
planner leigh murdoch help deskfacilitiesadministrator claire glendinning facilities services
need for access to indoorfacilitiesand all weather facilities to
of the existing facilities thefacilitiesand the ferries are currently
into facilities so that thosefacilitiescan be used for a
wood david young james youngfacilitiesmanagement office facilities manager charlie
james young facilities management officefacilitiesmanager charlie fisher building technical
is also an issue aboutfacilitiesmany of the facilities that
desk facilities administrator claire glendinningfacilitiesservices assistants robert aitken alexander
to build other activities intofacilitiesso that those facilities can
about facilities many of thefacilitiesthat are available in schools
to facilities the more neighbourhoodfacilitiesthat we have the better
the condition of the existingfacilitiesthe facilities and the ferries
is to increase accessibility tofacilitiesthe more neighbourhood facilities that
indoor facilities and all weatherfacilitiesto allow sporting activity to
conference venue bathroom and toiletfacilitiesare shared no breakfast is
council to provide public toiletfacilitiesin langholm for users of
individual en suite shower toiletfacilitiesit is a few miles
the modernisation of our toiletfacilitiestory and labour governments i
the bus stations had toiletfacilitieswhich i duly christened i
so obviously he had toiletfacilitiesyou know when he was
easy road access adequate anchoragefacilitiesand good railway communication speed
be met unless services andfacilitiesare adequate to meet the
be met unless services andfacilitiesare adequate to meet the
of ways to provide adequatefacilitiesfor profoundly deaf people the
have adequate year round trainingfacilitiess1w 16800 pauline mcneill to
staff when considering location offacilitiesas the largest public sector
possible location with its modernfacilitieshistoric past central location and
a review of our nationalfacilitiesour head office location and
head office location and majorfacilitiesthroughout scotland that exercise is
encourage clubs to provide coachingfacilitiesfor schoolchildren to support local
way of making the schoolfacilitiesmore accessible however the clubs
clubs residential homes and otherfacilitiesthroughout the city the association
as follows to create newfacilitiesand improve existing ones to
respect teachers and improve educationalfacilitiesensuring that there are resources
order to improve drug treatmentfacilitiesfor inmates and what form
to review and improve healthfacilitiesit worries me that we
to improve the estate andfacilitiesoffered at universities and colleges
how we can improve thefacilitiesthat those young people depend
there improve school and playgroundfacilitiesthe building that we re
of 12 000 recruits improvefacilitiestraining opportunities and conditions for
16 september 2001 the existingfacilitiesin quality partnership schemes scotland
16 september 2001 the existingfacilitiesin quality partnership schemes scotland
16 september 2001 the existingfacilitiesin quality partnership schemes scotland
object of freeing existing portfacilitiesnow in use a new
all transport and access tofacilitiesare of massive importance to
area have access to swimmingfacilitiesas part of the school
access to arts and culturefacilitiesin rural areas s1w 7675
that it is important thatfacilitiesother than access for the
the pairlament aw offer internetfacilitiessae ye can access the
the parliament all offer internetfacilitiesso you can access the
are provided we can accessfacilitiesthat are presently inaccessible we
scottish executive what dedicated nhsfacilitiesexist for patients with an
they can work provided thatfacilitiesexist for them which does
do something about it thefacilitiesmay not exist for them
tied up in long stayfacilitiesthe resources that exist across
to an approach in whichfacilitiesfor disabled people are made
of traffic and lack offacilitiesat danger points s1w 4824
the lack of funding andfacilitiesfor chronic pain alleviation in
the future lack of rehabilitationfacilitiesfor scottish prisoners and seeks
the future lack of rehabilitationfacilitiesfor scottish prisoners and seeks
the lack of decent livingfacilitiesinterpreters and staff dedicated to
future provision of waste managementfacilitiesand what plans it has
to assist the development offacilitiesfor manufacturing products from waste
capacity in waste water treatmentfacilitiesif processors build their own
register of all waste incinerationfacilitiesin scotland and of the
schools to provide cycle parkfacilitiesand a training programme for
website these all have individualfacilitiesand provide breakfast twin room
no need to provide interpretationfacilitiesfor any msps who wanted
be encouraged to provide coachingfacilitiesfor the schoolchildren our recent
and the people who providefacilitiesi have recently been at
primary schools and provide teachingfacilitiesin gaelic and other minority
which we provide and financefacilitiesin the public sector and
to provide interpretation and translationfacilitieson demand in a range
to provide detoxification and rehabilitationfacilitieswithin the area and further
and the provision of communityfacilitiesand believes that the scottish
journeys including provision of interchangefacilitiesand parking and whether it
housing aids and adaptations transportfacilitiesand the provision of local
to promote the provision offacilitiesfor health care with supporting
available for the provision offacilitiesfor skateboarders and bmx riders
allow early provision of suchfacilitiessupported by richard lochhead irene
in order that appropriate interpretationfacilitiescan be booked and provided
it has given to thefacilitiesprovided at the summerlee heritage
is of the building andfacilitiesthat are being provided for
reform investment in staff equipmentfacilitiesand new treatments and reform
fabric decline and reduction infacilitiesfor staff at the victoria
staff and better equipment andfacilitiesin our hospitals we have
is needed to staff thefacilitiesmany of the groups on
service staff social and recreationalfacilitiesmr james mcgarry will give
annual cost of providing officefacilitiessupport staff cars and drivers
service staff social and recreationalfacilitiesthe committee will take evidence
by political parties for extrafacilitiesat the scottish parliament building
accept that there are nofacilitiesbecause the building is inadequate
building technical manager shirley mcmillanfacilitiesmanagers christine gray ross mcarthur
term support ensure that schoolfacilitiesare available to the community
solutions to ensure that schoolfacilitiesare available to the community
ask the scottish executive whatfacilitiesare available to the public
ask the scottish executive whatfacilitiesare currently available for drug
in coatbridge to view thefacilitiesavailable there and to help
service to make available securefacilitiesin every prison for the
including the expansion of childcarefacilitiesaiming to develop flexible childcare
including skills learning laboratories thefacilitieswhich i urge malcolm chisholm
schools infrastructure and other communityfacilitiesand d make a commitment
public sector homes schools communityfacilitiesand hospitals d refusing contracts
by investing in modern laboratoryfacilitiesin all secondary schools linking
recommendations for use of parliamentaryfacilitiesby such groups and the
are allowed to use thefacilitiesfor free and the income
local authorities that use itsfacilitiesi am sure that members
you can t use ourfacilitiesif you are not a
club you can use ourfacilitiesjonsar eck hid only asked
we make use of suchfacilitiesthe convener that is a
community and include high qualityfacilitiesfor drama music sport and
about sharing school and communityfacilitiesin a sense that is
the barriers to making schoolfacilitiesmore accessible to the community
community at large likewise anyfacilitiesthat the community has should
community at large and encouragefacilitiesthat the community has to
of transport support park ridefacilitieslinked to fast means of
into account when new schoolfacilitiesare being planned cathy peattie
contribution because some school pefacilitiesare not yet big enough
develop village halls or schoolfacilitieswhat are we saying to
scottish centres scottish centres providesfacilitieswhere school children can be
to ensure that as manyfacilitiesas possible are multi sport
as possible are multi sportfacilitiesi believe that the future
we have the better thosefacilitiesshould be indoors if possible
employers those providing public sectorfacilitiesand housing developments to ensure
sector expand and streamline childcarefacilitiesestablish a national theatre for
three and four expanding childcarefacilitiesparticularly in the public sector
my support in getting newfacilitiesbuilt and in the fundraising
the availability of non custodialfacilitiessupport retailers who operate no
need better child care andfacilitiesfor specific things such as
someone from accessing services andfacilitiesi am sure that a
post offices and their retailfacilitiesin deprived urban areas s1w
contractors responsible for the storagefacilitiess1w 1018 tricia marwick to
the monitoring of the storagefacilitiess1w 1021 tricia marwick to
include park and ride railfacilitiess1w 9137 mr kenny macaskill
a football stadium and otherfacilitiesat kingswells that the parliament
for tae get any otherfacilitieseh there s no an
centre committee rooms and otherfacilitiesindicates the success of both
new football stadium and otherfacilitieson a green belt site
in any other way thefacilitiesthat are offered by day
and develop new multi functionfacilitiesby utilising their power of
design and layout of patientfacilitiesin new build hospitals s1o
executive whether all prison treatmentfacilitiesare audited and if so
the scottish executive which privatefacilitiesare used by the nhs
impound dogs christine grahame whatfacilitiesif any are planned for
there are no self cateringfacilitiesthe fridge when switched on
for your household rubbish currentfacilitiesthere are four rather dilapidated
want to have their ownfacilitieswhich are not always easy
opportunity to extend civil marriagefacilitiesoutwith our offices ever since
have asked when civil marriagefacilitieswill be extended outwith our
the nhs and private medicalfacilitiesin order to establish a
to liaise with private medicalfacilitiesin order to establish a
many excellent hotels and similarfacilitiesthroughout scotland the bill has
partnership agreements of hospital ancillaryfacilitiessuch as parking television and
itineraries could include visits tofacilitiessuch as the summerlee heritage
of national indoor and outdoorfacilitiescycling was factored into those
allowing for investment in improvedfacilitiesadditional counter positions and longer
miners row cottages and thefacilitiesand events specifically for children
developing proposals for sewage treatmentfacilitiesat high bogany rothsey on
employment or workplace practices andfacilitiesfor members and employees of
as well as creating enhancedfacilitiesfor performers and audiences and
attention to providing proper respitefacilitiesfor the individuals whom they
ask the bank for overdraftfacilitieson several occasions we should
or telephone charges for pppfacilitiesthere is general guidance in
also suggested that no interpretationfacilitieswill be necessary for msps
with shared wc shower kitchenfacilitiesand even washing machine and
research external consultants hire offacilitiesand publicity and what actual
they ve got like computerfacilitiesand stuff f809: yeah like
using peripatetic specialists and outreachfacilitiesas well as it and
proposed ambulatory care and diagnosticfacilitiesat stobhill hospital and the
the media cultural activities andfacilitieseconomic and social life and
mmhm m845: and almost nofacilities[inaudible] ye know f606: yeah
it has received and thefacilitiesit has been afforded in
to day rooms and dayfacilitiesthey should be involved in
having decent corporate entertainment fac-facilitieswhyte and mackay in scotland
clyde on any of thefacilitiesthat were referred to i
on 6 november 2002 whatfacilitiesthe cardiac response unit has
strategy focuses more on indoorfacilitiesthan the previous one did
that they want from localfacilitiesi recognise the concept of
country erm with all thesefacilitieswas just amazing but one
inverness looking into mental healthfacilitieswe were told that five
to speak gaelic simultaneous translationfacilitieshave been arranged mr munro
do not have the samefacilitiesnationally to impound dogs christine
to have most of thefacilitieson one site during 2003
cycling if we have thefacilitiesthe problem is that meadowbank
message across we have thefacilitiesto follow it through i
s two monthly free travelfacilitiesto have a weekend home
build up we have thefacilitiesto impound vehicles but we
macdonald s1m 1874 a efacilitiesat raigmore hospital lodged on
been spent under the modernfacilitiesat stations scheme broken down
stores ltd in upgrading thefacilitiesat the former christian salvesen
college to centralise its educationalfacilitiesin edinburgh would he care
when we talk about respitefacilitiesi put in a plea
two way street with turningfacilitiesby the park gates the

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