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one f814: i had sylvanianfamiliescause i wasn t allowed
and i asked for sylvanianfamiliesdidn t i f1103: aye
little bits fae your sylvanianfamiliesf1104: he s nae comin-
f814: so i had sylvanianfamiliesinstead m811: do you know
have on victims and theirfamiliesand believes that the scottish
parliament supports the rights offamiliesof murder victims including mr
the legal agents for thefamiliesof the victims of the
deal with victims of violencefamiliesof victims perpetrators with the
provision of support services forfamiliesaffected by alcohol abuse and
the welfare of children infamiliesaffected by alcohol abuse is
its continuing support to thosefamiliesaffected by this terrible disease
of life for individuals andfamiliesin communities that are affected
for the workers and theirfamiliesthat have been affected congratulates
this affected them and theirfamiliesthings that happened at the
poverty and disability issues forfamilieswho are affected by a
abuse and its impact onfamiliesand communities we will take
are subject to abuse theirfamiliesare subject to verbal and
but elderly people and theirfamilieshave been put through trouble
buy which was that thefamiliesof elderly people would buy
the elderly and lone parentfamiliesthe fight against poverty and
of elderly people and theirfamiliesthroughout scotland the debate has
of elderly people and theirfamiliesthroughout scotland today they are
in training and education supportingfamiliesin fighting drugs environmental action
the impact of the workingfamiliestax credit on indebted scots
uk government on the workingfamiliestax credit the new child
in supporting sufferers and theirfamiliesthe meeting closed at 5
to low cost credit tofamilieswho would otherwise have to
at supporting children and theirfamilieswith autistic spectrum disorder s1w
support to patients and theirfamiliesand considers that the scottish
support cancer patients and theirfamiliesand friends s1m 3386 mr
interests of patients and theirfamiliesfirst at all times dorothy
interests of patients and theirfamiliesfirst at all times i
answer our helplines for lovingfamiliesand for faithful friends and
converse with their friends andfamiliesin it on a daily
just tell our friends andfamiliesto pass the word round
f p s friends andfamiliesviewing the mural it had
poverty among children pensioners andfamiliesand includes statistics in relation
poverty among children pensioners andfamiliesand includes statistics in relation
the 1980s attracted high incomefamiliesoften employed in the oil
for people from lower incomefamiliespeter wood when we discussed
young people from lower incomefamiliess1o 5393 13 ms margo
is double the percentage offamilieswith children living on income
to both the individual theirfamiliesand society at large supported
years although pupils from largefamiliescould be exempt from school
of large houses for largefamiliesgavin corbett i get to
few large houses for largefamiliesin the housing stock 11
the real world of individualsfamiliesand communities that are damaged
people are the backbone offamiliesand communities they give of
have the security of strongfamiliescommunities and high quality public
for local communities and individualfamiliesin demanding standards in training
focuses on children young peoplefamiliesolder people and communities the
drug misuse awareness amongst parentsfamiliesand others to ensure more
to systems analyst in manyfamiliesboth parents were working graham
local born parents and childrenfamilieswith local born children and
subjects fell into three categoriesfamilieswith local born parents and
out of state parents andfamilieswith out of region born
in working with children andfamiliesalthough that is admirable work
targeted action to support individualfamiliesand children with problems is
and support for children andfamiliesand producing sen resource materials
children were studied from 24familiesand the speaker selection methods
which affects children and theirfamiliescathy jamieson i am well
work undertaken by chas forfamiliesof terminally ill children and
and scotland s children andfamiliesvery well and that it
care that is available forfamilieswho have disabled children the
that the child benefit offamilieswhose children are apparently or
east of scotland within individualfamilieslinguistic preferences operated when interviewed
deal grants to pensioners andfamilieson low incomes s1o 238
is taking to support farmingfamilieswho have low or negative
to drug addicts and theirfamiliesand believes that the development
to drug addicts and theirfamiliesand believes that the development
hm prison perth and theirfamiliesand outrageously disparaging of the
known felons whose associates andfamiliesare unaware of their activities
men saw little of theirfamiliesas they had an early
protection of members and theirfamiliesfrom unwarranted intrusions into their
who were homeless because theirfamilieshad disenfranchised them the right
and the uncertainty of theirfamiliesi now realise that osteoporosis
people throughout scotland and theirfamiliesif there is to be
dod and alec and theirfamiliesin different parts of scotland
so far away from theirfamiliesin the central belt although
jobs their futures and theirfamiliesit is time that those
they did o their ainfamiliesit wis naething fur minnie
of teachers students and theirfamiliesor illuminate local events and
must try to feed theirfamiliesour job in the scottish
places upon them and theirfamiliesrequests that an audit be
were further away from theirfamiliessome prisoners felt that they
their homes and their possessionsfamiliessometimes lie to them and
and nieces with their youngfamiliesspent occasional holidays with her
support for women and theirfamiliessuch organisations work with local
for scottish diabetics and theirfamiliessupported by david mundell shona
grass into mud nine rabbitfamiliesswelter in their hutch trying
livings and they feed theirfamiliesthat is an important point
to bilingual pupils and theirfamiliesthat their sense of self
people with sen and theirfamiliesto be involved in the
powerful and wealthy with theirfamilieswere interred within the kirk
of shipyard workers and theirfamilieswho were exposed to asbestos
waiting and wondering where theirfamilieswill be it is important
company most working men withfamilieshad to do a bit
the financial reach of workingfamiliesin 1908 the girls all
social security benefits and workingfamiliestax credits cannot be arrested
provided for initiatives to supportfamiliesin a 1997 98 b
executive is taking to supportfamiliesof servicemen and servicewomen based
the support available to vulnerablefamiliess1o 6404 5 dr richard
smugglers most of whom hadfamiliesto support the vineyards salvador
dementia and its impact onfamiliesnotes that around 58 000
discrimination particularly in relation tofamiliesfrom ethnic minorities who have
not an option in manyfamilieshow do we deal with
much misery for so manyfamiliesand people who are just
25 january 2002 how manyfamiliescurrently reside in inappropriate temporary
is findin exactly how manyfamiliesf606: mmhm f209: and how
use as well as manyfamiliesfrom other dialect areas living
a double celebration not manyfamilieshave a 60th and an
be nearer but not manyfamiliesmanage that with moving around
reflecting the fact that manyfamiliesoriginated in the central region
there were many many goodfamiliesthere at the time ye
flowers of many scottish lowlandfamilieswere cut down in the
bill [censored: surname] iain [censored: surname] andfamiliesmy regards you were taking
there was only two otherfamiliesitalians and both o us
a term which embraces bothfamilieswho were actually from normandy
landlady s family making threefamiliesaltogether a licence would be
i think it was threefamiliesand m1019: at that time
through ancient narrow streets mallorcanfamiliesaspire to have three cars
were thirteen youngsters from threefamiliesplus ten grown ups they
will the minister reassure thefamiliesand the older people involved
just that you were f965: familiesimposed it yeah f963: culturally
were just a few irishfamiliesin the old town all
and durable not like somefamiliesthat were as fissile as
aye but most were goodfamiliestrying to bring up kids
selection methods were tight suitablefamilieswere initially pinpointed by church
the fact that the twofamilieswere on opposite sides of
matrimonial connections with the rightfamilieswere therefore essential and a
who are not in nuclearfamiliesare used to justify higher
not only nurses but wholefamilieswho have difficulty with anti
work coleraine is attracting englishfamiliesinto the area to work
tend to work or havefamiliesreceive drugs such as selective
with walkers cyclists joggers andfamiliesand provides a quiet and
the needs of nurses withfamiliesare accommodated employee friendly policies
a single end with fourfamiliesf1054: [laugh] f1018: he was
is intimately aquainted with thefamiliesfor whom she works and
expresses its sympathy with thefamiliesof the bereaved and the
finally to social ideas howfamiliesand larger units are organised
so they would mix thefamiliesf1054: how do you guys
see how the peaceful friendlyfamiliesgather together in front of
spin the saucer cards happyfamilies3 and pick the pack
the groups provide succour tofamiliesand are a series of
and distress caused to usersfamiliesand d the enormous amount
provides access to learning forfamiliesand is building the confidence
to counter prejudice against englishfamiliesand prejudice that arises from
and the protection of membersfamiliesassociates from unwarranted intrusions in
the national gulf veterans andfamiliesassociation lodged on 16 may
well as english and scottishfamiliescase studies of such families
soller s business partner sollerfamiliesemigrated to marseilles and other
in nineteen thirty eight andfamiliesfrom all over aberdeen arrived
paste and sending it tofamiliesin edinburgh there s nothing
off at the hall andfamiliespicked out the ones they
majorca and greece especially forfamilieswe re starting to get
by week in the highlandsfamiliesare fighting for care for
in australia so other peoplesfamiliesare scattered too did i
caed her now there sfamiliesin hawick that are caed
are still in the samefamiliesthen came the depression when
opportunities that are open tofamilieswill she tell us the
5 ear auld oor twaefamilieswur close i friendship n
m1010: an there s otherfamiliesin hawick caed turnbull an
families case studies of suchfamilieswould be very interesting to
in an oor of coursefamilieswent through a lot of
have been extremely traumatic asfamiliesbefore the 1st world war
the ben the one ourfamilieshave always liked because no
scottish executive stated the poorestfamilieshave experienced real increases in
process continues today several dutchfamilieshave settled in cromar as
however does not deter thefamiliesof ducks congregating on its
only a handful of seafaringfamilieshad dwellings here the romans
it s really personal forfamiliesisn t it f1026: well
is claimed that for certainfamiliesthere is a mismatch between
a floating rooftop heads offamiliesbob like cocktail cherries fishing
ground of the cruickshank suttiefamiliesin the church yard of
parliament expresses condolences to thefamiliesof more than one hundred
of disposable relationships of reconstitutedfamiliesof serial monogamy besides she
twirls tier upon tier offamiliesteetered above like layers of
out here i was gettingfamiliescoming in ready made somebody
best regulated scottish middle classfamiliesnot out loud anyway he
ye niver thocht they dfamilieslike yours yer student peers
primary school that divorce meantfamiliesbreaking in pieces drifting apart
you know there was bigfamiliescould be up tae seventy
efficiency measures to less affluentfamiliesthe home energy efficiency scheme
a kan mynd on saivrelfamiliesbidin i hoscote ludge bot
meet an providing fur thairfamiliesneeds keepit fock juist gey
carry on wi da twafamiliessharing smootie hit s wirkit
the feck o the itherfamiliesup borth ick i thain
da beach being passed bifamilieswi dugs an bairns an

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