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that the parliament notes scottishfarmersand crofters deep concerns and
scheme is designed to compensatefarmersand crofters for permanent and
the executive will ensure thatfarmersand crofters in the highlands
be made to scotland sfarmersand crofters next march where
an early retirement scheme forfarmersand crofters s1w 3615 mr
are not lost to thosefarmersand crofters who have them
will estimate the number offarmersand crofters who it anticipates
significance of that support forfarmersand crofters who operate in
additional support provided now tofarmersand crofters would cost less
he give to crofters andfarmersin the highlands and islands
executive how many crofters andfarmersreceived their 2002 suckler cow
applications by retiring crofters andfarmerss1w 4798 colin campbell to
advance payments to crofters andfarmersscheduled to be issued in
appeals mechanism for crofters andfarmerswho are suffering penalties incurred
total agricultural subsidy given tofarmersin the uk the amount
subsidy that is paid tofarmersis 440 million the agri
argument against subsidies to allfarmersthe subsidy to organic farmers
farmers the subsidy to organicfarmerswho grow arable crops such
no compensation as many scallopfarmersare suggesting that the contamination
fifg is available for scallopfarmerstoo susan deacon on the
executive to consider the scallopfarmerswho have no earning capacity
our previous discussion about scallopfarmerswho have received no compensation
compensation package for scotland sfarmersand assume responsibility for any
of years the cage fishfarmersare insisting on compensation for
496 agrimoney compensation for dairyfarmerslodged on 2 february 2000
foot and mouth for whichfarmersreceive compensation even though the
compensation allowance payments to deerfarmerss1o 327 12 david mundell
eu agrimonetary compensation for scottishfarmerss1w 26363 fergus ewing to
to guarantee full compensation forfarmerswho have accidentally planted the
of produce promote direct salesfarmersmarkets and alternative marketing schemes
development of direct local tradingfarmersmarkets and direct selling to
envisage initiatives to develop furtherfarmersmarkets and to build links
a healthy diet including establishingfarmersmarkets in deprived areas and
scottish farmers if scottish organicfarmersare to compete we must
the bill would not makefarmersbecome organic producers it would
get more support than scottishfarmersif scottish organic farmers are
that is available to organicfarmersin sweden is seven eight
calls for support for organicfarmersto continue beyond the present
fall which would cause organicfarmersto lose the premium that
increase the payments available forfarmerswishing to convert to organic
people say that some organicfarmerswould be quite happy to
farmers in scotland to denyfarmersand the economy in kenya
road all day with differentfarmersfarmers were also known to
appropriate that we should subsidisefarmersin scotland to deny farmers
all day with different farmersfarmerswere also known to take
resentment on behalf of tenantfarmersagainst landlords because of the
is doing to protect tenantfarmersin limited partnerships who have
with farming either as tenantfarmersor farm labourers interestingly two
rights of landowners or tenantfarmersto use dogs to control
billion european support payments forfarmersin scotland i do not
target of making payments tofarmersunder the livestock welfare disposal
the community association leaving thefarmersball a balance of 68
2nd world war balls arbuthnottfarmersball [note: photo: 'arbuthnott farmers ball in the crown hotel in inverbervie in december 1967.'] for a number
transferred from the then defunctfarmersball to the community association
number of years the arbuthnottfarmersball was an annual event
by the committee later thefarmersball was held in stonehaven
on farms in arbuthnott normallyfarmerskept an odd number the
arbuthnott every monday to takefarmersto the mart it left
as in the first arbuthnottfarmerswere expected to play an
beef producers in 1971 threefarmerswithin arbuthnott parish took advice
pe 272 from the nationalfarmersunion of scotland calling for
co operation from the nationalfarmersunion of scotland is to
which is from the nationalfarmersunion of scotland it calls
following submissions from the nationalfarmersunion of scotland pe 24
the petition from the nationalfarmersunion of scotland raises the
federation mr ian melrose nationalfarmersunion of scotland ralph cobham
richard clark representing the nationalfarmersunion of scotland the committee
college students the local nationalfarmersunion scotland and the campaign
withers public affairs executive nationalfarmersunion scotland dave morris and
representations received from the nationalfarmersunion scotland on the impact
money thus saved to givefarmersdirect income support while encouraging
carry them out properly mostfarmersand gamekeepers want to carry
then may wish to shootfarmerscarry out that activity when
will give financial assistance tofarmerswho are required to carry
have an aquaculture industry wherefarmersare encouraged to farm a
farm in turn and neighbouringfarmershelped one another or sent
scale if not perhaps thosefarmersshould be encouraged to farm
support that are permissible forfarmersacross the eu and some
the bottom line is thatfarmersin other eu countries including
fifty eu personnel and threefarmerswere present at that hearing
and fuel costs experienced byfarmersin the highlands and islands
that the parliament notes thatfarmersin the highlands have incurred
the exploitation of third worldfarmersby multi national food companies
that take from third worldfarmerspockets given that we are
agriculture take from third worldfarmerspockets stewart stevenson i accept
the difficulties faced by fishfarmersif the committee is content
wild fish interests and fishfarmerswe discussed the way forward
real economic circumstances that fishfarmerswill have to face as
suitable weather to weather beatenfarmersand less inclement weather to
need to create incentives forfarmersto expand into less sensitive
and europe now have fewerfarmerswho have less income similarly
countries including english and welshfarmersall get more support than
in the support for individualfarmerswe are asking for wider
that following the bse crisisfarmershave received millions of pounds
a suite of methods thatfarmersand gamekeepers should have available
might want to ensure thatfarmersuse the best available technology
additional space for the purposefarmerssons who may be exempt
i agree the penalties forfarmerswho breach guidelines should be
do about the problem offarmerswho cannot use those disease
gets round the problem offarmerswho cannot use those techniques
price in 1919 and thefarmerswho did business with him
parliament commends the hauliers andfarmerswho have recently protested at
parliament commends the hauliers andfarmerswho have recently protested at
is low the penalties forfarmerswho misuse medicines are fairly
work and matched them withfarmerswho needed help some of
be carried out by salmonfarmerswho switch part of their
the winter pony and trapfarmersoften kept a pony and
hunts are often obliged byfarmersto kill it and under
p o w s butfarmerswives like mrs jeans often
time we rely on thefarmersto give us information a
purple flowers before 1939 somefarmersgrew tares which looked like
some difficulties there particularly withfarmersi acknowledge that licensing may
the supping there was somefarmersmade porridge and gave you
outside bodies not by thefarmerssome monitoring by sepa backs
part of their pay somefarmerssupplied coal and tatties as
the bill will encourage lowlandfarmersto convert some of their
more difficult for some scottishfarmersto do what you would
around 3 o clock somefarmerswere known to need some
the charge to 1p localfarmershad gifted potatoes carrots and
had been systematically looted localfarmershad long since carted off
local place names daily orfarmerspossessing the field and stream
pea or tattie soup localfarmersprovided vegetables barley and rabbits
is remembered with the localfarmersproviding horse and carts for
the scottish executive whether localfarmerswere consulted before the decision
definition of those regimes thefarmersability to draw down the
minister should be aware thatfarmersin kintyre made a comparison
the commercial implications for individualfarmersperhaps the matter should be
no commercial reason why allfarmersshould not be obliged to
have destroyed the prions thefarmersargue that to get rid
we do is like auditingfarmershave an interest in counting
lack of infrastructure whereas salmonfarmershave good established infrastructure and
of the problems that shellfishfarmershave had is a lack
it is a fact thatfarmershave shown a lot of
institute an amnesty for allfarmersthat have been alleged by
dr black i would likefarmersto have more incentives to
across the three years thefarmerswill have the certainty of
the scottish executive immediately thenfarmerswould have been able to
much as it is benefitingfarmersin areas of scotland with
currently borne by scotland sfarmersr supported by lord james
which would offer to convertingfarmersthe security that continuity of
of scale that would allowfarmersto make the same kind
a year in march thefarmerswould negotiate with the potential
feasible although i imagine thatfarmerswould not like it because
usually on the previous dayfarmerswould occasionally join together to
may reduce the willingness offarmersto allow access to their
are thought necessary to enablefarmersand landowners to protect their
travel at dusk and occasionallyfarmersare killed in altercations between
strategy the fact that manyfarmersare not members means that
required to report losses iffarmersare penalised too heavily for
numbers are excessively high 25farmersdo not generally notice damage
border farmland where are yourfarmersgathering sheaves of corn today
for that is clear thefarmersor other participants are arranged
the company was but tofarmersthey knew they were suppliers
a beef production cooperative thefarmerswere george barclay with townhead
came the depression when thefarmerswere going broke it was
w stayed at milltown thefarmerswere told not to feed
dwinin hennie as the thriftierfarmerswives were said to do
and from the general publicfarmershide behind commercial confidentiality at
out from first which tofarmerslodged on 03 november 1999
strachan from craighill collected thefarmersmilk from the road ends
apart from a few remainingfarmersvillagers travel outwith the village
ask the scottish executive whenfarmerscan expect to receive their
their original intention of encouragingfarmersto grow commercially valued varieties
conditions doled out by parsimoniousfarmersas i cam in by
sold venison bert cowie coalfarmersbought coal by the wagonload
which looked quite small amazedfarmersby its versatility and manoeuvrability
to refund fees paid byfarmersfor authorisation of sheep dip
guidance is currently given tofarmerson premises affected by foot
it is done by thefarmersthemselves it is essential to
secure european help for hillfarmersacknowledges that there is now
for the simple reason thatfarmersand the market need the
that is justified for scottishfarmersfergus ewing what was the
has been waived for sheepfarmersin england and wales and
environment agency to refund allfarmersin england and wales for
introduction of action programmes forfarmersin nitrate vulnerable zones business
agri environment scheme through whichfarmersmight be paid for adopting
2001 on any implications forfarmersof the urban waste water
9 million package for salmonfarmersyet no cash has been
built to cross through farmlandfarmersand wild elephants make uneasy
it through to hell withfarmersi thought as i left
a rallying address to mearnsfarmersin february 1941 mr g
accounting seem quite simple thefarmersought to concentrate on the
had been sold to scottishfarmerss1o 1823 4 shona robison
any plans to assist cerealfarmerss1w 9189 brian adam to
across ayrshire is extremely upsetfarmerssacrificed a great deal to
in the early 1900s thefarmersstopped sending men to help
bill will allow such asfarmerstaking out dogs to flush
advantage to lowland and uplandfarmersthe convener do you know
cap is designed to assistfarmersto adapt to the changes
encouraged to link with otherfarmersto form co operatives so
enhance and protect farming assistingfarmersto meet the demands of
entirely on the will offarmersto respond to the encouragement
s demands these included encouragingfarmersto show enterprise in growing
plans it has to compensatefarmerswhose cattle went over 30
to stay there sometimes thefarmerswives objected that the girls
predictability they also suggest thatfarmersmight be more accommodating of
chapel of seggat where thefarmershad been wallaces since the
any category we must placefarmersin a secure position ensuring
remedy she had witnessed otherfarmersusing [note: photo: 'ploughing with a pair of horses.' ] arch middleton remembers
be applied when necessary iffarmersget it wrong they will
will be there and thefarmerswill be there no matter
a country run m635: [inaudible]farmersand we sometimes got we
permanent disadvantage that our lfafarmerssuffer mr rumbles important though
an oh they re dairyfarmersan the queen said it
t f833: yeah but thefarmersdon t walk around the
this was called tirring laterfarmersstored tatties loose in sheds

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