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can t cope the contradictoryfeelingsi am experiencing should lead
is what grabs me contradictoryfeelingskeep me where i am
existed the very same contradictoryfeelingsthe animal was sacred to
filled with the same contradictoryfeelingswhich we can see at
act as characterised by intensefeelingsof collective ambivalence smith somewhat
saw to be characterised byfeelingsof profound emotional ambivalence within
the critic meanwhile believes suchfeelingsand the attitudes that inform
the critic meanwhile believes suchfeelingsand the attitudes that inform
of the words and thefeelingsand thoughts these words evoke
into burns s thoughts andfeelingsas he attempts to come
reference to characters actions thoughtsfeelingsideas places and events they
vehicle for the thoughts andfeelingsof one particular section of
to communicate our thoughts andfeelingsthis is reflected in our
as possible to express theirfeelingsand the resultant precise focus
which i could express myfeelingsi had to lie down
seen to express shakespeare sfeelingsof rejection when envisaging the
three dimensional human being withfeelingslike everybody else with feelings
feelings like everybody else withfeelingsof my very own and
reference to those wishes andfeelingsin so far as they
the reference to wishes andfeelingsof the patient is a
present and past wishes andfeelingsof the patient which are
it aims to keep personalfeelingslargely submerged and eschews poetical
it aims to keep personalfeelingslargely submerged and eschews poetical
wants to write about herfeelingsi have wanted to do
wants to write about herfeelingsi have wanted to do
language and keep her personalfeelingsout of what she writes
objective language and avoid personalfeelingsthey use technical language and
well aware of the deepfeelingsand passions that surround the
was aware of people sfeelingsat the time i hope
yet fully aware of hisfeelingsi had to i didna
to put on record myfeelingsabout the history of the
life history where vigorously repressedfeelingsof hostility towards an idealised
route do you have strongfeelingsabout that should there be
advanced i acknowledge the strongfeelingson the issue that have
the human psyche of oppositionalfeelingssuch as love and hate
had not spared carswell sfeelingsin his early criticisms of
some indication of your earlyfeelingson what you have heard
particular occasion people have distinctfeelingsabout various codes they find
a richt loon nae hardfeelingsjust min this ye dinna
it hard to control herfeelingsnow still no tears but
i am alone with myfeelingsagain the quiet breathing and
but here i am myfeelingsall complicated again and copying
the depths of my complexfeelingsand in the general direction
is lying completely still myfeelingsand probably wee andy s
that ll show you myfeelingschange so fast these days
sun the tumult of myfeelingsdied down very slowly to
the strangling knot of myfeelingseach time i complete my
in the complexity of myfeelingsis happiness it can t
realism given the committee sfeelingsit is not my intention
morning and it reconfirmed myfeelingsit was awful in section
way through all my otherfeelingslike a gold thread happiness
were seducing me but myfeelingsoverwhelmed me again i so
my hot bothered and anxiousfeelingsslowly dissipating in the large
so rowed up wi myfeelingsthe noo oh you had
tide mark is andy sfeelingsare confused they are still
for joseph to give hisfeelingsup to her still she
welcome it is with mixedfeelingsthat i find myself standing
the showman outlines his ownfeelingsabout his place in the
back in time the samefeelingsdo not exist for scotvec
leaving me with all thesefeelingsi ve been trying to
why would god implant thesefeelingsif they were not to
fun although we had mixedfeelingsabout the ethics of the
our visit to paisley wherefeelingsabout the funding partners ran
such a welter of rawfeelingsabout you not knowing whether
have no ah mm gladfeelingsabout your signing that ah
book they are writing aboutfeelingsenthusiasm praise for literature are
and our prayers and ourfeelingswere god s mitchel tried
the scottish parliament takes theirfeelingsvery seriously appointing a reporter
panteth shakespeare seems torn betweenfeelingsof empathy for the lustful
a marked difference between thefeelingsof people on the ground
tumbling down it is withfeelingsof dread that we witnessed
on an ebbing tide offeelingsi wish i had her
parish pump and the deepestfeelingsof those who had been
through to the inevitable climaxfeelingswe had little packing to
what are called i thinkfeelingsof unreality i could use
ti me malcolm macduff yeirfeelingsdaes ye mukkil credit ye
chap i m sure hisfeelingsfor me are real enough
with the drift of herfeelingsquick and in mine arms
in decision making leads tofeelingsof being uninvolved and undervalued
even here mitchel felt hisfeelingsdivide he thought back to
at least thorfinn restraining hisfeelingswith effort fareweill bairn goes
childhood this connection with profoundfeelingsis revealed in some of
no wish to diminish thefeelingsof people on the subject
annual feasts satisfying their religiousfeelingsin the interval by vows
character s and their inmostfeelingsover the sixteen or more
as unacceptable the boy sfeelingsappear to have been fully
have the flavour of membersfeelingsare there any other comments
also sympathetically discloses the innerfeelingsand struggles of all the
as medicine or humankind orfeelingsclick on thesaurus bit of
to fierce satire range offeelingscompassion patriotism indignation melancholy sexual
and a consequent dispelling offeelingsof inferiority or shame however
minister to consider seriously thefeelingsof msps and of both
origins of religion any oedipalfeelingson smith s part were
norse kinda ehm acquaintances anfeelingsan you know they kinda
haert can rowe up wirfeelingsunreffel wir tochts for every
but you hurt somebody sfeelingsand eh you cannot kiss

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