
See this word as a collocate cloud

grievance could have some inputfergusewing inverness east nairn and
osteoporosis motion debated fergus ewingfergusewing inverness east nairn and
funding highlands and islands 6fergusewing inverness east nairn and
15 march 2002 s1w 23640fergusewing inverness east nairn and
goldie west of scotland confergusewing inverness east nairn and
and lauderdale ld committee membersfergusewing inverness east nairn and
and preventing osteoporosis 17 08fergusewing inverness east nairn and
invite fergus ewing to speakfergusewing inverness east nairn and
of scotland con deputy convenerfergusewing inverness east nairn and
a82 tarbet to inverarnan 12fergusewing inverness east nairn and
amey and bear scotland ltdfergusewing inverness east nairn and
scotland the following also attendedfergusewing inverness east nairn and
on the chimerical 14 45fergusewing inverness east nairn and
cumnock and doon valley labfergusewing inverness east nairn and
petroleum gas conversion grants 8fergusewing inverness east nairn and
during the debate 17 39fergusewing inverness east nairn and
highlands and islands snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
highlands and islands snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
highlands and islands snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
highlands and islands snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
highlands and islands snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
highlands and islands snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
cunningham roseanna perth snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
highlands and islands snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
highlands and islands snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
highlands and islands snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
cunningham roseanna perth snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
highlands and islands snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
highlands and islands snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
cunningham roseanna perth snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
highlands and islands snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
highlands and islands snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
highlands and islands snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
cunningham roseanna perth snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
highlands and islands snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
highlands and islands snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
highlands and islands snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
highlands and islands snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
highlands and islands snp ewingfergusinverness east nairn and lochaber
grace douglas glasgow snp ewingfergusstewart inverness east nairn and
mrs ewing and her sonfergusattended a course at sabhal
9 10 6 section 1dfergusewing 101 in section 1d
out acts and insert seeksfergusewing 102 in section 1d
and insert takes reasonable stepsfergusewing 103 in section 1d
parliament richard lochhead supported byfergusewing 11 before section 1
4 february after section 58fergusewing 169a as an amendment
of the area s communitiesfergusewing 1d as an amendment
as to cause unnecessary sufferingfergusewing 41 in section 1
12 march 2003 section 31fergusewing 79a as an amendment
fergusson fiona mcleod s1m 376fergusewing agricultural business improvement schemes
winnie ewing mr gil patersonfergusewing alasdair morgan mr keith
mr brian monteith david mundellfergusewing alex fergusson euan robson
david mundell mr david davidsonfergusewing alex fergusson phil gallie
tuesday 24 april 2001 presentfergusewing alex fergusson rhoda grant
mr duncan hamilton tavish scottfergusewing alex neil donald gorrie
to his memory supported byfergusewing alex neil dorothy grace
sheridan cathy jamieson donald gorriefergusewing alex neil s1m 298
relationships as effective as possiblefergusewing also raised the issue
in that kind of supportfergusewing alternatively there should be
a beautifully sung song fromfergusewing although i would ask
not is there a volunteerfergusewing am i allowed to
by john swinney alasdair morganfergusewing andrew welsh bruce crawford
by john swinney alasdair morganfergusewing andrew welsh bruce crawford
by john swinney alasdair morganfergusewing andrew welsh bruce crawford
dorothy grace elder alex neilfergusewing andrew wilson linda fabiani
neil christine grahame linda fabianifergusewing andrew wilson mr duncan
lodged on 24 may 2000fergusewing andrew wilson s1m 908
elder nicola sturgeon alasdair morganfergusewing andrew wilson tommy sheridan
following amendment s1m 03621 1fergusewing as an amendment to
to the language and iffergusewing becomes fluent i hope
christine grahame mr kenneth gibsonfergusewing brian adam colin campbell
supported by mr john munrofergusewing brian adam dorothy grace
and tougher regulations supported byfergusewing brian adam mr gil
by shona robison christine grahamefergusewing brian adam mr john
mcleod fiona hyslop alex neilfergusewing brian adam s1m 13
mr andrew welsh christine grahamefergusewing brian adam shona robison
supported by mr kenneth gibsonfergusewing bruce crawford kay ullrich
robison fiona mcleod tommy sheridanfergusewing bruce crawford mr kenneth
environmentally friendly manner supported byfergusewing bruce crawford mrs margaret
smith tavish scott nick johnstonfergusewing business bulletin 111 2001
i do not know aboutfergusewing but i am prepared
issue supported by elaine smithfergusewing cathy jamieson cathy peattie
adam robert brown donald gorriefergusewing cathy peattie phil gallie
roseanna cunningham mr duncan hamiltonfergusewing christine grahame michael russell
nicola sturgeon mr jamie mcgrigorfergusewing christine grahame mr kenneth
campbell tricia marwick michael russellfergusewing christine grahame mr lloyd
colin campbell dorothy grace elderfergusewing christine grahame richard lochhead
all things to all menfergusewing claimed burns as a
winnie ewing mr kenneth gibsonfergusewing colin campbell dorothy grace
matter of urgency supported byfergusewing colin campbell mr andrew
supported by ms sandra whitefergusewing colin campbell mr john
mr kenneth gibson fiona mcleodfergusewing colin campbell shona robison
supported by mr kenneth gibsonfergusewing colin campbell tricia marwick
fabiani roseanna cunningham fiona mcleodfergusewing colin campbell tricia marwick
monteith nick johnston s1m 384fergusewing criminal injuries compensation scheme
harper fiona hyslop s1m 1069fergusewing criminal injuries compensation that
mundell nick johnston bill aitkenfergusewing david mcletchie mr keith
duncan hamilton mr john mcallionfergusewing david mcletchie mr keith
gorrie shona robison michael russellfergusewing dennis canavan robin harper
and westminster parliaments supported byfergusewing dennis canavan s1m 1836
irene mcgugan mr kenneth gibsonfergusewing dennis canavan tommy sheridan
elaine smith stewart stevenson apologiesfergusewing deputy convener mr alasdair
campbell michael russell tommy sheridanfergusewing des mcnulty nora radcliffe
received under objective 1 statusfergusewing displays a misunderstanding of
the cost of each conversionfergusewing does the minister agree
sheridan robert brown linda fabianifergusewing donald gorrie alex neil
david davidson mr brian monteithfergusewing donald gorrie s1m 306
lodged on 16 may 2000fergusewing donald gorrie s1m 862
may 2000 mr kenneth gibsonfergusewing donald gorrie s1m 870
by shona robison fiona mcleodfergusewing dorothy grace elder donald
bodies democratically accountable supported byfergusewing dorothy grace elder dr
mr lloyd quinan michael russellfergusewing dorothy grace elder kate
cunningham alex neil robin harperfergusewing dorothy grace elder mr
rate supported by shona robisonfergusewing dorothy grace elder robin
gallie kay ullrich fiona mcleodfergusewing dorothy grace elder shona
wednesday 20 october 1999 presentfergusewing dr elaine murray miss
davidson michael matheson alex fergussonfergusewing dr richard simpson phil
lodged on 9 may 2000fergusewing dr richard simpson s1m
robison fiona mcleod tommy sheridanfergusewing dr winnie ewing tricia
easter ross ld duncan hamiltonfergusewing duncan hamilton has been
mr adam ingram s1m 1252fergusewing evaluation of open day
decision time osteoporosis motion debatedfergusewing fergus ewing inverness east
lloyd quinan dorothy grace elderfergusewing fiona hyslop fiona mcleod
winnie ewing mr gil patersonfergusewing fiona hyslop michael matheson
mr duncan hamilton tricia marwickfergusewing fiona hyslop mrs margaret
elaine thomson dorothy grace elderfergusewing fiona hyslop phil gallie
winnie ewing mr gil patersonfergusewing fiona mcleod alasdair morgan
gallie michael russell nick johnstonfergusewing fiona mcleod alex neil
nick johnston mr jamie mcgrigorfergusewing fiona mcleod christine grahame
will be paid supported byfergusewing fiona mcleod colin campbell
sheridan alasdair morgan andrew wilsonfergusewing fiona mcleod michael russell
andrew wilson mr murray toshfergusewing fiona mcleod s1m 123
andrew wilson mr kenneth gibsonfergusewing fiona mcleod s1m 159
allow cathy peattie to singfergusewing for all his talents
and islands con i thankfergusewing for giving me the
that welcome development i thankfergusewing for giving the scottish
mr frank mcaveety i thankfergusewing for raising the important
and to members i thankfergusewing for securing the debate
e agus gu n fhaighfergusewing gu n fhaigh e
winnie ewing agus a macfergusewing gu n robh iad
to report by 13 januaryfergusewing has picked up on
culminated in today s debatefergusewing has presented the facts
with the key issues thatfergusewing has raised the scottish
the kind of issues thatfergusewing has raised which is
all jock tamson s bairnsfergusewing has rightly pointed out
wonder whether that might givefergusewing his opportunity to have
opportunity to have constituency inputfergusewing i again say that
it is a ludicrous situationfergusewing i am grateful that
a wide range of schemesfergusewing i am sure that
doing so as an afterthoughtfergusewing i am sure that
robison i agree totally withfergusewing i am sure that
vegetables as possible 15 00fergusewing i do not argue
screening programme would be effectivefergusewing i do not disagree
is that increased production worksfergusewing i know that robin
the views of the ministerfergusewing i notice that michael
to hear from the ministerfergusewing i notice that the
the discussions are on goingfergusewing i noticed that but
all over the world likefergusewing i think that there
burns s life it wasfergusewing i think who made
affairs to ask those questionsfergusewing i was interested to
informed a basis as possiblefergusewing i welcome that answer
of a significantly enlarged eufergusewing i would have thanked
phil gallie dr winnie ewingfergusewing irene mcgugan christine grahame
to talk about that asfergusewing is not here george
morgan s last meeting andfergusewing is not on the
he referred earlier peter peacockfergusewing is not right about
dealing with the issues iffergusewing is seeking an overview
wish to raise any pointsfergusewing is the phrase or
the matter with the ministerfergusewing it might save time
we will not use itfergusewing it was a question
when i have that informationfergusewing it would be interesting
lodged on 19 may 2000fergusewing janis hughes dr richard
lodged on 24 may 2000fergusewing janis hughes s1m 907
gorrie cathy jamieson s1m 367fergusewing jobs crisis in the
na gàidhlig alba supported byfergusewing john farquhar munro robin
by nora radcliffe donald gorriefergusewing john scott s1m 1020
associated local events supported byfergusewing karen gillon mr angus
mike watson mr kenneth gibsonfergusewing karen whitefield mr brian
ullrich michael matheson donald gorriefergusewing kate maclean s1m 282
matheson andrew wilson christine grahamefergusewing kay ullrich brian adam
adam ingram mr kenny macaskillfergusewing kay ullrich mr murray
s services policies s1m 1443fergusewing less favoured areas subsidy
elder christine grahame margaret jamiesonfergusewing linda fabiani alex neil
dorothy grace elder andrew wilsonfergusewing linda fabiani brian adam
their business enterprises supported byfergusewing linda fabiani dorothy grace
andrew wilson dr elaine murrayfergusewing linda fabiani michael russell
11 february 2003 bruce crawfordfergusewing linda fabiani mr kenneth
morgan alex neil andrew wilsonfergusewing linda fabiani mrs margaret
irene mcgugan mrs margaret ewingfergusewing linda fabiani s1m 895
mr lloyd quinan andrew wilsonfergusewing linda fabiani shona robison
gorrie johann lamont tommy sheridanfergusewing margaret jamieson trish godman
broken down equipment supported byfergusewing margaret smith mr kenneth
monteith john scott keith hardingfergusewing mary scanlon rhoda grant
life will be much greaterfergusewing mentioned the potential impact
colin campbell mr duncan hamiltonfergusewing michael russell christine grahame
mr alex neil shona robisonfergusewing michael russell christine grahame
colin campbell mr duncan hamiltonfergusewing michael russell christine grahame
mcleod tricia marwick s1m 899fergusewing millennium dome bail out
published in february this yearfergusewing moved amendment s1m 1216
65 against 47 abstentions 1fergusewing moved amendment s1m 2833
to 3 motion without noticefergusewing moved without notice that
colin campbell mrs mary mulliganfergusewing mr adam ingram mr
andrew wilson mr alex neilfergusewing mr adam ingram mr
workers supported by colin campbellfergusewing mr alex neil mr
alasdair morgan mrs lyndsay mcintoshfergusewing mr andrew welsh mr
mr keith harding alasdair morganfergusewing mr david davidson mr
mcletchie donald gorrie fiona mcleodfergusewing mr david davidson s1m
companies in scotland supported byfergusewing mr duncan hamilton alex
mr lloyd quinan andrew wilsonfergusewing mr duncan hamilton fiona
supported by mr andrew welshfergusewing mr duncan hamilton michael
campbell bruce crawford brian adamfergusewing mr duncan hamilton mr
by colin campbell bruce crawfordfergusewing mr duncan hamilton richard
ewing christine grahame shona robisonfergusewing mr gil paterson mr
ms sandra white nora radcliffefergusewing mr gil paterson mr
sandra white mr john swinneyfergusewing mr gil paterson mr
russell andrew wilson nora radcliffefergusewing mr gil paterson mr
winnie ewing ms sandra whitefergusewing mr gil paterson s1m
hamilton michael russell dennis canavanfergusewing mr gil paterson tricia
lodged on 15 may 2000fergusewing mr jamie mcgrigor s1m
lodged on 17 may 2000fergusewing mr jamie mcgrigor s1m
mr michael mcmahon irene oldfatherfergusewing mr john mcallion mike
richard lochhead mr kenneth gibsonfergusewing mr john swinney andrew
mr brian monteith brian adamfergusewing mr keith harding bruce
adam ingram mr kenny macaskillfergusewing mr keith harding kay
james douglas hamilton brian adamfergusewing mr keith harding michael
lodged on 23 may 2000fergusewing mr keith harding mr
lodged on 12 may 2000fergusewing mr keith harding mr
mr kenny macaskill linda fabianifergusewing mr keith harding mr
lodged on 24 may 2000fergusewing mr keith harding s1m
lodged on 10 may 2000fergusewing mr keith harding s1m
mr keith raffan robin harperfergusewing mr keith harding s1m
lodged on 22 may 2000fergusewing mr keith harding s1m
fiona mcleod dorothy grace elderfergusewing mr kenneth gibson andrew
forward supported by tommy sheridanfergusewing mr kenneth gibson donald
robison fiona mcleod tommy sheridanfergusewing mr kenneth gibson donald
robert brown dorothy grace elderfergusewing mr kenneth gibson mr
hyslop donald gorrie shona robisonfergusewing mr kenneth gibson mr
dorothy grace elder donald gorriefergusewing mr kenneth gibson mr
robison helen eadie christine grahamefergusewing mr kenneth gibson mrs
figures for scotland supported byfergusewing mr kenneth gibson ms
to process applications supported byfergusewing mr kenneth gibson ms
lodged on 29 january 2003fergusewing mr kenneth gibson s1m
tricia marwick mr adam ingramfergusewing mr kenny macaskill cathy
mrs margaret ewing nora radcliffefergusewing mr kenny macaskill marilyn
regime for customers supported byfergusewing mr kenny macaskill mrs
ian jenkins ms sandra whitefergusewing mr kenny macaskill s1m
mcleod bruce crawford shona robisonfergusewing mr kenny macaskill s1m
work by members supported byfergusewing mr lloyd quinan alex
of the report supported byfergusewing mr lloyd quinan brian
mr andrew welsh roseanna cunninghamfergusewing mr lloyd quinan christine
link has priority supported byfergusewing mr lloyd quinan colin
fiona mcleod mr brian monteithfergusewing mr lloyd quinan des
hamilton alex neil andrew wilsonfergusewing mr lloyd quinan mr
robin harper dorothy grace elderfergusewing mr mike rumbles maureen
dorothy grace elder alex neilfergusewing mrs lyndsay mcintosh ms
kay ullrich mr adam ingramfergusewing mrs margaret ewing mr
craigie lewis macdonald nora radcliffefergusewing mrs margaret ewing mr
mr jamie stone cathie craigiefergusewing mrs margaret ewing richard
centre in inverness supported byfergusewing mrs margaret ewing s1m
nicola sturgeon mr kenny macaskillfergusewing ms margo macdonald michael
gibson shona robison fiona mcleodfergusewing ms sandra white michael
jenkins christine grahame donald gorriefergusewing ms sandra white mr
mr david davidson christine grahamefergusewing ms sandra white mrs
neil bruce crawford fiona hyslopfergusewing ms sandra white nicola
robison alasdair morgan fiona mcleodfergusewing ms sandra white robin
on the 4th of octoberfergusewing msp said the provisions
msp fiona mcleod msp andfergusewing msp the meeting opened
it was a difficult questionfergusewing my point is really
by margo mcdonald keith raffanfergusewing nick johnston phil gallie
by margo mcdonald keith raffanfergusewing nick johnston phil gallie
kenneth gibson dorothy grace elderfergusewing nicola sturgeon colin campbell
john scott mr gil patersonfergusewing nicola sturgeon mrs margaret
in relation to these regulationsfergusewing no ian jenkins some
may 2000 mr kenneth gibsonfergusewing nora radcliffe donald gorrie
russell linda fabiani tommy sheridanfergusewing nora radcliffe mr kenny
robert brown ms margo macdonaldfergusewing nora radcliffe mr kenny
students across scotland supported byfergusewing nora radcliffe pauline mcneill
lodged on 18 may 2000fergusewing nora radcliffe s1m 874
lodged on 19 may 2000fergusewing nora radcliffe s1m 879
lodged on 19 may 2000fergusewing nora radcliffe s1m 882
19 may 2000 richard lochheadfergusewing nora radcliffe s1m 883
adam ingram mr kenny macaskillfergusewing nora radcliffe tricia marwick
going on in the chamberfergusewing on a point of
3508 in the name offergusewing on osteoporosis the debate
snp i congratulate my colleaguefergusewing on securing the debate
optional element of agrimonetary compensationfergusewing one scheme to which
openly as possible perhaps whatfergusewing perceives as an inappropriate
mr keith harding david mundellfergusewing phil gallie mary scanlon
by developing countries s1m 197fergusewing police funding over the
proposal under rule 9 14fergusewing proposed registration of scotland
mr kenneth gibson kay ullrichfergusewing proposed registration of scotland
that the premium to whichfergusewing refers is not a
attempt to emulate supported byfergusewing richard lochhead michael matheson
by then the convener asfergusewing rightly pointed out the
harding tricia marwick nicola sturgeonfergusewing robin harper brian adam
michael matheson mr david davidsonfergusewing robin harper dr richard
hamilton alex neil andrew wilsonfergusewing roseanna cunningham tommy sheridan
is not my paper butfergusewing s i am not
to come along and supportfergusewing s motion and to
is at the heart offergusewing s motion we would
people to protect their bonesfergusewing s point about diet
will pick up first onfergusewing s point about the
ms sandra white linda fabianifergusewing s1m 119 mr alex
mcleod fiona hyslop alex neilfergusewing s1m 13 mr alex
mcleod fiona hyslop alex neilfergusewing s1m 13 mr alex
robson nora radcliffe robert brownfergusewing s1m 133 dr elaine
jamie mcgrigor dr elaine murrayfergusewing s1m 1437 economy of
lloyd quinan mr duncan hamiltonfergusewing s1m 145 mr brian
lyon tavish scott euan robsonfergusewing s1m 161 michael russell
support these aims supported byfergusewing s1m 199 elaine smith
lodged on 18 february 2003fergusewing s1m 3867 1 alex
lodged on 2 may 2000fergusewing s1m 787 standard life
lodged on 5 may 2000fergusewing s1m 811 excessive punishment
lodged on 10 may 2000fergusewing s1m 831 allotments lodged
lodged on 10 may 2000fergusewing s1m 833 first new
lodged on 11 may 2000fergusewing s1m 840 building standards
lodged on 11 may 2000fergusewing s1m 843 scottish aid
lodged on 11 may 2000fergusewing s1m 844 itc report
lodged on 19 may 2000fergusewing s1m 878 parliament meetings
lodged on 22 may 2000fergusewing s1m 885 car parking
lodged on 23 may 2000fergusewing s1m 894 greenock morton
lodged on 23 may 2000fergusewing s1m 901 closure of
lodged on 25 may 2000fergusewing s1m 911 future strategy
wilson tommy sheridan linda fabianifergusewing s1m 97 ms margo
and i would endorse whatfergusewing said about that and
lead an almost normal lifefergusewing said that the condition
available throughout the country asfergusewing said we are lucky
monteith alex fergusson s1m 51fergusewing salmon farming that the
every facet of our livesfergusewing saying that all legislation
mr kenneth gibson s1m 1068fergusewing scottish consumer representation for
munro brian adam s1m 919fergusewing scottish raptor working group
ewing fiona mcleod s1m 159fergusewing sean connery that the
the subject of s1m 808fergusewing shinty for text of
white brian adam s1m 808fergusewing shinty that the parliament
supported by mr lloyd quinanfergusewing shona robison donald gorrie
michael russell dr elaine murrayfergusewing shona robison mary scanlon
elder andrew wilson linda fabianifergusewing shona robison michael russell
robison alex neil s1m 305fergusewing shopmobility highland that the
alasdair morrison has been delayedfergusewing should be here shortly
autonomous bbc scotland s1m 174fergusewing sunday post that the
be affected by the regulationsfergusewing supported by richard lochhead
scottish parliament after section 1fergusewing supported by richard lochhead
and improvement of salmon fisheriesfergusewing supported by richard lochhead
scottish parliament after section 2fergusewing supported by richard lochhead
mr morrison whenever i hearfergusewing talking about fuel i
that we announced last weekfergusewing that answer shows that
808 in the name offergusewing that the parliament recognises
i did not say thatfergusewing that was the implication
i have outlined i assurefergusewing that we communicate very
up when drafting these regulationsfergusewing the executive has done
and to amend complicated regulationsfergusewing the executive has moved
lochhead fiona mcleod s1m 356fergusewing the millennium dome that
are meeting before 13 januaryfergusewing there are two ministers
is not a bad thingfergusewing there is an action
the salmon conservation scotland billfergusewing there seems to be
policy was pursued s1w 33526fergusewing to ask the presiding
metals uk ltd s1w 33967fergusewing to ask the presiding
under the guarantee s1w 22106fergusewing to ask the presiding
not being used s1w 26366fergusewing to ask the presiding
metals uk ltd s1w 33705fergusewing to ask the presiding
such maximum limit s1w 33965fergusewing to ask the presiding
the risk register s1w 26367fergusewing to ask the presiding
parliament information centre s1w 26364fergusewing to ask the presiding
and who attended s1w 32862fergusewing to ask the presiding
each such contract s1w 33707fergusewing to ask the presiding
did not comply s1w 33530fergusewing to ask the presiding
of those accounts s1w 33532fergusewing to ask the presiding
prejudice such action s1w 33527fergusewing to ask the presiding
parliament information centre s1w 22105fergusewing to ask the presiding
policy and management s1w 22079fergusewing to ask the presiding
for scottish farmers s1w 26363fergusewing to ask the presiding
of flour city s1w 26369fergusewing to ask the presiding
scotland act 1958 s1w 34732fergusewing to ask the presiding
by such staff s1w 33703fergusewing to ask the presiding
at the outset s1w 33968fergusewing to ask the presiding
on this matter s1w 33528fergusewing to ask the presiding
to this meeting s1w 26365fergusewing to ask the presiding
any such information s1w 33704fergusewing to ask the presiding
and safety standards s1w 1155fergusewing to ask the presiding
holyrood project team s1w 33529fergusewing to ask the presiding
remains commercially confidential s1w 33531fergusewing to ask the presiding
paid for these s1w 26368fergusewing to ask the presiding
will be provided s1w 33533fergusewing to ask the presiding
metals uk ltd s1w 22107fergusewing to ask the presiding
on this matter s1w 33966fergusewing to ask the presiding
non violent discipline s1w 32861fergusewing to ask the presiding
completion of works s1w 22109fergusewing to ask the presiding
will be completed s1w 22110fergusewing to ask the presiding
taking vigilante action s1w 22104fergusewing to ask the presiding
parliamentary corporate body s1w 22108fergusewing to ask the presiding
now be released s1w 33706fergusewing to ask the presiding
those restrictions are s1w 34738fergusewing to ask the presiding
tenure will be s1w 1085fergusewing to ask the scottish
and d sparrows s1w 17696fergusewing to ask the scottish
to complete it s1w 17736fergusewing to ask the scottish
drug action teams s1w 17733fergusewing to ask the scottish
mr kenny macaskill withdrawn 20fergusewing to ask the scottish
pig farming industry s1w 9156fergusewing to ask the scottish
countryside act 1981 s1w 17695fergusewing to ask the scottish
specify these options s1w 24836fergusewing to ask the scottish
on this matter s1w 32334fergusewing to ask the scottish
last 10 years s1w 17698fergusewing to ask the scottish
of the parliament s1w 199fergusewing to ask the scottish
in each case s1w 33534fergusewing to ask the scottish
england and wales s1w 16803fergusewing to ask the scottish
4 june 1999 s1w 42fergusewing to ask the scottish
year since 1990 s1w 17694fergusewing to ask the scottish
any such analyses s1w 16795fergusewing to ask the scottish
surplus funds therefrom s1w 17735fergusewing to ask the scottish
deal for communities s1w 206fergusewing to ask the scottish
level of demand s1w 16796fergusewing to ask the scottish
1 july 1999 s1w 4795fergusewing to ask the scottish
large deficits face s1w 4783fergusewing to ask the scottish
abstract of statistics s1w 4797fergusewing to ask the scottish
the long term s1w 4813fergusewing to ask the scottish
criminal justice system s1w 4782fergusewing to ask the scottish
not why not s1w 4786fergusewing to ask the scottish
consider the issue s1w 12285fergusewing to ask the scottish
western infirmary glasgow s1w 4792fergusewing to ask the scottish
not why not s1w 4785fergusewing to ask the scottish
1970 are sufficient s1w 12284fergusewing to ask the scottish
parliament as valid s1w 4793fergusewing to ask the scottish
the same basis s1w 12283fergusewing to ask the scottish
the original answer s1w 4796fergusewing to ask the scottish
will be taken s1w 12286fergusewing to ask the scottish
pensioners heating payments s1w 17693fergusewing to ask the scottish
not why not s1w 4812fergusewing to ask the scottish
scotland act 1940 s1w 33698fergusewing to ask the scottish
a local level s1w 9183fergusewing to ask the scottish
and its grounds s1w 4811fergusewing to ask the scottish
in 1998 99 s1w 9120fergusewing to ask the scottish
arise in scotland s1w 11805fergusewing to ask the scottish
in east ayrshire s1w 204fergusewing to ask the scottish
result of murder s1w 16734fergusewing to ask the scottish
industry in scotland s1w 27438fergusewing to ask the scottish
produce environmental gain s1w 16797fergusewing to ask the scottish
of protected species s1w 210fergusewing to ask the scottish
level of demand s1w 16798fergusewing to ask the scottish
the earth s1o 268 22fergusewing to ask the scottish
non domestic payers s1w 12198fergusewing to ask the scottish
actions in scotland s1w 200fergusewing to ask the scottish
advice on debt s1w 31113fergusewing to ask the scottish
from prosecution programmes s1w 27383fergusewing to ask the scottish
dead horses s1o 5814 10fergusewing to ask the scottish
pension schemes surplus s1w 17734fergusewing to ask the scottish
year of publication s1w 34338fergusewing to ask the scottish
local green area s1w 7177fergusewing to ask the scottish
in criminal trials s1w 202fergusewing to ask the scottish
building standards proposals s1w 32369fergusewing to ask the scottish
to the committee s1w 211fergusewing to ask the scottish
dentists review body s1w 17699fergusewing to ask the scottish
plans information directions s1w 9119fergusewing to ask the scottish
upon sheep producers s1w 16802fergusewing to ask the scottish
are funded s1o 1808 5fergusewing to ask the scottish
parliament information centre s1w 24061fergusewing to ask the scottish
nhs board area s1w 32826fergusewing to ask the scottish
in criminal trials s1w 201fergusewing to ask the scottish
criteria were applied s1w 9121fergusewing to ask the scottish
upgrade the a95 s1w 212fergusewing to ask the scottish
cycling strategy s1o 1531 24fergusewing to ask the scottish
the nhs s1o 4676 28fergusewing to ask the scottish
or c later s1w 17737fergusewing to ask the scottish
steering group report s1w 208fergusewing to ask the scottish
police complaints system s1w 16801fergusewing to ask the scottish
transport bill s1o 1768 10fergusewing to ask the scottish
the aggregates tax s1w 19439fergusewing to ask the scottish
to scottish ministers s1w 24811fergusewing to ask the scottish
foreshore and seabed s1w 4784fergusewing to ask the scottish
the western isles s1w 24874fergusewing to ask the scottish
26 may 1999 s1w 1fergusewing to ask the scottish
this information available s1w 43fergusewing to ask the scottish
isles ferry services s1w 24876fergusewing to ask the scottish
drinks or tablets s1w 14947fergusewing to ask the scottish
2 july 1999 s1w 281fergusewing to ask the scottish
school buildings s1o 3856 28fergusewing to ask the scottish
individual learning accounts s1w 9158fergusewing to ask the scottish
multiple sclerosis s1o 6417 20fergusewing to ask the scottish
facility in angus s1w 14946fergusewing to ask the scottish
arts council s1o 82 2fergusewing to ask the scottish
television licence fee s1w 388fergusewing to ask the scottish
to 2008 09 s1w 4794fergusewing to ask the scottish
the current year s1w 24835fergusewing to ask the scottish
at victoria quay s1w 9178fergusewing to ask the scottish
of their duties s1w 9159fergusewing to ask the scottish
individual learning accounts s1w 9157fergusewing to ask the scottish
partnership with architects s1w 24877fergusewing to ask the scottish
next two years s1w 34758fergusewing to ask the scottish
be made public s1w 34733fergusewing to ask the scottish
march 2002 question time 1fergusewing to ask the scottish
response it received s1w 9841fergusewing to ask the scottish
upgrade the a82 s1w 34757fergusewing to ask the scottish
particular gaelic classes s1w 9160fergusewing to ask the scottish
their respective areas s1w 24873fergusewing to ask the scottish
such groups s1o 333 23fergusewing to ask the scottish
to the parliament s1w 33695fergusewing to ask the scottish
s school estate s1w 33697fergusewing to ask the scottish
the holyrood project s1w 32827fergusewing to ask the scottish
homophobia in society s1w 32326fergusewing to ask the scottish
at each site s1w 1084fergusewing to ask the scottish
tested following processing s1w 9842fergusewing to ask the scottish
it is taken s1w 27385fergusewing to ask the scottish
address this matter s1w 9184fergusewing to ask the scottish
should be achieved s1w 14923fergusewing to ask the scottish
will be completed s1w 9179fergusewing to ask the scottish
committee for scotland s1w 34756fergusewing to ask the scottish
will be completed s1w 9181fergusewing to ask the scottish
many do not s1w 390fergusewing to ask the scottish
so to whom s1w 24837fergusewing to ask the scottish
to the project s1w 32828fergusewing to ask the scottish
bone ban s1o 205 21fergusewing to ask the scottish
equivalent tariff policy s1w 24875fergusewing to ask the scottish
qualified gaelic teachers s1w 9161fergusewing to ask the scottish
stock transfer proceeding s1w 15096fergusewing to ask the scottish
next 10 years s1w 9162fergusewing to ask the scottish
a fixed multiplier s1w 1087fergusewing to ask the scottish
in 2001 02 s1w 14584fergusewing to ask the scottish
cost of collection s1w 1086fergusewing to ask the scottish
of the curriculum s1w 9840fergusewing to ask the scottish
will be completed s1w 9182fergusewing to ask the scottish
will be implemented s1w 9180fergusewing to ask the scottish
period will be s1w 1088fergusewing to ask the scottish
in residential areas s1w 14573fergusewing to ask the scottish
modified crop trials s1w 14585fergusewing to ask the scottish
the forestry industry s1w 27384fergusewing to ask the scottish
will be liable s1w 387fergusewing to ask the scottish
in 2001 02 s1w 14583fergusewing to ask the scottish
of households s1o 3311 24fergusewing to ask the scottish
b reject them s1w 389fergusewing to ask the scottish
for iona abbey s1w 1954fergusewing to ask the scottish
of particular species s1w 17697fergusewing to ask the scottish
may not sail s1w 386fergusewing to ask the scottish
parliament information centre s1w 19676fergusewing to ask the scottish
arts council s1o 82 2fergusewing to ask the scottish
at these meetings s1w 19675fergusewing to ask the scottish
in each category s1w 15121fergusewing to ask the scottish
today s meeting i invitefergusewing to speak fergus ewing
the official report i accompaniedfergusewing to the borders i
mr andrew welsh shona robisonfergusewing tommy sheridan alex neil
matheson brian adam phil galliefergusewing tommy sheridan mr keith
radcliffe andrew wilson nick johnstonfergusewing tommy sheridan mrs margaret
quality housing service supported byfergusewing tommy sheridan robin harper
adam ingram mr kenny macaskillfergusewing tricia marwick mr gil
sorrow supported by andrew wilsonfergusewing tricia marwick tommy sheridan
by mr john home robertsonfergusewing trish godman hugh henry
1999 7th december 1999 presentfergusewing trish godman ian jenkins
the subject of s1m 140fergusewing upgrading of the mallaig
mr brian monteith s1m 1105fergusewing vehicle body repair specialists
sydney olympic games s1m 1105fergusewing vehicle body repair specialists
confidential in the first instancefergusewing we all have the
robust assurances from the ministerfergusewing we do not get
is justified for scottish farmersfergusewing what was the verdict
that i always think thatfergusewing will suggest that there
two is often highly arbitraryfergusewing will the member give
is no automatic qualification interruptionfergusewing will the minister publish
by richard lochhead duncan hamiltonfergusewing winnie ewing irene mcgugan
to the asp working groupfergusewing with respect i was
i am sure that evenfergusewing would agree that margo
is extremely important and asfergusewing would doubtless want me
measures that government can introducefergusewing you are right to
of a 20 year periodfergusewing you mentioned that you
not proceed in that mannerfergusdid you wish to flag
building at the foot offergusdrive are to be asked
to speak on this subjectfergusraises this issue persistently every
to follow on from whatfergussaid it would seem to
a nationalist but i referfergusto the dumfries volunteers that
poaching is a foreign wordfergusit is not in the
daein fitt s fitt sferguseating f1116: and he s
fireman fergus f1116: [laugh] firemanfergusf1115: i like fireman fergus
fergus f1115: i like firemanfergusfitt s happened f1116: look
sabhal mòr ostaig along withfergusin class 3 i am
i sing as well asfergusit has been suggested that
research centre university of stirlingfergusmcneill lecturer in social work
me ye wul dae thisfergusnou the keing wesna than
that the same colour asferguss and he s pc
most can sing some likefergusthere are no shakespeare suppers

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