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s one two three fourfiveand six and seven f1125:
out their probation over fourfiveand sometimes six years in
them one two three fourfiveeight f1091: six m1092: aye
one two three four f1114: fivef1113: six f1114: seven f1113:
f1114: two f1113: three fourfivef1114: five six make another
f1118: one two three fourfivef1117: six f1118: seven eight
six f1121: good girl andfivef1122: [laugh] five five four
five six f1097: five m1098: fivefive five six f1097: six
need five more cars m1098: fivefive six f1097: five m1098:
six f1097: five m1098: fivefivefive six f1097: six comes
f1109: four hundred m1110: maybefivehundred maybe six hundred maybe
s one two three fourfiveit s six f1109: mm
m1098: five five six f1097: fivem1098: five five five six
shapes one two three fourfiveo- six seven eight nine
been grown before then onlyfiveor six acres were grown
war at the age offiveor six because of a
you heard speaking scots aboutfiveor six do you like
buy it then there sfiveor six good ones come
debate at that point aboutfiveor six members have indicated
s time it probably aboutfiveor six minutes away m608:
able to do everything infiveor six months which is
of photographs there s anotherfiveor six of them that
we d come back atfiveor six or seven in
for a lobby company andfiveor six other organisations that
know f1150: yeah f1151: seefiveor six people from orkney
of freehold property consisting offiveor six rented apartments in
to get to the riverfiveor six soldiers march through
station was every three andfiveor six trains m642: we
i ve tried about fourfiveor six ways of trying
timmer hoosie it wis mebbefiveor six weeks efter jonsar
still remember it as afiveor six year old the
will have been fixed forfiveor six years cannot absorb
will develop over the nextfiveor six years the split
sit round this table andfiveout of six people tell
now proposes six what iffivepeople were conspiring seriously to
to people who rent outfiveperson and six person hmos
is frustrating i have hadfivepossibly six relapses this year
was f- nearly six quidfivepound fifty or five pound
be picked up until halffivequarter to six at night
f1121: four five six f1122: fives- f1121: seven eight nine
six seven eight f1095: fourfivesi- six seven eight eight
s one two three fourfivesix clocks f1114: that s
seven o clock at nightfivesix days a week m608:
five more cars m1098: fivefivesix f1097: five m1098: five
f1097: five m1098: five fivefivesix f1097: six comes after
three four f1101: four f1102: fivesix f1101: six f1102: seven
two [inaudible] f1103: three fourfivesix f1104: six it s
f1114: goin- f1113: three fourfivesix f1114: i no wantin
have one two three fourfivesix f1121: very good right
two three fo- f1121: fourfivesix f1122: five s- f1121:
m1128: one two three fourfivesix f1127: how about that
mm one two three fourfivesix m1110: i see me
f1113: three four five f1114: fivesix make another one f1113:
idea came about er whenfivesix of us were just
er yin twae three fowerfivesix seeven echt nine ten
m1017: yin twae three fowerfivesix seeven eicht nine ten
m1012: yin twae threi fowerfivesix seeven eight nine ten
and you d f1023: fourfivesix seven an then you
need one two three fourfivesix seven cars m1098: [exhale]
them one two three fourfivesix seven chickens f1116: look
m1096: one two three fourfivesix seven eight f1095: cards
aye one two three fourfivesix seven eight f1095: four
look one two three fourfivesix seven eight m1096: mm
look one two three fourfivesix seven eight m1096: one
was a double one fourfivesix seven eight nine and
s one two three fourfivesix seven eight nine f1114:
dinosaur one two three fourfivesix seven eight nine f1121:
bones one two three fourfivesix seven eight nine ten
one f1122: two three fourfivesix seven eight nine ten
one one two three fourfivesix seven eight nine ten
m1110: one two three fourfivesix seven eight nine ten
m1110: one two three fourfivesix seven eight nine ten
f1122: one two three fourfivesix seven eight nine ten
f1116: one two three fourfivesix seven eight nine ten
wait one two three fourfivesix seven eight nine ten
f1122: one two three fourfivesix seven eight nine ten
f1122: one two three fourfivesix seven eight nine ten
ken m1128: two three fourfivesix seven eight nine ten
one one two three fourfivesix seven eight nine ten
got one two three fourfivesix seven eight nine ten
got one two three fourfivesix seven eight nine ten
f1122: one two three fourfivesix seven eight nine ten
s one two three fourfivesix seven eight nine ten
f1122: one two three fourfivesix seven eight nine ten
f1122: one two three fourfivesix seven f1121: okay next
[laugh] m642: kenny did aboutfivesix seven marathons got down
have one two three fourfivesix six f1121: right six
spots one two three fourfivesix two bones f1104: ah
here eh f606: mmhm m845: fivesix years ago now f606:
sevens 63 six eights 48fivesixes 30 nine fours 36
mean obviously it was likefiveto six and he finished
in the morning till twentyfiveto six at night that
bha e bha e twentyfiveto six no rudeigin dìreach
without lawyers for the pastfiveto six weeks the scottish
[tut] four f1125: mmhm f1126: five[tut] [tut] and [inhale] six
no then comes five m1092: fivetwo f1091: then six m1092:
six f1097: six comes afterfivewe only need five cars
register from six months tofiveyears imprisonment following a particularly
whistle an it went atfivean twenty past an then
richardson s they had afivean twenty past yin whistle
well eighteen going on twentyfiveanyway f1023: [laugh] f1054: mmhm
bags in a lot twentyfivebags for sixty twa pouns
bocht five lots o firewidfivebags in a lot twenty
up you know saying twentyfivecasualties in the last three
perth when we was twentyfiveeh f643: mmhm m608: mmhm
not intruding looks about twentyfivein his blazer a man
marriage he walked the twentyfivekilometres under a merciless sun
fifty death [laugh] f813: twentyfive[laugh] f814: [laugh] f812: that
swallow the netherlands keeps twentyfivemammoth crocodiles caged here unesco
a millennium baby twenty pastfivemillennium mornin ehm but he
turn up in in twentyfiveminutes er and eh she
[inaudible] m804: that s twentyfiveminutes m805: what s that
the shop in the twentyfiveminutes we stood there with
eye and there are twentyfiveof them goes on to
readers and there are twentyfiveof them too and ends
think they were both twentyfiveor something cause that s
here robb i have twentyfiveother boys all saying sir
not be completed in twentyfiveparts but was likely to
would be completed in twentyfiveparts of 120 pages each
because in startin at twentyfivepast and finishin at twenty
used to blow at twentyfivepast seven in the mornin
office i started at twentyfivepast seven in the morning
f1049: and then like twentyfivepast they re all like
probably about it was twentyfivepercent f807: no ah that
get it for f943: twentyfivepounds and i get a
tickets for that like twentyfivepounds but m959: it s
ayr s about twenty twentyfivequid m608: mmhm f643: for
yeah m608: mmhm m642: twentyfivethirty quid m608: yeah m642:
they extended us to twentyfiveto four f814: you finished
past and finishin at twentyfiveto made up your ten
mm f643: reiki again twentyfiveto thirty pounds depending on
i thirty three take awayfivetwenty eight [laugh] ehm m865:
it s caused a twentyfiveyear family feud that s
f1039: aye aye aye twentyfiveyear in hawick [laugh] f606:
dinna coont soliony in twentyfiveyear s tyme ye winna
on the estate for twentyfiveyear tae say that jake
going in the next twentyfiveyears and someone tried to
in his own business twentyfiveyears f1054: mm f1018: and
last luik in on twentyfiveyears her haun grasps it
now for the past twentyfiveyears in glasgow central mosque
looking after it for twentyfiveyears m642: yeah m608: aye
been here for about twentyfiveyears now f1023: er my
a way of life twentyfiveyears of life in the
oxford university press 2004 twentyfiveyears of life in the
for everyone into four orfivea4 pages rather than all
nose m805: um he usedfiveand he used four for
a network of four orfivebig teaching hospitals throughout the
erm and i ve gotfivebooks to read erm four
four f1103: that s gotfivebut you can have that
girl seaworthy in four orfivedays caird if mr welland
three d four and efivedays per week s1w 391
the play describes four orfivedifferent aspects of mary s
gin they were four tofiveear aal they were ready
says one two three fourfivef1093: what are they what
three [?]four, five[/?] f1103: three fourfivef1104: there s bones in
aye one two three fourfivef1109: five oh now you
s one two three fourfivef1109: five one two three
m1110: one two three fourfivef1109: five that s right
three four f1109: no m1110: fivef1109: no count again m1110:
four five that s numberfivef1113: five [inaudible] that s
one two three four fi-fivef1113: five sticks to go
s- f- f1113: three fourfivef1114: i ll count mummy
say one two three fourfivef1116: and that s one
mm one two three fourfivef1116: five once i f1115:
[inaudible] f1122: two three fourfivef1121: well done right what
made one two three fourfivef1122: one two three four
f1136: one two three fourfivef1135: five mmhm f1136: there
a class till four orfivef1154: is it you and
leery f638: a leery fourfivef640: i spied wallace beery
huh m642: two three fourfivef643: and the door that
know one two three fourfivef643: [laugh] m608: [laugh] m642:
think it s four orfivef643: mmhm m608: masseurs or
girl and five f1122: [laugh]fivefive four three two one
three four five tatties f1116: fivefive ta- i want a
like five years m959: fourfivefive years aye over five
the pool on calloused kneesfivefoot four in marks and
there were probably four orfiveformer scotvec staff in the
counting the day m1110: threefivefour f1109: four numbers fitt
[?]five two one[/?] one two f1107: [?]five to two like crispy rice[/?]fivefour m1108: [fart] f1107: [censored: forename]
f1121: mm good girl f1122: fivefour three two f1121: two
and five f1122: [laugh] fivefivefour three two one blast
choo [?]and cow[/?] coffee and f1107: fivefour three two one m1108:
m642: four and a halffivegallons of petrol in the
had nine primary seven pupilsfivegirls and four boys torphins
there will be four orfivelawyers and one or two
f1122: one two three fourfivelet s make another one
one two three four m1110: fivemaybe ten f1109: mmhm m1110:
scotland snp do i havefiveminutes or four minutes presiding
two three four five f1135: fivemmhm f1136: there s lots
had like you know fourfivemonths of er circulation and
you have taken four orfivemonths to respond is it
home about half past fourfiveo clock in the mornin
about back of four orfiveo clock yabbering m608: aye
f643: there was four orfiveo them wasn t there
it was about four orfiveof each of just the
the trip led four orfiveof the group in a
two three four five f1109: fiveoh now you ve got
f1116: one two three fourfiveonce i caught a fish
two three four five f1116: fiveonce i f1115: once i
two three four five f1109: fiveone two three four five
paper whether it is fourfiveor 20 pages long we
it might be four orfiveor whatever and the kid
two pounds four shillings andfivepence sterling the amount of
turkey and four of thefivepermanent members of the united
m816: well especially four orfivepints inside you m815: [cough]
ones of about four orfivepoems m608: mm m078: which
potato f1115: three potato fourfivepotato f1116: potato f1115: s-
station he had four orfiveproperties that were good quality
argument for having four orfiveretained advisers the convener yes
three four fi- five f1113: fivesticks to go in now
four decades three of thefivesub species of gorilla the
four five tatties f1116: fivefiveta- i want a tattie
f1116: two f1115: three fourfivetatties f1116: five five ta-
f1114: one two three fourfivethat s number five f1113:
two three four five f1109: fivethat s right that s
five one two three fourfivethat s right well done
one good class out offivethe other four i i
s one two three fourfivethere s loads o pieces
then it got reduced tofiveto four and the lunch
then it got reduced tofiveto four cause the lunch
enough msps maybe four orfiveto take part elaine smith
there are only four orfiveweeks left in which we
lucky to laist anither fourfiveyear then you ll aff
[cough] maybe four years maybefiveyears ago erm to come
the paper so about fourfiveyears ago m608: mmhm m1174:
the past er four orfiveyears and erm er the
five years m959: four fivefiveyears aye over five years
t remember [laugh] four orfiveyears f958: that was like
was f958: that s likefiveyears m959: four five five
would be about four orfiveyears old and it was
say within the last fourfiveyears really f1025: mmhm f1023:
but to me at betweenfiveand seven she was an
were sisters seven maisry andfiveare dead wi child there
time flying seven weeks andfivedays till carole arrives not
that ain another ain m1128: fivef1127: seven eight m1128: eight
considered employment by seven huntsfivein the scottish borders and
usually about i think sevenfiveminutes past seven lighting up
isolated from its simplex moreoverfiveof the seven occurrences of
alright it s five twofiveseven double one three did
that up with a onefiveseven finish in the doubles
the primary fae ye werefivetae ye were seven and
the increase has been fromfiveto seven teams a precognition
able to achieve that infiveto seven years in scotland
to five years old bfiveto seven years old and
a pen alright it sfivetwo five seven double one
who are about eight andfivebaptised as as older children
support in the form offiveheadings of up to eight
grew to a hundred andfivein nineteen ninety eight ninety
had a class of fortyfiveand i could f963: mm
na no verra forty fortyfiveat the maist plays quietly
agnes working class about sixtyfivecarolanne middle class about forty
at an angle o fortyfivedegrees an ilky een wi
bike was at like fortyfivedegrees f643: mmhm m642: and
[inaudible] m824: well does fortyfivefifty mile in an hoor
when you wake up atfiveforty five i gather tomorrow
some players hid played fortyfivegames that season an were
policemen were dead and fortyfivehad been hospitalised fires were
wake up at five fortyfivei gather tomorrow morning on
m811: we only had fortyfiveminutes for lunch f812: we
was like ehm f812: fortyfiveminutes or something m811: thirty
all for at three fortyfiveor so thereabouts jimmy came
rather than a s- fortyfivesingle if you remember that
probably married for for- fortyfiveyears [laugh] if we d
have a class of fortyfiveyou know f963: [inhale] good
five tellna nae lees thirfiveabstinentia is the lestin law
there s five lots offiveanyway so like as you
five you wantin ain wifivebone- five spots that s
after five we only needfivecars [censored: forename] you re pulling
a class who well fivefiveclasses all of whom have
currently in place three tofivecurriculum three to five guidelines
well done m1110: where isfivef1109: now where s five
what does that say f1122: fivef1121: five that s right
on the door m1132: ermfivef1131: number five [tut] and
f1136: don t know f1135: fivef1136: five o clock [inhale]
got a class who wellfivefive classes all of whom
to five curriculum three tofiveguidelines five to fourteen standard
that s number five f1113: five[inaudible] that s number five
cause like the five thefivejoys of mary is like
f643: sixty five m642: sixtyfivejune f643: uh huh m642:
the five senses and thefiveknightly chivalric code things and
five weeks an jonsar hidfiveload lyin in the wid
said aye aye greedy bochtfivelots o firewid five bags
some other five there sfivelots of five anyway so
f1091: [tut] no then comesfivem1092: five two f1091: then
in nineteen z- f643: sixtyfivem642: sixty five june f643:
like this like five nofivemillion f1049: uh huh ten
but ye work ye startitfiveminutes early and finished five
five minutes early and finishedfiveminutes late f638: but i
f1097: okay right we needfivemore cars m1098: five five
we wrote like this likefiveno five million f1049: uh
t know f1135: five f1136: fiveo clock [inhale] [blow] then
five f1109: now where sfiveon the clock there it
that counts i have onlyfiveordinary shares and five preference
quid five pound fifty orfivepound sixty for two gin
only five ordinary shares andfivepreference shares that is not
the five senses f810: thefivesenses and the five knightly
of mary and f809: thefivesenses f810: the five senses
wantin ain wi five bone-fivespots that s nae got
fower louna strank drink nanefivetellna nae lees thir five
five [inaudible] that s numberfivethat s right and what
that say f1122: five f1121: fivethat s right mm that
really get cause like thefivethe five joys of mary
code things and some otherfivethere s five lots of
curriculum three to five guidelinesfiveto fourteen standard grade interme-
m1132: erm five f1131: numberfive[tut] and what else do
him this went on forfiveweeks an jonsar hid five
five five years aye overfiveyears it s a while
m608: so what s thatfiveyears m194: five years till
children aged a three tofiveyears old b five to
s that five years m194: fiveyears till i d done
cheating f1104: this one f1103: fiveyou wantin ain wi five
to friday obviously nine tofivebut you had to work
and so the family includingfivechildren all under nine escaped
[laugh] f1160: [laugh] nine tofivedolly f746: [laugh] f947: yes
that s my nine tofivejob m608: okay so everybody
an canadh tu nine tofivejobs aig daoine an uair
that there will be infive10 or 15 years time
not changed in the pastfive10 or even 15 years
the next a two bfiveand c ten years other
many years was that f1154: fivef1155: aw so what are
in each of the lastfivefinancial years and in the
that is happening in scotsfivehundred years ago [click] you
lain in yon fremmit lairfivehunner years or mair haud
nicht wi aisse an flamesfivehunner years thon bells rang
betsy tee fin she wisfivein the seeven years sinsyne
facilities we were told thatfiveor 10 years down the
not justifiable in the nextfiveor 10 years why is
policy of designating areas forfiveor 10 years will people
early years education places providingfiveor more sessions of education
had changed little over thefiveor so years since he
over the next sort offiveten years or so there
bearing interest for the nextfiveyears 4¾ per an extract
in each of the pastfiveyears a in total and
an organisation that was bornfiveyears after the destruction and
and effective response regrets thatfiveyears after the election of
in the year before andfiveyears after the implementation of
already given written less thanfiveyears after the killing of
have been alright by thenfiveyears agnes rubs her ribs
of the group had beenfiveyears ago and several times
toast to the lasses somefiveyears ago i misjudged my
video would have been unthinkablefiveyears ago i spent some
from about er probably aboutfiveyears ago now m608: mmhm
it s better now thanfiveyears ago two of the
continued to be collected untilfiveyears ago when mcdermott joined
the island every year evenfiveyears ago you could wander
34 above for more thanfiveyears and b a ballot
scottish prisons for the lastfiveyears and c the staff
we re talking what sixtyfiveyears and counting all those
in each of the lastfiveyears and how this compares
92 line 59 leave outfiveyears and insert one year
worth 182 million over thefiveyears and offer a saving
worth 176 million over thefiveyears and offer savings of
the modern bikes the lastfiveyears and that s in
in each of the nextfiveyears and the associated cost
per cent over the pastfiveyears and through a 35
per cent over the nextfiveyears and to raise its
to change in the nextfiveyears and what factors it
to change in the nextfiveyears and what factors it
in each of the lastfiveyears and what is the
has increased over the lastfiveyears and what links there
in each of the lastfiveyears and what proportion of
stracathro hospital over the pastfiveyears and what steps are
in each of the lastfiveyears and whether there is
be invested over the nextfiveyears are all worthwhile reforms
related initiative in the lastfiveyears are now in work
require to be renewed withinfiveyears at a minimum cost
trust have in the lastfiveyears been the subject of
university librarian and in 1889fiveyears before his death he
of the plan shall befiveyears beginning with the day
in each of the lastfiveyears broken down by a
in each of the lastfiveyears broken down by health
in each of the lastfiveyears broken down by local
in each of the lastfiveyears broken down by local
in each of the lastfiveyears broken down by local
in each of the lastfiveyears broken down by local
in each of the lastfiveyears broken down by nhs
in each of the lastfiveyears broken down by police
in each of the lastfiveyears business bulletin 190 2000
the yard for up tofiveyears considers that the winning
whether that could subsequently perhapsfiveyears down the line be
plan has a lifespan offiveyears during the fifth year
how can a dlo withfiveyears experience in the business
so i was there forfiveyears f606: mmhm m845: um
taught maths there for forfiveyears f606: that s quite
in each of the lastfiveyears for failures to deliver
in each of the lastfiveyears for insurance fraud any
in each of the lastfiveyears for which figures are
in each of the lastfiveyears for which figures are
in each of the lastfiveyears for which figures are
in each of the lastfiveyears for which figures are
in each of the lastfiveyears for which figures are
is to be effective forfiveyears from the date of
is extraordinary for the pastfiveyears gaelic has received annual
for each of the lastfiveyears giving the annual percentage
this country in the pastfiveyears has been gordon brown
in each of the lastfiveyears how many applications for
in each of the lastfiveyears how many were satisfactorily
held in another three orfiveyears i can see no
your plans for the nextfiveyears i refer to the
on farms in the lastfiveyears in a the whole
in each of the pastfiveyears in glasgow while a
in each of the lastfiveyears in response to claims
and gas over the nextfiveyears is in substantial part
to tender over the lastfiveyears is not held centrally
rock raxin abeen stirling toonfiveyears lang thon aye gaed
tiny navy under adams commandfiveyears later adams expelled the
spent a few i spentfiveyears livin in glasgow they
to broadcast for the nextfiveyears m608: okay right m1174:
risk of breast cancer afterfiveyears of hrt use and
i mean this psychoraag spannedfiveyears of my life although
in each of its firstfiveyears of operation s1w 10872
allocated in each of thefiveyears of the operation of
allocated in each of thefiveyears of the operation of
allocated in each of thefiveyears of the operation of
allocated in each of thefiveyears of the operation of
allocated in each of thefiveyears of the operation of
allocated in each of thefiveyears of the operation of
allocated in each of thefiveyears of the operation of
auchinleck chronicle was written withinfiveyears of the slaughter of
at cambridge and though onlyfiveyears older than rls gave
get to the amsterdam treatyfiveyears on from maastricht when
have occurred in the lastfiveyears on the strathblane to
through the past sort ofiveyears or so m605: yeah
degrees in addition over thefiveyears preceding an application the
for each of the lastfiveyears s1o 293 26 jamie
of fireworks over the lastfiveyears s1o 3247 5 karen
in each of the lastfiveyears s1o 3834 22 karen
has decreased over the lastfiveyears s1w 12194 ian jenkins
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 14983 brian adam
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 15026 richard lochhead
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 15073 mr brian
for each of the lastfiveyears s1w 15135 richard lochhead
for each of the lastfiveyears s1w 15138 richard lochhead
one b three and cfiveyears s1w 19666 nora radcliffe
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 24065 mary scanlon
in each of the pastfiveyears s1w 24780 tricia marwick
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 27458 christine grahame
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 27504 fiona mcleod
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 27524 alex fergusson
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 27531 mr lloyd
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 27543 mary scanlon
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 27544 mary scanlon
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 28499 richard lochhead
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 29255 michael matheson
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 29256 michael matheson
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 32365 michael matheson
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 32840 mary scanlon
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 33014 christine grahame
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 33032 stewart stevenson
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 33035 jackie baillie
of cocaine in the lastfiveyears s1w 33293 mr tom
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 33295 mr tom
of cocaine in the lastfiveyears s1w 33296 mr tom
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 33543 roseanna cunningham
in each of the nextfiveyears s1w 33713 fiona hyslop
police officers over the nextfiveyears s1w 33714 fiona hyslop
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 33720 mr david
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 34001 alex neil
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 34822 robert brown
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 34897 paul martin
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 34899 paul martin
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 34901 paul martin
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 34903 paul martin
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 34905 paul martin
infirmary glasgow during the lastfiveyears s1w 4791 ms sandra
the establishment for the lastfiveyears s1w 7101 colin campbell
new investment during the lastfiveyears s1w 7176 donald gorrie
in each of the lastfiveyears s1w 7701 fiona hyslop
in each of the nextfiveyears s1w 9122 george lyon
in each of the pastfiveyears s1w 9862 mr duncan
in each of the lastfiveyears showing any percentage increase
remoter areas in the pastfiveyears than it has in
in relative terms in onlyfiveyears that must be regarded
years and that s infiveyears that s three times
social policy for the nextfiveyears the agreed text will
to receive the support beyondfiveyears the comparative figures at
agency sepa over the lastfiveyears the dates on which
subject to a out everyfiveyears the first stage is
in each of the lastfiveyears the number of cases
be for a period offiveyears the same candidate can
term funding of three tofiveyears the scvo s briefing
create 1 500 jobs overfiveyears there would be a
away here for the lastfiveyears this house is now
the treaty structure and infiveyears time a decision can
coming back to it infiveyears time to see how
with category c drugs fromfiveyears to 14 years all
scottish production database for thefiveyears to 1997 as follows
who would be elected everyfiveyears to adjudicate on cases
that it would take mefiveyears to learn spanish and
community rule and possibly infiveyears to majority voting rules
professorial post in aberdeen thefiveyears trial at the bar
chris lived for another sixtyfiveyears until her recent peaceful
dunbartonshire announced over the lastfiveyears were located in clydebank
and all gone i feelfiveyears younger and buoyed up
you that for the lastfivem1008: yes m1007: minutes f1009:
we will reconvene in approximatelyfiveminutes 11 07 meeting adjourned
mean speeches of up tofiveminutes 16 03 mike watson
we just looked at itfiveminutes ago an it was
they ve only been herefiveminutes and they ve a
again mr cullen ye haefiveminutes arniston heaved himself upright
will suspend the meeting forfiveminutes between the two morning
no time i have onlyfiveminutes brian adam there will
you go a bit beyondfiveminutes bristow muldoon so we
we ve only got aboutfiveminutes cause we have to
be that you are justfiveminutes drive away from govan
aheid an phoned the policefiveminutes efter hazel phonin the
[?]press that[/?] i dinna ken nofiveminutes f1104: mum can i
leave that on just forfiveminutes f1122: don t want
minutes or something m811: thirtyfiveminutes f814: that s f812:
bunged into the cooler infiveminutes flat if the duty
was supposed to be likefiveminutes from sort of the
terrace no no christ justfiveminutes from the from the
justice to the motion infiveminutes i begin with a
only the f631: yeah f689: fiveminutes it takes f631: uh
of various interruptions we arefiveminutes late in getting under
rattle upon the windae panefiveminutes mair or mebbe ten
deputy presiding officer you havefiveminutes mr lyon george lyon
s1m 459 1 you havefiveminutes mr sheridan 15 10
account of the frantic lastfiveminutes of a cup final
tell him i ll befiveminutes oh but i don
keep it on for justfiveminutes okay f1122: oh okay
edinburgh someone might have onlyfiveminutes on court given the
right f814: an hour andfiveminutes or it could just
finish off for the lastfiveminutes or so by looking
village again thinking we hadfiveminutes or so to unload
to speak i am aboutfiveminutes short so although i
be like ask you everyfiveminutes smiling f1049: i was
be scored in the lastfiveminutes there has been no
to the ruins of [note: word missing here]fiveminutes walk away tucked into
with her after a briskfiveminutes walk his mother slowed
closing speeches keith raffan hasfiveminutes we are slightly behind
[throat] so m944: that sfiveminutes we ve covered bridges
baldness be prevented 7 40pmfiveminutes will prepare this blessed
i ll be round infiveminutes you said taking my
expect the debate to finishfiveor 10 minutes before then
only m608: aye m1163: likefiveten minutes away frae the
week three hundred and sixtyfivedays a year station so
m608: aye m642: worth abootfivehundred and that was a
how even when she movedfivehundred miles away telepathy was
tha thu ah chan eilfivehundred no rudeigin mar sin
office we sent out overfivehundred pieces of mail [note: photo: 'mrs anna karpinski.']
t even shout m944: wellfivehundred pound is not that
phone provider erm and spentfivehundred pounds in the first
i ve been to ermfivehundred schools and libraries in
listened to it about likefivehundred times in the car
sa mheadhan an sin f980: fivehundred uh huh m979: main
in love so quickly thatfivehundred words told the whole
10pm 10 write in figuresfivemillion two hundred and ten
off with a hundred andfivepupils and we re now
chances an a team ofivebyllies linkit up wi fower
could be say fower orfivehoors m824: aye f606: mmhm
an steppit awa fower anfivehouses he gaed intil in
there s fower or mebbefivei whuspert tae wull whae
nae mair as fower orfivemen ti keep them companie
say a thing for fowerfivemonth mair profunditas gaed on
hingin abune them wis fowerfivemuckle dads o butcher mait
had at least fower orfivenettin gangs apiece an the
hauf past fower is ganefiveo clock is comin still
keepie uppie wi fower orfiveo the wee libbets sae
numbering een twa three fowerfivesax seeven ach- aicht f1043:
fower louna strank drink nanefivetellna nae lees kennin naethin
wid go mebbe fower orfivetimes a year christmas up
nineteen aye aboot nineteen eightyfivefor ten year f643: aye
wadna gie ye mair asfiveoot o ten for guid
at ten o clock notfivepast he unlocked what seemed
oh aye m1163: sort offiveyear ago ten year ago
o clock or half pastfiveand then you just get
clock that efternoon and byfivehe would be burning in
the clock there it isfivenow how fitt aboot m1110:
home in the morning atfiveo clock and returned home
short notice i mean fromfiveo clock f1054: i know
f1151: [laugh] every day atfiveo clock f1150: yeah the
midnicht tae the back ofiveo clock fowk of coorse
were there the back ofiveo clock in case in
in the mornin but beforefiveo clock in the mornin
had tae be up atfiveo clock in the mornin
jimmy s visits till afterfiveo clock on saturday morning
[laugh] f806: mm until probablyfiveo clock or half past
he leaves for work aboutfiveo clock so it s
36 line 32 leave outfiveand insert three land reform
jist inside e byre doorfivecrosses made o twigs three
they ve three options m822: fivef823: is it oh i
aiblins three year tae shiftfivehunner o the ae caird
age from age three tofivem865: no i mean why
starts lifting some weights stewfivemonths an three weeks cammy
three options but then m822: fiveoptions there wis aye i
f1039: aye i ve gotfivesisters an i had three
three to fifteen then thefivestages when some sort of
s recommendation that three tofiveyear funding periods be introduced
longer term three year tofiveyear funding to allow more
a three year or afiveyear period is a chimera
recall that at question timefiveweeks ago when some people
our options over the pastfiveweeks and we will continue
lying in the yard forfiveweeks andy the american boat
industry with the benefit offiveweeks hindsight will the first
doing so for the pastfiveweeks i recognise that the
i m committed to itfiveweeks later she resigned what
yeah yeah m1174: you knowfiveweeks old now so yeah
tae the cushie doo infiveweeks the doos wis thocht
fantastic she arrives in onlyfiveweeks time it ll be
him that he has onlyfiveweeks to do so before
are in border cars forfiveweeks two and a half
it wendy harris i hadfiverelapses last year and was
f832: i didn t havefivetimes last year an they
many deaths of children underfivehave been recorded in each
have at each of thefivelevels in this way it
across the bay there arefiveparcels one for each house
designs from each of thefiveteams were submitted to the
the big boys from standardfivethey will be showing each
report results at half pastfivehis mum s delicious high
been slippage in the pastfivemonths euan robson i am
warrant sales in the pastfivemonths that committee has met
is it i asked dopilyfivepast seeven whit aboot me
think of the incan workersfivecenturies ago hewing rocks from
ago the bloke who diedfivedays ago was roger barrett
hae been his heid abootfiveyear ago foo lang wis
to why it is thatfivemonths after the parliamentary debate
t seen her in likefivemonths and i saw her
maley who was released afterfivemonths as part of an
another and eh i wasfivemonths in the hospital wi
in europe over the firstfivemonths of the danish presidency
the committee that in thefivemonths since we had the
group has done nothing forfivemonths the only meeting that
members have heard that infivemonths the working group that
it will leave us onlyfivemonths to have alternatives in
ones f1114: [exhale] two ainsfiveaeroplanes f1113: lots o aeroplanes
in fact our party offiveand that includes two confirmed
two chairs there are nowfivedotted about the stage he
reached his full stature offivefoot two bony wrists matted
year for the big twofivei hope that you had
other two cause i didfivein third year so i
old english level two containingfivesets of exercises offering a
eh incredible hulk hands m1128: fivetwo one see i m
not heard that story aboutfivethousand times yes i have
she would not grudge goingfivetimes as far to see
abbeymaister tellt him hummlie anfivetimes he tellt him mair
thrie times he wadna anfivetimes he wad nay say
appear who uses her namefivetimes in this short poem
well i haven t gotfivetimes [inaudible] f835: yeah but
abbeymaister hummlie tellt him anfivetimes mair a m feart
thrie times they tried anfivetimes mair afore they gart
thrie times he tried anfivetimes mair but wad the
jin bade them rise anfivetimes mair he besocht them
it oh it s aboutfivetimes now okay let s
hid shut aff the electricfivetimes she shut aff the
maun cast oor minds backfivean seiventy year for there
wis the year nineteen echtyfivean the wither hid been
year she was seeven- seeventyfivehit s de f960: uh
deaths a year one infiveof all deaths and for
our employers who have afiveor 10 year rolling programme
if he wisnae he dfiveyear ae doins saved up
aboot it for the lestfiveyear an nou ma mynd
at auchter glen hoose forfiveyear an thocht she wid
what agnes did it furfiveyear and then did they
faimily syne fin nava wisfiveyear aul a terrorist bomb
skin although a m echtyfiveyear auld a ll sue
onything bit gaelic she wisfiveyear auld afore she could
my life i m seeventyfiveyear auld f1011: i m
comin up now for seeventyfiveyear auld f1011: i m
coull i wad hae binfiveyear auld ma grannie lizzie
2000 brian duguid wis twintyfiveyear auld still bidin at
stuck pig alec mathieson wisfiveyear aulder than minnie ane
cowpt intae the puil abootfiveyear back by the tail
in the leddrach dam afiveyear back fished oot like
over the lifetime of thefiveyear contract for the route
them without having to undertakefiveyear courses or do big
to continue beyond the presentfiveyear cut off point i
merrit tae him for thirtyfiveyear div you ken it
in civilisation and its discontentsfiveyear eftir buchan s novel
11 march 2002 how thefiveyear funding programme under the
the byllies for near onfiveyear he wis whit they
year in shetland not juistfiveyear in lerwick which f960:
oot if you re biddinfiveyear in shetland not juist
have to reapply for anotherfiveyear licence which i don
income second and holiday homesfiveyear migration patterns and the
the grandfather of an eightyfiveyear old a grandfather who
wicked thing to tell afiveyear old child at school
school in fife where afiveyear old girl complained to
so as a sort offiveyear old i was [laugh]
bittie hard to come byfiveyear old lena was waiting
of 60 per cent offiveyear olds having no dental
that more than half offiveyear olds still have signs
one everyone else reserves forfiveyear olds unwrapping christmas presents
been in anywhere in scotlandfiveyear olds were learning french
prison service compared to thefiveyear period prior to the
who request it for afiveyear period while further research
because they set out thefiveyear policy of the european
alfabia were involved in thefiveyear project in april 1912
ti wurk an in twantiefiveyear s tyme everie man
her eyes it s fulliefiveyear sen ah first began
daein jist that it sfiveyear since i lost ma
policy agenda this is afiveyear work programme 2000 2005
watchman and a m642: seventyfivef643: and a lady through
uh huh m642: nineteen sixtyfivef643: no it was october
hoose john f643: there werefivefires in this house it
we came in in sixtyfivejohn so f643: at night
clattered in the one bedfiveo us f643: slept in
gettin offered it for seventyfivepound f643: and he had
pound f643: and he hadfivesons and he got offered
it for fae nineteen sixtyfivetae nineteen seventy f643: mmhm
fire there m642: there wasfivechimneys in the hoose john
but an a ben m642: fivefires aye a but and
m608: [laugh] f641: [laugh] m642: fiverows of bikers coming you
waste over the next afiveb 10 and c 15
plague him for the nextfivehours so ally swiftly opted
of stars from one tofives1w 27439 mr duncan mcneil
to there being less thanfivesuch pupils s1w 11819 mrs
parents whose children will befivewhen starting school s1w 15098
parents whose children will befivewhen starting school s1w 15099
parents whose children will befivewhen starting school s1w 15100
shona picked it up asfiveand she m608: yeah [?]i heard that[/?]
a wee bit fae thefivedays a week m608: mmhm
my life i ever workedfivedays a week m608: uh
much it is now eightyfivef640: mm m608: mm mm
it s er it sfivehours house to house m608:
in a family of whatfivem636: that s right m608:
eh [inaudible] which is abootfivemile [inaudible] m608: mmhm m194:
ramadhan with m1174: [laugh] m608: fiveother guys er where does
eh m608: mm f640: eightyfivep f637: aye f640: [inaudible]
probably ninety percent or ninetyfivepercent are m608: mm m1174:
bouquet of flowers and seventyfivepounds m608: very nice f638:
radiator when i was abootfiveand that s like one
committee s report we seefiveareas of concern one of
its customers smoking one infivecigarettes smoked in the uk
more than one in everyfivedeaths and is the single
statuettes this one is underfiveinches high have been found
schools 4 one of thefivenational priorities introduced under the
at night and one infiveof them feared that they
chapter with rhyme schemes chapterfiveon repetition is one of
got peoples in it f1114: fiveone and one f1113: one
in queen margaret it sfivepeople sharing one kitchen f1151:
spots that s nae gotfivespots f1104: this one f1103:
the population have one offivesurnames so it s kind
no it s nae numberfivethat s another red one
sample of 50 children overfivegeographical areas by a formal
an over ripe cauliflower seventyfivepence said i he flung
ascent of the puig overfivethousand feet in her garden
at were aboot shortly aifterfiveblastin awa e same s
aboot an oor we hudfivebunnies in the bag we
be hame every nicht abootfivedoes that mean i dinna
the like ey stood abootfivefeet high an aboot as
been f638: [cough] f637: abootfivefeet long f638: [cough] f637:
cried in on hid abootfivefine healthy lookin grumphies weel
haes ivver sellt wis abootfivehunner an thon wis wi
frae steenies an the otherfivemade horsemen frae oot aboot
aa this time for abootfivemeenits puggie s brither had
in the mornin tae abootfivemeinits efter she faws asleep
he d be aboot thirtyfivenoo an haudin doon twa
wir sales haes averaged abootfivethousand oor tap sellin shop
was teen at aboot halffivewhich everybody in the north
s the doric in abootfivewords m1000: aye f1001: an
have sex far less fatherfivechildren wendy s only notion
and urban post offices onlyfiveclaims have been made totalling
afternoon after only about afiveminute wait i was admitted
and the other s onlyfiveso f1054: early days [laugh]
bottom flats i was onlyfivewhen we moved from there
climbed mauna kea returning afterfivedays with 50 species of
ocean of lies after fullfivedecades he flew back a
filled dawn it was almostfivekilometres to town after he
after a fly cup atfivethirty her real passion is
steirs an stramashes in thefivebunker hills or it cam
1 30 a caird forfivehunner or 85p a caird
number such as 10 orfivein other words there was
the porritch simmer for afivemeenits or it swalls damn
dickson whae hed fowre orfiveo ae faimlie whae a
f1025: and i got seventyfivepercent or something cause the
or take the extraordinary firstfivestanzas of a winter s
a came across a primaryfiveclass in er mid calder
f963: when you re aboutfivem964: er yeah i was
loanheid that s midlothian justfivemile outside edinburgh and er
just off back to myfivemillion er penthouse er kind
and er there was likefivemillion kids there there was
off noo f1103: er anotherfiveminuties very soon f1104: yeah
college which has zero tofiveprovision er there s also
er we we have thefiveto fourteen curriculum we cover
they ve got about thirtyfivedifferent words for rain haven
the equivalent of building aboutfivefactories in that area that
iron with a handle aboutfivefeet long at the foot
so f1148: mmhm f1149: reallyfivekind of thing how about
that we have had aboutfivequestions which have been the
stoup i the middle aboutfivesax fuit o hicht wi
a guy sitting alone aboutfiveseats from the back he
at the centre at prefivethat they know about their
ti quarto wang he giedfiveunce o siller an about
no yaised now possibly butfiveell o wind was tae
will now take a shortfiveminute break 15 08 meeting
that spice can probably undertakefivepieces of work between now
through the falls the haillfiveae us could fit in
in a run o fishfiveo us forgethert at the
and that so there wasfiveo us so i bought
she told louis and livfiveof us all women had
afterwards a hard core offiveof us ended up in
the tubes and there wasfiveof us got made redundant
a room and a kitchenfiveof us in that house
but then my dad diedfiveof us in that house
then he died and thefiveof us stayed on in
thirty by the time thefiveof us stood among the
there was maybe i thinkfiveof us that came here
of time to hear fromfiveorganisations could you give us
wife s got up atfivean tellt tae mak his
speak english i ve gotfivefriends in holland it s
till he got tae maybolefivemiles awa wullie on the
it got changed to fiftyfiveminute periods and you ended
small ones got to arrangefivewee for a big as
we were out drinking tillfivea m f809: oh and
were any of the firstfivebooks of the bible as
were working were you workingfivedays a week was it
at the time that thefivedesign teams were not scottish
were before the panel forfivehours we used various court
people were handing me theirfivekopeks while i dished out
we micht nab him therefivemeenits later an we were
trossachs during the consultation processfivemeetings 6 were held in
march treasurer absent packet secretaryfivepackets were in circulation but
into the system have thefiveperson hmo licences that were
running len higson there werefiveprecognition teams initially so the
and farm servants were givenfivestone of meal as part
went up no no nofivetae f638: ye were longer
were shot in cold bloodfivewere sentenced to death and
table slab of the altarfivewounds were cut like stars
gaelic and english in primaryfivebut then when we come
shower which meant walking downfiveflights of stairs and then
glasgow to aboyne along withfiveof her family they then
so that s like agefivetae eleven an then m865:
came first then came thefiveto 14 guidelines from the
cigarettes in slim packets offiveand lunched on pie beans
again a specialist in prefiveand primary pat robson principal
parties represented in the parliamentfiveare committed to a definite
in the morning till halffiveat night [laugh] it was
mile awa there s thefivebunker hills an in thae
still chronically malnourished that underfivechild mortality in central and
train meditation on a trainfivecrows drop in a clutch
played a negligible role withfiveexceptions in the whole of
in the light of thefivefatalities that have occurred on
to oz where he acquiredfivefurther degrees in addition in
ti play on in pleisurefivegreater lord o fate apen
they could potentially have donefivehighers just in f1148: highers
biology students in greenock andfivehistory and geography students in
grief in my cupped earfivehours cold in his bed
been at sea for almostfivehours in conditions impossible to
in the united kingdom forfivehours without first having had
bonsais in a michty bowliefivehunner fit frae tap tae
and associated employment in thefivehunts of the scottish borders
go to school at agefivein ge- in britain u1028:
in august and i turnedfivein october so f1148: mmhm
deans turnt up at hauffivein the mornin an we
dow hid bin up sinfivein the mornin as early
thus there are at leastfiveinstances of synonym clustering in
and gaelic and in thefivelanguages identified through the research
on the internet in thesefivelanguages in addition to gaelic
sticks stored in the widfiveload tae be exact so
get the job done infivemeenits on he merched alang
eence in an oor anfivemeenits the shalt drappit doon
swedes agreed recently to installfivemegabyte connectivity in every house
[laugh] m194: fif with fiftyfivemen in it so it
in fact the ferry wasfivemiles north north east of
in urban areas and withinfivemiles of their homes in
yer dad s workplace afiveminute wonder a flash in
flash in the pan afiveminute wonder why on earth
in case we nabbed thefiveo them an shuir eneuch
glorious summer lyin on liquoricefiveo uz bathe in a
interests in the list offiveorganisations there are certain other
the way i also boughtfiveroses from a chap in
in guid order they camfivesax hunder brithers cassock cled
cuts circles in the skyfivesnowdrops tremble delicate and chilled
a room in a poshfivestar hotel buys no body
scotland s culture 13 thefivestatements made in ablow priority
coffee will be served atfivestations in the hall nr
time equivalent he students infivesubject areas from the following
in addition several local meetingsfivesubject specific seminars and a
olympian to win gold atfivesuccessive games in an endurance
in scotland there s thefivetae fourteen curriculum m865: mmhm
need with the revision offiveto fourteen in modern languages
they ay suppit tea aroonfivewhyles in the simmer nichts
bit ye ll rise atfivewi the sleep still in
behind you a child offivecould do it there s
a belt when you refiveis somewhat primitive but there
targets for the odd ninetyfivepence here and there but
f1151: whereas if there sfivepeople especially if most of
sir david steel there arefivequestions to put to the
mean look there ally mcquadefiveseats doon bein dead pally
tae mak his piece atfivethere s nae sic thing
yeah f1103: need ain wifivethere we go no bones
wi ye it ll befiveunce an nae mair there
an nae mair there sfiveunce ti ye gin ye
fifteen characters on stage forfivehours so successfully that he
characters simultaneously on stage forfivehours so successfully that ladies
end of s3 so thefivelevels will spread from p1
things when i was likefiveso did you pay for
you can choose the otherfiveso i did and you
and i ended up withfiveclassic bikes i had a
mr stone has had hisfiveinterventions he has done well
some point i actually hadfivelanguages f1149: see see like
had given her position asfivemiles east of the copelands
to the committee the followingfivenominations had been received mr
o his mates had taenfiveoot frae ahint yon big
estate following the announcement thatfiveproviders had been invited to
had dived intae the treesfiveyairds awa an lain doggo
ere wis greedy biddin forfivebags o sticks foo much
he wad hae gien itfivedeed he said it wis
wis wi a selection ofivediffrent anes sae ye micht
he wis vext at thefivedynasties yon hinner en o
a filie afore i wisfivee discipline o education struck
the pairlament wi mair norfivememmers it wis notit that
sayin granda bruce anely deedfivemonth syne an he wis
s you that wull befivepoun jonsar eck wis furious
i d say he wisfivepun if he wis an
he leaves thankin the heidmaisterfivebairns o various heichts skirl
o the cloister on thefivebunker hills freir a daurna
the mixter maxter o thefivedynasties sturt an stour ae
lu da raxt out thefivefingers o his haun an
by an spreidin braid thefivefingers o his haun he
up sin the back ofivegiein their horse a brush
office wi sales o owerfivehunner cairds they didnae pit
on a bigger scale haeinfivekye she hid plinty o
up sin the back ofivelichtin the fires an makkin
thar ir threi o thefivemansion hooses i the waittergate
wi the twa polis insidefivemeenits o laein them an
o ruth is ane ofivemegilloth and was leart tae
no be a poacher withinfivemiles o here nou wi
side he gaes spoachin forfivesax unce o siller at
drove snell intilt their facefivethoosan jacobites brave clansmen o
ti the tuin o thertiefivethousan roubles ah dinna play
he wrate a buik ofivethousan wurds from the chinese
yeah f1148: yeah like thirtyfivedegrees quite a lot this
entourage like it and allfiveevents drew sizeable crowds what
at strathclyde they do likefivei think f1151: ehm well
and that s like thefivejoys of mary but i
people have things like afiveminute massage before they go
the morning break for likefivep a carton f812: did
something like is it fiftyfivepercent of the population have
many things including like thefivewounds of christ and the
f1148: mmhm f1149: to choosefivebecause it s compulsory to
f640: aye seven- aye eightyfivep f638: uh huh i
jyned the airmie at twantiefiveah cam hame at lest
end of s1 and levelfiveat the end of s3
a been mair n twintyfivefeet deep at e centre
ship was heading at approximatelyfiveknots for the irish coast
stricken ship at an estimatedfiveknots towards the coast of
at night an it wasfivelive an he heard [censored: forename]
lane scheme which is approximatelyfivemiles north of huntly at
katie morag looking at thefivesoggy parcels all the addresses
pupils to achieve currently thefivestages cause we- at the
mind we foregather again atfivethis afternoon boyter i ll
mr munro the group offivebodies and boards that has
shane the youngest of herfivechildren greg checked his watch
ground to a height offivefeet and covering the entire
late to brake family offivefrom the airport crammed inside
and 55 on the diagramfivegroups of sidings are shown
wounds of christ and thefivejoys of mary and f809:
a sense of shared responsibilityfivekopecks roughly 5p is the
scottish executive to specify thefivemain causes of death for
shelf lives of ye knowfivemeenits eh ye know tae
of a parliamentary committee thesefivemembers do not act as
but although he was withinfivemiles of safety with the
1 of the bill offivenew sections 10a to 10e
have yes indeed and makingfiveof it mrs scamler goes
scotland conclusion the following arefiveof the main questions raised
they are generally lower hillsfiveof them bear the symptomatically
of homelessness the bill containsfiveof those recommendations the other
to the oral evidence offiveorganisations the convener it was
our inviting representatives of thosefiveorganisations to come and deal
above the amount equal tofiveper cent of the sum
means the amount equal tofiveper cent of the sum
means the amount equal tofiveper cent of the total
above the amount equal tofiveper cent of the total
notes that the reduction tofiveper cent of vat on
members of legal staff andfiveprecognition paralegals the first additional
the fund which consists offivepriorities 4 provides assistance to
rare fit of compassion providedfiverailway sleeping coaches and a
on the abyss of thefivesenses where a flat sided
attractions both of which achievedfivestar grading by visitscotland with
cavernous hall of the housefivesteps down from the door
from the hammer and sicklefivestoreys of seats soar up
he did when he wasfivethe idea of you know
consideration of applications and tofivethrough interviews with the twelve
ye hae been gaen fulliefivemunth the monkeys girn dulesum
been from discussions with thefiveorganisations listed on the provision
she could count more thanfivebiddies sittin on [laugh] benches
when i was little wasfivef606: ah [laugh] f828: [laugh]
characters on stage simultaneously forfivehours [audience laugh] [laugh] [inhale] and
mother is that the channelfiveversion f940: [laugh] m939: [laugh]
tuik the gate for thefivebunker hills no lang efter
as a a small underfivechild being taken along for
that tae ah l giefiveheich caunils for the altar
desire to care for othersfivehomes have already closed and
member state for up tofivehours he said that he
ready for his new enchinefivehunderd pounds she d cost
more for cusco arriving aroundfiveit was an incredible day
excluded from this table thefivelanguages for which demand is
till e neep park forfivemeenits syne turn back an
coincided with training sessions forfivenurses on family health nursing
fae the railway for seventyfivepound and he couldnae buy
god dings them doon arenafivespeugs selt for twa fardins
twenties with a model figurefiveundisciplined children a compulsion for
primary and literacy erm prefivebridget loney from scottish qualifications
key to the issue isfiveparagraphs up from the bottom
collect the data from thefiveprimary 7 children present on
porter and whisky from thefiveroads to the south west
is that the housewives fromfives fab new comedy suburban
anniversary scottish liberal democrats havefivekey aims to transform scotland

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