See this word as a collocate cloud
hunder twae hunder threi hunder | fower | hunder a thoosand that s |
eftir ah coont thrie or | fower | hunder ah gie up an |
for there s aathegither thrie | fower | hunder faimlies intil t ilkane |
their care weeds the thrie | fower | hunder faimlies o shi s |
the mains a guid thrie | fower | hunder fowk trailin their brodstaffs |
his side an a thrie | fower | hunder o the local fencibles |
ahint an afore the thrie | fower | hunder shis heard the clappie |
stauf for dingin doun the | fower | hunder wardenries an his forename |
the english language ower thae | fower | hunder year baith in the |
chynged a lot ower thae | fower | hunder year but naebody wad |
thon aw chynged juist ower | fower | hunder year syne an the |
he steidit the kinrik for | fower | hunder year yon s hou |
they dellit doun a thrie | fower | fuit or they cam on |
then yestreen there wis thrie | fower | govermenters speirin an speirin about |
no tammas s sister thrie | fower | ither louns croudit intil the |
thrie deboshna nor hure nane | fower | louna strank drink nane five |
thrie deboshna nor hure nane | fower | louna strank drink nane five |
d ti lay by thrie | fower | month or he cud staun |
the cloister door for thrie | fower | month thegither but the wather |
brodstaff pree his skeill thrie | fower | months wisna lang o weirin |
wardenrie here an thrie or | fower | o them s cried wang |
he lissent an brocht thrie | fower | waitin men straucht owre ti |
law to fork oot for | fower | fares a the wye fae |
fair on tae dunracht some | fower | mile aff or fork tae |
tae say he hid a | fower | taed fork an wis a |
deein this job noo yon | fower | taed fork hid made the |
he see bit a sma | fower | taed fork it affa weel |
muckle mair nor three or | fower | hunner fit abuin the sea |
scotia ay in britain tae | fower | hunner year syne an he |
auld maistir first yin mind | fower | hunner years since he wis |
tess hoo mony years robby | fower | hunner yi ken aw that |
numerals er yin twae three | fower | five six seeven echt nine |
country m1017: yin twae three | fower | five six seeven eicht nine |
hawick m1012: yin twae threi | fower | five six seeven eight nine |
ye talk aboot yin twae | fower | ye wouldnae say it four |
the clock chimes ten by | fower | fur thon s the time |
weet an weary hauf past | fower | is gane five o clock |
the nou ah read or | fower | o clock an syne gaed |
wey timekeepin ye telt us | fower | o clock the bus would |
at s a relief aboot | fower | o clock the note is |
ti the rector s at | fower | o clock this eftirnuin a |
o clock an oot at | fower | the very same day naething |
gat up an steppit awa | fower | an five houses he gaed |
ti say a thing for | fower | five month mair profunditas gaed |
an hingin abune them wis | fower | five muckle dads o butcher |
our numbering een twa three | fower | five sax seeven ach- aicht |
five byllies linkit up wi | fower | o the castle keepers tae |
all in could be say | fower | or five hoors m824: aye |
syne wi nae mair as | fower | or five men ti keep |
the river had at least | fower | or five nettin gangs apiece |
playin at keepie uppie wi | fower | or five o the wee |
away i wid go mebbe | fower | or five times a year |
gate ah think there s | fower | or mebbe five i whuspert |
hidna slept atween sheets for | fower | days till the horse wis |
the lord clerk atween the | fower | seas we re brithers aa |
get rarelie insnorled atween the | fower | seas we re brithers aa |
humph their taiglit fleece atween | fower | shanks a tattie bogle weirs |
at yin o the par | fower | holes geordie skelpit the ba |
the aicht fuit bankin intae | fower | feet o foamin white watter |
gey near invisible in only | fower | feet o watter diseased saumon |
the watter nae mair nor | fower | yairds anent me bluidy hell |
bankin sundance had sprauchlt aboot | fower | yairds throu the watter whan |
ma chairiot an stawed ma | fower | horse nou evin the michtie |
nouns er with numerals like | fower | horse ten year which again |
ae horse the charabanc had | fower | in a spring cairt a |
tae the horse wi the | fower | white feet the chestnut tail |
wid lik aboot tree or | fower | times a year oh i |
gaited in yon charnel hoose | fower | times a year skreichmakkers teuk |
championship golden spurtle trophy a | fower | times afore he wis made |
half hoor i was getting | fower | times as lang as onybody |
ti cam afore his marischal | fower | times he lowtit doun cryin |
notheen o da staney hoose | fower | times he sookit in his |
cuid hae nettit that puil | fower | times while ye aa lay |
see the neisten chapter chapter | fower | hou profunditas lu maks muckle |
back o t there wis | fower | muckle words scartit fairlie owre |
the wee wifie that the | fower | auld dears fae the ither |
up aheid aw the ither | fower | heids turned oot tae sea |
haein nae ticket an whan | fower | ither coorse luikin buggers frae |
nor a sheil thare wis | fower | ither laddies forbye geordie diggin |
france for safety alang wi | fower | ither noble quines aa cried |
tarlan loon three o the | fower | bairns war christened at tarland |
floats wi lotus petals on | fower | bowls three hindu priests wauk |
three o them pause or | fower | even triumphantly he lays down |
still fechtin on three or | fower | fronts aa at the same |
promised by three o the | fower | main political pairties in the |
was complacently i d three | fower | men roon me at the |
puil an efter three or | fower | nets had fanklt an stuck |
wad a deen three or | fower | normal pieces i happent tae |
couthie but gethert three or | fower | or mair s an invite |
upstream wi juist three or | fower | scrunty slae busses an a |
then twa or three or | fower | thegither an eerie sicht wi |
a o ye divide it | fower | wyes instead o three teenie |
lived aboot another three or | fower | year still wi the f643: |
that was aboot three or | fower | years work tae me f643: |
the hoose at hauf past | fower | i the mornin an i |
mornin at eleven that the | fower | o them set oot aboot |
mornin sun nae mair nor | fower | oors mebbe sin the fish |
ilk mornin nicht an noon | fower | traivels pedalled ilka day nae |
1924 efter 1939 anerlie the | fower | gospels hae been prentit and |
no a compliment an efter | fower | months we ve still got |
efter thair first sale wi | fower | pence jinglin in geordie s |
the style o yingzong efter | fower | year the croun gaed ti |
he thocht een o yon | fower | be fowers wid tak a |
like tae gang tae yon | fower | it wis a gweed order |
ony cairry on wi the | fower | auld dears at s jist |
decided tae gang tae the | fower | auld dears last jist in |
sels pechin ahint them like | fower | auld spaniels then we saw |
our auld testament is in | fower | pairts the law the former |
they trystit yonner at the | fower | quarters kent in the auld |
the east neuk skiffin the | fower | winds the pool the auld |
hoose brian sangster wis twinty | fower | year auld an veesitin his |
until he was near eneuch | fower | year auld his faither had |
granny bruce she wis seeventy | fower | year auld wi a kind |
i hissd ablow my braith | fower | faint bleck sheddaes nae mair |
an set up in pairs | fower | ir mair pairs against een |
macnab aince mair gies the | fower | main modren characters space tae |
on the wye hame the | fower | stopped for mair tay and |
loose mair n twice in | fower | weeks it s weel seen |
hinna seen a tangerine for | fower | year or mair the rest |
year wis twa thoosan and | fower | an it wis the first |
sae haes it been for | fower | dreich year a thousan an |
year or mebbe it s | fower | toozenbach naebodie unnerstauns muisic in |
day eftir day aw thae | fower | year ah ve been dargin |
urban schuils ower her last | fower | year in post in her |
skweels noo the kist wis | fower | year in the makkin an |
for the first time in | fower | year you can gie your |
tae the ithers juist afore | fower | men gat oot the caur |
men canna stell it the | fower | seasons serr thaim tho men |
killed twal an twal killed | fower | an twantie an twa wan |
broddit twa edged bill wi | fower | bores an echt virls ti |
line granda bruce hid faithered | fower | loons an twa quines in |
twa faces aa broukit wi | fower | streams o tears you twa |
whid frae ephesians twa and | fower | teen he is oor saught |
by a fir wid a | fower | sidit block o trees an |
richt e shanks wid staan | fower | squaar nae need for oxter |
believe it wis jist a | fower | eer afore that i hid |
it wis tae be the | fower | o em hid a richt |
hid ony amount o friens | fower | o them wad sune come |
an he could pull the | fower | wheeler fur the bruces hid |
wi ma nivs syne poued | fower | o hir back teeth she |
v fuss fouzilt a confused | fower | a four fowk n people |
it four ye just say | fower | an she wonders what are |
were they were four be | fower | be fower ye pit them |
v decay fouter v fuss | fower | n four fowk n folk |
were four be fower be | fower | ye pit them on the |
hurl in a cairriage wi | fower | braw horses but whan thay |
stob law whan thai sein | fower | hyne ryders skelpin towart thaim |
murray whan he yaises a | fower | letter ward bi luikin up |
dine wi them whan the | fower | o them wir aa sittin |
like a jeely whan the | fower | sheddaes jyned up on the |
got here at quarter tae | fower | an noo it s near |
kirk an near drookit the | fower | o them as they hashed |
hyne awa the warlock keepit | fower | birds as his familiars ye |
ireland awa back in fifty | fower | cost a fiver for train |
awa the same gait while | fower | keepers the cause o the |
cuid even tho they were | fower | miles awa doun the glen |
tae jyne his cronies the | fower | o them didnae rin awa |
awa back in nineteen echty | fower | pitsliga winnin seven titles on |
as a giftie it is | fower | days noo i hae prayed |
the maitter the day chaptir | fower | noo boaz had gaen up |
bam he fired agane noo | fower | wee puffs o white reek |
fowk war riggin fur the | fower | mile haik tae the kirk |
at the age o twinty | fower | a short life albuist wi |
wi scripture frae first john | fower | and twinty gif a man |
ill tae win up till | fower | gorblins warm wi flat yalla |
tak sirs get ye in | fower | horns ti stert wi says |
in the hedge wi the | fower | o us in hot pursuit |
bit squaarish in shape wi | fower | paiddles wi holes in em |
haafowk wi a tray wi | fower | sairins o greens an ane |
itsel wi the wecht o | fower | sugars tarry bree he raxxes |
an unironic scottish novel wi | fower | tory heroes cud e en |
wis fair delightit wi thae | fower | words an ti the abbeymaister |
smashin wi her laud trailin | fower | yairds ahint her cryin darlin |
security m903: well i had | fower | months at macphee s ower |
loodspikkers ere wis a black | fower | sidit screen ower e tap |
open fire gie it laldie | fower | wuiden rifles pyntin ower the |
droont greyin rotten tae the | fower | airts the table wis coveret |
wis a braw guid catch | fower | boxes tae the cran an |
wis fer pleased as the | fower | o them got their photos |
a bargain i ll take | fower | pair he wis affa greedy |
leams intil ilkane o the | fower | airts an the echt directions |
but a gang o kettrens | fower | an twantie o thaim the |
o leddrach na he keepit | fower | birds a corbie a jackdaw |
o gorblins fur a hale | fower | days an nichts they birled |
a pair o bricht yalla | fower | gaured buits o earn s |
ti play on in pleisure | fower | guidwyfe o the xiang dochter |
brawest prince in aw the | fower | neuks o the wyde warld |
weel as sax fit bi | fower | o deeside nae as much |
the table in pitsliga the | fower | o em starts tae laugh |
eyn o the service the | fower | o them wauked ooto the |
ti him it belangs the | fower | o us shuirlie he maun |
cd peek oot o e | fower | peened gale windae tae see |
a wartime controlled price o | fower | pund a cran no bad |
o breets poems 2002 the | fower | quarters short stories 2000 the |
day we hiv aboot seasons | fower | saturday 22nd temp 2 10 |
the letter said somethin aboot | fower | we ve had them back |
duly skail t tae the | fower | wunds the weel heel t |
the antrin blether pairty fur | fower | her man new tae the |
it tae say that the | fower | macnabs tine thair boredom altho |
cultural strategy the strategy has | fower | objectives ane is tae celebrate |
tae guide them on the | fower | oor traik till the tap |
there were eight [inaudible] see | fower | tae this eh ken f1011: |
leaves are hatchin tae the | fower | wins their wirds despatchin in |
twal crae pies ti the | fower | an twantie kettrens an at |
warse wes ti befaw cheptir | fower | the thesaurar andra sczkozja clam |
fish swam in an juist | fower | swam oot the trap we |
an its anely sax fit | fower | aff the grun i realise |
his y fronts pittin on | fower | cardigans to sit doon an |
yird the bog an fen | fower | cheenges ken rowed in the |
was ablow some stane an | fower | dreid words in saint pate |
an a marble mantelpiece an | fower | flooery tiles at ilky side |
john macnab is that the | fower | heroes is tories an there |
i tread at hauf past | fower | it s dreich an dreary |
an briks for e d | fower | lassies an a laddie a |
mo pamela jinx an spats | fower | moos puffin on the ae |
haed ever seen it haed | fower | mukkil touers an gairdens fou |
fin his plate s been | fower | oors in the oven an |
an faur ayont it the | fower | seas he traivels see an |
scoored an scrattit bi the | fower | sizzens quarrymen blawn stoor gien |
there he was a guid | fower | pun sookin the flees frae |
ye se nou hae yeir | fower | oories we hae gien nick |
david warming to the game | fower | yalla chukkens ken this remarked |
splashin inside the gless were | fower | dumfounert wee minnons ah niver |
ma frein is the oceans | fower | the heivins haes ruift me |
beltit mother s pride ma | fower | weans is at the skweel |
ai whit haes befawn us | fower | plates at ilka dounsittin whyles |
been hard at it for | fower | oors on a north sea |
share their life thegither the | fower | sainins the lord s prayer |
success in the nineteen seeventie | fower | elections f785: so who publishes |
hiz ei agane tho the | fower | gasts follaed him but peirie |
on the ae weet fag | fower | lums rikkin like ganges ghatts |
john macnab is colleckit amang | fower | novels unner the title the |
saipret domestic pairliaments i the | fower | saipret kintras scots wud hev |
hunkert on a tree the | fower | seasons lamp on athout devaul |
ebbs and flows ilkie twenty | fower | oors sae that there be |