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i i was almost fu-fullyrestored i think i was
once the house had beenfullyrestored its market value would
restored i think i wasfullyrestored to to you know
the sutherland report could befullyimplemented by using only half
councils of voluntary service isfullyimplemented committee agreed to pass
to ensure that it isfullyimplemented in scotland supported by
children and young people arefullyimplemented s1o 3803 20 dr
national health service trusts havefullyimplemented the findings of the
5 14 national guidelines werefullyimplemented they would achieve much
responded said that they hadfullyor partially implemented the guidelines
participate in the convention asfullyas we can ultimately if
enable the patient to participatefullyin any assessment medical treatment
be accepted and to participatefullyin society the event also
citizenship rights and to participatefullyin wider society aberdeen is
that more people can participatefullyunless we are able to
community mental health staff arefullyinformed about patients in their
think that the board wasfullyinformed aware and in control
under surveillance he must befullyinformed of all the facts
ministers to keep the parliamentfullyinformed of the wider implications
ministers to keep the parliamentfullyinformed of the wider implications
that consumers and stakeholders arefullyinformed on all matters associated
no continent [laugh] f1155: orfullyco- fully continent [laugh] so
[laugh] f1155: or fully co-fullycontinent [laugh] so she s
it like this jesus wasfullygod and fully man jesus
jesus was fully god andfullyman jesus ate he got
must have a fully supportedfullymanned police service which would
properly planned fully resourced andfullyready basis that was not
proceed on a properly plannedfullyresourced and fully ready basis
safe we must have afullysupported fully manned police service
that any final decisions takefullyinto account implications for the
we will take the submissionsfullyinto account in the appropriate
taking the role of genderfullyinto account in the development
research into fees and chargesfullytake into account local authorities
reforming the planning process tofullytake into account the views
decommissioning scheme have not beenfullytaken into account further notes
these potential benefits will befullytaken into account in the
landlords and housing management arefullytaken into account the convener
interested agencies do not yetfullyunderstand in terms of information
s own language and theyfullyunderstand it there will be
00 scott barrie i canfullyunderstand that however do you
that agencies do not yetfullyunderstand the argument is of
points that members raise ifullyunderstand the disappointment of local
outlined so that members canfullyunderstand the implications of the
what you are saying andfullyunderstand the reasons for your
union and discover that theyfullyunderstand when i explain that
the major retailers must befullyinvolved and engaged in the
management plans with local interestsfullyinvolved develop best practice in
our intentions we have beenfullyinvolved in all the discussions
that the archive sector isfullyinvolved in cultural initiatives s1w
and the political community werefullyinvolved in scrutinising the matter
teachers and young people arefullyinvolved in the changes previously
sure that the executive isfullyinvolved in the development of
and the catholic church werefullyinvolved in the mccabe committee
change the corporate body isfullyaware of and supportive of
teenie frightened but not yetfullyaware of his feelings i
our young people were madefullyaware of the sacrifice that
out their job should befullyaware of the terms under
each of which has beenfullydebated i am aware that
time and energies are alreadyfullycommitted yet the consultative council
which have not yet beenfullyfacilitated come into operation those
they have not as yetfullymastered there may be some
our door is not yetfullyopen 1 d h lawrence
the people of monklands arefullyconsidered before any final decision
say that we have notfullyconsidered the issue i want
scotland this is considered morefullyin the relevant sections of
meetings might not be consideredfullyprior to dissolution the committee
industry 15 the government remainsfullycommitted to a viable network
sustainable fishing industry and isfullyinvolving the industry in these
sustainable fishing industry and isfullyinvolving the industry in these
that scottish local authorities arefullycognisant with the terms of
terms that we use showfullywhat they are meant to
that the dost staff befullyapprised of the true grimness
to ensure that through afullyinclusive and consultative process staff
support from qualified staff andfullytrained volunteers on matters relating
new technology needs to befullyexploited to support bsl users
of tobacco products and wefullysupport reasonable and responsible regulation
is the simultaneous interpretation ifullysupport that opinion no language
concerns that have arisen wefullysupport the amendments amendment 10
to 11 000 although ifullysupport the emphasis on recruiting
done that and that wefullysupport the petition and asking
calls upon the parliament tofullysupport these aims supported by
to ensure that they arefullyand independently consulted about the
ensure that young people arefullyintegrated into their communities s1f
ensure that the spcb compliesfullywith equality legislation and to
responsibility for gaelic broadcasting befullylegislatively devolved s1w 14581 dr
is currently a shortage offullyqualified gaelic teachers s1w 9161
to gaelic as follows ifullyrecognise the importance of gaelic
will gaelic and scots befullyrepresented at scottish and uk
scottish health service not beingfullyoperational in time for the
the health service should befullyup to speed for the
coorse as aabody sez ohfullyay an mair quo meg
though eynrigs cam tae befullymair common at ony rate
coorse an back it taksfullymair n an oor bit
nests as if ey deservedfullymair respect ere s degrees
tae be sure tae cutfullymair than the pun o
development group report will befullyfunded so that there will
want the sector to inputfullyto policy development and to
semitic religions are treated sofullyand completely as in the
have been very thoroughly andfullychecked people are not daft
rules and cautions are morefullyentitled ane schort treatise conteining
access to the internet arefullyequipped with filtering or blocking
different views for experience hasfullyevinced that there are no
party tuition fees are nowfullyfunded for this year and
who are prevented from participatingfullyin economic social and civil
and lifelong learning policies arefullyinclusive of older people s
lessons of such events arefullylearnt and further encourages continuing
operatives you mention are thefullymutual ones the tenancies are
in general practitioner practices asfullyone third of them are
of fiscal fines which arefullypaid s1w 8723 michael matheson
only to colleges which arefullypart of a university but
there are additional and notfullyquantifiable risks to which the
that the figures are notfullyquantified we listen to the
nobody s system will befullyreflected there are real tensions
mining which have not beenfullyresolved and which are outwith
in wards that are notfullystaffed the lack of training
generation and that rocs arefullytradable across the border with
and there are 1 500fullytrained interpreters finland was able
is possible once things arefullyup and running that the
those with learning disabilities arefullyutilised for the purpose for
and make sure they arefullyvalued by government we will
unless prospective adopters have compliedfullywith the requirements that are
problem that had not beenfullyaddressed and that steps might
some issues will not befullyaddressed i know of one
justice scotland bill did notfullyallow us to do that
scotland we still do notfullyappreciate just how big our
the impact of the budgetfullybecause they did not have
detail because you have notfullycosted it i would be
aspect and you have notfullycovered that one it would
of resources to enforce itfullyi would not expect chief
smith i cannot answer thatfullymany if not the great
but not quite you knowfullynormal being slightly short of
although i will not reportfullyon the conference a number
which may not have beenfullyrecognised that the trading divisions
who were consulted had notfullyrecognised the emerging equality agenda
bill as drafted did notfullyreflect the circumstances under which
sometimes that i am notfullythree dimensional not a rounded
ve picked up but notfullyunderstood from the ferrà juan
need to play their partfullyin promoting the growth and
through and become an integralfullyintegrated part of the prison
admittedly a treat but neverfullypart of the curriculum within
in the report must befullyresourced and acknowledges than an
report the issues have beenfullydebated by the parliament and
the scottish executive to implementfullythe recommendations of the report
renaissance periods it will morefullycome to be realized how
ministerial team to consider morefullyhow to respond to the
she will address that morefullyin her summing up perhaps
views and engaging them morefullyin the budget process and
can you explain that morefullyplease angus mackay let us
still time to evaluate morefullythe experience in england and
issued by each office werefullypaid in each of these
private investment in the sectorfullymerge the further and higher
october when the convention becomesfullyoperational and further calls upon
to when the treasurer hasfullyrecovered her health d estimates
local authority departments should befullyco ordinated notwithstanding last night
establish such a system andfullyconsult local authorities before doing
by local authorities can sharefullyin the benefits of education
will those trials be reportedfullyand collated so that monitoring
to orkney they will befullyat liberty to do so
inquiries and scrutiny i amfullyconfident that the parliament will
in may we will introducefullycosted proposals those proposals will
that the matter will befullyexamined and that other cross
executive whether it will considerfullyfunding the scottish european resource
that older people will receivefullyindependent financial advice prior to
business park perth will becomefullyoperational s1w 33700 mr brian
and pension rights will befullyprotected under any private finance
its decisions it will givefullyreasoned judgments one can get
the majority will of parliamentfullyto implement sutherland and to
people of scotland the executivefullysupports the sentiments expressed in
product is still available wefullyaccept that there is no
tae dial bit towt hitfullybetter still tae hug da
what has been promised isfullyfunded and deliverable the minister
feelings appear to have beenfullyjustified to a significant extent
jenned up need ti befullyclued up cause that s
the scottish executive to befullyeffective in dealing with the
the scottish executive to befullyeffective in dealing with the
be the creation of afullyempowered broadcasting council for scotland
scots and english to befullyfledged and separate languages it
pan to coat the basefullyheat should be at medium
i am 80 as ifullyintend to be god willing
of whether the lesson wasfullylearned the lesson to be
and c 1999 2000 werefullypaid s1w 8720 michael matheson
the scottish parliament he isfullyentitled to attend the meeting
that allows them to functionfullywe have the means to
what you have said explainsfullywhere you stand on that
throughout our period in officefullya year ago i appeared
in europe with which ifullyagree it is a pity
as he opened the doorfullyand beckoned to me with
present record of needs legislationfullyconforms with the european convention
the view that they cannotfullyengage with the active passive
the analysis of language wasfullyin keeping with the quality
at ca na maria isfullyoperational with its characteristic overhanging
seemed very long and ifullysympathised with the student who
the manuscript and discussed itfullywith me however responsibility for
breach biosecurity arrangements i agreefullywith the member on the
has pledged to co operatefullywith the pace team the
clarity and detail it accordsfullywith the principles agreed by
of the other it isfullyappreciated that their editorial methods
nhs trusts to compensate themfullyfor the use of their
expressed concern about their abilityfullyto maintain their independence from
that point because it wasfullycovered in the members business
and members to commit themselvesfullyto the best value programme
fragmented and were no longerfullyeffective 31 a review was
they were maybe nae ayefullyhivvy enyeuch for e job
the 39 responses 36 werefullyin favour of the proposals
my eyelids then i comefullyawake and discover there s
f963: mmhm right m762: withoutfullyknowing where it had come
her afore isie isie wisfullyas clean as minnie her
the trip comin hame wisfullyas coorse as the trip
fur minnie fur she wisfullyas gleg as matty on
history of older scots asfullyas he could so too
of the patient participating asfullyas possible in the discharge
sound enough and she sfullyinsured it s no as
problems has issued a statementfullybacking the partnership special educational
has ensured that the guidelinesfullyreflect the patient s perspective
harding has explained the positionfullythe executive supports his amendments
executive has failed to respondfullyto the substantial and detailed
order to engage the executivefullyin the project and its
splendid ceremony i enjoyed itfullyand felt strangely light reborn
he pushed the door openfullyand peered round it there
contractor had completed the workfullyand that it was up
auditorium thereby making the venuefullyequipped for digital radio and
and resolve it quickly ifullyexpect the transfer of undertakings
improvements and to involve itselffullyin the ongoing debate about
a of that note commentsfullyon the articles and schedules
about the insufficient number offullystaffed wards and medical teams
throughout scotland and we wantfullyto utilise pharmacists knowledge skills
the situation christ naldrett ifullyaccept that 14 30 the
it was perhaps introduced withoutfullyadequate preparation that is one
the teaching of languages ifullyendorse that in north ayrshire
literate but i wasn tfullyliterate in that sense do
court in a way thatfullymeets international standards of justice
insist that ppp pfi specificationsfullyprovide for this recognise after
that richard lochhead raises ifullyrespect the committee s right
again set out the backgroundfullywe anticipate that the majority
is trying to do ifullyappreciate the arguments for having
parade e neesht mornin wisfullye warst job i can
we always try to consultfullythe paper asks whether we
in particular the failure tofullyimplement the findings of the
freeing the editors to concentratefullyon the editorial task the
economic task force to investigatefullythe potential impact on the
homes to reduce demand forfullytreated water also by reforming
snp of course i sharefullypauline mcneill s sentiments about
of the contracts is tupefullycosted in bids from private
appears in my imagination afullyformed monster six foot four
in the european union engagingfullyin the community of nations
o 835 pages is scrievitfullyin the victorian novel tradeetion
three feet wide bit naefullysae deep it wis jist
only wae he kin disclosefullydisclose dimps wi gittin the
greater easterhouse social inclusion partnershipfullyfund gevco until the new
the board of social responsibilityfullysupports the presbytery of jedburgh
peacock keith harding set outfullythe reasons for moving amendment
body indeed once it isfullyset up i wish david
glass kist visible but neverfullykent niven 1998 58 this

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