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scottish parliament to confer newfunctionson a class of bodies
the parliament to confer newfunctionson a class of bodies
is competent to confer suchfunctionson such bodies that matter
is competent to confer suchfunctionson such bodies the matter
relevant provisions to confer executivefunctionson the scottish ministers in
the scottish parliament or conferfunctionson the scottish ministers the
in the bill to conferfunctionson the tribunal amendment 62
border public authorities adaptation offunctionsetc amendment order 2002 27
border public authorities adaptation offunctionsetc amendment order 2002 27
border public authorities adaptation offunctionsetc amendment order 2002 27
border public authorities adaptation offunctionsetc amendment order 2002 recommends
border public authorities adaptation offunctionsetc no 2 order 2000
border public authorities adaptation offunctionsetc no 2 order 2000
border public authorities adaptation offunctionsetc no 2 order 2000
border public authorities adaptation offunctionsetc order 1999 the scotland
border public authorities adaptation offunctionsetc order 2000 1 march
border public authorities adaptation offunctionsetc order 2000 be approved
border public authorities adaptation offunctionsetc order 2000 that the
insert principles for discharging certainfunctions1 subsections 2 to 4
section principles for discharging certainfunctions3 of this act b
section principles for discharging certainfunctions5 and 6 of this
section principles for discharging certainfunctions7 of this act is
or discharging any powers orfunctionsunder this act shall a
principle that in exercising theirfunctionsgaelic and english should be
by each contributor in exercisingfunctionsmentioned in subsection 2 below
towards expenditure incurred in exercisingfunctionsmentioned in subsection 2 below
by that contributor in exercisingfunctionsmentioned in subsection 2 below
towards expenditure incurred in exercisingfunctionsmentioned in subsection 2 below
principle that in exercising theirfunctionsthe public bodies should treat
persons making decisions and exercisingfunctionsunder this act in relation
supervision in pursuance of thefunctionsof a local authority under
supervision in pursuance of thefunctionsof a local authority under
supervision in pursuance of thefunctionsof a local authority under
pursuance of the authority sfunctionsunder that paragraph b subsection
pursuance of the authority sfunctionsunder that paragraph proposals for
pursuance of the authority sfunctionsunder that paragraph section 10
in pursuance of its corefunctionswithin the meaning of section
on the transfer of executivefunctionsfor railways followed by debate
following the transfer of executivefunctionsfor railways which body will
the transfer of the keyfunctionsof scottish homes which is
transfer certain rights interests andfunctionsof the forestry commission and
educational commercial and technology transferfunctionsof the scottish agricultural college
insert under the transfer offunctionsorder 1999 si 1999 no
insert under the transfer offunctionsorder 1999 si 1999 no
scotland act 1998 transfer offunctionsto scottish ministers etc no
scotland act 1998 transfer offunctionsto the scottish ministers etc
scotland act 1998 transfer offunctionsto the scottish ministers etc
scotland act 1998 transfer offunctionsto the scottish ministers etc
scotland act 1998 transfer offunctionsto the scottish ministers etc
scotland act 1998 transfer offunctionsto the scottish ministers etc
scotland act 1998 transfer offunctionsto the scottish ministers etc
scotland act 1998 transfer offunctionsto the scottish ministers etc
scotland act 1998 transfer offunctionsto the scottish ministers etc
scotland act 1998 transfer offunctionsto the scottish ministers etc
scotland act 1998 transfer offunctionsto the scottish ministers etc
scotland act 1998 transfer offunctionsto the scottish ministers etc
scotland act 1998 transfer offunctionsto the scottish ministers etc
scotland act 1998 transfer offunctionsto the scottish ministers etc
scotland act 1998 transfer offunctionsto the scottish ministers etc
scotland act 1998 transfer offunctionsto the scottish ministers etc
scotland act 1998 transfer offunctionsto the scottish ministers etc
scotland act 1998 transfer offunctionsto the scottish ministers etc
scotland act 1998 transfer offunctionsto the scottish ministers etc
scotland act 1998 transfer offunctionsto the scottish ministers etc
scotland act 1998 transfer offunctionsto the scottish ministers etc
scotland act 1998 transfer offunctionsto the scottish ministers etc
of the discharge of thefunctions2 subsection 1 above shall
office and discharge of ecclesiasticalfunctionsact 1974 during a bbc
to the discharge of itsfunctionsand it shall be the
discharge of the sqa sfunctionsand the power of compliance
for the discharge of thefunctionsof the body or of
to the discharge of thefunctionsof the sqa i put
on the discharge of anyfunctionsunder the regulation of investigatory
report on the discharge offunctionsunder the regulation of investigatory
1999 the scotland act 1998functionsexercisable in or as regards
by nhs bodies on prescribedfunctions12 delegation etc between local
on how they exercise theirfunctionsa similar power in relation
conferring or exercise of statutoryfunctionsand allows any one of
exercise of any of theirfunctionsand b do not prevent
the exercise of its administrativefunctionsand b in relation to
ordinating the exercise of theirfunctionsand those of any such
that in the exercise offunctionsby public bodies the gaelic
of the exercise of itsfunctionsfollowed by parliamentary bureau motion
exercise of any of theirfunctionsii the liability of an
at end insert exercise protectivefunctionsin respect of any persons
the exercise in conjunction withfunctionsmentioned in paragraph a of
the exercise in conjunction withfunctionsmentioned in paragraph b of
in the exercise of thefunctionsof those bodies the gaelic
in the exercise of thefunctionsof those bodies the gaelic
exercise of any of itsfunctionsor iii any power or
in the exercise of anyfunctionswhich it assumes in relation
of any of the followingfunctionsa functions relating to education
of the following functions afunctionsrelating to education in schools
a public library service cfunctionsrelating to fire fighting that
proposes to carry out itsfunctionsrelating to gaelic that arise
the registration of elections efunctionsrelating to the conduct of
to education in schools bfunctionsrelating to the provision of
in case of fire dfunctionsrelating to the registration of
as respects certain of theirfunctionsto amend the law relating
as respects certain of theirfunctionsto amend the law relating
many parts vocabulary grammar rulesfunctionsintonation patterns social usages the
parts including vocabulary grammar rulesfunctionsintonation patterns social usages the
well as highlighting the languagefunctionsvocabulary and language tasks required
able to highlight the languagefunctionsvocabulary and tasks required for
in which the sqa sfunctionscould revert to ministers without
to undertake any of thefunctionsof a local authority ministers
5 of the 1968 actfunctionsof scottish ministers b sections
which provide as to thefunctionsof the scottish ministers in
by nhs bodies on prescribedfunctionsa local authority may a
bodies snh propose that specificfunctionsbe conferred on the bodies
be prescribed and b suchfunctionsof nhs bodies as may
authority in carrying out itsfunctionsas police authority or as
staff in carrying out itsfunctionshowever as a good employer
board is carrying out itsfunctionsin a manner which is
assist in carrying out itsfunctionspurchase property not only to
board is carrying out itsfunctionsso as to comply with
board is carrying out itsfunctionsso as to comply with
special provision for law officerfunctionsand certain functions of the
subsection 2 below 2 thefunctionsare a such functions of
the functions are a suchfunctionsof local authorities as may
law officer functions and certainfunctionsof the first minister so
other than degrees sqa sfunctionsare to devise develop and
to the sqa s substantivefunctionsas conferred by statute devising
of subsection 2 below offunctionsmentioned in paragraph a of
a of that subsection offunctionsmentioned in paragraph b of
in the way in whichfunctionsmentioned in subsection 2 above
within the authority s areafunctionsmentioned in subsection 2 b
any services to which thosefunctionsrelate 4 regulations under subsection
tae convey certain acts orfunctionsan hae a wide range
been put together fulfil certainfunctionssuch as thermal or sound
for discharges secretary of statefunctionsamendment regulations 2000 ssi 2000
for discharges secretary of statefunctionsamendment regulations 2000 ssi 2000
for discharges secretary of statefunctionsamendment regulations 2000 ssi 2000
the scottish executive whether thefunctionsof the secretary of state
the scottish executive whether thefunctionsof the secretary of state
the scottish executive whether thefunctionsof the secretary of state
reports covering the commissioner sfunctionscan be published where a
commissioner in his or herfunctionsit is therefore not necessary
and agreed to section 17functionsof chief surveillance commissioner the
are made aware of thefunctionsof the commissioner and how
carry out his or herfunctionsto remove the commissioner the
the proper performance of thefunctionsspecified in sub paragraph 2
of the 1990 act thefunctionsof determining i whether any
of the 1990 act thefunctionsof determining i whether to
7 of the 1984 actfunctionsof local authorities for and
7 of the 1984 actfunctionsof local authorities or are
committee to carry out itsfunctionsunder the 1922 act 4
f local authorities social servicefunctions3 approval of adoption societies
scottish homes the strategic housingfunctionsof local authorities and grants
decision to regulate the homelessnessfunctionsof local authorities and local
park body should share planningfunctionswith local authorities although they
which the local authority sfunctionsare exercised or b the
regulating local authority housing managementfunctionsfrom those for regulating social
the scottish qualifications authority sfunctionsthe power of direction refers
to carry out the additionalfunctionsto ensure that homelessness eventually
of that public body sfunctionsand b include the matters
the way in which theirfunctionsare exercised and b on
environment and b internal organisationalfunctionsbusiness bulletin no 153 2001
b exercises any of itsfunctionsin the area for which
or affirmation b i confersfunctionsupon the spcb to pay
body s performance of itsfunctionsfinancial implications of the bill
body s performance of itsfunctionsincluding an indication of the
except in section 4 thefunctionsof a public body include
22 and arrangements exist forfunctionsof any other body to
1 line 7 leave outfunctionsand insert a function mrs
line 8 leave out thosefunctionsand insert the function mrs
and insert of the followingfunctionsof the council to be
rather than duplicate the administrativefunctionsof other public and voluntary
executive giving councils important newfunctionsparticularly in public health and
it of such of itsfunctionsas may be prescribed 12
years ago then its spritualfunctionshad combined regularly with secular
its nature and how itfunctionsin texts jim crinson s
number o roles its mainfunctionsinclude thi ability tae dae
one of its objects orfunctionsis to provide affordable housing
land fund including its remitfunctionsmembership responsibilities and jurisdiction r
its use in performing mediafunctionsof a generalising nature its
expresses its dismay that itsfunctionsshould be handed to the
european union carries out itsfunctionssuch reform offers solutions and
some or all of itsfunctionsthe most recent prior options
have as one of itsfunctionsthe provision of resource information
of scotland to delegate itsfunctionsto allow council committees to
whether it will detail anyfunctionswithin its responsibility which have
of elections f such otherfunctionsas may by order be
first instance but that theirfunctionsshould be kept under review
relevant to such decisions andfunctionsa subject only to any
drunk at weddings and stafffunctionsand handbag any woman bill
including steps taken to fulfilfunctionsany recommendations arising and an
any collective term or statutoryfunctionsin their own right currently
relate to regulating the managementfunctionsand homelessness duties of local
now and then to localfunctionsand that offered a brief
the particular national park suchfunctionsmight include the national park
those proposed for such researchfunctionsof others 6 details of
following the national health servicefunctionsof the common services agency
issue guidance on how thosefunctionsare carried out and to
would expect many of thosefunctionsnormally to be carried out
of central money advice supportfunctionsother than with those organisations
typically use language and thosefunctionswhich are normally required in
2 inquiry into the financefunctionsof the scottish executive the
the scottish executive why thefunctionsof the scottish conveyancing and
how the development of mentalfunctionsis shaped by social conditions
increased perception of how languagefunctionsin literary texts arising from
his own theory of thefunctionsof language that the child
differences in types of languagefunctionsor in the kinds of
an essential requirement other statutoryfunctionsand duties 8 details of
80 per cent of thefunctionsdevolved to this parliament have
of the importance of thefunctionsin question to the regulatory
who fulfil many of thefunctionsof a dsfb but whose
recognition to the role andfunctionsof bòrd gàidhlig na h
more about the structures andfunctionsof english drawing on their
connection with the member sfunctionsof management as if the
information about the structure andfunctionsof the department was supplied
do that here because thefunctionsof the fsa are reserved
called transactional expressive and poeticfunctionsof writing did become prominent
management agreements or adopting planningfunctionssnh are of the view
number of stb staff andfunctionswere transferred from edinburgh to
6 details of a thefunctionswhich it is proposed that
neo cortex none of yourfunctionswill be impaired you are
more general points about howfunctionsare carried out there is
to interfere with their judicialfunctionsor to affect confidence in
addition who will review theirfunctionssecondly to follow on from
their practical help at ourfunctionsthe president handed over a
different buildings serve vastly differentfunctionsand few are built to
scots will also covers differentfunctionsdependin oan gif it is
exact model for sharing planningfunctionsshould be different for each
in the way in whichfunctionsare exercised includes an improvement
in the way in whichfunctionsare exercised is to be
is a mismatch between thefunctionsfor which they typically use
writing about illnesses or bodilyfunctionswhich are specific to women
c undertaking research or administrativefunctionswhich relate directly to the
examine rigorously whether stb sfunctionsare required at all and
bill states that other statutoryfunctionsand duties can be detailed
many registrars who also undertakefunctionsother than registration were on
annex two and confers otherfunctionsupon the spcb as specified
120 capacity single hall manyfunctionsmay be held thus enabling
than an electric blanket itfunctionsboth as an inbuilt companion
the parliament has several importantfunctionsit is important that we
the parliament s powers andfunctionssupported by cathy jamieson roseanna
ah see ane o mafunctionsas gettin new projects aff
centre is committed to stagingfunctionsand live entertainment linked with
together at least two separatefunctionsthat were arguably central to
success in school incidentally thesefunctionsessentially putting forward individual explanations
o variation in thi individualfunctionso modal verbs in scots
pcs have all the usualfunctionsfor word processing electronic mail
the pouer ti smoor thefunctionso ma corp an naething
hibs make a mint offfunctionsright the reason again one
full responsibility for degree awardingfunctionsthe preliminary visit acdap committee
it could have limited directfunctionsand play a predominantly co
called these internal and externalfunctionsrespectively knowledge transforming and knowledge

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