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about the lack of corefundingand continuing funding for successful
lose 50 000 of corefundingand gala youth project which
address the issues of corefundingand of keeping successful projects
murdo fraser have said corefundingand stability of funding are
dimensions and purpose of corefundingand subsequently a focus on
sustainability leadership core and directfundingand the adverse impact of
sustainability leadership core and statutoryfundingand the adverse impact of
what basis grants for corefundingare allocated to voluntary organisations
core funding and stability offundingare critical if good organisations
an element of sustainable corefundingat grassroots level and help
been suggested that all corefundingcould be channelled through the
year a lack of corefundingcreates big problems for staff
able to access its corefundingfor next year a lack
of core funding and continuingfundingfor successful projects and also
over 16 000 businesses corefundingfor the atbs comes from
embrace three year rolling corefundingfor the voluntary sector negotiate
people cannot secure continuing corefundingfor their basic activities the
need to look beyond seedcornfundingfor voluntary organisations to core
association will receive in corefundingfrom sportscotland over the next
core funding receives no suchfundingfrom the sac however it
that its headquarters core grantfundingfrom the scottish executive was
scope and rationale of corefundingimpacts on any voluntary organisation
constantly tell me that corefundingis a major issue for
must be considered and corefundingis crucial i was heartened
members pointed out sustainable corefundingis especially needed the current
needs the lack of corefundingis making morale drop in
must concentrate on the corefundingissues 16 40 bill aitken
secure 120 000 in corefundingit collapsed we must address
because it cannot secure corefundingit serves a population of
core funding revenue funding revenuefundinglacks stability a year on
is being given to corefundingmany groups such as gordon
stability and security in corefundingprevents effective planning and distracts
me for help with corefundingreceives no such funding from
time is core funding revenuefundingrevenue funding lacks stability a
time after time is corefundingrevenue funding revenue funding lacks
for voluntary organisations to corefundingthat provides resources for running
years and how much corefundingthe association has sought from
on the difficulties of corefundingthe three core points are
from the problem of corefundingthe whole chamber would accept
attention is paid to corefundingthere is a case for
that were raised about corefundingthrough our work on underfunding
a way of providing corefundingto ensure continuity of service
it is considering increasing corefundingto victim support scotland given
grants for training and corefundingtotal around 45 000 an
heritage give out no corefundingwhatever although snh is allocated
for stable and reliable corefundingwhich is extremely tricky to
rather than giving them corefundingwhich is far more important
that means having proper corefundingwhich must be signalled well
detail a the total lotteryfundingallocated to scotland over each
like to raise relate tofundingand in particular to lottery
executive how many national lotteryfundingawards have been made to
return the share of lotteryfundingdirected to sport art heritage
role in holding national lotteryfundingdistribution bodies to account i
to the issue of lotteryfundingearlier this year the new
to maximise access to lotteryfundingfor and work towards the
access to lottery and otherfundingfor the further development of
is a problem with lotteryfundingfor voluntary organisations i would
and other voluntary organisations seekingfundingfrom lottery and national or
disproportionate amounts of national lotteryfundinggo to better off areas
much national lottery charities boardfundinghas been allocated to each
effect of its vast lotteryfundinghas been to cruelly deprive
create pressures elsewhere in lotteryfundingif an area has been
a broader review into lotteryfundingin general i know that
lottery the uk government isfundingmore and more statutory bodies
relatively short period on lotteryfundingnot only in the capital
badly in relation to lotteryfundingsuccess mr rumbles i am
received 509 million in lotteryfundingsupported by donald gorrie alex
for national lottery charities boardfundingthere have been from each
centres wanted to access lotteryfundingthrough the new opportunities fund
sector was robbed when lotteryfundingwas directed from good works
our strands in the lotteryfundingwe are starting to see
that a slice of lotteryfundingwould be put aside for
distribute the end year flexibilityfundingallocated to environment and rural
it has to review thefundingallocated to grampian health board
scheme will be met fromfundingalready allocated to the project
been allocated similar pro ratafundingby the uk government but
much the scottish further educationfundingcouncil allocated to the a
scottish executive what ring fencedfundingfor education was allocated to
resources allocated through the policefundingformula and considers that there
11 september 2002 how muchfundinghas been allocated to mental
the scottish executive how muchfundinghas been allocated to the
ask the scottish executive whatfundinghas been allocated to the
the scottish executive how muchfundinghas been allocated to the
what costings and timetabling publicfundinghas been allocated to the
provision of rail infrastructure whatfundinghas been allocated towards the
and the way in whichfundingis allocated concern has been
answer and that is howfundingis allocated i will provide
ask the scottish executive whatfundingit has allocated committed or
executive what level of matchfundingit has allocated to projects
scottish executive what increase infundinglevels will be allocated to
here this budget takes thefundingthat is allocated from the
current financial year and whatfundingwas allocated in each of
ask the scottish executive whatfundingwas allocated to audiology departments
ask the scottish executive whatfundingwas allocated to diabetic outpatient
ask the scottish executive whatfundingwas allocated to hypodermic needle
specify from which vote thisfundingwill be allocated in each
of the 416 000 additionalfundingallocation to scottish borders council
authorities to produce the additionalfundingand support the wider recognition
that these make clear whetherfundingannounced is additional resources or
the nhs will receive additionalfundingfor free personal and nursing
highlighted the need for additionalfundingfor gaelic publishing in order
extended plea for additional capitalfundingfor housing but the total
utilising the 3 5million additionalfundingfor local authority social services
last twelve months for additionalfundingfor personnel whether these requests
from the 3 5million additionalfundingfor social services staff training
costs i referred to additionalfundingfor the police which covers
involved and to provide additionalfundingfor the provision of pre
it is providing any additionalfundingfor training of health sector
the additional 29 million offundinggiven by the millennium commission
also right that other additionalfundinghas gone into ensuring that
year much of that additionalfundinghas gone rightly into the
requests for the required additionalfundinghave been made on behalf
the third year of additionalfundingin recognition of the particular
the scottish executive what additionalfundingit will make available to
provide details of the additionalfundingmade available to local authorities
plans and endorses the additionalfundingof 288 million for 2000
plans and endorses the additionalfundingof 288 million for 2000
review and we gained additionalfundingone result of that is
the scottish executive what additionalfundingor resources it intends to
june 2002 how much additionalfundingper student has been made
the scottish executive for additionalfundingsupported by richard lochhead irene
2000 01 and any additionalfundingthat has been or is
whether it will provide additionalfundingto local authorities in north
report s call for additionalfundingto tackle problems of relative
plans to commit any additionalfundingto tackling youth crime s1o
additional 130 million of publicfundingto that sector since july
end and insert additional directfundingwhile acknowledging that many issues
the scottish executive what additionalfundingwill be made available to
scottish executive whether any additionalfundingwill be provided to central
receive 4 million in structuralfundingbut we receive 60 million
and festival bodies should receivefundingdirectly from the scottish executive
4 october 1999 how muchfundingeach local authority will receive
people small projects also receivefundingfor example aberdeenshire life education
act as eligible to receivefundingfrom shefc 2 guide for
that companies that receive somefundingfrom the executive or its
that the companies that receivefundingfrom the executive through a
that all companies should receivefundingfrom the executive to help
not going to receive thefundingfrom the greater glasgow nhs
as being eligible to receivefundingfrom the scottish higher education
part time they receive nofundingi suggest the practical step
however it does receive projectfundingif it suggested teaching the
and will receive no morefundingin east kilbride a wonderful
committee hearings does not getfundingisea is to receive temporary
a public and b privatefundingit will receive s1w 17592
a campaign what level offundingit will receive s1w 3612
isea is to receive temporaryfundingonly until the end of
receive a share of thisfundings1w 32345 mr mike rumbles
deficit that exists between thefundingthat care homes receive and
to supplement should receive mainstreamfundingthe presiding officer please move
fringe artists who receive centralfundingto perform in venues outside
will benefit from the increasedfundingfor clinical trials given the
it has increased the availablefundingfor housing supply through the
scots these solutions include increasedfundingfor scots and for that
what she said about increasedfundingfor the councils for voluntary
those are examples of increasedfundingfor the scottish regional theatres
the board we have increasedfundingfor voluntary sector infrastructure from
with the increased levels offundingfrom the scottish executive in
face through decreasing or standstillfundingincreased costs arising from the
whether any of the increasedfundingmade available to greater glasgow
and require adequate and increasedfundingone can argue that local
is evident in the increasedfundingover the past few years
democrats i welcome the increasedfundingthat is encapsulated in the
the substantially increased allocation offundingto local authorities in 2000
communities we have increased ourfundingto the sector we are
scottish executive how much increasedfundingwill be made available for
that much of the increasedfundingwill go into national voluntary
increased status that european unionfundingwould bring it would help
successful projects with short termfundinga project spends a year
islands projects to attract pppfundingby being grouped with other
area tourist boards the remainingfundingcovers competitiveness projects such as
criteria for european regional developmentfundingfor capital projects between areas
lot of time before ehfundingfor good projects comes through
many funders offer short termfundingfor new ideas and projects
or any other source offundingfor projects at the conclusion
the same view and guaranteefundingfor projects that they believe
percentage of the 640 millionfundingfor roads projects will be
culture 64 the lack offundingfor scots language projects and
a local authority to attractfundingfor several projects together could
local authority has been givenfundingfor specific projects in specific
other projects because of inadequatefundingfrom the executive however it
public transport related projects excludingfundingmade available under the rural
there are for the continuedfundingof projects that have been
mr kenneth gibson s1m 842fundingof voluntary projects lodged on
languages notes that european unionfundingsupport will extend to projects
if necessary use scottish executivefundingto get the projects underway
that governments should deny aidfundingto projects that destroy ancient
projects and when any suchfundingwill be made available s1w
year the present rate offundingwill deal with the projects
from the 1 9 millionfundingawarded to the scottish crop
we announced 200 million offundingduring the first year of
much of the 350 millionfundingfor its central heating scheme
much of the 350 millionfundingfor its central heating scheme
much of the 350 millionfundingfor its central heating scheme
much of the 350 millionfundingfor its central heating scheme
much of the 350 millionfundingfor its central heating scheme
much of the 350 millionfundingfor its central heating scheme
much of the 350 millionfundingfor its central heating scheme
million available with regard tofundingfor post office branches in
worth while an increase infundingfrom 23 million in 1998
million and for direct grantfundingfrom 23 million to 39
element of the 750 millionfundinggap for care of the
first term of office directfundinghas risen from 23 million
million a year in capfundingif we do not start
3 million and public sectorfundingis 2 million which includes
the scottish borders after securingfundingof 12 million from the
make up the shortfall infundingof 3 5 million required
executive announced a 6 millionfundingpackage designed to support the
much of the 15 millionfundingpackage to expand the use
executive announced a 6 millionfundingpackage to run from 2003
communities initiative the 1 millionfundingto the volunteer centre network
in 1997 the department sfundingwas about 47 million we
from the 39 million offundingwhich is an increase of
rural forum scotland received projectfundingworth 2 million however because
for schools i recently announcedfundingworth 5 million for a
in direct support for currentfundingfor higher education institutions of
unless there is direct extrafundingfrom the executive i would
made a plea for directfundingfrom the executive to many
running of an organisation directfundingis a nettle that has
the executive s use offundingmechanisms to direct the work
and their representatives by directfundingof local voluntary organisations 12
reform the arrangements for directfundingof the voluntary sector in
on our review of directfundingof the voluntary sector that
a commitment in its directfundingof the voluntary sector to
is the total amount offundingpaid direct to the fisheries
of a broad range offundingschemes both direct and indirect
s commitment to increase directfundingto the sector as the
total executive direct and indirectfundingto the sector is estimated
biggest ever allocation of directfundingto voluntary groups we must
concerned about the lack offundingand facilities for chronic pain
scots but that lack offundingand lack of recognition have
contributors felt this lack offundingand lack of research could
voluntary organisations to apply forfundingbecause of lack of time
deferred due to lack offundingbroken down by health board
the insecurity which lack offundingcan bring notes the answer
west due to lack offundingcompared with only two students
as well as lack offundingcould delay the introduction of
and a lack of properfundingfor local government that is
and mentions the lack offundingfor the scottish national dictionary
of a lack of dedicatedfundingour job is to raise
review group on voluntary sectorfundingand kenneth gibson msp as
voluntary workers by providing morefundingand reducing paperwork s1w 29300
rurality is dealt with infundingarrangements for the voluntary sector
rurality is dealt with infundingarrangements for the voluntary sector
voluntary organisations and recognise sustainablefundingas an absolute priority linda
voluntary sector what to dofundingconsistency is needed the voluntary
jobs b the cessation offundingfor 15 voluntary organisations including
well recognised we are increasingfundingfor the voluntary sector infrastructure
that is an absolute disgracefundingfor the voluntary sector must
executive consultation document review offundingfor the voluntary sector talks
have made a commitment tofundingfor the voluntary sector we
for improving the stability offundingfor voluntary organisations working in
voluntary organisations in receipt offundingfrom its innovation grants programme
the effect that uncertainty offundinghas on voluntary organisations it
law and also one onfundingin the voluntary sector 5
voluntary sector the snp welcomesfundingincreases even if in some
voluntary sector the issue offundingis often at the forefront
overall pot of voluntary sectorfundingis stagnant and is probably
now are for the futurefundingof councils of voluntary service
to identify gaps in thefundingof the voluntary sector we
advise regulate and co ordinatefundingof voluntary organisations ensure that
the committee that looked atfundingof voluntary organisations various members
scottish executive or any otherfundingorganisation to use the voluntary
that voluntary groups feel whenfundingperiods draw to a close
tory mps that was thefundingsituation that the voluntary sector
peter jackson 5 voluntary sectorfundingthe committee will consider a
council for voluntary organisations europeanfundingthe social economy s unique
and whether it will providefundingto help voluntary youth organisations
young people and to providefundingto voluntary groups to cover
groups spoke with one voicefundingvoluntary sector independence the rural
instituted myriad new developments infundingwe are strengthening the voluntary
serious matters face higher educationfundingat the uk level as
and policy scottish higher educationfundingcouncil 4 correspondence from baa
criteria the scottish higher educationfundingcouncil applies in the awarding
2002 262 scottish higher educationfundingcouncil audit for the year
that the scottish higher educationfundingcouncil has refused to make
action the scottish higher educationfundingcouncil is taking in relation
in the scottish higher educationfundingcouncil s consultation paper on
in the scottish higher educationfundingcouncil s consultation paper on
in the scottish higher educationfundingcouncil s consultation paper on
in the scottish higher educationfundingcouncil s consultation paper on
in the scottish higher educationfundingcouncil s consultation paper on
in the scottish higher educationfundingcouncil s consultation paper on
on the scottish higher educationfundingcouncil s paper on the
by the scottish higher educationfundingcouncil scotlang has generated six
continuing education scottish higher educationfundingcouncil scottish further education funding
from the scottish higher educationfundingcouncil shefc 1 or was
scottish higher and further educationfundingcouncil shefc announced in march
of the scottish higher educationfundingcouncil the scottish further education
the further and higher educationfundingcouncils and help institutions develop
the higher and further educationfundingcouncils s1w 16817 alex neil
of higher education teaching andfundingfollowed by business motion 2
contracts wherever possible provide robustfundingfor higher education research particularly
enterprise 3 teaching and researchfundingin higher education the committee
for example and higher educationfundingis an issue to which
colleges we will increase thefundingof further and higher education
s budget information on thefundingof the scottish higher education
her majesty s government sfundingpolicy for higher education in
for appropriate gradings and forfundingthe higher cost of a
do and soon scottish healthfundingwill be higher than that
to local authorities to discussfundingand that funding was available
what sources of central governmentfundingare available for any proposed
fund that the new opportunitiesfundingavailable for community land purchase
we have already made extrafundingavailable for example to bemis
it will continue to makefundingavailable for safer routes to
developing services and to makingfundingavailable if we can raise
to which actions it hasfundingavailable s1w 14961 robin harper
executive whether it will makefundingavailable to grampian health board
executive whether the level offundingavailable to police boards for
how they should spend thefundingbeing made available to them
the country believes that sufficientfundingcan be made available so
funding the scottish further educationfundingcouncil has available to bring
made of available sources offundingfrom european institutions and how
ask the scottish executive whatfundinghas been made available for
under what expenditure headings publicfundinghas been made available to
the scottish executive what challengefundinghas been made available to
scheme funding given that suchfundinghas previously been available for
increase the level of availablefundingi will not rehearse the
the overall increase in availablefundingin the past few years
ask the scottish executive whetherfundingis available for the improvement
ask the scottish executive whatfundingis available from a its
ask the scottish executive whatfundingis being made available to
the parliament if no suchfundingis made available and what
scottish executive should ensure thatfundingis made available for increasing
ask the scottish executive whatfundingis made available to local
ask the scottish executive whatfundingis or will be available
or blocking software and whatfundingit has made available for
ask the scottish executive whatfundingit has made available for
ask the scottish executive whatfundingit has made available to
ask the scottish executive whatfundingit made available to the
schools exist and what specialfundingit makes available for these
on the proportion of thefundingmade available through sips that
the scottish executive what europeanfundingprogrammes are available to organisations
try to ensure that thefundingschemes available to the sector
measures for which the necessaryfundingshould be made available should
we consider some of thefundingstreams that are becoming available
even get access to thefundingthat is currently available for
do with the care orfundingthat is made available by
to discuss funding and thatfundingwas available for topics of
the scottish executive how muchfundingwas made available through the
ask the scottish executive whatfundingwill be available for schemes
make a clear statement thatfundingwill be available to ensure
account the fact that lessfundingwill be available to local
scottish executive what level offundingwill be made available for
in dumfries and when thefundingwill be made available s1w
the scottish executive what furtherfundingwill be made available to
ask the scottish executive whatfundingwill be made available to
the expectation that the necessaryfundingwill be made available to
the expectation that the necessaryfundingwill be made available to
the security that continuity offundingwould be available for them
organisations in relation to matchedfundingand in particular those faced
organisations face the issue offundingand resources which inevitably i
crucial issues such as thefundingand supporting of organisations in
between faith based organisations andfundingauthorities as to the best
adequate take up of suchfundingby organisations in scotland s1w
primary objectives of organisations matchedfundingcan also be a nightmare
small organisations when the expectedfundingdoes not appear despite the
main partner organisations with significantfundinginfluence and powers an elected
and volunteer centres and byfundingkey organisations such as the
clxxiv 6 see list offundingorganisations dost xii p cclvii
maintain their independence from theirfundingorganisations that is a very
that we must develop stablefundingpackages for such organisations we
talk about organisations say thatfundingparticularly from local authorities has
for organisations not to havefundingsecurity if important responsibility for
the organisations that are receivingfundingthrough the scottish executive or
as a way of providingfundingto local organisations and communities
organisations in receipt of publicfundingto pay debts on time
reviews of teaching and researchfundingand to make recommendations for
whether to bid for researchfundingeducation culture and sport committee
review of research policy andfundingfavour the more traditional subjects
increase its share of thefundingfor cancer research against the
welcome well founded applications forfundingfor research into osteoporosis currently
scientists in trying to securefundingfor the new medical research
review of research policy andfundinghas been held at a
research policy and funding thefundinglevels of more traditional subjects
paper on the future recurrentfundingof research in universities review
paper on the future recurrentfundingof research in universities review
paper on the future recurrentfundingof research in universities review
paper on the future recurrentfundingof research in universities review
paper on the future recurrentfundingof research in universities review
consultation paper on future recurrentfundingof research in universities review
paper on the future recurrentfundingof research in universities review
into osteoporosis currently it isfundingone research project on osteoporosis
ask the scottish executive whetherfundingpaid to the fisheries research
review of research policy andfundingpromote an inclusive approach to
research we recommended that furtherfundingshould be found for it
review of research policy andfundingthat those areas of research
review of research policy andfundingthe funding levels of more
review of research policy andfundingwill have on the regeneration
review of research policy andfundingwill have on the research
people will an increase infundingbe considered by the scottish
part of this 119 increasefundingfor initiatives which will maintain
urge the executive to increasefundingfor local authorities to enable
has any plans to increasefundingfor such groups s1o 333
90 per cent increase infundingfor the byre theatre a
services across scotland and whatfundingit is providing to increase
the impact an increase infundingof bail supervision services would
licensing and an increase infundingof schemes to combat alcohol
the failure to attract outsidefundingthe problem of the increase
s government to increase conservationfundingto poor countries to assess
lyon the future increase infundingwill of course allow a
ministers have offered to considerfundinga pilot project and we
will honour its share offundingcommitment to the project and
to consider alternative methods offundingelements of the project through
women s aid on securingfundingfor a project worker to
councils of going for projectfundingfor all sorts of activities
ben nevis it would securefundingfor such an imaginative project
banks to vote against providingfundingfor the project r s1m
be spent on accessing projectfundinggeorge lyon and others have
project in principle and throughfundingi give all credit to
a breakdown of how muchfundingis required for the project
the residency project maximum 80fundingjeanette was given a large
especially needed the current projectfundingmania is extraordinarily foolish and
of the language future publicfundingmust be need driven project
to help like for likefundingof this project the work
training and employment project providesfundingof up to 90 per
the project to completion thefundingsituation was also eased when
commitment to costing and partfundingthe project and calls upon
directly or through targeted projectfundingto recognise the impact that
executive the scottish further educationfundingcouncil the further education sector
mentioned we expect public sectorfundingfor local bodies normally to
importance to the sector ourfundingfor the sector is growing
working in that sector adequatefundingfrom central government and a
working in that sector adequatefundingfrom central government and a
the possibility of private sectorfundingfrom developers existing businesses etc
the sector to administer thefundinghaving gone to that length
principle to take forward thefundingof the sector support a
attention to considering our indirectfundingof the sector the recent
sector and local authorities otherfundingpartners and the scottish executive
of the sector to reviewfundingprinciples and processes to promote
sector our three year indicativefundingsettlements within local authorities have
that we have changed thefundingsystem for the private sector
evidence particularly in relation tofundingthe sector has a right
are considering new ways offundingthe sector last week we
the scottish public sector cfundingthe training of 5 000
given the importance of europeanfundingto the sector scvo has
it hasnae had is educationfundingand that s that s
of the scottish further educationfundingcouncil an analysis of the
and the scottish further educationfundingcouncil and outline any other
from the scottish further educationfundingcouncil and the accompanying summary
council the scottish further educationfundingcouncil and the student awards
parliamentary procedure scottish further educationfundingcouncil audit for the year
established by the further educationfundingcouncil for the payment to
for the scottish further educationfundingcouncil identifying the proportion of
with the scottish further educationfundingcouncil on developing a strategic
with the scottish further educationfundingcouncil on developing a strategic
funding council scottish further educationfundingcouncil scottish university for industry
by the scottish further educationfundingcouncil sfefc three of which
recently the scottish further educationfundingcouncil to address some of
from the scottish further educationfundingcouncil to the committee s
a separate gaelic development agencyfundingfor gaelic medium education the
the scottish budget showed thatfundingfor gaelic medium education will
executive which education authorities providefundingfor home based education programmes
new entitlement in recent yearsfundingfor language education has been
scottish executive education department whereasfundingfor scots comes through the
2002 further detail on thefundingfor the scottish further education
pre schools education and dfundingfrom sure start scotland to
briefly the current arrangements forfundinggaelic medium education the supply
enterprise in relation to thefundingof the scottish further education
recommendations for its future educationfundingthe committee agreed to request
the scottish executive how muchfundingthe scottish further education funding
with visitscotland to review theirfundingallocation to the board in
with visitscotland to review theirfundingallocation to the board in
tenant participation and to reviewfundingarrangements for tenant participation the
inquiry into the review offundingby shefc the committee agreed
that review and the devolvedfundingconsequences pending the outcome of
there are to review thefundingfor and provision of dentists
and distributing its review offundingfor black and minority ethnic
to review the system offundingfor drug rehabilitation in the
review a set line offundingfor homelessness in addition it
scottish executive to review itsfundingformula as a matter of
the first phase of ourfundingreview was crucially to deal
mentioned another aim of ourfundingreview was to identify gaps
scottish arts council to providefundingand advice to independent and
kinross council 3 european unionfundingarrangements the convener will report
the eligibility criteria for grantfundingby the arts council for
it was felt that councilfundingcould stifle the motivation of
a response from sfefc thefundingcouncil agreed to come back
that on 27 november thefundingcouncil has established and is
targets in every case thefundingcouncil has responded to the
the various initiatives that thefundingcouncil is engaged in up
that is reported by thefundingcouncil is work in progress
a similar exercise with thefundingcouncil over the next few
convener the analysis of thefundingcouncil s response shows clearly
issues referred to in thefundingcouncil update are covered in
council s application for revenuefundingfor schools initially anticipated in
alcohol service information centre hadfundingfrom aberdeenshire council withdrawn a
required to try to securefundingfrom the council or another
to fund council housing developmentfundingof rsls or improvement grants
barrier to its accessing councilfundingthe labour run city of
all the other sources offundingthrough the scottish arts council
potential loss of european regionalfundingto glasgow city council of
that the executive will controlfundingand that funding will be
from mainstream funding whereas thefundingfor the gnp work comes
really benefit from the extrafundingfrom europe that funding must
funding through local authorities thefundingfrom the new opportunities fund
for farm business development schemefundinggiven that such funding has
services dental services borders europeanfundinghighlands and islands european funding
funding highlands and islands europeanfundinghighlands and islands haddock fishing
extra funding from europe thatfundingmust be seen as a
it has to apply forfundingthrough local authorities the funding
the city comes from mainstreamfundingwhereas the funding for the
will control funding and thatfundingwill be diverted along what
authority could either skew thatfundingagainst them or not provide
was going to provide deficitfundingand has now had to
the scotish parliament to providefundingand support to promote traditional
subsequently unable to provide thefundingfor repairs for example before
has any plans to providefundingfor the production of an
a case for revisiting thefundingformula to provide greater resources
steps nationwide to provide urgentfundingin the interests of those
the scottish executive should providefundingor extra capital borrowing consent
are going to change thefundingpackage to provide resources to
a similar arrangement for thefundingthat local authorities provide to
government s decision to providefundingto compensate local sub postmasters
executive to a provide adequatefundingto local agencies to support
that local authorities have sufficientfundingto provide nursing home places
executive to provide the necessaryfundingto resolve this dispute immediately
millennium commission to immediately providefundingto save glasgow zoo from
no longer prepared to providefundingto the scottish science trust
level indicators it is alsofundinga joint study on the
the executive s better neighbourhoodfundingbecause aberdeen s level of
details of the level iiifundingbut i will give members
have the ability to makefundingdecisions at a local level
the per capita level offundingfor each health board is
the per capita level offundingfor each health board was
change in the level offundingfor local government i welcome
the second lowest level offundingin the whole of scotland
clear that this level offundingis not secure structural funds
but the total level offundingis significantly less than it
ownership programme the level offundingis significantly lower than it
what average level of matchfundingit provides in respect of
support and the level offundingit will add to assist
average per capita level offundingof health boards is for
at a local level thatfundingshould be used to support
decisions on the level offundingthat is to be made
languages are designated for europeanfunding16 38 mr jamie stone
that have previously received europeanfundingafter the withdrawal of assisted
573 investigation into european unionfundingarrangements lodged on 21 february
573 investigation into european unionfundingarrangements lodged on 21 february
of the proposed cessation offundingby the european commission office
be a nightmare and europeanfundingcan be a bigger nightmare
support in the form offundingfrom the european commission i
through european union eu structuralfundingfurther recognises that because of
the significant benefits that europeanfundinghas brought to my constituency
and local authority budgets europeanfundinghighlands and islands 2 mr
5 has been withdrawn europeanfundinghighlands and islands 6 fergus
not have happened without europeanfundingi want to celebrate the
european resource centre in matchfundingin each of the last
colleges that attract significant europeanfundingit has experienced difficulties for
particularly in terms of europeanfundingkey points of this briefing
european commission for objective 2fundingnotes that every region of
is the future of europeanfundingpost 2000 how will the
on the leader plus europeanfundingprogramme s1w 7131 dr sylvia
eligible for trans european networkfundings1w 24755 stewart stevenson to
in respect of european unionfundings1w 34837 richard lochhead to
has engaged heavily with europeanfundingstructures symptomatic of this process
to benefit from such europeanfundingsupported by mr kenneth gibson
the draw down on europeanfundingthat was anticipated i do
significant recipient of european structuralfundingthe main fund which provides
whether it will consider fullyfundingthe scottish european resource centre
been successful in attaining europeanfundingthe social economy has become
some 2m european union 5bfundingto the borders and a
case for continued european structuralfundingwhen it is negotiating with
is expected that bids forfundingwill be competitive the european
further notes that future europeanfundingwill be targeted at such
the allocation of european unionfundingwithin the executive s budget
seems an issue without centralfundinga hundred and ten thousand
on 13 june 2002 onfundingfor central support services for
has failed to secure vitalfundingfrom central government in recent
chief executives about the centralfundingof the drugs bill that
of all the national parkfundingshould come from central government
central government in the 1980sfundingwas then passed to local
authorities in respect of noffundingand asked whether there was
low incidence disabilities proposes thatfundingbe decentralised to local authorities
local authorities make particularly regardingfundingbut why they are made
local authorities need to renegotiatefundingfor private care homes before
them to secure suitable matchingfundingfrom local authorities empower the
that ministers will consider allocatingfundingin cases where local authorities
the administration of the developmentfundingis transferred to local authorities
address any gap between thefundingit provides to local authorities
bids by local authorities forfundingof school improvements which are
local authorities have their ownfundingpressures and may not have
first minister how much extrafundingscottish police authorities used in
local authorities have provided supportfundingto students receiving an award
appropriate share of the overallfundingwe expect local authorities to
act 2001 and the actualfundingwhich local authorities may require
that any change from nationalfundingcould dilute specialist provision and
development of a more stablefundingenvironment provision of three year
the uncertainty of short termfundingfor the provision of respite
the uncertainty of short termfundingfor the provision of respite
the emerging problems surrounding thefundingof educational and training provision
make provision for the adequatefundingof their care and ii
environment provision of three yearfundingpackages and steps to minimise
the inquiry is cover thefundingprovision for museums and industrial
ask the scottish executive whatfundingprovision is being made for
all aspects of provision andfundingsecondly it is proposed that
important that the provision offundingshould be seen as an
new petitions pe597 provision offundingto prevent bed reductions and
scottish hospitals pe599 provision offundingto prevent the closure of
in terms of provision andfundinguhi millennium institute a case
the scottish executive whether thefundingand future operation of the
immediate moratorium on any futurefundingand the immediate closure of
were calculated when announcing futurefundingfor nhs board or trust
year since 1997 and whatfundingis planned in the future
it has for the futurefundingof tourist boards s1o 224
current and future health servicefundingsupported by roseanna cunningham michael
future if it receives nofundingthat is how serious the
90 due to persistent underfundingby the local authority further
more cuts for example infundingfor careers guidance for further
at securing long term sustainablefundingfor childcare ensuring further integration
at securing long term sustainablefundingfor childcare ensuring further integration
announce without further delay similarfundingfor scotland s police forces
case for investigating further thefundingmechanisms for citizens advice bureaux
the allocation of the furtherfundingof 200m to the scottish
board typically 15 20 offunding17 and commercial income and
repeated years of standstill artsfundingacross the board despite expectations
s1m 2397 arbuthnott formula andfundingof grampian health board lodged
s1m 2106 arbuthnott formula andfundingof grampian health board lodged
s1m 2106 arbuthnott formula andfundingof grampian health board lodged
board area contributed to thefundingof the board in a
ireland assembly a statement offundingpolicy how much each payment
ireland assembly a statement offundingpolicy how much each payment
ireland assembly a statement offundingpolicy to redress any imbalance
ireland assembly a statement offundingpolicy will be earmarked for
ireland assembly a statement offundingpolicy will be used to
cannot be achieved without adequatefundingthe policy memorandum states that
public policy objectives in distributingfundingto councils ensure that account
for refining social inclusion partnershipfundingyet the snp s policy
not talking about local authorityfundingand all the other sources
authority and b duration offundingand giving the names of
of any reduced local authorityfundingand what action it plans
taken by the health servicefundingauthority and its health gains
years because of local authorityfundingcrises many of which were
it has made of thefundingeach local authority will require
scottish executive whether local authorityfundingfor care of the elderly
evaluating local authority bids forfundingfor school improvements s1o 5405
them despite the amount offundingfrom government and local authority
account of in local authorityfundingsettlements s1w 9140 pauline mcneill
executive whether the local authorityfundingshortfalls identified by cosla will
the parliament notes the unequalfundingsupport between local authority and
development of the infrastructure forfundingand academic support and the
ask the scottish executive whatfundingand support it will give
a new statutory basis forfundingfamily mediation and marriage support
lip reading struggle to findfundingfor their work the support
in place the revenue supportfundingfor those support packages is
of labour members support thefundingof personal care for the
that the development of effectivefundingof such family support groups
that the development of effectivefundingof such family support groups
the world with no publicfundingother than the support of
rejected as a way offundingpublic support for tourism the
ask the scottish executive whatfundingsupport it will give to
to cover the support andfundingto promote traditional arts and
majesty s government for substantialfundingto support and develop this
majesty s government for substantialfundingto support and develop this
support group for which otherfundingwill come from mainstream sources
local housing strategies and developmentfundingand improving the rights of
smith scott barrie s1m 3876fundingfor local roads lodged on
been strategic generally speaking executivefundingfor local service delivery is
a reduction in local governmentfundinggaps and the buchan alcohol
to cutbacks in local governmentfundingmaking it more difficult for
and developing local compacts andfundingpolicies for their relationship with
mr kenneth gibson local governmentfundingthat the parliament agrees to
local commissioners bristow muldoon thefundingthat was offered to binny
nursing care places what extrafundingwill be given to local
through a system of jointfundingwith local government in order
the executive to ensure thatfundingby it either directly or
ensure that there is sufficientfundingfor g docs in order
ensure equal access to anyfundinginitiatives to all sections of
to ensure that all thefundingis focused in the way
it must ensure that adequatefundingis provided it would be
has to ensure that thefundingof area tourist boards operates
has to ensure that thefundingof area tourist boards operates
scottish executive to ensure thatfundingof services dealing with domestic
being taken to ensure adequatefundingof the police service s1o
plans to ensure that thefundingper capita for nhs funded
ensure that it has thefundingthat it deserves 16 30
has to ensure that thefundingthat was set aside for
its continued success and securefundingto ensure that disabled people
should be encouraged with consistentfundingand a well developed national
is also important that largefundingbodies such as the national
follows on from a similarfundingcrisis recently at the national
imbalance between road and railfundinge setting a mandatory national
and the national park planfundingfor the national parks possible
hamilton s1m 2766 national parkfundinglodged on 21 february 2002
respondents express concerns about thefundingof the national parks cosla
less than 75 of thefundingrequired for the national park
first minister do better byfundingscottish theatre and the national
for national parks structure andfundingsnh propose that a national
3 of hm treasury sfundingthe scottish parliament national assembly
3 of hm treasury sfundingthe scottish parliament national assembly
accordance with the terms offundingthe scottish parliament national assembly
3 of hm treasury sfundingthe scottish parliament national assembly
3 of hm treasury sfundingthe scottish parliament national assembly
3 of hm treasury sfundingthe scottish parliament national assembly
for example by doubling thefundingto the national networks of
the scottish executive how muchfundingwill be committed to national
sources quality meat scotland receivesfundingand how much it receives
the scottish executive how muchfundinggreater glasgow and clyde valley
the scottish executive how muchfundinggreater glasgow and clyde valley
the scottish executive how muchfundinggreater glasgow and clyde valley
the scottish executive how muchfundinghas been given to a
the scottish executive how muchfundinghas been received from programmes
the scottish executive how muchfundinghas been received in each
the scottish executive how muchfundingspecifically intended to facilitate public
presiding officer how much publicfundingthe scottish parliamentary corporate body
any assessment of how muchfundingwould be required to purchase
to ring fence that developmentfundingand use it only for
homes powers relating to developmentfundingare to be transferred to
curriculum development service lost governmentfundingat a time in the
budget that would include developmentfundingbut there would still be
that is provided for developmentfundingby the executive richard grant
an issue around the developmentfundingfor housing for rsls it
case ms white the developmentfundingfunction of the executive agency
the mechanisms by which developmentfundingmay be paid out to
ability to undertake the developmentfundingthat is the only safe
development and for coordinating andfundingthe activities of various gaelic
shift in responsibility for developmentfundingthose resources could be used
for the distribution of developmentfundingwhether through scottish homes or
executive whether it will considerfundinga fire station in alness
recent scottish executive announcements particularlyfundingannouncements believes that the way
programme management executive also managefundingdelivered in scotland via the
as follows [note: table here in original] scottish executivefundingfor 2003 2006 is split
the scottish executive s publicfundingformulas do not recognise aberdeen
the scottish executive to seekfundingfrom the eu for the
the scottish executive what matchingfundinghas been sought from private
the scottish executive what healthfundingin addition to the annual
from the executive on theatrefundinginterruption i am trying to
ask the scottish executive whatfundingit currently provides for the
ask the scottish executive whatfundingit has provided for initiatives
ask the scottish executive whatfundingit has provided to enable
the scottish executive what consequentialfundingit has received as a
by the scottish executive parliamentfundingmany respondents express concerns about
the scottish executive is providingfundingof 13 4m for gaelic
notes the record levels offundingprovided by the scottish executive
notes the record levels offundingprovided by the scottish executive
very concerned about long termfundingscottish care the executive and
executive uses in allocating publicfundingso that such areas of
objective the scottish executive isfundingsome modelling work on fish
scottish executive to examine thefundingstructures currently in place to
scottish executive to examine thefundingstructures currently in place to
on innovation in scottish executivefundingthat forces groups to reinvent
executive that sound management isfundingthe current investment in public
the first is the biggyfundingthe distribution of scottish executive
scottish executive whether it isfundingthe retraining costs of former
ask the scottish executive whatfundingthe scottish intercollegiate guidelines network
scottish executive to detail whatfundingwas provided in 1999 2000
social inclusion partnership boards makefundingallocation decisions in the public
gnp from getting more publicfundingand government assistance one such
a sound case for publicfundingand i call on borders
on a lot of publicfundingbecause of the formulas that
of a settlement by publicfundingcalls for lewis offshore to
science centre and b publicfundinghas been used to finance
small percentage more of publicfundinginto its health service than
the parliament notes that publicfundingis being provided for the
would be of any publicfundingrequired in connection with the
more democratically accountable system offundingscottish public services that allows
extent to which any publicfundingshould be provided for the
department and b other publicfundingsources to maintain the work
inefficient and expensive method offundingvital public services which also
inefficient and expensive method offundingvital public services which also
in what that money isfundingbut in my judgment government
qualify i mention those governmentfundingformulas but i am not
of dost its government andfundinghad altered radically the dost
government of a 300 000fundingpackage to carry out a
make a condition of continuedfundingand to recommend that scottish
depended upon an element offundingfor anglo scottish flows from
3 in scotland objective 3fundingis provided by the scottish
scottish criminal record office checksfundingissue is resolved the scottish
subscriptions providing the remainder offundingscottish enterprise se and highlands
baseline approach to scottish artsfundingso that we can move
to take in relation tofundingthe scottish civic forum s1o
what resources in terms offundingand expertise are being made
report the complexity of currentfundingand services was made clear
announcements believes that the wayfundingannouncements are made by the
what number and value offundingbids was made to the
i understand that the latestfundingpackage offer that was made
made to the administration orfundingregime of these schools for
made to the ahrb forfundingto digitise dost and snd
benefits system we will examinefundingflows through all the other
through a bureaucratic system capitalfundingis not by and large
to tourism through the partfundingof area tourist boards and
should assist in the initialfundingof such an outlet through
flows through all the otherfundingstreams that come into community
have an immediate requirement forfundingthrough no fault of their
and through what statement thefundingwas previously announced s1m 903
them when they distribute theirfundingwhether directly or through targeted
on tourism has been thefundingand structure of atbs concern
the fisheries instrument financial guidancefundingand what has been the
so scots has had artsfundingand what it hasnae had
constituency has been promised thefundingfor 10 years the likelihood
that it has adjusted thefundingfor highland museums with the
and has produced a newfundingformula considered in detail and
lochhead has repeatedly focused onfundingformulas not only in relation
them a great boost althoughfundinghas been invested in the
seb special allocation the sebfundinghas generally focussed on assisting
to facilitate such incoherence infundinghas to be addressed by
whether it has provided anyfundingin addition to the original
secure the release of suchfundingit has had to ask
plans it has for thefundingof regional and independent museums
have been caused by thefundingof scro checks has been
is dependent on 13 differentfundingsources the parliament has done
to close simply because afundingstream has dried up in
duty with regard to thefundingthat has gone into fife
edinburgh and glasgow airports whatfundingthe sra has indicated that
draft application for social partnershipfunding5 petition the committee will
the consequences for eu structuralfundingafter debate the amendment was
between areas designated for transitionalfundingand areas with full objective
been the struggle for sustainablefundingand resources many funders offer
any plans to alter thefundingarrangements for duff house in
is unrealistic time scales forfundingbids are unrealistic and great
for them even if thefundingbodies felt plagued by this
of institutions as eligible forfundingby shefc under section 44
excellence fund b special needsfundingc grants for pre schools
for gaelic this disparity offundingdoes not point to an
example under current levels offundingfor 2000 2006 36 5
very lax here now aboutfundingfor cairo i m determined
of department of social securityfundingfor care leavers s1o 3193
department of trade and industryfundingfor citizens advice scotland would
performances s1m 1287 christine grahamefundingfor disabled people and their
radcliffe michael matheson s1m 1287fundingfor disabled people and their
within that overall budget thefundingfor drama will go up
the bureaucracy involved in transferringfundingfor example if someone takes
there is scope for morefundingfor example the department of
news release 12th october 2001fundingfor gaelic broadcasting and teaching
2001 alex neil s1m 2317fundingfor grampian police lodged on
to make progress the extrafundingfor health is already beginning
considered as partners to deliverfundingfor its physical activity initiatives
that is admirable work thefundingfor other areas of the
childline and extreme shortages offundingfor police for the harrowing
not have it cathie craigiefundingfor repair and improvement grants
would instantly raise the annualfundingfor scots many hundredfold and
success of british competitors wasfundingfor sports activities from the
able to secure the necessaryfundingfor such a substantial budget
any plans to ring fencefundingfor the association of visiting
scotland s share of thefundingfor the british pig industry
a decision regarding any bellwinfundingfor the city of edinburgh
would be diverted from thefundingfor the home care package
about how we create sustainablefundingfor the long term care
and welcomes the fact thatfundingfor the nhs in scotland
and welcomes the fact thatfundingfor the nhs in scotland
13 000 demands immediate extrafundingfor the police to assist
makes the point about meagrefundingfor the scots language resource
from which budget line thefundingfor this will be provided
utmost to secure the necessaryfundingfor translation into seven languages
been no real issue regardingfundingfor world heritage sites in
how alternatives to the arbuthnottfundingformula for example derivatives of
association s case for enhancedfundingfrom sportscotland supported by mr
association s case for enhancedfundingfrom sportscotland the meeting closed
be the sole criteria forfundinggroups should not be funded
continual changes in criteria forfundingi hope that we will
look for alternative sources offundingif tobacco revenue decreases as
and what the source offundingis for that budget s1w
insecure and in many casesfundingis unrealistic time scales for
problem we need three yearfundingit is not easy for
to stable realistic and consistentfundingnot just for the opportunity
not be included in itsfundingpackage for the aberdeen western
commercial for some of itsfundingproblems official report social justice
route and bringing forward firmfundingproposals the minister for transport
fund gevco until the newfundingregime for the councils of
and regrets that no parallelfundingscheme exists for students who
at westminster where the equivalentfundingscheme is for opposition parties
union criteria for objective 2fundingsupported by roseanna cunningham linda
services for communities simplifying thefundingsystems would also go a
receives a greater amount offundingthan does scots for example
in putting together packages forfundingthat is a skilled task
having to create bids forfundingthat is not terribly helpful
strong argument for extending thefundingthe convener i asked the
prosecutions and sentences for offendersfundingthe cost of sufficient lines
prosecutions and sentences for offendersfundingthe cost of sufficient lines
that are being experienced infundingthe terms and conditions for
many applications for millenium commissionfundingthere have been from each
very grateful for the thefundingthey give us erm we
for scots and for thatfundingto come directly from the
for any delay in providingfundingto communities scotland for the
need is for gaps infundingto occur or for the
each case a what thefundingwas used for b what
in developing proposals for artsfundingwhich are primarily educational 65
existing competitive bidding process forfundingwhich tends to work against
costs for people with privatefundingwho are desperately trying to
and the eligibility criteria forfundingwill be s1w 24842 stewart
the year throughout europe thatfundingwill be used for information
s three year programme offundingand i hope that the
gone over to three yearfundingcharity law is to be
matter some people embarked onfundingit themselves last year in
that three to five yearfundingperiods be introduced to enable
2002 how the five yearfundingprogramme under the rural stewardship
112 000 a year infundingthat amounts to less than
example with end of yearfundingthe corporate body s language
yet another delay in theirfundingthis year i ask the
three year to five yearfundingto allow more strategic planning
providing a limited amount offundingto promote the year throughout
expertise in drawing down structuralfundingand from a partnership approach
from the top uncertainty infundingcan lead to demoralised overworked
come a point at whichfundingcomes from the community fund
squeeze that is where thefundingdifficulties come from the issue
describing the process in whichfundingfollows the individual from the
it could get no morefundingfrom the community fund the
money should come from mainstreamfundingi could give a whole
best practice programme eebpp whatfundingit contributes and from which
separation of capital from revenuefundingit is time that we
from revenue earning activities includingfundingprovided to the area tourist
from the discussion on thefundingthat would be required to
a sustainable impact from thisfundingtricia marwick moved amendment s1m
of a piece of stringfundingvaries from organisation to organisation
is in regard to selffundingclients in care homes paying
victims of the crisis infundingin community care their human
sir stewart sutherland including thefundingof personal care on the
care and cosla on thefundingof private care home places
care and cosla on thefundingof private care home places
is neglecting responsibility in adequatelyfundingthe care of elderly people
reviewing how we deliver thatfundingand we have introduced new
need to discuss how anyfundinggap can be met we
on how to address thefundingof such pensions and whether
agricultural produce and how thisfundingwill be distributed s1w 7130
publish any financial interest infundingdecisions by these bodies and
health service to meet anyfundinggap experienced in tayside or
of his social inclusion partnershipfundingif any members want to
into any correlation between thefundingof police forces and their
have any role as afundingpartner in preparing or approving
take its chances as artsfundingcrisis bites 17 11 2002
are and what its annualfundingis s1w 17586 mr adam
agency and what its annualfundingis s1w 17587 mr adam
are and what its annualfundingis s1w 17588 mr adam
scotland and what its annualfundingis s1w 17590 mr adam
scotland and what its annualfundingis s1w 17591 mr adam
its leaflet that because offundingits advocacy service is restricted
will be closed and itsfundingmoved to edinburgh committee agreed
its own principles of channellingfundingthe deputy presiding officer patricia
necessary 60 000 per annumfundingto prevent its possible closure
a creative approach to attractingfundingwas highly valued by its
we often talk about structuralfundingan area such as dumfries
the form of tax basedfundingsuch as equity investment or
us nervous about whether thatfundingstream will meet the intentionality
whether it intends to continuefundingto the srdf beyond the
years that is capable offundingour priorities of better health
services and to community empowermentfundingas the minister will know
do not understand that thatfundingbasis will change we will
had to try to continuefundingit themselves or will have
common approach across all ourfundingschemes that will take on
and delays in decisions onfundingsimply will not do the
will be required to deliverfundingthat meets those statutory requirements
as the changes in structuralfundingthat will be required as
s conference 4 social partnershipfundingthe committee will consider a
it will consider introducing specificfundingwhich could be accessed by
older people using the newfundingwhich will rise to 48
not what alternative sources offundingwill be used s1w 1980
work in nhs scotland thefundingwill cover costs expenses and
are funded by communities scotlandfundingwill have a continuing financial
work to be jeopardised sofundingwill have to be found
route can be taken thefundingwill not necessarily follow in
opening speech pilotitis is thefundingof exciting and innovative new
to be announced as newfundingon more than one occasion
there were less emphasis infundingon what is new we
at the conclusion of theirfundingperiods under the new futures
raise most of the newfundingrequired to create a viable
effective work to secure newfundingthere must be a means
objective 1 and objective 2fundingunder the new structural funds
what helen eadie says onfundingand on the number of
considered and what amount offundingis being sought in each
and what percentage of thefundingis expected to be provided
what happened with objective 1fundinglook at the numerical representation
100 what are the otherfundingsources s1w 1083 alasdair morgan
are not sure what thefundingstreams are like at the
what the rules on matchfundingunder the fund and the
to be frank the constitutionfundingand legal status of a
the joys of wrestling overfundingand planning the legacy are
sensible to defer discussion offundingand resources until then and
process the principle of matchfundingand the principle of reducing
organised locally the issue offundingarea tourist boards is raised
environmentally sustainable the method offundingarea tourist boards the consultation
well out of the currentfundingarrangements and there are no
the institution access to shefcfundingcolleges of fe cannot apply
in teaching initiatives cti thisfundingenabled the setting up of
of issues honesty is requiredfundingformulas deliver outcomes does richard
the same issue of thefundingformulas denying cash to the
getting more out of existingfundingi commend those achievements and
efficient lightbulbs the allocation offundingin the warm deal programme
do so purely because offundingjackie doyle yes the convener
which shows the sources offundingloan finance provides 9 per
complex system of partnerships andfundingmazes that bedevil so many
and believes that the challengefundingnature of the rough sleepers
s1m 308 mr jamie stonefundingof agricultural business improvement scheme
dsfbs in all salmon districtsfundingof dsf control of fishing
not yet been carried outfundingof dsfbs under the salmon
5 18 pm 12 visitscotlandfundingof dumfries and galloway tourist
lyndsay mcintosh s1m 3171 visitscotlandfundingof dumfries and galloway tourist
formula used to determine thefundingof fire brigades relies too
not point to an overfundingof gaelic as this report
a serious problem with thefundingof many of our basic
but to a chronic underfundingof scots 68 many submissions
stability and certainty in thefundingof the area tourist boards
current problem is with thefundingof those regional theatres that
part of a range offundingoptions wherever and whenever they
of reclassification of the currentfundingpackage to objective 1 does
the agreement of the variousfundingpartners involved in the redevelopment
business information service because offundingproblems 10 motion without notice
i the total amount offundingreceived by ii the name
down the barriers to thefundingthe issue of accessibility at
partnerships enable different types offundingto compete on equal terms
breakdown of highlands and islandsfundingto explain the real terms
proposals to attract the necessaryfundingvolume 3 of the scott

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