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other office equipment and officefurniture1 the scottish parliamentary corporate
d standard computer software efurnitureand f telecommunications equipment s1w
security of such equipment andfurnitureand the spcb may if
return of the equipment orfurniturec the replacement of any
parliamentary session the equipment andfurnitureconcerned but only from a
other office equipment and officefurniturefor an office within the
that any such equipment orfurnitureis being misused require the
other office equipment and officefurnitureis provided for the use
purchase or lease of officefurnitureor equipment or the purchase
foregoing motion the equipment andfurniturescheme 1 provision of information
accordance with the equipment andfurniturescheme annexed hereto as annex
2000 agreeing the equipment andfurniturescheme on the first date
this is the equipment andfurniturescheme referred to in the
that the said equipment andfurniturescheme shall come into effect
7 members allowances equipment andfurnitureschemes des mcnulty on behalf
re elected the equipment andfurnitureutilised by the member in
b and c valuation offurnitureand insurance these will be
and shifted like bits offurnituregrowing old is not always
as he noticed all thefurniturehad been shifted the christmas
in september b valuation offurniturethe treasurer will look for
s f p guild bfurniturevaluation the bursar would like
with receptions at home thefurniturewas shifted back and you
these minutes a labels forfurnitureit had been decided to
these minutes a labels forfurnituremrs e [censored: surname] reported that
these minutes a labels forfurniturethe proposed metal labels were
decided to label guild roomfurniturealso this would necessitate 21
base for the guild itsfurnitureand artifacts he reported that
22 wednesday decide to storefurnituremove family here to mrs
in the name of afurniturestore in that vicinity clachnahagaig
ehm grant s office thefurniturestore m608: oh right f637:
sunday to 12 mass breakingfurniturea m to joe s
k 25 saturday moving newfurniturebreaking up old confession evening
reported that some of thefurnitureis already labelled with white
a few basic pieces offurniturein the kitchen living room
looks under various pieces offurniturewithout success and then under
putt afternoon with rod philfurniturearr tuesday 12 tuesday furniture
furniture arr tuesday 12 tuesdayfurniturearrives chaos reigns for a
28 tuesday packing 29 wednesdayfurnitureremoved we say goodbye to
[censored: surname] mentioned the subject offurniturelabelling it was decided to
wrapped loaf faur less movefurniturearchie had done the moving
a place to take clothesfurnitureor other items no longer
[note: newspaper article from mearns leader, 1941.] rationing food clothes andfurniturewere all rationed each member
yon helper hid bits ofurniturestickin oot a a wye
in gibson street by throwingfurnitureand other items out of
during the 2nd world warfurnitureprices in 1938 kitchen dresser
at night 13 wednesday [note: first line scored out]furnituredue sorting out 18 monday
us between lending and givingfurnitureetc i ve got their
think oan scots words forfurnitureetc in yer hooses includin
be home again break upfurniturea m siesta p m
the valuer and identify ourfurniturec tercentenary reunion weekend the
of many curiosities and muchfurnitureshe herself is small and
a small fireplace [note: photo: 'an unknown boy standing on a low chair - 1927.'] [note: photo: 'alpitty farmhouse in 1912.']furniturewas made with ash or
it magnificent lounges with finnishfurnituresuper dining room and smorgasbord
they do their fashions andfurnitureshe continues these poems were
as a rearrangement of thefurniturewithin existing statutory provision in
other things on the farmfurnitureas well as tools there
were almost new the otherfurniturethey have is mostly second
to measure the area offurnituree g on the underside
violins and some of hisfurniturewas still in the area
left e styoo on efurniturean hidna washed e fleer
i mean dey re naefurnituredere you hae ta borrow
laek you hae ta getfurniturei mean dey re nae
binder twine or spartie ropefurniturecottar houses contained just a
forms as jewellery containers orfurniturein metals plastics or natural
only find it as gardenfurnitureor somethin m1007: yes m1055:
you re just an oakfurniturepotential a coffin or two
up some nearly new discardedfurnitureon his rounds as well
parkneuk 1918 mr riddoch madefurnitureand violins and some of
has been made for additionalfurnituregrants to enable people to
currently being developed but thefurnituregrants that will be available
m1008: did it smell offurniturepolish m1007: [laugh] f1009: yes
about the shape of thefurniturea number of members talked
wi the rest o thefurniturean fittin s could i
have ring fenced money forfurniturewhich could be about 3
her rooms are claustrophobic withfurniturein others the bare boards
paintings dominate the handsome mallorcanfurnitureand a polished flagged floor
peggy aye went daft shiftingfurniturechanging curtains and cushion covers
collection of handicrafts and domesticfurnituredesigned to given an impression
they shopped for sticks offurniturein cheap flea pits and
paims yearned towards the sunfurniturewas sparse but solid and
fitout vat contingencies fees andfurniturewould be around 50m 19
from the voluntary sector throughfurniturerecycling projects for example that
polished stone entradas displaying antiquefurniturefestive curtains of mallorcan cotton
horse is an honest speciesfurniturethe table s there but
at the price o thefurnitureit seemed tae be sellin
sharin the same shell thefurnituretakes stock how has your
chequered tile floor supported antiquefurniturebelow a gilt candelabra oil
that s coming off myfurniturethat s a wee bit

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