
See this word as a collocate cloud

sae dat generations i dafuturecan ken fu we spack
name of burns to allfuturegenerations 14 even thomas carlyle
vibrant language and culture forfuturegenerations and that s me
should where possible ensure thatfuturegenerations are taught about the
eck think fit s thefuturegenerations gaun tae de for
will be of interest tofuturegenerations in may 1915 the
preserving for the appreciation offuturegenerations many of the traditional
pensions be addressed to preventfuturegenerations of older people being
be a good start forfuturegenerations of scottish tourism operators
direct effect on present andfuturegenerations on that we are
coward it denied it deniedfuturegenerations that s that s
aw this toun but infuturegenerations the wul be mair
information on these languages forfuturegenerations this resource provides valuable
worse we owe it tofuturegenerations to get it right
to work together so thatfuturegenerations understand the causes of
for our society and forfuturegenerations we must participate in
many people today and forfuturegenerations we would like to
many people today and forfuturegenerations we would like to
the scottish executive please providefuturescottish generations with the ability
participate in shaping europe sfuture11 the position of the
europe now and in thefuture17 49 the deputy minister
consulted more often about thefuturedirection of europe today however
expectations would be from afutureeurope as well as answering
could perhaps consider doing forfutureeurope day events further views
our fellow europeans in afutureeurope there should be less
like to see from afutureeurope these have also been
the current debate on thefuturegovernance of europe the eu
of the uk threatening ourfuturein europe and our share
and watch westminster shape ourfuturein europe i do not
the maastricht treaty devolution orfutureindependence in europe i would
in the debate for thefutureof europe 1 through alliances
in the debate on thefutureof europe 17 05 irene
two the convention debating thefutureof europe 5 listening phase
to its report on governancefutureof europe 9th report 2001
of the debate on thefutureof europe and its governance
prominent lead in discussing thefutureof europe and non governmental
the opportunity to debate thefutureof europe and scotland s
of the convention on thefutureof europe as an open
of the convention on thefutureof europe as an open
existence the convention on thefutureof europe became necessary because
in the debate on thefutureof europe contents part one
of jim wallace on thefutureof europe convention and two
executive will make to thefutureof europe convention i thought
of state for scotland meetingsfutureof europe convention motion moved
uk parliamentary representatives to thefutureof europe convention the committee
that we should linger overfutureof europe convention the presiding
mr jim wallace on thefutureof europe convention the scottish
mr jim wallace on thefutureof europe convention the scottish
mr jim wallace on thefutureof europe convention the scottish
on issues relating to thefutureof europe debate 6 the
the scottish parliament on thefutureof europe debate 8 the
chamber the outcomes of thefutureof europe debate and the
raised as part of thefutureof europe debate and the
a successful outcome to thefutureof europe debate cannot be
european pre accession countries thefutureof europe debate could be
after all who is thefutureof europe debate for if
that its website on thefutureof europe debate had received
and helpful contribution to thefutureof europe debate i look
the scottish parliament on thefutureof europe debate on 28
the scottish parliament on thefutureof europe debate other non
s continuing engagement with thefutureof europe debate over the
a full part in thefutureof europe debate we are
with the eu in ourfutureof europe debate we brought
the european convention and thefutureof europe debate young scot
to the convention on thefutureof europe finally the committee
and a debate on thefutureof europe has already taken
debate and argument on thefutureof europe have been beneficial
in the convention on thefutureof europe he pushes openly
promoting the debate on thefutureof europe helen eadie from
influence the debate on thefutureof europe i am delighted
follow the debate about thefutureof europe i think that
time to be debating thefutureof europe i was disappointed
of the convention on thefutureof europe in brussels and
scottish parliament involvement in thefutureof europe in july 2002
scottish parliamentary forum on thefutureof europe in the autumn
of the debates on thefutureof europe is about where
as we are now thefutureof europe is not only
of the convention on thefutureof europe is vital the
background the convention on thefutureof europe opened in brussels
a constructive discussion about thefutureof europe our inquiry led
from the convention on thefutureof europe scotland s political
of the convention on thefutureof europe since its inaugural
and central services 3 thefutureof europe the committee will
the european union and thefutureof europe the committee will
the european union and thefutureof europe the committee will
and central services 3 thefutureof europe the committee will
on the subject of thefutureof europe the conference will
in the convention on thefutureof europe the convention does
two the convention debating thefutureof europe the european convention
convention s deliberations on thefutureof europe the principle of
of our report on thefutureof europe the report s
and the convention on thefutureof europe this briefing considers
of the debate over thefutureof europe those countries have
decisions a declaration on thefutureof europe was appended to
that the convention on thefutureof europe was launched in
whatever we secure for thefutureof europe we must ensure
also be found on thefutureof europe website http www
to seek views on thefutureof europe welcomes the contribution
to seek views on thefutureof europe welcomes the contribution
the european union and thefutureof europe what role for
the european union and thefutureof europe what role for
the european union and thefutureof europe what role for
the european union and thefutureof europe what role for
the constitutional convention on thefutureof europe which will give
wrong institution decisions on thefutureof europe will have a
the convention that in thefutureshape of europe a member
a wider debate on thefutureshape of europe at nice
known about how europe sfutureshould be shaped in the
see from europe in thefuturethis briefing details the schools
responses by implementing the jointfutureagenda that agenda is about
further developments in the jointfutureagenda welcomes the provisions of
further developments in the jointfutureagenda welcomes the provisions of
minister agree that the jointfutureapproach between local authorities and
made on developing a jointfutureapproach to the delivery of
the work of the jointfuturegroup and the health and
not say that the jointfuturegroup did not have an
my report on the jointfuturegroup is a draft report
must be pooled the jointfuturegroup is saying that the
the thought of the jointfuturegroup is well out of
to some extent the jointfuturegroup mirrors what we said
in the debate the jointfuturegroup report adds nothing whatsoever
item is on the jointfuturegroup report although i do
10 the scottish executive jointfuturegroup report and item 11
us to discuss the jointfuturegroup report and the public
system public sector ombudsmen jointfuturegroup report health and community
organisations 7 scottish executive jointfuturegroup report the committee will
pull together our report jointfuturegroup report the convener our
view on whether the jointfuturegroup s approach is right
that point in the jointfuturegroup s report i hope
quite disappointed in the jointfuturegroup s report to be
i have welcomed the jointfuturegroup s suggestion that older
said and what the jointfuturegroup said national standards must
background work by the jointfuturegroup that work has certainly
the need for a jointfuturegroup the convener to be
manner in which the jointfuturegroup thinks joint working will
executive set up the jointfuturegroup to consider certain issues
from that of the jointfuturegroup we take a divergent
by references to the jointfuturegroup which she set up
to reduce the cost offutureill health assist joint working
and so on our jointfutureis still fairly shaky i
planning system through the jointfutureprogramme provide nhs step down
convention will consider for thefuturedevelopment of the union for
secure a smooth and prosperousfuturefor greenock morton including the
to secure the yard sfuturefor its skilled and dedicated
fisheries conservation and secure afuturefor our fisheries communities and
and seeks to secure afuturefor scotland s fisheries we
parties which demands a securefuturefor scotland s fishing industry
to secure a long termfuturefor the industry should be
that we achieve a securefuturefor the pupils teachers and
be made to secure afuturefor the vessel supported by
is vital to secure afuturefor the yard and its
to help to secure thefutureof community gardens through revised
to help to secure thefutureof community gardens through revised
of inverclyde ensure that thefutureof greenock morton is secure
to secure the long termfutureof the natural resources and
term strategy to secure thefutureof these significant visitor attractions
secure such mod contracts infutures1w 6032 mr murray tosh
skills required for current andfuturebusiness needs future skills scotland
absolutely clear that scotland sfuturelies in science and skills
identify and communicate current andfutureskills needs at national and
further education institutions meet thefutureskills needs of scotland develop
evidence from stephen boyle directorfutureskills scotland 4 house of
and skills training develop thefutureskills scotland audit to identify
future skills scotland we seefutureskills scotland having a central
scottish youth business trust 3futureskills scotland the committee will
which we propose to renamefutureskills scotland we see future
current and future business needsfutureskills scotland will have a
matching of people to jobsfutureskills scotland will set quality
it has to address anyfutureskills shortages and labour market
building up skills for theirfuturethe current curriculum is too
skills development through facing thefuturewe have recently announced action
scotland bill in private atfuturemeetings 2 convener s report
cutting reviews in private atfuturemeetings 2 cross cutting reviews
to custody in private atfuturemeetings 2 inquiry into alternatives
scotland bill in private atfuturemeetings 2 subordinate legislation the
to custody in private atfuturemeetings 4 conveners report the
profession inquiry in private atfuturemeetings 4 work programme in
any such meetings and whatfuturemeetings are planned with the
been held to date whatfuturemeetings are planned with whom
to take in private atfuturemeetings consideration of lines of
which might be useful forfuturemeetings however that is the
with that the convener forfuturemeetings it might be helpful
that we will consider infuturemeetings might not be considered
will consider whether items atfuturemeetings on the draft report
crown office representatives to attendfuturemeetings that will help us
will consider its programme offuturebusiness business bulletin 3 2000
parliament a business programme forfuturebusiness for the week commencing
party business manager euan robsonfuturebusiness programme it was agreed
business manager euan robson 1futurebusiness programme it was agreed
business manager euan robson 1futurebusiness programme it was agreed
business manager euan robson 1futurebusiness programme it was agreed
party business manager euan robsonfuturebusiness programme it was agreed
business manager euan robson 1futurebusiness programme it was agreed
business manager euan robson 1futurebusiness programme it was agreed
the committee will consider itsfuturebusiness programme subordinate legislation committee
our work programme at afuturemeeting i suggest that in
programme with uncertainties over thefutureof the prison s1m 605
providing the basis for afutureprogramme in scottish studies at
of that review in ourfutureprogramme of works brian adam
programme of the dates forfuturereports d a list of
s programme in the nearfuturethe government stated it would
the committee will consider itsfuturework programme 3 agricultural business
the committee will consider itsfuturework programme business bulletin 37
will consider papers on itsfuturework programme european committee 30
the film industries in itsfuturework programme gaelic broadcasting the
report into telecommunications developments 6futurework programme in private the
report into telecommunications developments 6futurework programme in private the
the committee will consider itsfuturework programme justice and home
the committee will consider itsfuturework programme social inclusion housing
the committee will consider itsfuturework programme social inclusion housing
possible to consider in ourfuturework programme some wording that
such transfers are addressed 6futurework programme the committee will
private finance initiative project 2futurework programme the committee will
such transfers are addressed 6futurework programme the committee will
announcements in the relatively nearfutureabout the outcome of those
residence committee in the nearfutureand giving them a touch
the festival in the nearfutureand to put major emphasis
ease in the very nearfutureand wherever possible this information
meet in the very nearfuturedavid mcletchie the new secretary
well deteriorate in the nearfuturehaving said that i am
them again in the nearfuturei have ensured that our
the a77 in the nearfutureiain gray the most significant
of business in the nearfutureif it receives no funding
to participate in the nearfuturein a public meeting with
be announced in the nearfuturemr swinney the first minister
full and in the nearfuturenow the hopes of many
to peebles in the nearfutureof course i urge the
replaced in the very nearfutureso that the strong cooking
to report in the nearfuturethe health technology board for
be addressed in the nearfuturethe incidence of surgical intervention
a conclusion in the nearfuturewe recognise that the oft
this parliament in the nearfuturewhat effect would that bill
to aberdeen in the nearfuturewhere she will no doubt
meet them in the nearfuturewill he guarantee support for
the ground in the nearfuturewith the help of interested
the committee will consider possiblefutureaction 5 office of fair
private the committee considered possiblefutureaction on the executive s
involved in planning for possiblefutureconstitutional changes s1w 27424 linda
paper outlining possible topics forfuturecross cutting expenditure reviews and
figure in respect of possiblefuturedecommissioning originated and how this
figure in respect of possiblefuturedecommissioning was calculated s1w 33536
debate as possible on thefuturedevelopment of the european union
the line into a possiblefuturee g age 27 i
best tells o a possiblefuturefur scots until living scots
examined in consideration of itsfutureit should not be possible
its possible application to anyfuturelegislative proposals affecting the succession
on the effect and possiblefutureof this legislation the issue
prepare costings of a possiblefuturescenario the bill does not
considering possible options for thefutureshe did so about a
trading is possible and aboutfuturesustainability in the world we
holyrood site retained for possiblefutureuse and the percentage and
pressures and possible impacts onfuturewaiting lists given the concerns
consultation it has undertaken onfuturechanges to the rate of
for legislative change to ensurefutureconsultation by the likes of
part of its deliberations onfutureconsultation helen eadie i do
request for details of thefutureconsultation on personal insolvency laws
of the consultation paper thefuturedevelopment of air transport in
the consultation period on thefuturedevelopment of air transport in
the consultation responses to thefuturedevelopment of air transport in
of its consultation on thefutureof museums would you like
consultation paper proposals for thefutureof the scottish prison service
consultation paper proposals for thefutureof the scottish prison service
s consultation paper on thefuturerecurrent funding of research in
s consultation paper on thefuturerecurrent funding of research in
s consultation paper on thefuturerecurrent funding of research in
s consultation paper on thefuturerecurrent funding of research in
s consultation paper on thefuturerecurrent funding of research in
council s consultation paper onfuturerecurrent funding of research in
role in developing scotland sfutureand we will continue to
implications in scotland of thefuturerole and direction of the
parliament 44 what is thefuturerole and structure of the
the parliament ministers recognised afuturerole for msps in a
recent initiatives to find afuturerole for scottish lexicography as
issues and proposals for thefuturerole of the eu this
continue 43 what is thefuturerole of the european parliament
concerning nurse cadets and thefuturerole that health care assistants
auction markets have a vitalfuturerole to play in ensuring
aspiring to the role infuturewill have absolutely no doubt
of the european union sfuturedevelopment subsidiarity is a key
declaration was agreed on thefutureof the european union in
wallonia and flanders on thefutureof the european union signed
wallonia and flanders on thefutureof the european union signed
inquiry into the governance andfutureof the european union that
by the present or afutureadministration b statutory definitions 1
demain tense notion of presentfutureand past time is clear
forms to past present orfutureand tended to put passives
control of verb tenses presentfuturecompleted past and continuous past
she realises is an unlikelyfuturedelight in the present janie
present their aspirations for thefuturegovernance of scotland the events
verbs in narrative and presentfuturein direct speech and on
caused uncertainty for present andfutureinvestment notes the importance of
the headings of past presentfuturenone not sure the pupils
a single peer iv thefuturethe present uk government is
may influence our present andfuturethey help us all to
uses of past present andfutureverb forms for the children
and even past present andfutureverbs may be drawn to
an the present an thefuturewar bricht wi howp whit
concern for the present andfuturewelfare of these kingdoms and
for it past present andfuturewith the historical thesaurus [censored: forename]
all past current and projectedfutureexpenditure on the scheme on
grants in the current andfuturefinancial years and how much
health policies and current andfuturehealth service funding supported by
when it drafts current andfuturelegislation in respect of national
current position is on thefutureof the air service between
relating to the current orfutureoperational arrangements which have been
earned pension deprives current andfuturepensioners of the opportunity of
current proceedings provisional dates forfutureproceedings note a full agenda
current proceedings provisional dates forfutureproceedings note a full agenda
bidding for current orders andfuturework supported by mr john
past achievements and signal itsfutureaspirations it must be flexible
scottish executive 2000 creating ourfutureminding our past 2 table
referred to in creating ourfutureminding our past relate to
scots executive 2000 creating ourfutureminding our past the national
scottish executive 2000 creating ourfutureminding our past the national
reverse i drove past myfutureonly to be tossed back
had unwittingly driven past myfutureor looked at in reverse
but a the past anfutures oors we ar eident
in the past facing thefuturethe report on last year
a recreated past or imaginedfuturethere have been recent inspectorate
can have that debate infutureall that i am saying
held a debate on thefuturegovernance of the eu and
wider public debate about thefutureinstitutional development of an enlarged
the ongoing debate about thefutureof eu enlargement and the
manoeuvre debate and discuss thefutureof regulation we should accept
is due to debate thefutureof the holyrood project on
the debate about our constitutionalfuturethe challenge is to make
for the debate in thefuturewill he meet representatives of
to make recommendations for itsfutureeducation funding the committee agreed
european law further notes thatfutureeuropean funding will be targeted
an immediate moratorium on anyfuturefunding and the immediate closure
allocations were calculated when announcingfuturefunding for nhs board or
plans now are for thefuturefunding of councils of voluntary
the it has for thefuturefunding of tourist boards s1o
defend that george lyon thefutureincrease in funding will of
detail below what is thefutureof european funding post 2000
executive whether the funding andfutureoperation of the scottish football
the development of the languagefuturepublic funding must be need
council s paper on thefuturerecurrent funding of research in
funding is planned in thefutures1w 13098 kay ullrich to
that spawned the facing thefutureimplementation group and a series
recommendations from the group intofutureplanning of services for pre
executive to ensure that anyfutureeuropean or other international agreements
and ensure a long termfuturefor scotland s fishing industry
is taking to ensure thefutureof museums and galleries s1w
being taken to ensure thefutureof stracathro hospital and the
is taking to ensure thefutureof the ardtoe sea fish
it has to ensure thefutureof wick airport by bringing
that are produced for thosefuturepieces of legislation to ensure
making to ensure that anyfuturepublication of school league tables
safety as baseline data forfutureresearch and action to ensure
at some time in thefutureso we must ensure that
the only way to ensurefuturesustainability of fish stocks and
to ensure its long termfuturethe presiding officer has selected
scientific interest sssi designations infutureto ensure adequate corroboration pe463
issue of scanning in thefutureto ensure that all people
loads which will ensure thatfuturework force planning is well
commons select committee report thefuturefor allotments hc560 1 1997
report with a note offuturekey milestones i a copy
a written report before afuturemeeting mr macintosh certainly what
committee s report on thefutureof tourism in scotland 5
report 2003 report on thefutureof tourism in scotland followed
report 2003 report on thefutureof tourism in scotland followed
report 2003 report on thefutureof tourism in scotland followed
report 2003 report on thefutureof tourism in scotland followed
learning committee report on thefutureof tourism in scotland lodged
report 2003 report on thefutureof tourism in scotland s1m
learning committee report on thefutureof tourism in scotland sp
learning committee report on thefutureof tourism in scotland that
and will report results infutureoverview reports issues arising from
business the committee will considerfuturebusiness local government committee 12
on health financial allocations 4futurebusiness the committee will consider
housing stock transfer policy 5futurebusiness the committee will consider
consider lines of questioning forfutureevidence taking sessions in relation
memorandum we hope that afuturegovernment would consider such payments
consider the question in thefutureis that the next census
key players to consider thefutureof structural funds the forum
the committee will consider infuturesecondly the housing improvement task
the committee will consider itsfuturetimetable of work health and
inquiry the committee will considerfuturework on its inquiry into
a legacy paper for afutureequal opportunities committee the clerks
priorities an timetable for thefuturein its paper the board
priorities and timetable for thefuturein its paper the board
s recent paper on thefutureof registration are extremely encouraging
it is encouraging for thefutureof the paper industry in
of this paper to anyfutureprivate member s bill on
european developments in the immediatefuturedorothy grace elder glasgow snp
by participant countries at afutureeuropean council in the new
was established to prevent anyfutureeuropean wars we recognise ourselves
and fife con at anyfuturemeeting of european education ministers
european negotiations on which thefutureof the fishing industry depends
to recommend to the parliamentfuturebusiness as detailed in motions
to recommend to the parliamentfuturebusiness for the week commencing
to recommend to the parliamentfuturebusiness for the week commencing
to recommend to the parliamentfuturebusiness for the weeks commencing
the carbeth hutters association 6futurebusiness in private the committee
agreed to recommend to parliamentfuturebusiness including designations of lead
agreed to recommend to parliamentfuturebusiness including members business and
law society of scotland 6futurebusiness the committee considered its
implications this will have onfuturecommunity care demands business bulletin
or might not happen infuturealan fraser our main communication
drivers both of our economicfutureand of the achievement of
ourselves and form our ownfutureas a full member state
is not only about ourfuturebut much more important theirs
our words of wisdom forfuturecommittee members stewart stevenson we
our uk colleagues about thefuturei attended the cohesion forum
in connecting scotland our broadbandfuturemaking it happen and bt
of connecting scotland our broadbandfuturemaking it happen and whether
of connecting scotland our broadbandfuturemaking it happen s1w 33282
of connecting scotland our broadbandfuturemaking it happen s1w 33284
of connecting scotland our broadbandfuturemaking it happen will be
the following issues identifying ourfuturemarkets both domestic and overseas
invest in our existing andfuturenurses as a key part
o our faith in thefutureo scots as a leivin
all those interested in thefutureof dost our commitment to
our part and influencing thefutureof our children and our
our exciting plans for thefutureplus may [censored: surname] and her
is the key to ourfutureprosperity indeed public services may
useful for our archive orfuturepublications the title of the
useful for our archive orfuturepublications the title of the
our little nest for thefuturerubbish thought margaret to herself
publishing and distributing building ourfuturescotland s school estate s1w
and that we had afuturethe if applied to our
fight our corner in thefutureusing the most up to
the main thrust of ourfuturework i note his point
the amount is of proposedfutureprivate investment in the city
it was agreed that infuturea reminder would be sent
agreed to recommend that afuturecommittee might wish to review
bureau has agreed that infuturemembers will be asked by
with the committee in thefuturethe convener is it agreed
glasgow airport benefits from anyfutureair transport development in scotland
hold the key to thefuturedevelopment and direction of the
s1m 3321 ms sandra whitefuturedevelopment of glasgow airport that
underpin all aspects of thefuturedevelopment of sport in scotland
three scottish parliament engagement thefuturedevelopment of the eu is
targets it has for thefuturedevelopment of the scottish economy
its full support for thefuturegrowth and development of the
certain types of development pe513futureof rural sub post offices
will be made available infuturefinancial years s1w 11817 nora
projected to be spent infuturefinancial years s1w 11818 mrs
routes to school projects infuturefinancial years s1w 12154 irene
and years ahead in thefutureokay right right can can
years i hope that infuturewe will be able to
and establish new targets forfutureyears aiming to reduce the
favour of that proposal forfutureyears alex easton it is
the scottish youth parliament infutureyears and at what level
budgets or projected budgets forfutureyears andrew wilson my second
bits of the budget forfutureyears brian adam would it
costs might be met infutureyears costs of other public
colleges this year and infutureyears i do not think
the process will develop infutureyears i was disappointed with
support offered to scotland infutureyears is likely to diminish
the supporting people budgets forfutureyears it is almost impossible
will address the matter infutureyears it will be merely
projected to be committed infutureyears on transport improvements for
the reserve will continue infutureyears richard simpson and other
women s aid groups infutureyears s1w 1027 dr elaine
cannot be certain of infutureyears seems to be the
a firm commitment that infutureyears the rate of inflation
entering the labour force infutureyears we must encourage more
the supporting people budget infutureyears will be able to
some weeks ago that anyfutureadministration in which labour is
us in any negotiations onfutureaid mr stone i am
and for any change tofuturebargaining arrangements to be the
on any implications for anyfuturebids to host international sporting
an unsuitable partner for anyfuturecare projects supported by mrs
any projections in respect offuturedeaths from the disease and
what venues are planned forfuturediscussions whether any minutes were
exit strategy available to anyfutureexecutive i ask that on
the scottish executive whether anyfuturefinancial support has been committed
already committed or of anyfuturefunds to be made available
are not planted in anyfuturegm field trials and whether
to benefit us in thefuturehowever like any other government
scots or lose it thefuturehowever of any language hinges
she will be safer infutureis not any realisation on
will be discussed at anyfuturemeeting of the british irish
are a baseline for anyfuturenational theatre in scotland that
as to whether on afutureoccasion if any party wishes
such as any ongoing orfutureoperation however the amendment would
prejudice to any ongoing orfutureoperation if it carried a
association in relation to anyfuturepolicy decisions regarding travelling people
any difficulties exist with thefutureprovision of waste management facilities
identify suitable sites for anyfuturepublic service job relocations s1w
regulation and ensuring that anyfutureregulations are necessary and proportionate
executive s attention for anyfuturereview of planning the executive
executive will have in anyfuturereview of uk energy policy
the understanding that for anyfuturescrutiny and consideration we want
freeze any surplus words forfuturestudy the treasure of the
of any in the foreseeablefuturethe year 2001 is the
work towards a strategy infuturethat puts burns at the
and looks forward to afuturewhere all relevant agencies work
which the committee could basefuturework and to identify key
the committee will approach itsfuturework and what it wants
to seek clarification on thefuturework of the auditor general
item 11 the committee sfuturework plan we can handle
bidding for this order andfuturework supported by nicola sturgeon
continue to be in thefuturebased on its primary industries
continue to be in thefuturebased on its primary industries
offers its encouragement in itsfutureendeavours to maximise support for
a statement about scotland sfutureits city centre location its
its position is on thefutureof farming given the impending
its plans are for thefutureof the fire service s1o
its not doing so infutureon other matters it would
and geographical profiles and itsfutureprospects census data could also
the standing orders and itsfuturerelationship with the parliamentary bureau
what its proposals are forfutureshipments of livestock to and
to safeguard its long termfuturesupported by dr winnie ewing
for the language and itsfuturethe member has provided the
at some point in thefuturealthough i am pragmatic enough
building scotland bill or afuturebill my third point relates
point is crucial to jamesfuturehappiness for wisdom and good
at some point in thefuturei might say just give
and bodes well for thefuturejack mcconnell s point is
at some point in thefutureonce the review has been
take the view at somefuturepoint that it would be
we explain the processes infuturethat is an important point
at some point in thefuturethere is likely to be
at some point in thefutureto add to the purposes
at some point in thefuturewe will have a discussion
the second point on thefutureyour submission proposes several actions
scottish fire service of thefutureand to make it clear
scottish fire service of thefuturefollowed by parliamentary bureau motions
threat to the long termfutureof the air service which
will take evidence on thefutureof the scottish prisons service
that following the review thefutureof the sleep service will
next intends to review thefutureof unified national health service
mark over the service sfuturerecognises that many gps may
decision on the service sfuturewill be made s1w 1024
achievements and will focus onfutureaction and measures 3 further
will not reappear in thefuturealthough we will want to
sports events here in thefutureand these will also have
however we can change thefutureas dr ewing will recall
a whale proletariat of thefuturebathing belles will bronze themselves
will stew in pickling jarsfuturebrits may have dialect make
will do so for afuturecensus 16 24 elaine smith
i am sure that afuturecommittee will want to take
may had been postponed afuturedate will be arranged for
sought will be obtained fromfutureevaluations because i share your
that in the course offutureevents we will find some
will leave the orphanage herfuturefate to some extent decided
re let there will infuturehave to go to the
and will establish limits onfuturehealth policies set by the
issues may arise in thefuturehowever i will say to
is certain that in thefutureit will be the universal
will prove disastrous in thefutureit would be expensive to
assessment that would aid theirfuturelearning we will attach importance
up to date statistics infuturenegotiations at which we will
will announce plans for thefutureof hm prison peterhead s1w
will be crucial to thefutureof scotland as it will
us can entirely foresee thefutureor how the courts will
i also hope that infuturepeople will not assume that
on how gats will affectfuturepolicy on involvement of the
will make the aims offuturepolicy on rail to increase
build on that for thefutureshortly i will be joined
will discuss it again infutureso that we can give
will be never forgotten thefutureso what next what life
october 2002 when decisions onfuturespending on external affairs will
state john i believe yourfuturestate will be tae be
will learn lessons for thefuturethe power and influence of
that more quickly in thefuturethe presiding officer i will
is a fair approach infuturethere will be other bunches
questions will require consideration infuturethey should be borne in
assurance that no approvals forfuturetrials will be given without
hotel or other venue infuturevenues will be chosen according
the light of these figuresfuturevisitor leaflets will be produced
will be collected in thefuturewe give a general welcome
will have implications for thefuturewe must do that in
crime now and in thefuturewe will implement a robust
impossible to predict what thefuturewill bring as gordon jackson
in the not too distantfuturewill have the same legal
the language writers of thefuturewill lose the ability to
events in scotland in thefuturewill not be influenced by
want it or not thefuturewill perform for us this
the leid screivers o thefuturewill tyne the ability tae
might be considered by afuturecommittee 3 reporters inquiries the
is fairly short furthermore afuturecommittee might find it helpful
formed to look at howfuturecongresses might be run improved
one might add and thefuturecourse of much scottish poetry
in the hope that afutureexecutive might decouple organic targets
what might happen in thefuturei remind the committee that
which means that in thefuturethere might be an uplift
do not forget that infuturewe might pay more realistic
ideas might happen in thefuturewhere cause m608: uh huh
for the voluntary sector infuture11 08 donald gorrie central
for the voluntary sector infuture15 39 robert brown glasgow
collaborative endeavour for biggin thefuture16 45 yon can be
recommend a strategy for thefuture16 progress on some of
collaborative endeavour for building thefuture25 45 this can be
what s planed for thefuturea state of concern a
allotments and an agenda forfutureaction december 1999 16 this
force in suggesting areas forfutureaction to conserve salmon gaps
to give an undertaking forfutureadministrations but i see no
proposal for securing dost sfutureafter his own lifetime and
number of proposals for thefuturean institute of lexicography dealing
to last for the foreseeablefutureand it is an opportunity
them with threats for thefutureand that is exactly what
assurance to plan for thefutureand the ability to deliver
their financial stability for thefutureand to allow the education
so watch this space forfutureannouncements meeting closed at 18
for structural funds and thefutureannual review process of the
for structural funds and thefutureannual review process of the
s some hope for thefutureas far as i can
tackle those roads for thefutureas i outlined in my
nhs today and for thefutureas nurses and midwives take
the very best for thefutureas they set about the
is to build for thefutureby seeking to engage young
congress in preparation for thefuturedecommissioning of scotland s nuclear
on that issue for thefuturedorothy grace elder as on
that the need for thefutureearly ordering of tickets for
that is ominous for thefutureespecially as the scottish executive
an advocacy document a newfuturefor allotments an advocacy document
problems they belonged to thefuturefor now he had to
linguistic diversity in particular thefuturefor scotland s two heritage
document rivers lochs coasts thefuturefor scotland s waters s1w
that would guarantee a sustainablefuturefor the area the formal
science but affords a sustainablefuturefor the catching and processing
a gey prosperous and brawfuturefor the haill community your
a decent education and afuturefor the morrison line made
just a vision for thefuturefor this school which is
lot of ideas for thefuturehe makes this tick in
is an issue for afuturehealth committee how can we
health is essential for thefuturehealth of the nation and
to bankroll it for thefuturehowever although the charity receives
test for other toxins infuturehowever for some other toxins
of her vision for thefuturei admire the way in
your fears are for thefuturei have evidence from two
their kind wishes for thefuturei have no intention of
for the voluntary sector infuturei move amendment s1m 2245
all the best for thefuturei particularly say a word
this year and for thefuturei want to wind up
be a possibility for thefuturei wanted to mention other
intends to set targets forfutureimprovements in rail safety and
quite literally a joke whatfutureis there then for scottish
as for looking to thefutureit seems liable like the
practices is important for thefuturejohn scott would not that
day operations and about thefuturelack of rehabilitation facilities for
day operations and about thefuturelack of rehabilitation facilities for
25 minutes motto for thefutureladies who wish to keep
which to build for thefuturelodged on 01 november 1999
ower save it for thefuturelook forrard to the day
the options available for thefuturemanagement and ownership of the
drawing up proposals for thefuturemanagement of all fish stocks
a public document for afuturemeeting of the committee the
for the voluntary sector infuturemembers would not expect a
up big problems for thefuturemr harding also went on
a better system for thefuturemr swinney all that i
2001 is a template forfuturemulti annual plans in it
oot a star for thefuturenae exception es eer as
details of the analysis offutureneeds for training in leadership
a valuable investment for thefuturenot only would it provide
that gie hope for thefutureo scots as a leivin
speakin population an for thefutureo the leid 26 89
far reaching consequences for thefutureof health spending provision the
that give hope for thefutureof scots as a living
out his thoughts for thefutureof scottish lexicography it is
executive s proposals for thefutureof the highlands and islands
speaking population and for thefutureof the language 35 89
gaelic medium education for thefutureof the language gaelic is
for example in new technologyfutureoffice systems and services to
on the implications for thefutureoperation for the national stadium
plans it has for thefutureoperation of livestock auction markets
item 7 is consideration offutureoptions for the inquiry into
fee or for promise offuturepayment if he did not
for this petition but forfuturepetitions we have to be
faster and stronger in thefutureplanning for rhodes 2007 has
glasgow nhs board for thefutureprovision of accident and emergency
account in the contracts forfuturerail and ferry franchises continue
copy of that note forfuturereference i want to discuss
an exercise to establish thefuturerequirement for gaelic medium teachers
the need for vigilance overfuturerounds of gats negotiations he
play family voices for afuturesession on the theatre in
not bode well for thefutureso god knows how we
for it to exist infutureso that if you felt
what is planned for thefutureso we look forward to
remove the provision if infuturesomething develops for which we
knowledgeable readers and a valuablefuturesource for young people who
2000 fergus ewing s1m 911futurestrategy for hiv and aids
s1m 911 ms margo macdonaldfuturestrategy for hiv and aids
are also being developed forfuturesupport of the textile industry
and their visions for thefuturesupported by dorothy grace elder
set a financial limit onfuturetaxi fares for that member
is in place for thefuturethe bill s purpose is
quite literally a joke whatfuturethen is there for written
ensuring that for the foreseeablefuturethey have a market for
best of luck for thefuturethey have all done a
to cast policy for thefutureto get ourselves out of
plans it has for thefuturetransfer or creation of such
buildings that are flexible forfutureuse and alteration without the
that could be logged forfutureuse and the process for
encounter and internalise them forfutureuse descriptions personal imaginative or
and stores it away forfutureuse dod comes in hassled
all up against ye forfutureuse maclaurin deciding to risk
what plans there are forfuturevolumes s1w 34340 johann lamont
such ideas are for thefuturewe acknowledge that the executive
for change pilot for thefuturewe are moving into a
matter for now perhaps infuturewe can reform ourselves members
for such time in thefuturewhen the oil fabrication industry
in a toast to thefutureworking together for scotch whisky
in a toast to thefutureworking together for scotch whisky
of a toast to thefutureworking together for scotch whisky
to establish clearly the likelyfutureworkload for the rig fabrication
serve as a pattern forfuturewriting in the northeast dialects
for the way to thefutureyou quiver on the edge
be taken on board infuturei support the committee s
before the committee at afuturemeeting pe223 mr and mrs
committee of inquiry into thefutureof teachers pay and conditions
important in terms of thefuturehealth of the nation the
cause great problems in thefuture16 28 janis hughes glasgow
off the problem in thefuture17 24 mary scanlon highlands
on a occasion in thefuturea letter received from the
but in that and hisfutureactivities he has the good
skies in winter grim thefuturean sae lonely death has
as gret an important infuturean whit wul be regairdit
lot of money in thefutureand help people who otherwise
provided now and in thefutureand we asked it to
grow and blossom in thefutureas it did in the
all the best in thefutureas one of the younger
has been or may infuturebe granted to papers dated
a specific purpose may infuturebe subject to a change
have more appropriate direction infuturebill aitken there are issues
in this bill but infuturebills or amendments to existing
described the experience to hisfuturebiographer as if gliding in
not in the far distantfuturebut in the session after
should be more guarded infuturebut only three weeks later
receive better marks in thefuturebut what is actually occurring
things he said that infuturecapital as would be the
gathering of income information infuturecensuses to be lost from
serve us well in thefuturechristine grahame i knew which
remain relatively small in thefutureconcerns have been expressed that
of the student to afuturecorrespondent or employer in the
with him again in thefuturedavid mcletchie thank you very
enhance your table when infuturedays as so often in
in urban regeneration hard lessonsfuturedirections policy and politics 28
travellers are included in allfuturediscussions and in the drafting
to neil s assistance infuturedo members have comments on
then be incorporated in allfutureeditions we would also be
then be incorporated in allfutureeditions we would also be
teachers and employers in developingfutureeducation policy s1o 4933 4
opportunity so that in allfutureelections young people from the
read on this should infutureenable the pupils to read
done about it in thefutureer i m g- gonna
in standard english tae markfutureevents predictions an intention an
changes cannot be considered infutureeveryone in the house should
conjure up gigantic spectres offutureevils frae a judgment in
airport could lose out infutureexpansion plans and believes that
in the context of thefuturefreedom of information bill this
people now and in thefuturefrom april 2002 free nursing
shall probably suffer in thefuturefrom such exotic diseases as
pensions and so on infuturegordon brown has singled out
some of those problems infuturegroups in inverness raised a
all that was in thefuturehow long joseph must remain
away with such actions infuturehowever the most urgent need
at some stage in thefuturei have one or two
some progress there in thefuturei i know folk have
be oot the city infuturei ll tell you something
scottish executive members in thefuturei receive regular updates and
perform it equally ably infutureif ever she needs to
still to happen in thefutureif the content of the
it should be clear infuturein exceptional circumstances such as
they know there s nofuturein f1151: yeah f1150: but
young an there wis naefuturein gaein hame tae bed
april a step into thefuturein last month s newsletter
his m608: oh right m1163: futurein laws to be are
closures do not happen infuturein the meantime i and
ootby masell a ken thefuturein the praisent tyme macbeth
aabody seen the toun sfuturein the sea nae in
can get things right infutureirene mcgugan north east scotland
sales o cars fit yerfutureis in the stars fa
to develop the languages infutureis that acceptable members indicated
to new tenants in thefutureit also sets out arrangements
allocated through scottish homes infutureit could be paid by
in the not too distantfutureit is a year or
needs were identified in thefutureit is envisaged that the
that to happen in thefutureit is important that we
could be reviewed in thefutureit is proposed to try
it wul be in thefuturejuist try ti imagine it
that the folk in thefutureken what was inside the
and down the stairs infuturelucky he s a king
of the planning issues concerningfuturemajor investment in children s
all the best in thefuturemeeting closed at 10 30
call me miss smith infuturemoreover the language style that
stations now and in thefuturemust remain with scottish executive
a major market in thefuturenick johnston mentioned cost we
technology and information in thefutureno matter where they live
linguistic diversity in particular thefutureo scotland s twa heritage
executive would consult on thefutureof assessment in the new
help us to examine thefutureof education in scotland that
in brackets hanno or thefutureof exploration 1928 stained radiance
other fin fish species thefutureof fish farming in scotland
an independent inquiry into thefutureof fish farming in scotland
sandra white s1m 3901 thefutureof football in scotland lodged
lloyd quinan s1m 3901 thefutureof football in scotland lodged
a genuine interest in thefutureof greenock morton to step
out his thoughts on thefutureof his dictionary in 1949
it has held regarding thefutureof motorola in west lothian
the parliament believes that thefutureof scottish agriculture is in
the parliament believes that thefutureof scottish agriculture is in
the parliament believes that thefutureof scottish agriculture is in
seek further views on thefutureof scottish sport in advance
account in regard to thefutureof the court s1w 24076
executive whether in considering thefutureof the licensed airfield at
executive whether in considering thefutureof the licensed airfield at
executive whether in considering thefutureof the licensed airfield at
executive whether in considering thefutureof the licensed airfield at
be used in deciding thefutureof the paediatric cardiac surgery
courts and panels in reducingfutureoffending take steps to reduce
still be a concern infutureolder people need to know
1264 scotland s participation infutureolympic games lodged on 16
2775 scotland s participation infutureolympic games lodged on 25
gibson scotland s participation infutureolympic games that the parliament
base his judgement in thefutureon financial concerns supported by
yards away from him infutureon michael matheson s contribution
to be provided in thefutureon the east coast main
techniques used in ongoing orfutureoperations or the general capabilities
could do about that infutureperhaps richard walsh has a
to do so in thefutureprovided that adequate and effective
which makes recommendations on thefutureprovision of language education in
scotland s1m 3320 bill aitkenfutureprovision of nhs services in
the power in the foreseeablefutureremoving the power from the
prevent such police action infutures1m 2119 paul martin asylum
to achieve employment in thefutures1o 1496 7 mr michael
are to be paid infutures1o 2178 the deputy minister
the police force in thefutures1w 1062 pauline mcneill to
not arise again in thefutures1w 17617 michael matheson to
avoid similar delays in thefutures1w 33299 christine grahame to
endeavours in the new andfutureseasons supported by mr murray
with their communities on thefutureshape of nhs services in
competence be treated in thefutureshould member states be accorded
him every success in hisfuturesinging and songwriting career s1m
marine national parks in thefuturespice research notes are compiled
d ye believe in afuturestate john i believe your
to play in determining thefuturestructure of league football in
in their hands in thefuturesupervision costs 9 brian adam
affect us all and infuturethe 500 million citizens of
i believe that in thefuturethe executive power should be
agriculture in the hills infuturethe first minister i do
matters go to court infuturethe minister s words more
partnerships with you in thefuturethe nations and regions of
may be thrown up infuturethe other approach would be
fairly certain that in thefuturethe secondary curriculum is going
in scotland upon which afuturetheatre could be built the
by these fisheries in thefuturetheir impact on scottish salmon
that this year and infuturethere are markers to carry
entirely free market in thefuturethere does not seem to
achieved they declared that infuturethere would be only one
influence developments in the immediatefuturethese are not merely academic
aim to do in thefuturethis is your opportunity to
thinking about such activities infuturethis process also presumably serves
was widespread concern that infuturethree person hmos may suffer
may choose sometime in thefutureto be involved in ppp
sccc if we are infutureto give burns his key
ethnic and religious groups infutureto include a question on
people now and in thefuturevoluntary sector the presiding officer
do more of in thefuturewas the protection of the
not become so in thefuturewe are already preoccupied by
people a top priority infuturewe are determined to move
level of resources in thefuturewe are of course aware
outwith those offices in thefuturewe have in place a
have been passed on infuturewe should be aware that
sector could play in thefuturewe should see both sides
just be saying that infuturewe would prefer such matters
to move against ageism infuturewhether the subject is devolved
want to think about infuturewhy do we not invest
made now and in thefuturewithout drawing everyone into the
to be doing in thefutureyou know m1036: it s
what may lie ahead infutureyou may want to say
minerva are necessary to jamesfuturehappiness love must always be
strand of the facing thefutureinitiative which must seek meaningful
is important to scotland sfuturea conclusion that i am
on all concerned with thefutureof scotland s fishing communities
certainly depends on the politicalfutureof scotland the term scots
jobs of tomorrow scotland sfutureprosperity requires the economy to
scotland an mak recommends anentfuturestrategy 16 progress wi a
competition act 1998 on thefuturestructure of scotland s water
the heart of scotland sfuturethe presiding officer has selected
take steps to underpin thefutureviability of scotland s network
she cannot see into thefuturethe risk may subsequently materialise
and uncertain world of thefuture13 11 from professor lo
and government 11 iv thefuture13 v the statute of
fi art art of thefuturea colleague said to him
that to provide a stablefuturea complete review of fisheries
revision and extension of thefutureand conditional tenses and the
cannot say anything further aboutfutureappointments about the number of
to advise scottish ministers onfuturearrangements taking account of the
soft affection tenderest pledge offuturebliss dearest tie of young
promised an announcement on thefuturecomposition of the tolerable standard
to offer back dated andfuturecopies of the newsletter to
and to influence the thefuturedirection of it so finally
up to consult on thefuturedirection of scottish education and
on the subject of thefuturedr lucas argued convincingly that
are the customers of thefutureeg what are the key
office card accounts to thefuturefinancial viability of sub post
her first sighting of herfuturehusband arbuthnott 1900 1960 by
part of the facing thefutureinitiative i have increased intakes
own chances of a happyfuturelilian go on james beaumont
be made as part offuturemajor investment programmes phil gallie
on the agenda of afuturemeeting of the conveners liaison
get out of it isfuturemembers the clubs need to
career structures appropriate to thefutureneeds of the industry encourage
a wider look at thefutureof air services to barra
be used to shape thefutureof all aspects of scottish
my primary concern is thefutureof binny house my plea
the use and to thefutureof bsl i strongly believe
make a decision on thefutureof cardiac surgery at glasgow
pm 1 inquiry into thefutureof cohesion policy and structural
spl tv and the financialfutureof football clubs that the
2001 tavish scott s1m 2176futureof glasgow underground lodged on
2001 alex fergusson s1m 2319futureof highland air services lodged
executive what research on thefutureof lanark racecourse it or
more reasoned approach to thefutureof listed buildings that are
that this could jeopardise thefutureof special educational needs schools
was called to address thefutureof the dictionary the following
to be crucial to thefutureof the dictionary was reinforced
to the initiative on thefutureof the fisheries sector and
my view is that thefutureof the industry lies not
doubt about the long termfutureof the industry there is
low german it becomes thefutureof the scots language certainly
their businesses and to thefutureof the scottish economy the
made a statement on thefutureof the sqa and national
by ministerial statement on thefutureof the sqa and national
essential to the long termfutureof the yard and expresses
time are uncertain about thefutureof their positions does she
decision is made regarding thefutureof these services s1m 2961
the contract assessment process thefutureoperation of the trunk road
the contract assessment process thefutureoperation of the trunk road
the contract assessment process thefutureoperation of the trunk road
projects are financed affects thefuturepattern of expenditure projects that
on progress to date andfutureplans of the scottish executive
on progress to date andfutureplans of the scottish executive
glasgow nhs board on thefutureprovision of acute hospital services
looked at the existing andfutureprovision of national indoor and
s decision significant questions aboutfutureprovision of services remain unanswered
the prime minister on thefutureshape of the eu further
reply at some time thefutureshe is aware of the
to the idea of afuturestate was that it was
to the industry and thefuturesuccess of a vital scottish
are the life blood offuturesupply we have driven up
be made far into thefuturethat is a feature of
recognises the reality of thefuturethere has been a major
indeed the politicians of thefuturethey have a lot to
enable young people of thefutureto be all of those
and a sense of thefutureto many disadvantaged communities and
consult the local community regardingfutureuse of dungavel house and
steps have been taken regardingfuturearrangements s1w 17745 nicola sturgeon
schools projects are transferred tofutureprojects s1w 34383 michael matheson
on the pairlament website 10futureactivity it wis gr eed
it impossible to have afuturediscussion on registration and regulation
noo rest wi tranquillity hisfuturefate on the justice and
on the opera company sfuturelast week the standstill looks
lunch i ve been preparingfuturelessons the videoed discussion on
on 8 september 1999 whatfutureplans does it have to
whan ah think on thefuturesyne ah feel that licht
outmoded ideas and plan afuturewhich does not depend on
action plan called facing thefuturewhich is based entirely on
f943: [laugh] ah those littlefuturefreaks ll be sitting m944:
as to the dog sfuturelittle girls should be seen
would we look towards thefutureperhaps we would be extremely
to be spent and whatfutureprojects are planned broken down
intended to allow responsiveness tofuturerequirements another approach would be
would be useful if afuturescottish parliament reserved eight seats
cannae be yaised an thifuturetense cannae be markit bi
an his friens an hisfuturethat widna be comin tae
government is to avoid prejudicingfuturetrials i would be grateful
gm crops if there arefuturetrials they should be controlled
you please to be myfuturewife i can make you
into force until a specifiedfuturedate that would allow abolition
m quite sure into thefuturedoing other things as well
next season and into thefuturesupported by mr kenny macaskill
focusing steadily ahead into thefuturewell she d probably not
are left uncertain about herfuturealone by choice she throws
policy was all about thefutureand the other cities were
where there are concerns aboutfutureemployment to establish whether public
great anxieties about what thefutureholds and the misery that
facilities i believe that thefutureis not just about building
have led to uncertainty aboutfutureworkplaces and staff have not
parliament regrets the uncertain financialfuturefacing the 10 non old
an wanchancy world o thefuture4 11 professor lo bianco
welsh assembly government 2002 bilingualfuturea policy statement by the
being delivered through facing thefutureand other initiatives 15 44
we were looking to thefutureat another building we began
can see but then thefutureat the moment is so
got to think aboot thefuturebessie i m nae movin
love nae maitter faat thefuturebrings an wull ye mind
14001 emas proposed by thefuturebuilding maintenance team g a
industry that has a realfuturebut they lack the investment
repenting at leisure at somefuturedate the convener i go
the coming months reviewing theirfuturehowever a longer term review
view to tendering again thefuturelewis macdonald i share the
the item again at afuturemeeting 5 scottish parliamentary standards
scrapins o their mither thefutureo her oo has noo
the staff and students allfuturesuccess supported by dr winnie
greenock morton with the prosperousfuturethat it and the people
fleet has the long termfuturethat it deserves references bbc
allow them to predict thefuturethe biggest challenge to those
to securing the dictionary sfuturethe production itself was by
am looking forward to thefuturethere is an enormous amount
from both an historical andfutureviewpoint and the contribution made
need tae ken fur thefuturewe dinna ay hae oor
lower clyde have a soundfuturewith the welcome retention and
would not know what thefuturewould hold how serious the
up the subject o herfutureyou micht ha e him

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