See this word as a collocate cloud
trummilt an shook the needle | gaed | jag jag again an pompitie |
cum hame syne the needle | gaed | jag jag an said ti |
the needle in his coat | gaed | jag jag an wheipilt no |
curlie buss but the needle | gaed | jag jag jag intil him |
peyed onie heed an juist | gaed | jag jag jag jag sae |
thocht pompitie but the needle | gaed | jaggitie jag jag an said |
rowtin out aa thegither they | gaed | strecht for the road en |
pit his rung by an | gaed | strecht forrit ti help the |
say nae mair the queen | gaed | strecht hame an taen til |
pailace wi the wattir she | gaed | strecht in ti the queen |
sleepin in for his wark | gaed | strecht oot his heid it |
bangin an gongs dirlin they | gaed | strecht ti shi s toun |
onti the muir an syne | gaed | strecht ti the ferlie knowe |
sauchtree then mither an son | gaed | strecht ti the theikit haa |
wan ti the steidin he | gaed | strecht til his maister an |
the neist setterday nicht rab | gaed | strecht til the field whaur |
dart lo an behaud it | gaed | strecht til wullie s nose |
an wyfe strecht ti callum | gaed | the saumon still beirin catriona |
the sunday schuil they d | gaed | oot the door in peace |
ti iot waitters whan a | gaed | tae hawick hie schuil ae |
schuil or the yin they | gaed | tae hid gotten air raid |
station sei b whan a | gaed | tae roberton schuil ae jock |
an billy nelson whae baith | gaed | tae roberton schuil fur ae |
an angus an his sister | gaed | tae roberton schuil the laist |
whae ma sister an mei | gaed | tae the schuil wi kathleen |
o ae faimlie whae a | gaed | tae the schuil wi the |
local village schuil whilk hei | gaed | til afore gaun doun tae |
saivrel o the welsh bairns | gaed | til roberton schuil an gin |
hawick at wur afore a | gaed | til the schuil a mynd |
sae out his chaumer he | gaed | an shankit it smertlie out |
lyfes awa throu ilka chaumer | gaed | fergal fou o wunner at |
back ti his chaumer he | gaed | for some siller at he |
wunnert the mair whan he | gaed | frae chaumer ti chaumer an |
chaumer aff the kitchen ah | gaed | inby an fand a gret |
ilka dure til hir she | gaed | inti ae chaumer eftir anither |
a thing but whan thay | gaed | inti beatrrix s chaumer thare |
tree sae ae forenicht he | gaed | inti the chaumer whaur she |
ludgins forenent the wardenrie and | gaed | straucht ti his chaumer he |
my grandparents so my father | gaed | tae bide in the chaumer |
lassie an the littil kittlin | gaed | ti the chaumer the ferr |
him shouthert his pockstang an | gaed | ti the chaumer whaur the |
an lu da ahint they | gaed | to the chaumer whaur the |
ti the grund houss she | gaed | an staupit inti the kist |
nor hir sisters for she | gaed | anaw an keikit inti the |
hound alang wi him an | gaed | back inti the haw whaur |
nae aunser but turnt an | gaed | back inti the houss houanever |
at lang lest the ettin | gaed | his gait doun inti the |
hame at lest as ah | gaed | inti the clachan ah met |
at sein him than he | gaed | inti the forrest merkin lang |
up ti yeir keep ah | gaed | inti the houss an whit |
brithers an the thrie callants | gaed | inti the ither dugeons whaur |
screedit aff his mantras an | gaed | inti the pensefu fixitie o |
gusegate in speillands in he | gaed | inti the waatoun an he |
she wan ti the craig | gaed | inti the weim an gaed |
faither s help the princess | gaed | inti the wuid as she |
the gullie knyfe an syne | gaed | inti the yaird an laid |
the tiger inti the thrang | gaed | shi jin cryin dominie it |
smaw toun inti the toun | gaed | the brithers an throu the |
coud wauken him sae awa | gaed | the guidwyfe back inti the |
gaed inti the weim an | gaed | throu the lang derk througang |
martial leir auld maister shi | gaed | awa ti the burgh toun |
broken men awa shi jin | gaed | back ti the mains an |
insteid o shi jin wha | gaed | back ti the mains an |
ti be up the lether | gaed | shi jin ti speir whit |
there s onie an back | gaed | shi jin ti the haa |
ti the mains whaur they | gaed | ti see shi jin an |
ti look sae shi jin | gaed | ti the midmaist haa an |
frae sud afrika afore a | gaed | aff til glesca i september |
til the knittin sae aw | gaed | as afore an the third |
farweill til his freins an | gaed | atowre the green links ti |
dargin frae daw till gloamin | gaed | awa aerlie til his bed |
o the neist day he | gaed | awa again til the huntin |
at aince an the kittlin | gaed | awa mewin til itsell juist |
doctors shuik his heid an | gaed | awa mummil mummilin til himsell |
in beatrix s airms an | gaed | awa til hir ain bed |
wee pink tung syne she | gaed | awa til hir ain place |
lassie an wi that she | gaed | awa til hir bed the |
o his days sae he | gaed | awa til the pairt o |
lady ever sen his grace | gaed | awa til the war a |
the sie ae day she | gaed | back til hir derk sea |
he wes an syne fergal | gaed | back til the gray whunstane |
warld at first licht thay | gaed | back til the ship an |
houss ti dry oot an | gaed | back up til the kitchen |
it the snoot whan mag | gaed | ben throwe til hir pantry |
til itsell sae the days | gaed | by an eftir a whyle |
til a stane fluir she | gaed | doun the steps an aw |
fareweill til hir bairns an | gaed | doun til the wattir s |
steikit his houss dure an | gaed | grumfin awa back til his |
1 sae the wee hen | gaed | hame til her her bed |
hir an wi that he | gaed | his wey back til his |
cam til the castel an | gaed | inby an haed supper an |
his back an awa he | gaed | nicher nicherin til himsell weill |
as you but ah never | gaed | on til the military academy |
by a lyre a crusader | gaed | oot til the halie land |
up the neist day she | gaed | owre til the neibor whas |
wes bidden but as she | gaed | she said til hirsell whitna |
hame again an as she | gaed | she wad say til hirsell |
tell til the keing hou | gaed | the fecht the tyme ye |
hir speak til him awa | gaed | the princess an shuir aneuch |
kynd o bodie an he | gaed | til a fair ae day |
mair nor a hauflin he | gaed | til his faither an said |
wash hoose before your hubby | gaed | til his work that was |
ran forenent me as ah | gaed | til ma boat maened roderic |
i februar 1929 til a | gaed | til new zealand i august |
the boolin club dances shei | gaed | til thar whan shei wis |
on andrey an the doctor | gaed | til the club lest nicht |
s bewtie sae awa she | gaed | til the glen ti spier |
ye ken sae awa she | gaed | til the glen wi the |
for aw that sae she | gaed | til the henwyfe again an |
for aw that weill she | gaed | til the henwyfe again an |
for aw that sae she | gaed | til the henwyfe again but |
baeten gowd an awa she | gaed | til the kirk an the |
day vershinin to toozenbach ah | gaed | til the same cadet skuil |
frae the ingil neuk an | gaed | tipper taes til hir ain |
sic a sicht an he | gaed | up til ane o thaim |
o a wuid but she | gaed | up til the houss door |
but inby the pailace fowk | gaed | waesum til thair beds the |
cutty rung an awa he | gaed | a thocht he d been |
his pockstang an awa he | gaed | ahint the pownie sae it |
sae braw an whan ye | gaed | awa ah stuid ma lane |
a peep an they juist | gaed | awa an said they wurnae |
yetts o the mains an | gaed | awa back his lane weill |
jist shook his heid an | gaed | awa back tae work every |
feet wi the auld maister | gaed | awa ben sae mither an |
jist agreed wi her an | gaed | awa ben the hoose tae |
man skartit his heid an | gaed | awa ben ti hae a |
aither but the creenge juist | gaed | awa bi itsel efter aboot |
lassies aw fareweill afore he | gaed | awa cannot be associated with |
kennawha ca 600 13 ye | gaed | awa ch ang ch u |
hir wurd on it an | gaed | awa content wi the ferlie |
ran past his yard jonsar | gaed | awa doon tae see fa |
gaed him a shout an | gaed | awa doon tae see him |
drink nou whan quarto wang | gaed | awa doun the brae he |
haed a man friend that | gaed | awa eftir that she wes |
grudginly bocht them as he | gaed | awa hame jonsar eck went |
in ower the truck an | gaed | awa hame neest day jonsar |
in the bakers shop he | gaed | awa hame tae hae a |
mess jonsar eck turned an | gaed | awa hame thinkin my face |
houss dure an the prince | gaed | awa hame ti seek the |
blissit name o god he | gaed | awa his leelane a while |
look oot at saxteen ye | gaed | awa hyne awa ye gaed |
awthing hir mither said an | gaed | awa in hir turn ti |
ah never grat whan ye | gaed | awa kis ma faither says |
sniff at the pie then | gaed | awa leavin the pie lyin |
didna wait nae langer he | gaed | awa one of the jobs |
jist a idea as he | gaed | awa oot the door he |
he grippit his bill an | gaed | awa out frae the smaa |
the twaesome cleikit airms an | gaed | awa out o the teahous |
started tae cast peats jonsar | gaed | awa ower tae speak tae |
eck stopped the mower an | gaed | awa ower tae tae the |
ma richt name sae madam | gaed | awa round the swynesty end |
u ling 673 740 ye | gaed | awa sen ye left ma |
man frae bethlehem o juda | gaed | awa tae bide in moab |
men efterhaun whan the angels | gaed | awa tae heevin the herds |
contentit wi the warld and | gaed | awa tae ligg at the |
tae the miller sae she | gaed | awa tae see if the |
on her shoulder and she | gaed | awa tae the brugh when |
lord has gien me ah | gaed | awa teemin owre and the |
hir faither s haund an | gaed | awa ti dae as she |
letter an the siller an | gaed | awa ti gloresheddae toun ti |
whit ti dae sae she | gaed | awa ti spier at the |
you are drivin as they | gaed | awa up the elgin wye |
she say sae the keing | gaed | awa wi a sair hert |
ye wrote me when ye | gaed | awa ye said i wis |
wi bide here they a | gaed | awa ye see f902: well |
ye tho an awa he | gaed | cursin as he ran whae |
buckets shouthert his sting an | gaed | fleein awa doun the brae |
frae weilands an hou he | gaed | fleein east awa an lowpin |
awa doun ti the kitchen | gaed | he an unsteikit the houss |
wes feimin an awa she | gaed | in a blek blek tid |
follaed him ilka day an | gaed | niver an inch awa frae |
wes that an awa she | gaed | on hir lang dour traivil |
companie awa frae the smiddy | gaed | profunditas an in nae mair |
the cairt an awa she | gaed | straicht tae the fermer s |
dryve him aff an awa | gaed | the auldest quyne ti sit |
traivlar an awa back hame | gaed | the broun princess as fest |
on the forelaund an awa | gaed | the kimmer an gowd tree |
me an awa the barman | gaed | ti cry them in in |
gaed awa hyne awa ye | gaed | ti ku to yen bi |
his guidnichts an awa he | gaed | ti the chapel that nicht |
the wal sae awa she | gaed | ti the glen wi its |
the ingil an awa she | gaed | up the lum wi a |
mither weill sae awa she | gaed | wi a gled hert owre |
it can an awa she | gaed | wi the kies that wad |
quo wang jin the bodie | gaed | ben a whylie syne cam |
him settlt then auld jin | gaed | doun ti cry on the |
jin bi the haun an | gaed | out the teahous door lookin |
wang jin an hou he | gaed | ti list for a sodger |
tammas s houss an thai | gaed | ben afoir thai cuid finnd |
o the houss swang ajie | gaed | ben an ett the paliassis |
hir faither s houss an | gaed | ferr an ferr an ferrer |
ye verra kyndlie an she | gaed | in an steikit hir houss |
war naebodie aboot sae she | gaed | inby an here the houss |
keing s houss an she | gaed | intil t thare thay spiert |
aw day an never aince | gaed | owre the houss dure she |
pendil in hiz haun he | gaed | widdershins roun the houss ti |
or stewartrie toun sae he | gaed | aa about it or he |
faithlands they wan or lang | gaed | by ti faithlands toun whaur |
throu the wee toun thay | gaed | joco an licht hertit stappin |
growin gey gentrifeed fin he | gaed | tae the college in toun |
tae the toun as a | gaed | through the glen wha s |
on hoscote grund is ee | gaed | up the toun o deanburnhaugh |
doun ti the cleuch thay | gaed | as suin as thay cam |
swallae or twa thay baith | gaed | awfu quiet an thochtfu for |
warld doun an doun thay | gaed | deep throu the green wattirs |
but as the reid sun | gaed | doun whit soud thay see |
fethers an skraicht thay aw | gaed | for the draiglin hogney at |
kettrens graith an siller thay | gaed | hame thegither weill pleised eftir |
thay haed been syne he | gaed | intil anither dungeon an thare |
him thay kent awthing that | gaed | on at the castel an |
borth ick waitters afore thay | gaed | on tae bei pouert bi |
aye ti me as thay | gaed | oot an in from the |
aff he an his sairvant | gaed | out thegither an whan thay |
ma mynd thit afore thay | gaed | tae elrig dod wis herd |
the sea an whaurever thay | gaed | the war a sound o |
messages vittals an siclik thay | gaed | up the ti iot tae |
wee kintra dramshop in he | gaed | an sat doun at the |
swatches o claith syne ah | gaed | doun a stey stair frae |
luves an sleeps the nicht | gaed | doun an lichtit up oor |
tristan an isolde the nicht | gaed | doun an lichtit up oor |
thair sells or the sea | gaed | doun for the saicont tyme |
a gret syde o beef | gaed | doun his thrappil in a |
springs whan the whyte sun | gaed | doun i the wastern cleuch |
side for side the twa | gaed | doun on their knees an |
yer richt haund is ee | gaed | doun ontil the main road |
catches minnons billy an me | gaed | doun tae the burn ae |
him richt sae aff watt | gaed | doun tae the burn side |
like as no he s | gaed | doun tae the laundry puil |
drams an syne the twa | gaed | doun the brae thegither ti |
ontil sum nairrae steps that | gaed | doun the face o the |
vext in hir mynd she | gaed | doun the nicht afore hir |
up oor deeps the nicht | gaed | doun the nicht wis aye |
couple mair horns afore they | gaed | doun the stair ti the |
hous he liftit the hingins | gaed | inben set hissel doun an |
doun shouthert his pockstang an | gaed | leadin the pownie the lenth |
yir haun an then he | gaed | skelpin doun the stair an |
steir ye tink sae doun | gaed | the barman an up he |
his claes an they aa | gaed | thegither ti set theirsels doun |
doun the sauchtrie burn an | gaed | ti kittilskart ti meisur up |
lichtit doun an in he | gaed | ti see the prince an |
the yett an in he | gaed | to sit hissel doun cryin |
sae intil the waatoun he | gaed | an fund aa the streets |
heids on its road it | gaed | birlin up intil the lift |
fower an five houses he | gaed | intil in a raw but |
syne bocht their tickets an | gaed | intil the culture fest cad |
hir shouther but whan she | gaed | intil the kitchen she fand |
it wur an is hei | gaed | oot intil the derk a |
that the perr o thaim | gaed | quaeitlyke intil the mirk o |
treisurs intil hiz pouch than | gaed | ti finnd the sauchtrie burn |
serghyeevna it s tyme ah | gaed | a pause ah wush ye |
the tyme gaed in wunter | gaed | by syne spring an simmer |
tree a saicont tyme malcolm | gaed | frae hame an whan he |
mebbe it s tyme ah | gaed | hame bi anither road for |
the tyme the ootbye post | gaed | hir roond ay geordie wis |
she thocht weill nou tyme | gaed | in an siller tree thocht |
haed killed his brither tyme | gaed | in as it aye dis |
hir weill sae the tyme | gaed | in brawlie or ae ill |
a dream lyke the tyme | gaed | in wunter gaed by syne |
but ilka tyme the lassie | gaed | out the auld man aye |
hound a third tyme he | gaed | ti the huntin an cam |
the great war syne we | gaed | alangside abyne castle wi the |
ti be mairrit syne he | gaed | back hame owre the wattir |
owre the horse syne he | gaed | back ti the haw an |
dure syne the littil kittlin | gaed | in an lickit wi hir |
baillie loon an syne i | gaed | on fur third an syne |
an the hound this ane | gaed | owre the hawk syne afore |
heelstergowdie syne meevin widdershins kate | gaed | roon them aa wi anither |
the lift skirlin as she | gaed | syne whan the lest soond |
in the trolley an syne | gaed | tae sikk oot her loon |
the road dunt dunt dunt | gaed | the beer can syne his |
fower o clock an syne | gaed | ti bed but naething happent |
as a messenger sae he | gaed | aff on his traivels an |
sae seik o masell ah | gaed | an got fou enter irena |
sae eydent an hir mither | gaed | an poued hir oot frae |
o it sae aff she | gaed | but here whan she wes |
a communist disna sae i | gaed | doon tae the nearest employment |
me quo ruth sae she | gaed | doon tae the threshie flair |
sae a did an a | gaed | ferrer tae that s what |
auld drauchtisman sae the yokin | gaed | forrit bonilie eftir collogues at |
wee teahous sae in he | gaed | fund hissel a place an |
dae sae jed an brian | gaed | fur a wauk bi the |
third step forrit that he | gaed | his brither scots sae quick |
near his faither sae ye | gaed | in his place and young |
sae much talk fin jimmy | gaed | in that he didna like |
wi pleisir sae the forenicht | gaed | in the lassie an the |
it mair sae owrancer lu | gaed | nae mair as hauf a |
the slipper an here it | gaed | on fyne sae he mairrit |
chaunce the day sae he | gaed | on his wey for aw |
s twae an sae she | gaed | on or she haed countit |
he wes bidden sae he | gaed | oot ti the staibil an |
palace marischal sae the marischal | gaed | out ti see the flunkie |
s character aricht sae i | gaed | ram stam aa the wye |
bairn sae the auld carl | gaed | richt in fauldit the royal |
the bit sae ane doorman | gaed | skelpin in ti tell the |
side sae the sheriff principal | gaed | straucht ti the wardenrie in |
got worries wirsel sae she | gaed | tae her granny an grat |
got worries wirsel sae she | gaed | tae her granny an grat |
sae faist efter his kidneys | gaed | tae smush some fowk hid |
aff their skin sae we | gaed | tae the watter an pit |
sae ti the dramshops we | gaed | ti dae the rouns the |
mairrie ye sae the prince | gaed | ti see gowd tree an |
wesna sae crouse whan a | gaed | ti skuil fur ma rolment |
wi a blyth hert she | gaed | ti wauken the bairns sae |
an niver cam in ay | gaed | an niver wan hame they |
grunds an twa o thaim | gaed | hame an brocht thair auld |
taed fork oot efter i | gaed | hame i suppose i m |
straucht up the loch we | gaed | hame kinda regal wi wee |
siller oot atween thaim an | gaed | hame richt joco the baith |
be a guid whyllie tammas | gaed | hame ti gaitsgill fair kest |
e en upon when i | gaed | hame to the barnyards there |
wey an that as he | gaed | his wey hame tryin tae |
high seas fur hame natalie | gaed | missin the verra neist day |
cup rins tume an willie | gaed | tae his lang hame he |
s hame they said it | gaed | them the heebie jeebies it |
finnd ye at hame ah | gaed | ti the wars agin the |
clam ti his feet an | gaed | aff like a fuff o |
an flesher zheng s fowk | gaed | aff ti see ti the |
an weill as ever she | gaed | again ti the kimmer an |
thriefauld sublimitie haa an they | gaed | alang wi the officiars ti |
an ti the bink he | gaed | an choicit out ten pund |
the band slauchterin as he | gaed | an it wisna ti he |
they said thair prayers an | gaed | back again ti sleep l |
an hinder him owrancer lu | gaed | back ti his ludgins an |
a cairt an neist he | gaed | back ti redd up aa |
the abbeymaister an the priests | gaed | back ti redd up the |
tale tells o hou profunditas | gaed | back ti the bouer an |
ance mair afore they baith | gaed | back ti the buird whaur |
duan gied his fareweills an | gaed | back ti the palace the |
they twyned whan marischal wang | gaed | back ti the royal guidson |
for the dram they aa | gaed | back ti their ain houses |
heid pilliedacus s duir an | gaed | ben ti raport thon mannie |
ti south the stewartrie he | gaed | but niver the caption cud |
tent o whaur the playocks | gaed | but spak insteid ti gao |
maun ti the beiss an | gaed | but the kie wes aye |
for the nicht then he | gaed | first ti an outlan bit |
loun clam ti his feet | gaed | for a stuil at stude |
kent hiz ain kin an | gaed | forrit ti tryst wi m |
saxtie or mair yeir maitters | gaed | frae bad ti warse it |
spak mhairi an she never | gaed | hir fuitlenth ti the dure |
hauf the nicht afore they | gaed | ilkane ti their nicht s |
ti be fund the months | gaed | in an aye the war |
inby an wi that he | gaed | in ti converse wi the |
all gasp loudly bit she | gaed | life ti yit another lassie |
muntit the throne an aathing | gaed | on quait like ti on |
in vain the mornin ye | gaed | oot ti battle an at |
ti thraw owre him he | gaed | oot ti the staibil an |
an roun corners the thriesome | gaed | or they wan ti yon |
ti profunditas an when he | gaed | outbye to seek it he |
heist ti dae it john | gaed | ower ti the winnok an |
wi alasdair at his back | gaed | owre again ti the auld |
lowin inben the haas they | gaed | skelpin roun the back ti |
o the eastren capital an | gaed | smairtlie ti worthieburn county o |
him our tale tells nou | gaed | straucht back ti his ludgins |
yon business wi you a | gaed | straucht ti da dux brig |
guesten seat lu da juist | gaed | straucht ti the place o |
o the scripter hous aff | gaed | the porcurator ti tell the |
he wes aye reizie we | gaed | ti a ruggerbaw match we |
here sleepin ever sen ah | gaed | ti bed malcolm god whit |
on the snek whan we | gaed | ti bed shona rushed through |
suid hae duin whan a | gaed | ti chak the wirk wes |
s warslin his bonnie dochter | gaed | ti cormac for ti fleitch |
fur the waddin ruth hed | gaed | ti embro ti collogue wi |
god but ane o thaim | gaed | ti heivin i the end |
on the throne or it | gaed | ti his royal son zhezong |
bul an the yungest princess | gaed | ti jyne the thrang wi |
nae royal son the croun | gaed | ti king taizong s auldest |
aweill as ye ken we | gaed | ti noroway eftir men an |
steppit out turnin as he | gaed | ti pynt at flesher zheng |
the diamond to macbeth he | gaed | ti rest the nicht mukkil |
aw hir ill fortuin beatrix | gaed | ti see hir faither an |
the warld again the princess | gaed | ti see the bryde an |
he tuik nae denner but | gaed | ti sleep bleizin mad the |
ar aye gey latchie bot | gaed | ti speir about the seistem |
the kirkyaird an his graundbairns | gaed | ti the beirial mynd the |
rowin woo again the princess | gaed | ti the bryde an an |
the place the waitin men | gaed | ti the elder about him |
scotland the protestants at aince | gaed | ti the emerant eyl frae |
the presence o d grant | gaed | ti the foirduir ti explene |
agin the pest then he | gaed | ti the gowden haa ti |
the coat o fethers an | gaed | ti the kirk an again |
the sabbath day cam awbodie | gaed | ti the kirk an left |
a marischal gao the braw | gaed | ti the marischalry ti tak |
they d get insnorled they | gaed | ti the marischalry to lodge |
efter fower year the croun | gaed | ti the royal son shenzong |
be gaun but as he | gaed | ti the stable yon day |
ma drum skin a nivver | gaed | ti the tron agane an |
brothers sneistie like as they | gaed | ti their nicht s rest |
early an wi that ilkane | gaed | ti their nicht s rest |
the true mithir gret an | gaed | up hur claim ti the |
gangril bodie an that ah | gaed | up ti yeir keep ah |
we dinna tell for they | gaed | wi aa speed back ti |
throu the derk forest she | gaed | but this day the trees |
o the deid craws an | gaed | on thair wey on throu |
oot thair speech as they | gaed | thair wey throu eddication on |
singin wi delyte as she | gaed | throu the swaws ai but |
ower it whan the shot | gaed | aff no faur ahint them |
biggin but daudlin as he | gaed | an whan he wes about |
whan wei threi on huz | gaed | back outside yid still manifestlie |
their hauns an whan they | gaed | brashin out the westren gallery |
he didna schaw it an | gaed | but whan telt swith mirren |
pat up his spade an | gaed | his gait hamewith an whan |
on wi the job an | gaed | in his notice whan yid |
lat him gang an she | gaed | on whan ah wan back |
trauchilt yeir feet whan ye | gaed | oot bi the yett nou |
shut eet agane whan hei | gaed | roond his sheep the neist |
his ain langage whan hei | gaed | the kirk its gud gien |
the roberton manse whan hei | gaed | up wurkin him an his |
whan they twyned back he | gaed | wi the cottar an the |
fowk the sough o him | gaed | owre aa syria and fowk |
an keck kecklin as he | gaed | owre the brae marischal hong |
aside the pine wuids an | gaed | owre the brae striddlin a |
this but eftir the weeks | gaed | by an nae skaith cam |
frae braedykes chippit in we | gaed | eftir the polis divers tae |
o the warl bot we | gaed | hurin eftir eidols wi feit |
for the yungest princess an | gaed | aff wi hir wi a |
keepit the hecht at hei | gaed | his muther on hir daith |
naebodie wes lyke cummin she | gaed | inby an thare afore hir |
hir for the reid bul | gaed | nae ferrer nor he cam |
hir gang oot an he | gaed | oot anaw but he coudna |
zhu wu an yang chun | gaed | ben ahint him wi nae |
the tap flair an thai | gaed | ben the blak k nicht |
oo can dae the twa | gaed | ben the kitchen an geordie |
samanalakande butterflee ben far butterflees | gaed | tae dee fur it fair |
at each ither en jonsar | gaed | doon on his knees an |
anither poun weel jonsar eck | gaed | greedy back his echt poun |
cleanin autumn feel jonsar eck | gaed | himsel a shak this september |
usual twenty pounds worth plastic | gaed | jonsar a look an said |
the yard for sawdust he | gaed | jonsar eck his bag o |
cheque bounced every time jonsar | gaed | roon bye the wifie somewye |
sawdust the morn jonsar eck | gaed | the fermer a help tae |
fit frae hissel doon they | gaed | faither s mortal banes inno |
time o the games faither | gaed | on an as aften as |
girdil ever sen yeir faither | gaed | oot moula guid sakes whit |
oot frae the bedclaes and | gaed | roon her shooders her faither |
christ o risin m he | gaed | tae the faither r o |
ma faither tae me i | gaed | tae the skweel an fin |
gawp aw nicht hameward a | gaed | bit aften stood tae watch |
five years lang thon aye | gaed | oan ilk mornin nicht an |
the haill nicht the splore | gaed | on the wee fowk daunst |
in ay an swipper he | gaed | the nicht he ll stop |
starn whilk they saw eassilt | gaed | afore them till it cam |
gangril s wyfe the gangril | gaed | an never cam back an |
up tammas didna flench he | gaed | but the haw an cam |
cam tae the preachin aa | gaed | in by the ae dure |
twae prentices the aulder ane | gaed | oot an suin cam back |
forhooiet on the field they | gaed | out an niver cam in |
tae the deck as it | gaed | the laddies granda cam intae |
cam frae similar ruits but | gaed | their ain gait through belangin |
cam frae similar ruits but | gaed | their ain gait through elangin |
cottar bairns that cam an | gaed | wi the sizzens that wadna |
fleyed he kentna whaur he | gaed | an his face wis ashie |
the stewartrie buildins whaur he | gaed | in an ance mair tuik |
frae hiz bairnheid whaur he | gaed | wrang an explened whitten ill |
feet ither faimlies i kent | gaed | aff an did the gran |
the matron an aff she | gaed | at the trot an nae |
the sea o the archipelago | gaed | fleein aff tae the sans |
it took aff the starter | gaed | it a clean bit still |
wis jist a wee bairn | gaed | on a danner toddled aff |
at wur juist afore a | gaed | abreid tae wurk yid scott |
bairns frae meikleburgh afore it | gaed | doon in a storm anyont |
hoast on him afore he | gaed | oot an a weak chest |
ye last thing afore ye | gaed | tae bed finally anent a |
his haun an as he | gaed | the laddie sang afore the |
the first fyow yeir aw | gaed | weill fur the kintra aince |
because because fae north we | gaed | as far doon as dundee |
the member fae widside rip | gaed | clankin doon a stinch like |
was a lot of them | gaed | doon aa o the buildin |
an fite collie s lugs | gaed | doon at bein raged like |
the bairn she wis cairryin | gaed | doon on the daith certificate |
i fechtin birds as ah | gaed | doon oor avenue ae mornin |
deal bit mither s broos | gaed | doon she s daen thou |
weekend came roon timmer tam | gaed | doon tae see ronald an |
wi great gusto fin he | gaed | doon tae the broch wi |
ll help me so she | gaed | doon tae the coo park |
debate the corn laws i | gaed | doon tae the library fur |
bred futterats some fowks das | gaed | doon tae the pub or |
s day pucklies o fisherfowk | gaed | doon tae the stran an |
eerie green in the derk | gaed | doon the barn stairs tae |
s nae alane van gogh | gaed | doon the drain aabody liked |
this gaen up as a | gaed | doon the man a didnae |
o the fairmer wifie fa | gaed | doon the toon fin her |
the beach till the sun | gaed | doon then the penny drapped |
leg wi ae skelp daisy | gaed | doon wi a dunt an |
smeethed doon her peenie an | gaed | intae the room da wis |
an doon the road they | gaed | past the peat shed an |
first earl of beaconsfield i | gaed | straucht doon tae yon art |
coo doon the road she | gaed | tae the knackers withoot a |
doon on the table an | gaed | upstairs tae cheenge ooto his |
weel i opened the gate | gaed | him a shout an gaed |
and gaed wi him he | gaed | on and saw an ither |
leeft their nets incontinent and | gaed | wi him he gaed on |
tummelt ower the dyke an | gaed | ahin whi n busses tae |
ower thirled tae cromar an | gaed | back tae her granparents at |
fur maist o the sermon | gaed | clean ower her heid bit |
alec mathieson hyterin as he | gaed | near trippin ower a besom |
mirk cluds o grame thai | gaed | ower agane the gray gate |
ah lost ma heid ah | gaed | ower ferr it wes a |
respecks taew the deid minnie | gaed | ower first teetin ower the |
spleet new car an it | gaed | ower ma back tae meeve |
deid an nae ae thing | gaed | ower ma haase for a |
wi the milk fivver he | gaed | ower tae a neeper fairmer |
mmhm f1074: and as they | gaed | ower the hill they turned |
o the sticky weet soss | gaed | ower the table the lave |
onlukkit the duir an thai | gaed | ower the threshart gin he |
anither fur dinner an then | gaed | slippity bappity ower the flechy |
sang ower leaf an lawn | gaed | throbbin there wisna ony note |
loured ower thaim the craift | gaed | unner a gryte pend atwein |
fusslin peesie on the brae | gaed | wheeplin ower the mill bit |
an ower the snibs thon | gaed | wi the fack that the |
foirsman an hiz men nou | gaed | about thair beisnes bot telt |
mament sayed the interrogatar an | gaed | but the twasum hauddit thair |
them aa an unco thrang | gaed | efter him frae galilee and |
fork frae its boxie and | gaed | forrit tae staun aneth the |
scout group in the sixties | gaed | frae strength tae strength the |
roused an ire o wrath | gaed | hurlin in twae streams frae |
just quite short as oo | gaed | oot frae [?]buzzles[/?] tae climb |
teller 2 ae day she | gaed | oot for a danner an |
telt minnie as miss mcfarlan | gaed | back tae her desk fin |
a buildin bit fin i | gaed | by the end o the |
wye eence again fin he | gaed | in bye the hoose wi |
on the toddy fin i | gaed | in wi a joog o |
s a boord fin they | gaed | oot flat s a bannack |
muckle black tawse fin ye | gaed | tae the skweel they hung |
the clatterbells an the haunbells | gaed | dirlin out aa in ane |
an liftin his neive he | gaed | him ane atween the eehole |
an socht ane the hospital | gaed | pit mirk in a glisk |
an ilk ane o thum | gaed | tae universitie an ir i |
a look at the licence | gaed | his heid a nod he |
truck tyres eence mair he | gaed | his heid a nod the |
wis fer teen aback he | gaed | his heid a scrat an |
the hope heid an rob | gaed | the lumner knowes a yaised |
i the wind as they | gaed | aa thrie up the stairs |
fankled bankins clauchterin as he | gaed | at bushes an brambles aa |
war tae en aa wars | gaed | mairchin ooto mine wi nae |
fower five month mair profunditas | gaed | on unwittin wi aa his |
tuik the guidman an he | gaed | reingin aa about seekin out |
aither nest day the twae | gaed | speirin at aa his kin |
cure them aa the pest | gaed | spreidin on the officiars o |
wis aa the siller he | gaed | tae strathboigie coillege wis gweed |
the brae an hameawa they | gaed | the elder led aa the |
aye something to him i | gaed | wi him aa richt but |
oot an in as they | gaed | by the haund on his |
oot the louvre as time | gaed | by tho he got yaised |
an fish porters the sang | gaed | on ringin oot in the |
a tirrivee na he jist | gaed | oot an bocht it or |
ma hair whyles aince she | gaed | oot an gethert sum braw |
he opent the yett an | gaed | oot he haes taen his |
leave o the fowk an | gaed | oot tae his sister far |
ye mind and the son | gaed | oot tae jamaica and made |
but you hadnae ye just | gaed | oot tae play m1042: kick |
a sma fishin boat that | gaed | oot tae sea a buckie |
that sheila mmhm f1043: it | gaed | oot tae sea a sma |
pews war scalin oot she | gaed | tae the moo o the |
mither railed bit matty bruce | gaed | a bit smirk an sidled |
day that passed an she | gaed | aboot wi a face on |
the listenar an the merksman | gaed | abuird the new riggit ship |
that she an her mate | gaed | aft tae this spot till |
o a pine tree he | gaed | an he sat lang there |
an hungirie but on she | gaed | an on or at the |
door o pan s they | gaed | an on the street they |
verra best dream that he | gaed | an tint on the green |
best dream the needle he | gaed | an tint on the gress |
out the shop door he | gaed | anither step on an he |
then up the brae he | gaed | birlin an flaffin his airms |
wi a solempt avyse he | gaed | but the howff an liggit |
it the lot bit time | gaed | by an a forgot in |
yon day twa three month | gaed | by an a wheen mair |
me lyke lichtnin the months | gaed | by lyke days an pairtlie |
less an less as time | gaed | by the mair they lairned |
o the application form she | gaed | dancin mad an tore it |
presto the ither day he | gaed | farrer an crumbl t up |
green leaves an fowk jist | gaed | him a queer look come |
the desert bush an you | gaed | him the laa on sinai |
sound o him the years | gaed | in an aye nae wurd |
out at gao the braw | gaed | in an out at marischal |
tell a tale the forenicht | gaed | in an sangs war sung |
bi itsell an the lad | gaed | in fou o wunner an |
an opent the dure an | gaed | in thare bi the ingil |
s hairt raise up an | gaed | inno the lift auld bodachs |
tae princes st an then | gaed | intae yin o the gay |
her up an up she | gaed | leavin the lave weel ahint |
an thar an than hei | gaed | mei hert kent forstaundin o |
be back suin an he | gaed | on an borraed a wheel |
the lauchin an daffin that | gaed | on but lyke maist guid |
his kintrie an the splore | gaed | on for a year an |
meant it s first i | gaed | on fur baillie loon an |
howcleuch ferm on steid ruif | gaed | on fyre an wis brent |
an wi drink the soiree | gaed | on late then ilkane tuik |
wi blue ploums an we | gaed | on leevin in the clachan |
hantil skeil in brekkin horses | gaed | on the driglin hogney an |
see an wi nane he | gaed | out ridin the whidderin wunds |
an wi muckle spangin steps | gaed | out the hill yett he |
the eyntment tammas at hed | gaed | pik an mell at the |
roun an about him he | gaed | seekin but he fand naethin |
waucht o thistledown fariver she | gaed | she shone sma boukit an |
his eebrou lang rung an | gaed | skelpin out the southron port |
airn wi a skelloch an | gaed | skelpin ramstam out o the |
o pharoah s ha an | gaed | straucht in at pharoah s |
sax months pregnant an they | gaed | tae bide in the clachan |
o the trees back he | gaed | tae chae an winnie an |
it steen an lime ay | gaed | tae the loon auld scots |
forby on an on he | gaed | the lassie rinnin at his |
past the car alexander holmes | gaed | the lead a tug an |
it an the ferrer she | gaed | the prouder she grew lyke |
chae an winnie left arthur | gaed | them a cheery wave see |
anely the winos an weirdos | gaed | there it s the tap |
the surface an then it | gaed | through another roller an come |
while alec wull an mysel | gaed | up tae check the burns |
the breets an flooers that | gaed | wi it noo ye hid |
the feck o the fock | gaed | wis siccar an predictable verra |
2 the followin morn she | gaed | back for her roons o |
a widow o eichteen year | gaed | back tae scotland wi her |
her brither was burnt i | gaed | back tae the tolbooth alane |
trust weemin efter thon jist | gaed | back tae the trawlers tae |
be here the reamin tide | gaed | rowin back on aither side |
mill o t and god | gaed | tae the back o beyond |
sumph like jed anderson still | gaed | aboot giein naethin ava tae |
door a think ma muther | gaed | at photo tae yid nichol |
trees haud on he s | gaed | in here i cried tae |
aneth the pit wheel at | gaed | pouer tae dreive the gaun |
at the wye the hymns | gaed | richt tae the rafters garrin |
blaik mane minnie s da | gaed | roon tae hae a wird |
glossy magazine naethin dauntit he | gaed | roon tae quarrytowers tae confront |
soap minnie s brither matty | gaed | tae a braw schule in |
thochtie o norse neist he | gaed | tae a show at the |
its main arteries isie hersel | gaed | tae fee pyin schule fur |
to well some o them | gaed | tae fife like but eh |
thon years i thocht ye | gaed | tae perth fur genteel holidays |
very few o them i | gaed | tae school wi bide here |
a lot o lads i | gaed | tae school wi ken when |
away or m903: well some | gaed | tae the army f606: [cough] |
wis the name the fermfowk | gaed | tae the gusset o grun |
ye were free kirk ye | gaed | tae the nave it gars |
ye were auld kirk ye | gaed | tae the quire gin ye |
this is the chiel that | gaed | tae wark tae keep the |
m1042: mm f1041: we aye | gaed | tae wir grunny for wir |
his nowt wi it also | gaed | the fermer oats tae feed |
tae the kirk when she | gaed | up the kirkgate but ye |
there wis aye twa men | gaed | wi a thrashin mull tae |
invaders at bay eventually this | gaed | wye of course tae gaelic |
hid a loon danny paterson | gaed | bi the byname o digger |
the seeven years sinsyne betsy | gaed | awye wi minnie tuckit inno |
the waddin wi that he | gaed | his gait the auldest quyne |
wisnae taen wi t nava | gaed | on na na she wisna |
nestie vratch quo jed nava | gaed | on wi her tale onyroad |
niver let dicht tho but | gaed | on wi his wheiplin twae |
shouted ere s naething there | gaed | the horse a crack wi |
chappit at the yetts in | gaed | the word wi the haafowk |
on him wi minnie she | gaed | throw the motions the quine |
aucht ruth her guid dochter | gaed | wi the haudin aiblins ruth |
ken last time it aw | gaed | wrang wi thae hard hertless |
auld yowe lay as i | gaed | by speldert on the saun |
the castle gruns the spikk | gaed | that she wis some auld |
scurrie keech speirin as he | gaed | alang far micht jude anderson |
canna drink wyne sen he | gaed | but the faw haes drakkit |
no that braw as time | gaed | by he grew less feart |
like a daftie as months | gaed | by he grew mair crafty |
jist his pride as he | gaed | himsel a shak a wifie |
saft warm sand as he | gaed | his wey alang the front |
a thick mirk shaw he | gaed | in thinkin he micht finnd |
should hae moved faister he | gaed | me a skelp on the |
derk as he wis fair | gaed | mony s the hairt a |
ontae the bairn he doggedly | gaed | on fit if it s |
at s fan the bobby | gaed | on the attack he hid |
out the trewth afoir he | gaed | onie furder cuid he ax |
gao the braw as he | gaed | out the chambers he gied |
he cudna get in he | gaed | speirin about hauf the day |
mcphail wirked the horse he | gaed | throw the motions as weel |
he fand the pad that | gaed | to the tea wyfe s |
the bank gin the operation | gaed | weel he d hae a |
wide brimmed bunnet her hauns | gaed | clean throw t fur it |
efter fur them sally bruce | gaed | her loon his first dram |
the toon s steer minnie | gaed | intae daisy s staa fur |
followin day his black tid | gaed | away like the mist risin |
ay hae thon fariver she | gaed | ay in the dreichest cauldest |
bere she heizit it and | gaed | intae the brugh and her |
hardly win past fariver she | gaed | it wid lowp like a |
hardly win past fariver she | gaed | it wid lowp like a |
ye ll ken the fairmer | gaed | on she fell in tow |
says it wis me at | gaed | him a face like that |
hoose bit the pal that | gaed | him a tug the first |
i telt him my da | gaed | rubbitin eence a month in |
glessis o a suddentie aw | gaed | wrang ebenezer wes telt at |
nae hurry that mornin jist | gaed | aboot enjoyin the sinshine hid |
there wis niver a day | gaed | by but quarto wang wis |
the riggin o kittilskart nou | gaed | bak on ding dang than |
hid sworn the made horseman | gaed | ilkie brither a stick o |
the sort o voice that | gaed | roon yer hairt like a |
efter chrissie tamson o howpasley | gaed | the job up ay the |
fand deed on the lan | gaed | throwe a snorrel o pipes |
xxiv luv luv the clouds | gaed | up the touer o the |
shuin ah haed nane ah | gaed | aboot barefuit strampin on thrissils |
the lowe that ma laddie | gaed | me the reid man sperk |
it wis jock dow fa | gaed | the men their orders ilkie |
anenst the burn is ee | gaed | up past the ferm on |
the hoodie craw a lass | gaed | up the ferny hill a |
shroud the wee mantle clock | gaed | rickety tick rickety tick like |
man speak john so ye | gaed | there insteid not instead i |
or three times as i | gaed | by i cuid weel hae |
content but as the years | gaed | by the queen s face |
the fencibles daur advance they | gaed | rinnin for their lifes the |
the clock on the mantlepiece | gaed | clunkety clunk till it stuck |
i the air the baa | gaed | fleein prince duan cudna kep |
bak the rod the heuk | gaed | harne the saumon turned its |
neist mornin shuir eneuch beenie | gaed | intae the haundyman s shop |
the warld was fan we | gaed | me north gellan in the |
unmerriet like the stallion that | gaed | roon the ferms servin the |
tapsalteirie gae the rok tapsalteirie | gaed | the kaim tapsalteirie gae the |
in the door roch meg | gaed | the settee a shove it |
wha wad ken what hochmagandie | gaed | on ahint yeir palace doors |
a full gae v go | gaed | v went gaen v gone |