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near the craig whan hegatan unco glif aw at
stoundin wi the glif hegatbut he gethert himsell an
het wattir whitna glif shegatshe verra neir lowpit out
eldin fur the fyre sheigatthe glif o hir life
fash but littil gowd treegatbonnier an bonnier an the
a sicht bonnier gin wegathir richt sortit hir mou
forbidden chaumer an thare shegata gliff whan she saw
fuff o wind the servitorgata gliff wi this but
an ai whitna gliff hegatwhan bi the siller licht
inby whitna graund walcum hegatthe ettin s guidwyfe taen
a lassie whitna fleg shegatti see the seivin braw
at him marischal hong fairgata fleg he gied the
wes follaein alang ahent angatane awfu fleg whan it
it wis dy hous agatit frae says profunditas a
ti our tale efter profunditasgatsae fou an made sic
nou on mind sae profunditasgatup claspit his hauns an
forby the hearin marischal honggata shog wi this but
ti his devoirs sinsyne thisgatmarischal gao fell roused an
o bogles wis them atgatout speirit the marischal sae
the neisten day marischal wanggatout the dragon pen sock
yon da wang jin atgatthe haterent o hie constable
auld bodie sae wang jingatti his feet an thenkit
wang jin awned his fautsgatti his feet liftit his
awa an the auld maistergatup ti tak wang jin
an stuck the word shuingatroun but whaur there s
she pled wi him angatroun him wi promisses that
him that weill she fairgatroun his hert sae that
communications an that the wordgatroun his poachin cronies gey
nicht whan the thrie sistersgatroun ti crakkin aboot the
it wes littil aneuch wegatbut whit littil we hae
i the guise fank angata sair gunk it wesna
as weill fur nou itgata sair yokin it rugged
ouk nane the wycer ruthgatanither sair gunk hir mither
wes the sair fairin rabgatfor herborin bane in his
meltith buird meal table sandiegatgey sair carriet awa wi
wi the sair kaimin hegatti ted out hiz lokkerit
richt maister mair the inspectorgatoot his tape meesure an
auld maister s saul hegatpriesties in tae ti institute
their hauns the auld maistergatti his feet an presst
mukkil aboot it hirsell shegata kiss aince frae cuisin
thare the mair wae shegatbut aw at aince whit
telt me that aince ahgatit happit on ma back
restore masell weill aince shegatsterit on the drams the
lesson on frederik the grytegata clair dinnil at unco
tea wyfe twa pennies angata thummilfu tea an whan
o whuskie an whan heigataff bert nichol s bus
whan him an his marrowgataff the bus frae hawick
it did but whan hegatane o the hogney s
s wark sae whan murdogatback frae his darg at
whan that prenter willie creechgatcopyright an like some life
ti dae neist sae shegathir milk an whan she
intae trouble whan his kypegathuikit by the double for
grinned mick but he shuingatthe message whan ah whuspert
ran on whan king renzonggatti ken his regal brou
road frae cupar whan hegatwurd ah wes haurd up
hed tyned the kie hegathiz kail het throu the
oneste maisik jim young nivvergatonie thanks fur hiz sowther
syde the perr o thaimgaton that weill thegither eftir
the hail hek fur thaigatweill waarmed wi the exerceise
cam til the yett thaigata maist onfreinlie receptautioun the
maist freinlie lik the loungata riddie he tirned ti
wisnae the name the polisgatoot o him wis maist
liftit the bucket brod angatstuck in ti ladlin the
as he turnt awa hegatsicht o a haep o
ithers but frae hir shegata different aunser yeir grace
is no afore tyme shegata man o hir ain
ye maun dae sae shegathir sowp o guid milk
he met hir faither angatleive ti pey court ti
wadna heed hir he juistgatroosed an ordert hir ti
an the lord clerk baithgatinti the sedan chairs ti
inti a shouther pock angattwae mealpocks ti hing on
awa then lord clerk zhaogatti his feet an he
lang raws lord clerk zhaogatout the siller lignates wi
him his lane an shegata guid offer frae a
bid them walcome sae theygatdoun frae their chairs an
it wisna gao twa hegatfrae the gleg tongued fowk
gin a mynd richt logangatpermeeshion frae the eddication authoritie
heid puddok no awthegither ahgatthe notion o thaim frae
owrancer lu tuik his chancegata haud o the flesher
in it the day ahgatfou an coud haurlie haud
the mistress o his housgatfell dour an turnt me
wis learnin the rungplay hegatfelled bi ma faither wi
housomdevir the mither an faithergatmair an mair pitchert an
ance it wis etten theygataathing redd up ti win
ti perswad him an hegatout a lang coat o
but a herd callant hougatye ti ken an the
n vagrant gar v compelgatv got gaun v go
jean twas mair nor yougatthinner gin i gied ye
wi ivverie staup forrit hegatmair shitherie bi the onfaw
hinner en o t hegatup an steppit awa fower
gang a guid road hegatup an he tuik the
lazie an lang or shegatnear the knockin stane she
the wattir than morag hegatroond me he wes owre
angrily a mukkil speakin puddokgatin yeir road an wantit
oo feenisht oor tei angatback tae oor job o
wi darg that she nevergatoot the bit an for
eilidh she deserred aw shegatshe soud hae been drouned
bao wi his ain haungatletters o general merciment an
wey out o t hegata suit o claes screivit
said tae myself as igatdoun on my hunkers an
inno the laichmaist boos angatnewsin winnerin far they d
ithers juist afore fower mengatoot the caur an crowded
tentive faimlie at thay wurgatthe wund up an stertit
coft the offrin maits angatthem bylt they waited at
ae day the government troopersgatwurd o thair forgethern an
bei ae pilot teddy whaegatwurk i wast afrika wis
grave bot nochtwithstanding this mangatno audience be thame that
in that f1071: mmmm thegat[paper crumpling] scrat m1070: what scrat

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