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there wid be teuchits eggsgatheredfrom the tilled fields teuchits
the momentum that has beengatheredfor the right medicine is
i thought but no itgatheredmomentum and then thump seƱora
breakfast pausing as a planegatheredmomentum beyond the clouds perhaps
in the 1920s this movementgatheredmomentum during the following two
cornyard and all the neighboursgatheredto help if there was
new year s eve neighboursgatheredtogether and a shot was
and the large crowd whichgatheredalong the expected route waited
sure enough a crowd hadgatheredin the town square dimly
and crab apples were alsogatheredand used for making jams
the book in which igathereddetails of admissions are recorded
investigation was founded on materialgatheredduring tape recorded interviews with
looked back the pile ofgatheredalmonds grew daily beside the
the main nights when folkgatheredwere at the end o
argued that statistics should begatheredon how many people speak
in one job but shegatheredup information wherever she went
arniston turned to the mengatheredalongside joseph knight mr maclaurin
all the rubbish which hadgatheredin the street opening of
your opening remarks convener igatheredthat that was what you
of useful data can begatheredbut at this point the
results were based on datagatheredfrom a total of 15
the other data and informationgatheredin the process matters have
and our written wishes weregatheredtogether by two of the
out for action they aregatheredtogether can you give us
from the 1820s which weregatheredtogether more accessibly by george
that had ever been weregatheredtogether there in bird disguise
silvio and hayde stopped usgatheredus together and told us
all written details of evidencegatheredduring his investigations s1o 2752
no doubt that the informationgatheredfrom the census will be
census in which the informationgatheredwill be of greater benefit
and cattle feed they weregatheredfrom the field as required
the nature of the informationgatheredby it on 10 january
of gaelic so we vegathereder bits of information from
authority that hitherto has notgatheredevidence or provided information such
accumulated information that had beengatheredfor a register 4 approval
some valuable information could begatheredthrough such a question however
and the legs that itgatheredwhen reported and discussed suggested
my hat or so igatheredfrom the pantomime apparently if
lifejacket provided and eventually weregatheredriverside for the briefing our
47 of our older membersgatheredat the carlton highland hotel
by the committee will havegatheredevidence the parliament shall decide
in the courts to evidencegatheredin accordance with the legislation
on the evidence that wegatheredparticularly at local level we
s there and everybody sgatheredround the the entrance here
dry enough the swathes weregatheredinto long winraas by means
of the court poets jamesgatheredaround him and ask ourselves
olive tree whose gnarled boughsgatheredprotectively around me on the
turning heads of old mengatheredat a corner of the
gather hay left over fromgatheredbouts there were two points
things were happening business peoplegatheredin cumbernauld and kilsyth to
eh and the rows weregatheredsideways into clumps by the
attainment in s1 2 increasinglygatheredinto folios reflecting a range
lie scattered ready to begatheredup into bundles of kindling
to suggest that we aregatheredhere to bid you a
on phone lines here sinbadgatheredrubies cedar silk here is
is being used that wasgatheredunder the provisions of the
knitters and other textile enthusiastsgatheredto develop individual work designing
dames women gaithert til isgatheredto lesbia mi praesente back
particulars about religion to begatheredsp bill 8 executive bill
davidson allowed himself to begatheredwithin the heart of the
scotland act 1998 we aregatheredon this day and at
dooley switched off the computergatheredup her raincoat and handbag
and the revision materials alreadygatherednotes 1 connor and simpson

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