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gibson msp p h scottgavinmcdougall chris robinson jack stewart
in the end ye knowgavinmcdougall had a s- had
hee haw f785: mmhm yeahgavinmcdougall yesterday was telling a
blair scottish executive development departmentgavincorbett chartered institute of housing
bill what is your advicegavincorbett chartered institute of housing
large houses for large familiesgavincorbett i get to deal
be required to remove themgavincorbett one is a general
designation are not too complicatedgavincorbett robert brown s suggestion
convener scottish land reform conventiongavincorbett shelter and jim lugton
karen whitefield i will askgavincorbett the same question on
you see a problem theregavincorbett there does not need
or amendments to existing legislationgavincorbett we would push a
the director of the institutegavincorbett who is the policy
useful addition to the billgavincorbett yes the convener that
social rented sector 12 00gavincorbett yes the point that
in scotland originates probably withgavindouglas 1513 translation of virgil
with othir mesis appears ingavindouglas s translation of virgil
stertled she luikit up twisgavinmacinnes fa d niver derkened
speed o a snappin snaregavinmacinnes heistit the gun aimed
means an foul tae haegavinmacinnes in her thrall foriver
an a magic buik mebbegavinmacinnes ll sikk tae wauk
mowat grippit the cuttin ogavinmacinnes s hair an ruth
clorty dubs lowpit awa asgavinmacinnes set his roosty vauxhall
plantin ye gaun steady wigavinmacinnes speired ruth ledingham the
on this bus plus thisgavinhutchison bugger that we cannae
oot the tourist business andgavinhutchison has i mean personally
a minute i know whogavinhutchison is noo wasnae he
i read dunbar henryson andgavindouglas alongside chaucer and other
robert henryson william dunbar andgavindouglas at this time scots
need is a cuttin ogavins hair an anither twa
that would remember her unclegavinnelson m608: mmhm m636: course
he was he was calledgavinnelson m608: okay m636: and
that a writer of significancegavindouglas used the term scottis
thi misnomer o scottis bigavindouglas which originally referr t
will i see ye againgavinshe speired aye aye nae
buits weel speired tracy isgavinyer lad or is he
been interacting with the englishgavindouglas himself had powerful friends
language as inglis it wasgavindouglas in the early 1500
second only i think togavindouglas s aeneid as one
texts has a long traditiongavindouglas s version of the
have tae kid on awrightgavinhowzitgaun no seen you for
john or fae the slrcgavinmacdougal tellt the group o
cathy peattie msp paul scottgavinwallace an sheena wellington 2
tourism culture and sport mrgavinbarrie sport the arts and
scotland and that s whatgavinwallace has given us money
by the school committee andgavinanderson won a competition to
kirk john law annot lightheartgavinmcdougal stuart mchardy margaret mackay
til the airt o scrievingavinwad finn oot mair anent
the cunt at aw whogavinaye drawin a total blank
the war he worked forgavinthe contractor in drumlithie [note: newspaper clipping]
occidental oil company congratulates mrgavincleland for his unceasing campaign

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