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aw ay a ken yougeordiejooks geordie s auto pilot
haed been a wee laddiegeordiejooks haed aye kent the
an awfie guid week forgeordiejooks he d hid the
wha s aucht you thengeordiejooks wattie s laddie ay
dee d that ae daygeordiejooks wis takin a dander
a ken you geordie jooksgeordies auto pilot chynged ower
than ony body expected fingeordieasked muggie oot for a
hear aboot auld muggie angeordieat the heid o the
bakers shop started spikkin abootgeordiegrip an muggie spend jonsar
athing o k muggie asksgeordiemuggie smiles an says jist
merrit muggie blushed oh ayegeordieshe squeeled wi delight geordie
crowd peer auld muggie angeordiethey were baith echty year
aw it wisnae lang eftergeordiean beenie flittit intae thair
gane by years efter whengeordiean beenie hid bocht a
the place a fresher leukgeordietelt beenie juist tae gaun
meinit an reponed ye kengeordiea cuidnae really tell ye
makit it aw the bettergeordiean his wee brither wattie
broken thon day the streetgeordiean wattie bid in ran
ye r richt wattie criedgeordieas his een laid sicht
gaed ben the kitchen angeordiecuidnae help takin tent o
wisnae thare onie mair angeordiecuidnae mind it gaun awa
the heid wi fish scalesgeordiecuidnae mind iver seein sae
o sacchareens in thair teageordiecuidnae thole thaim at aw
sweeties an a comic eachgeordiegittin the dandy an wattie
starns an awthin went quietgeordieopened his een an cuidnae
tae a feenish tho whangeordies brither wattie cried oot
tae the auld buroo speirtgeordieettlin tae lichten the crack
ma new alairm hen speirtgeordiefeelin fair prood o hissel
chance o a scran speirtgeordiefor yer mither naw we
whit s happenin here speirtgeordienaw whit dae ye mean
first flittit intae thon hoosegeordiespeirt jimmy pipes naw a
a gaun tae dae noogeordiespeirt weel if it wis
that ye r speakin abootgeordiespeirt wullie fae the lang
s it gaun toshie speirtgeordiewhen they war face tae
he tries to run aftergeordiebut geordie is dribbling his
geordie s deed mowdie whangeordiehimsel wis telling the tale
to run after geordie butgeordieis dribbling his tennis ball
aw ower geordie s troosersgeordiejuist aboot fell ower the
pint geordie said eddie butgeordiekep his thochts tae hissel
geordie she squeeled wi delightgeordielet oot a sigh an
s pint doon an thengeordies but this time geordie
trap thar in eet wisgeordies deed mowdie whan geordie
the beer went aw owergeordies troosers geordie juist aboot
be deein for that pintgeordiesaid eddie but geordie kep
geordie s but this timegeordiewis ready an wrappit his
geordie ye widnae credit itgeordiewished he hidnae but it
tae face och dinnae askgeordieye widnae credit it geordie
when they aw got hamegeordiean his wee brither hid
at the front door asgeordiean his wee brither rin
room press on a sundaygeordiean his wee brither wisnae
thaim a penny each saidgeordiemair tae his wee brither
that wisnae sair wis itgeordieshe wid say wi a
how fresh are they reallygeordiewisnae shuir if this wis
strecht for him an baithgeordiean tam cried oot fore
sae ye fund a bitgeordiecried big rab c mon
claes line but ma criedgeordieye can still see some
street once for a daregeordiedribbled a ball under a
well to read them againgeordieis dribbling a pretend ball
t run as fast asgeordieor kick a ball as
vivid images of exciting footballgeordieyoung thumps the ball up
taen his hat aff angeordiefoster the craik hind shoutit
taen a wee while aforegeordieheard the soond o shauchlin
taen his haund awa faegeordies gless a finger nudged
gassie in when it wisgeordies turn a man taen
tell him a sent yegeordietaen up his fish thankit
wis fower ither laddies forbyegeordiediggin oot the hole thon
mak up thair ain propagandageordiemindit thon day his mither
hail duration o the wargeordiewad hae makit thon sacrifice
hear aboot your wullie saidgeordiean him gaun sae quick
pipe wis gaun weel angeordieaye liked the smell o
gaun tae smash kilmamock saysgeordiebut he is not really
his heid an sayed aygeordielad this is no gaun
an gaun awa bi noogeordiewis haein a sair time
gaun strecht hame lang aforegeordiewon tae the door his
of them including andy andgeordieand of course fiona about
pleased glances at fiona andgeordieandy tries several deep breaths
andy gallops away to wheregeordieis kicking a very old
down that s guid saysgeordielooking at andy s apple
froth andy is sure thatgeordies pee makes a froth
in his hoarse bellow asgeordiesits down he gives andy
because he is too goodgeordietakes no notice of andy
the other boys drift awaygeordieturns and runs and andy
ay weel come awa bengeordiean oo ll see whit
leuks deid tae me saidgeordieay a doot he s
kennin whit wis wrang saidgeordieay but it wis waur
hind s faimlie bade aygeordiefoster wis the hind yonner
at the maist ay saidgeordieleukin doon at the bit
o his pal sandy aygeordiewe aw got an awfu
post gaed hir roond aygeordiewis ae keen dancer an
the trick aw richt angeordieniver slept in yince efter
wi fower pence jinglin ingeordies pooch efter that gittin
bide waukened efter the implacablegeordiesaired in the battleship vanguard
on a holiday like saidgeordieweel efter that sheila got
v hid in thae daysgeordiean his pals wis in
the middle o his hammockgeordieaye hid tae mak shuir
paikin as the last twageordiehid a lean agin the
odd is that richt butgeordiehid tae awn that this
pint o vernish juist likgeordiehid telt her tae is
a hid some say bitgeordies bate im a weel
hid bits o wuid likegeordies that they yaised tae
no bad at aw deciditgeordiewhen thay hid it feenisht
stertit sortin oot thair geargeordiean his freends thocht the
for slingin thair hammocks angeordies wis richt up alangside
suin be ower thair heidsgeordiestuid wi his een an
his heid an said weelgeordiea thocht a kent aw
a muckle bleeze o colourgeordiekent he wis deid noo
the wumman opened the doorgeordiekent her face richt awa
words that he kent weelgeordieye ll no hae onie
talk talk aw the timegeordieaye ettles tae keep weel
tanks an ships an thatgeordiecuid weel mind as he
at boat o garten angeordiean his freends wis sittin
afore the schuils went backgeordiean his pals wis juist
weirin spots there wis evengeordiebyron coortin mary queen o
thae twa year wis owergeordiecam hame an sattled doon
wis at times lik thisgeordieeikit ma faither aye yaised
sperks o licht fleein bygeordiefelt his body wis deid
i guid an said tageordiefoo far aff wis da
panic wis kinna catchin angeordiekept howpin he wad win
on monnie ae subjeck ngeordiemackay wis mrs forman s
wind wis geen aroond aesterlygeordienoticed an he never
wis aw fremmit noises taegeordies lugs then o a
war new in the byganegeordies memory wis shoogilt in
side door wis haufweys atweengeordies sate an the pletform
doon throu the nicht angeordiewaukened up wunnerin whit wis
in nae time at awgeordiewis at the hoose chappin
at this time o yeargeordiewis aye gey near blinnit
waur than the ithers forgeordiewis aye slung up aside
o fire reek an racketgeordiewis expeckin the first bombs
o the all clear insidegeordiewis gled it wis ower
ein burn i the fyregeordiewis sayed tae bei guid
coorse that forenuin an efternuingeordiewis thrang an awa wi
still far away fiona andgeordieare busy and have not
has no muscles compared togeordiecopy cat copy cat fiona
middle readers and away fromgeordienow fiona miss wood says
to look at fiona orgeordieor anyone else children miss
ll never draw like fionageordies flower looks like a
up apo da taing angeordieguid dere but somewye
growed oot o it whengeordiegliffed him ower the street
yours then auld andrae saidgeordiehaundit it ower an the
the windae please she asksgeordielent ower the table an
gassie an pit it owergeordies heid fitted it tae
toots she kep on kickingeordietill he got ower the
peelie wallie groan this frichtenedgeordieaw the mair for he
cran no bad at awgeordiecuid see twa o his
wi her aw this pitgeordiein mind o happier times
whit s aw this abootgeordiepyntin at the same time
lift abuin her heid asgeordiegot back tae whare his
in their bedroom an auldgeordiechuckled there hisnae been a
til ma muther is auldgeordiescott an the than joiner
as auld kate the neistgeordiesmiled at the wumman an
says div you see fitgeordiefae the shoppie selt me
smiles an says jist grangeordiei winner wid you open
medals for highland dancing andgeordiesays she is stuck up
i can fight papes saysgeordiethey re jist a lotta
an the saicont yin aforegeordiebut he maunna been leukin
bocht thaim the year aforegeordiewore o a grant tartan
drappin doon aboot yer lugsgeordiean his pals didnae need
wullie mackinnon an his colleggeordiebalmour whae bade wi his
ufo s aliens abductions dwamgeordiecrinched his teeth thegither an
tae clean the gun fingeordieduff his neebor cam hashin
shanks for the first timegeordiefelt his hert lowpin in
a stane an steyed tharegeordiegawped at tam wi his
hei cuid gan roond wigeordieis hei checkit his mowdie
last story at his sidegeordieis lounging easily with only
im an said that sgeordienivver min im his auntie
terminal o the bell batterygeordiepreed his new alairm bi
t his friend any moregeordiepushes his book across the
git up for his warkgeordies braw new alairm clock
it in his school baggeordiesees him putting it away
that he wants to leavegeordiewho is his friend his
he looks to his rightgeordiewho shares his desk is
o the par fower holesgeordieskelpit the ba a richt
the lang tail fellaes sayedgeordiethe r aye lang tail
it och it s yougeordiean whit s this ye
year here it comes thochtgeordiebut sayin how whit s
m no very shuir saidgeordiewhit dae ye think we
a kiss aince frae cuisingeordieah think that s aboot
erse kens aboot snipe shootingeordiedaesna ken for shuir but
shelters biggit in the playgrundgeordiedidnae argie aboot that it
night come ta datgeordienever spaeks aboot it an
baunk an the tither aegeordiebyres nae relative o robbie
howsumever the storie gans thitgeordiethat nicht put ae deed
doon for a leuk reponedgeordieleuks lik a no bad
d shoot it doon firstgeordies rifle bammed as lood
tae yer hooses this meenitgeordielookit roond tae see a
man an button yer spayvergeordieyer a damt affront comin
kinna fish this is saidgeordieyer uncle rob that widnae
wid you shut yon windaegeordieere s a wee bit
mon upstairs she whispered weegeordiell be sleepin for ages
pit it that wey heygeordieare you tryin tae tell
expert it settin mowdie trapsgeordieaskit the fermer tae tryst
fae willie s pen mangeordiechristie is tae get mairriet
tae himsel he cood seegeordiegrip hingin on tae five
an haundit the scran taegeordiehim bein the auldest a
orra kinna fish lyin tharegeordiepicked it up tae hae
with emotion i m takingeordietae my mither s for
fermer s openin wurds taegeordiewur a m telt thit
the wey a am shruggedgeordieye mean tae say ye
ar you listenin tae megeordieye r no sayin a
in an mak maet dangeordiecam oot himsel an laid
lay he thocht oot loudlygeordiegrip he is sae greedy
what dey wir needin angeordiebegan ta say at he
a haund forrit an gruppitgeordiebi the shoother an the
pompey broun an rover leadergeordieblack an jim kerr s
the bairns wur ca dgeordiebobbie an margaret bobbie an
mair bother wi that tuithgeordieleukit up an seen the
an aith got stuck ingeordies thrapple an he felt
an peerie seemon wi demgeordieseemed ta tink at dis
s bawbee didnae drap saegeordieairtit the crack anither gate
go to the pictures butgeordiehas told him all about
wakes up and looks downgeordieis offering him half a
secrets he will write aboutgeordienudges him under the desk
the head of the linegeordiepushes and elbows him and
him the pain almost forgottengeordiestarts to hop and skip
ye git haud o tgeordietelt him ye mean it
brownhill so a man calledgeordiesim was fee ed to
for a nummer o yearsgeordiejyned yin o the local
o a draught comin ingeordielet a sigh turned roon
she s got almost ageordieaccent f1151: really f1150: cause
mabel got another disappointment whengeordieforrest the merchant in collieston
brownhill got the story fromgeordiereid who was fee ed
he would have to givegeordiea bit of the toffee
he blows into them asgeordiehad suggested but it doesn
he couldn t bear thatgeordieis watching miss wood and
sister giggles he sits nextgeordiemacmillan and he plays with
out of a factory chimneygeordiesighs he smells of vinegar
started school and he metgeordiethey played together every day
bit het in here sogeordieopened the windae news the
everything else for a whilegeordies head is down as
up in a minute butgeordiedoesn t care every time
at the back and thatgeordieis standing up to read
some people i think thegeordieaccent s wonderful but i
lies if it s thatgeordiemacmillan i ll go and
[censored: forename] p s who sgeordie[note: second p.s. on back of envelope] p s tapes arrived
cry if it wasn tgeordiemr calder who teaches the
not so nice as asgeordieis nearly half way through
once in a kind voicegeordieruns past the loiterers as
cockney a brummie or ageordieor a lard ass liverpudlian
are not swollen only redgeordieputs a friendly arm round
fhios agam gun tug egeordiesin a nuas na [tarraing anail]
doesn t not now anywaygeordieand one or two of
writing stupid things like thatgeordiewouldn t ever write that
to the council houses wheregeordielives some big catholic boys
school wall all by himselfgeordieis too small for the
haipny tight miss wood gavegeordiethe strap for standing on
feel the heat again ohgeordiewid you open the windae
the echt juin 1941 whangeordiewud whae wrocht yonner aareddies

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