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hands chrissie ye guessed thengeorgieafore you did probably chrissie
weel chrissie i m finegeorgiean alec s at sea
he does care aboot folkgeorgiean especially aboot teenie chrissie
trouble her voice trails awaygeorgiean is she chrissie is
georgie peely wally chrissie ayegeorgiean your spendin good siller
to the gutting set teeniegeorgieand chrissie are working jim
been hit shocked reaction bygeorgieand chrissie even jim is
of guts from the barrelgeorgieand chrissie rise in alarm
know it so well lizziegeorgieand chrissie syne we d
the west coast ye kengeorgieand chrissie without looking at
hinna got a cousin belgeorgiebel copeland chrissie she s
chrissie urgently far is shegeorgiecalmly in the lavy chrissie
fade on the other sidegeorgiechrissie and teenie are at
ken i m your mithergeorgiechrissie chrissie getting hysterical keep
hersel pointing at the kitgeorgiedinna be feel chrissie ronnie
you ging lookin for hergeorgieeh to audience chrissie s
ready to work alongside georgiegeorgiefar were ye chrissie i
i d something to deegeorgiefit chrissie ask nae questions
got some bad news chrissiegeorgiefit is t are you
gets ready to work alongsidegeorgiegeorgie far were ye chrissie
my coat chrissie come ongeorgiegeorgie on ye go i
teenie chrissie non committal maybegeorgiehe s gey aul for
chrissie i m deein thatgeorgiehead up if you hiv
exit ronnie come on chrissiegeorgiei can hear the planes
for the lassie s sakegeorgiei dinna ken chrissie naebody
the entrance chrissie appears andgeorgieimmediately lays down her knife
she chrissie is she fitgeorgiein trouble chrissie na na
dialogue is slow and painfulgeorgieis she a richt chrissie
you dee this to megeorgieit doesna maitter chrissie it
eyes chrissie is not amusedgeorgielaughing proud the wee devil
chrissie that wisna very nicegeorgielizzie in fact it was
chrissie you come ana thengeorgielook if i get a
chrissie looks from him togeorgiemakes up her mind and
moves away stops looks anxiousgeorgiemy my chrissie i doot
of sexual intimacy between themgeorgienae since chrissie burnt the
an she niver come backgeorgieno chrissie did you ging
your een heid be itgeorgieoh very good chrissie i
coat chrissie come on georgiegeorgieon ye go i ll
jist a bit run doongeorgiepeely wally chrissie aye georgie
than nylons chrissie black marketgeorgieprobably or something he s
come in chrissie hurries togeorgieronnie close behind her jim
the neck chrissie tugs atgeorgies hair georgie yah tease
hair with it chrissie pushesgeorgies head down and does
as chrissie enters she isgeorgies sister but they are
s at sea chrissie ayegeorgiesae the medicine ll be
chrissie i never liket hergeorgiescoring a point no you
and chrissie rise in alarmgeorgieserious dinna you dare my
undemonstrative and appears cold heartedgeorgiesister of chrissie mother of
if she can help itgeorgiesit doon chrissie sits on
chrissie unenthusiastically i suppose sogeorgieteenie are you teenie not
as she does chrissie dodgeorgieye wee toerag dod jist
fiercely protective of her childgeorgieyou re late chrissie hello
tellt ye dod hello mageorgieaye loon to audience he
s quine teenie hello auntiegeorgiegeorgie to audience affa quiet
ve got something for yougeorgiehiv ye noo to audience
doesn t pay any attentiongeorgieshe gives the audience a
her body quivering with sobsgeorgiespeaks to the audience maybe
tries gently to get freegeorgieto audience a richt chancer
quine teenie hello auntie georgiegeorgieto audience affa quiet has
wee boy s lucky charmgeorgieto audience at means he
ye she shakes her headgeorgieto audience fat chance o
we ll catch up exitgeorgieto audience i m gled
i wid never wear themgeorgieto audience i would because
nae smell for a stertgeorgieto audience lizzie maks spitfires
dod ye ll be pleasedgeorgieto audience nae if it
i see a richt exitgeorgieto audience she s niver
their eye teeth for nylonsgeorgieto audience that s nae
later on the day exitgeorgieto audience that s teenie
got something for ye christinegeorgieto audience weel i hope
dressing or whatever dod mageorgieto audience ye see tellt
gutting team that also includesgeorgieand teenie she is undemonstrative
he brocht nylons for teeniegeorgieaye it jist shows foo
and miserable dod son ofgeorgiecousin of teenie he is
will ye teenie thrown fitgeorgiei m near oot o
nae lees far s teeniegeorgiei sent her for mair
the women don t noticegeorgieis concentrating on helping teenie
bring teenie to her seatgeorgieit s a richt jim
hurries off importantly teenie risesgeorgiejist sit still a while
teenie i d be feartgeorgieoh i think the manager
teenie you o a folkgeorgiequickly there s nae need
teenie i m a richtgeorgieronnie says ye were bein
that should bide an workgeorgieteenie s ower young to
gerry safes teenie fit forgeorgieto look for secret documents
onybody but teenie an himgeorgieunabashed you mean keep my
in sic safe han sgeorgieunless teenie s a nazi
off the siren gets loudergeorgieworks on unperturbed teenie hurries
o your ma s medicinesgeorgieaye ronnie abody says they
peely wally a long pausegeorgiedoesn t notice ronnie licks
ronnie an here they comegeorgieenters strutting on in her
fish ronnie haud your weeshtgeorgiei m richt ahin ye
the gutters ronnie is enteringgeorgiein the bus shelter richt
returns the bottle ronnie togeorgieis that een o your
it is one o yoursgeorgieit canna be ronnie there
him ha e the barrelgeorgiemair fool you ronnie miserable
you hae this een backgeorgiericht een for ronnie she
ronnie ronnie fit wye nogeorgietrust me ronnie trust me
it was jist you georgiegeorgieaye an you were weerin
staring into it long pausegeorgiecomes up behind her georgie
but it was jist yougeorgiegeorgie aye an you were
the dashing white sergeant auntiegeorgiegeorgie grinning i was wasn
to it at s enoughgeorgiegeorgie i ll tell you
you recite the alphabet backwardsgeorgiegeorgie i m nae sure
pause no fit aboot yougeorgiegeorgie impatiently fit jim have
thing for you jim ehgeorgiegeorgie looking round are you
ah m a richt auntiegeorgiegeorgie not believing her if
fit aboot this mannie auntiegeorgiegeorgie they ve drapped him
praise or an apology yesgeorgiegeorgie you missed oot the
and holds it out togeorgiego on georgie na pause
dashing white sergeant auntie georgiegeorgiegrinning i was wasn t
i ll get your fishgeorgiehe goes georgie imitating him
it at s enough georgiegeorgiei ll tell you fit
recite the alphabet backwards georgiegeorgiei m nae sure i
georgie comes up behind hergeorgieif you re thinkin o
your fish georgie he goesgeorgieimitating him tak a the
no fit aboot you georgiegeorgieimpatiently fit jim have ye
for you jim eh georgiegeorgielooking round are you aye
out to georgie go ongeorgiena pause na you enjoy
m a richt auntie georgiegeorgienot believing her if you
aboot this mannie auntie georgiegeorgiethey ve drapped him ahin
tugs at georgie s hairgeorgieyah tease it oot she
or an apology yes georgiegeorgieyou missed oot the letter
was reported missing in actiongeorgieaye lizzie she s fair
hert attack she cackles wickedlygeorgieenjoying lizzie s story behave
they ve ta en prisonergeorgiefit aboot it lizzie weel
wouldna be the first timegeorgiefit lizzie mair than eence
ll need to find hergeorgiefit wye lizzie full of
nods weel he s naegeorgiefoo div you ken lizzie
they laugh lizzie thank yougeorgiei ll tak these hame
lean on something to recovergeorgieleave him alane lizzie lizzie
lizzie at s your eengeorgiena na i m nae
lizzie far s mrs harpergeorgieshe works in the ither
lizzie late shift this weekgeorgieso fit are you deein
the toolies no thank yougeorgieso that s that lizzie
r ye deein dod finegeorgiean fit are ye seekin
the gala queen this yeargeorgieaye dod s full o
to dod dod horror fitgeorgiedod muriel aye ye see
this is something really specialgeorgiefar is angelica dod fa
guts ye ve got heregeorgieget awa fae that dod
you get your present mageorgiei did dod have you
a present for you anageorgienae nylons i hope dod
dod have you seen murielgeorgieno he races off again
side dod in terror mageorgieputting on a mummy comforting
ye think o that noogeorgieunenthusiastically very nice dod bit
dod efter me i mgeorgieweel georgina it was on
gan to hit wi itgeorgieapproaching him heavily weel you
leaning on his brush listeninggeorgieare you gan to the
gan to brush the fleergeorgieaye weel it s sair
s head rears up againgeorgiecorrode them you re gan
want this on your hairgeorgiei m gan to be
enough to stop them workinggeorgieoh they ll keep gan
struggling jim i canna mingeorgiea rare postie you d
did you hear the bombsgeorgieaye aye jim jim proudly
she slaps his hand awaygeorgiedinna be ignorant jim posh
would be passing it roundgeorgiefit div you think jim
the broch jim fa churchillgeorgiegiving him a pitying look
onything like it had yegeorgiei can honestly say jim
i can dee it zyxwgeorgiejim shut up jim hurt
find jim inside the tinniesgeorgiena inside the packing cases
and stalks towards the exitgeorgieoh jim jim turning back
on his shoulder jim brushgeorgieon your shoother jim looking
am lights cross fade togeorgies bench where old jim
collect some o their workgeorgiesurely nae jim earnestly it
was seven year aul zyxwgeorgiethank you jim jim no
put in plenty o sugargeorgiethanks jim she takes the
remain in silent conversation unlitgeorgieweel jim foo r ye
e d c b ageorgiewell done jim we a
you except me an maybegeorgiebecause she kens fit it
he turns to walk awaygeorgiechanging the subject fit d
oot at sea he saysgeorgiefit aboot muriel an them
fat wee bumble bee pausegeorgiefit have they got ye
wi a that fool gutsgeorgiefit hiv i deen she
my share preparing to gogeorgiefit s wrang wi er
ye ken fit that meansgeorgiefurious he s tryin it
react instantly to the smellgeorgiegyads fit s in the
fit was he deein heregeorgiehe came by wi some
themselves enough as it isgeorgiei dinna ken fit wye
fit they like looking atgeorgieit s naething to dee
fit fit did i saygeorgienever mind jist open the
breaks down and runs offgeorgienoo see fit you ve
argued with she s finegeorgienot easily put off fit
anxiously fit d you meangeorgieshe s lookin affa peely
defensive fit div ye meangeorgieyou ve been to the
the thing for the flugeorgiedrily the flu aye pause
na she s fine noogeorgiei jist wondered pause that
pause rare days rare daysgeorgieis up stage of them
i was at the chemistgeorgieoh aye pause are you
idea a wee brooch maybegeorgiepause she looks at the
o them nae rab harpergeorgiena but are you sure
at her he hurries offgeorgielooks after him mildly surprised
the whole of her lifegeorgielooks at her sympathetically but
hurries back in looking anxiousgeorgielooks at her wondering what
i deen she looks intogeorgies face i was richt
een in oor stockin sgeorgieaye richt doon in the
richt good look had yegeorgiei d to look twice
solution into a small basingeorgiericht get on wi t
of it is that richtgeorgieweel ye ken far the
ken naething else for tgeorgieyou re richt there jist
keep it in the familygeorgieaye weel mak sure ye
cooper he flourishes his hammergeorgieaye weel watch you dinna
an weel you ken itgeorgiein that case it is
hersel he s deid killtgeorgienods weel he s nae
in a barrel fae usgeorgieweel it s nae een
or steals fae poor folkgeorgieweel nae mony poor folk
something it ll settle hergeorgieeen o ma s recipes
you saved een for megeorgienuh they re a deen
fact it was jist coorsegeorgieaye aye but look at
starts to peel her tangerinegeorgiei feel selfish enough jist
a wee drappie o tgeorgiei wouldna i jist dinna
d jist bring her somethinggeorgieif ye ve a that
that s jist the pintgeorgieit is one o yours
jist packing meat into tinsgeorgiesarcastically aye but their cans
wye aboot in a dictionarygeorgielooking at her with enormous
the fish workers gather aroundgeorgieangelica nae again are you
the barrel of filleted fishgeorgiescreams and makes for him
kit full of fresh fishgeorgieso you are foo are
i said she s finegeorgiedinna keep her fae her
my job indicating the kitgeorgiedinna tell me the war
her nae deein her sharegeorgiei was only worried aboot
a lot ahin my backgeorgienae as far as i
she s nae your cousingeorgienae exactly no but ma
to the taxis wi themgeorgienae winder we re aye
he nae unlock the doorgeorgiethere s nae a keyhole
ye ll get yersel killtgeorgiewe re ower far ahin
hysterical keep oot o thisgeorgieit s naething to dee
to bring you up decentgeorgiewarning her to keep quiet
the time ye ve wastedgeorgieare you sure she s
are you sure aboot thisgeorgiei ve never had a
you used to like tangerinesgeorgieaye but there s something
ll come back to megeorgiemicht it be something to
turns her back on himgeorgieat s a rare frock
her the cup o teageorgieaye i ve never kent
the rest of the scenegeorgiecheerfully spits her seeds towards
to get rid o tgeorgiecoming to her it worked
and makes her way offgeorgiefollows her stops shakes her
mak her up a tonicgeorgielike ma used to mak
but he s her cousingeorgiemisunderstanding her exactly it s
i d better find hergeorgieoch aye awa you go
at her mother throughout nogeorgieoch you must ging abody
he settles down beside hergeorgieoh oh me i ve
somebody to look efter hergeorgieshe s got you and
a farlin down front entergeorgieshe takes up her position
been picked fae the tooliesgeorgieaye we ve been overlooked
tak it fae ye thoughgeorgieof course ye can she
a telephone message fae aiberdeengeorgiepretending to be impressed ooooh
lookin forrard to enjoyin itgeorgieaye but you usually kept
it ll never be finishedgeorgieaye it will just forget
aye here she picks upgeorgies knife from the bench
have been wasted on megeorgiesighing aye i ken mair
off as best they cangeorgiecomes downstage to speak to
on their way off stagegeorgiesae the auld folks are
the act if she likesgeorgiecan work on right through
to turn doon a presentgeorgieif she doesna want your
the lights cross fade togeorgies area she is alone
at all alike she lacksgeorgies humour and optimism but
don t you think sogeorgieshe smiles regally and moves
help she shudders a littlegeorgieye d better sit doon
it was my grannie sgeorgieah i thocht ye couldna
i ll come wi yegeorgied you want to kill
ye though didn t igeorgienow enjoying the joke ye
have ye seen my haimmergeorgieye were cairryin it fan
crew wi my mither angeorgiei ll pey my share
canna believe this ll workgeorgieof course it ll work
s it kind o lonelygeorgieyou ll tak ill wi
it mightna come to onythinggeorgiebit if it did foo
up but doesn t gogeorgiecome on noo lass tak
lift up your ain hertgeorgiean leave mine alane he
a loon s job forgeorgieit s your lang face
certificate but i ve beengeorgiea my life he couldna
prison for that could theygeorgiethey ve deen it my
that sae easy these daysgeorgiecheerful but i d hae
for a moment or twogeorgiehey d you min thon
that than the wee toysgeorgiebit you saved yours for
and opens a cardboard boxgeorgieawed look at that tangerines
the drama have you heardgeorgiean how would we hear
show you i wasna dottledgeorgieyou re driving us a
other side of the stagegeorgieis still at work and
he lays down two moregeorgietaking them and hiding them
in here the first timegeorgiejust anxious to get rid
the solution will corrode themgeorgies head rears up again
they should be at hamegeorgieat s a mercy onywey
middle o the dance fleergeorgieat s half the fun
fraserburgh 51st division gordon highlandersgeorgieexcited now too that s
canna seem to min onythinggeorgieit s ca ed aul
tentatively it s like ammoniageorgieit s like the cat
liquid into the bowl ongeorgies lap all three react
quieter and less vulgar thangeorgies they take up positions
the bench it sticks theregeorgiethat s a guttin knife
up on the gutting areageorgieis still working away gradually
the lights change again togeorgiepresumably at home sitting with
named ones can t singgeorgieoh hitler ordered an attack
rest are very impressed reverentlygeorgielifts out a tangerine wrapped
i ging in to aiberdeengeorgiefat chance o that happenin
gossip during the following scenegeorgieremains on stage working but
on one of the barrelsgeorgiemoves to the bench picks
be left to set overnightgeorgieovernight the social starts in
is very full of herselfgeorgieis that new muriel muriel

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