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wis fou whan prince duangiedhis fareweills an gaed back
dizzen coggies bi time hegiedhis fareweills an wis set
zhu wu an them hegiedhis fareweills monie wis the
the royal orders marischal honggiedhis fareweills ti the son
an buskit mither an songiedtheir fareweills ti auld maister
fleg sic a fear thongiedher then jist as she
face o marischal hong itgiedhim a fleg at wandert
or ye mairrit be thisgiedjennie a richt fleg for
fair gat a fleg hegiedthe ae skreich an cowpit
him the sicht o thisgiedthe marischal anither fleg he
een cam breingin out angieduis sic a fleg a
hiz pistoll ein bauld mirrengieda grue fur shae thocht
at aince an shae wesgieda het douk haillsum mate
kent at shae maun begieda mair substantious expositioun a
whaur hiz weird liggs shaegiedebenezer a draucht at wes
fluff in pompitie s shaegiedhim mair an mair easement
ti caum hiz souch shaegiedhim mait an pit him
wi ait kake at rosiegiedhim sen shae kent it
sauf nou auntie mirren shaegiedhir a kis than maistres
frae ruth bot shae wesgiedludgin an set aff on
fitbaw match in carlyle mirrengiedower shae gratna nor apologeised
agane shae expoundit grannie roddenberriegiedthaim ait broth an het
but whan telt swith mirrengiedhir lass a cuttance bot
keichen betymes sae the crownergiedmirren a kis at semed
than juist as mirren hedgiedup howp frae the howe
ti wutnes it tho thongiedbot smaw soverance the sojers
bot sicna rangil wuidna agiedme a hurl eftir thon
tammas kent it weill botgiedna onie inklin at he
eftir aw bot ti begiednyow founds sen it wes
puds bot nae nems wesgiedout ein sae wir faither
out the ill daer angiedower hiz attemp bot the
monie wattir clerers bot hegiedthaim a warnishin at thai
left haun ran forrit angiedhim ae fuit i the
fingers o his haun hegiedthe doorman a skelp on
o his haun an hegiedthe number twae a skelp
wi his ain haun hegiedthe reid sealed dictamen ti
you gat thinner gin igiedye a howdie s haun
hiz maist sleikit mainner ebenezergiedhissell ane innins ti john
sowel forleit hiz lamp angiedit a dunt wi hiz
a gliff whan hiz dugsgiedwarnishin at ane onkent veisitor
inti the elf ring angiedhim sic a sair lounderin
a mouse och rab yegiedme sic a fricht when
ll rue the day yegiedme sic an aunsir ti
narr 5 the squeel maistergiedpeer tamas sic a hidin
onti the ketterns camp thisgiedthaim sic a glif thay
an wi the ae fuitgiedthe lad sic a clour
he checkit his straik angiedthe loun sic a dad
no lang eftir whan shegiedhim a littil dochter this
princess an eftir that hegiedhir a fyne saft bed
lang eftir this the guidwyfegiedhir guidman a braw son
eftir hir ava an thisgiedhir monie a sair hert
s haund eftir whanever hegiedit a guid leatherin ah
he liftit his siller censergieda bit redd up ti
forebear o ours at ancegieda muckle awmous o siller
back ti quarto wang hegiedfive unce o siller an
frae the fairies and jeangiedher aw her siller and
fifteen unce o siller angiedit ti auld jin sayin
nor a man he wesgieda mukkil din clydesdale bi
leaf an at this pompitiegieda mukkil lowp an cryit
a mukkil boukit man atgiedhir a gentie salus an
mukkil buik an syne thaygiedilkane o us a whyte
war aw throu this duregiedintil a mukkil derklyke haw
the mukkil cypresses the chirkergiedthe anelie aunsir til ma
that nou kent hir customergieda skirl lyke a stickit
in asyde the ingil angiedhir a bowle o guid
perr o slippers weill thaygiedhir a coat o rashes
the baeten gowd weill thaygiedhir a coat o the
wes askit aboot it shegiedhir faither the same aunser
mairrit ti you ah nevergiedhir ma permeission knicht ye
ahint for whan the queengiedhir man a laddie bairn
wee whylie the saicont wyfegiedhir man a son tae
stapper oot the flesk angiedhir mither a sowp o
she wes greitin an ahgiedhir snash for nae reason
the neist mornin cam hegiedhir tae the kies til
feart ti say na angiedhir the ship the keing
fair set on the giftgiedhir wurd on it an
ma permeission knicht ye nevergiedhir yeir permeission you ettilt
git ti ken hir shegiedme a bit taiblet pepper
sumbodie he cuidna tall whagiedan order fesh out the
we dinna hae his namegiedhis richts tae boaz wha
hair oot his heid angiedit ti the callant wha
mind wha wis t thengiedlads a pree o joys
this we thenkit parents whagiedus o their time like
lairnt ye ti pray whagiedye the crucifex gunlöd the
uptak wi baith lugs judegiedhim her faither s fiddle
the warld an his faithergiedhim whit he askit the
oniebodie want sae his faithergiedhim whit he spiered an
faither fand a bit waithgiedkeichen betymes sae the crowner
bi the nem ma faithergiedme frizell brecham ma brither
bodie ma faither an mithergieduis wi takin ti the
frosty grun ane or twagieda lowp or twa wi
owre the keing an queengiedane o thair sairvants til
the gate ti embro hegieddouglas ane inveit ti cum
his mou an then hegiedhim anither ane at knockit
wi the ae neive hegiedhim anither ane richt on
o the ei the singiedm ane bak an flang
richts oniegates he breinged forritgiedthe puir hairmles jakman ane
wi s muckle stauve hegieda blatter an jauped his
ran sraucht inti profunditas hegieda muckle roar whan he
oot ilkie time matthew brucegiedas muckle s a myowt
laich than angels place yegiedwi honner and wi muckle
rescoursed thon prisk prattik angiedit fresch virr ye l
o yird s mishanter thatgiedus efter thon gods hid
wi that the big fishgieda froun syne flickt his
untae daith syne my hertgieda lift whan i luikit
em intill e burn synegiedem a gweed sweel an
oot the wattir syne hegiedfergal his ain maik back
a gweed hairtit craitur prannygiedhim a taste syne he
a l hae anither naethinggiedme mair pleisur lang syne
an mair forby syne shegiedthe saumon a threid o
the circumstances alloued syne hegieduz a guid pryss fur
made coat oot thaim angiedit ti rashiecoat but she
wes cryed peirie neuk hegiedthaim breid an kebbok wi
disjaskit in his eild gledliegiedthaim til him sae the
up tae thaim the waitressgiedthe gowfers some richt orra
aye maister whan a wesgieda twa wheled byke he
thochts o early celebrations neargiedhim an apoplectic fit whan
auld mill whan i hadgiedhim my priest tae chap
an his young polis wummangiedme a queer luik whan
ordeinit nou an whan agiedye the layin on o
she merriet laird darnley andgiedbirth tae a son james
the gruppar wesnna duin hegiedae mair yerk an the
lanthern on the grun angiedae stok a bit shak
chainge whenever he moved ahgiedhim a cup ae tea
out the auld man ayegiedhim the ae wairnin nou
dae we get the coortgiedme a bit ae paper
lees nou but the callantgiedthe ae lauch an niver
miller chaav t awa angiedthe hen ae pyock o
him fyles the auld wummingieda nod o her heid
at him or the callantgieda rairin lauch pyntin at
winds hersel but the deilgiedher up tae him and
him in his chaumer angiedhim a breakfast wi fine
sein ebenezer aye fykin angiedhim a draucht o pheisik
somebody minded dan buoy angiedhim a hand till get
sei nou at thae flawsgiedhim a heize ti drie
was his nourice the neeborsgiedhim a name naomi has
divots and they made itgiedhim a pan hat instead
wouldnae answer me so igiedhim a tap wi the
frae that time on hegiedhim an allowance o sixpence
strugglin on tho sae profunditasgiedhim another clour at caa
for his man prince duangiedhim bite an sup i
had toomit their thesaury theygiedhim compliments gowd and frankincense
made fergal a yerl angiedhim his dochter ti mairrie
knicht sent for cormac angiedhim richt awa the aunser
he lost the heid angiedhim sum snash that fair
angel on the gate angiedhim thae instructions clear god
see so every time igiedhim the fiver is that
m642: every time that igiedhim the fiver john f643:
a loon he thocht thatgiedhim the heich grun in
he didnae desert me igiedhim the push he wisnae
comin oot the watter wegiedhim the time o day
he dreed the weird shegiedhim waukin ben the corridor
thought valium right an ahgiedit tae him carolanne and
tuik out the letter angiedit til him the prince
frie scotland the men nougiedaddisence ti thair foirsman he
ay ah daursay it fairliegiedme a gliff the nou
hame tuim haundit the queengieda lang sech rowed hirsell
whuther the wyne the queengiedme wes puzzint or no
and eichty seiven queen elizabethgiedorders that mary wis tae
gaun til embro the manniegieda loud heffer shawin a
princesses left first the keinggiedhis auldest dochter til the
hairs oot his heid angiedit til the callant the
frae ma frein langsyne yegiedtil a whyte haired chiel
stood an prayed hard mawgieda big push an da
the lance shi jin thogieda jee sae chen da
aff o his back angiedda peerie grice joost whit
eden a moothfoo o soondsgiedframe tae da laand every
an when shö wisna luikingiedher da injection he med
da s gear the owrancergiedhis fare ye weills ti
pund o creish his excellenciegiedhis mandment glowers lu da
as he cam chen dagiedhis pownie a skelp an
i wis mair fly angiedit tae ma da tae
oot fur a breather angiedthum some scran anen da
tuik ti tel the reiversgieda cheir an waffed thair
the playocks an then hegiedaathing ti a chaumer chiel
a counsail o weir angiedan inveit ti john frizell
letter back ti deacon donggiedgao the braw ludgin for
the knicht o the riddilsgiedhis bonnie lassie ti cormac
deacon dong gao the brawgiedhis fare ye weills ti
ti the back yett angiedhis mither a heize up
leaf frae his press angiedit ti pompitie an said
a man ti wham agiedma utmaist trust enter macbeth
rale gowd pendil at ebenezergiedme its the kie ti
ti swallae it it fairgiedme the bowk ah can
lu ti keep the eldergiedout the cassock an the
pair o shoes at hegiedprofunditas ti tak back wi
marischal wang s birthday hegiedthe word ti his fowk
for his fauts the eldergiedthe word ti set out
strecht what ti dae angiedus exak orders 1st murderer
for yir denners an hegiedword ti the haafowk ti
lantern beaumont weel caird igiedit some thocht and i
or sae i thocht hegiednae resistance but pit his
money an ma life agiedthe smokin up a thocht
s mither sally bruce aygiedthe orra wirk tae the
wes a ying man itgiedme a test o friedome
irena an the maet theygiedme wes the rael caucasian
the yingess sin at wesgiedthe laun atwein forth an
the stair but auld jingieda wave an cried dinna
the lang heidit auld pensionargiedm a blink o the
that day on the guidsongiedthe blinnd auld man the
neist mornin the auld kerlingiedtheprincess thrie smaw nits the
days ugh ugh it fairgiedme the grue rintoul aweill
the curtain rail agnes ayegiedus nae peace a fair
o the things sae theygiedthe cottars ten unce o
o his fowk and hadgiedthem their needfu fendin sae
a beast sae the hangmangiedup and they pit the
that s whit the meetingiedus back sae thank you
splinter nae ither wunner thisgiedye truibil that wesna sae
harpin says he an igieda sigh pit up my
fowk pit thegither an hesgieduz a gryte heize wi
group in september maggie mackaygiedfowk mair information on the
the cairds onie mair ahgiedit up langsyne the onlie
wullin but aince mair shegiedthe duik a waucht i
man a didnae ken agieda freenly nod but he
man tam he cried yegiedme a stert i never
the man the wumman yegiedtae be wi me she
morag o dear ringan tamgiedit a richt guid skelp
taxi it came an itgiedthem a hurl richt ower
bit help frae the tawsegiedus a richt fause vizzie
science he played his tranniegieda glesga kiss tae the
pipe oot his mooth angieda grin when he saw
bittie o dr bandara stillgieda grue kennin his bonnie
taen his huntin horn angieda loud blaw on it
neist her breists the sichtgieda lowp tae his manhood
coorse said nocht but juistgieda nod o his heid
his brither in law neilgieda wee spiel aboot culture
a letter affhaun back angiedgao housin for his servitor
new wan here king renzonggiedhis approbate rewairdit hong an
pooder intae his mince angiedit a steer roon see
round his shoulders when shegiedme the strap he says
an oot the wye briangiedthe aipple tae his sister
an his guid wife beeniegiedthe front door an the
in his mou an hegiedthe threid o nettil inti
an at aince the jynargiedthrie dirds wi his aix
the blackie in the treegiedup his sang an flew
at his watch the toungiedus a fareweill denner the
till shuir eneuch his teethgiedwey an aw the lichts
frae a leevin donor itgieda hale new meanin tae
frae the coort but wisgiedback tae us an sellt
posel frae her denner andgiedit tae her her guidmither
frae india an the 20tgiedthe scots idiom o pittin
for a fella macbrayne angiedus a berth in her
of robert fergusson dugald fergussongiedus a lament in sooth
side o the tree angiedus a rinnin commentary they
a breath a air angiedus a shoat a thum
deva s dee the frenchmengiedus bon accord corbie an
deva s dee the frenchmengiedus bon accord corbie an
oor first shot as itgiedus the chance tae brek
in primary four the teachergiedus tubes of glitter but
the gloamin the flouers affgiedan antrin an unco odour
sterted aff weel eneuch igiedmy speech in the heigh
it aff maist mornins itgiedyin or twa wee stutterin
na juist tel me tammasgieda depe secht an telt
drew me a stinker andgiedma ur elba in ma
the feinish but the wutchgiedme a bit taiblet for
worked there and eh hegiedme a caravan tae live
she quite joco seein petergiedme a clue it wiz
my said the bird yegiedme a fricht bit it
i was on the hegiedme a horse and he
month o june and theygiedme a horse tae haul
me aw at aince hegiedme a wee smyle he
or a biscuit ma magiedme fur a playpiece but
yeir papers the yins yegiedme ir on ma desk
an i m still heregiedme ma pension short last
tae be wi me shegiedme o the tree and
had dune for her hegiedme sax gowpens o bere
wi your wife and shegiedme the nod to cairry
a potentes irena but yegiedme this book lest aester
areddies irena juist look andreygiedme this little picter frame
a satisfactory mainner andy yougiedme very little time beaumont
gaed out the chambers hegieda souch ma life ll
i scrapit ma phisog angiedmasel a gweed dicht doon
she didnae say ocht butgieda wee giggle an a
schule ootbye her hoose shegieda wee hoast an hodged
o the sleepin futterat shegieda wee shiver o delicht
d niver seen bit aagiedhairbourage an hoosin tae wee
it widnae shift until ahgiedit a wee push then
ve been on board andgiedout some wee tracts that
the wee bit savendie igiedye anent the lochs and
guidelines wis wrocht thir guidelinesgiedoot advice on the learnin
caller lochs took in butgiedoot as weel the saut
saut sea took in butgiedoot nae a haet twa
startit runnin oot an eegiedthe rod a welly an
the houss dure the wundgieda byordnar roust an the
forget king saumon humphed angieda grunt och haud yer
t at aa flesher zhenggieda lauch an said ye
intil the kitchen an itgieda loud bowf kennin that
gied a shout an ahgieda pou at the string
set tae catch minnons wullgieda shout an ah gied
wurk an the spinnin jenniegiedback ah wad be gled
took sweyn holm selkie gyogieddem bere an kale fae
ran free whaur the hemlocksgiedfurth thair douce scent an
the referee wisnae pleased angiedkelvin a reed card he
o the kintra an alsgiedm a heize nae dout
hed been taen the thriesomegiedshi jin their thenks an
be shuir or the pagegiedshona the letter an she
victoria liket that book angiedtamas an award of fifty
bein on the militar thisgiedthe warden a shog an
the caddies at the yettgiedthe word in an out
an there wis nae tailsgiedup so i just cum
hill whaur wind kaimed gressgiedwey tae heather an there
ratifeed this proponance an strauchtgiedword to the hanlin collegiars
tree jist as the gloamingiedwye tae nicht an up
heaps o bits o thisgiedadrift have you oh there
as much cheek as yegiedere wis ate plinty o
we spoke in scots wegiedexamples o alliteration in scots
think o this fin igiedher a sicht o the
o her of course andgiedher good counsel after a
raxit her mantua and hegiedher sax gowpens o bere
sikkin her supper fin prannygiedher the scrapins o the
the neist day the princegiedinti the haund o the
smeddum o the meinit hegiedit the deuk s birl
daisy s een the horsegiedlimp like a sack o
flashie s preen prick lowegiedsicht o a boorich o
simmer s day a smugglergieda dookin he spied the
scotland eh ye know wasgiedsome award and he was
agnes same kind he furstgiedye sadie sore blue violets
their cuddies back fin theygiedawa as lawful dues fur
glaisses refleckit their leam jennygiedneil her final muntin fur
yer finger if e coogieda haive wi a wild
voice tae a fusper jennygieda saft skreich the unborn
fish for the slow currentgiednae cairry tae the flee
fae waterloo s dragoons maleriagiedthe deid thraa tae the
tae aw the west itgiedthe fields a rosy glow
craggy lee shore but valourgiedwey tae discretion twas a
f1134: [inaudible] i just didgiedher it my ither flooer
no we got bashed [laugh]gieda bash eh eh but
watchet its progress e quinegieda giggle spak till s
nature s laws the treesgiedfruit withoot a pause the
rustin i the shed agiedthe cyclin up when a
diffrence noo but still agiedthe fermin up the rinnin
aye weel at least yegiedthe flooers a fricht gordon
that day wad come agiedthe rinnin up for then
on their shouthers they baithgiedthe owrancer their thenks but
curly heids as the meenistergiedthem their sainin afore the
near the herbour big rabgiedthe order cease fire men
f1124: no i was justgiedit here by hand look

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