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that many of us havegivena great deal of consideration
influence decisions has the executivegivenany consideration to issuing new
consideration and reasons will begivenas well how international confidence
scottish executive whether it hasgivenconsideration to the introduction of
across the parliament and havinggivenfurther careful consideration to the
saying that consideration is beinggivenonly to the environmental issues
rather see the document begivenproper and serious consideration than
that our concerns will begivenproper consideration without fear or
full consideration to these concernsgiventhat rural primary schools are
was lodged at stage 3giventhe consideration of the bill
the consideration that we havegiventhe matter in the past
executive what consideration it hasgivento and what plans it
scottish executive what consideration wasgivento any impact on levels
executive what consideration it hasgivento any problems which may
executive what consideration has beengivento any threat to local
executive whether consideration is beinggivento banning powerboats and similar
housing stock has consideration beengivento basing exemptions on house
2001 what consideration is beinggivento developing the kelvin hall
executive what consideration it hasgivento further reform of local
scottish executive what consideration isgivento gender differences in transport
from reoffending consideration should begivento increasing the single occupancy
integrated transport policies consideration wasgivento introducing a levy on
specifically that consideration should begivento involving the sga in
that serious consideration should begivento making marking part of
and what consideration it hasgivento paragraph 5 of the
house what consideration has beengivento the bill s implications
and rationalised serious consideration begivento the creation of partners
recommends that serious consideration begivento the dispersal of civil
executive what consideration it hasgivento the effects on the
executive what consideration is beinggivento the establishment of a
executive what consideration it hasgivento the facilities provided at
scottish executive what consideration isgivento the gendered nature of
grahame what consideration has beengivento the impounding of the
new legislation consideration should begivento the merits of a
for particular consideration to begivento the possibility of extending
consideration that the executive hasgivento whether it is competent
appear a derivative helverie isgivenas meaning a rabble a
leave out has the meaninggivenby and insert means a
leave out has the meaninggivenby and insert means a
adoption service has the meaninggivenby section 1 5 of
pilot scheme has the meaninggivenby section 1 of the
and insert has the meaninggivenby section 125 of the
independent hospital has the meaninggivenby section 2 2 as
home service has the meaninggivenby section 2 3 of
care home has the meaninggivenby section 3 of the
extension certificate has the meaninggivenby section 41 1 of
business agriculture has the meaninggivenby section 86 3 of
is substituted has the meaninggivenby section 93 1 of
is substituted has the meaninggivenby section 93 1 of
scots words the equivalent meaninggivenin english represents the appropriate
scots words the equivalent meaninggivenin english represents the appropriate
the pronunciation the equivalent meaninggivenin english represents the appropriate
scots words the equivalent meaninggivenin english represents the appropriate
housing association has the meaninggivenin section 300 1 b
be advertised and the publicgivenan opportunity to comment these
a draft copy and isgivenan opportunity to make representations
are already under threat howevergivenan opportunity we would be
confirm that visitscotland was notgivenany opportunity to consider any
who are deaf should begivenevery opportunity to realise their
delighted that alex neil hasgivenme the opportunity to respond
religion and ethnicity we havegivenourselves the opportunity to understand
if it were made acceptedgiventhat an opportunity to pay
opportunity to delete that listgiventhat you wish to rely
and that if he isgiventhe opportunity he will be
run seven days a weekgiventhe opportunity i read with
the scottish football league aregiventhe opportunity of promotion to
the scottish football league aregiventhe opportunity of promotion to
[note: photo: 'newspaper article on the retirement of james mutch as church officer after 41 years; 1950.'] [note: photo: 'newspaper report on presentation to james mutch in arbuthnott hall.'] 1945 congregation wasgiventhe opportunity of voting on
have been amazed that whengiventhe opportunity ordinary people can
scotland are represented on sportscotlandgiventhe opportunity that the two
with that information or begiventhe opportunity to access it
people of scotland must begiventhe opportunity to approve any
thing is that we aregiventhe opportunity to decide how
college in aberdeen 1955 congregationgiventhe opportunity to go to
in farm management they weregiventhe opportunity to meet with
the age of 16 aregiventhe opportunity to obtain qualifications
matters we could not havegiventhem more opportunity than we
800 nurses and midwives andgiventhem the opportunity to be
is worth while and hasgivenus all the opportunity to
sir david s presence hasgivenus stability and an opportunity
of the parliament he hasgivenus the opportunity to debate
weeks at least that hasgivenus the opportunity today to
against the order can begivenand b if notice of
executive whether it has evergivenany notice under paragraph 7
on which that notice wasgivenapply for membership of the
to ensure that people aregivenappropriate notice of the notices
2 such intimation shall begivenby sending a notice a
of which notice has beengivencan be obtained from the
and insert 5a notice isgivenin accordance with this subsection
if notice of appeal isgivenin that period until the
that other parties were notgivennotice of this statement but
where the qualified person wasgivennotice under paragraph 10 within
notice that the police aregivenpowers to check fingerprints and
qualifiers respectively headword notice isgiventhat after this date owners
the minister s availability howevergiventhe short notice we would
given m608: aye f643: agiventherapy m608: yeah i notice
notice of temporary removal weregivento occupants of a building
tenancy by 4 weeks noticegivento the landlord and each
impracticable for notice to begivenwhen the certificate is given
correct mistakes if they aregivena little informed advice against
but they were also beinggivenadvice by their usual sources
in response to the advicegivenby the uk national screening
bodies and of the advicegivenby them supported by richard
advice that i have beengiveni put it in those
advice that i have beengiveni would love to live
is that that advice wasgivenin good faith 13 15
advice that i have beengivenis that ms marwick is
[censored: surname] and audrey [censored: surname] havegivenme invaluable support and advice
consultation what advice it wasgivenregarding the choice of these
we can look back andgiventhe consistency of your advice
expenditure what advice it hasgiventhe forum on the bill
it in relation to advicegivento ministers by civil servants
areas for example about advicegivento ministers on the bill
ensures that expert advice isgivento parliamentarians so that amendments
same advice as had beengivento the outgoing minister there
the listenin cause he sgivenus advice keeping us oan
what legal advice has beengivenwhether we are open to
can clear evidence has beengivenabout affordability dr simpson i
of shirley mckie have nowgivenany evidence in court under
the evidence that we weregivenby ash do you want
the evidence that has beengivenby the board members and
petition in light of evidencegivenby the deputy minister for
by the evidence that wasgivenby the former deputy minister
evidence that we have beengivenby those who argue that
evidence that we have beengivenby those who say that
feel that strong evidence wasgivenby witnesses to the committee
of the evidence that wasgivenearlier was anything said with
number of people who havegivenevidence have said that that
scottish chambers of commerce hasgivenevidence on european year of
especially as executive ministers havegivenevidence to select committees of
a couple of us havegivenevidence to the committee on
the people who have alreadygivenevidence to you are participants
have since their re instatementgivenevidence under oath at any
are proposing that where evidencegivenin court suggests that there
and confectionery is a problemgivenprofessor pennington s evidence last
publish mr minogue s evidencegiventhat we invited him to
the evidence that we receivedgiventhe change in the executive
to stay on in educationgiventhe compelling evidence that young
galbraith is obviously among themgiventhe evidence of the past
that in evidence that wasgivento the committee given that
of the market the evidencegivento the health and community
in the evidence that wasgivento the local government committee
25 mrs smith the evidencegivento us by professor hastings
written evidence that has beengivento us suggests that introducing
voluntary services network are beinggivena set amount of money
kingdom are summoned and eachgivena sum of money so
to which money has beengivenas long as the appropriate
the money that would begivenbetween the other two areas
like well you ve notgivenme any money and he
get the briefing on themgiventhe amount of money that
to mr [censored: surname] asking ifgiventhe small amount of money
of the money that wasgiventhere needs to be honesty
in relation to the freedomgivento councils to spend money
on trickle down money beinggivento crews rather than to
whether the money that isgivento local authorities is spent
more money needed to begivento lowland grazings in order
how much money will begivento scallop fishermen and in
lottery money is to begivento support the beleaguered millennium
endless commitments about money beinggivento the language our real
in each year the moneygivento the royal society for
how much money has beengivento voluntary and other organisations
s what gavin wallace hasgivenus money for this year
the figures that we havegivenwas not based on money
purposes for which it isgivenwhen that money is not
been reassured when after beinggivena piece of very bad
very strange example eh beinggivena poetry book at school
good scots instead of beinggivenan image of good scots
the scottish ministers are beinggivenan important power i will
go to a party beinggivenat lunchtime by tania one
the figures that are beinggivenexclude arbroath entirely on first
information that we are beinggiveni do not deny its
executive what support is beinggivenin order to ensure that
we are being prudent andgivenmy accounting officer responsibilities it
districts at regular intervals beinggivenquarters hence the name at
that if you were beinggivenreassurances such as those that
shortly the board was beinggivenreassurances that is specific it
much more information is beinggivenseveral members including mike watson
what is being proposed howevergiventhat the issue is so
envisage that being carried outgiventhat the matter will be
are two key areas butgiventhat the process is being
would be valuable dr murraygiventhat the situation is being
impacts on future waiting listsgiventhe concerns that are being
hold for the time beinggiventhe launch of the warm
nhs in scotland will begiventhe option of being treated
long last it is beinggiventhe recognition that it deserves
and which company is beinggiventhe responsibility of storing it
knock on effects schools beinggiventhe wrong number of papers
in the first place particularlygiventheir track record of being
much financial support was beinggiventhis parliament should consider that
being referred to at agiventime 1860 1891 9th viscount
being referred to at agiventime 1860 1891 9th viscount
face what priority is beinggivento agreeing the new arrangements
whether specific regard is beinggivento any effect that the
executive what support is beinggivento assist in the setting
that these materials are beinggivento children rev iain murdoch
not enough attention is beinggivento core funding many groups
the discretion that is beinggivento governors is neither dangerous
regulating serious powers is beinggivento law enforcement agencies if
the rights that are beinggivento strengthen the operation of
of what guidance is beinggivento teachers dorothy grace elder
executive what assistance is beinggivento the fish processing industry
standard of care from beinggivento the poorest and most
properties with particular priority beinggivento those residences occupied by
properties with particular priority beinggivento those residences occupied by
main difference being the attentiongivenwhere needed to scots language
heard that reassurances were beinggivenyet we have heard from
the fact eh john wasgivena grant because when he
fact that nothing would havegivenhim greater pleasure than to
welcome particularly the fact thatgiventhat the amendments were lodged
would love the business howevergiventhe fact that chemists and
feel confident of the outcomegiventhe fact that in yesterday
and continued publishing [inhale] evengiventhe fact that it s
it might never occur againgiventhe fact that nobody could
needed secondly i thought thatgiventhe fact that our job
as a matter of courtesygiventhe fact that the decision
offence you are saying thatgiventhe fact that the judge
were unpopular but justified decisionsgiventhe fact that the minister
in each of the languagesgiventhe fact that the report
we be clear about languagegiventhe fact that the report
but not represented on itgiventhe fact that the uk
in what was going ongiventhe fact that this is
the cost of medicines butgiventhe fact that those medicines
have to make an effortgiventhe fact that we have
report the scottish executive hasgivena commitment in its direct
services south lanarkshire council hasgivena comprehensive response it points
example when the offender hasgivena false name in such
happen if a council hasgivena one off approval for
significant that she has beengivena position in the scots
executive what directions it hasgivenaberdeenshire council regarding its share
not complacent explanations will begivenabout what has been done
since may 1999 it hasgivenan answer that states that
review len higson has alreadygivenan example of how that
in scotland margo macdonald hasgivenan example of that if
of lyndsay mcintosh who hasgivenan inimitable view of the
john reid has sir davidgivenany indication of john reid
with electronic tagging has anyonegivenany thought as to whether
1 has effect as ifgivenat the time of the
unlike her leader who hasgivenclear signals in support of
support or assistance it hasgivendirectly or indirectly to low
the gaelic language and hasgiveneven less to scots we
the go ahead has beengivenfor recycling bins to be
another reason that has beengivenfor the inclusion of an
the local authority has beengivenfunding for specific projects in
the new approach has beengivenfurther prominence by the creation
taken seriously article 12 hasgivengreat impetus to the development
okay and someone else hasgivenhim a cigarette f643: [laugh]
has ended would not begivenif it carried a significant
answer that he has justgivenis not satisfactory everyone is
time procedurally than he hasgivenit however at all times
it likes it but hasgivenme a list of 55
the public forum and hasgivenme considerable comfort over the
to unravel uncle bill hasgivenme fresh inspiration for the
all my life liz hasgivenme her view on more
called deaf connections he hasgivenme some insight into the
the promises that he hasgivenon developing other sources of
encouragement and assistance it hasgivenor plans to give to
executive what response it hasgivenor plans to give to
border why has he notgivenour doctors and nurses far
suspended sentence that has beengivenout in england or wales
grice who i think hasgivenoutstanding leadership to the team
that the scottish executive hasgivenpermission for part of the
written form she has beengivenprominence over all her associates
methods of rabbit control hasgivenrise to particular concern as
clear after authorisation has beengiventhat for whatever reason a
has broken that promise toogiventhat he has broken so
same objectives as she hasgiventhat he is taking 5
are extremely angry and frustratedgiventhat highland council has tried
in autumn 2000 as plannedgiventhat no company has yet
promote tourism has been missedgiventhat non designated beaches do
what would be the proceduregiventhat not every country has
some months ago mr gibsongiventhat robert brown has stolen
farm business development scheme fundinggiventhat such funding has previously
recruit retain and value nursesgiventhat that has proved difficult
link was lodged this weekgiventhat the borders has suffered
was given to the committeegiventhat the executive has an
grahame south of scotland snpgiventhat the executive has turned
investigations members go on ministergiventhat the minister has not
we will consider capacity butgiventhat the petition has been
happens sooner rather than latergiventhat there has already been
learn from what is happeninggiventhat there has been criticism
scotland john home robertson hasgiventhe clerking team some comments
be indoors if possible particularlygiventhe climate and what has
that there is little doubtgiventhe commitment that has been
history has only recently beengiventhe focus it deserves for
residents and businesses and hasgiventhe go ahead this event
s right gow has beengiventhe go ahead to join
our cultural services he hasgiventhe job of ascertaining what
appointed has and may begiventhe same authority as if
read evening newspapers has beengiventhe society has also included
in the rest of scotlandgiventhe time the committee has
cent as stealth taxation hasgiventhe treasury a surplus of
the executive the executive hasgiventhe voluntary sector a place
the bill is echr compliantgiventhe work that has been
greatest glitzy names america hasgiventhe world of entertainment other
every day that heaven hasgiventheir parents while these parents
how much funding has beengivento a alcoholics anonymous and
fund what agreement it hasgivento any such expenditure what
but weight has also beengivento ease of reading comprehension
what target guidelines it hasgivento judges and sheriffs on
executive what guidance has beengivento local authorities about the
executive what guidance has beengivento local authorities on the
executive what guidance it hasgivento local authorities regarding the
because the information has beengivento me in confidence we
october that the fsa hasgivento the committee this morning
but little thought has beengivento the increased work load
issues greatest priority has beengivento the matter in cities
the priority that has beengivento the matter increasing education
sum than it has evergivento the parent language scots
has been or will begivento the renfrewshire council area
executive what response it hasgivento the request from a
executive how much it hasgivento the scottish european resource
direction and guidance it hasgivento the strategic rail authority
lot of help has beengivento them i suggest that
edinburgh has further thought beengivento whether such accommodation should
on the assurances he hasgiventoday the snp will give
despite the impression he hasgiventoday this morning i just
has suggested i have notgivenup hope of getting a
grace elder mr blair hasgivenup on the third way
been said the minister hasgivenus a progress report she
moment although the executive hasgivenus an explanation section 31
that jim wallace has alreadygivenus an indication of how
of introducing the scheme hasgivenus far more information than
along the way it hasgivenus peace prosperity and the
better than theirs phil galliegivenwhat has been said i
double our population share andgivenwhat the minister has just
year studies level this hasgivenwider currency to the use
subsequent reassessment the student isgivena high level of support
drug abuse are monitored andgivenappropriate support take forward the
young carers welcomes the supportgivenby some local authorities to
support and this support isgivenby the lowly born servant
gave their time the supportgivenby the parliament and the
ensure more support can begivenin the early stages to
we support that the convenergiventhat it is such an
new investment in the industrygiventhat such additional support for
was a done deal whygiventhe cross party support for
funding to victim support scotlandgiventhe increasing number of referrals
result minority languages will begiventhe support and resources of
appropriateness of register students aregiventhe support of templates for
members from all parties havegiventheir support to the inclusion
the level of financial supportgivento greater glasgow and clyde
the level of financial supportgivento greater glasgow and clyde
allows financial support to begivento organisations for the promotion
112 000 per year isgivento support scots which is
if additional support had beengivento the initiative which could
important that financial support isgivento the rural network to
work the support that isgivento the scottish association of
ensure that all support isgivento the workers and people
and support such as thatgivento ulster scots as part
a result no information isgivenabout the choices he made
of information that they weregivenat the outset when they
minister had disputed the informationgivenby local councils she quoted
6 frazer s contributions hadgivenfreud the fundamental information surrounding
whether the information requested wasgivenin each case s1w 16815
information that we have beengivenin the finance committee is
primary age children to begiveninformation about sexual stimulation and
eu the participating schools weregiveninformation packs containing chocolate euros
whether all parents will begiveninformation relating to mercury levels
july 2000 whether the informationgivenon total expenditure per pupil
sure that effective information isgivenout we lobby to ensure
then build upon the informationgivenoutput from census information would
baffled technically because we weregivenspecific information from a technical
whether such information will begivento all msps at the
project have improve the informationgivento panels and judges on
certain bullet points of informationgivento you in english higher
to whom this information wasgivenwhat information was provided and
will know we have beengiven12 green wheelie bins which
treat you may have beengivena baker s pennyworth of
down if i had beengivena row for misbehaving i
30 prisoners who had beengivenan hour to say exactly
generations scottish children have beengivenan image of good english
that bodies shall have beengivenapprovals by the scottish ministers
the examples that have beengivenare aspects of the same
douglas hamilton we have beengivenaround 10 000 through the
for which they have beengivenauthorisation 23 administration of salmon
the timetable that you havegivenbeen updated since the advent
the executive and have beengivenbland answers if the matter
the assurances that have beengivenbut allow our petition to
paper that we have beengivenbut i think that there
assurances that we have beengivenbut some defy plain common
had been a fascinating eveninggivenby an obviously very keen
monitoring returns that have beengivenby the executive to the
statement could not have beengivenduring the debate today the
historically ombudsmen have rarely beengivenenforcement powers one suggestion was
and for reward had beengivenfor his tea a beautiful
responsibility which i have beengiveni undertake to set aside
heightened and they have beengiveninstruction and encouragement to ensure
and that she had beengivenlots of hospitality she said
as no acknowledgement had beengivenof her services during that
times salmon have historically beengivenprotection in the form of
singers pupils had also beengivenscots poems and stories and
state of health a factorgiventhat he had been absent
had those conversations mr monteithgiventhat jack greig had been
cancel last week s eventgiventhat other things had been
have not yet been publishedgiventhat such figures for england
in two different optical isomersgiventhat those concerns have been
to do with the ssisgiventhat we have been asked
been diverted to another budgetgiventhe circumstances in east lothian
in line with its expectationsgiventhe comments that have been
flag because they had beengiventhe flimsiest of amendments on
of course she d beengiventhe guilt trip no expense
figures that they have beengiventhe number is now 1
offered 6 courses and beengiventhe option of 2 organisation
pleased have been accepted todaygiventhe time constraints it is
fish livers she d beengiventhey re considered a delicacy
and who should have beengiventhose responsibilities as i understand
the evening we d beengiventickets to see macbeth in
prize which might have beengivento a deserving upper school
both of which have beengivento all msps provide other
favourite mug it had beengivento him by his doting
about this conspiracy had beengivento him by someone who
that no response had beengivento it previously by the
the assurances that have beengivento parliament and to the
said to have first beengivento salmon by david i
that some credibility had beengivento scots in the scottish
preferred contracts to have beengivento the companies without competition
executive what directions have beengivento the governor of hm
beautiful hall that had beengivento the people by eh
confirmed that gifts had beengivento the people concerned in
executive what directions have beengivento the scottish environment protection
the answers that have beengivento this question are all
executive what awards have beengivenunder the a smart b
khull 1808 references will begivenby ip and page number
a number of exceptions aregivenfor example retrieving a hare
number of participants who benefitgivengood preparation and feedback wider
28 page number will begivenin the text prefaced by
be responsible for appointing thegivennumber of chief surveillance commissioners
westminster christine grahame it wasgivenquite a low number pe13
in relation to such situationsgiventhe increase in the number
in the chamber elaine smithgiventhe limited number who could
increased funding for clinical trialsgiventhe number of colorectal lung
at the time david elliotgiventhe number of developments in
knowing she should not havegiventhe number to susan she
or bioscience park in ayrshiregiventhe significant number of job
limits the number of placesgivento student representatives on the
for the reasons that weregivenearlier however it may be
of early warning can begivenhowever up to that point
find that visit uplifting howevergiventhat unless i have my
balance is not disturbed howevergiventhe delicate balance in the
come first served basis howevergiventhe enormous interest the parliament
back benches for granted howevergiventhe government s majority of
in all the languages howevergiventhe lateness of the financial
with the materials however havinggiventhe materials a closer examination
factor however i have notgiventhe matter much thought mr
what we were doing howevergiventhe pressures that will face
of course because you hadgiventhem all the details however
the spirit that it isgivento achieve that end however
the encouragement that they aregivento convert however the bill
giving guarantees however i havegivenyou my clear judgment based
as a laxative children weregivena spoonful as a matter
after the war children weregivena victory badge arch middleton
no snacks children were sometimesgivenbread and treacle at school
children from the various viewsgivenby the school children throughout
directions after one child hadgivenher directions the children through
where school children can begivenintensive outdoor education in partnership
the correct terms by agivenstage children s awareness of
executive whether all children aregivenstandard basic medical tests such
13 children parents were thengiventhe choice of their children
scots cassettes with the childrengiventhem poems and stories in
1940s and 50s children weregiventhree weeks holidays from school
conflicting nature of the responsesgiventhroughout the children s interviews
that more thought should begivento the changing children s
into contact with children aregiventraining in early diagnosis and
i hope that i havegivena clear message but i
i will not i havegivena commitment on the audit
in the order i havegivena commitment that primary legislation
involved and because we havegivena commitment to listen to
or whatever he d havegivena hint surely he s
certain that he would havegivena wholly balanced appraisal warts
i suppose may will havegivenall the details concerning that
recognises that the executive havegivenan extra 1 million to
some extent i have alreadygivenan indication on that at
in progress and we havegivenan undertaking which i am
place to live have yougivenany thought to composting your
of responsible landlords have yougivenany thought to that richard
chisholm clearly i have alreadygivenapproval for the developments that
the examples that i havegivenare clearly designed for easy
bad mothers have to begivenblack eyes i demand loudly
company network and ministers havegivenencouragement whenever they have had
i have merely quoted andgivenexamples from the materials that
and all those who havegivenfreely of their time and
that reminders have to begivenfrom time to time i
that users may not havegivenfull weight to the developing
his face which should havegivenhim a crick in the
outcome would no doubt havegivenhim enormous satisfaction notes 1
give and that i havegivenin this chamber on many
f643: so she must havegivenit a go and it
have it but i wasgivenit as a bir- birthday
raised standards protected tenants andgivenleases to those who have
the inspiration that they havegivenme if i tell you
ways that we have checkedgivenmy exchanges with the convener
comment on that i havegivenmy ruling and that is
kind of problems i havegivenmyself cramp holding on to
the undertaking that i havegivenour intention is to replicate
the committee and we havegivenour thoughts to the drafters
when the period we havegivenourselves for this test is
said presiding officer you havegivenoutstanding service to public life
that you are too muchgivenover to ideas which have
proliferation of signs in anygivenplace which would have implications
answers would have to begivenrobby mind what a telt
i am hesitant about thatgiventhat members have only just
ruling that you have justgiventhat only members of the
four european union states havegiventhat recognition denmark finland sweden
other countries including uganda havegiventhat recognition surely if uganda
the conversion rates have yougiventhat route any thought robin
00 richard grant we havegiventhat some thought in the
achieve social justice for scotlandgiventhat vision what policies have
the minister on that issuegiventhat we have a time
from the cmo is availablegiventhat we have done a
to give to the executivegiventhat we have to report
fear that i must havegiventhe b b c weather
as i said i havegiventhe committee a full background
on rural areas we havegiventhe committee s request on
have the trials halted andgiventhe concerns of the local
oneself before the tribunal whichgiventhe debate we have just
volume of them coming throughgiventhe debates which we have
the outcomes but we havegiventhe issues a thorough airing
the reason that i havegiventhe medical research council is
shopkeeper or van would havegiventhem credit against the expectation
realising he shouldn t havegiventhem to angelica i ve
from john swinney we havegiventhis a good go mr
the guarantees that you havegiventhose people bill swann in
discretionary points will also begivento entice those who have
the reception that we havegivento it because we have
professional commitment that they havegivento the group s work
and service that they havegivento us all in every
weeks i have at lastgivenup at the cottage homes
owls and hawks i havegivenup the fantasy that plagued
about 11 million people havegivenup the smoking habit price
benefits that people who havegivenup work will claim from
a short time you havegivenus a good grasp does
both the convener you havegivenus an explanation of the
so on that would havegivenus not just a snapshot
officials and politicians have notgivenus straight answers they have
slow changing social networks havegivenway to satellite commuter communities
and all others who havegivenwholeheartedly of their best and
meeting earlier we could havegivenyou a flavour of the
noo sae rare i havegivenyou an account of school
them run i have alsogivenyou an account of the
it muir russell i havegivenyou figures brian adam i
just thought they might havegivenyou the basement [laugh] sounds
death and the rest weregiven20 years imprisonment it sounds
in the parish were eachgivena coronation mug and a
young and inexperienced you weregivena half bit which only
recorder afterwards the pupils weregivena list of adjectives and
dual system when we weregivena year s deferment for
metropolitan police who were recentlygivenan additional 176 million in
the 10 year olds weregivenan additional formal reading passage
sky had cleared we weregivenan enormous breakfast omelette and
you kept bees you weregivenan extra sugar ration which
solutions for this year weregivenand ways ahead for next
whom invitations to tender weregivenand why the contract was
gone stone alone were sometimesgivenas guid suin gaen gawn
arteriosclerosis and chronic ulcers weregivenas the cause of his
economy f1148: they were actuallygivenaway already so we got
1990 23 dsfbs were intentionallygivenbroad powers under the salmon
themselves because they were godgivenbut in the wrong place
for drug dealing offences weregivenby the courts in 2001
undermine the commitments that weregivenby the executive first we
material because we were notgivencopies that is entirely wrong
the reassurances that you weregivenevery time that you raised
sacks and farm servants weregivenfive stone of meal as
magnificent sight and prizes weregivenfor appearance at ploughing matches
reassurances every time they weregivengeorge macbride one does not
her behalf were quite astonishinggivenhis own health problem accordingly
but who were encouraged andgiveninflated opportunities to purchase them
executive how many babies weregivenintrauterine transfusions due to rhesus
the examples that we weregivenmade us more worried about
various classes of work weregivenout 1945 it was decided
as the couchette tickets weregivenout scandinavian style without any
of music and drama weregivenpowers to award degrees section
particularly if such issues weregivenpublic prominence and the courant
at first they were protectedgivensafe conduct in their nomadic
we as english speakers weregivenseats meant for a cnd
as possible the committee weregivensheets on which duties were
at leningrad and were mercifullygiventea by very nice english
of difficulties were not addressedgiventhat how are we making
them were for new buildingsgiventhat the great majority of
writers on the topic 3giventhat they were eager to
long to recognise their necessitygiventhat they were not included
point of interest to membersgiventhat we were all invited
came to scotland we weregiventhe choice about how to
carry a piece but weregiventheir dinner or cup of
were a baby you shouldgiventhem a ring sometime anne
f1037: you know we weregiventhings well theatre tickets all
the people who were notgiventhose skills at school dr
content of the various tasksgivento each subject were as
possible and no credit wasgivento folk who were speedy
from the subsidies that weregivento local services the scheme
the other four regions weregivento the count of rosellon
and the powers that weregivento the european parliament were
local people afterwards alms weregivento the poor and a
breach of assurances that weregivento the scottish parliament in
the area 3 reports weregivenverbally by the following mr
two years ago we weregivenwell the the radio awaz
that the reports that weregivenwere often oral the problems
period of advance warning weregivenwhere possible the business clerks
specific assurances to that effectgivenby a minister of her
executive further to the commitmentgivenby the deputy first minister
categorised as the water environmentgivenby the deputy minister for
the text of the speechgivenby the first minister on
per annum welcomes the assurancegivenby the minister for enterprise
scottish executive whether the explanationgivenby the minister for finance
in the tendering process begivenby the minister the job
around 3 of training providersgivenby the then minister for
of the debate the ministergiventhat he is a minister
is given to the ministergiventhat why did mr galbraith
does the first minister agreegiventhe details that john farquhar
those that are highest achievinggiventhe minister s commitment to
does the first minister agreegiventhis great country s history
robison north east scotland snpgiventhose statements will the minister
power of compliance that isgivento the minister given that
of the previous friday andgivento the minister over the
on which such intimation isgiven4 subsection 4 of section
all such patients will begivena neurological assessment to gauge
of economic and social disadvantagegivenany impact that such relocations
whom and what reason wasgivenfor such a warning s1w
a doctor they are oftengivenolder drugs such as tricyclic
as such it s unlikelygiventhat he was a competent
surgery to collect their prescriptiongiventhat such developments would remove
request for sportscotland to makegiventhat such guidance would provide
commenting on the material worldgiventhat such metaphors exist it
to comply with such directionsgiventhat that is in the
at such a late stagegiventhe level of debate that
1 million from tayside contractsgiventhe loss of such income
to hold such a debategiventhe present circumstances in afghanistan
equally important that attention isgivento issues such as research
scrutinised reasons should also begivento justify such a practice
businesses coverage such as isgivento those who fail in
for future trials will begivenwithout such a guarantee s1w
of entry for purchasers begiven9 thursday get electricity on
from each class will begivena certificate and the winning
under the sun should begivena chance of wholeness i
before the justices and begivena chance to state his
care committee it will begivena copy of all relevant
to genres pupils can begivena list of sentences which
be recorded on audio cassettegivena mark by the centre
the railings started to begivena new coat of green
way the pupils can begivena set of lists of
and young people can begivena voice in society we
condition might be identified andgivenaccess to the appropriate treatment
uk and ireland to begivenadditional time to undertake the
the same answer might begivenagain and the petition would
statute and is to begivenall the protections that are
for the seminars i vegivenand will be able to
be independent of local authoritiesgivenany potential conflict of interest
[censored: surname] s book will begivenas promised to coopers and
the social evening should begivenas soon as possible society
that certain areas should begivenassistance in the preparation and
thirty thousand speakers should begivenat least some regular radio
2 beautiful kittens to begivenaway box 177 come to
hyslop said powers should begivenback to the scottish parliament
require planning permission to begivenbefore the licence is considered
our real commitment could begivenby including a question on
the european parliament should begivenco decision rights or on
at reading pupils can begivencopies of a text with
white a discount will begivendepending on how much is
and those views should begivendue weight in accordance with
remission or pardon should begivenfor homicide until an inquest
so on credit can begivenfor the tallest pyramids within
are just about to begivenform love is to be
higher education institutions will begivengreater flexibility in the use
share in your work orgivenher a chance to be
a small selection can begivenhere and in paper 17
of youth disorder must begivenhigh priority if the right
she was going to begivenhospitality in spain and that
discretion of the committee begivenin the language of the
discretion of the committee begivenin the language of the
wilson 1792 references will begivenin the text by jl
is at last to begivenits due place in schools
essential before scots could begivenits proper place in radio
the scots language should begivenits rightful place in the
to be qualified in agivenm608: aye f643: a given
be reduced could they begivennames which indicate their effect
design was used would begivennotelets and a tapestry kit
need for scots to begivenofficial status and therefore adequate
they should expect to begivenonly when they arrived all
management plan aid can begivenover a longer period current
and if they be notgivenover they are all drinking
in a complex will begivenover to the development of
of religious persuasion to begivenpermanent asylum no questions asked
to establish who should begivenpowers to make regulations in
press for them to begivenpowers to set total allowable
medical practitioner is to begivenpreferential treatment on making an
aside for guild necessities begivenrev a russell said that
working through learning difficulties andgivenscotland reason to be proud
the scottish executive to begivenscotland s share of new
inborn interest began to begivenshape the dialect i spoke
unconvinced that registrars will begivensufficient protection from unreasonable demands
be some attention spo- ehgiventae the a- whatever area
time it is well timedgiventhat 2001 is to be
perhaps he should be listeninggiventhat he was the former
elliot we accepted as agiventhat higher still would be
my thesis over the summergiventhat i shan t be
be a conflict of interestgiventhat inevitably there will be
be written in those termsgiventhat local democratic opinion in
i will be muir russellgiventhat modern it enables people
can be returned mr kellygiventhat the nasuwt crosses the
short timetable could be achievedgiventhat the policy is about
executive what assurance can begiventhat the proposed closure of
that could be done bestgiventhat the scottish crime squad
reid as would be expectedgiventhat their parents had moved
that will be made availablegiventhat there can be debates
avoid out of hours callsgiventhat there would be a
made available should be delayedgiventhat they would be most
there was general agreement thatgiventhat this will be a
helped vulnerable people will begiventhe assistance that they need
and will need to begiventhe chance to say their
not be your best optiongiventhe circumstances had she shown
expect a response to begiventhe convener i think that
not be their last visitgiventhe important continuing work that
would be good quality judgesgiventhe kind of offences with
may be brought back andgiventhe live fox as a
d would be appropriate evengiventhe markedly complicated interfaces between
of dunfermline east should begiventhe option of talking directly
is whether ministers should begiventhe power to amend lists
constitutional change that europe facesgiventhe powers that be in
be in the public domaingiventhe public subsidy involved so
would be an insignificant amountgiventhe sorts of prices that
to some extent and couldgiventhe will be further developed
operation would be absolute lunacygiventhe worries about the impact
tickets checked and lunch tokengiventhis will be handed over
provide dinner on the dategiventhis will be the 11th
would be about 750 000giventhose figures only an ignoramus
meeting his views will begiventhrough tommy sheridan we are
curriculum it would be possiblegiventime and resources to extend
nations weapons inspectors must begiventime to complete their investigations
great deal but must begiventime to reach its full
does not require to begivento a landlord and that
note that grants will begivento a range of national
to scotland is to begivento a rapporteur so that
can be legally photocopied andgivento a specific class under
2 years fliers could begivento all summer leavers intimating
mental health services will begivento argyll and clyde nhs
the same recognition should begivento bsl users other things
a 20 tip will begivento church officer bouquets are
year council permission will begivento close gibson st from
you 10 notelets will begivento graham [censored: surname] 5 notelets
the discretion that would begivento judges stewart stevenson asked
under this section must begivento local authorities collectively direct
what extra funding will begivento local authorities to fund
of which 200 will begivento margery [censored: surname] in appreciation
national lottery award to begivento philately secretary bpt annual
could be seen to begivento some prisoners if a
does not fall to begivento that person under paragraph
good some thought must begivento that problem donald gorrie
an interpretation requirement must begivento the business clerks to
that greater recognition should begivento the condition by education
glasgow springburn credit should begivento the executive where it
and the powers will begivento the judges mr duncan
and further thought to begivento the matter before stage
there should be equal weightinggivento the oral aural skills
may be when possession isgivento the other person brian
to tell people could begivento the surveillance commissioner there
[censored: surname] s reunion will begivento this fund the president
should a professional lobbyist begivento understand that preferential access
that more weight should begivento working for equality for
ask and it will begivento you seek and you
much er weight will begivento your arguments so that
cannot be made or treatmentgivenunless the patient is detained
we fear we shall begivenvitamin pudd tablets and sit
be dissolved under the billgivenwhat happened the last time
which great weight should begivenwhen we try to tie
all the quotations for agivenword could be sorted and
say on sites to begivenworld heritage site status the
nettle leaf under his tonguegivena hand puppet he would
analysed are taken out andgivena wash under the tap
the scottish ministers 5 directionsgivenby the scottish ministers under
just under 50 per centgiventhat our population share is
the best that it cangiventhe constraints under which it
included in the capital consentsgivento local authorities under local
must accord with any directionsgivento them under this section
on the list of groupsgivenunder point 9 that the
of my mind about whethergiventhe short timetable there should
competed and those who hadgiveninvited displays at glasgow 2000
hearings to the procurator fiscalgiventhat making those requests is
pressures on community care budgetsgiventhose pressures we could not
direction of the scottish ministersgivenafter consultation with the local
enforcement an interesting example wasgivenat the local government committee
is 658 when the figuresgivenfor each local authority add
local memory in stranraer wasgivenin the recent controversy over
authorities and local authorities aregivenownership of private sector telecommunication
will it end postcode prescribinggiventhat local drugs and therapeutics
of eias to local authoritiesgiventhe committee s knowledge of
many local economies in scotlandgiventhe intense global competitive pressures
publish any instructions or guidancegivento local authorities regarding decision
controls other than the guidancegivento local authorities they would
the name that is oftengivento local government in the
was released regarding any commitmentsgivenin relation to scottish participation
work load with any certaintygiventhat it will not deal
of any situation miss goldiegiventhat mr mcleish in all
commissioners are needed at anygiventime amendment 27 requires the
pounds in use at anygiventime appropriate for different goods
any employment of and instructionsgivento counsel by the solicitor
any regard at all isgivento quality more experienced persons
response to s1w 31448 wasgivenby the chief executive of
to undertake that work wasgivenby the executive yesterday i
and supports the clear prioritygivenby the scottish executive to
executive whether ministerial approval wasgivenfor the appointment of bill
estimates the figure that isgivenfor the scottish executive and
put to the executive witnessesgiventhat he sat on the
reply will she explain whygiventhat the executive uses the
of motion s1m 922 andgiventhe executive s commitment to
study of unexplained motor symptomsgiventhe executive s position on
help the aged this morninggiventhe work that the executive
executive what guidance is currentlygivento farmers on premises affected
executive s position usually undertakingsgivento parliament are accompanied by
scottish executive whether priority isgivento placing requests from parents
scottish executive what guidelines aregivento police forces with regard
scottish executive what training isgivento police surgeons taking part
executive further to the answergivento question s1w 867 by
genuinely seemed to shock himgivenall the estimates that he
in terms of our timegivenall the other things that
in the bill and wasgivenassurances that the agency was
order to exercise a powergivenby subsection 1 that appears
the protection that is alreadygivenby the protection of animals
of papers that [censored: forename] sgivencertainly m741: right m605: ehm
although that date may slipgiveneverything else that we are
telephone that the victoria hadgivenher position as five miles
to the man that hadgivenher the three sick bairns
think that something is inappropriategivenhow important the occasion is
the same priority that wasgivenin previous centuries to other
of 7 million that wasgivenin the snap report i
that the word regions wasgiveninverted commas in deference to
it goes without saying thatgivenits good report from hmi
s that s a agivenm815: [sniff] m816: that s
a minute they ve notgivenme that f814: cause ellen
would like to answer thatgivenmy background in and involvement
surrendered that moral choice andgivenour power to england which
in the newspaper that isgivenout free in scotland s
there a solution to thatgivenpeople s quite understandable tendency
ensure that child health isgivenpriority status across its departments
and therefore an allowance wasgivenso that tax was paid
that are used i wasgivensome examples of that when
weeks ehm and i wasgivensome s-s- some tests that
no authoritative comment on thisgivenspace i would argue that
that an f631: yeah angivensteroids an f689: urgh f631:
to discuss her transport policiesgiventhat 2 500 people turned
less than 5 per centgiventhat access to sport leisure
beyond its standard life andgiventhat according to tayside university
uk as a whole andgiventhat agriculture is a devolved
of the new american presidencygiventhat both the majority in
like because so that ifgiventhat [click] [inhale] so er
okay f1009: yes [laugh] m1055: giventhat cue let s move
for entry to religious sitesgiventhat entry to glasgow cathedral
many youngsters got no benefitgiventhat from what david eaglesham
lodger of the motion soughtgiventhat he had lodged the
scotland need the oft reportgiventhat health is a devolved
is one of little changegiventhat i am running out
for this sort of initiativegiventhat it is a trusted
in making my opening remarksgiventhat it is cold and
not available for this committeegiventhat it is part of
to deal with the petitiongiventhat it is the subject
on resource accounts and budgetinggiventhat it says that resource
early in the highland regiongiventhat it started in the
enterprise transport and lifelong learninggiventhat it was not included
throughout the highlands and islandsgiventhat many european motorists use
arrangements for care or disposalgiventhat many foxhounds are not
precise definition for social housinggiventhat many landlords are involved
petrol without exceeding that limitgiventhat ministers are considering conferring
do about scottish homes tenantsgiventhat ministers policy is to
andy kerr east kilbride labgiventhat more than half of
scanlon highlands and islands congiventhat mr stone is so
mr wilson seeks to givegiventhat mr wilson also made
so which is rather surprisinggiventhat murray is not a
recruiting retaining and valuing nursesgiventhat nurses provide 80 per
would want to check itgiventhat one is required to
amendment 18 is also appropriategiventhat one of the bill
spending of millions of poundsgiventhat osteoporosis is treatable and
confidentiality and contract details whichgiventhat people may feel that
mistakes made by the stategiventhat perspective i was anxious
get me day robert browngiventhat police numbers in scotland
registrars about approval of premisesgiventhat registrars would conduct ceremonies
specialist consultants nurses and physiotherapistsgiventhat scarcities in these areas
is a testament to thatgiventhat scottish chambers of commerce
state of scotland s economygiventhat since publication of the
complete loss of huntassociated employmentgiventhat some horses and dogs
no risk to public healthgiventhat that is the situation
the post of deputy convenergiventhat that position seems to
few areas is not surprisinggiventhat the bill is essentially
the management of freshwater fisheriesgiventhat the committee will examine
put into the public domaingiventhat the convenor of the
not that cost considerably moregiventhat the conversion rates for
aquatic ecosystem constitutes surface watergiventhat the definition of surface
set aside for all representativesgiventhat the european parliament is
circle cement factory near dunbargiventhat the factory combusts waste
snp it is absolutely disgracefulgiventhat the government interruption never
the director of historic scotlandgiventhat the head of the
for nigerian refugee eniola adewalegiventhat the home secretary jack
continued in the new parliamentgiventhat the independent review group
but we will find outgiventhat the issue is sensitive
production area of the briquettesgiventhat the legislation states specifically
the board members and othersgiventhat the members of the
a complaint to the ombudsmangiventhat the ombudsman is the
from where they will comegiventhat the organisation was launched
at liberty to do sogiventhat the power will come
in rural parts of scotlandgiventhat the primary aim of
work tommy sheridan glasgow sspgiventhat the rate of reduction
reduce unemployment in glasgow pollokgiventhat the resident claimant count
that in mind irene mcgugangiventhat the scottish parliamentary corporate
that you provide are importantgiventhat the sort of things
felt that that was inappropriategiventhat the ssi was already
us where our remit liesgiventhat the subject matter of
first week back the convenergiventhat the treasury does not
the sector is particularly widespreadgiventhat the wages of share
reasonable work on the petitiongiventhat there are only four
is a particularly good yeargiventhat there is an election
choose option c that saidgiventhat there is continuing controversy
significant sum in some quartersgiventhat there is no allocation
fbri forms completed after firesgiventhat these forms do not
just estimates and projections butgiventhat they are the best
western isles and the highlandsgiventhat they are the highest
they would not exist butgiventhat they do there are
that you can make andgiventhat they indicate a significant
intentions three months in advancegiventhat they must ensure that
may look at that againgiventhat they ve now got
happened last year mary scanlongiventhat this time last year
as good as we imaginegiventhat tobacco is a highly
advertising and how vaccination wasgiventhat was in addition to
of tobacco usage maureen mooregiventhat we are dealing with
construct a list of offencesgiventhat we are ensuring that
whether his phone was tappedgiventhat we are not dealing
party the deputy presiding officergiventhat we are now past
from third world farmers pocketsgiventhat we are putting that
consultation period was comparatively shortgiventhat we had waited so
and that many are disillusionedgiventhat we know that some
individuals in consultation exercises secondlygiventhat we need to see
is published an impression isgiventhat while gaelic is seen
the demand for specific productsgiventhat you are talking about
of that happening are limitedgiventhe available time i am
show that committees are effectivegiventhe civil liberties issues that
wide ranging and comprehensive reportgiventhe concerns that phil gallie
mention and the most appropriategiventhe context is that in
licences it is suggested thatgiventhe differences between the petitioner
elderly is too low andgiventhe disruption that the installation
elected scottish representatives phil galliegiventhe emphasis that we all
watchers seem to expect thatgiventhe european parliament s whole
before i catch members eyesgiventhe increase in demand that
on the island of collgiventhe length of time that
why do you think thatgiventhe make up of the
raised dennis canavan falkirk westgiventhe need to ensure that
sfha s view is thatgiventhe overall increase in available
informed view of the mattergiventhe particular interest that she
a particular line of argumentgiventhe political pressures that are
the british isles alasdair morgangiventhe problems that scallop fishers
and it was suggested thatgiventhe relative cost of the
subscribe to that mr ingramgiventhe response that we had
in the 21st century isgiventhe same priority that was
refugees and asylum seekers aregiventhe services that they require
also undermining the sand banksgiventhe simple equation that no
the convener that is agreedgiventhe time that is available
only five minutes on courtgiventhe time that is lost
that is in the legislationgiventhe way in which clause
of the scottish secure tenancygiventhe way that the order
feel that at this pointgiventhe wide ranging requirements for
is doing in that areagiventhe work that we are
from that of older mengiventheir work patterns when they
justices of perthshire except thatgiventhese examples of mr wedderburn
stage that the students aregiventime to listen to the
access the guidance that isgivento crown office and procurator
and the effect that isgivento discipline when it is
gulf war that multiple vaccinesgivento gulf war troops oil
that doric is a namegivento north east scots and
than the drugs that aregivento older people i encountered
of termination of the agreementgivento the authority by that
a hospital the certificate isgivento the managers of that
the certificate the certificate isgivento the managers of that
securing that full effect isgivento the principal direction 5
time was that the namegivento the teacher s whistle
for aberdeenshire council i amgivento understand that it is
determining the priority that isgivento various aspects of a
amended so that the protectiongivento victims when they give
abody angelica abody that hisnagivenup an died lang ago
and i ve never quitegivenup and i know that
interview and that graeme sgivenup his job thus incurring
that statement true or falsegivenwhat is in the act
further round of applause wasgivenwhen the president disclosed that
ensure that a response wasgivenwithin a reasonable time it
m816: that s a definitegivenyep toilet seat goes up
ve noticed that i vegivenyou this in your tutorial
general remarks about smoking butgivenyour preamble i suspect that
as a new member andgivena welcome pack by the
of fortune and the admonitionsgivenabout her by venus and
doon progress from a talkgivenby a bangkok tourist guide
playground i instance the examplegivenby a dundee poet whom
consistent with the previous explanationgivenby its officials to north
by some of the examplesgivenby some of the worksheets
order to exercise a powergivenby subsection 1 5 proceedings
additional 29 million of fundinggivenby the millennium commission to
club vol i p 49givenby the rev john ross
the criminal justice scotland billgivenby the scottish gamekeepers association
west of the a positiongivenby the ship a substantial
pupil in writing in agivengenre by providing a scaffold
are traditionally used within agiventerritory of a state by
name and address was falselygivento an enforcement officer by
plump churn in the housegivento her by wattie black
s name was also onegivento me by dr susanne
authority in accordance with directionsgivento them by the scottish
a a term of derisiongivento them by their neighbouring
overcame the stuffiness of thegiventopic travel by rail afterwards
today s keynote speech wasgivenwith great passion by andy

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