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if the guild would considergivinga prize to the dux
fell out and the prizegivingafternoons came to an end
to present prizes at prizegivingday and we all got
prizes then there was prizegivingday at school prizes were
usually resulted in a prizegivinglinked to an annual children
rehearsal thursday 21 arranging prizegivingsocial for r b c
[censored: surname] was delighted to begivingthe vote of thanks as
correspondence vote of thanks ingivingthe vote of thanks [censored: forename]
represented vote of thanks ingivingthe vote of thanks [censored: forename]
with acclaim [censored: forename] [censored: surname] ingivingthe vote of thanks complimented
shown anything the honour ofgivingthe vote of thanks fell
we develop a lifestyle ofgivingthanks i just wanna say
bilingualism provides wider communication opportunitiesgivingaccess to two windows on
learning about the culture andgivingchildren skills and opportunities that
raw materials into marketable productsgivinghuge opportunities for new industries
flexible approach to the curriculumgivingnew opportunities to pupils to
to reduce child poverty bygivingparents real opportunities to increase
and opportunities supporting children andgivingthem choice education begins in
a wider range of workgivingthem opportunities to develop their
ill health cut crime bygivingyoung people new positive opportunities
waters for four hours isgivingample opportunity for assistance to
tweeddale ettrick and lauderdale forgivingme the opportunity to serve
i thank fergus ewing forgivingme the opportunity to speak
lab thank you convener forgivingme this opportunity with your
grammatical accuracy was disappointing 6givingstudents the opportunity to explore
expansion of renewable energy bygivingthe opportunity for communities to
i commend irene mcgugan forgivingthe parliament this opportunity and
executive what support it isgivingto building opportunity and capacity
i thank the committee forgivingus the opportunity to speak
people about parliamentary processes andgivingyoung people an opportunity to
the bill is not aboutgivingdraconian powers to law enforcement
rod and line fishing andgivingdsfbs powers to request information
it responsive to people andgivingit increased powers to help
consider the important approach ofgivinglocal authorities adequate powers to
committee on an important issuegivingministers powers in such an
worried by the talk ofgivingnew enforcement powers and powers
s powers to require thegivingof evidence or the production
surveillance in the uk withoutgivingthose powers to foreign police
i thank david mcletchie forgivingadvance notice that he would
i thank fergus ewing forgivingthe scottish parliament its first
we must thank you forgivingup so much time for
i thank the witnesses forgivingus their evidence today agenda
when a vulnerable person isgivingevidence 9 investigations witnesses and
further provisions on for examplegivingevidence and producing documents offences
areas of questioning for witnessesgivingevidence as part of its
could invite them to considergivingevidence during that process the
rest of his team forgivingevidence i hope that they
victims is extended to thosegivingevidence in relation to offences
in its clear voice ingivingevidence particularly in relation to
more especially the common peoplegivingevidence through an interpreter michie
human rights non governmental organisationsgivingevidence to the justice and
miller we welcome this evidencegivingexercise which is an innovation
example members of the publicgivingoral evidence to a committee
top down approach and notgivingenough local power not only
often found in mainland europegivingpeople power over their homes
on buildings in flood plainsgivingpeople power over their homes
the world in respect ofgivingpower to the zonal management
of our involvement it isgivingus the power to do
by visiting his constituency withoutgivinghim notice i suggest that
bad at refusing it withoutgivingpainful offence she says in
has been so insistent withoutgivingthe absolute guarantees that would
what has been done withoutgivingthe impression that we are
take on more responsibilities withoutgivingthem the training and support
former english teacher without hergivingyou a punishment exercise well
mackay continued the tradition alwaysgivinggenerous support not only to
much support as possible togivingparents the choice to educate
what criteria it sets beforegivingsupport s1o 6308 27 withdrawn
that the scottish executive isgivingsupport to gaelic and scots
support that we have beengivingthe gaelic language cathy peattie
executive what support it isgivingto initiatives to reduce drug
executive what support it isgivingto the efforts of argyll
executive what support it isgivingto the scottish prison service
i blame myself for notgivingyou that support earlier deana
have responsibility in education forgivingguidance to local authorities and
strategy in particular we aregivinglocal authorities every encouragement to
executive whether it will considergivinglocal authorities the right to
guidance will the minister considergivingmore guidance to local authorities
the 95 million it isgivingto local authorities announced on
want them to be thegivingto local authorities of legal
or other assistance it isgivingto local authorities to ensure
would be no sense ingivinga lot more money to
tobacco companies were prevented fromgivingmoney for as they would
is allocated to organic farminggivingmore money to organic farming
309 million as well asgivingthe voluntary sector more money
they re gi- they regivingtheir money away but the
sumthing til the musicians anfisagivingthem money alang ye gae
that the executive should considergivinga single individual responsibility for
executive whether it will considergivinghill livestock compensation allowance payments
a landlord did you considergivingministers other options such as
heating programme we should considergivingsuch advice nationally we should
above and to the persongivingintimation as it applies in
so applied if the persongivingintimation is a an individual
so applied to the persongivingintimation shall be construed accordingly
given is himself incapable ofgivingit and b the person
review to include consideration ofgivingchildren s hearings an increased
of 5 14 national testsgivingteachers and children more time
the individual children responded bygivingthe scots version of the
children and empower children bygivingthem more choice in a
currently being taken such asgivinga week s free supply
such as unemployment it isgivingcitizens more rights and is
such provisions the executive isgivingexceptions but it is also
required in school such asgivinglogical reasoned explanations formulating an
congratulated largs s c ongivingsuch a fine and varied
everyone in the gow forgivingsuch a great helping hand
in a referendum apart fromgivingthe constitution democratic endorsement such
b duration of funding andgivingthe names of any such
everyone who had shown forgivingthe others such an interesting
everyone who had shown forgivingthe others such an interesting
everyone who had shown forgivingthe others such an interesting
from the south and forgivingus such a splendid display
[censored: surname] thanked mr [censored: surname] forgivingus such a splendid display
to us between lending andgivingfurniture etc i ve got
the economists are committed togivingus a report by the
after mr wilson has stoppedgivingus a tune on his
christie by name has beengivingus a very interesting report
dutch language travelled with themgivingus crannie cweet dubs loon
us being the client therebygivingus much greater control over
returning to the committee andgivingus your answers this morning
snp i congratulate you ongivingus your carefully worked out
web for a customer orgivingadvice and assistance when something
fact [laugh] describing a mothergivingher boy had done something
m964: yes considering we weregivingsomething that i knew he
english conversation seo that sgivingsomething to somebody and [inhale]
something of an aficionado whengivingthe toast to the lasses
needed something he wasn tgivingthem my letters maggie do
good idea and i mgivingyou something which you can
concern that the executive isgivingholding answers to more than
2 consignia is a plcgivingit more commercial and operational
ya she says and isgivingme a long warm more
declared commitment to gaelic bygivingmore encouragement to gaelic medium
reintroduction of student grants aregivingmore young people a better
more towards erm sort ofgivingreligious information or m608: okay
the public s fears bygivingthe ombudsman a little more
available to fellow msps bygivinga set of them to
to them by agreeing disagreeinggivingadvantages disadvantages and arriving at
skills that can often meangivingpeople advice and training them
the leg very hard isgivingthem a charley horse right
them off on the listgivingthem a lunch token if
f1111: are they are yougivingthem a shower in a
in the near future andgivingthem a touch of the
them feel inadequate but bygivingthem as much experience as
passes is no substitute forgivingthem choice and dignity in
to the media rather thangivingthem core funding which is
the coaching that i wasgivingthem i will not say
school sports co ordinators bygivingthem roles across a group
he thanked mr [censored: surname] forgivinga very fine and virtually
with the active communities initiativegivinga clearer focus encourage local
local and open prison establishmentgivingdetails of stress related illnesses
we will be working towardsgivinglocal government as much scope
are local initiatives that involvegivingpeople welfare benefits advice for
direct benefit from other peoplegivingof themselves for no other
say to him that merelygivingpeople bus passes is no
security of police operations whilegivingpeople the right to know
no we are talking aboutgivingpeople who have practical experience
executive what assistance it isgivingthe people of gigha in
the westminster parliament we aregivingthe people of scotland an
possibly believes that rather thangivingup smoking some people might
people changing their jobs andgivingup their businesses to move
effective than other methods ingivingyoung people as a group
the area and we weregivinghim information to help him
is not being defensive justgivingout information i was at
for which information is availablegivingthe date of disposal the
for each relevant linguistic featuregivingeach one its own isogloss
in each year since 1998givingi the total amount of
year since for each authoritygivingseparate figures for interest charges
listed by staff category andgivingthe totals for each establishment
broken down by staff categorygivingthe totals for each prison
all this noise she saysgivinghim a few shakes andy
treatment for drug addiction thangivinghim a flat in cathkin
fan this close up viewgivinghim a momentary jab of
broch jim fa churchill georgiegivinghim a pitying look ramenski
funeral i might yet begivinghim a showing up jakey
have his way with hergivinghim his wee mundane fantasies
to make they might stopgivinghim intelligence on maureen macmillan
i told jimmy my storygivinghim my address and even
letter obviously we would begivinghim short notice stewart stevenson
into his bulbous round facegivinghim the rumpled look of
into her sugar bowl andgivingit to him to suck
out how much we aregivingit s a secret it
but owing to his mindgivingway he gave up the
grateful to the member forgivingway i would like to
grateful to mr chisholm forgivingway it seems that he
mr jim wallace i regretgivingway to enable ben wallace
the suburbs high rise flatsgivingway to trees and wooden
way but i m notgivingyou up i ll be
as she left the classgivingme a sharp sensation of
what s she doing f1112: givingme a tickle f1111: giving
s the data you askedgivingme another dose of the
i first went to aregivingme check ups as well
long one minute he wasgivingme his views on school
behind me was pushing pushinggivingme no time to think
bag this last item wasgivingme some cause for concern
done the presiding officer isgivingme that certain look so
important in conclusion you aregivingme the cold stare presiding
think the institute may begivingme the runaround over a
received a letter from amnestygivingme their canadian address they
was sure you were alreadygivingme to be my sexy
me now i remember thatgivingmy son a bath is
ena got the brains dodgivingup jist tell me fit
giving me a tickle f1111: givingyou a tickle f1112: uh
can steal the game bygivinga correct answer from the
for next year and bygivinga firm commitment that in
and participation in policing bygivinga greater role to accountable
by a lawyer s lettergivinga lawyer s interpretation of
introduced his speech colourfully bygivingexamples that showed the variety
genre developed by male writersgivinginstead a representation of the
in its pension fund bygivingitself a contributions holiday for
in its pension fund bygivingitself a contributions holiday for
by another oe word helagivingne heel and the metaphor
element of the sentence bygivingsome discretion to governors on
whole process has been aboutgivingthat degree of confidence by
by retaining balquherry and barbethgivingthe unfortunate laird of lochnaw
best enhanced by encouraging individualgivingthrough the use of the
that it was only bygivingup some of our sovereignty
just going to start bygivingyou a brief update on
left for that mr mcconnellgivingabsolute assurances can be a
for computers is that ofgivingaccess to digitized copies of
the ministry of defence ingivingclearance for the shipyard to
i make no apology forgivingdue credit to it in
no real reason for notgivingequal treatment to men and
for using language e ggivingfacts or explanations about aspects
newly landed navid in 1975givingin to demands for a
really well and i enjoyedgivingit i ve paid for
the rovin eyes are stillgivingit laldy doing requests for
to lice levels and thegivingof consent for the use
her knees for our lifegivingoxygen sources are these photosynthesis
to define the reason forgivingsex education in schools the
you would have used forgivingsomeone a kick in the
specific contracts it will publishgivingthe reasons for its position
convener and the committee forgivingthe scottish retail consortium the
grateful to bill aitken forgivingthe view from st andrew
uh huh m1174: they regivingtheir own time for you
kinsman dr gordon booth forgivingup his time to assist
that the executive is nowgivinga clear firm unequivocal commitment
scottish parliament and the executivegivingcouncils important new functions particularly
states that the executive isgivingfurther consideration to this proposal
executive what consideration it isgivingto amending police bail conditions
executive what consideration it isgivingto the relocation of public
musical its pauses and silencesgivingform to the intuitive connections
Ã¥land pronounced oh land andgivingits position it was an
up and down the tablegivinga word here and there
anyone can see that charitablegivingis down perhaps colleagues will
it down angelica ma murielgivingup wearily weel dinna be
jove archie reckoned she wasgivingit some redd oot as
glorious union rests i amgivingnotice that at some point
managers and the presiding officergivingsome guidance on that in
of heart i ve beengivingsome serious thought about what
celtic continuing the theme ofgivingyou some background about gow
the only one doing thegivingjoan would mutter to herself
only reading in church todaygivingthe lord s my shepherd
i dropped her i amgivingher a good hug when
[laugh] f1111: [laugh] you regivingher a shower [laugh] f1112:
in this short poem thusgivingher back her human identity
he begged her to reconsidergivingher details he claimed to
once again she is notgivingher whole hearted attention to
bedside nanse returns to hergivingnanse the apples ye d
we and other unions weregivingat the time been listened
the other issue in betweengivingtwo radio interviews on 10
short and long term contractsgivingformerly rural villages a very
that very transparency in thegivingof detailed reasons is the
to pierre victoire who aregivinga case of wine free
pursue that matter to avoidgivinga false picture to the
a pleasant tone and tunegivinga good final cadence to
miss hubbard and postman sgivinga present to miss hubbard
question of listing and ofgivingconsent to the demolition of
about the reduction in charitablegivingdue to the national lottery
publish maintain and implement plansgivingeffect to the principle that
publish maintain and implement plansgivingeffect to the principle that
that we favour artistic bodiesgivingfar greater emphasis to scots
going into town tonight andgivinghand relief to countless double
fruit machines gordon i mgivingit to somebody sadie ma
better i had to finishgivinglast thurs s seminar today
of a rigid centralised curriculumgivinglittle emphasis to individuality at
to the practical details ofgivingmutual assistance between different jurisdictions
adopt my usual practice ofgivingpriority to members of the
played a major part ingivingproper recognition to the sector
of allotments management which aregivingrise to concern and identify
are now frequently seen asgivingrise to specific genres or
of editing reordering and revisiongivingrise ultimately to a compilation
infrastructure that is capable ofgivingsecurity not just to those
of the reformers strategy ofgivingthe faithful direct access to
have made a commitment togivingthe voluntary sector a key
he s [laugh] he sgivingthis stuff to the arch
hmi or the hsdu weregivingto schools about implementation that
accept both of you aregivingto the best of your
in hospital and b thegivingto the patient in accordance
campaigns to promote breast feedinggivingtraining to medical professionals and
will not be attracted togivingup two and half weeks
can write to a committeegivingyour point of view on
their paddles we quickly retaliatedgivingas good as we got
make the generous gesture ofgivingup a minute and a
in the final hymn butgivingup after a few notes
this summer vacation which meansgivingup the idea of touring
ksenia was apologetic about notgivingbetter directions and we commented
it is also involved ingivingadvice care of the elderly
ministerial team i believe ingivingcredit where it is due
which is that apart fromgivingmy daughter away my contribution
sacrifices his own life thegivingof one s life is
m1092: [inaudible] f1091: ben isgivingrabbit a ride hold on
original meaning is lost 24givingyet another account in 1922
were getting somebody who isgivingyou a hiding m1008: yes
of oatmeal in the doughgivinga coarse appearance porridge a
the food at the weddinggivinga vivid picture of the
rate of 55 per weekgivingan annual amount of just
first proper letter from homegivingdetails of mum s italian
not in the business ofgivingguarantees however i have given
shaping it enhancing it andgivingit a certain sort of
s in a locked cabinetgivingnothing away the laird of
mass saw harvest and thegivingof the first fruits in
120 members of the publicgivingour ideas that kind of
of settlement has been deplorablegivingout conflicting and contradictory messages
even the bairn was quietgivingout none of the tiny
i spent most of wednesdaygivingout reference forms arranging transcripts
the primary grammar book suggestsgivingpupils in groups one of
would be in favour ofgivingscots a greater prominence eh
macdonald on 19 november 2002givingstatistics on the number of
of the last five yearsgivingthe annual percentage increase and
payment of fines in 2000givingthe average time served and
play has the effect ofgivingthe characters a fresh vitality
open spaces of the parkgivingthe parkie in his authoritarian
and the number of inmatesgivingthe staff inmates ratio in
m sort of using wordsgivingyou degrees of hot ehm
book i- it starts offgivingyou the principles of this
rowland leaving here are yougivingit serious thought deana i
been seeking added value andgivingit a high priority particularly
this was called a gytingivingwhat must have been the
leave out production and insertgivingmrs mary mulligan 127 in
4 the scottish ministers whengivinga direction under subsection 1
discussion involved the teacher ingivinga lesson on 1st 2nd
be harmonious or a discordantgivinga questioning effect thirds and
he runs round and roundgivinga small yelp every so
the dustbuster thing we regivingit a clean it s
both arms like he wasgivingit a desperate cuddle trying
a shame that they stoppedgivingkids milk but it was
scheme still await a determinationgivingthe date when the application
prison service as a wholegivingthe figures also as a
hear the bubbles i mgivingyou a shower now f1112:
you as union representatives weregivingon the introduction and implementation
with similar english equivalents therebygivingthe impression that they were
what standards should be metgivingfull details and whether the
at evaluating that course andgivingit professional standing the establishment
determining applications and whether notgivinglecs total responsibility will result
man kept falling asleep andgivingquiet little snores the lady
tolls on the skye bridgegivingresidents and tourists free access
forms and i will keepgivingthe same answer on the
the water on disarmament andgivingthe usual token nod towards
that but if you regivingpositive erm arguments in fact
what s wrong he saysgivingno suggestion that he thought
various ways in in ingivingscots greater prominence eh you
yeah that s right f1067: givingit far am bi mi
often m1055: seo being heregivingit take m1007: give [inaudible]
ted bowman wed 29th maygivingsorrow words from the poet
s rubbish that s likegivingthe game away f943: but
that though she s alwaysgivingaway free stuff f809: och

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