
See this word as a collocate cloud

bellshill motherwell wishaw hamilton southglasgowanniesland glasgow baillieston glasgow cathcart
important one my constituency ofglasgowanniesland has the second highest
robert glasgow ld butler billglasgowanniesland lab canavan dennis falkirk
robert glasgow ld butler billglasgowanniesland lab canavan dennis falkirk
robert glasgow ld butler billglasgowanniesland lab canavan dennis falkirk
robert glasgow ld butler billglasgowanniesland lab canavan dennis falkirk
robert glasgow ld butler billglasgowanniesland lab canavan dennis falkirk
robert glasgow ld butler billglasgowanniesland lab canavan dennis falkirk
robert glasgow ld butler billglasgowanniesland lab canavan dennis falkirk
robert glasgow ld butler billglasgowanniesland lab canavan dennis falkirk
robert glasgow ld butler billglasgowanniesland lab chisholm malcolm edinburgh
robert glasgow ld butler billglasgowanniesland lab chisholm malcolm edinburgh
robert glasgow ld butler billglasgowanniesland lab chisholm malcolm edinburgh
robert glasgow ld butler billglasgowanniesland lab chisholm malcolm edinburgh
robert glasgow ld butler billglasgowanniesland lab chisholm malcolm edinburgh
robert glasgow ld butler billglasgowanniesland lab chisholm malcolm edinburgh
robert glasgow ld butler billglasgowanniesland lab chisholm malcolm edinburgh
robert glasgow ld butler billglasgowanniesland lab chisholm malcolm edinburgh
robert glasgow ld butler billglasgowanniesland lab chisholm malcolm edinburgh
robert glasgow ld butler billglasgowanniesland lab chisholm malcolm edinburgh
robert glasgow ld butler billglasgowanniesland lab chisholm malcolm edinburgh
ld committee members bill butlerglasgowanniesland lab colin campbell west
lab committee members bill butlerglasgowanniesland lab dorothy grace elder
musselburgh lab dewar donald campbellglasgowanniesland lab douglas hamilton james
and musselburgh lab dewar donaldglasgowanniesland lab douglas hamilton lord
and musselburgh lab dewar donaldglasgowanniesland lab douglas hamilton lord
ride 10 48 bill butlerglasgowanniesland lab i give my
of scotland snp bill butlerglasgowanniesland lab mary scanlon highlands
took the oath donald dewarglasgowanniesland lab mr alex salmond
on such things bill butlerglasgowanniesland lab perhaps we should
than any other bill butlerglasgowanniesland lab the committee sympathises
wishaw hamilton south glasgow annieslandglasgowbaillieston glasgow cathcart glasgow govan
south glasgow anniesland glasgow bailliestonglasgowcathcart glasgow govan glasgow kelvin
anniesland glasgow baillieston glasgow cathcartglasgowgovan glasgow kelvin glasgow maryhill
anniesland lab dorothy grace elderglasgowind janis hughes glasgow rutherglen
rhona midlothian lab brown robertglasgowld butler bill glasgow anniesland
rhona midlothian lab brown robertglasgowld butler bill glasgow anniesland
rhona midlothian lab brown robertglasgowld butler bill glasgow anniesland
edinburgh central lab brown robertglasgowld butler bill glasgow anniesland
rhona midlothian lab brown robertglasgowld butler bill glasgow anniesland
rhona midlothian lab brown robertglasgowld butler bill glasgow anniesland
rhona midlothian lab brown robertglasgowld butler bill glasgow anniesland
rhona midlothian lab brown robertglasgowld butler bill glasgow anniesland
edinburgh central lab brown robertglasgowld butler bill glasgow anniesland
rhona midlothian lab brown robertglasgowld butler bill glasgow anniesland
rhona midlothian lab brown robertglasgowld butler bill glasgow anniesland
rhona midlothian lab brown robertglasgowld butler bill glasgow anniesland
rhona midlothian lab brown robertglasgowld butler bill glasgow anniesland
rhona midlothian lab brown robertglasgowld butler bill glasgow anniesland
rhona midlothian lab brown robertglasgowld butler bill glasgow anniesland
rhona midlothian lab brown robertglasgowld butler bill glasgow anniesland
rhona midlothian lab brown robertglasgowld butler bill glasgow anniesland
edinburgh central lab brown robertglasgowld butler bill glasgow anniesland
rhona midlothian lab brown robertglasgowld butler bill glasgow anniesland
tommy glasgow ssp sturgeon nicolaglasgowsnp swinney mr john north
tommy glasgow ssp sturgeon nicolaglasgowsnp swinney mr john north
tommy glasgow ssp sturgeon nicolaglasgowsnp swinney mr john north
tommy glasgow ssp sturgeon nicolaglasgowsnp swinney mr john north
tommy glasgow ssp sturgeon nicolaglasgowsnp swinney mr john north
tommy glasgow ssp sturgeon nicolaglasgowsnp swinney mr john north
tommy glasgow ssp sturgeon nicolaglasgowsnp swinney mr john north
tommy glasgow ssp sturgeon nicolaglasgowsnp swinney mr john north
can be achieved tommy sheridanglasgowssp as a socialist i
harper lothians green tommy sheridanglasgowssp before making the affirmation
a solemn affirmation tommy sheridanglasgowssp brian adam north east
clearly and decisively tommy sheridanglasgowssp does the first minister
of practical government tommy sheridanglasgowssp does the first minister
and more accountable tommy sheridanglasgowssp does the minister agree
falkirk east lab tommy sheridanglasgowssp elaine smith coatbridge and
okay 12 20 tommy sheridanglasgowssp first my amendment is
harper lothians green tommy sheridanglasgowssp george lyon argyll and
executive s work tommy sheridanglasgowssp given that the rate
36 and 37 tommy sheridanglasgowssp i accept that the
sheridan 15 10 tommy sheridanglasgowssp i welcome the executive
minutes 16 34 tommy sheridanglasgowssp i will be quick
east scotland snp tommy sheridanglasgowssp mr brian monteith mid
east scotland snp tommy sheridanglasgowssp mr david davidson north
to that motion tommy sheridanglasgowssp on a point of
the word executive tommy sheridanglasgowssp on a point of
and two amendments tommy sheridanglasgowssp on a point of
tricia marwick rose tommy sheridanglasgowssp on a point of
parliament 10 12 tommy sheridanglasgowssp shona robison finished by
care malcolm chisholm tommy sheridanglasgowssp shona robison north east
john ayr con sheridan tommyglasgowssp simpson dr richard ochil
john ayr con sheridan tommyglasgowssp simpson dr richard ochil
and kincardine ld sheridan tommyglasgowssp simpson dr richard ochil
tavish shetland ld sheridan tommyglasgowssp simpson dr richard ochil
hamilton shetland ld sheridan tommyglasgowssp simpson richard john ochil
east scotland snp sheridan tommyglasgowssp stevenson stewart banff and
of scotland snp sheridan tommyglasgowssp stevenson stewart banff and
of scotland snp sheridan tommyglasgowssp stevenson stewart banff and
john ayr con sheridan tommyglasgowssp stevenson stewart banff and
of scotland snp sheridan tommyglasgowssp stevenson stewart banff and
of scotland snp sheridan tommyglasgowssp stevenson stewart banff and
john ayr con sheridan tommyglasgowssp sturgeon nicola glasgow snp
john ayr con sheridan tommyglasgowssp sturgeon nicola glasgow snp
john ayr con sheridan tommyglasgowssp sturgeon nicola glasgow snp
of scotland snp sheridan tommyglasgowssp sturgeon nicola glasgow snp
and buchan snp sheridan tommyglasgowssp sturgeon nicola glasgow snp
john ayr con sheridan tommyglasgowssp sturgeon nicola glasgow snp
of scotland snp sheridan tommyglasgowssp sturgeon nicola glasgow snp
and buchan snp sheridan tommyglasgowssp sturgeon nicola glasgow snp
spreading throughout scotland tommy sheridanglasgowssp three months ago i
later this year tommy sheridanglasgowssp will malcolm chisholm give
minister for justice tommy sheridanglasgowssp witnesses mike flynn scottish
and special needs in pollokglasgowand scotland congratulates the users
within glasgow pollok constituency acrossglasgowand throughout scotland further notes
in glasgow pollok constituency inglasgowas a whole and throughout
in glasgow pollok constituency inglasgowas a whole and throughout
baillieston glasgow cathcart glasgow govanglasgowkelvin glasgow maryhill glasgow pollok
cathcart glasgow govan glasgow kelvinglasgowmaryhill glasgow pollok glasgow rutherglen
mind of local communities withinglasgowpollok constituency across glasgow and
level of drug addiction inglasgowpollok constituency in glasgow as
level of drug addiction inglasgowpollok constituency in glasgow as
of traquair drive in theglasgowpollok constituency to get british
of traquair drive in theglasgowpollok constituency to get british
measures to reduce unemployment inglasgowpollok given that the resident
govan glasgow kelvin glasgow maryhillglasgowpollok glasgow rutherglen glasgow shettleston
east scotland snp johann lamontglasgowpollok lab alex fergusson south
session 1 convener johann lamontglasgowpollok lab deputy convener mr
session 1 convener johann lamontglasgowpollok lab deputy convener ms
priorities their priorities johann lamontglasgowpollok lab does the member
first hard question johann lamontglasgowpollok lab does the minister
sector 09 30 johann lamontglasgowpollok lab i begin with
afternoon 16 15 johann lamontglasgowpollok lab i welcome the
moved johann lamont johann lamontglasgowpollok lab linda fabiani central
east scotland con lamont johannglasgowpollok lab livingstone marilyn kirkcaldy
east kilbride lab lamont johannglasgowpollok lab livingstone marilyn kirkcaldy
east kilbride lab lamont johannglasgowpollok lab livingstone marilyn kirkcaldy
east kilbride lab lamont johannglasgowpollok lab livingstone marilyn kirkcaldy
east kilbride lab lamont johannglasgowpollok lab livingstone marilyn kirkcaldy
east kilbride lab lamont johannglasgowpollok lab livingstone marilyn kirkcaldy
east kilbride lab lamont johannglasgowpollok lab livingstone marilyn kirkcaldy
east kilbride lab lamont johannglasgowpollok lab livingstone marilyn kirkcaldy
east kilbride lab lamont johannglasgowpollok lab livingstone marilyn kirkcaldy
east scotland con lamont johannglasgowpollok lab livingstone marilyn kirkcaldy
east kilbride lab lamont johannglasgowpollok lab livingstone marilyn kirkcaldy
east kilbride lab lamont johannglasgowpollok lab livingstone marilyn kirkcaldy
east kilbride lab lamont johannglasgowpollok lab livingstone marilyn kirkcaldy
east kilbride lab lamont johannglasgowpollok lab livingstone marilyn kirkcaldy
east kilbride lab lamont johannglasgowpollok lab livingstone marilyn kirkcaldy
lab l lamont johann macdougallglasgowpollok lab livingstone marilyn margaret
east kilbride lab lamont johannglasgowpollok lab lyon george argyll
east kilbride lab lamont johannglasgowpollok lab lyon george argyll
east kilbride lab lamont johannglasgowpollok lab lyon george argyll
and lauderdale ld johann lamontglasgowpollok lab mr kenneth macintosh
i talked about johann lamontglasgowpollok lab the minister mentioned
dundee west lab johann lamontglasgowpollok lab tricia marwick mid
question of markers johann lamontglasgowpollok lab we are hearing
kelvin glasgow maryhill glasgow pollokglasgowrutherglen glasgow shettleston glasgow springburn
maryhill glasgow pollok glasgow rutherglenglasgowshettleston glasgow springburn strathkelvin bearsden
pollok glasgow rutherglen glasgow shettlestonglasgowspringburn strathkelvin bearsden paisley north
springburn lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
springburn lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
springburn lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
springburn lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
serving as the msp forglasgowspringburn credit should be given
east scotland con paul martinglasgowspringburn lab alex neil central
aberdeen central lab paul martinglasgowspringburn lab euan robson roxburgh
focused on it paul martinglasgowspringburn lab i have several
concerns 11 19 paul martinglasgowspringburn lab like other speakers
and milngavie lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab marwick tricia mid
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab matheson michael central
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcallion mr john
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcallion mr john
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcallion mr john
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcallion mr john
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcallion mr john
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcallion mr john
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcallion mr john
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcallion mr john
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcallion mr john
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcallion mr john
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcallion mr john
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcallion mr john
aberdeen central lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcallion mr john
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcallion mr john
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcallion mr john
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcallion mr john
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcallion mr john
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcallion mr john
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcallion mr john
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcallion mr john
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcaveety mr frank
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcaveety mr frank
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcaveety mr frank
and islands lab martin paulglasgowspringburn lab mcaveety mr frank
edinburgh south lab paul martinglasgowspringburn lab michael matheson central
hyslop lothians snp paul martinglasgowspringburn lab mr gil paterson
and loudoun lab paul martinglasgowspringburn lab mr lloyd quinan
call paul martin paul martinglasgowspringburn lab mr russell on
and islands lab paul martinglasgowspringburn lab mrs lyndsay mcintosh
racist attacks 3 paul martinglasgowspringburn lab to ask the
we are involved paul martinglasgowspringburn lab we must be
how many people in theglasgowspringburn parliamentary constituency area died
how many people in theglasgowspringburn parliamentary constituency area died
of school leavers in theglasgowspringburn parliamentary constituency area leaving
of school leavers in theglasgowspringburn parliamentary constituency area leaving
many school leavers in theglasgowspringburn parliamentary constituency area left
many school leavers in theglasgowspringburn parliamentary constituency area left
of cancer deaths in theglasgowspringburn parliamentary constituency area s1w
coronary heart disease in theglasgowspringburn parliamentary constituency area s1w
lung cancer deaths in theglasgowspringburn parliamentary constituency area s1w
how many patients in theglasgowspringburn parliamentary constituency area were
scotland and in particular inglasgowspringburn s1w 190 alex neil
part of overtoun park rutherglenglasgowcommittee agreed that the clerk
glasgow rutherglen lab gordon jacksonglasgowgovan lab fiona hyslop lothians
glasgow rutherglen lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jackson dr sylvia
glasgow rutherglen lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
glasgow rutherglen lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
glasgow rutherglen lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
glasgow rutherglen lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
glasgow rutherglen lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
glasgow rutherglen lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
con deputy convener janis hughesglasgowrutherglen lab committee members donald
east lothian lab janis hughesglasgowrutherglen lab gordon jackson glasgow
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab hyslop fiona jane
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab hyslop fiona lothians
any relevant interests janis hughesglasgowrutherglen lab i am a
future 16 28 janis hughesglasgowrutherglen lab i declare an
amendment on paper janis hughesglasgowrutherglen lab i disagree with
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson dr sylvia
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson dr sylvia
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson dr sylvia
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson dr sylvia
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson dr sylvia
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson dr sylvia
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson dr sylvia
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson dr sylvia
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson dr sylvia
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson dr sylvia
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson dr sylvia
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson dr sylvia
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson dr sylvia
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson dr sylvia
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson dr sylvia
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson dr sylvia
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson dr sylvia
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson gordon glasgow
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson gordon glasgow
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson gordon glasgow
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson gordon glasgow
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson gordon glasgow
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson gordon glasgow
east lothian lab hughes janisglasgowrutherglen lab jackson gordon glasgow
elder glasgow snp janis hughesglasgowrutherglen lab mr john mcallion
elder glasgow ind janis hughesglasgowrutherglen lab mr john mcallion
central scotland ld janis hughesglasgowrutherglen lab robin harper lothians
the scottish public janis hughesglasgowrutherglen lab the convener has
transport links 3 janis hughesglasgowrutherglen lab to ask the
session adoption 6 janis hughesglasgowrutherglen lab to ask the
committee members dorothy grace elderglasgowsnp janis hughes glasgow rutherglen
river kelvin walkway planned byglasgowcity council notes that this
number of employee jobs inglasgowkelvin has been since may
snp s motion pauline mcneillglasgowkelvin lab and the snp
session 1 convener pauline mcneillglasgowkelvin lab deputy convener bill
session 1 convener pauline mcneillglasgowkelvin lab deputy convener mrs
very useful helen pauline mcneillglasgowkelvin lab i am not
the last questioner pauline mcneillglasgowkelvin lab i have no
it comes from pauline mcneillglasgowkelvin lab i must respond
motion 12 02 pauline mcneillglasgowkelvin lab i welcome visitors
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and bellshill lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
and inverclyde lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty des clydebank
inverclyde lab mcneill pauline maryglasgowkelvin lab mcnulty desmond clydebank
and islands lab pauline mcneillglasgowkelvin lab michael matheson central
such international obligations pauline mcneillglasgowkelvin lab michael matheson said
edinburgh south lab pauline mcneillglasgowkelvin lab mr frank mcaveety
of scotland snp pauline mcneillglasgowkelvin lab mrs margaret smith
and bute ld pauline mcneillglasgowkelvin lab phil gallie south
and islands lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab robson euan roxburgh
and islands lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab robson euan roxburgh
and islands lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab robson euan roxburgh
and islands lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab robson euan roxburgh
central scotland con mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab robson euan roxburgh
and islands lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab robson euan roxburgh
and islands lab mcneill paulineglasgowkelvin lab robson euan roxburgh
entitlement cards 3 pauline mcneillglasgowkelvin lab to ask the
the claimant unemployment rate inglasgowkelvin since may 1999 s1w
that the saltmarket area inglasgowkelvin will celebrate its 100th
pauline mcneill glasgow kelvin labglasgowrent deposit scheme that the
kelvin lab fire safety atglasgowroyal infirmary that the parliament
kelvin lab mr frank mcaveetyglasgowshettleston lab michael matheson central
developing the kelvin hall inglasgowso that the national athletics
year student govan high schoolglasgowfollowed by parliamentary bureau motions
snp deputy convener gordon jacksonglasgowgovan lab committee members scott
and fife con gordon jacksonglasgowgovan lab committee substitutes jackie
and berwickshire ld gordon jacksonglasgowgovan lab donald gorrie central
chamber 15 59 gordon jacksonglasgowgovan lab i agree with
illegal 09 45 gordon jacksonglasgowgovan lab i have already
stirling lab jackson william gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson catherine mary
sylvia stirling lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
sylvia stirling lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
sylvia stirling lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
sylvia stirling lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
sylvia stirling lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
sylvia stirling lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
sylvia stirling lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
sylvia stirling lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
sylvia stirling lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
sylvia stirling lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
sylvia stirling lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
sylvia stirling lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
sylvia stirling lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
sylvia stirling lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
sylvia stirling lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
sylvia stirling lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
sylvia stirling lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
sylvia stirling lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab jamieson cathy carrick
he winds up gordon jacksonglasgowgovan lab like christine grahame
dunfermline west lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab maclean kate dundee
dunfermline west lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab maclean kate dundee
dunfermline west lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab maclean kate dundee
of scotland con jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab maclean kate dundee
dunfermline west lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab maclean kate dundee
dunfermline west lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab maclean kate dundee
dunfermline west lab jackson gordonglasgowgovan lab maclean kate dundee
central scotland ld gordon jacksonglasgowgovan lab mr andy kerr
gordon jackson the member forglasgowgovan lives that report is
that these yards from portglasgowto scotstoun and govan require
boyack bill butler s1m 3295glasgowsummer youth football league initiative
develop an ambitious and vibrantglasgowsupported by janis hughes s1m
scotland snp ms margaret curranglasgowbaillieston lab cathie craigie cumbernauld
perth snp curran margaret patriciaglasgowbaillieston lab d davidson david
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab davidson mr david
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab davidson mr david
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab davidson mr david
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab davidson mr david
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab davidson mr david
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab davidson mr david
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab davidson mr david
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab deacon susan edinburgh
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab deacon susan edinburgh
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab deacon susan edinburgh
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab deacon susan edinburgh
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab deacon susan edinburgh
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab deacon susan edinburgh
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab deacon susan edinburgh
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab deacon susan edinburgh
fife snp curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab deacon susan edinburgh
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab deacon susan edinburgh
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab douglas hamilton lord
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab douglas hamilton lord
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab douglas hamilton lord
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab douglas hamilton lord
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab douglas hamilton lord
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab eadie helen dunfermline
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab eadie helen dunfermline
kilsyth lab curran ms margaretglasgowbaillieston lab eadie helen dunfermline
drugs 3 ms margaret curranglasgowbaillieston lab to ask the
session 1 convener mike watsonglasgowcathcart lab deputy convener elaine
minutes 16 03 mike watsonglasgowcathcart lab it is nice
central scotland ld mike watsonglasgowcathcart lab mr kenneth gibson
of scotland snp mike watsonglasgowcathcart lab the following members
orkney ld watson michael goodallglasgowcathcart lab welsh andrew paton
jim orkney ld watson mikeglasgowcathcart lab welsh mr andrew
aberdeen north lab watson mikeglasgowcathcart lab whitefield karen airdrie
jim orkney ld watson mikeglasgowcathcart lab whitefield karen airdrie
jim orkney ld watson mikeglasgowcathcart lab whitefield karen airdrie
jim orkney ld watson mikeglasgowcathcart lab whitefield karen airdrie
jim orkney ld watson mikeglasgowcathcart lab whitefield karen airdrie
jim orkney ld watson mikeglasgowcathcart lab whitefield karen airdrie
jim orkney ld watson mikeglasgowcathcart lab whitefield karen airdrie
jim orkney ld watson mikeglasgowcathcart lab whitefield karen airdrie
jim orkney ld watson mikeglasgowcathcart lab whitefield karen airdrie
jim orkney ld watson mikeglasgowcathcart lab whitefield karen airdrie
east scotland con watson mikeglasgowcathcart lab whitefield karen airdrie
jim orkney ld watson mikeglasgowcathcart lab whitefield karen airdrie
aberdeen north lab watson mikeglasgowcathcart lab whitefield karen airdrie
jim orkney ld watson mikeglasgowcathcart lab whitefield karen airdrie
jim orkney ld watson mikeglasgowcathcart lab wilson allan cunninghame
jim orkney ld watson mikeglasgowcathcart lab wilson allan cunninghame
a division for aitken billglasgowcon baillie jackie dumbarton lab
a division for aitken billglasgowcon baillie jackie dumbarton lab
scotland snp against aitken billglasgowcon baillie jackie dumbarton lab
a division for aitken billglasgowcon baillie jackie dumbarton lab
a division for aitken billglasgowcon baillie jackie dumbarton lab
lab deputy convener bill aitkenglasgowcon committee members scott barrie
north lab against aitken billglasgowcon davidson mr david north
north lab against aitken billglasgowcon douglas hamilton lord james
shotts lab abstentions aitken billglasgowcon douglas hamilton lord james
lab abstentions elder dorothy graceglasgowind harper robin lothians grn
midlothian lab brown robert edwardglasgowld c campbell colin maciver
rhona midlothian lab brown robertglasgowld campbell colin west of
rhona midlothian lab brown robertglasgowld chisholm malcolm edinburgh north
rhona midlothian lab brown robertglasgowld chisholm malcolm edinburgh north
rhona midlothian lab brown robertglasgowld chisholm malcolm edinburgh north
edinburgh central lab brown robertglasgowld chisholm malcolm edinburgh north
edinburgh central lab brown robertglasgowld chisholm malcolm edinburgh north
brankin midlothian lab robert brownglasgowld murdo fraser mid scotland
doon valley lab robert brownglasgowld the deputy minister for
and fife snp patricia fergusonglasgowmaryhill lab attended the following
dunfermline east lab ferguson patriciaglasgowmaryhill lab fergusson alex south
dunfermline east lab ferguson patriciaglasgowmaryhill lab fergusson alex south
dunfermline east lab ferguson patriciaglasgowmaryhill lab fergusson alex south
dunfermline east lab ferguson patriciaglasgowmaryhill lab fergusson alex south
dunfermline east lab ferguson patriciaglasgowmaryhill lab fergusson alex south
dunfermline east lab ferguson patriciaglasgowmaryhill lab fergusson alex south
dunfermline east lab ferguson patriciaglasgowmaryhill lab fergusson alex south
scotland snp ferguson patricia josephineglasgowmaryhill lab fergusson alexander charles
dunfermline east lab ferguson patriciaglasgowmaryhill lab finnie ross west
dunfermline east lab ferguson patriciaglasgowmaryhill lab finnie ross west
central scotland snp ferguson patriciaglasgowmaryhill lab finnie ross west
and lochaber snp ferguson patriciaglasgowmaryhill lab finnie ross west
dunfermline east lab ferguson patriciaglasgowmaryhill lab finnie ross west
dunfermline east lab ferguson patriciaglasgowmaryhill lab finnie ross west
dunfermline east lab ferguson patriciaglasgowmaryhill lab finnie ross west
dunfermline east lab ferguson patriciaglasgowmaryhill lab finnie ross west
dunfermline east lab ferguson patriciaglasgowmaryhill lab finnie ross west
dunfermline east lab ferguson patriciaglasgowmaryhill lab fitzpatrick brian strathkelvin
dunfermline east lab ferguson patriciaglasgowmaryhill lab fitzpatrick brian strathkelvin
and islands snp ferguson patriciaglasgowmaryhill lab fitzpatrick brian strathkelvin
floor to comment patricia fergusonglasgowmaryhill lab i am a
members indicated agreement patricia fergusonglasgowmaryhill lab in bullet point
kilsyth lab ms patricia fergusonglasgowmaryhill lab lord james douglas
hamilton lothians con patricia fergusonglasgowmaryhill lab mr frank mcaveety
identify themselves ms patricia fergusonglasgowmaryhill lab stood mr george
s intention mr frank mcaveetyglasgowshettleston lab i agree with
east lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
east lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
east lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
east lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
east lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
east lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
east lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
east lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
east lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
east lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
east lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
east lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
east lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
east lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
east lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
east lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
east lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
east lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
east lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
east lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mccabe mr tom
wright lothians snp mcaveety francisglasgowshettleston lab mccabe thomas hamilton
east lab mcaveety mr frankglasgowshettleston lab mcconnell mr jack
maryhill lab mr frank mcaveetyglasgowshettleston lab mr kenneth macintosh
simpson ochil lab nicola sturgeonglasgowsnp attended the following also
central lab ms sandra whiteglasgowsnp attended witnesses hector currie
musselburgh lab elder dorothy graceglasgowsnp ewing dr winnie highlands
lab elder dorothy grace douglasglasgowsnp ewing fergus stewart inverness
bearsden lab gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp gillon karen clydesdale lab
central lab mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp mr jamie mcgrigor highlands
cathcart lab mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp mr keith harding mid
central lab ms sandra whiteglasgowsnp robert brown glasgow ld
mcwilliam ayr lab white sandraglasgowsnp whitefield karen airdrie and
paul martin policy advice onglasgowin the post second world
martin community issues in sighthillglasgowthat the parliament deplores the
martin community issues in sighthillglasgowwednesday 26 september 2001 2
ewing s1m 976 johann lamontglasgowinternal transport service that the
pope john paul ii toglasgowsome young heidbangers mumbled something
easter ross ld nicola sturgeonglasgowsnp attended witnesses pat cairns
and islands con nicola sturgeonglasgowsnp committee substitutes brian adam
moved tommy sheridan nicola sturgeonglasgowsnp dr richard simpson ochil
to sdns members nicola sturgeonglasgowsnp i have two quick
wait until tomorrow nicola sturgeonglasgowsnp i pay tribute to
initiatives 15 44 nicola sturgeonglasgowsnp i thank nurses midwives
session had begun nicola sturgeonglasgowsnp i would like to
hope 09 45 nicola sturgeonglasgowsnp i would like to
a solemn affirmation nicola sturgeonglasgowsnp iain smith north east
place 11 02 nicola sturgeonglasgowsnp in opening today s
scottish national party nicola sturgeonglasgowsnp it is absolutely disgraceful
care malcolm chisholm nicola sturgeonglasgowsnp mary scanlon highlands and
easter ross ld sturgeon nicolaglasgowsnp swinney john ramsay north
and buchan snp sturgeon nicolaglasgowsnp swinney mr john north
of scotland snp sturgeon nicolaglasgowsnp swinney mr john north
and buchan snp sturgeon nicolaglasgowsnp swinney mr john north
and buchan snp sturgeon nicolaglasgowsnp swinney mr john north
and buchan snp sturgeon nicolaglasgowsnp swinney mr john north
and buchan snp sturgeon nicolaglasgowsnp swinney mr john north
and buchan snp sturgeon nicolaglasgowsnp swinney mr john north
and buchan snp sturgeon nicolaglasgowsnp swinney mr john north
and buchan snp sturgeon nicolaglasgowsnp swinney mr john north
and buchan snp sturgeon nicolaglasgowsnp swinney mr john north
and buchan snp sturgeon nicolaglasgowsnp swinney mr john north
and buchan snp sturgeon nicolaglasgowsnp swinney mr john north
of scotland snp sturgeon nicolaglasgowsnp swinney mr john north
edinburgh west ld nicola sturgeonglasgowsnp witnesses patrick browne scottish
the first bus group inglasgowthis week s1w 1063 nicola
the number of hospitals inglasgowpe 172 petition by frank
within the city boundaries ofglasgowand edinburgh in particular on
city of culture bath oxfordglasgowand edinburgh were in the
approach to social exclusion inglasgowand the city s economic
up for all european studentsglasgowbecame the city of culture
problem has been overcome inglasgowbut glasgow city council raised
park in the city ofglasgowbut i never had a
tell me the differences betweenglasgowcity and doon the coast
iraq that the parliament congratulatesglasgowcity and dundee city councils
their electors joins with bothglasgowcity and dundee city councils
extraordinary level of activity inglasgowcity centre day and night
approximately 36 000 people inglasgowcity centre four nights each
raids on eight saunas inglasgowcity centre in my constituency
2002 pauline mcneill s1m 3736glasgowcity centre policing lodged on
1982 s1m 3736 pauline mcneillglasgowcity centre policing that the
s1m 3916 proposed closure ofglasgowcity centre social security office
s1m 3916 proposed closure ofglasgowcity centre social security office
for maintaining public order inglasgowcity centre which is not
with the scottish executive andglasgowcity council about a year
in relation to discussions withglasgowcity council about the refurbishment
refurbishment of primary schools byglasgowcity council and an e
far as i am awareglasgowcity council and city of
religion and ethnicity but bothglasgowcity council and dundee city
robert mooney i work withglasgowcity council and i have
march 2002 local government theglasgowcity council and renfrewshire council
deacon fiona hyslop s1m 2957glasgowcity council and renfrewshire council
by the larger authorities particularlyglasgowcity council and the city
those issues authorities such asglasgowcity council and the city
with key local authorities particularlyglasgowcity council and the city
landlords some local authorities particularlyglasgowcity council and the city
s2 undertaken on behalf ofglasgowcity council and the university
12 months some authorities particularlyglasgowcity council are taking up
have been distributed in theglasgowcity council area and how
local authority homes in theglasgowcity council area in the
is a particular problem forglasgowcity council because it requires
the minister s comments aboutglasgowcity council but in february
he cannot disagree with whatglasgowcity council charges but the
financial implications of the billglasgowcity council commented the potential
raised in the consultation processglasgowcity council commented there is
ask the scottish executive whetherglasgowcity council could invest over
hamilton principal policy development officerglasgowcity council councillor james coleman
kelly s argument was thatglasgowcity council does not charge
at a loss what isglasgowcity council doing that is
we are in touch withglasgowcity council every week about
now coming into use applaudsglasgowcity council for its willingness
opposite when brian kelly ofglasgowcity council gave evidence to
the 1990 s for exampleglasgowcity council has 25 sites
16 in a 1993 surveyglasgowcity council has also notes
paralysis commends the positive roleglasgowcity council has played in
evidence from an officer fromglasgowcity council i think that
the planning permission granted byglasgowcity council in respect of
a two year basis asglasgowcity council is beginning to
extent that was a surpriseglasgowcity council is particularly unhappy
s1m 3293 windfall payment toglasgowcity council lodged on 26
arbitrarily i am sure thatglasgowcity council might have some
demands that authorities such asglasgowcity council obey the findings
of european regional funding toglasgowcity council of up to
halls that the parliament congratulatesglasgowcity council on its 950
respect of authorities such asglasgowcity council or the city
to her majesty s governmentglasgowcity council or the scottish
of the cleansing department ofglasgowcity council pe85 submitted by
of the cleansing department ofglasgowcity council pe85 submitted by
deputy leader of the councilglasgowcity council professor peter donnelly
committee will take evidence fromglasgowcity council protective services braendam
a clean up day whereglasgowcity council provide us with
believes that the settlement toglasgowcity council provided by the
been overcome in glasgow butglasgowcity council raised the issue
scottish parliament to request thatglasgowcity council re open the
it are also identified inglasgowcity council s best value
i have a point aboutglasgowcity council s evidence most
ensure successful community relations welcomesglasgowcity council s introduction of
ensure successful community relations welcomesglasgowcity council s introduction of
a problem dorothy grace elderglasgowcity council s planning department
time it is understandable thatglasgowcity council s planning policy
concern the centralised nature ofglasgowcity council s proposals the
whose numbers i got fromglasgowcity council s register two
on 22 may 2000 whyglasgowcity council s share of
and midlothian schools projects theglasgowcity council schools project and
where gaelic is virtually unknownglasgowcity council stated gcc believes
director of housing services atglasgowcity council stated that if
then starts from that dateglasgowcity council suggested that there
hmo licence applications robert brownglasgowcity council takes the view
from 16 local authorities includingglasgowcity council the city of
condemns the shocking complacency ofglasgowcity council the scottish executive
lobbied long and hard withglasgowcity council to establish a
of commercial properties held byglasgowcity council to the glasgow
black director of finance atglasgowcity council to the parliament
impact of the method thatglasgowcity council used to establish
henderson scottish executive finance divisionglasgowcity council was persuaded that
honest fashion accepts that ifglasgowcity council were relieved of
of those local authorities wasglasgowcity council which will not
ask the scottish executive howglasgowcity council will be compensated
in parallel they will clashglasgowcity council will be in
much more direct grant supportglasgowcity council would receive if
2964 pauline mcneill refurbishment ofglasgowcity halls that the parliament
consultation er and discussions withglasgowcity it was decided to
of plays in scots glasgowglasgowcity libraries robertson j and
language society and published byglasgowcity libraries running to 44
white s1m 3899 closure ofglasgowcity social security office lodged
have been other developments withinglasgowcity who have erm been
accommodation throughout the city ofglasgowcommends the organisation which is
glasgow if the city ofglasgowcould be embodied in a
special parking area city ofglasgowdesignation order 1999 ssi 1999
special parking area city ofglasgowdesignation order 1999 ssi 1999
he does gps mapping atglasgower city council f1037: amazing
list of plays in scotsglasgowglasgow city libraries robertson j
city i think i thinkglasgowhas an am- an amazing
glasgow city council to theglasgowhousing association s1w 24673 stewart
think erm i do thinkglasgowis a brilliant city i
one hand the city ofglasgowis celebrated as one of
set for river city inglasgowit s specially built f606:
but i think actually inglasgowitself in the city of
itself in the city ofglasgowm741: yeah cause i ve
wearing of uniforms city ofglasgowparking area regulations 1999 ssi
wearing of uniforms city ofglasgowparking area regulations 1999 ssi
traffic parking adjudicators city ofglasgowregulations 1999 ssi 1999 60
traffic parking adjudicators city ofglasgowregulations 1999 ssi 1999 60
serve on the city ofglasgowsocial inclusion partnership and on
they ignore the city ofglasgowthe biggest city in scotland
2000 donald gorrie s1m 863glasgowthe caring city international relief
s1m 993 dorothy grace elderglasgowthe caring city international relief
aid that the parliament congratulatesglasgowthe caring city international relief
embodiment of the city ofglasgowthey may pick on easy
40 1 million allocated toglasgowunder the city growth fund
40 1 million allocated toglasgowunder the city growth fund
reached the city centre mrglasgowwas still on the bus
areas of the city inglasgowwho are connected with the
pauline mcneill s1m 3168 1glasgowairport lodged on 10 june
the consultation arrangements for theglasgowharbour development s1w 24768 pauline
pauline mcneill fire safety atglasgowroyal infirmary that the parliament
1334 pauline mcneill funding ofglasgows museums and galleries thursday
the beatson oncology unit inglasgows1w 22119 pauline mcneill to
glasgow snp against aitken billglasgowcon alexander ms wendy paisley
scotland snp against aitken billglasgowcon alexander ms wendy paisley
scotland snp against aitken billglasgowcon alexander ms wendy paisley
glasgow snp against aitken billglasgowcon alexander ms wendy paisley
scotland snp aitken william mackieglasgowcon alexander wendy paisley north
east scotland snp aitken billglasgowcon campbell colin west of
east scotland snp aitken billglasgowcon campbell colin west of
east scotland snp aitken billglasgowcon campbell colin west of
east scotland snp aitken billglasgowcon campbell colin west of
east scotland snp aitken billglasgowcon campbell colin west of
east scotland snp aitken billglasgowcon campbell colin west of
central scotland snp bill aitkenglasgowcon george lyon argyll and
and islands snp bill aitkenglasgowcon ms sandra white glasgow
east scotland snp bill aitkenglasgowcon robert brown glasgow ld
snp committee substitutes robert brownglasgowld angus mackay edinburgh south
snp committee members robert brownglasgowld cathie craigie cumbernauld and
white glasgow snp robert brownglasgowld mrs lyndsay mcintosh central
of scotland snp robert brownglasgowld the following members took
scotland snp white ms sandraglasgowsnp against aitken bill glasgow
scotland snp white ms sandraglasgowsnp against aitken bill glasgow
off stage dorothy grace elderglasgowsnp and everybody dies donald
west ld ms sandra whiteglasgowsnp attended the followingmember also
fife ld ms sandra whiteglasgowsnp attended witnesses tony gallagher
west ld ms sandra whiteglasgowsnp cathy jamieson carrick cumnock
deputy convener ms sandra whiteglasgowsnp committee members brian adam
deputy convener mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp committee members robert brown
fife ld ms sandra whiteglasgowsnp committee substitutes robert brown
of scotland mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp does mr rumbles accept
it is dorothy grace elderglasgowsnp does the first minister
glasgow con ms sandra whiteglasgowsnp donald gorrie central scotland
committee members dorothy grace elderglasgowsnp dr winnie ewing highlands
lothians con elder dorothy graceglasgowsnp ewing dr winnie highlands
lothians con elder dorothy graceglasgowsnp ewing dr winnie highlands
lothians con elder dorothy graceglasgowsnp ewing dr winnie highlands
perth snp elder dorothy graceglasgowsnp ewing dr winnie highlands
perth snp elder dorothy graceglasgowsnp ewing dr winnie highlands
perth snp elder dorothy graceglasgowsnp ewing dr winnie highlands
perth snp elder dorothy graceglasgowsnp ewing dr winnie highlands
lothians con elder dorothy graceglasgowsnp ewing dr winnie highlands
perth snp elder dorothy graceglasgowsnp ewing dr winnie highlands
division for elder dorothy graceglasgowsnp gallie phil south of
scotland con gibson kenneth jamesglasgowsnp gillon karen macdonald clydesdale
scotland con gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp goldie miss annabel west
scotland con gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp goldie miss annabel west
fife con gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp goldie miss annabel west
scotland con gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp goldie miss annabel west
scotland con gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp goldie miss annabel west
scotland con gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp goldie miss annabel west
scotland snp gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp grahame christine south of
scotland snp gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp grahame christine south of
scotland con gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp grahame christine south of
scotland snp gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp grahame christine south of
scotland snp gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp grahame christine south of
scotland snp gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp grahame christine south of
scotland snp gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp grahame christine south of
scotland snp gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp grahame christine south of
scotland snp gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp grahame christine south of
scotland snp gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp grahame christine south of
scotland snp gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp grahame christine south of
scotland snp gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp grahame christine south of
scotland snp gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp grahame christine south of
scotland snp gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp grahame christine south of
scotland snp gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp grahame christine south of
scotland snp gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp grahame christine south of
with her ms sandra whiteglasgowsnp i am looking forward
10 45 mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp i commend you on
to teachers dorothy grace elderglasgowsnp i congratulate you on
be wary ms sandra whiteglasgowsnp i congratulate you on
is suggesting dorothy grace elderglasgowsnp i counsel caution from
17 52 dorothy grace elderglasgowsnp i have much enjoyed
11 54 mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp i pay tribute to
17 27 ms sandra whiteglasgowsnp i take this opportunity
15 21 mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp i warmly welcome this
been decided ms sandra whiteglasgowsnp i was the member
scotland snp gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp ingram mr adam south
scotland snp gibson mr kennethglasgowsnp ingram mr adam south
fife con dorothy grace elderglasgowsnp irene mcgugan north east
s1m 570 mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp milk in schools that
utterly wrong dorothy grace elderglasgowsnp mr galbraith is in
scotland con dorothy grace elderglasgowsnp mr jamie stone caithness
ross ld ms sandra whiteglasgowsnp mr john swinney north
margaret curran mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp mr keith harding mid
jackie baillie mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp mrs lyndsay mcintosh central
scotland snp mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp mrs margaret ewing moray
also attended dorothy grace elderglasgowsnp mrs margaret smith edinburgh
16 09 mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp never is a long
real terms mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp never mr davidson never
hugh henry mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp new national qualifications statement
16 07 mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp nurses now take on
question time mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp on a point of
sarah boyack mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp personal care for the
immediate future dorothy grace elderglasgowsnp thank you malcolm for
09 53 mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp that was a nice
fife con mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp the deputy minister for
11 54 ms sandra whiteglasgowsnp the minister said at
11 57 ms sandra whiteglasgowsnp the minister said that
10 42 mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp the snp warmly welcomes
sharp answer dorothy grace elderglasgowsnp the witnesses may have
pay 5 mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp to ask the first
agency 4 ms sandra whiteglasgowsnp to ask the scottish
s1w 9246 mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp to ask the scottish
s1w 9247 mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp to ask the scottish
poverty 7 mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp to ask the scottish
10 51 mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp we have seen a
amendment 5 ms sandra whiteglasgowsnp when we discussed the
angus snp white ms sandraglasgowsnp whitefield karen airdrie and
totally irresponsible mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp will the minister give
scottish executive mr kenneth gibsonglasgowsnp will the minister give
financial year dorothy grace elderglasgowsnp will the minister give
angus snp white ms sandraglasgowsnp wilson andrew central scotland
angus snp white ms sandraglasgowsnp wilson andrew central scotland
angus snp white ms sandraglasgowsnp wilson andrew central scotland
angus snp white ms sandraglasgowsnp wilson andrew central scotland
angus snp white ms sandraglasgowsnp wilson andrew central scotland
angus snp white ms sandraglasgowsnp wilson andrew central scotland
angus snp white ms sandraglasgowsnp wilson andrew central scotland
angus snp white ms sandraglasgowsnp wilson andrew central scotland
angus snp white ms sandraglasgowsnp wilson andrew central scotland
angus snp white ms sandraglasgowsnp wilson andrew central scotland
angus snp white ms sandraglasgowsnp wilson andrew central scotland
angus snp white ms sandraglasgowsnp wilson andrew central scotland
and fife ld bill aitkenglasgowcon colin campbell west of
and kincardine ld bill aitkenglasgowcon linda fabiani central scotland
aitken glasgow con robert brownglasgowld cathie craigie cumbernauld and
the service users robert brownglasgowld does linda fabiani think
action 17 33 robert brownglasgowld i add my welcome
upon the officials robert brownglasgowld i am bound to
speakers 10 30 robert brownglasgowld i apologise for arriving
future 15 39 robert brownglasgowld i hesitate to follow
it 10 15 robert brownglasgowld i start by adding
chisholm s letter robert brownglasgowld i too welcome the
central scotland con robert brownglasgowld karen whitefield airdrie and
central scotland con robert brownglasgowld karen whitefield airdrie and
the sector more robert brownglasgowld there has been quite
clock 11 57 robert brownglasgowld this has been a
benefit truancy 12 robert brownglasgowld to ask the scottish
of s1m 3580 bill aitkenglasgowacute health services review for
a division for aitken billglasgowcon alexander ms wendy paisley
a division for aitken billglasgowcon alexander ms wendy paisley
a division for aitken billglasgowcon alexander ms wendy paisley
members 11 15 bill aitkenglasgowcon as the minister rather
a division for aitken billglasgowcon campbell colin west of
a division for aitken billglasgowcon davidson mr david north
a division for aitken billglasgowcon douglas hamilton lord james
a division for aitken billglasgowcon douglas hamilton lord james
elsewhere 11 30 bill aitkenglasgowcon i congratulate the social
could be resolved bill aitkenglasgowcon i would like to
listen 11 53 bill aitkenglasgowcon let us be clear
took the oath bill aitkenglasgowcon ms wendy alexander paisley
issues 16 40 bill aitkenglasgowcon perhaps uncharacteristically i agree
on the list bill aitkenglasgowcon the problem is that
bill aitken bus corridors inglasgowthat the parliament notes the
s1m 3306 tommy sheridan greaterglasgowacute services review that the
executive how much funding greaterglasgowand clyde valley tourist board
local authorities within the greaterglasgowand clyde valley tourist board
financial support given to greaterglasgowand clyde valley tourist board
executive how much funding greaterglasgowand clyde valley tourist board
which local authorities within greaterglasgowand clyde valley tourist board
financial support given to greaterglasgowand clyde valley tourist board
executive how much funding greaterglasgowand clyde valley tourist board
the decision made by greaterglasgowand clyde valley tourist board
mike mccarron addiction team greaterglasgowdrug action team co ordinator
parliament to make the greaterglasgowhealth board accountable to the
scottish parliament to make greaterglasgowhealth board acountable to the
petition to the executive greaterglasgowhealth board and lothian health
tom divers chief executive greaterglasgowhealth board and tim davison
2001 se 2001 176 greaterglasgowhealth board annual accounts 2000
be sold in the greaterglasgowhealth board area and what
been sold in the greaterglasgowhealth board area since 1981
secure unit in the greaterglasgowhealth board area since the
review in the nhs greaterglasgowhealth board area supports the
of population by the greaterglasgowhealth board at 31 march
by the chairman of greaterglasgowhealth board before appointments were
funding made available to greaterglasgowhealth board has been allocated
executive with regard to greaterglasgowhealth board how many non
of public health at greaterglasgowhealth board in the letter
the drug at all greaterglasgowhealth board indicated that it
s health co ordinator greaterglasgowhealth board mike mccarron addiction
that the parliament notes greaterglasgowhealth board s decision to
all aspects of the greaterglasgowhealth board s plans to
executive board members to greaterglasgowhealth board since 1 july
executive board members to greaterglasgowhealth board since 1 july
executive board members to greaterglasgowhealth board since 1 july
infection and environmental health greaterglasgowhealth board the national radiological
was before the parliament greaterglasgowhealth board took a decision
executive how much money greaterglasgowhealth board transferred from capital
put forward by the greaterglasgowhealth board under its health
may 2002 and in greaterglasgowin november it now provides
greater degree of power involvementglasgowit is clear that many
the funding from the greaterglasgownhs board and the executive
of nhs services in greaterglasgownhs board area that the
approve the plans of greaterglasgownhs board for the future
approve the plans of greaterglasgownhs board on the future
care to support the greaterglasgownhs board plan for acute
explains the difference between greaterglasgownhs board s area and
proposed secure unit in greaterglasgownhs board s area members
full support in encouraging greaterglasgownhs board to expedite work
tim davison chief executive greaterglasgowpct malcolm chisholm msp minister
ssi 2001 350 the greaterglasgowprimary care national health service
1999 se 2000 131 greaterglasgowprimary care nhs trust annual
an all party meeting inglasgowi believe that robert brown
june s1m 75 robert brownglasgownew housing partnership that the
comes from robert brown mspglasgows1m 2844 scottish sub post
illiteracy amongst young adults inglasgows1w 28579 robert brown to
has been committed to theglasgowscience centre s1w 28573 robert
1 robert brown rector ofglasgowuniversity as an amendment to
professor sheila mclean university ofglasgow3 abolition of poindings and
inclusion mphil dissertation university ofglasgow5 para 2 97 education
in social work university ofglasgowand bill whyte director criminal
child and society university ofglasgowand children 1st for the
r j lyall university ofglasgowand dr j l robinson
out at the university ofglasgowand we have been invited
literature at the university ofglasgowas a very young student
man of affairs university ofglasgowavenue no 19 january http
slightly lighter and university ofglasgowbag this last item was
and carrying a university ofglasgowbag when we parted i
presented to the university ofglasgowby whistler s heir rosalind
been used once to establishglasgowcaledonian university in this instance
undertaken at institutions such asglasgowcaledonian university which is in
council and the university ofglasgowcavani and birks 1998 the
question taken from university ofglasgowdegree of m a with
question taken from university ofglasgowdegree of m a with
britain and the university ofglasgowfor financial support icehl 12
belyaevo metro underpass university ofglasgowhe said reading my bag
oldfather s1m 2015 university ofglasgowhonours course in scottish politics
cunningham s1m 2015 university ofglasgowhonours course in scottish politics
here in the university ofglasgowi d love to say
studies at the university ofglasgowin preparing an edition of
her days in university inglasgow[laugh] [laugh] which m1007: oh
of employment relations university ofglasgowmichael fuller regional officer manufacturing
here at the university ofglasgowmore than twenty years ago
queen margaret union university ofglasgowon behalf of the union
affairs of the university ofglasgows1m 1248 fiona mcleod macmillan
english historical linguistics university ofglasgowscotland wednesday august 21 monday
raffan s1m 3115 university ofglasgowscottish politics course lodged on
research and enterprise university ofglasgowsir alan langlands chairman scottish
queen margaret union university ofglasgowthe president of the queen
hunterian art gallery university ofglasgowto mark the centenary of
professor of politics university ofglasgowtricia marwick msp alyn smith
literature at the university ofglasgowunder professor sir walter raleigh
in formal writing in theglasgowuniversity accounts of the provision
therefore supports the students ofglasgowuniversity and calls for his
the common table 1639 46glasgowuniversity archives 2763 oat bread
as honorary president of theglasgowuniversity dialectic society lodged on
he s a lecturer atglasgowuniversity f951: oh right john
ssi 2001 361 the southglasgowuniversity hospitals national health service
ssi 2001 359 the northglasgowuniversity hospitals national health service
general for scotland on northglasgowuniversity hospitals nhs trust annual
to any parliamentary procedure southglasgowuniversity hospitals nhs trust annual
general for scotland on southglasgowuniversity hospitals nhs trust annual
2000 se 2000 121 northglasgowuniversity hospitals nhs trust annual
health spending in the northglasgowuniversity hospitals nhs trust area
divisional general manager at southglasgowuniversity hospitals nhs trust dorothy
into a complaint against southglasgowuniversity hospitals nhs trust s
from james miller of southglasgowuniversity hospitals nhs trust to
2000 se 2000 137 southglasgowuniversity hospitals nhs trusts annual
horizon an edinburgh celebration ofglasgowuniversity in ej cowan and
the position of rector ofglasgowuniversity is one that carries
scottish history and literature atglasgowuniversity its early vernacular circles
was it just you knowglasgowuniversity itself that you wanted
speiled climbed gilmorehill site ofglasgowuniversity lear learning embro college
a question taen fae daglasgowuniversity literary theory exam o
a question taken from theglasgowuniversity literary theory exam of
department of english literature atglasgowuniversity maley senior plans to
catching and fish processing sectorsglasgowuniversity of strathclyde international council
including the mackintosh house atglasgowuniversity scotland street school queen
yet unfinished research project atglasgowuniversity since i can t
walk from the cathedral toglasgowuniversity so i m a
the student body and thatglasgowuniversity students representative council as
ms sandra white rector ofglasgowuniversity that the parliament agrees
department of naval architecture atglasgowuniversity the loss of the
and then i went toglasgowuniversity then i went to
you did you study atglasgowuniversity u1028: [cough] f951: eh
case you d studied atglasgowuniversity we might ha- could
views of many students ofglasgowuniversity who are calling for
you enjoy most about ehglasgowuniversity working with the students
on stage one man exhibitionsglasgowuniversity writer in residence consulting
scotland con dorothy grace elderglasgowind christine grahame south of
con abstentions elder dorothy graceglasgowind harper robin lothians grn
falkirk west elder dorothy graceglasgowind ewing dr winnie highlands
an offence dorothy grace elderglasgowind i can confirm that
naldrett yes dorothy grace elderglasgowind is the executive taking
11 34 dorothy grace elderglasgowind many visions have floated
disease 5 dorothy grace elderglasgowind now to dying people
margo macdonald dorothy grace elderglasgowind rose the presiding officer
offenders 11 dorothy grace elderglasgowind to ask the scottish
cardiac transplant patient unit atglasgowroyal infirmary s1w 7162 dorothy
programme of secondary schools inglasgows1w 19436 dorothy grace elder
programme of secondary schools inglasgows1w 19437 dorothy grace elder
secure unit at stobhill hospitalglasgows1w 1950 dorothy grace elder
landfill site in mount vernonglasgows1w 7159 dorothy grace elder
in children s homes inglasgows1w 9207 dorothy grace elder
in children s homes inglasgows1w 9208 dorothy grace elder
elder nora radcliffe s1m 3580glasgowacute health services review lodged
grace elder potential bankruptcy ofglasgowrape crisis centre that the
grace elder potential bankruptcy ofglasgowrape crisis centre that the
grace elder lottery funds forglasgowzoo and other tourist attractions
2000 tommy sheridan s1m 1049glasgowairport direct rail link lodged
sheridan s1m 1286 tommy sheridanglasgowlight rail scheme that the
s1m 2904 tommy sheridan improvingglasgows council homes without a
war on iraq demonstration inglasgows1m 3811 tommy sheridan support
johnston s1m 1127 tommy sheridanglasgowschools pfi that the parliament
tommy sheridan flood victims inglasgowthat the parliament believes that
s1m 1049 ms sandra whiteglasgowairport direct rail link that
sandra white future development ofglasgowairport that the parliament notes
s1m 1236 ms sandra whiteglasgowand west coast of scotland
s1m 1236 ms sandra whiteglasgowand west coast of scotland
s1m 1121 ms sandra whiteglasgownorth south rail link that
s1m 1121 ms sandra whiteglasgownorth south rail link that
brown s1m 3654 victim supportglasgowlodged on 27 november 2002
edinburgh argyll and bute andglasgowa fair amount of development
people sitting in edinburgh orglasgowabout what is best for
the scottish executive when aglasgowairport and b edinburgh airport
links to edinburgh airport andglasgowairport and who will be
including links to edinburgh andglasgowairports begin construction work on
rail links to edinburgh andglasgowairports what funding the sra
to link london with edinburghglasgowand aberdeen to shrink journey
by the universities of edinburghglasgowand aberdeen with the appointment
give to museums in aglasgowand b edinburgh in 2000
highland east renfrewshire inverclyde edinburghglasgowand campeltown young people from
with tenants in edinburgh andglasgowand conducted interviews by telephone
in great need from edinburghglasgowand dumfries local authorities in
rail build rail links toglasgowand edinburgh airports abolish tolls
links including rail links toglasgowand edinburgh airports and encouraging
worked in the universities ofglasgowand edinburgh but also aberdeen
such issues the authorities inglasgowand edinburgh in particular have
like m811: mm f812: fromglasgowand edinburgh like even just
have foreign students comin toglasgowand edinburgh m865: mmhm mmhm
england and wales arrived inglasgowand edinburgh on saturday to
the cause the centres ofglasgowand edinburgh this morning after
owners and make them applyglasgowand edinburgh were moving down
lane highway between edinburgh andglasgowand of dedicating the additional
local authorities such as edinburghglasgowand south lanarkshire in this
described as ancient aberdeen edinburghglasgowand st andrews the four
be argued that edinburgh andglasgoware special cases in respect
as those in edinburgh andglasgoware tackling the issue with
recently published reports edinburgh andglasgowcompetitiveness and cohesion and the
were held in aberdeen edinburghglasgowdumfries and galloway stornoway and
on public exhibition in edinburghglasgowdumfries inverness aberdeen dundee and
lack of electronic infrastructure outsideglasgowedinburgh and aberdeen is becoming
the cultural arts magazine forglasgowedinburgh and [inaudible] bits in
ye would hear them fromglasgowedinburgh borders ye know anywhere
clubs in the centres ofglasgowedinburgh dundee aberdeen perth and
provided in the four citiesglasgowedinburgh dundee and aberdeen not
in dundee edinburgh fife andglasgowfor the annual number of
metro systems for edinburgh andglasgowfor the latter area exploring
uk visitors to edinburgh andglasgowfrom 16 to 24 however
edinburgh were in the runningglasgowgot it the english minister
edinburgh the non existence ofglasgowi think it s a
in aiberdeen or edinburgh orglasgowm865: mmhm mmhm mmhm f951:
other than in edinburgh andglasgowoften disbanded or suspended the
its activities outwith edinburgh andglasgowon a regular basis would
be nice f606: what inglasgowor edinburgh in dunoon f889:
offices at aberdeen dundee edinburghglasgowpaisley and hamilton which are
scotland edinburgh college of artglasgowschool of art and the
participating universities aberdeen dundee edinburghglasgowst andrews and stirling showed
social class and education aglasgowstudy edinburgh e u p
i would contend that theglasgowto edinburgh route is also
is not applied to theglasgowto edinburgh route pixc applies
with the train service fromglasgowto edinburgh we started off
english language at edinburgh andglasgowuniversities it is understandable that
of spending outwith edinburgh andglasgowwas taken as an indicator
half way between edinburgh andglasgowwhere 29 of the inhabitants
scotland ltd edinburgh glass murrayglasgowwith denton corker marshall international

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