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position of also being supremegovernorof the church of england
which the sovereign is supremegovernortherefore the act does not
whom the sovereign is supremegovernorwhile the relationship with the
with trays in the britishgovernors mansion 300 dollars a
worry mount lavinia former britishgovernors mansion sipping iced tea
that jail to see thegovernori m going to write
runs the jail when thegovernoris not available or is
prison low moss that thegovernorhad commissioned research that will
the research commissioned by thegovernorof hm prison low moss
of the statement by thegovernorof hm prison low moss
sir robert smith bbc nationalgovernorfor scotland and chair broadcasting
sir robert smith bbc nationalgovernorfor scotland and chair broadcasting
appointment of a new nationalgovernorfor scotland of the bbc
of the new bbc nationalgovernorfor scotland prior to a
michael russell appointment of bbcgovernorfor scotland that the parliament
i was only an assistantgovernorand newly trained and full
had when i was assistantgovernorhere all those years ago
supervises it and the assistantgovernorwho takes responsibility for it
have been given to thegovernorof hm prison barlinnie in
the prisoners and to thegovernorhimself for if we have
to some prisoners if agovernorused his discretion to allow
scottish executive how long thegovernorof each prison establishment had
notify the appellant and thegovernorof the prison where the
it is suggested that agovernorcould turn a blind eye
g who will never begovernorand has been faithful to
officer s own views thegovernorgives me a free hand
prosperous businessman horticulturist and eventualgovernorof oĆ­ahu during queen lili
it he had been agovernorof mallorca and by the
an e ballies o egovernorwis careerin roon tee stoppin
for girning remember what thegovernorsaid about owing it to

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