
See this word as a collocate cloud

cathy peattie michael russell rhodagrantalex neil cathy jamieson cathie
grace elder nora radcliffe rhodagrantalex neil mr adam ingram
trish godman robert brown rhodagrantandrew wilson robin harper ms
fiona mcleod s1m 3962 rhodagrantarjo wiggins development of heat
pork and so on rhodagrantat the moment a percentage
paul martin johann lamont rhodagrantbill butler helen eadie rhona
parents in various places rhodagrantcan you expand on that
fergus ewing alex fergusson rhodagrantcathy jamieson alex johnstone convener
phil gallie mary scanlon rhodagrantcathy jamieson cathy peattie richard
pauline mcneill elaine smith rhodagrantcathy peattie euan robson mr
margaret jamieson marilyn livingstone rhodagrantcathy peattie linda fabiani dennis
hamilton mr jamie stone rhodagrantcathy peattie mr john mcallion
fergus ewing mary scanlon rhodagrantchristine grahame henry mcleish elaine
fiona mcleod maureen macmillan rhodagrantchristine grahame mr keith raffan
robert brown nicola sturgeon rhodagrantcolin campbell dr winnie ewing
because of the charge rhodagrantcould he not afford to
detailed comments in writing rhodagrantcould we ask the law
give us more powers rhodagrantcould we ask the petitioner
irene mcgugan s1m 284 rhodagrantdangers of fireworks that the
maureen macmillan robin harper rhodagrantdavid mundell mr murray tosh
the wishes of parents rhodagrantdo the teachers hand out
david davidson cathy jamieson rhodagrantdonald gorrie mr murray tosh
trish godman robin harper rhodagrantdr elaine murray tommy sheridan
gil paterson trish godman rhodagrantfiona hyslop dr elaine murray
chisholm ms margaret curran rhodagrantgordon jackson ian jenkins johann
people to think again rhodagranthave any of the materials
back to that later rhodagranthighlands and islands lab before
the question of enforcement rhodagranthighlands and islands lab both
i call rhoda grant rhodagranthighlands and islands lab can
be met 16 37 rhodagranthighlands and islands lab i
gorrie central scotland ld rhodagranthighlands and islands lab iain
across the public sector rhodagranthighlands and islands lab in
there has not been rhodagranthighlands and islands lab is
south of scotland con rhodagranthighlands and islands lab john
highlands and islands snp rhodagranthighlands and islands lab mr
north east scotland con rhodagranthighlands and islands lab mr
south of scotland con rhodagranthighlands and islands lab richard
lochaber snp committee members rhodagranthighlands and islands lab richard
special educational needs 11 rhodagranthighlands and islands lab to
wilkie we hope so rhodagranthow long would there be
persistent unemployment supported by rhodagranthugh henry george lyon cathy
for the first stage rhodagranti agree however in considering
not like the conclusion rhodagranti am concerned that if
that has already happened rhodagranti am not sure that
of the councils involved rhodagranti have taken a note
for agriculture 14 30 rhodagranti return to stewart stevenson
to get its views rhodagranti suggest that we contact
120 million a year rhodagranti understand that there will
would be a problem rhodagranti want to ask for
member of the committee rhodagranti will propose him the
the issue by letter rhodagrantif the minister cannot attend
report by 13 november rhodagrantin a ministerial statement that
business of sexual activity rhodagrantin your answer you said
by mr alex fergusson rhodagrantirene mcgugan cathy peattie mrs
winnie ewing phil gallie rhodagrantjohn farquhar munro the meeting
also present david davidson rhodagrantjohn munro part and mary
eadie mrs margaret ewing rhodagrantkate maclean mr alex neil
gil paterson christine grahame rhodagrantmalcolm chisholm dr elaine murray
long term supported by rhodagrantmalcolm chisholm elaine thomson mr
supported by michael russell rhodagrantmalcolm chisholm scott barrie ms
michael mcmahon des mcnulty rhodagrantmargaret smith maureen macmillan trish
cathy jamieson cathy peattie rhodagrantmaureen macmillan fiona hyslop nicola
kate maclean duncan mcneil rhodagrantmaureen macmillan karen whitefield scott
duncan hamilton robin harper rhodagrantmaureen macmillan mary scanlon s1m
on 4 december 2000 rhodagrantmaureen macmillan mr jamie stone
mary mulligan pauline mcneill rhodagrantmaureen macmillan mr jamie stone
thomson mrs margaret ewing rhodagrantmaureen macmillan mr robin harper
hamilton ms sandra white rhodagrantmaureen macmillan nick johnston fiona
on 24 november 2000 rhodagrantmaureen macmillan s1m 1392 proposal
mcnulty dr elaine murray rhodagrantmaureen macmillan s1m 1411 nations
december 2000 des mcnulty rhodagrantmaureen macmillan s1m 1439 less
wilson dorothy grace elder rhodagrantmichael matheson alex neil mr
7 november supported by rhodagrantmichael russell mr brian monteith
lord james douglas hamilton rhodagrantmike watson mr kenny macaskill
on 15 november 2002 rhodagrantmr adam ingram maureen macmillan
sheridan ms sandra white rhodagrantmr alex neil ms elaine
mulligan mr jamie stone rhodagrantmr brian monteith cathy jamieson
supported by donald gorrie rhodagrantmr brian monteith dr richard
jamie stone fiona mcleod rhodagrantmr duncan hamilton mary scanlon
radcliffe ms pauline mcneill rhodagrantmr duncan mcneil robert brown
thomson mr george reid rhodagrantmr john mcallion elaine smith
donald gorrie maureen macmillan rhodagrantmr john munro mr jamie
kenneth gibson christine grahame rhodagrantmr keith harding gordon jackson
brian fitzpatrick trish godman rhodagrantmr keith harding janis hughes
donald gorrie christine grahame rhodagrantmr lloyd quinan fiona hyslop
donald gorrie christine grahame rhodagrantmr lloyd quinan michael russell
helen eadie hugh henry rhodagrantmr michael mcmahon malcolm chisholm
john munro maureen macmillan rhodagrantmr mike rumbles george lyon
alex fergusson cathy peattie rhodagrantnora radcliffe dr elaine murray
shona robison s1m 1099 rhodagrantoil rig fabrication industry that
in developing organic farming rhodagrantone of my concerns with
elaine thomson maureen macmillan rhodagrantpauline mcneill margaret jamieson dr
february 2000 christine grahame rhodagrantpauline mcneill s1m 546 chinook
grants and i call rhodagrantrhoda grant highlands and islands
gorrie donald central scotland ldgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
gorrie donald central scotland ldgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
gorrie donald central scotland ldgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
gorrie donald central scotland ldgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
gorrie donald central scotland ldgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
gorrie donald central scotland ldgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
gorrie donald central scotland ldgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
gorrie donald central scotland ldgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
gorrie donald central scotland ldgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
annabel west of scotland congrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
gorrie donald central scotland ldgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
godman trish west renfrewshire labgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
godman trish west renfrewshire labgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
christine south of scotland snpgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
gorrie donald central scotland ldgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
gorrie donald central scotland ldgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
gorrie donald central scotland ldgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
south of scotland con againstgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
gorrie donald central scotland ldgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
gorrie donald central scotland ldgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
gorrie donald central scotland ldgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
gorrie donald central scotland ldgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
christine south of scotland snpgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
gorrie donald central scotland ldgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
gorrie donald central scotland ldgrantrhoda highlands and islands lab
present alex fergusson convener rhodagrantrichard lochhead mr jamie mcgrigor
mary mulligan trish godman rhodagrantrobin harper margaret smith mr
radcliffe mr jamie stone rhodagrantrobin harper mr kenny macaskill
donald gorrie michael russell rhodagrants1m 1037 colin campbell support
tavish scott maureen macmillan rhodagrants1m 2367 outdoor access for
wilson mr michael mcmahon rhodagrants1m 278 alasdair morgan scottish
on 23 december 2002 rhodagrants1m 3733 christmas card recycling
wendy alexander alex fergusson rhodagrantsarah boyack bristow muldoon maureen
wendy alexander alex fergusson rhodagrantsarah boyack bristow muldoon maureen
elaine murray tommy sheridan rhodagrantscott barrie cathy peattie trish
malcolm chisholm michael russell rhodagrantscott barrie dr winnie ewing
malcolm chisholm michael russell rhodagrantscott barrie dr winnie ewing
hughes dr richard simpson rhodagrantscott barrie margaret jamieson hugh
out a parallel inquiry rhodagrantsuggested that we contact all
fiona mcleod s1m 350 rhodagrantsupport for oil fabrication workers
members for their approval rhodagrantthat is fine the convener
in the name of rhodagrantthat the parliament notes the
had to be slaughtered rhodagrantthe instrument will change that
would cost considerably less rhodagrantthe matter is about striking
decisions that affect them rhodagrantthe minister will be aware
located s1f 254 6 rhodagrantto ask the first minister
cabinet s1f 2447 3 rhodagrantto ask the first minister
ballot s1o 4896 18 rhodagrantto ask the scottish executive
s schools s1w 6040 rhodagrantto ask the scottish executive
september 2000 s1w 9824 rhodagrantto ask the scottish executive
ambulance s1o 4709 5 rhodagrantto ask the scottish executive
education s1o 5415 15 rhodagrantto ask the scottish executive
exclusion s1o 1509 6 rhodagrantto ask the scottish executive
standards s1o 5846 18 rhodagrantto ask the scottish executive
in place s1w 7673 rhodagrantto ask the scottish executive
this assistance s1w 1154 rhodagrantto ask the scottish executive
urban areas s1w 10890 rhodagrantto ask the scottish executive
rural areas s1w 7675 rhodagrantto ask the scottish executive
rural areas s1w 7674 rhodagrantto ask the scottish executive
margaret jamieson trish godman rhodagranttommy sheridan dr richard simpson
alasdair morgan michael matheson rhodagranttommy sheridan mary scanlon s1m
mulligan ms sandra white rhodagranttricia marwick andrew wilson robin
radcliffe mr jamie stone rhodagranttricia marwick robin harper ms
brown mr jamie stone rhodagranttricia marwick robin harper ms
alasdair morgan maureen macmillan rhodagranttrish godman mr duncan hamilton
indicated agreement 16 30 rhodagrantwhen we contact the law
total budget when calculating theirgrantaided expenditure allocations for a
percentage increase when calculating theirgrantaided expenditure allocations for a
than in line with currentgrantaided expenditure allocations s1w 23101
of the elderly expenditure againstgrantaided expenditure and resource transfer
it provides financial support throughgrantaided expenditure or other mechanisms
made of each local authoritiesgrantaided expenditure requirements for roads
the scottish executive what thegrantaided expenditure settlement for a
money in addition to thegrantaided expenditure settlement it has
into fife the level ofgrantaided expenditure there will rise
withdraw direct financial support tograntaided special needs schools will
s eps s application forgrantaided status be granted committee
grant report no 1 specialgrantfor scotland asylum seeker assistance
grant report no 1 specialgrantfor scotland asylum seeker assistance
grant report no 1 specialgrantfor scotland asylum seeker assistance
grant report no 1 specialgrantfor scotland asylum seeker assistance
grant report no 1 specialgrantfor scotland asylum seeker assistance
grant report no 1 specialgrantfor scotland asylum seeker assistance
grant report no 1 specialgrantfor scotland asylum seeker assistance
grant report no 1 specialgrantfor scotland asylum seeker assistance
grant report no 1 specialgrantfor scotland asylum seekers report
grant report no 1 specialgrantfor scotland asylum seekers report
grant report no 2 specialgrantfor scotland kosovan evacuees report
grant report no 2 specialgrantfor scotland kosovan evacuees report
grant report no 2 specialgrantfor scotland kosovan evacuees report
grant report no 2 specialgrantfor scotland kosovan evacuees report
grant report no 2 specialgrantfor scotland kosovan evacuees report
5 special grant report ongrantin aid of expenditure on
3 special grant report ongrantin aid of expenditure on
4 special grant report ongrantin aid of expenditure on
3 special grant report ongrantin aid of expenditure on
3 special grant report ongrantin aid of expenditure on
3 special grant report ongrantin aid of expenditure on
3 special grant report ongrantin aid of expenditure on
agrees that the following specialgrantreport be approved special grant
dt 9 approval of specialgrantreport euan robson on behalf
following instrument be approved specialgrantreport in aid of expenditure
2002 8 february 2002 specialgrantreport no 1 special grant
parliament in consideration of specialgrantreport no 1 special grant
by 2 march 2003 specialgrantreport no 1 special grant
to approval by resolution specialgrantreport no 1 special grant
to approval by resolution specialgrantreport no 1 special grant
january 2001 rural development specialgrantreport no 1 special grant
february 2002 social justice specialgrantreport no 1 special grant
by 2 march 2003 specialgrantreport no 1 special grant
s1m 560 iain gray specialgrantreport no 1 special grant
by 2 march 2003 specialgrantreport no 1 special grant
10 14 february 2000 specialgrantreport no 2 special grant
s1m 561 iain gray specialgrantreport no 2 special grant
parliament in consideration of specialgrantreport no 2 special grant
january 2001 local government specialgrantreport no 2 special grant
10 14 february 2000 specialgrantreport no 2 special grant
lead committee affirmative instruments specialgrantreport no 3 special grant
parliament agrees that the specialgrantreport no 3 special grant
of the parliamentary bureau specialgrantreport no 3 special grant
grant report be approved specialgrantreport no 3 special grant
to approval by resolution specialgrantreport no 3 special grant
june 2001 justice 2 specialgrantreport no 4 and guidance
health and community care specialgrantreport no 4 and guidance
june 2001 justice 2 specialgrantreport no 4 and guidance
for approval by resolution specialgrantreport no 4 and guidance
transport and the environment specialgrantreport no 4 special grant
transport and the environment specialgrantreport no 5 special grant
grant report no 4 specialgrantreport on grant in aid
grant report no 5 specialgrantreport on grant in aid
grant report no 3 specialgrantreport on grant in aid
grant report no 3 specialgrantreport on grant in aid
grant report no 3 specialgrantreport on grant in aid
grant report no 3 specialgrantreport on grant in aid
grant report no 3 specialgrantreport on grant in aid
moosie mr grant sir mrgranta mouse edward vermin a
awards granted for freight facilitiesgrantand track access grant schemes
of anglo scottish freight facilitiesgrantand track access grant schemes
good morning mr grant mrgrantbe seated johnston give out
girls children good morning mrgrantmr grant be seated johnston
facilities grant and track accessgrantschemes awards s1w 33305 mr
facilities grant and track accessgrantschemes in 2001 02 depended
proudly a wee moosie mrgrantsir mr grant a mouse
foot packs and they receivegrantaid administered by the scottish
contribution snh also propose thatgrantaid could be sought from
what the proportion is ofgrantaid distributed by the scottish
any new borrowing or additionalgrantaid from the scottish executive
happening the scottish executive providesgrantaid of more than 100
the scottish executive why thegrantin aid allocation for educational
of 19 5million from governmentgrantin aid and 5million from
executive whether it intends tograntthe scottish legal aid board
give you more of agrantmaureen moore that is what
the working group that richardgrantalluded to earlier as he
in the preparation of suchgrantapplications s1w 34840 richard lochhead
above that minimum standard richardgrantas a general principle we
may come into it richardgrantat the moment resources for
should there be guidance richardgrantbill aitken is right to
before des mcnulty perhaps richardgrantcan give you more information
the scheme des mcnulty richardgrantcan talk about the detail
funding by the executive richardgrantdo you mean money that
operation of tenant organisations richardgrantdo you mean the balance
should have been made richardgranti am sorry i did
a recipe for conflict richardgranti need to check the
disparate groups in society richardgranti will make a couple
are you considering that richardgrantlinda fabiani raises two issues
been managing the process richardgrantmembers might recall that we
home in des mcnulty richardgrantmight be able to add
to insist on that richardgrantno i am sorry i
want to add anything richardgrantno they will come in
dictation from the centre richardgranton whether we should exempt
to you on that richardgrantperhaps i can explain further
committee to deal with richardgrantprimarily the bill would change
might be useful if richardgrantreported on those discussions because
mcnulty i shall let richardgrantrespond to that question because
other than to underline richardgrants point that we have
attended witnesses hector currie richardgrantscottish executive development department des
scottish executive development department richardgrantscottish executive development department geoff
say something about it richardgrantscottish executive development department hector
and for this committee richardgrantscottish executive development department we
rather an unusual subsection richardgrantthat encompasses some of the
relevant order is made richardgrantthat is certainly not our
reached the application stage richardgrantthe 16 major authorities have
covered by the scheme richardgrantthe basic answer is that
pursue housing stock transfer richardgrantthe bill complements the executive
can it be countered richardgrantthe intention is that the
comment on those plans richardgrantthe intention is that the
a flaw in policy richardgrantthe regulator s primary task
court of human rights richardgrantthe short answer is no
the process is simple richardgrantthe working group considered the
improving private tenants rights richardgrantthere are no provisions in
be repealed straight away richardgrantthere is no intention for
will their status be richardgrantthey will remain secure tenants
the socially rented sector richardgrantto correct a misunderstanding we
might be useful for richardgrantto give the legal background
been properly considered perhaps richardgrantwants to say something about
that is under way richardgrantwe arranged from the outset
executive s housing policy richardgrantwe do not think that
involved with them directly richardgrantwe have certainly had discussions
housing stock 11 00 richardgrantwe have given that some
discuss the policy approach richardgrantwhen we introduced licensing we
any thought to that richardgrantwhether that is possible depends
balance right i welcome richardgrantwho is head of housing
take account of experience richardgrantyou are right that there
average mainland increase in directgrantexpenditure in 2003 04 2004
attracting a particular investor althoughgrantassistance for these areas had
members of the shpa receivegrantassistance from the scottish executive
value of regional selective assistancegrantawards made to companies in
from recent regional selective assistancegrantoffers s1o 6321 3 10
scotland with the assistance ofgrantunder the energy saving trust
of a report by patgranta e consultant at the
2003 17 the housing supportgrantorder 2003 04 report by
tae get a 5 000grantfae awards for all northern
award of a 329 000grantfrom the heritage lottery fund
six were successful the averagegrantin aberdeenshire of 100 000
centre gets gien a coregranto 25 000 per annum
committee we receive a coregrantof 120 000 a year
the management team secured agrantof 155 000 from the
advice project by refusing agrantof 26 000 on 30
the scottish executive announced agrantof 80 000 for the
000 out of a totalgrantof less than 900 000
resource centre receives a coregrantof only 25 000 per
59 000 to 71 000grantrates have not come down
of central heating systems fromgranteligibility and supports a review
by government rsls get agrantfor their housing development programmes
affairs the draft housing supportgrantscotland order 2000 24 february
affairs the draft housing supportgrantscotland order 2000 24 february
consideration of the housing supportgrantscotland order 2000 recommends that
2000 draft the housing supportgrantscotland order 2000 ssi 2000
frank mcaveety the housing supportgrantscotland order 2000 that the
audit the draft housing supportgrantscotland order 2002 7 february
1 the draft housing supportgrantscotland order 2002 7 february
2003 the draft housing supportgrantscotland order 2003 29 january
2003 the draft housing supportgrantscotland order 2003 29 january
2003 the draft housing supportgrantscotland order 2003 29 january
2003 the draft housing supportgrantscotland order 2003 29 january
by resolution the housing supportgrantscotland order 2003 laid under
1 2 million of executivegrantas well as addressing funding
million a year in specificgrantfor gaelic medium nursery education
allocation of a 5 milliongrantfrom the department of trade
10 million and for directgrantfunding from 23 million to
notes that following an initialgrantof 399 million a total
to the scottish executive policegrantof 57 million in 2001
and the domestic back upgrantscheme will give 2 million
10 million the present annualgrantto comataid telebhisein gaidhlig gaelic
whether targeting the 3 milliongrantto councils for specialist money
ian fleming police division sharongrantcommunity justice services division gillian
11 may 2000 the policegrantscotland order 2000 ssi 2000
and community care the policegrantscotland order 2001 ssi 2001
and community care the policegrantscotland order 2001 ssi 2001
8 march 2002 the policegrantscotland order 2002 ssi 2002
2002 rural development the policegrantscotland order 2002 ssi 2002
ssi 2003 171 the policegrantscotland order 2003 ssi 2003
and the environment the policegrantscotland order 2003 ssi 2003
and the environment the policegrantscotland order 2003 ssi 2003
11 march 2003 the policegrantscotland order 2003 ssi 2003
control act 1999 the policegrantscotland order 2003 ssi 2003
earlier under the eu fifggrantscheme and the domestic back
supporting the retention of agrantscheme for crofting counties retain
relaunch of the freight facilitiesgrantscheme has now been completed
children and young people sgrantscheme in a 2001 02
local forestry framework and woodlandgrantscheme should be designed for
under the bio energy capitalgrantscheme to build a combined
pig industry restructuring non capitalgrantscotland scheme 2002 ssi 2002
the pig industry restructuring capitalgrantscotland scheme 2002 ssi 2002
pig industry restructuring non capitalgrantscotland scheme 2002 ssi 2002
the pig industry restructuring capitalgrantscotland scheme 2002 ssi 2002
better britain campaign manages twograntfunds to support community groups
the simplification and standardisation ofgrantprocesses there was also support
gaelic has received annual governmentgrantsupport at the level of
the endowment is to fundgrantsupport for students from low
executive how much more directgrantsupport glasgow city council would
snp does not want thatgrantsupport to go to those
a letter to dr williamgrantthe first editor of snd
executive debate on local governmentgrantdistribution local government finance order
case to do so maygrantthe application and order the
development the farm and conservationgrantamendment scotland regulations 2001 ssi
development the farm and conservationgrantamendment scotland regulations 2001 ssi
development research and services scotlandgrantregulations 1999 ssi 1999 65
development research and services scotlandgrantregulations 1999 ssi 1999 65
development research and services scotlandgrantregulations 1999 ssi 1999 65
educational development research and scotlandgrantregulations 1999 ssi 1999 65
sport the bus service operatorsgrantscotland regulations 2002 ssi 2002
sport the bus service operatorsgrantscotland regulations 2002 ssi 2002
sport the bus service operatorsgrantscotland regulations 2002 ssi 2002
sport the bus service operatorsgrantscotland regulations 2002 ssi 2002
277 the bus service operatorsgrantscotland regulations 2002 ssi 2002
which dates the annual recurrentgrantfor st mary s episcopal
december when its current lotterygrantruns out s1w 1734 mary
third week mary asked doctorgrantto drop by i canna
narrator 4 head master mrgrantpupil teacher or assistant ms
development it is proposed tograntunder section 32 1 a
boys do these tasks mrgrantedward take your hands out
credit to the school mrgrantenters in a rage a
that was chaired by mrgranti am not sure what
gentleman to see you mrgranti will see him in
sir i saw him mrgrantpushes thomas off stage by
the area mr morrison mrsgrantraises a very important point
application for a freight facilitiesgrants1w 1940 mr kenny macaskill
oot o yer pooches mrgrantsinclair be quiet edward what
sit on the floor mrgrantstriding in sternly good morning
and entering excuse me mrgrantthere is a gentleman to
has received in freight facilitiesgrantto date s1w 17646 mr
sir i saw him mrgrantup to your tricks again
actual prop if available mrgrantwho has put a forkytail
baird proposed by stuc professorgrantbaird proposed by cbi scotland
baird proposed by stuc professorgrantbaird proposed by cbi scotland
and refugees to scotland andgrantthem the same rights of
youth scotland s hq traininggrantwhich has been paid for
section 5 persons entitled tograntauthorisations under sections 3 and
5 as applied by sectiongrantof local authority application 3
justice of the peace maygranta warrant under this subsection
body 2 the authority maygrantan application under subsection 1
a the total amount ofgrantmade under section 32 of
of the total amount ofgrantmade under this section to
i the total amount ofgrantmade under this section to
s turnover was covered bygrantnow however under an enlightened
which is sent under sectiongrantof deed of variation or
list the government and lotterygrantschemes under which local authorities
j withrington d j andgrant1 r east ardsley e
completely conquered by inglis speechgrant1925 58 1 9 summary
eh john was given agrantbecause when he bought the
the rotour craift inby wesgrantbrecham maistres stein john an
chimla lug whyles john angrantskaired a cutter o whuskie
upon the scottish ministers togranta poll tax community charge
upon the scottish ministers togranta poll tax community charge
community care money is agrantand the crisis money is
this year thanks to agrantfrom the community education service
was met through a capitalgrantwith the community raising over
executive amendments because they wouldgrantan unnecessary set of powers
the scottish executive provides specificgrantfor up to 75 of
discover that its headquarters coregrantfunding from the scottish executive
executive whether it will nowgrantplanning consent in line with
ask the scottish executive whatgrantschemes are available to recycling
to the scottish executive sharongrantscottish executive justice department hugh
that would be helpful sharongrantscottish executive justice department in
5 per cent of itsgranta little more than 20
of the spcb whether tograntsuch a request 5 exceptional
many local clubs receive nograntat all despite often having
with several such firms nogranthas yet been paid out
ye ll please yersel agrantit s no the ritz
section granting or refusing togranta warrant references to a
to section 7 rules forgrantof authorisations amendments 37 to
and agreed to section 8grantof authorisations in cases of
insert schedule introduced by sectiongrantof deed of variation or
latest date mentioned in sectiongrantof deed of variation or
86 after section 50 insertgrantof deed of variation or
section 15 general rules aboutgrantrenewal and duration the deputy
the value of each agrantand b application was s1w
of the mental illness specificgrants1w 7114 brian adam to
assist us in deciding ongrantdistribution to local authorities i
operates on a local authoritygrantin many cases such grants
a tidying up exercise tograntlocal authorities power to carry
an estimate of pre schoolgrantpayments to each local authority
to allow scottish ministers tograntlicences to allow hunting with
in its present form wouldgrantscottish ministers the power to
met from the scottish blockgrantwhat steps it can take
decision is made whether togranta licence for a medicinal
advisory board chaired by iangrantmade up of the chairmen
occasion the trust made agrantof 150 and equally importantly
king david ii made agrantto the bishop of galloway
the recent survey by patgrantconsultant at glasgow western infirmary
are the eligibility criteria forgrantfunding by the arts council
monitoring compliance by universities withgrantfunding conditions and b ensuring
b spur and c spurplusgrantschemes broken down by enterprise
north east f for whgrant1925 59 occurs in the
ladybirds noo shairly ye cangranta place for oor maist
discretion as to whether togranta warrant for monitoring bank
a test of resources forgrantapplications those are the main
is the upper limit forgrantapplications to the arts council
and of a sheriff tograntauthority for poindings or warrant
and of a sheriff tograntauthority for poindings or warrant
energy efficient qualification for agrantdepends upon receipt of a
879 mike tyson decision tograntentry for proposed fight in
and yields with a doubledgrantfor evergreens to scar hills
introducing the new increased improvementgrantfor private homes will she
s been refused an sedgrantfor strathclyde so she s
appropriate level of freight facilitiesgrantfor the proposed ferry terminal
publishing receive now a separategrantfor the publishing of this
agreed to apply for 100grantfor this year s gardens
that we have received agrantfrom awards for all to
west end committee for agranthowever what we need to
for 90 of the 100grantin 1953 the school committee
higher education applications for thegrantof taught degree awarding powers
day when it refused tograntplanning permission for a new
targeted agri environment and forestrygrantschemes for particularly beneficial management
the moment and the newgrantshould be ready for implementation
not qualify for a studentgrantsince law is his primary
licence that the authority couldgrantsuch as those for street
will again give us agranttowards prizes for a 1989
criteria for the private sectorgrantwhich is predicted to rise
the resignation of professor robertgrantbaird from the united kingdom
the resignation of professor robertgrantbaird from the united kingdom
borrowed the snowman cartoon fromgrant[censored: surname] and this video went
aitken had received a smallgrantof 100 from the school
were originally from watt andgrantso it was a fair
carrier bags from watt andgrantthat temple of middle class
administrative charge taken from thegrantto partner providers in pre
to you a proposal togranta deed of variation or
the court s powers togranta warrant at common law
not able to renew thegrantaitken spelled out the precariousness
almost a quarter of thegrantare not being used to
wants to obtain a lotterygrantbecause it wants to explain
up to 78 75 thegrantcan help with cavity wall
universities or university colleges tograntdegrees to students studying in
to recognise that while devolvinggrantdisbursement is a laudable aim
emergency powers the need tograntemergency powers which could be
in the same letter togranthe outlines his thoughts on
her institute is refusing togranther boyfriend whom she describes
to satisfy conditions before agrantis awarded participants in the
that craigie s letter tograntis recollected craigie had hoped
the bill will go sharongrantit will have to go
radio er commission er tograntm608: mmhm m1174: us a
deal warm deal provides agrantof up to 500 to
or over will receive agrantof up to 78 75
when the next vessel decommissioninggrantoffers to fishing vessel owners
the day the decision tograntor refuse a licence is
sell such assets and tograntplanning permission to a developer
to the general rules aboutgrantrenewal and duration of authorisations
6 garden fete to charliegrants wedding not to mention
it would be unreasonable tograntsuch a declarator direct the
would not be appropriate tograntsuch a power mrs lyndsay
the scope of the improvementgrantsystem to include energy efficiency
the scope of the improvementgrantsystem to include energy efficiency
to the improvement and repairgrantsystems to allow energy efficiency
a person who proposes tograntthe deed date explanatory note
a person who proposes tograntthe deed give the person
presiding it was agreed tograntthe month of august as
personally petitioned the pope tograntthe necessary dispensation to allow
regions supports the proposal tograntthe regions a specific status
even a small non recurrentgrantto an enterprise which is
and he was given agrantto clear his whole garden
eh he was given agrantto take all these plants
to tie in with thegrantto the british council of
we are being asked tograntto the houses of parliament
necks and mouths to theegrantus corn and seeds that
braes o mar aberdeen smithgrantw 1911 introduction to chambers
justices of peace of perthshiregrantwarrant to apprehend the person
to be sought and thegrantwith or without modification or
beginning of the present centurygrantand dixon 1921 and the
the manual of modern scotsgrantand dixon 1921 thus the
the concept of a minimumgrantand introduces a test of
difficulty of getting information whengrantapplications are turned down the
each of the freight facilitiesgrantapplications currently being considered and
projects involving a european uniongrantin each of the last
c that the person willgrantin favour of the authority
sociolinguistics cambridge cambridge university pressgrantj 1861 the legends of
scots words were used asgrantnoted one of the sound
been successful in obtaining agrantof 300 on this occasion
of others administering land managementgrantschemes managing land entering into
the proceeds of any decommissioninggrantthey may receive that presupposes
choose transport other than carsgrantthird party rights of appeal
chambers scots dictionary edinburgh chambersgrantw 1925 the speech of
applies the court must agranta declarator that the notice
in line 9 and insertgranta declarator that the notice
wiout tellin hiz guidwyfe angrantbrecham he suid a kent
hairm the mukkil bouk ograntbrecham hirplin a wie cam
fae a poem o davidgrantgyan back near a hunner
tae feed on a llgrantit maks the verges neat
wint s a hame jistgrantme ae wish a place
our everyday problems phil andgrantmitchell could learn a thing
herbrie ti a terroriss suspekgrantpleyed the daft laddie wi
rosyth through a freight facilitygrantsubsidy the dti did not
afore geordie wore o agranttartan kilt an wattie hid
a ken him nou godgrantthat suin we l aw
near aye faith a llgrantthere s plenty here noo
ower this ulster effair incamgranttho a maun awn at
atween the sheets may godgrantus lang thegither forbye a
whitwey is thare a cuiverfeugrantwes nou a bittie fornyawed
ava afore the toun wadgrantye a hame o yer
s bonny blonde a llgrantye a lang drink o
macbeth malcolm ay man agrantye that he s murderous
will it be referred sharongrantas far as i am
one become been steen eengrant1911 xvi in the deeside
north east speech various influencesgrant1925 57 58 observed that
be distributed through formula basedgrantallocations rather than on the
ye canna finnd heir botgrantan the twenes wes cairried
wirkit wi da photographer catrionagrantan truly shö wis an
s been refused an sedgrantand is now unemployed anyway
in providing assurances regarding thegrantaward position at viasystems has
we had also invited backgrantbaird but he is unable
hir dochter eftir the malegrantbegoud ti gie the fankilt
thaim ir hir eildit onkilgrantbrecham bot kentna gin he
an busk fin sir archiegrantdecreed that he maun dine
and swann 1996 270 273grantdelineated the linguistic boundaries which
king abeen an here anethgrantfaan they tak their vows
read my mither tongue davidgrantfit s es tae me
jalouse the presence o dgrantgaed ti the foirduir ti
on tramlines as her unclegranthad said with his typical
decommissioning work and claimed theirgranthow many have notified their
publiss thair better leirnyng igrantin deid i haif mekill
we foryet the cuiverfeu apologeisedgrantmaist nichts we ar awaw
subsections 10bb and 10bc belowgrantmay be carried forward as
maitter here thaim out advysedgrantmynd aw thae brammils an
shae sattilt doun an teltgranto hir sairie anterkest thai
field club magazine 1925 58grantobserves that the north east
there tae work in ehmgrants office the furniture store
with holy water eternal restgrantunto him o lord he
sin o the warld rgrantus your peace the breid
and anecdote paisley alexander gardnergrantw and dixon j m
f1023: she died the yeargrantwas born that s right
splores disraeli s prose igrantye wis gey flooery noo
ve felt better ah llgrantyou but ah m not

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