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english in items such asgraspor the latinisms apprehend or
storage box glammach an eagergraspgoosers gooseberries gorblet of an
glammach can mean an eagergraspor a mouthful ye can
hand was firmly in hergrasplike some exotic hot house
desire to see all underdogsgraspunlikely triumphs possibly this desire
languages as ever the basicgraspof grammatical accuracy was disappointing
fluent but if i cangraspsome of the basic principles
words would help them tograspan essential idea on the
depends on her ability tograspwhat are the essential points
most crucially smith had nograspof the notion of ambivalence
that richard lochhead fails tograspthe crafted analysis that i
and to get a firmergraspof scottish history those elements
not about that child sgraspof religious denominations in the
to gear scotland up tograspthat market as an opportunity
question on income we mustgraspthe opportunity now i therefore
is right and we shouldgraspthe opportunity to raise deaf
a person with such agraspof market forces would be
the mediterranean lay in hergraspas she introduced herself a
greit v weep gresp vgraspgress n grass growe v
have given us a goodgraspdoes anyone have questions and
my hand moved instinctively tograspit then i came to
the minister have failed tograspwhat the situation is about
to having it within ourgraspis probably one of the
important to miss we mustgraspthe lessons on mainstreaming that
in order to get agraspof the conventions used to
the tin from andy sgraspand putting it back into

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