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favour of giving scots agreaterprominence eh what would this
in in in giving scotsgreaterprominence eh you m952: mmhm
like to eh give scotsgreaterprominence in scotland eh be
scots should have a agreaterprominence in scotland what do
whatever that is eh agreaterprominence in scottish society ehm
like to give scots agreaterprominence [inaudible] m952: oh i
encourage scots give scots agreaterprominence within scotland and so
lower interest rates and togreaterprice transparency and so to
minister are carried out withgreatertransparency and involvement of the
over the piece we needgreatertransparency for example through the
is that there should begreatertransparency george macbride yes mr
much more sensible and signifygreatertransparency if a local authority
stage of policy development generatinggreatertransparency in european decision making
stage of policy development generatinggreatertransparency in european decision making
that there must be considerablygreatertransparency openness and opportunities for
33 with a view togreatertransparency should the meetings of
turning points its rhythms ofgreaterand lesser intensity and while
moss but many of thegreaterand lesser names in the
placing requests as being ofgreaterlesser or equal importance than
have left traces to agreateror lesser degree in modern
the other hand to agreateror lesser degree present this
are being addressed to agreateror lesser extent by most
in which there is agreateremphasis in defining the things
and bere the former withgreateremphasis in the lowlands and
lead to better employment performancegreateremphasis on employability the building
of the pendulum back towardsgreateremphasis on grammatical competence as
the legislative framework for agreateremphasis on the strategic role
favour artistic bodies giving fargreateremphasis to scots verse literature
housing strategies which will givegreateremphasis to the role that
scottish executive how much fundinggreaterglasgow and clyde valley tourist
which local authorities within thegreaterglasgow and clyde valley tourist
scottish executive how much fundinggreaterglasgow and clyde valley tourist
of financial support given togreaterglasgow and clyde valley tourist
scottish executive how much fundinggreaterglasgow and clyde valley tourist
executive which local authorities withingreaterglasgow and clyde valley tourist
about the decision made bygreaterglasgow and clyde valley tourist
of financial support given togreaterglasgow and clyde valley tourist
to give young people agreaterdegree of power involvement glasgow
it also contributes to thegreaterinvolvement of elderly people in
it has any plans forgreaterinvolvement of local police forces
for profit voluntary organisations orgreaterlocal authority involvement promoting equality
member state administration involvement makinggreateruse of framework legislation consulting
member state administration involvement makinggreateruse of framework legislation consulting
duty to promote and encouragegreatervoluntary and community involvement we
active participation to a muchgreaternumber of children and young
with wider issues to encouragegreaterparticipation in local government and
with wider issues to encouragegreaterparticipation in local government and
or initiative aimed at encouraginggreaterparticipation in the work of
of helping to bring aboutgreaterunderstanding participation and benefits from
it is taking to encouragegreatervoter participation in the elections
board mike mccarron addiction teamgreaterglasgow drug action team co
scottish parliament to make thegreaterglasgow health board accountable to
the scottish parliament to makegreaterglasgow health board acountable to
the petition to the executivegreaterglasgow health board and lothian
petitioner tom divers chief executivegreaterglasgow health board and tim
2000 2001 se 2001 176greaterglasgow health board annual accounts
to be sold in thegreaterglasgow health board area and
have been sold in thegreaterglasgow health board area since
proposed secure unit in thegreaterglasgow health board area since
services review in the nhsgreaterglasgow health board area supports
head of population by thegreaterglasgow health board at 31
personally by the chairman ofgreaterglasgow health board before appointments
increased funding made available togreaterglasgow health board has been
scottish executive with regard togreaterglasgow health board how many
director of public health atgreaterglasgow health board in the
take the drug at allgreaterglasgow health board indicated that
women s health co ordinatorgreaterglasgow health board mike mccarron
yorkhill that the parliament notesgreaterglasgow health board s decision
into all aspects of thegreaterglasgow health board s plans
non executive board members togreaterglasgow health board since 1
non executive board members togreaterglasgow health board since 1
non executive board members togreaterglasgow health board since 1
for infection and environmental healthgreaterglasgow health board the national
petition was before the parliamentgreaterglasgow health board took a
scottish executive how much moneygreaterglasgow health board transferred from
proposals put forward by thegreaterglasgow health board under its
receive the funding from thegreaterglasgow nhs board and the
provision of nhs services ingreaterglasgow nhs board area that
to approve the plans ofgreaterglasgow nhs board for the
to approve the plans ofgreaterglasgow nhs board on the
community care to support thegreaterglasgow nhs board plan for
which explains the difference betweengreaterglasgow nhs board s area
the proposed secure unit ingreaterglasgow nhs board s area
our full support in encouraginggreaterglasgow nhs board to expedite
board s1m 3305 tommy sheridangreaterpollok citizens advice bureau that
in the modern languages curriculagreaterawareness of language entails greater
tess krista thur micht begreaterdanger greater poison close by
to create greater fairness andgreaterequity in the care system
we were determined to creategreaterfairness and greater equity in
against the powers that begreaterjob satisfaction comes through greater
greater awareness of language entailsgreaterliteracy and awareness of style
thur micht be greater dangergreaterpoison close by tess ah
take on greater roles andgreaterresponsibilities than ever before but
greater job satisfaction comes throughgreaterresponsibility we need a career
snp nurses now take ongreaterroles and greater responsibilities than
greater the translation expense thegreaterthe likelihood that the document
of the fact that thegreaterthe translation expense the greater
the miralles design requires agreaterdegree of circulation space than
a view to getting agreaterdegree of clarity from the
size and experience to agreaterdegree than at any time
endure passive smoking to agreaterdegree than they previously had
grammatical awareness can contribute togreateraccuracy and confidence in both
their parents now have agreaterawareness and a more sensible
might be the result ofgreaterawareness it is a serious
awareness to create jobs andgreaterjob opportunities and to make
achieve this we will encouragegreaterchoice in the provision of
house buying process and encouragegreaterconsistency of standards throughout scotland
are being taken to encouragegreaterpre registration of interest to
and enlarge further will creategreaterdifficulties for our influence not
all those measures will creategreaterfairness they are not hollow
preserve the language and creategreaterunderstanding of scotland s cultural
research s1m 3306 tommy sheridangreaterglasgow acute services review that
in may 2002 and ingreaterglasgow in november it now
and tim davison chief executivegreaterglasgow pct malcolm chisholm msp
2001 ssi 2001 350 thegreaterglasgow primary care national health
march 1999 se 2000 131greaterglasgow primary care nhs trust
patient is in need ofgreateracute care than ever before
made that gaelic receives agreateramount of funding than does
that some newspapers attract agreateramount of tobacco advertising than
information gathered will be ofgreaterbenefit than ever before i
am sure we will seegreaterbenefits than losses cheaper travel
of 100 will have agreatereffect than one that is
larger ones there is muchgreaterequality than there appears to
say although i look togreaterexperts than myself that there
and why the risk isgreaterin some areas than in
deeside would have been fargreaterin variety than those of
nothing would have given himgreaterpleasure than to slam that
declares that it has fewergreaterpriorities than the protection of
of business they would expectgreaterprivacy than they would in
requires the economy to achievegreaterproductivity levels than those of
reported we would be settinggreaterstore by scots than by
we expect to get muchgreatersupport from this organisation than
any increase shall be notgreaterthan 10 of the notional
galloway with a rateable valuegreaterthan 12 000 are entitled
cut in consumption could begreaterthan 2 5 per cent
impact on consumption would begreaterthan 2 5 per cent
concerned has attendance which isgreaterthan 80 of its capacity
that course the choice isgreaterthan at stirling university and
progress group has been fargreaterthan before that allows us
a population only 35 000greaterthan fife i am very
beauty holier than any sacramentgreaterthan god being the infinite
are three or four timesgreaterthan have been or will
and the uk is muchgreaterthan is appreciated i am
the depreciation increase are substantiallygreaterthan is the amount that
organic milk production s beinggreaterthan local demand maybe that
bit lori felt the paingreaterthan oany o us she
matter of language will begreaterthan on certain other issues
in some areas have beengreaterthan others as has been
number is likely to begreaterthan that and is certainly
that such pressure would begreaterthan that from people who
need for food to begreaterthan that of chakra rearranging
be eligible for an allowancegreaterthan the maximum members support
fife will receive an increasegreaterthan the national average over
the next decades is fargreaterthan the parallel loss in
spend on these items isgreaterthan the spend itself because
scotsman or the herald isgreaterthan the sum of the
parts of britain would begreaterthan their actual numbers would
it feels like play makesgreateruse of poetic personae than
opportunities to study in stillgreaterdepth the culture of the
for teachers give opportunities forgreaterinnovation and broader diversity of
taking to provide schoolchildren withgreateropportunities to participate in creative
individuals would have access togreateropportunities worldwide it also signals
january which will give muchgreaterdecision making power to those
s schools and considers thatgreaterdevolution of decision making to
gap we are making evengreaterprogress with the poorest children
give nurses and midwives agreatersay in decision making through
forestry management and reforestation makinggreateruse of native scottish species
it recommended member states givegreaterattention to the following linking
2003 naps inclusion to givegreaterattention to the regional and
that regime will give muchgreaterinfluence to countries with a
councils need to give recyclinggreaterpriority s1w 34379 mr keith
that are designed to givegreaterprotection to the public and
and its ability to givegreaterpublic access to the workings
plan that would give muchgreatersignificance to a north sea
is emerging across europe forgreateraccess to the commission at
for simplification of the treatiesgreateraccess to the european commission
had even two years agogreateraccess to those products would
a youth network on agreaterscale with direct access regular
local government to have agreatercommunity leadership role and show
expanding local care promoting agreaterrole for the primary care
in policing by giving agreaterrole to accountable police authorities
order to protect their prerogativesgreateraccountability of the decision makers
of decision pe110 petition bygreatereasterhouse council of voluntary organisations
entrepreneurship in european economies muchgreateradaptability for both workers and
dimensions which were very muchgreaterbefore nine centuries of erosion
swarms of apostrophes nevertheless muchgreaterconsistency in the spelling of
client thereby giving us muchgreatercontrol over the image of
later life will be muchgreaterfergus ewing mentioned the potential
printed texts has assumed muchgreaterimportance we should consider the
when we have a muchgreaterpopulation in the new enlarged
the funding formula to providegreaterresources for strathclyde police division
or number of staff withgreaterexperience will fall if anything
are we piling up agreaternumber of landlords who are
that problem so that thegreaternumber of people that it
and lands fish at agreaternumber of ports we also
itself up to deliver agreaternumber of programme places but
structural failure quite simply thegreaterthe number of people involved
education institutions will be givengreaterflexibility in the use of
leaf a leaf of thegreaterplantain and use it as
use of languages contributing togreaterpublic interest it is becoming
as the objectives of providinggreaterreassurance for people who use
in turn led to agreateruse in local authorities and
will repeat our calls forgreateruse of framework legislation which
of technologies to promote thegreateruse of fuel from wood
public sector green action ensuregreateruse of sustainability indices in
homar though she has fargreaterclaim if mallorcans insist on
there has been a fargreaterflow of information to all
east scots by far thegreaterpart of the vocabulary of
but there was a fargreatervariety of vegetables and soft
forby that gaelic receives agreateramoont o tocher nor scots
would derive from scots takinggreatercontrol of the issues that
scots is used to agreaterextent in urban housing schemes
two thirds of scots wantgreaterpowers for the parliament and
of scots has never beengreaterthe status of scots in
to applications and we needgreaterclarity about appeals against a
the need quite explicitly forgreatergravity [laugh] in other words
there would have been agreaterneed for straiks or scythe
there will be an evengreaterneed for them marking had
ower the flooers they vegreaterneed o t gie s
south but despite scotland sgreaterneed the margins are closing
be multiskilled they need agreaterrange of skills in both
salmon anaemia there is agreaterunderstanding of the need to
pursue that point there aregreaterexperts on that legislation however
to introduce legislation to ensuregreaterprotection for allotment holders frank
are no plans to introducegreaterprotective legislation we will be
many the rewards are evengreater17 32 dr richard simpson
1876 was to bring evengreaterdistress to robertson smith though
week will have an evengreatereffect on their service seventy
food programme would trigger evengreaterpoverty that iraqi children are
to waste the stamps evengreatersecrecy attended the steady plop
action in order to achievegreateralignment of financial support for
teaching profession and believes thatgreaterrecognition should be given to
less pollution less rubbish andgreatercare of the wildlife other
care on elderly people ingreaterdetail as it is an
scuil there should be somegreaterattempt tae mak yiss o
should be used to ensuregreaterefficiency and economies of scale
scotland and believes that agreaterelement of restorative justice should
scotland and believes that agreaterelement of restorative justice should
with the royal commission thatgreaterequity should be achieved in
a committee should have slightlygreaterlatitude to act within the
member states parliaments should havegreaterpowers along with governments and
we should not necessarily seekgreaterpowers but we should not
that it should have agreatersay in the wider world
able to manipulate it forgreaterstylistic effect second students should
qualifications awards and career developmentgreaterdialogue between those employed in
cohesive economic development structures throughgreatersynergy between agencies involved in
cohesive economic development structures throughgreatersynergy between agencies involved in
be introduced and developed ingreaterdepth in s1 2 would
it could help in achievinggreaterefficiencies and whether it would
it could help in achievinggreaterefficiencies and whether it would
would have placed us ingreaterjeopardy that did not stop
on tobacco margins would begreateron the other hand tobacco
in certain areas would producegreaterrisks a moratorium would have
it can be of nogreatertransgression unless you would call
it can be of nogreatertransgression unless you would call
people in nairn have agreatercommitment to those two towns
older people and to delivergreaterequity in charging for those
pursue a programme to obtaingreatervalue from existing public expenditure
s4 may be counterbalanced bygreaterand possibly more vital continuity
more efficient if there isgreaterco ordination and integration at
27 c or more thegreaternumbers means the sea temperature
patients more quickly and offeringgreaterpatient choice we will increase
more and better jobs andgreatersocial cohesion the lisbon summit
more useful language with thegreaterstatus at the time and
wee mair compleekaitit melodies withgreatervariations of rythym more diverse
measures knowing more about thegreatervariety in size and purpose
being sudaynly stert but thegreatervalue of the passage lies
unhealthiest in the western worldgreateraccessibility to sport will help
will now be explored ingreaterdetail anglo saxon mcclure 1988
will discuss that issue ingreaterdetail later the second issue
scripts which will contribute togreaterfaith in the national qualifications
issue and will lead togreaterpressure on the authorities to
the guild will have agreaterprofile there as many of
busting drugs will be atgreaterrisk of death or permanent
will provide the police withgreaterscope to undertake costly surveillance
they will come to agreaterunderstanding of the diversity of
for improving language skills includinggreaterinnovation in the teaching of
develop accreditation schemes to allowgreaternumbers of people to act
why certain newspapers attract agreateramount of tobacco advertising jim
regarding why certain newspapers attractgreateramounts of tobacco advertising i
down in favour of agreaterbalance of judges from smaller
aspect of equal if notgreaterconcern is that there was
best practice and of achievinggreaterconvergence towards the main eu
of gevco and insist thatgreatereasterhouse social inclusion partnership fully
the present arrangement of allowinggreaterflexibility in the detail of
the present arrangement of allowinggreaterflexibility in the detail of
heart of the treaty promotinggreaterfreedom of movement while responding
partners with them in deliveringgreaterlevels of physical activity alastair
that some organic foods containgreaterquantities of vitamins although not
and where there is agreaterrange of specialist schools for
romania and bulgaria have agreaterrisk of high levels of
and complex there is agreaterrisk that fragmentation of design
adequately take account of thegreaterrural distribution of the scottish
networks and the growth ofgreatersocial mobility douglas cowie observed
structure of atbs concern forgreaterstability and certainty in the
founded do we have anygreaterunderstanding of what that means
that s part of thisgreatervariability the size of the
with an oven and agreatervariety of dishes was made
in the interests of promotinggreaterworld peace and harmony and
sometimes made with butter forgreatergastronomic effect christmas morning was
in the past which allowsgreaterinnovation rhona brankin made that
has been used to bringgreatereffectiveness and coherence to the
school swimming lessons has agreaterimpact on children from less
has no hidden agenda orgreaterintent beyond the wish to
campaign sbbc 19 and thegreaterlondon authority gla have commissioned
precision to express meaning withgreaterformal correctness to generate new
been a shift with agreaterincrease in spending on higher
order to express meaning withgreaterprecision to express meaning with
violence arising from it receivegreaterattention and urges the executive
us want that we wantgreaterequity and higher quality and
which does nothing to buildgreaterunity peace and harmony throughout
to develop products which offergreatervalue for money as well
be able to play agreaterpart in united kingdom affairs
maun gie way to thegreaterae man maun suffer rather
surviving to spawn resulting ingreaterbreeding success it is difficult
to improvements in literacy andgreatercompetence in foreign languages at
balance continues to shift towardsgreaterdemands on the student to
supporting organic farming to agreaterextent and its recent actions
to co operate and ensuregreaterinformation sharing while developing countermeasures
it also provides to thegreaterpilton childcare centre s1m 744
the smaller the organisation thegreaterthe hurdle to overcome the
strain on my wife becomesgreaterwhen i go to binny
102 60 per night ingreaterlondon or c in respect
play on in pleisure fivegreaterlord o fate apen braid
the neist decades is faurgreaternor the parallel tynin in
that the parliament congratulates thegreaterpollok citizens advice bureau in
in part xxxi in 1983greaterreliance was placed here on
recovery rate is faster andgreaterand nurses feel that rather
and registered a desire forgreaterpublicity on the activities and
had no sunshine and agreaterrainfall the winter statistics show
ll 383 400 england sgreaterwealth beauty and let s
manageable then there s agreaterchance that everyone understands what
city or kintra fa sgreaterclaim on the fowk o
zeb pause my heart knowsgreaterpain silence zeb now contessa
doubt i ll dwall atgreaterlinth on some o them
social inclusion policies is assuminggreaterimportance the eu policy context
is that that might setgreaterstore by indigenous scottish languages
high- it s got agreaterpriority noo as it s
words were were lent agreatertruth cause o the way
modal shift micht provide agreaterunderstaundin o thi processes ahint
wis bit he thocht himselgreaternur god an the lord
s hauf cheil hauf staggreaternur ony pan yestreen aneth
fin demsels communin wi dagreaterscheme o things ___ at

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