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warld o men sae whangressbreirds baith blyth an fear
lyfe is lang the brichtgressbreirds i the gairden wat
n longing greit v weepgressn grass gret a great
n longing greit v weepgressn grass growe v grow
v weep gresp v graspgressn grass growe v grow
houss is weill cuivert wigressnou ye can gang hame
owre the wat dew cuivertgresswi the haill clekkin o
lourd on the flouers thegressis fair droukit wi dew
the dew skinkils in thegressthe speider s wab tends
is nae mair nor wyldgressa pause vershinin aw the
in the brukken ruif wyldgresscuivers the courtyaird daunerin creepers
cled thairsells in shaidaes thegressis droukit nou wi the
blaws an syne the rgressagain ae day sic wunds
for the haa skail stanegresssee for its sweet smell
whaur we sprauchlt on thegressablow the rhododendron busses anent
bankside busses an the langgressan ferns richt tae the
souch whuspers ower the hiegressaltho nae wund blaws from
lift a single blade ogressgin ye cud lea us
ne er an inch ogresswe lea yir senselie ruits
chü i 772 846 thegresshou braw an caller aye
braw an caller aye thegressreturns whan gowden days crynes
the lichtest fairie the greengressanaith his feet felt as
til the houss anaith thegressknowe an aw the things
back end forenicht basho wuthertgresspylin even on anaith het
ower dyke birslin the deidgressgowden an endin eftir a
mist s risin aff thegresshingin ablow the trees like
a thousan myle o deidgressmynd lyke a floatin braid
ludge gairden on yon braidgressverge atween the dyke an
the birds liltin an thegresssouchin i the wund ah
clouds aboot the lift thegressis broun turnin leafs faws
daein the airnin cuttin thegressdiggin the gairden an hunners
wi august birl ower thegressin the wastlin gairden aye
ryde it alang the saftgressbi the syde o the
pree a mouthfu whaur thegressgrew saft an green an
in siclyke pairts the verragressaye blooms anaw issa 1763
houss door scene 1 thegresscommon before the house of
yin bi yin syne thegressanerlie the fogg bade on
bade on the five sterngresscommon an near the heuchie
bed green green the wattirsydegressthick thick the sauchs i
silk goun in the greengressfrom the chinese of p
keing lowpit awa owre thegressgreen knowes again poued wi
hott o grushie green seggangresshe foundert it sae fell
queen doun ablo the greengresswi the outlin sterns skinklin
lift nou hunder year auldgresslies daggit wi new rain
kilrogie wids an the aegresspark that lay atween her
trees an thay war lykegressat his feet he wes
a bit wurm on thegresseftir a shour o rain
hill track half hid ingressan stour staney an rough
the hill whaur wind kaimedgressgied wey tae heather an
streams ir daibelt emerant wigressan syne a dwaumie burr
ir aw oot at thegressbut ah l gae see
bumfils ma coat the dewiegressdrouks ma sandals fishermen ir
gaed an tint on thegresscommon the needle goes prick
watt nou kent thit hisgresswuid bei sneddit sae hei
he hunkert doun on agressdivot i the beild o
sum affa sweir tae cutgressdoun anenst the girnwood burn
the puil i fand thegresshad been weel trampit doun
no weill do 27 thegressdo 28 the hat frae
an by the wey thegresswis flattened an brunt dry
made machts tae maw thegressan efter ae wheen strakes
is ae species o girsgresso the genus agrostis the
sent me heidfurst on thegressan afore i kent it
bides next door cuts hisgresswi a motor mower he
gryte auld midden o foustiegresssneddins manner an kail blads
keikit oot frae amang thegressan a wee wattir waggie
he drapped it on thegressshook the watter frae himsel
even hear a whisper ogresssproutin berna ah m awa
rotten an lyin in thegressforgotten serpent aye guid fur
an shooglt aboot on thegresswhile flashin an splashin inside
september flood that maks thegressa sea o mud ma
crump o teeth chowin ongressach it s only kye
ever telt onybody if yegresson me i ll come
daibilt thair pouthert chowks thegresson the bens is bent
wis ane maister loup thegresswha tuik ti winchin maistress

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