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f980: b fheàrr leam fhìn | gum | fàgadh iad a fàgadh iad |
thogair uill b fheàrr leam | gum | fàgadh iad a m979: mo |
fhios agad a bha mar | gum | biodh a f982: shuas pìos |
cead air a shon aonta | gum | biodh a h uile cànan |
oh aidh f980: sin mar | gum | biodh a toirt dhi a |
toilichte gu leòr dìreach mar | gum | biodh aidh feumaidh tha mi |
ga shadail dhan bhonn airson | gum | biodh àite agad air an |
a chur ort m979: mar | gum | biodh cleòc a chur orm |
an escalator f980: seadh mar | gum | biodh direach a dol straight |
chlìoradh tha mi a smaoineachadh | gum | biodh e math dha rìreabh |
bhith tha mi a smaoineachadh | gum | biodh e math dhà rìreabh |
a dheanamh agus is docha | gum | biodh e na chuideachadh dhuibh |
m979: [gàire] f980: s dòcha | gum | biodh eventually [gàire] m979: aig |
air a shon ma mar | gum | biodh f980: uh huh dè |
mi gu bha fhios am | gum | biodh glaschu blàth tha sin |
i ag ràdh an dè | gum | biodh gum biodh i a |
ràdh an dè gum biodh | gum | biodh i a clìoradh aig |
eh bha e ag ràdh | gum | biodh i a clìreadh timcheall |
air fhaighinn an uiridh mar | gum | biodh m979: ach chan fhaighinn |
siud an fheadhainn a mar | gum | biodh m979: feumaidh tu aidh |
uill bha a ràdh rudeigin | gum | biodh m979: leig leatha smaoineachadh |
away an seo f980: mar | gum | biodh na h eskimos tha |
dol suas f982: cha chanainn | gum | biodh [neo-shoilleir] dìreach chan eil |
rithe tha mi a credsinn | gum | biodh tha i air holidays |
taobh eile bhiodh e mar | gum | biodh tr- m979: oh leud |
màireach na toiseach na seachdain | gum | faigh mi bucaid no dhà |
an uair sin s dòcha | gum | faigh mi grade air a |
dubh is geal tha fhios | gum | faigh thu fear ach tha |
is bha iad ag ràdh | gum | faigh thu tòrr mòr airgead |
tourists trying to get chewing | gum | and ballpoint pens even the |
f1037: and it s chewing | gum | and er f1038: i know |
people s- i hate chewing | gum | anyway f1037: yeah f1038: but |
carrying dirty washing chaddy chewing | gum | chap to mash to hammer |
okay [laugh] f1038: the chewing | gum | cleaning and he was he |
motion because cleaning up chewing | gum | costs millions of pounds each |
tommy sheridan s1m 3942 chewing | gum | disposal lodged on 24 february |
s1m 3942 brian adam chewing | gum | disposal that the parliament applauds |
introduce a levy on chewing | gum | manufacturers the proceeds of which |
how to clean the chewing | gum | off f1037: [laugh] yes okay |
the benches dods of chewing | gum | stuck to the walls and |
a piece of his chewing | gum | that was quite serious f631: |
i can remember when chewing | gum | was introduced from america i |
cànan agus tha mi cinnteach | gum | bi na buidhnean cultarail a |
chleachdadh agus a dhèanadh cinnteach | gum | bidh na còirichean agus na |
chan eil ah mi smaoineachadh | gum | bi dìreach smaoineachadh dè tha |
pocket money and buy bubble | gum | and then i d be |
i haven t seen bubble | gum | around for years can you |
to becoming an expert bubble | gum | blower [laugh] f1038: [laugh] f1037: |
like sweets against teeth bubble | gum | excesses are trapped in bladderwrack |
can you still get bubble | gum | f1038: i think so i |
gum m1132: yum yum bubble | gum | f1131: mmhm [sniff] [sneeze] m1132: |
most exciting thing was bubble | gum | i don t know if |
i don t know bubble | gum | m1132: yum yum bubble gum |
most amazing range of bubble | gum | so i would take my |
you grow out of bubble | gum | so there are still pi- |
still exists even does bubble | gum | still exist and i used |
skinned bubble with your bubble | gum | the logical part of his |
[tarraing anail] f982: ach s dòcha | gum | bi e sin co dhiù |
f982: chan eil s dòcha | gum | bi stewart a bhos còmhla |
agad e so s dòcha | gum | feum mi fhèin an similear |
fhèin air a bhith agus | gum | bi fhathast a brosnachadh iomadh |
rud air an trèan s | gum | falbh iad fhèin s m979: |
sa bhliadhna thathar a sùileachadh | gum | bi farpais ann airson nan |
nach robh camara againn airson | gum | faiceadh tu na gnothach a |
e an geata fosgailte airson | gum | faigheadh e sìos eh bha |
so tha mi a creidsinn | gum | feum sinn a dhol a |
mmhm tha mi an dòchas | gum | [?]mair[/?] i nas bu chiùin |
choilionadh chan e a mhàin | gum | bi a ghàidhlig is albais |
around then went up to | gum | the biggest department store in |
plan was to wander around | gum | the department store for a |
paid a quick visit to | gum | the huge department store really |
ann disathairne tha e coltach | gum | bi deagh shìde ann fad |
a week to scrape the | gum | off the lenses [laugh] f1038: |
e an uiridh ach mur | gum | bhiodh an t seana mhonaidh |
table or move a chair | gum | stuck to the underneath of |
people had stuck their bloody | gum | under the table or under |
why would you stick your | gum | under your chair are you |
[censored: forename] so we browsed in | gum | noting the crass busts of |
o a bummer a blichtit | gum | a fooshtie fang wad gie |
a voluminous señora nonchalantly chews | gum | as she barters exotic blue |
west voice you got any | gum | chum he flips her a |
i m not a great | gum | fan i have to say |
nae bombin a the chewin | gum | you want a the nylons |
gun toir i an aire | gum | faodar taic airgid an aonaidh |
far coorser is an achin | gum | fin reets flare up explodin |
by those who discard their | gum | on our streets and pavements |
gives them water fits their | gum | shields lights fade slightly on |
re not allowed to chew | gum | in the street and you |