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fuckin wino ha ha hahacame the young team well
a fuckin wino ha hahaha came the young team
m a fuckin wino hahaha ha came the young
i m a fuckin winohaha ha ha came the
go somewhere dark sadie hahaagnes blindfauld him tell him
the fire nnyyeeeeha ha hahaall delivered in the typical
doesn t she f1104: hahaf1103: huh f1104: huh huh
got ha ha ha hahaf1103: that s nae nice
carolanne go somewhere dark sadiehaha agnes blindfauld him tell
find the fire nnyyeeeeha hahaha all delivered in the
f1103: doesn t she f1104: haha f1103: huh f1104: huh
ve got ha ha hahaha f1103: that s nae
no find the fire nnyyeeeehahaha ha all delivered in
you ve got ha hahaha ha f1103: that s
bones you ve got hahaha ha ha f1103: that
no bones you ve gothaha ha ha ha f1103:
[laugh] f1071: look [paper crumpling] [laugh]haha ha ha [scribbling sound] pointy
know andy has been misbehavinghaha ha he has just
warmed and is proceeding upstairshaha ha i am hanging
not i m a babyhaha ha i m a
was shouting tom quick ohhaha ha oh jeez look
jeez look at me ohhaha ha quick oh tom
f1071: look [paper crumpling] [laugh] hahaha ha [scribbling sound] pointy nose
f1118: yes yes [inaudible] yeshaha ha [singing] [singing] f1117:
a picture of me ohhaha ha while the old
high wire and and andhaha ha yes said the
andy has been misbehaving hahaha he has just had
ll let him climb uphaha he s caught the
f1104: [child noises] wait wait [censored: forename]haha huh huh the ponies
and is proceeding upstairs hahaha i am hanging on
here look mm f1118: mmhaha i got a chocolate
i m a baby hahaha i m a baby
this [laugh] you know f809: haha i shall slaughter thee
condition low mileage one ownerhaha it s a pity
opposed to m842: aye f831: haha laugh it is it
and buy some scones f1107: haha m1108: pop into your
shouting tom quick oh hahaha oh jeez look at
i haud the bla- f1107: haha [?]pushed[/?] aa the balls
look at me oh hahaha quick oh tom take
look [paper crumpling] [laugh] ha hahaha [scribbling sound] pointy nose like
yes yes [inaudible] yes hahaha [singing] [singing] f1117: will
lord s prayer through themhaha that may be bit
jotter my passport to millionshaha the only non disaster
it s a wooing goathaha the wooing goat ii
picture of me oh hahaha while the old woman
wire and and and hahaha yes said the woman
has been misbehaving ha hahahe has just had his
let him climb up hahahe s caught the pirates
[child noises] wait wait [censored: forename] hahahuh huh the ponies are
is proceeding upstairs ha hahai am hanging on to
look mm f1118: mm hahai got a chocolate bittie
m a baby ha hahai m a baby a
[laugh] you know f809: hahai shall slaughter thee please
low mileage one owner hahait s a pity that
to m842: aye f831: hahalaugh it is it s
buy some scones f1107: haham1108: pop into your local
tom quick oh ha hahaoh jeez look at me
ha penny what s ahapenny [laugh] f1054: okay what
s it f1023: mm f1024: hapenny what s a ha
haud the bla- f1107: haha[?]pushed[/?] aa the balls and
at me oh ha hahaquick oh tom take a
[paper crumpling] [laugh] ha ha haha[scribbling sound] pointy nose like that
yes [inaudible] yes ha haha[singing] [singing] f1117: will that
s prayer through them hahathat may be bit mains
know f965: what was thehathe ha was sort of
my passport to millions hahathe only non disaster that
s a wooing goat hahathe wooing goat ii gender
what was the ha thehawas sort of aha you
of me oh ha hahawhile the old woman grinned
and and and ha hahayes said the woman chuckling
nae at hame sae ihaena been able to deliver
nae up tillt cruelly yehaena got the brains dod
as lang s the mothshaena got till t then
them to you angelica ihaena seen jim dod he
at s a richt yehaena turned me doon at
whale adult life working mairryinhaein a family seein abody
wye i can see ushaein a spat or twa
undertaker i d pictured myselhaein a wee news wi
least to mak up forhaein jist the quinie mysel
ve come to enjoy naehaein to look efter him
last f1025: [inaudible] aye f1023: hapenny [laugh] f1024: skint i
true doon to yer lasthapenny that s it f1023:
even hogmanay weel you onlyhae a 60th birthday eence
obvious if you happen tohae a baby angelica enjoying
noo i m gan taehae a bittie o a
stop it gladys ye cannahae a decent conversation wi
hungry an i ll eitherhae a full belly or
in the mornin i llhae a hangover pause fancy
pavement but you must stillhae a road tae get
feelin the caul you musthae affa thin bleed gladys
a new thought i couldhae as lang in front
mairriet and then you canhae as mony men as
you re careful you canhae as mony men as
i d never mairry neverhae babies sae i should
i m nae gan taehae bairns i never wanted
some o us want tohae bairns it s nae
hell s teeth it musthae been your ma she
pint more an ah widhae bin oot o hid
weak hert or i wouldhae drapped deed richt then
wumman in the broch taehae een chrissie flat weel
neil their generation seem taehae even less purpose than
idea and she ll jisthae gan alang wi it
hoose fitna fleg she musthae got pause it s
o her future you michthae him to reckon wi
i suppose pause let himhae his ain wye peggy
his hoose clean for himhae his tea on the
her laddie nane they sayhae i but a the
her laddie nane they sayhae i but a the
laddie ne er a anehae i but a the
mean really sharp you llhae maybe cut the heid
an aul age pensioner tohae my first hangover she
fit wye maist folk llhae naethin to dee wi
for you re mither wouldhae naething mair to dee
dinna tell him he llhae naething to dee wi
ower lang an she dhae naewye to bide efter
was sayin to them tohae sic an effect then
tracts mounting horror she musthae swapped the string angelica
i mean an i dhae tae dee it i
the best loretta you llhae tae discuss it wi
to you but ye michthae tae face the need
bessie then they ll justhae tae lie there till
fine ma you ll jisthae tae miss the jiggin
to say but i wouldnahae that he s maybe
neil s flat she wouldhae the answer for you
ve agreed to let himhae the barrel georgie mair
bessie him and her wouldhae the bed in the
quietly she aye has taehae the last word bessie
micht think that sarah shouldhae the main say on
s tellt her she llhae the place sellt an
choice peggy angrily you musthae there must be some
s all over you llhae till says i you
sae sudden folk didna evenhae time to start rinnin
twa mile awa it llhae to be real wood
fae the solicitor he llhae to brak the bad
efter that a she llhae to dee is get
seein your een i llhae to find her afore
to mak plans i llhae to find things to
funeral i hope they didnahae to get a man
ve got this i llhae to get rid o
my ain hoose i llhae to ging awa an
heavily weel you ll jisthae to ging back to
to her that she dhae to learn to act
taking control you ll justhae to look efter yoursels
o my life i llhae to mak plans i
gets you doon we ahae to pit up wi
in the pets hospital didnahae to put up wi
in the kitchen you llhae to sneak oot he
o burnin me you llhae to stan ready to
ma chrissie you ll jisthae to thole the taste
subject but it ll maybehae to wait noo till
i kent i should neverhae trusted a snake like
he d been plannin tohae twa bairns richt enough
if she d chosen tohae twa deliberately an she
lump of butter chop f1107: hasee that s spot on
been ony closer ye michthabeen enjoyin a real draught
f1104: nae bones in thatha[laugh] f1103: no f1104: i
favour blears ower hoose anhabracken s a glekit feckless
waitter juist fornent the blackcockhahoose whaur ma paternal grandfaither
yeah f814: [laugh] f812: likehayes i ve bought a
on the see saw f1114: hayes woah f1113: oops a
who called me her sonhayes yes i got away
ma earnest howp ye llhaan ee ti no affrontin
ll see ye okay sonhamuch did a get bit
auntie [censored: forename] s legs f1112: haand look at my things
see up here eh m1096: halook one f1095: what m1096:
the scots language movement widharecommendit till him f785: mmhm
if people learned it f965: haneck f963: kind of from
making fun of you f965: haneck yeah yeah yeah we
your head f965: yeah yeehayou know f963: mmhm f965:
affa loud crumps they musthabeen gey close angelica will
made o you you musthagot mair claps an cuddles
huh erm pirate f1091: pirateshahar right go and carry
in three and cried lethas and bowers and a
[censored: forename] s sweeties the nooha[censored: forename] s sweeties mammy mammy
gonna gaun i m gonnaha[censored: forename] s sweeties the noo
thaim got tae the missionhawi rowth o time tae
is that better f1126: [laugh]hathat s better oh [raspberry]
ae sowp queen exhaling deeplyhaah ah m tellin a
ye ve flittit oor tarntyharugged doon the new market
hands what haunds are herehathe sicht ryves at ma
stourie is ma name ahhathinks the wyfe ah hae
todo no jamon por favorhamoan she enunciated firmly then
she was a done creaturehashe still thinks she s
does [inaudible] bad mm [inhale]hanice and clean smell it
the side o the mcroberthawi the fiddlers inbye playin
you like [laugh] f943: andhathere s a guy that
robb nearly aa oor smokershagien it up aye me
the street tae a kirkhano aw that faur frae
just get the sieve m1108: haand i will i put
a calfie m1002: i wouldham999: ye would hardly ever
the dunlop faimlie it whitmuirhamansion whilk ligs i the
i think this kind ofhaneck thing was like the
the trucks m1090: [inhale] [exhale]hasure i want that to
that a street named panhahas appeared near kirkcaldy on
but surprisingly given the hoohaabout the fees in some
the door o pharoah shaan gaed straucht in at
it s reid aye m1110: ha[?]and it it's this car.[/?] it s blue mam
s like it s likehasleep on the train and
polis office an the tounhabaith ends o the pend
left haund side o thehaburstit open an a wumman
whit aboot a policy ohain at laest wan article
that faur frae the tounhainower it wis fu o
baith vrocht in the fishinhasection ye cud smell it
place sic as a communityhaa library or a supermercat
diamond pit to produce ladyhacoal and be a help
a cantainn rium fhèin [tarraing anail]hamo chasan thèid mi ann
to continue to do sohaand humbly presumes that the
bi name bade it blackcockhayill waitter hei wis ae
the top of byres roadhashouted the goyle and shot
rejects the aw vowel inhathe boundary between the north

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