
See this word as a collocate cloud

suid cum an nae suinerhaedhe cum in at the
ti me an nae suinerhaedhe lat oot his first
wan his manheid nae suinerhaedhe proved it in the
til the huntin nae suinerhaedhe set his feet owre
ain fairie pypars nae suinerhaediain set fuit in this
i the fyreplace nae suinerhaedsh stertit ti warm hirsell
littile tottie bannok nae suinerhaedshe set ti ti bake
beguid ti spin nae suinerhaedshe stertit nor whit soud
ain steidin nou nae suinerhaedthe new bryde set een
mair ti tell nae suinerhaedwe airmed wi richteous micht
nicht whan the wyce manhaedhaird ae mhairi s storie
tell him an whan hehaedhaird aw he said pit
throu the duik said hehaedhaird naething ava aweill yeir
craiturs o shore or siehaedhaird tell o him but
ti be fund an nanehaedhaird tell o him hinnerlie
in the outer hebrides athaedhaird this yairn an ae
he spiered at the duikhaedhe no haird thir past
haird whitna graund bergain shehaedmade for his hurlie burlie
rairin the lyke o whilkhaednever been haird afore in
wi him an gin thayhaednever haird muisic lyke his
unco riddil that hir faitherhaednever haird the lyke o
keing an his queen thayhaeda bonnie kinrik ti thairsells
haed that sae nou thayhaeda guid chaunce o finndin
the page syne thay awhaeda guid lauch at the
thay war but craiturs thathaedae maik for the land
set him free shuirlie thayhaedan haed thay no claucht
the gowd an siller thayhaedan the war mukkil o
an weill as ever thayhaedbeen syne he gaed intil
thay war wad the knichthaedbusiness o his ain in
guidwyfe loued him gin thayhaeddesertit him nou here is
an pleisir wi whit thayhaedduin that nicht but the
an drink an whan thayhaedetten an drukken thair fill
o luikin blyth thay awhaedfaces that wad soor milk
on thursday we eftir thayhaedfeinisht the thursday line this
saw at aince that thayhaedforgotten ti mention wodinsday an
o his ain the fairieshaedgien him the ane thay
in peace an blythness thayhaedmonie braw sea bairns broun
pains war aw lyke thayhaednever been an the awfu
ir aw nou lyke thayhaednever been anerlie the rain
the lykes o whilk thayhaednever been telt afore sax
the lyke o whilk thayhaednever seen in aw thair
castel fowk saw whit shehaedon hir thay lat hir
thay wantit for naething anhaedrowth o gowd an siller
did awthing as the kittlinhaedsaid an whan thay war
thocht an thocht or thayhaedsair heids wi aw the
help hir sae eftir thayhaedstertit thair dander she said
his wee houss an thayhaedsupper an drank whuskie thegither
gien him the ane thayhaedtaen frae tam s back
kinrik o his ain thayhaedthat sae nou thay haed
free shuirlie thay haed anhaedthay no claucht him an
him intil a bul anhaedthay no keepit him sae
coud see that thay awhaedthe same lang sonsie ugsum
an whit sweet vyces thayhaedthe wee fowk war dauncin
hir thay kent fyne whithaedti be duin wi a
a richt fankil an thayhaedti stert aw owre again
out thegither an whan thayhaedwun til a kent steid
awned up ti whit hehaedduin an athout mair adae
wi aw the rinnin shehaedduin an he fed hir
o sum ill deid hehaedduin as a hauflin whaever
he wes an whitever hehaedduin he haed the guid
gotten fou juist lyke hehaedduin it on purpose he
he kent his ain wyfehaedduin sic a thing ah
he cam lyke the ithershaedduin til the unco shaw
lassie an spiert whuther shehaedduin weill the day but
at the lassie gin shehaedduin weill this day an
the yungest quyne as hehaedduin wi the ithers an
and ross l macduff whathaedhe duin ti gar him
whitever he haed duin hehaedthe guid sense ti mairrie
for me ti thenk yehaedye duin a hantil less
him for the wey hehaedbeen tyauvin he haed gien
he haed been tyauvin hehaedgien him a littil stowp
haed been at the wurfshaedgien him for tirrin thair
ti him at the fermerhaedgien him it onlie yestrein
that verra day hir manhaedgien hir a braw new
nit that the auld kerlinhaedgien hir an in this
nits at the auld wummanhaedgien hir shuirlie wesna this
frae the kicks the prenticehaedgien hir throu the ryde
help callum as he himsellhaedgien it help an beild
thare fairlie suin ah vehaeda bit wurd wi the
he suin saw hou hehaedbeen begunkit his guidwyfe kythed
suin as the twal crawshaedetten a pikkil o the
juist as suin as hehaedgethert a poutchfu siller coins
hae said the princess ahhaedhaurlie expekkit ye this suin
ye the truith guidman ahhaedhaurlie expekkit ye this suin
denner as suin as hehaedleft the room meg chappit
this suin if ah dhaedmair tyme ti prepare a
letter she suin kent whahaedwrutten it an ture it
road as suin as shehaedwun hame she chynged out
the brawest castel the princesshaedever seen it haed fower
princess haed ever seen ithaedfower mukkil touers an gairdens
princess the prince that shehaedhuntit an socht socht an
lyke o whilk the princesshaednever seen afore an the
for the spinnin the princesshaednever seen the lyke hou
princess for his bryde anhaedshe no said the verra
ain true princess hir thathaedsocht him throu the weidth
bi this tyme the princesshaedtaen til the puddok in
brawlyke an the third princesshaedthe graundest lauch at baith
the princess myndit that shehaedthe saicont nit an she
forby the keing an queenhaedthrie dochters the first princess
bairns that the broun princesshaedti mairrie a puddok afore
aukldest princess wes geyan roosedhaedye nae sense ava ye
no mairrie anither wumman thathaeda dochtrer o hir ain
ever cuid see an shehaeda frein o hir mither
hat on hir heid shehaeda lang walkin staff as
syne murdo telt hir hehaeda pikkil meal at the
up bi tellin hir hehaeda wab o claith o
hir she telt hir shehaedbeen bairned bi the steward
ti lauch kis hir dochterhaedbeen sae eydent or ti
fergal telt hir aw thathaedbefawn an aw that the
telt the prince awthing thathaedbefawn hir syne she sent
she wrate doun aw thathaedbefawn syne he hystit hir
ti tell him hou shehaedbegunkit hir guidman wi the
weidae did as the streingerhaedbidden hir an richt aneuch
oot as the wyce manhaedbidden hir burg hill is
tae as the auld kerlinhaedbidden hir inby it whit
o hir ill wush thathaedbrocht the wee fowk intil
hir promise he kent shehaedbut for aw the puddok
witch a sailor s wyfehaedchesnuts in hir lap an
ti burn belle an theyhaedcrappit hir lugs for hir
for bi this tyme hehaedcum ti loue hir weill
hurlie burlie seed hir manhaeddernt in the middil o
the maist unco sicht shehaedever seen in aw hir
drollest littil auld wumman shehaedever seen in aw hir
kitchen she fand hir mitherhaedgaen til hir bed seeminlie
yowled his wyfe eftir shehaedgethert hir wuts hou coud
s left hurdie whaur hehaedgruppit hir an the deil
this ane telt hir shehaedhaen twa bairns ane til
spak agin the man athaedhauden hir agin hir wull
wunnerin whaur he micht behaedhe forgotten aboot hir coud
whan the lassie said shehaedhe luikit at hir feet
jyne the splore tho hehaedhis ain thochts anent hir
s aboot aw she haeshaedin hir haill lyfe queen
a rael bonnie auld leddiehaedit no been for hir
ti tell him hir sonhaedjuist dee d but she
hir milk an whan shehaedlaipit it up ti the
him no hir the princedhaedmade luiv til a whein
queen mercie me ma mitherhaednae teeth in hir heid
prince himsell hir prince thathaedsantit awa sic a lang
never in aw hir dayshaedshe heard tell o the
hir frae his hert forhaedshe no brukken the ill
tell hir that no onliehaedshe no feinisht hir speil
in aw hir leevin dayshaedshe seen the wee fowk
hir an richt aneuch hehaedspoken the truith sae wi
hir onie mair aweill shehaedtaen a fair skunner at
weill whit the wyce manhaedtelt hir but the wee
been inti the chaumer hehaedtelt hir no ti enter
the chaumer that the princehaedtelt hir no ti gang
hir mither did as shehaedthraetent an shut hir up
crabbit mither say whan shehaedti tell hir that no
no feinisht hir speil buthaedtint maist o the lint
d etten hir taiblet shehaedturnt amaist bonnie pepper mebbe
spiert whit wey hir mouhaedturnt sae ugsum she tryit
naewhaur ti be seen hehaedvainisht awthegither an at hir
the chaumer that the princehaedwairnt hir no ti gang
hir the letters that shonahaedwrutten beatrix read thaim throu
huntin ludge whan his freinshaedyokit on hir at first
letherin his wyfe houever hehaeda pig ti kill that
macbeth the thane o fifehaeda wyfe an whaur is
his houss an haudin hehaeda wyfe anaw heich an
whaur his wyfe an bairnshaedbeen left ahint the yungest
kent at his bonnie wyfehaedgaen back til the sea
ettin haed a guidwyfe hehaedthat a wyfe as hie
coud finnd macduff an ahaedti be awa ma wyfe
wes as cross as oniethinghaedti gang the tea wyfe
myndin aye at thair mitherhaedbeen a selkie wumman aye
that easie fleitcht gin ahhaedbeen born a wumman ah
the tottiest wee wumman hehaedever seen in his lyfe
stuid the bonniest wumman hehaedever seen she wes strecht
war aw the puir wummanhaedfor makkin a pat o
back again the wee wummanhaedsantit awa lint an aw
o the selkies kis hehaedtaen a selkie wumman ti
frae it for this ettinhaeda guidwyfe he haed that
nou he kent that hehaedbeen anaith ill spells haed
juist hou ill the serrinhaedbeen at the wurfs haed
a gang o ketterns thathaedbeen reivin aw day haed
nae keing for the keinghaeddee d but he haed
ir soond sleepin lyke naethinghaedhappened we haed sic a
haed said an hou nanehaedhinnert his cummin wi awbodie
haed dee d but hehaedleft ahint him a queen
speired at me whuther ahhaedlykit the stovies she haed
an aw that the streingerhaedsaid an hou nane haed
haed lykit the stovies shehaedsent doun ti me for
haed been reivin aw dayhaedsettilt doun ti mak camp
lyke naething haed happened wehaedsic a thrang o fowk
haed been anaith ill spellshaedthir no turnt him intil
842 amang the speingies wehaeda bit pairtie lyke for
richt an the haill thinghaedbeen a dream lyke the
stanes juist lyke thair maistershaedbeen sae he tiggit thaim
athout ma kennin the snawhaeddriftit intil ma chaumer lyke
aw ma aches an painshaeddwyned awa lyke they hae
aw aboot it lyke wehaedleft onlie yestrein whan ah
ye lyke the littil kittlinhaedlickit it richt claen in
didna lyke pinglin wark shehaednae notion ti spin woo
ma spare tyme whan ahhaednaething better ti dae lyke
awbodie carries on lyke ahhaednever been here at aw
ferlie the lyke o whilkhaednever been seen afore in
sleepers in that haudin fergalhaednever seen the lyke for
that the weidae s lassiehaednever seen the lyke in
muisic lyke his afore hehaednever seen the lykes o
wul dae brawlie gin yehaedsaid the lyke at the
hou cuid she for neverhaedthe been the lyke o
sobbing it s lyke ahhaedturnt inti sumbodie different awthegither
lyke as if ma herthaedturnt intil a mukkil dad
sumhou pairtlie kis ma lyfehaedwheicht past me lyke lichtnin
telt the knicht that hehaeda graund riddil for him
telt me hou kynd yehaedbeen she haes mendit ma
wee whyle nou the pagehaedbeen weill telt no ti
an telt thaim awthing thathaedbefawn an whit he maun
forrit an telt awthing thathaedbefawn the neist day the
whan meg telt him whithaedhappent he wes at his
coudna credit whit the cailleachhaedjuist telt him his haund
gret hantil o woo hehaedlyin ti spin an telt
til the field whaur tamhaedtelt him the elf ring
cum back again binna yehaedtelt me that a d
yon tyme ye thocht ithaedbeen me a explained aw
tentit the seik bairn ithaedbeen sic a lang tyme
tyme at aw the aigilhaedcallum on its back an
but aw the tyme shehaedettilt that the auld slaiverie
him deid juist as hehaedkilled his brither tyme gaed
alasdair in kyndness or hehaedmair tyme ti warsil wi
a strang crouss man anhaednae tyme for gaists bogils
haw intil the kitchen shehaednae tyme ti win awa
an it s tyme wehaedoor denner tae ai mercie
a tyme wi whit ahhaedti dae for you whan
peace thirlman ay gin ahhaedtyme for ti pit up
ti dae whan we vehaedtyme ti murn banquo luik
bodie micht think whan hehaedclaimed he kent hou ti
cuidnae mind aither hou hehaedgotten intae this seetiation an
an hou ti rest theyhaedmens sana in corpore sana
thaim an hou the fairieshaedpeyed him back in freinship
fairie rhyme an hou hehaedsortit the wurds o it
hou tae speak proper onieweyhaedthe scottish estaiblishment no been
that verra thing but hehaeda derk shaidae on his
verra near awbodie round abouthaedbeen cryit in whan the
verra day whan the peatshaedbeen liftit the year afore
in the verra place ithaedbeen whan he wes richt
wes that this verra aigilhaedcum forrit for ti help
monie fauts a said ahaedis ootlin til ma verra
wal neirhaund whaur the wattirhaedmagic pouers an afore verra
kinrik the verra same thathaedspierit help frae finn wes
verra teitil the weird sistershaeduised afore ti salute me
in a loud voice ahhaeda guid lang sleep eftir
hame eftir this but hehaeda luik at the lift
ah think eftir this wehaedbetter aye cut the peat
its fuit sair mittilt callumhaedfed an luikit eftir the
this mornin an eftir ahhaedgotten up an washt masell
eftir the wee page lounhaedgrowne up an turnt intil
dure wes barred eftir hehaedridden up til it an
monie a year eftir ianinhaedsantit a fairie caddie peyed
no that lang eftir murdohaedtaen meg back til his
it that wes aw shehaedan naething mair an no
bairn wes naething ava shehaedhaen thrie ane tikl the
hae been born queen freinlienesshaednaething adae wi it there
ma mynd that mebbe moulahaednaething ti dae wi it
richt guid yuletyde denner ahhaednaething ti eat at aw
the wyce man said shehaedthat an naething it seemed
his pypes but afore shehaeda chaunce ti speak til
streets playin tuins gin hehaeda hame ti gang til
this the knicht swithert anhaeda saicont thocht til himsell
the war sum birks anhaeda thocht til hersell that
ae day the guid queenhaeda thocht til hirsell as
humf for guid but rabhaedane ill syde til his
til the neibor whas dochterhaedbeen mairrit the day he
buid follae a ship thathaedgaen til a ferr awa
guid milk an whan shehaedlaipit up the milk til
til aither o thaim shehaedmade a bergain an that
s a gret ane yehaedmukkil need keep it til
cam back til him whahaedputten sic spells on him
til a smiddie near tweedsmuirhaedthe shae replaced an a
reingin up an doun hehaedti admeit til himsell he
na naebodie ava but ahhaedti lee til ma mither
tryin ti think whit ahhaedti luik forrit til an
lippent til aw that callumhaedti tell him an whan
syne the bleksmith at yarraefuithaedtwae brithers prenticed til him
guid nicht til ye valgerdhaedye no better hap yeir
whaurever ah traivelt sic mainnershaedgaen dumfounert ah finnd masell
attend sic meetins the grouphaedideas fir the commission concernin
they speak ilka day theyhaednae sic bother wi readin
amang thaim an never aforehaedoniebodie brocht sic ferlies alang
dae a sic a thinghaedshe no made a siccar
that aften that a mortalhaedsic a chaunce offert him
ah felt that blyth ahhaedsic a weiriein ti git
uised ti be she ayehaeda kynd naiture even whan
the sea shore nou hehaedaince hard that whan oniwebodie
for mercie whan thair bairnhaedbeen murdert she d better
ahint the dure whaur shehaeddernt hirsell whan the streinger
gled hert but whan hehaeddrukken it he luikit aboot
be fed an whan ilkanehaedetten his fill fergal spiered
wes that syne whan hehaedetten up his guid denner
he spierit an whan hehaedfeinisht ah m richt quut
waur for the tousin hehaedgotten thare an whan jennie
whan he fund out whithaedhappent he wes that roused
that an whan the kittlinhaedlaipit up the milk ti
his cell the burds hehaednever noticed whan he wes
wes his stowp whaur hehaedputten it whan he fell
i the feinish whan shehaedseen aw the ither chaumers
thaim mair encouragement whan ahhaedthe chaunce but ah haurlie
mairrie a cobbler gin hehaeda guid hert an he
that spiers me gin hehaeda guid hert that wad
s sojers nou gin ahaedas monie sons as a
awthing kythed as gin ithaedbeen new happit wi snaw
gin a fluf o gunpoutherhaedcum oot the grund it
and ross macbeth gin ahaeddee d an oor afore
ye a think gin hehaedduncan s sons doun in
it wad be gin hehaedliftit a needle belangin the
pynts o cryme gin ahaedpouer a l tell ye
wuts end rintoul gin yehaedsent for me in the
its hairns oot gin ahaedsworn as fell as ye
deep ruitit that gin ahaedthe chaunce ti spread masell
macbeth macbeth macbeth gin ahaedthrie ears a d hear
aw that weill gin ahhaedti stert ma lyfe ower
frae the herthstane whaur hehaedbeen doverin an his hawk
the burn frae whaur shehaedbeen sittin the war this
lay the yoke whaur shehaedbeen spinnin ti the ae
nicht naebodie kent whaur catrionahaedgaen or whitfor lang lang
rock whaur the sea bairnshaedlaid thaim sae he liftit
whaur it s frae ithaedmelrose on the packet whaurever
wat sands whaur the waveshaedrun owre thaim the fairies
stuils whaur the wee fowkhaedsutten thairsells doun an syne
mair ti be seen shehaedthat an whaur she is
been mairrit the day hehaedvainisht whaur is iain ma
aw slaigert wi dryte hehaeda clairtie bum queen ah
mither he wes yuchie hehaeda dichtie dowp queen he
s sake sae the islandhaeda queen again an mair
its ain an the keinghaeda queen an a littil
queen moans softly ah vehaedaw that rintoul syne yeir
he suid cum shuirlie shehaedthe keing an his queen
general consternation queen what yehaedti mairrie him in the
a dichtie dowp queen hehaedwhit im ah hearin richt
a wee laddie geordie jookshaedaye kent the wis juist
weill he kent that shehaedbeen inti the chaumer he
byde for he kent hehaedbut the ae man ti
kent in his youth heidhaeddied an he wes left
tam kent it weill anhaedjaloused that whyles the fairie
a whein auld men thathaedkent iain in the years
fowk aw the ettins hehaedkent in his youth heid
aheid o me if ahhaedkent whit ah ken nou
keep thaim richt thair lyfehaeda definite maik a paitern
thair faither fand out whithaedbefawn thaim he wes that
thaim sair wurriein anent whithaedbefawn the ither twa an
o ye nanse sae yehaedbetter tell thaim ti mak
but ane o thaim thathaeddaidilt ahint kis he wes
coud dae ti mortals thathaedfasht thaim throu nae faut
thaim reddie afore lang hehaedmade pie crust an in
no that lang syne ahhaeda bairn ti the staig
for a cup ah haenahaeda bite ti eat sen
gled ti be hame wehaeda gey toozie crossin lest
boat ti fish frae hehaeda lass tae cawed catriona
thair dander she said shehaeda notion ti gang an
houanever afore mairriein again hehaeda notion ti tak yae
thare an ah hae ayehaeda notion ti try the
scrubbin an polishin then bernahaeda son ti sol s
a day or twa eilidhhaedanither thing ti tell me
prince an his lass nouhaedanither waddin for awbodie ti
frae it for the listenarhaedaye his bit ti dae
mynd a dreich brig ahaedaye ti cross ah uised
on it the yungest lassiehaedbeen owre feirt ti tak
beguid ti think his maisterhaedbeen richt an the haill
jaloused that beatrix s guidmitherhaedbeen ti blame for aw
tymes but the fairie athaedbeen walit ti be his
ye ir wantin onie yehaedbetter gang ootby ti the
ti dae as the streingerhaedbidden him an did he
byuss kennin tuith an hehaedbut ti pit his pinkie
o blek puddens that shehaedexpekkit ti serr a fortnicht
wan ti the mair hehaedjuist liftit a hantil peats
hinner end baith the brithershaedlands ti thairsells an ilkane
for ti see if oniebodiehaedleft a licht on oniewhaur
ti rue the day hehaedmittilt his dochter an grat
that is ti say hehaednae kynd o raiglar wark
castel ti be spun shehaednae mair adae nor cairrie
care ti ask but finnhaednae need or mynd for
uised ti the idea wehaednae orderlies ti serr us
that blyth he nae langirhaedonie notion ti pairt frae
the better for ti gruphaedrowed an spleit a mukkil
awthing wes as the sklimmarhaedsaid sae he set ti
ane o the chaumers hehaedseen for ti gaun ti
dee nor a expekkit malcolmhaedshe oniething ti say for
me ti dee afore ahhaedskowth ti settil yeir tocher
o the hantil fowk thathaedsteyed for ti watch aw
day auld yin ettins everhaedthe chaunce ti eat beef
wadna be genteil eilidh shehaedthe face ti say she
ah wesna richt shuir hehaedthe smeddum for ti haud
cauld the wattir wes ahhaedti brek the ice at
fingir on him sae shehaedti cum hame anaw wi
guidwyfe never jalousin wha shehaedti dael wi lat s
baw that the wee laddieshaedti daff wi an aye
thing wes that aw yehaedti eat puddok whyles ah
thir lest fowr year ahhaedti eat thae things for
doun his favorite tree shehaedti kill his favorite hoond
thrawn for me an ahhaedti mairrie him general consternation
she durstna gang for shehaedti mak the denner but
oor yung days whanever wehaedti pairt we expekkit aye
monie s the day ahhaedti pit in wi a
across the wattir puddok ahhaedti soum aw the wey
an ah lost coont anhaedti stert aw owre again
for the toll road hehaedti traivel cannilie for fear
his bed but the guidwyfehaedwark yit ti dae for
s the sair hert ahhaedwi him ti be mairrit
for lang it seemed naebodiehaedwurd ti gie but at
ah wad hae thocht yehaeda guid climate here a
help addressin ye nou mysiehaeda guid consait o hirsell
ower an the auld fishermanhaeda guid leuk at it
an drank whuskie thegither anhaeda richt guid crack anent
for thon guid crack wehaeda thocht ye micht be
the cannie auld butler thathaedaye been a guid frein
spinnin the guid woo whahaedever seen the lykes o
a guid feelin like theyhaedjuist met up wi an
we war awa we vehaedoor mairchin orders guid nicht
glaumerie needle an ah haenahaedthe guid o t ah
an a whein forby naebodiehaedever seen afore the loun
stuid the brawest callant shehaedever seen an he leuch
in sum unco ploys hehaednever seen afore he wes
doun on it but shehaednever seen the hole afore
an greener nor onie shehaedseen afore an the war
it wes richtlie him shehaedseen is it iain the
he gang in or hehaedseen the ettin gae awa
the ither glen that mysiehaedseen throu the hole in
goun an reid stockins athaedflytit him the year afore
afore mysie wes wauken shehaedpitten in a gey sleepless
the ship but syne finnhaeda thocht an said an
bit but ah thocht ahhaedbetter no it s a
his waist ah thocht ahhaedit here he eventually extracts
thir monie year shuirlie shehaedor sae she thocht an
the threid that the ithershaedspun inti hanks mysie thocht
wi mistress ewing thocht shehaedwon yin or twa inlats
hair wes aw tawtie hehaeda dreip hingin frae ae
ah gain at aw betterhaedah bidden at hame for
richt chaunce eilidh she shaedaw the chaunce she s
frae the huntin the kitchenhaedbeen aw redd up the
rase up littil kennin whithaedbeen gaun on aw nicht
oot that aw this switherhaedcam aboot cause liberal politeetians
wes aw the siller ahhaedfor ma denner wutch ah
an aw ma sair jagshaedhaeled up ilkane it s
i the houss for fergalhaedhaen nae luck aw that
aw sair an shuin ahhaednane ah gaed aboot barefuit
the lykes o wham fergalhaednever set een on aw
the war ae thing tamhaedsair wantit aw his days
wurd o mag s feklessnesshaedspreid aw owre the kintrasyde
syne the waesum selkies athaedaince been sea bairns sang
meinit syne a felt ahaedbeen guilty o ingratitude sae
cormac did awthing that alasdairhaedbidden him syne he said
syne noo that a ayehaedtwa diffrent weys o speakin
case serrs howsumever the guidwyfehaeda sou an that wes
the wund wes strang ahhaedan ill day at the
wes blawin an booncin hehaedbeen elekkit a member o
thare juist as the streingerhaedforetauld wes the taibil o
rikkil o auld banes ithaedhaen its day mynes wes
he fand that awthing hehaedhard wes true the tap
puir she wes an shehaedjuist a wee butt an
wes a skuilmaister an ahhaedonlie juist left the skuil
wes owre an the perrhaedsettilt doun thegither at the
wes juist a feelin ahhaedshuirlie the canna be ocht
wes it no pompitie ahhaedtrekkil dumplin yestrein he wipes
pepper oh mercie pompitie hehaedjuist bocht it frae the
did juist that for shehaedloued callum sen ever she
did juist that for hehaednae need o onie ither
s arms the puir vershininshaeda richt gliff thair haill
thair new mistress haes mysiehaedflusht up an felt seik
it nou the puir manhaedaften hard o the fairie
ir nou nearhaund an yehaedbetter flee whyle the r
on thursday we nou rabhaednae ear for muisic an
we war richt mairrit wehaeda ceremonie nanse ceremonie ma
ah hearin richt nanse hehaeda dichtie dowp a clairtie
puddens hingin at the lumhaedbeen etten she didna richt
s neuk richt aneuch ithaednae keing for the keing
north britain at hert ithaedtae be redd oot richt
a richt fleg for shehaedtaen an awfie skunner at
five an echtie yeir auldhaedfowre sons an ilk ane
luikin doun he saw shehaedtint a shae frae ane
near the heuchie knowe ithaedtwa gairdens ane ahint the
the best frein ah everhaedpepper he pats pepper on
a shour o rain ahhaeda mukkil blek slug for
ma banes nanse if ahhaeda stick ah d tak
whitna dreid o daith ahhaedbut ah m no feart
sal sacrifice the respect ahhaedfor ye as a bairn
ah can see whit yehaedfor yeir denner pompitie ah
he s no whit ahhaedin mynd for a guidman
l no tell him ahaedit wul ye wutch ah
whit ah trell ye yehaedmukkil need no brek thir
ah m thinkin ringan shehaednae teeth an a plouk
cauld an in simmer ahhaednae thin claes for the
short o siller ah haenahaedonie denner the day wutch
a pause ah ve neverhaedoniething agin ye personally baron
felt as tho ma saulhaedtaen flicht ah felt mair
for a lounderin he shaedthat ah ve forgotten aboot
bi ma expression that ahhaedthe ithers did the same
mair raw anes sae ahhaedthe ithers fryit they warna
an reid hose an shehaeda heid o lang yallae
frae ae nebstril an hehaeda lang mankie baerd on
lent an the lang reedhaedbeen at the houss dure
pairties whit cheerie pairties wehaedan the day whit hae
in the lift the sunhaedgaen doun an she watcht
war aince a keing thathaedbut the ae dochter cawed
ower his daith an youhaedfaintit an war lyin still
bogil his bairns at hehaedleft as infant weans war
war aince a man thathaedthrie braw sons but wi
chowks war rosie an shehaedwee curnie een that skinkilt
o ae time that hehaedbeen speirt tae jyne a
honest an eydent faimlie thathaedbut the ae dochter this
at the ae day hehaedpitten in wi the fairies
o the ettins but hehaedthe ae dochter that he
on his road hame leecheshaedbeen brocht in frae ferr
killed or that twal crawshaeddee d frae eatin the
wis a true story hehaedgotten it strecht frae stookie
frae the skelf that hehaedpicked up on his road
broun selkie skin at hehaedstown frae the tyde that
phonin frae his taxi anhaedtae excuise hissel for a
an that cormac an alasdairhaedwun sauf awa frae skaith
bi the dawin cam shehaedflaen the castel never mair
she l never ken shehaedgreigorie s complaint but you
stane the hogney s wurdshaedmeant a sicht mair nor
the tyde that mornin hehaednae mair adae nor rax
fand bi the forenicht shehaedspun nae mair not hauf
an housses the mair ahaedthe mair a d want
bi the wattirsyde an hehaeda wee fisherman s butt
is gaen wi it yehaedbetter no grup it bi
welsh follaed bi german thathaedtae hae its name chynged
bi name o grigorie thathaedtwa braw dochters he loued
auld yit malcolm she shaeda better lyfe nor maist
wunnert whuther or no shehaedbeen in a dwam but
watcht houanever habetrot as shehaedcawed hirsell kythed at aince
she gaed on or shehaedcountit cut hank an slip
the eu aboot fishin quotashaedgane she threapit that she
anent this unco dreme ahaedlest nicht an she glowert
his droll veisitor but shehaedsantit awa awthegither he dochtna
awthing that the wee fowkhaedset haund on she did
wi smaw fendin littil gearhaedshe an a soukin laddie
wad mairrie the puddok anhaedshe no been his guidwyfe
s birss for tho shehaedtwa bleirit een an a
the advantages the new designhaedower the auld yin an
heid fell awa an hehaeddovert aff intil a soun
his mukkil club as hehaedfelled his twa brithers but
outlin pairt o scotland hehaedgaen thare in saicret an
left the skuil masell hehaedgloweruin een an seemed awfu
the dug but the dughaedhaen its denner he wesna
fou o the gowd hehaedhained in owre monie a
mawkin nor mappie or birdhaedhe claucht no even the
wi anither gret lowp hehaedhim at the dure at
in a mensefu loun hehaedhis douts aboot the steid
wad dae me an hehaedhis hert set on mairriein
mornin this laird s naighaedkuist a shae an he
same plea that his britherhaedmade he anaw wantit a
onti the whyte saunds hehaednae ship o his ain
awa he flew but hehaedonlie wun as ferr as
again as quaet as hehaedopent it an sklum back
near midnicht an the muinhaedrisen owre the craig he
an the quyne that hehaedstuiden up for at the
he said lest wunter theyhaedtwa hunder degrees o frost
the twa horses that alasdairhaedkilled or that twal craws
stert o the 15t centuryhaedthe difference atween the twa
heuchie knowe his wee housshaedtwa windaes in it an
brukken the ill spell thathaedbeen on him thir monie
him cairrie a puddok thathaedlost its wey hauf a
him awthing the littil kittlinhaedsaid an the prince said
ma bairn is concerned yehaedbetter haud yeir tung orm
tell ye this the needlehaedbetter wurk ye l hear
the month o juin thehaedbeen a awfu snaw sen
on whitna byordnar day ithaedbeen an goavin at the
wheel wrocht in ebony thathaedbeen aucht his mither an
heard that the civic forumhaedbeen organisin a series o
feet on the prototype cuddyhaedbeen proven in ither countries
past glore an grie thathaedbeen wun on the battilfields
english insteid o norman frenchhaedthe scots no been writin
true tess true thit bernahaeda dauchter tess awa robby
roch wattir an sae ithaedcum aboot that on a
o the sie this islandhaeda keing o its ain
m952: that area an theyhaeda language o their ain
that some o his neibourshaeda gey modern transportation system
credit that his dochter thathaedaye haen a douce an
finn the wyce for finnhaedin the back o his
fuit haeled an the aigilhaedlain quaet anaith his haunds
seed on thursday we tamhaeda quick ear an saw
at the fuit an mysiehaedaye loued this cleuch for
an beilin lumps that surgeonshaedforleiten awthegither sum sicht it
the trees an the housshaedheich touers an braw gairdens
a coudna say amen ahaedmaist need o blissin an
castel an gaed inby anhaedsupper an dryit huis claes
weel spoken person a ayehaedtae mind ma mainners an
in the schuil we ayehaedtae read lairn an recite
yeah yeah yeah yeah yehaedtae spaek this english an
an mummilt that shuirlie sumbodiehaedwun out but the sairvant
the wurds a sair stoundhaedjaggit ma hert from the
mynd o a maiden thathaeda man friend that gaed
thing tae thae cheils thathaedthe best intrests o north
pitten in wi the fairieshaedlestit seivin haill year abuin
cam aboot cause liberal politeetianshaedtaen it on thirsels tae
in thae days ye onliehaeda mustache michtie me ye
but the braw callant thathaedstuiden up for jennie in
but where s spaekin ithaedtae be in english cause
at sermons at school wehaedmusic her name was miss
hae tint yeir guidman wehaedwaur losses at the shirra
for the fishermen they dhaedtae gie up a wheen
1209 blyth days aince wehaeda chapper hingin on the
liltin amang the fulyerie ithaeda whyte feather in its
the wund a wush theyhaedbidden banquo is what we
efter aa that dorigen shaedto thole aaready aa this
craig kis the namelie warlokhaedaince bidden thare langsyne or
is drawin in the roukhaeddrak t lest nicht throu

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