
See this word as a collocate cloud

here in iceland an whithaesbefawn gunlöd terrible things terrible
wul shuirlie be wunnerin whithaesbefawn me an wul be
an nou this sair mishanterhaesbefawn me roederic saw his
to the empty cradle whithaesbefawn the bairn help sumbodie
oot whaur ma bairn whithaesbefawn the bairn sumbodie haes
ti richt whit fell cursehaesbefawn this houss jek takes
as we breirdit ai whithaesbefawn us fower plates at
haes befawn the bairn sumbodiehaesstown ma bairn the faither
befawn the bairn help sumbodiehaesstown the bairn malcolm sits
goes out irena say whaurhaesalexandr ignatyevich gaen masha he
sanitie among yer creation athaesappearinlie gaen gyte aathegither o
up masell andrey ai whaurhaesaw ma past lyfe gaen
haes santit awa foraye ithaesgaen an its fash is
aboot sumthing shona yeir faitherhaesgaen an left me in
wes warm lyke eleivin yearhaesgaen by yit ah mynd
aw oor howps for himhaesgaen doun the plug it
war first mairrit seivinteen yearhaesgaen in ah luikit up
kenna whaur yeir lousum facehaesgaen nou the r juist
soun o hir silk skirthaesgaen on the merbil plainstanes
parfumed whuffs o the simmerhaesgaen tho thair maimorie hauds
mischaunce that s whaur macduffhaesgaen ti fleitch the halie
the lest o the chirkershaesgaen ti grund langsyne nou
never leave me ma haffetshaesgaen whyte whit hae ah
darlin irena sobbing whaur whaurhaesit aw gaen til whaur
masha s gaen tae whaurhaesshe gaen til an whitfor
up ah m fair forfochenhaesthe wyfe gaen hame irena
upsteerers the day the skaithhaesbeen duin areddies an tho
rue aw the ill shehaesduin in this houss jek
wul dout thir dozent lounshaesduin it eftir we ve
it looks lyke a couhaesduin its haill business in
that nane o thae fallaeshaesduin me a bit o
year but littil guid ithaesduin me thay hae never
heid an aw ma traivelhaesduin nae mair nor sklif
ti think ower whit shehaesduin she canna be richt
s awa hame his guidwyfehaesduin sumthing daft again toozenbach
pointing to the ghost whahaesduin this lords duin what
tree moula no reply whahaesduin this thing wha wes
thinkin oor sancts an statesmenhaesduin us smaw guid from
duin a bunk broun ogrehaeshe nou ah never saw
is said an duin whithaesluiv got ti dae wi
whyle sen ah think hehaesmebbe duin a bunk broun
masha s mynd ye mashahaesa nice disposeition tae ah
echt month ah daursay hehaesforgotten masha laughs he looks
haes sic a sweet naiturhaesmasha sic a verra sweet
a man in mynd areddieshaesshe no masha strikes her
m masha s guidman shehaessic a sweet naitur haes
maun forgie me yeir namehaesslippit oot ma maimorie masha
no a bit stooter mashahaeswent ti sleep she s
aith thorfinn ma haill lyfehaesbeen a brukken aith an
lee for yeir haill lyfehaesbeen a lee ah sal
wul be that yeir lyfehaesbeen a lee thorfinn with
for auld weimen daein thingshaesbeen ma lyfe orm whit
thocht aboot whit yeir lyfehaesbeen thorfinn thinkin is for
aneuch ma road throu lyfehaesbrocht me til the wuthert
the gloamin o ma lyfehaesflaen awa lyke winnelstrae afore
that s aboot aw shehaeshaed in hir haill lyfe
sobbing nanse ma haill lyfehaesturnt intil a dreich dream
it is god himsell thathaesbaeten ye thorfinn ah hae
yerl thorfinn the strang thathaescommanded thousans o men wha
out thorfinn orm a thochthaescum ti me orm gin
reddie ah hae heard whithaeshappent til ye thorfinn syne
lest wurd thorfinn a manhaesonlie the ae wurd tho
malcolm donalbain and attendants duncanhaescawdor been beheidit yit hae
pyne ah dinna think jekhaesever lat me doun yit
wi whyte nae cairt wheelshaesfylt it yit the ice
he is look at himhaeshe peyed his rent yit
he s cum again koolyghinhaesoor heidmistress no arrived yit
mornin til ye baith macduffhaesthe keing steired yit wurthie
nor fantasie an yit ithaesthe pouer ti smoor the
fylt it yit the icehaesturnt the shop ruifs inti
ma neibors on the richthaesa grailyach at haes juist
haes aw the fauts thathaesa name but the re
haes bubbles lyke the wattirhaesan that s what they
day thay war born hehaesaw his back teeth haes
grippie fauss an deceitfu hehaesaw the fauts that haes
witches vanish banquo the yirdhaesbubbles lyke the wattir haes
haes sum spaicial meith naiturhaesgien it it s aw
haes aw his back teethhaesjek heh heh that s
richt haes a grailyach athaesjuist stertit ti step oot
suiner sichtit it or ithaessantit awa foraye it haes
an sum guid hunters ilkanehaessum spaicial meith naitur haes
haes turn t tramps adultshaesturn t bairns and cabinet
there wis lawers and bankershaesturn t pauchlers etonians haes
haes turn t pauchlers etonianshaesturn t tramps adults haes
and looks out eilidh naebodiehaesaskit me this whyle back
platchin weit wi rain naebodiehaesbeen able ti kinnil the
finnd the wattir but naebodiehaesever cum back frae the
never born sae that naebodiehaesever heard o me an
wes a lassie an naebodiehaesever spoken ti me lyke
an auncient wuids whaur naebodiehaesevir wun afore frae sum
it means aweill whitever shonahaespeyed hir dues naebodie wad
whitna waste o tyme thishaesbeen ti cum aw this
cotton this year the springhaescum again an the sauch
richt aneuch an awfu dreidhaescum ower me orm puir
said wes guidman guidman whithaescum owre ye whit ails
tell ye but the tymehaescum the r a mukkil
for aw that birnam wudhaescum ti dunsinane an ye
sun growes warm lyke springhaesfair cum at lest whyles
an the guidwyfe io kittilrumpithaesjuiist cum inti ma mynd
the princess morag bliss hirhaesjuist cum back frae the
o man an thaim thathaeslairnt thair lesson never cum
tyme ti cum yeir skreiveshaestaen me sae ferr ootby
sic lyke joukerie pawkerie macbethhaesaften tryit ti trick me
with a servant l macbethhaesbanquo left the coort servant
haivers macbeth to himself bluidhaesbeen skailt afore langsyne in
ti bring ye wurd macduffhaesfled til ingland macbeth fled
fuit l macbeth sae whathaeshappent til the howps ye
ye left the chaumer macbethhaeshe been spierin for me
re fyne tae macduff macbethhaesleft thaim in peace ross
did ye no ken hehaesmacbeth we wul gae nae
murderer macbeth 2nd murderer hehaesnae reason ti misdout us
frae what we ken macbethhaessettilt himsell in dunsinane he
me for for aw macbethhaeswun malcolm dinna tak ill
s tint the braw macbethhaeswun they leave curtain scene
can guess ross yeir castlehaesbeen taen yeir wyfe an
ah taen til ma bedhaesbreirdit inti littil burds an
til isnae thare his speirithaestaen flicht bedein an left
yett an gaed oot hehaestaen his pleisir an nou
ken that dochter o yourshaestaen it an murdert it
ken that dochter o yourshaestaen it awa an murdert
vershinin sae nou ma wyfehaestaen it intil hir heid
it koolyghin ay the conferencehaestaen it oot o me
him sae ah wul whaeverhaestaen ma needle a l
ma wyfe awa nou ithaestaen ma son anaw ma
a low voice the wyfehaestaen puzzin again ah maun
ti the haill houss glamishaesmurdert sleep an sae cawdor
the truith richt aneuch moulahaestelt us the haill storie
ma shae here an ithaesfairlie gien me sum easement
the place he says hehaesseen sum o thair banes
this at aw the deilhaessum mischief in mynd for
credit it eftir aw hehaessum taste ah think he
think a human be inhaesti hae sum faith ot
bi whit sum puir fowkhaesti pit up wi eilidh
a m thinkan ither fowkhaesaye shawed whitwey monie sic
waws is anaith galumerie anhaesbeen sae this monie a
enjeyed himsell the nicht anhaesgien monie praisents ti yeir
ma day an monie fowkhaeshaen waur lives nor me
ye coud be waur scotlandhaesmonie guid hairsts an they
whit terrible northern lichts valgerdhaesmonie men fawn gunlöd ah
daursay monie is the wummanhaesti dae wi littil better
bonnie aboot hir nou shehaesa neb on hir lyke
and attendants duncan this castlehaesa pleasant site a lyke
afore gittin mairrit lyke shehaesaften seen the wund blaw
ai whitna lyke nicht thishaesbeen andrey in great embarrassment
queen it looks lyke ithaesbeen eatin trekkil she looks
wi hir een eilidh shehaescauld een lyke the gray
in the gairdens wuthert chrysantshaescuist a fauch lyke shroud
ah feel lyke ma brainhaesdried up awthegither ah ken
acre lyke the ferm housshaesecht or nyne chaumers birks
what seemed flesh an bluidhaessantit awa lyke braith intil
natalia ivanovna koolyghin natalia ivanovnahaesa man in mynd areddies
wurk ah dae but ithaesbeen waur wul ye mynd
palace but mynd this thinghaesnocht adae wi me a
she no an yeir faitherhaesaye been pairtial ti bonnie
ken yeir mither an ahhaesaye been the best o
yeir ribs queen ma ribshaesaye been weill aneuch happit
fawn sae lourd yeir maimorieshaesbeen daivert the verra bens
in yeir naitur is whathaescawed me oot o scotland
him richt aneuch yeir vycehaeschynged a bit but ah
ross yeir son ma lordhaesdee d a sojer he
man birk up yeir smeddumhaesdesertit ye more knocking listen
wul mairrie him eftir hehaeslaid the kists forenent yeir
chaunce nou that yeir chauncehaesmade itsell ye haena the
gowden croun that supernaitral pouershaesmade yeir weird enter messenger
for yeir dule macduff hehaesnae bairns aw ma bonnie
speaker nou tho an shehaesa wee bit hirpil ah
ploy ti finnd oot whahaesbeen mensefu at court nou
the yett nou ither mosseshaesgrowne ower deep for ti
leave ye nou me thathaeshuntit for ye for lang
in tyme but nou hehaesnae teeth enou awa ye
is silent aweill the allthinghaesnou named ye a creiminal
o oorsells shona shona aweillhaesshe nou she soud ken
awa puir scotland teirannie nouhaesskowth ti bigg on siccar
what s this cummin nouhaesthis adae wi me ross
braw set o teeth shehaeswhit wul ah dae nou
thair mooths it wad seemhaesa mind o thair ain
dictionary association an thair publishershaesbeen guid eneuch tae eik
the flouers o the fieldhaesdaibilt thair pouthert chowks the
o aw the bairns thathaesfeinisht thair studies at oor
itsell an aw oor yestreinshaeslichtit gomerils alang thair roads
middil the ryal person fowkhaeslost thair heids for nae
wee fingirs thair new mistresshaesmysie haed flusht up an
the macnabs that thair reputationshaesnivver ackwallie bin unsiccar gin
convulsive hopping crivvens ma legshaesstertit ti kemp on thair
an canna lowp aboot puddokshaesti breathe throu thair skins
tyme ah m sumbodie thathaesa ludge a stane s
is in fairielaund an hehaesbeen thare aw this tyme
a real effort fowk thathaesti tyauve disna hae tyme
o a laund as tymehaestuimed it the whyle the
haivers ti me but ithaesa douce lilt til t
andrey dae ye ken hehaesactually mortgaged this houss til
that the society we belanghaesat least wun til a
til him that whan hehaesdrukken it the thrie claen
been hame afore this sumthinghaeshappent til hir ah m
sowl devauls til entropie saehaesit been for fower dreich
the inpit that scots fowkhaesmade til the airt o
aye til the aest whanhaesoniebodie ever garred it gae
nor me at laest shehaespeace ti luik forrit til
in the hinner end solionyhaesti challenge him til a
in ardnamurchan whaur the wattirhaesmagic pouers it didna tak
his gairden moula sae shonahaesconfesst awthing malcolm ay she
o yours he says hehaesguid news for ye malcolm
tell me malcolm gin hehaesguid news ye d better
twa sons malcolm an donalbainhaesstown awa an fled sae
confesst awthing malcolm ay shehaesthat she awned up ti
o ay malcolm keing edwardhaesthis wunnerfu gift a ve
there no ane o thaimhaesbeen heard speakin it as
sin even the wee bairnikieshaesit bred in thaim we
puir an thaim ah louehaesleft me ma corp is
that s made thaim drunkhaesmade me bauld it s
the trees ai but shehaesnever seen it whuff thaim
m shuir nane o thaimhaesonie notion o whit s
a month o venim ithaesswat sae byle thaim in
s prayin at thaim hehaesthe gift o prophesie forby
be angry aleko toozenbach whithaesaleko ti dae wi it
gin it war lowss whithaesaw this dirdum adae wi
century bc coronach ai whithaesbecum o us yon mukkil
kens whit siller an darghaesbeen spent on it an
tae ah ken that hehaesgey definite notions aboot whit
for whit the guid lordhaesgien me fikkil fortuin treats
proudest ane anaw but whithaesit ti dae wi you
shona dae ye eilidh thathaesnaething ti dae wi whit
whit the twa john macnabshaestae tell us about the
ah dinna unnerstaun whit ithaesti dae natasha she s
oor heidmistress koolyghin oor heidmistresshaesarrived lat s gae inby
last twa year wir saleshaesaveraged aboot five thousand oor
oor road gentie keing edwardhaeslent us guid siward an
an ever sensyne oor luivhaesnever been taigilt the nicht
reid bul o norroway hehaesnever set een on oor
speirits that kens oor weirdshaessaid ye needna fash yeirsell
a hear oor murderous cuisinshaessettilt in ingland an ireland
ir but puir traivlars thathaesspent oor lest pennie on
looking at her son hehaesa faither but he micht
killed the ane the sonhaesjoukit us an gotten clean
braw wee son the tanehaesjuist stertit ti speak the
he stabs him son hehaeskilled me mither rin awa
son whas throne this manhaesstown bydes at the inglish
o scotland an english thathaesa guid creeshin o scots
is unco weill faured anhaesbyordnar guid mainners the main
this forenicht or eftir hehaesetten the guid denner ye
contact area o the fithaestae be made a guid
bluid wul hae bluid heidstaneshaesbeen kent ti move an
lang curlie horns ma beisshaesa lang bare tail ah
ma neibor on the lefthaesa yung dochter that is
the ruif o ma housshaesaw growne back again said
in ma dream but ithaesaw turnt oot ti be
wrang wi ma tongue ithaesaye luik t the same
cosmic chynge ma cot housshaesbecum ma universe from the
ma confidence aw the smeddumhaesbeen jaggit oot me pepper
is you prince ma vycehaeschynged kis ah haena got
he gaed but the fawhaesdrakkit ma tears ah hae
men we thocht war faeshaesfocht asyde us siward ma
him ma guidwyfe an mehaeshaen twa braw sons but
cristian gunlöd the halie virginhaesheard ma prayers gunlöd ay
honest an strecht an shehaeshir principles that s ma
end a whein whyte hairshaeskythed areddies on ma heid
the auld herd ither bullikshaeslang curlie horns ma beiss
heid ma sair heid andreyhaeslost at the cairds again
the sair weird ma fowkhaesmairrit me on a caird
ti see gin ma neiborhaesmeal ti len me an
kynd ye haed been shehaesmendit ma favorite dream wi
wey ma lord the castlehaessurrendert athoot a warsil an
gars me grue ma skinhaesturnt aw hen flesh she
thir auld reikie bauks thathaeswatcht ower aw ma days
tent an aw that scotshaesa fouth mair speakers tho
stertin ti think that thishaesaw been ower the heid
scotland aye an storytellin itselhaesaw chynged i twa three
sayin that for thae lyneshaesbeen worryin me aw day
tellin aw lealtie an luvehaesdwyned awa an dee d
o liang a thousan yearshaesflaen o aw the touers
an that wyfe o hishaesgotten hir haunds on aw
maun ken that if hehaesonie honesty at aw koolyghin
english ony mair aw languageshaestae chynge if they dinnae
he awns an forby hehaesa dochter that bonnie hir
heid bi hir bedsyde shehaesa licht asyde hir aye
jo waidgin a blade thathaesa watterie leim raisin hir
deid you tell hir shehaesnaething ti fear frae me
wi a sword an sumbodiehaesverra near cut oot hir
sae ye ir nanse princesseshaesa richt ti be prood
legs gang shouglie for hehaesaye a laddie for ti
wes gaun ti gie yehaesbeen burnt enter soliony irena
valgerd saved orm ay hehaesbeen gien back ti ye
me gae the lest playhaesbegun valgerd say fareweill ti
been onie bather ti yehaesit pompitie n n na
s deid the yunkir thathaesjoukit us micht growe ti
fouterin mean thirlman the bishophaeslairnt us ti dae that
liltin the morn the birdshaesmair sense nor ti whussil
hae ti hunt for whaeverhaesstown the needle ah l
forby sae he is hehaesstuiden up ti me an
this is the wey ithaesti be a ve shuirlie
meg awbodie kens a feehaesti be peyed in pyne
s cummin oot the echthaesti gae on the twa
mak ready for it hehaesti ken an see mair
awa forever an foraye ithaesbeen sae wi men an
gret mukkil needle mebbe shehaesthrawn it awa again he
the return of john macnabhaesmair ordinar fowk as heroes
hert that s hou shehaesa smawer heid but a
beirin the knyfe masell duncanhaesbeen forby sae strecht an
to his side gunlöd gunlödhaesthe snaw fawn sae lourd
letter for the first timehaescome richt oot wi it
scotland in the 21t centuryhaesthe same richt tae be
is aft a language thathaesnever ever been spoken in
juist includes thae words thathaesa different form o the
sake cries chebutykin the baronhaesjuist been killed in a
wis spoken in walter elliothaesa thing or twa tae
or twa o the nameshaesbeen chynged tae proteck the
in scotland newsletter participate thishaescopies o twa o the
in scotland newsletter participate thishaescopies o twa o the
it s nae lauchin maitterhaesawthing really been burnt fedotik
for a whyle but tharehaesaye been sumthing aither ye
bit dander in the kintriehaesbeen arranged for the teachers
pauchlin cronies his sex drivehaesbeen comically divertit buchan does
at the back end shehaesbeen exemined bi the howdie
speak the sleikitest o murderershaesbeen fund oot throw means
form o the scots languagehaesbeen fund tae be ee
tae happen an thon facthaesbeen pruived ower an ower
repress t and ceevilised institutionshaesbeen reassertit o course the
ensamples eh frae screeds ashaesbeen sat furth in ullans
that aince mair the libidohaesbeen successfully repress t and
passin lustfu appetites sic greedhaesbeen the daith o a
the better whitna blissin thishaesbeen whitna blissin rintoul retires
here eilidh the ooter doorhaeshaurlie been aff the snek
been eatin oniething in herehaesit ye ken ah canna
vext at the wey thingshaesturnt oot dae ye think
weill the day naither hehaesah maun gae see him
ah ve forgotten aboot moulahaesaye haen a douce naitur
ah dinna ken wha elsehaeshens aboot here it s
dinna ken him you thathaeswarsilt wi him this lang
thrie tymes ten voyages ithaesbaet me but the aince
the sea but this yinhaesgot me fair bumbazed a
ferrer in this maitter hehaeshonored me latelie an a
adae wi me ross ithaesmacduff but it s the
but war an its traivelshaesmade me waesum an a
grace the keing o inglandhaesoffert me a hantil thousan
the oceans fower the heivinshaesruift me ower the dawin
day mair as thertie yearhaesstoured by me lik a
see that betelgeuse an antareshaesbaith dwyned oot it s
reads the paper tzitzikar smawpoxhaesbrukken oot anfisa goes up
room oot puzzled the baronhaesdozed aff baron baron toozenbach
and fedotik irena that solionyhaesfair smeikit the room oot
be blyth afore the flichtermousshaesflewn frae oot the belfry
sultan some bluidy cuddy thishaesturnt oot tae be nixt
is aye tuim whan hehaesingethert aneuch siller frae flouers
frae the spells the wutchhaeskuisten on him syne he
causie roads but this countryhaesnaethin but desert sand frae
bletherin cure sin the patienthaessterted tae withdraw frae ither
mair alasdair lik erica jonghaesa byordinar fear o fleein
mony weys the english languagehaeschynged a lot ower thae
the maist cairds onie shophaesivver sellt wis aboot five
green aboot the gills shehaesthrie het pigs in the
the steerars o ulster scotshaesa chyce politicisation or survival
o challenge shaws the timeshaesa chynged to whom it
raicent written forms o scotshaesa pynt an we tak
score wi weill daein ithaesa strang sense o duty
shair that the twalmonth byganehaesbrocht supporters o scots naur
cord o the years thathaesbund us baith thegither the
veesion o popular leiterature thathaesit sublimatin the readers sexual
tae ony new members thathaesjynt as a result o
wi man whas birzin herthaeskent the shipwrack o a
brounie gray color maistlie shehaeskynd o riddie feet look
riggs is cauld the smirrhaesliftit the culors o spring
reassertit o course the institutionshaesnivver raellie bin disruptit in
en in landwart airts thathaesplenty o causie roads but
banks the fluids o springhaesrisen gret warships an mukkil
thir steirin dwams o hirshaesshe said oniething whan she
it is this age thathaesslain you the laird o
cauldrif stane days an nichtshaessweitit bane a month o
the first man a dauchterhaesdella and krista chase berna
maria serghyeevna plays brawlie shehaesa fair genius for the
s complaint an that shehaesa norie that a drap
wi his temper eilidh shehaesa tung that wad clip
moula eilidh to herself shehaesthe gray gled s een
the implication is that shehaesto dree her weird cause
he s awricht onlie hehaesa wyfe a guidmither am
the sleekit waes him thithaesawbody thinking he s a
the day we think hehaesfawn in luiv a wee
wis aa tammie he ayehaesideas he says boys i
no hear him the ettinhaesjusit waukent up an he
in the warld an hehaeslat it be kent that
the wey he speaks hehaesnae want tae mak his
mallaes in the forenicht hehaespoppies his shantie ruif lets
sees wi breiks on ithaesthat effek whyles morag thenk
weill an his gret luvehaesegged him on an helpit
masell tae ye see ithaesanither blade here an syne
lest spell whan the princehaesetten his fill ye ir
an strae jaiket a fishermanhaescrakkit the ice an sterts
an this time scots tunghaesdecidit the mooth watterin poem
an virr at scots prosehaesin t an is baith
weirdrie in t an weirdriehaesits ain weys howt said
weirdrie in it an weirdriehaesits ain weys nanse howt
fire daein soliony the wundhaeslowdent an it s dwynin
the wutch that mend rainbowshaesputten an ill spell on
an der cables an duhaesta watch when du sets
end suns nae dernit ruithaesslain the spring wunds blaws
english the sairest thing thathaestae be owercome is gittin
banquo think weill owre whathaeshappent here at leisure whan
lay dernit in its holehaeshatcht intil a chirker hunkert
the caussie syde the burdshaesimpiddent een the sun its
t bairns and cabinet meenistershaesturn t vikings the mairraige
squaddie at least ane itherhaesa profile that wid nivver
opening ceremonie pairlament rob gibsonhaesa question on the 24th
commitment issues the squaddie alasdairhaesa wife that s havin
a stalkin cure john macnabhaesgien the narcissists a means
bi men or wummen thathaesborne the gree agin challengers
whas flauchter the silken skirtshaesblawn as the wund drawn
stodge in the simmer treeshaescled thairsells in shaidaes the
sin alasdair raden the grandeehaesfaithered anelie dochters next they

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