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margaret glasgow baillieston lab eadiehelendunfermline east lab ewing dr
east and musselburgh lab eadiehelendunfermline east lab ewing dr
lord james lothians con eadiehelendunfermline east lab ferguson patricia
lord james lothians con eadiehelendunfermline east lab ferguson patricia
margaret glasgow baillieston lab eadiehelendunfermline east lab ferguson patricia
east and musselburgh lab eadiehelendunfermline east lab ferguson patricia
east and musselburgh lab eadiehelendunfermline east lab ferguson patricia
east and musselburgh lab eadiehelendunfermline east lab ferguson patricia
lord james lothians con eadiehelendunfermline east lab ferguson patricia
lord james lothians con eadiehelendunfermline east lab ferguson patricia
margaret glasgow baillieston lab eadiehelendunfermline east lab ferguson patricia
lord james lothians con eadiehelendunfermline east lab ferguson patricia
lord james lothians con eadiehelendunfermline east lab ferguson patricia
lord james lothians con eadiehelendunfermline east lab ferguson patricia
lord james lothians con eadiehelendunfermline east lab ferguson patricia
east and musselburgh lab eadiehelendunfermline east lab ferguson patricia
lord james lothians con eadiehelendunfermline east lab ferguson patricia
lord james lothians con eadiehelendunfermline east lab ferguson patricia
lord james lothians con eadiehelendunfermline east lab fergusson alex
lord james lothians con eadiehelendunfermline east lab fergusson alex
east and musselburgh lab eadiehelendunfermline east lab finnie ross
east and musselburgh lab eadiehelendunfermline east lab finnie ross
east and musselburgh lab eadiehelendunfermline east lab finnie ross
east and musselburgh lab eadiehelendunfermline east lab finnie ross
inverness west ld abstentions eadiehelendunfermline east lab the convener
pauline mcneill mrs mary mulliganheleneadie alex neil mr michael
the precautionary measures to whichheleneadie alluded it seems that
its response to the petitionheleneadie although they are not
the cid in scotland ehmheleneadie an msp from fife
monteith marilyn livingstone murdo fraserheleneadie bruce crawford margaret smith
lodged on 30 march 2000heleneadie cathy jamieson alex neil
lodged on 30 march 2000heleneadie cathy jamieson maureen macmillan
macaskill mike watson shona robisonheleneadie christine grahame fergus ewing
parliament only when i heardheleneadie clarifying what saga is
john home robertson deputy convenerheleneadie colin campbell sarah boyack
petitions committee tends to meetheleneadie could not the launch
2002 present dorothy grace elderheleneadie deputy convener winnie ewing
give way tricia marwick certainlyheleneadie does the member accept
by lord james douglas hamiltonheleneadie donald gorrie linda fabiani
brian monteith mr kenneth gibsonheleneadie donald gorrie s1m 3508
7 january 2002 supported byheleneadie dorothy grace elder brian
dundee east lab deputy convenerheleneadie dunfermline east lab committee
aberdeen north lab committee substitutesheleneadie dunfermline east lab david
to the eu 17 38heleneadie dunfermline east lab i
to him along those linesheleneadie dunfermline east lab i
i too am a memberheleneadie dunfermline east lab i
monitoring and independence 10 39heleneadie dunfermline east lab i
the united nations 16 23heleneadie dunfermline east lab i
he has been home yetheleneadie dunfermline east lab ian
is no charge at allheleneadie dunfermline east lab in
snp dennis canavan falkirk westheleneadie dunfermline east lab irene
campbell west of scotland snpheleneadie dunfermline east lab mr
mid scotland and fife snpheleneadie dunfermline east lab mr
quinan west of scotland snpheleneadie dunfermline east lab nora
con karen gillon clydesdale labheleneadie dunfermline east lab phil
dundee east lab committee membersheleneadie dunfermline east lab phil
and order policies in fifeheleneadie dunfermline east lab the
the worst kind of controlheleneadie dunfermline east lab will
than the current care provisionsheleneadie dunfermline east lab with
on the future of europeheleneadie from discussions with the
care for over a yearheleneadie have you taken legal
other regional parliaments ben wallaceheleneadie highlights the good work
dr elaine murray cathy jamiesonheleneadie hugh henry rhoda grant
might wish to consider thatheleneadie i accept that convener
that was a good ideaheleneadie i agree the petition
do not consider the petitionheleneadie i am happy to
will the member give wayheleneadie i am on my
has taken place this yearheleneadie i ask your colleagues
i did not take partheleneadie i certainly support your
its deliberations on future consultationheleneadie i do not disagree
for as long as possibleheleneadie i have a 101
public petitions committee for considerationheleneadie i have a different
i am plugging that issueheleneadie i have to say
with every word you sayheleneadie i like to make
do members have any questionsheleneadie i note that the
any views on that pointheleneadie i support the view
do members have any commentsheleneadie i think that we
petition rather than hinder itheleneadie i think that you
need for a separate stepheleneadie i was not suggesting
no barrier in that respectheleneadie i welcome the fact
the meeting on 15 januaryheleneadie i wish to apologise
there must be a questionheleneadie i would be grateful
the petition on to themheleneadie i would be happy
in an easily understood formheleneadie i would like to
from the public petitions committeeheleneadie if we want to
could not possibly disagree withheleneadie in this instance that
elaine smith mr jamie stoneheleneadie irene oldfather cathy peattie
what it wishes to doheleneadie is talking about our
the convener i think thatheleneadie is talking about something
executive instead of fife councilheleneadie it has already been
report about those two areasheleneadie it is true that
be useful members indicated agreementheleneadie it might also be
do you have any commentsheleneadie it would be worthwhile
livingstone paul martin elaine thomsonheleneadie johann lamont pauline mcneill
livingstone paul martin elaine thomsonheleneadie johann lamont pauline mcneill
morgan mary scanlon cathie craigieheleneadie karen whitefield dennis canavan
sylvia jackson mr andrew wilsonheleneadie lodged on 18 february
against watering down our replyheleneadie makes the fair point
mcgugan dennis canavan sandra whiteheleneadie malcolm chisholm john mcallion
2000 christine grahame hugh henryheleneadie margaret jamieson nick johnston
stone john mcallion dennis canavanheleneadie margaret smith nora radcliffe
poor supported by mike watsonheleneadie marilyn livingstone dr sylvia
lodged on 31 march 2000heleneadie maureen macmillan mike watson
macintosh hugh henry david mundellheleneadie mr kenneth gibson karen
baillie scott barrie bill butlerheleneadie mrs margaret ewing rhoda
2000 present john mcallion convenerheleneadie phil gallie christine grahame
scvo and volunteer development scotlandheleneadie raised the issue of
lamont rhoda grant bill butlerheleneadie rhona brankin mr tom
wednesday 20 september 2000 presentheleneadie robin harper janis hughes
people i was interested inheleneadie s comment about the
23 march 2001 michael russellheleneadie s1m 1785 war memorial
barrie pauline mcneill fiona mcleodheleneadie s1m 2924 bill mclaren
to scottish society and asheleneadie said to the scottish
also by older people asheleneadie said we should not
the case previously on whatheleneadie says on funding and
phil gallie i note thatheleneadie seems to agree with
to fife council tricia marwickheleneadie should read the report
hyslop bruce crawford s1m 1066heleneadie technology and customer services
the launch on that dayheleneadie that gives me the
that it had no moneyheleneadie that is right the
say to lloyd quinan andheleneadie that regional management which
s information christine grahame okayheleneadie the holyrood article does
we consider the matter furtherheleneadie the issue came up
should respond to this petitionheleneadie there was quite a
christine grahame are you sureheleneadie they have certainly been
been up those avenues alreadyheleneadie they have christine grahame
on this matter s1w 34342heleneadie to ask the scottish
will discuss s1o 6439 30heleneadie to ask the scottish
stations in fife s1w 34344heleneadie to ask the scottish
with learning disabilities s1w 14603heleneadie to ask the scottish
stations in fife s1w 34347heleneadie to ask the scottish
by local authority s1w 14602heleneadie to ask the scottish
stations in fife s1w 34343heleneadie to ask the scottish
stations in fife s1w 34346heleneadie to ask the scottish
on this matter s1w 34348heleneadie to ask the scottish
stations in fife s1w 34345heleneadie to ask the scottish
to airdrie s1o 6480 14heleneadie to ask the scottish
deaf children s1o 4848 5heleneadie to ask the scottish
such weapons r s1w 20830heleneadie to ask the scottish
environment committee for its considerationheleneadie we might want to
the petition to the executiveheleneadie yes phil gallie i
been considered by fife councilheleneadie yes the convener there
had difficulty reading the writingheleneadie yes the writing was
alexander lothians con e eadiehelenstirling dunfermline east lab elder
through with the appointment ofhelenliddell as secretary of state
wis estaiblished in 1998 byhelenliddell at thon time meenister
putting the same problems tohelenliddell by that stage my
i extend warm greetings tohelenliddell in her new post
secretary of state for scotlandhelenliddell key to the scheme
lothians con i congratulate mrshelenliddell on her appointment as
the then minister for educationhelenliddell one of the first
do the business we welcomehelenliddell s appointment and look
julian s 27th birthday yesterdayhelencame down from shediac today
julian ann and i tookhelendown to the club cosmopolitan
weekend with julian ann andheleni m looking forward to
quebec city it was fabuloushelenjulian ann and i drove
ecossaise six ty cents annhelenleigh can manage but julian
case is certainly very usefulhelenpauline mcneill glasgow kelvin lab
went to see e thelenand ann had seen it
out with dinner with annhelenand mike from the eng
officer highland council c llrhelenlaw fife council education spokesperson
hugh s discovering his daughterhelenin the arms of charlie
and i enclose a clippinghelen[censored: surname] gave me from the
was fun really silly andhelenenjoyed it and i gave
roads are so dangerous misshelentroy gave a dismissive wave
friday we stopped in onhelenwho gave us supper she
scrape through on wed eveninghelen[censored: surname] a mature student who
one weekend to shediac andhelen[censored: surname] and her family were
home on aug 29th sundayhelen[censored: surname] has offered to drive
and mrs [censored: surname] and mrshelen[censored: surname] head of music and
a little more free timehelen[censored: surname] is taking her son
final arrangements for her arrivalhelen[censored: surname] the mature english student
i got a letter fromhelen[censored: surname] this morning she thoroughly
on thursday we went withhelen[censored: surname] to stay in shediac
not to get too miserablehelen[censored: surname] was down from shediac
pitcarles elder since 1947 misshelenriddoch dower cottage organist for
me to introduce myself misshelentroy and this the voice
game isn t it misshelentroy produced a booklet with
to be congratulated the convenerhelenyou are a member of
gin it wur yestreen mrshelengovenlock the janitor kent bi
raids owre glesca ae mrshelennelson nee lothian whae wis
gate down a thin wirehelentells morag black andy is
am not opposed to whathelensuggested and it is fortunate
jim mcfarlane scottish enterprise bordershelenbottle scottish enterprise borders julia
off with those dances poorhelenmavor herself started her dancing
16 years her mother washelencraib from coull her father
from richard stott president andhelennisbet secretary procurator fiscal society
exit from fredericton u khelensays she could drive me
finish protested dorothy he believeshelenwas born from a swan
one other minor delusion thinkshelenwas born from an egg
the whole village including deadhelenand her flowers conspires to
i didn t even noticehelenhad her hair done yesterday
slept with forty nine ofhelens aunties in one night
honourable i go along withhelens comments i have written
happy to go along withhelens suggestion i thought that
to paula mann paul calderhelenholland and ernest chapman who
smith and lisa naidoo sthelens primary school cumbernauld who
quebec and picked up leighhelens son who d been
father and an invalid sisterhelenbit i m sure it
kid on the school rollhelenthespiosis i hear she s
i yer nursin hame likehelenye re an avid reader
said it was to givehelena secret life that was
she was eventually banned byhelenbecause of the sort of
he was the son ofhelenkennedy daughter of gilbert 2nd
door tae you was ithelens hoose was the under
the under forester f643: nohelens house was the undergaffer
their ain mait wi emhelenwas quite right most visitors
at this stage pe 398helenmcdade on myalgic encephalomyelitis the
under forester f643: uh huhhelens m642: and this boy
competent in english yet ashelensavva comments this is transitional
kindled how old is thishelenthespiosis which one of us
caught the bus up tohelens on tues eve and
a tight rein on thathelenshe spends far too much
firm enough the book byhelenbeaton at the back o
by for visitors but aunthelenwid hae neen o t
ll just be me anhelenfur christmas dis year bjorn
sing love me tender murrayheleninnes yelled the man s
the back o t likeheleno troy an some fowk
him that he isn thelens real dad half the
t cycle in a crinolinehelenthen she tried greeks aren
sure he ll take tohelenand clytemnestra like a duck
to the french canadian cityhelenhad made a picnic lunch
to build another school ifhelenhas as many sisters as
and brown tonight we tookhelenout to dinner at a
oscillates between genuine grief forhelenand a desperate desire for
prophecy that ye get inhelenbeaton s book aboot benachie
heard abune the din weehelenhaet a word got in
known in ayrshire anyway causehelenm1008: mmhm m1007: uses it
it s for yer auntiehelenpick it aff if it
finish sally michie chided sohelens a cuckoo in the
kind of lemon jelly saladhelens a nice woman and
an aged crofter cutting peathelens caused a fair stooshie
the hymn they sang forhelens death but shortly after
while the adults are athelens funeral isabel is transforming
attacking anson fiercely and inhelens running into the road
ve likely seen them thoughhelens the mair distinctive o
tae the pool yesterday younghelenthespiosis took tae the water

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