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quine jessie fa d droonedherselin the leddrach dam a
fin their quine jessie droonedherselnae a wird o the
s dother jessie hid droonedherselthere last yule raither than
wird this verra nicht anherselan isie wad see t
d a heich opinion oherseldid isie bit still hid
o its main arteries isieherselgaed tae fee pyin schule
them tilt isie wis enjoyinherselshe aye did fin loons
fan he spied the quineherselcomin frae the big hoose
the quine micht hae gottenherselfrae the young banker sodjer
quine fur sikkin tae rugherselooto the glaur she d
o his maids hid gottenherselbairned on his ferm like
noo that she hid gottenherselintae a guid gaun rhythm
cood end up in bedherselat wis fan her knight
ken fit tae dee wiherselfan i m awa peggy
dat smootie half ramished fanherselin a wire cage kyerried
me in smootie tocht taeherselshö fan a peerie bush
arriving fan she was inherselso she lockèt the door
craiter thrashed aa the cornherselan fullt it intil a
cut doon the hale parkherselan gaithert the corn intae
tae saa the corn aaherselmusic mime scene 2 the
me into an alcy likeherselthe truth o t is
the lassie wis fer enjoyinherselthen truth hit hame a
lassie tae dae awa wiherseleenoo his hoosekeeper janet hid
seems the lassie s gotherseltwa mothers noo ronnie earnestly
jist like da hid leftherselan her ma an matty
arthur hid winted chae anherseltae myne on him lauchin
she wis that withdrawn intaeherselso busy wi the arrangements
she stan s up dichtsherselas ony decent body would
a chaunce tae cam roonherselif she s nae ony
one day she ll findhersela grannie an that s
the nicht she wid poorhersela skirp o fusky frae
north gellan she ay caadhersela tarland tink efter the
men hae fout she streekitherselafore him and quo she
to her she can saveherselan affa lot o trouble
jean chalmers she richt fanciedherselas a film star she
daur make an exhibition ofherselat the theatre but she
mither she d anely fashherselbaith o ye get aathin
she wis nivver at itherselbit a cousin o hers
she s rade the windsherselbut the deil gied her
ma mistress noo an sheherselcome tae see me sic
had enough to say forherselever since she was a
ready for spearin she bousherselforrit her heid bendin low
ken half the aul wordiesherselgladys i div bessie she
she d makk fine tummlinherselhe jeloused in anither year
lizzie she s fair convincedherselhe s deid killt georgie
teller 3 she thocht tillherseli ll hae tae saa
hoppin mad she tellt meherselin a letter she had
grimly she ll come toherselin a minute she is
fecht mebbe she wis youngherselin eichteen eichty eicht dog
airm aroon her she beerietherselin his breist an pu
saftly she wis aa biherselin the castle wid an
echoes as she rouns onhersellast luik in on twenty
see the boss she meanshersel[laugh] aye f1054: okay that
her an she disna showhersellichtly i didna tell him
fae the meinit she gitsherselower the bed in the
has naebody to blame butherselshe could hae been providit
but she cuidna hairst itherselshe thocht i ll awa
sort o weapon tae protectherselshe wis telt that war
sin and syne she selltherseltae a witch wumman that
that she may name yeherselthe king o kings an
on she wis talkin taeherselthe words in his automatic
she s learned to frameherselto my character lilian hm
she s enough as clotheherselwi whit she gets frae
his leid and thocht taeherselwhat sort o corrieneuchin this
rest the witch hag forherselalsweel has coft a bonnie
ti lie quaitlike an restherselsae wang jin thenkit him
sleep yer ma s naeherseljist noo aathin ll seem
the sticky clart aa owerherselnoo her verra hauns war
the wife of bath contradictsherselathin the prologue itsel quotin
bin aboot spikk s wifeherselbit fowk ll say onything
tae the mill aa byherselnaebody wid pit themsels oot
s dreich yer lane aaherselin a neuk feint the
aa the milkin tae daeherselthe nicht wi yer fowk
probably wanted to be byherselso i didna ging wi
matty her mither wis kindnessherselthe cauld win cudna bla
day it micht weel beherselthe morn her haun raxxed
winnie ewing mep madame ecosseherselweel efter aw the ongauns
cat maistlins da sam isherselweel no fairly sae boannie
richt gled nava cud divertherselonywye a neebor body jude
flooers war unclean like minnieherselbarred frae the beasts in
shaws a think lang onherselay an tuim s ma
covers her weys o trackinherselfae renfrew tae the east
minnie a wee room taeherselabeen the dairy an cairt
that could be mistress oherselbut would yield tae act
s right aye m642: taeherseleh and we slept in
mornin as early as megherselit wis his job tae
jennie got tae thinkin taeherselthe day i got merrit
d be tryin tae steekherselye could hear the catch
a lang ee on himherselmrs laing aye you may
to a dance grannie saysherselit s ower aul fashioned
aw her siller and bochtherselan unco skeel at spinnin
her cairry at a beherselpointing at the kit georgie
wha was on the gameherseland wha d shopped him
an ma sister was killinhersellaughin it took us three
mary queen o scots arrivedherselsigned up fur speed datin
nae idea hoo to enjoyherselava dod turning on the
never had a wee tootieherselan never approved o evelyn
s got the answers forherselana another heavy sigh i
on the spot an gettingherselan emergency appointment at hazleheid
warld s elite an meetherselfor this maist unexpectit treat
came back and thanked usherselm608: aye f643: later on
for a girl cannae pushherselin a chap s arms
whan the troot but whanherselis in the tid he

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