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best solution to the problemshighlightedbritish sign language bsl 111
best solution to the problemshighlightedcommunity languages 94 paragraph 17
best solution to the problemshighlightedgaelic 78 there were fewer
best solution to the problemshighlightedrecommendations 117 the recommendations for
these advances the submissions receivedhighlightedgaps in the provision cycle
occur 26 51 the submissionshighlightedthe need for scots to
summary the submissions received havehighlightedvarious problems and have proposed
the city of edinburgh councilhighlightedthe enormous burden that regular
the city of edinburgh councilhighlightedthe potential for an enormous
problems that i have justhighlighted16 40 ben wallace north
ensure that alcohol problems arehighlightedand addressed as referred to
the problems that have beenhighlightedduring stage 1 the liberal
extremely useful in that ithighlightedseveral unforeseen problems children were
for centuries recent events havehighlightedthe problems whitefish fleets face
sub member state administrations wehighlightedthe importance of framework decision
john scott many previous witnesseshighlightedthe importance of synchronised production
a most effective manner thathighlightedthe importance of the role
times in particular i havehighlightedthe importance of working together
meals his case has beenhighlightedby the local press and
talking about complaints which arehighlightedby the press first whereas
pressures various press articles havehighlighteddevelopment pressures on allotment sites
few weeks a complaint washighlightedin the press before the
took information to him andhighlightedmy concerns we all have
in edinburgh and the lothianshighlightedother concerns about funding particular
of concerns about funding theyhighlightedthe need to ensure that
our substantive decisions we havehighlightedthree or four concerns dorothy
c 3615 linda fabiani alsohighlightedthat concern there is an
is anxiety which linda fabianihighlightedthat moving away from prescribed
community fund which linda fabianihighlightedthe fund has a remit
changing places community conference thathighlightedthe various initiatives under taken
scotland s rural communities ashighlightedby the research findings in
might be labelled racist ashighlightedin the research evidence made
the evidence of poor practicehighlightedin the research made available
information snfas and wwf bothhighlightedthe need for more research
and involving the people ishighlightedfurther by the fact that
at one point still ithighlightedone fact often lost in
fact that margo macdonald hashighlightedthat there are many success
in particular gordon jackson whohighlightedthe fact that a situation
bill s administration people havehighlightedthe fact that there will
referred to however it alsohighlightedsome of the dangers we
cases that needed to behighlightedin many cases the debates
buildings are properly maintained ashighlightedin issues in improving quality
the full range of issueshighlightedin the report but of
transport needs including the issueshighlightedin women and transport guidance
a disabled child we havehighlightedissues of multiple discrimination particularly
report in a fix whichhighlightedsome of the issues that
poverty and inclusion working grouphighlightedthe issues around poverty and
clearly defined topic areas ishighlightedin the recent position paper
now than in 1999 ashighlightedin figures published by the
published in september this yearhighlightedthe insufficient number of sexual
taken to address the situationhighlightedin the scottish local government
drew up for the committeehighlightedthe lack of young women
that the issue has beenhighlightedand i hope that the
justice committee s report hashighlightedthat point i hope that
hope that that will behighlightedthroughout the year iain montgomery
from norma macleod acair ltdhighlightedthe need for additional funding
the areas that members havehighlightedif things are done properly
number of areas that werehighlightedin the home office led
eu membership the children alsohighlightedpossible benefits of being in
zones for example dr sheltonhighlightedthat as a possible route
that was constantly raised andhighlightedin our evidence taking and
self explanatory the issue ishighlightedat the top of page
they do night shifts ihighlightedthat issue in the debate
points hector currie s reporthighlighteda few things that we
back on us which alsohighlightedexamples of age discrimination in
that problem donald gorrie alsohighlightedthat and told us what
lines it should also behighlightedthat any individual or party
about their security hector curriehighlightedthe need for better information
development systems this event ishighlightedin bold in table one
the two objectives that youhighlightedsustainable development and agricultural modernisation
the case as christine hashighlightedthat it is based on
participating in existing structures werehighlightedthey were children from ethnic
effective learners so i vehighlightedthere some of the things
sex offenders register has beenhighlightedas far as is practically
is flawed as has beenhighlightedby other decisions that have
and which bruce crawford hashighlighteddo we agree to consider
more confusing as has beenhighlightedin mental health alone the
con at stage 1 ihighlightedmy intention to lodge an
personal care which mary scanlonhighlightedshe was right that we
ask about the difficulties youhighlightedwhich followed the introduction of
of concern that you havehighlightedis important it is clear
a rationale and i vehighlightedhere some of the key
first round of naps inclusionhighlightedthe limited involvement of civil
should be included first ithighlightedthe uses the data on
over what constitutes scots ashighlightedby p h scott president
earmarked for elderly care ashighlightedby sir stewart sutherland is
the high court judiciary ashighlightedin the criminal appeal statistics
are very similar to thosehighlightedin the teaching of english
the practical arrangements those arehighlightedin the text that members
echoing something that donald gorriehighlightedin his speech i want
the financial difficulties that arehighlightedin the appendices at the
sector a subject that washighlightedin the social justice committee
scottish education and i vehighlightedout of that four of
in the voluntary sector andhighlightedthat 27 per cent of
socially excluded communities elaine thomsonhighlightedexactly why the gnp is
lord james douglas hamilton rightlyhighlightedthe bill will give uk
and sent to all mspshighlightedthe impact on a family

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