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including geography environmental studies localhistoryand citizenship helping children to
and and erm so sohistoryand geography is really what
about nothing was conversant inhistoryand geography probably the finest
of faith ethnicity language originhistoryand geography so that each
students in greenock and fivehistoryand geography students in newton
teachers are required for geographyhistoryand maths highland council also
[?]other one[/?] oh erm there washistoryas well no more geography
so i did geography andhistorychemistry and physics and art
elizabeth studied latin and greekhistorygeography and maths music archeology
the subjects offered are eitherhistorygeography or gaelic some schools
specific aspect of the culturehistoryor geography of the foreign
geography f1148: mmhm mmhm f1149: historyor modern studies so i
insights into character and intohistoryand history of class in
history in scotland and familyhistoryand language history as well
and family history and languagehistoryas well er in the
teaching british history including scottishhistoryat every level of the
the history the anglo saxonhistorybefore it [click] [inhale] however
history let alone scots politicalhistoryhardly celebrated at aw f785:
this was a sooking uphistoryhere s my history you
scots irish history irish immigranthistoryin scotland and family history
ample opportunities for teaching britishhistoryincluding scottish history at every
aspects of [exhale] scots irishhistoryirish immigrant history in scotland
could have changed british politicalhistorylet alone scots political history
history trust and working classhistorymuseums lodged on 14 march
ah m903: history that thehistoryo the the australians is
character and into history andhistoryof class in this country
of the history of thehistoryof scotland 1579 and robert
of ross author of thehistoryof the history of scotland
to the f826: ah m903: historythat the history o the
like the style of thehistorythe anglo saxon history before
1756 scottish working people shistorytrust and working class history
up history here s myhistoryyou are wonderful sook sook
this wonderfully kind of oralhistoryif you like much more
makkin an there s oralhistoryin t swatches o the
course that s what oralhistoryis f963: mmhm yeah m762:
source of it s oralhistoryit s a source of
is literally it s oralhistoryof course that s what
the increasing awareness of oralhistoryprojects and the growth of
twilight zone of english literaryhistoryan age of sensibility or
whose gifts an english literaryhistoryhas been no more successful
make up a scottish literaryhistoryits successions and combinations of
important point in the linguistichistoryof literary scots as the
literary relations g kratzmann thehistoryof scottish poetry dr david
in scottish literary and linguistichistorythan the schoolboy platitudes of
dale spender women and literaryhistorythe feminist reader ed by
registers in the standard literaryhistorywhich casts british romanticism as
estuary transport authority schools britishhistory5 alex johnstone north east
give to ensure that britishhistoryis adequately covered in the
strands that goes through britishhistoryis the quest for justice
in scottish and british industrialhistorymany of them were classified
prime minister meetings schools britishhistorymotion of thanks motion moved
narrative of a unified britishhistoryone in which all but
that anyone who studies britishhistoryshould also recognise that britain
heid yins in british parliamentaryhistorysome heistie up fur twa
key development in british constitutionalhistorywas the immediate backdrop to
his account of the familyhistoryand the circumstances in which
got a lot of familyhistorybut there were also more
are associated with a familyhistoryof osteoporosis particularly among women
d to know the wholehistoryof the family [laugh] in
keith raffan s1m 3123 familyhistorysocieties support lodged on 16
brian adam s1m 2843 familyhistorytourism development lodged on 6
linda fabiani s1m 2843 familyhistorytourism development lodged on 6
own identity and your familyhistoryyou re actually using effectively
and relate to shetland shistoryand culture boat a textile
the importance to scotland shistoryand culture of our heritage
burns have made to thehistoryand culture of scotland commends
promote an understanding of thehistoryand culture of the area
alternating tutorial talk on culturehistoryapparently i m the first
destination by building on itshistoryculture environment and the hospitality
s1m 2375 literature on scottishhistoryheritage and culture lodged on
together with culture religion andhistoryis a major component of
gaelic arts or culture orhistoryof islay or scotland in
culture quhilk reflects scotland shistorywaiy o life and social
of eighteenth century women thehistoryof scottish literature 1660 1800
writing undertaken in the recenthistoryof scottish women s writing
women poets 1991 and ahistoryof scottish women s writing
class women writers in ahistoryof scottish women writers yet
the most despised women inhistoryshameless star maxine peake defended
stimulate the teaching of scottishhistoryand literature vol xxi 1912
even the teaching of scottishhistoryhas only recently been given
expand the teaching of scottishhistoryin both primary and secondary
years had developed into teachinghistorythrough the medium of gaelic
takk first class honours inhistoryan politics smairm an chairm
dunaskin in preserving working classhistorybelieves that this and other
sat in their standard gradehistoryclass let s listen to
most fascinating pieces of socialhistoryin our country cathy jamieson
of her country and itshistoryis humorously conveyed in the
bit o country steeped inhistoryit wis noo aboot seven
how landscape can influence thehistoryof a country and how
given this great country shistoryof sacrifice in opposing tyranny
place names which reflect thehistoryof the country are seen
of a country and howhistorypolitics and power can determine
e swri or a localhistorysociety an aabody d say
the wigtownshire antiquarian and naturalhistorysociety bill had a close
been published by the scottishhistorysociety but there must be
m presently involved wi thehistorysociety in dunbar for community
the scottish working people shistorysociety lodged on 13 june
s1m 2009 the scottish labourhistorysociety lodged on 13 june
the scottish working people shistorysociety lodged on 13 june
s1m 2009 the scottish labourhistorysociety lodged on 13 june
aile in the day scottishhistorysociety xxvi 1896 55 here
m605: like writing essays inhistorygives you kind of critical
if you re writing ahistoryin the vernacular it would
you re writing a versehistorywould say you- you d
that underlie this kind ofhistorywriting [click] [inhale] in this
have been working on ahistoryof scottish weights and measures
scots in grampian an outlinehistoryaberdeen comann cealtach oilthigh obar
scotland scots has a writtenhistoryas far back as the
[click] erm he wrote thishistoryfor mary queen of scots
wee we heard wir scotshistoryilkie wikk on the wireless
scots language like gaelic itshistoryis timeless and is surrounded
have appeared lookin through thehistoryo scots [inaudible] figures like
was a school with ahistoryof competing in scots verse
english grammar and lexis thehistoryof english and scots metrics
unusual in scotland for itshistoryof gaelic and lowland scots
intention was to expand thehistoryof older scots as fully
small region as the generalhistoryof scots has been excellently
about this passage for thehistoryof scots is that urquhart
of those [inaudible] the edinburghhistoryof scots of that eh
modern scots in the edinburghhistoryof the scots language jones
hail due tae its complicatithistoryscots was aince a very
the various languages personal languagehistoryerm from my own erm
recognised aspects of his ownhistoryin the language of the
was here unconsciously modelling thehistoryof mankind upon his own
alexandria and noting the richhistoryof scotland s own literature
about their own nation shistoryrather than someone else s
historians subordinated their own nationalhistoryto the english model while
explanation of his own lifehistorywhere vigorously repressed feelings of
oh yeah it echoes downhistoryand the kind of lack
the hutton report becomes ahistoryer it s kind of
that kind of change andhistoryf963: mmhm mm m762: there
or the humanist kind ofhistory[inhale] the truth is he
this is the kind ofhistorythat they write these long
humanists displaced the kind ofhistorywhich is still saga full
f746: really the kind ofhistoryyou want to do f745:
talked in english about russianhistoryand living under the yoke
do with the like sociolinguistichistoryof english and norman french
f745: but ehm i didhistoryof english and that does
words from the entire recordedhistoryof english beginning with old
there are also applications inhistoryof english classes again searching
discrete chronological period in thehistoryof english his last suggested
english this period in scottishhistorywas also characterised by some
stinch in the pages ohistorytinker gaelic cant or romany
material on awthing frae thehistoryo language tae folklore i
scotland 1698 1981 the geographicalhistoryof a language edinburgh john
a unique moment in thehistoryof language in lowland scotland
gender preceding chapters examined thehistoryof language on upper deeside
more scottish than the earlierhistoryby knox and erm erm
know erm you know ermhistoryin terms of you know
erm and and landscape andhistoryin the present you know
erm the passage of timehistoryloss all of that of
leslie s work er thehistoryof scotland [click] erm he
bits in er pitscottie shistoryis the death of james
the er the historic thehistorymuseum what do you call
f963: mm mmhm m762: erhistoryof course as usual er
of a a quick erhistoryof that was aimed at
the 1566 manuscript of thehistoryof the reformation er which
ever since and i erhistorys the the the well
as usual er i lovehistorythat s one of the
scottish crown had a longhistoryalthough subject to the fluctuations
point that marks a longhistorybehind this simple wee device
otago westbank has a longhistorydating back to the 1870
available immediately is the longhistoryof delay nice has produced
rome statute after a longhistoryof negotiations being stalled although
creating the chair of scottishhistoryand literature at glasgow university
through his many books scottishhistoryand other scottish causes on
our young people their scottishhistoryas effectively as possible but
a change in scottish culturalhistorybut one with different dynamics
standard grade exam in scottishhistorycovering the period from ancient
for standard grade and higherhistorygives due prominence to scottish
vip o mony s ahistorylesson in scottish skweels on
atmosphere when scottish and soviethistoryoverlapped whispered asides when trotsky
145 mr brian monteith scottishhistorythat the parliament calls upon
critical time in scottish industrialhistorythe new scottish parliament is
a patriotic interest in scottishhistorythe patriot and the patriot
aspects of scottish life andhistorythese are described in the
a firmer grasp of scottishhistorythose elements should be integral
bit it s heen itshistorya cat files taks up
a crucial time in itshistoryand commends the efforts of
seems to symbolise mallorca shistoryand its key role within
the first time in itshistoryand wishes continuing success to
start to its more recenthistoryarrived in the mild mannered
the twenty first yet itshistoryhas its share of precarious
o wirkin an its aalerhistoryjist be lookin at e
focus here is on thehistoryof the project and its
day of creating a newhistoryand tradition for our parliament
h- you [laugh] f1067: ourhistoryhas not been one of
variety of occasions in ourhistoryincluding the union of the
our political social and economichistoryoverall they can help us
says something about richard shistoryproject watching our funeral limo
at various times in ourhistorythis accounts for many inconsistencies
region in our nation shistorywe can point to times
most remarkable achievements of ourhistorywinnie ewing described when she
moments this account of thathistory1 seeks to record these
has shown in out ofhistory1996 how the model of
do a little bit ofhistoryand and i did classics
of how we deal withhistoryand more intimately how we
school and i had takenhistoryand one of my best
but for reasons of knowledgehistoryand understanding that young people
seems to have written hishistoryas a direct rebuttal of
studies of exploration biography andhistoryas well as a steady
an outline of the externalhistoryas well as those aspects
direct rebuttal of leslie shistorybasically putting the protestant case
into the shadowy pages ofhistorybibliography adventurers and exiles marjory
fergusson pivot any point inhistorycan of course be portrayed
selection of material comprising postalhistorycancellations instructional markings postcards etc
turning of the wheels ofhistorycould even have been a
spanish something of the arguablehistorycum mythology of the city
all this six days ofhistorydistilled into a single six
should go down in tvhistoryhe asked the leader of
portrayal of the islands throughhistoryin both an that was
the brechtian technique of interrogatinghistoryin order to bring out
of peace in western europeanhistoryin particular they have brought
is a sport with particularhistoryin some parts of britain
sense of themselves and theirhistoryin the same note every
some of his poems abouthistoryincluding the lovely lass of
progression of this perversion throughouthistoryinsinuating a coincidence with events
of macbeth owes little tohistoryit is set in scotland
a national narrative of culturalhistorylike any narrative it has
at the feet of herhistorylinen straw hats crêpe de
some debate about the textualhistoryo the wife of bath
it is important that thehistoryof a house is known
of goods how can thehistoryof a nation be properly
systems of jurisprudence and ahistoryof administering justice fairly hugh
a return to the europeanhistoryof division and poverty and
a copy of the postalhistoryof durham city which he
2 for a more detailedhistoryof editorial policy see editorial
the ateneum guide an illustratedhistoryof finnish art until the
light on the comparative legalhistoryof homicide the answer to
talk about the port shistoryof how it is being
m741: uh huh m605: ahistoryof immigr- immigration in the
group it has been thehistoryof labour party members to
speakers exploring the meanings andhistoryof local place names and
the songs and told thehistoryof many of the boys
disasters that have blotted thehistoryof modern car ferries need
to have design faults thehistoryof modern transport technology offers
in the first chapter thehistoryof north east speech was
of the book a naturalhistoryof rape the biological bases
is a museum of thehistoryof religion and atheism some
nationally and internationally in thehistoryof roll on roll off
longman todd 1978 b chiltonhistoryof sacrifice pennsylvania state u
tc smout s an economichistoryof scotland 1560 1860 surprisingly
d m walker a legalhistoryof scotland vol 5 1998
jamborees he gave a shorthistoryof scouting and the development
as she tells them herhistoryof seduction blackmail and debauchery
record my feelings about thehistoryof the 1970s and 1980s
they earned a living thehistoryof the church etc very
m kerlie p h ahistoryof the lands and their
the state given the politicalhistoryof the previous century the
second major period in thehistoryof the project had begun
on the project s costshistoryof the project the government
an example from knox shistoryof the reformation a third
appears in john knox shistoryof the reformation in scotland
plan takes account of thehistoryof the requirements that are
with a copy of thehistoryof the school 5 a
diack 1944 having discussed thehistoryof the speech of the
f963: mm mmhm yeah m762: historyof theirs of adultery and
tobacco industry have a proudhistoryof trade union organisation for
the idea of an unwrittenhistoryof trying to recover or
th- there is no meaningfulhistoryof waulking songs here the
take members briefly through thehistoryof what has been on
your feet the hatchery ofhistoryolder am i than wood
doing the fastest wilt inhistoryon a diet of cheese
subjects that interested her washistoryparticularly of ancient and prehistoric
his work embodies matters ofhistorypolitics commerce religion sexual mores
much now has no securehistoryprincipally because of the confiscation
whether the current standard gradehistorysyllabus covers the issue of
far as i understand thehistorythe controlled use of the
of an individual s medicalhistorythis will include chronic problems
restricting the display to postalhistoryto make the evening of
all the crushing weight ofhistorytradition and morality tier upon
siculus in his library ofhistorytrans c h oldfather loeb
20 pages of early postalhistorywhere special interest was shown
all the way back throughhistoryand m762: w- which well
now how can you knowhistoryif you don t know
2 philosophy and first yearhistorym816: how do you find
a real insight into thehistoryand environment and place in
pseudonym too he passed intohistoryas juan orth after his
report but in extenuation herhistorymust be taken into account
stages particularly in music andhistorybut also in art and
first and second world warhistoryboth show a comparatively short
be the first manifesto inhistoryto be drawn up with
s an aafa lot ohistoryaboot e place it gies
tears kennin naethin o thehistoryahin the twa pearls o
stinch in the pages ohistorybombed an tombed an shelled
joost d lexis but dhistorygrammar etymology and pronunciation o
d a braw notion ohistoryhid ma faither tho the
stair intae the page ohistoryhung an drawn the butcher
ere wis a lot ohistoryin at wid an in
bit o intrest in localhistoryjonsar asked her fit the
him the day anenst thehistoryo borth ick waitter ay
weeks tryin tae finish ahistoryo dundee for bairns afore
explained in terms o thehistoryo the biggin o the
whit it said aboot thehistoryo the leid an recognised
very early times the linguistichistoryo the north east is
tae see jist whit thehistoryo the relationship is the
fur mair facks anenst thehistoryo the snoot kirk sei
they re the heralds ohistorytelling the tales o bluid
him ooto the pages ohistorythe day o the gran
tae breath the styew ohistorythough they war frichtit they
believe that never in westminsterhistoryand certainly not here has
to australia he s doinghistoryhere and is not enjoying
to deal with the nationalhistoryjust hard by here ye
kent public speaker anenst localhistoryan border kulter an hei
time tae dee wi localhistoryhe spoke about the cockerty
andersons ken mair aboot localhistorythan aa the profeesors hereabouts
role in making scotland shistoryaccessible to her people supported
s beuk scotland a newhistoryisbn 0 7126 9893 0
scotland both to discover thehistorythey have left behind and
at avizandum curling an illustratedhistoryby d b smith john
d talk aboot everythin bookshistorymusic feelins but there was
really liked that but thehistoryf746: mm f745: they made
mm it s a genuinehistorythat is theirs yeah mm
failure to celebrate the nationalhistorytoo ye know f785: mm
votes than anyone in recordedhistoryhaving been in two councils
re in and even thehistoryabout which you re thinking
people are named in thehistorybooks many are not but
never sought a place inhistorybut it comes with the
in the toon s chequeredhistorycooncillor bi day an heavywecht
in his blackness in hishistoryin his unique standing in
the interface between prehistory andhistoryin the second century a
a key event in hawaiianhistorykamehameha brought with him to
her f940: [laugh] [laugh] inhistory[laugh] m941: aye m939: [laugh]
you in to the wholehistorym762: yeah yeah i i
subject whethir it be mathshistoryoar anothir subject in thi
have made this moment inhistorypossible i give my thanks
leslie [click] [inhale] knox shistorythis episode in particular is
point in the nation shistorytutorial activities check the handout
prosecuted often have a criminalhistoryi am talking about the
are dialectal varieties with ahistorya location and a range
briefly outlines the relevant constitutionalhistoryand legislation north and south
m815: yeah m816: and socialhistoryand the lectures are really
his back who is studyinghistoryand who quote likes running
beautiful campus so he didhistorydown there and victoria went
g creepie crawlies and plantshistorye g evacuees and everyday
the book on durham postalhistoryhad now been recorded and
music the songs and thehistoryi was disappointed and shocked
coming from a poet whosehistoryincludes the clearances and the
lothians snp quoting selectively fromhistoryis always difficult and dangerous
and well the rest shistorym635: but eh m608: none
wrong is my favourite thehistoryman is my best and
moral philosophy the social scienceshistoryrhetoric poetry periodical journalism and
me all my collective tribalhistoryspiritual and cultural significance chopped
and he links pitscottie shistorywith what he calls that
and http www orkneyjar comhistoryworldheritagesite htm 2 see http
tae ken his richt genetichistoryher man neil wis driftin
forever to the public hishistoryteacher a mr malcolm had
her case which made legalhistory3 some time later she
there s been best sellinghistorybooks which nobody would have
accompanying letters which gave thehistoryas it had happened extremely
oh it echoes down downhistorydoesn t it oh yeah
yeah i think so f963: historys coming back to him
is recognising that pitscottie shistorygoes back to the native
alone her husband paddy foundhistoryas exciting as cold porridge
institutions have a far longerhistory2 university colleges as a
closely impinge on the externalhistory2 the final phase deals
at the time thair ainhistoryan cutur wis bein mooldit
the castle an it shistoryfuncy jist a couple hunner
aff tae the ootside anhistoryhomer the aeneid auld reekie
if ye listen to thehistoryif you listen to the
the wye miss moss thehistoryteacher maun hae bin a
mcleish tries to rewrite recenthistorythe fact remains that he
grandeur come fae far thehistorytowrists heeze like bees roon
that the wye tae learnhistorywis tae play it oot
cless inlat tae thair ainhistorycultur an identity it s
travel it s not quitehistoryit s not quite autobiography
from overseas researching their genealogicalhistorys1w 34945 michael russell to
all no john it ishistoryi have to write it
want to study medicine orhistoryor something you would you
deid it began fin oorhistoryteacher miss moss wis gaun
something f641: [laugh] [laugh] f643: historycould be rewritten m642: no
me if you want properhistoryi never did anything brave
on [inaudible] stuff now m816: historyso they ve they want
at http www orkneyjar comhistorystandingstones stennesscentre htm nearby skara
crack atween ian w landleshistoryteacher it hawick hie schuil

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