
See this word as a collocate cloud

before section 1 mr johnhomerobertson 10 before section 1
european parliament it is mrhomerobertson a waste of space
the expert on that mrhomerobertson alex when you are
doctor schoolteacher or lawyer mrhomerobertson and getting one s
to say the least johnhomerobertson and several other members
had last week with mrhomerobertson and some of the
that we received from johnhomerobertson and will let the
the 11 million that mrhomerobertson announced last week was
able to designate mr johnhomerobertson as my full depute
interested in the borders mrhomerobertson as nick johnston and
oldfather convener dennis canavan johnhomerobertson deputy convener helen eadie
lab deputy convener mr johnhomerobertson east lothian lab committee
designed to achieve mr johnhomerobertson east lothian lab from
be considerably boosted mr johnhomerobertson east lothian lab i
and bearsden lab mr johnhomerobertson east lothian lab janis
and fife con mr johnhomerobertson east lothian lab marilyn
des simples observateurs mr johnhomerobertson east lothian lab on
macaskill lothians snp mr johnhomerobertson east lothian lab phil
has it not mr johnhomerobertson east lothian lab rather
schedule 16 37 mr johnhomerobertson east lothian lab the
in petition pe346 mr johnhomerobertson east lothian lab the
inverness west ld mr johnhomerobertson east lothian lab witnesses
russell john young mr johnhomerobertson euan robson ian jenkins
representatives supported by mr johnhomerobertson fergus ewing trish godman
iain gray iain smith johnhomerobertson frank mcaveety jackie baillie
iain gray iain smith johnhomerobertson frank mcaveety jackie baillie
of local communities which mrhomerobertson has articulated and of
the euro in scotland johnhomerobertson has given the clerking
of the debate as johnhomerobertson has indicated there will
endorse much of what mrhomerobertson has just said i
there any other questions mrhomerobertson i have dealt with
issue members indicated agreement mrhomerobertson i look forward to
inquiry do members agree mrhomerobertson i understand that i
with many attractive places mrhomerobertson including airdrie the convener
dewar galbraith mcleish wallace andhomerobertson is ignored 5 much
gibson christine grahame mr johnhomerobertson johann lamont mr angus
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson john east lothian lab
mr kenneth macintosh mr johnhomerobertson john farquhar munro mr
mr kenneth macintosh mr johnhomerobertson john farquhar munro mr
mrs lyndsay mcintosh mr johnhomerobertson karen gillon s1m 2873
provision supported by mr johnhomerobertson kate maclean mr kenneth
macaskill stewart stevenson mr johnhomerobertson kay ullrich mr kenneth
on the motion that johnhomerobertson lodged i have been
tap into that money mrhomerobertson many of the bankers
of space george lyon johnhomerobertson may well say that
i should repeat as johnhomerobertson mentioned that i made
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
mid scotland and fife conhomerobertson mr john east lothian
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
mid scotland and fife conhomerobertson mr john east lothian
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
henry hugh paisley south labhomerobertson mr john east lothian
radcliffe michael matheson mr johnhomerobertson ms sandra white mr
radcliffe michael matheson mr johnhomerobertson ms sandra white nick
scottish parliamentary corporate body johnhomerobertson msp convener holyrood progress
deputy minister for parliament johnhomerobertson msp deputy minister for
deputy minister for parliament johnhomerobertson msp deputy minister for
on letter received from johnhomerobertson msp regarding the recent
could you rephrase that mrhomerobertson no i will leave
s1o 2029 by mr johnhomerobertson on 22 june official
question s1w 867 by johnhomerobertson on 24 august 1999
for rural affairs mr johnhomerobertson or on what planet
the meeting is from johnhomerobertson proposal for a directive
of s1m 2081 mr johnhomerobertson regulation of opencast mining
mr kenneth gibson mr johnhomerobertson richard lochhead mr kenny
nora radcliffe brian adam johnhomerobertson robin harper fiona mcleod
mention the name of johnhomerobertson s replacement until the
murray i felt that mrhomerobertson s response indicated that
2000 nora radcliffe mr johnhomerobertson s1m 1270 dere street
dr elaine murray mr johnhomerobertson scott barrie trish godman
english members en français mrhomerobertson signor presidente mi dispiace
in the response from mrhomerobertson that the tay liaison
the committee i welcome johnhomerobertson the msp for east
the convener i welcome johnhomerobertson the msp for east
society s1m 603 mr johnhomerobertson the scotland act 1998
s1f 1463 4 mr johnhomerobertson to ask the first
s1f 1085 3 mr johnhomerobertson to ask the first
s1f 2617 3 mr johnhomerobertson to ask the first
26 withdrawn 27 mr johnhomerobertson to ask the scottish
s1o 6464 10 mr johnhomerobertson to ask the scottish
s1o 6407 12 mr johnhomerobertson to ask the scottish
s1o 6394 23 mr johnhomerobertson to ask the scottish
business s1w 10869 mr johnhomerobertson to ask the scottish
s1o 5811 11 mr johnhomerobertson to ask the scottish
position s1w 10867 mr johnhomerobertson to ask the scottish
s1o 3292 18 mr johnhomerobertson to ask the scottish
project s1w 10868 mr johnhomerobertson to ask the scottish
s1o 3198 2 mr johnhomerobertson to ask the scottish
island s1w 18256 mr johnhomerobertson to ask the scottish
school s1w 14598 mr johnhomerobertson to ask the scottish
s1o 2737 6 mr johnhomerobertson to ask the scottish
ones s1w 12270 mr johnhomerobertson to ask the scottish
contract s1w 10866 mr johnhomerobertson to ask the scottish
has caused this situation johnhomerobertson unfortunately he is not
money millions and millions mrhomerobertson what is a factor
made me a sceptic mrhomerobertson what is new ms
a positive bonding exercise mrhomerobertson who was johnson and
decided to write to johnhomerobertson who was the minister
the last meeting that johnhomerobertson will attend i put
constructive way ms macdonald johnhomerobertson will do very well
investment in that infrastructure mrhomerobertson yes ms macdonald i
care 12 january justice andhomeaffairs 11 january local government
care 12 december justice andhomeaffairs 12 december local government
care 20 september justice andhomeaffairs 19 september local government
care 26 april justice andhomeaffairs 26 april local government
care 14 october justice andhomeaffairs 26 october local government
care 31 may justice andhomeaffairs 30 may local government
care 1 november justice andhomeaffairs 31 october local government
care 6 october justice andhomeaffairs 6 october local government
care 6 september justice andhomeaffairs 6 september local government
care 8 november justice andhomeaffairs 8 november local government
26 november 1999 justice andhomeaffairs act of sederunt fees
28 november 2000 justice andhomeaffairs act of sederunt fees
26 november 1999 justice andhomeaffairs act of sederunt fees
28 november 2000 justice andhomeaffairs act of sederunt fees
when the scottish minister forhomeaffairs and devolution moved to
security policy and justice andhomeaffairs and the european parliament
name of committee justice andhomeaffairs be renamed justice i
2 day 6 justice andhomeaffairs committee 1 march standards
bill official report justice andhomeaffairs committee 10 may 2000
to december 1999 justice andhomeaffairs committee 10th meeting the
bill stage 1 evidence justicehomeaffairs committee 11 january evidence
bill stage 1 evidence justicehomeaffairs committee 11 january stage
stage 1 evidence justice andhomeaffairs committee 11 september mortgage
its draft report justice andhomeaffairs committee 12 december 2000
committee 22 september justice andhomeaffairs committee 14 september local
whatever official report justice andhomeaffairs committee 15 may 2000
1 report published justice andhomeaffairs committee 16 november mortgage
bill stage 1 evidence justicehomeaffairs committee 17 november abolition
bill stage 1 evidence justicehomeaffairs committee 17 november adults
bill stage 1 evidence justicehomeaffairs committee 17 november public
of committee meetings justice andhomeaffairs committee 19 september 2000
bill stage 2 justice andhomeaffairs committee 19 september bail
bill stage 2 justice andhomeaffairs committee 19 september family
of its report justice andhomeaffairs committee 1st meeting 2000
unless otherwise indicated justice andhomeaffairs committee 21st meeting 2000
sales bill stage 1 justicehomeaffairs committee 22 february adults
sales bill stage 1 justicehomeaffairs committee 22 february adults
trees official report justice andhomeaffairs committee 27 september 2000
ssi 2000 187 justice andhomeaffairs committee 28th meeting 2000
2 day 5 justice andhomeaffairs committee 29 february standards
of committee meetings justice andhomeaffairs committee 31 october 2000
surveillance official report justice andhomeaffairs committee 4 july 2000
balance official report justice andhomeaffairs committee 4 july 2000
stage 1 evidence justice andhomeaffairs committee 4 october mortgage
25 may 2000 justice andhomeaffairs committee 4th report 2000
bill stage 1 justice andhomeaffairs committee 7 june education
bill stage 1 justice andhomeaffairs committee 7 june sea
bill stage 1 justice andhomeaffairs committee 8 november mortgage
bill stage 1 justice andhomeaffairs committee 8 november mortgage
unless otherwise indicated justice andhomeaffairs committee 8th meeting 2000
future work programme justice andhomeaffairs committee 9th meeting 2000
be at the justice andhomeaffairs committee again and to
debate that the justice andhomeaffairs committee agrees to debate
move that the justice andhomeaffairs committee agrees to debate
members of the justice andhomeaffairs committee and has quoted
evidence to the justice andhomeaffairs committee and it was
members of the justice andhomeaffairs committee and the political
officials of the justice andhomeaffairs committee and the subordinate
petition to the justice andhomeaffairs committee and the transport
convener of the justice andhomeaffairs committee and to the
raised in the justice andhomeaffairs committee as the minister
taken in the justice andhomeaffairs committee at stage 2
28 october 1999 justice andhomeaffairs committee business dates indicate
by members of justice andhomeaffairs committee but by a
attention of the justice andhomeaffairs committee civil legal aid
move that the justice andhomeaffairs committee consider the adults
present when the justice andhomeaffairs committee considered the petition
obvious that the justice andhomeaffairs committee could not function
do that the justice andhomeaffairs committee dealt quickly with
statement followed by justice andhomeaffairs committee debate on the
morgan to the justice andhomeaffairs committee donald gorrie to
lodged at the justice andhomeaffairs committee during stage 2
raises which the justice andhomeaffairs committee examined in great
unreasonable secondly the justice andhomeaffairs committee expressed its intent
meeting 29 june justice andhomeaffairs committee first meeting 29
meeting 29 june justice andhomeaffairs committee first meeting 29
petition to the justice andhomeaffairs committee for further consideration
petition to the justice andhomeaffairs committee for further consideration
petition to the justice andhomeaffairs committee for further consideration
prospectively to the justice andhomeaffairs committee for overloading it
committees especially the justice andhomeaffairs committee for their hard
of the old justice andhomeaffairs committee from its inception
has diverted the justice andhomeaffairs committee from its own
work of the justice andhomeaffairs committee has gone a
rushed however the justice andhomeaffairs committee has had a
witness told the justice andhomeaffairs committee however the right
to address the justice andhomeaffairs committee i am aware
member of the justice andhomeaffairs committee i would like
evidence to the justice andhomeaffairs committee last september we
there is a justice andhomeaffairs committee meeting on 23
another bout of justice andhomeaffairs committee members patting ourselves
no date established justice andhomeaffairs committee no date established
accept that the justice andhomeaffairs committee of which i
2000 scottish parliament justice andhomeaffairs committee official report meeting
scotland to the justice andhomeaffairs committee on 11 september
report to the justice andhomeaffairs committee on the abolition
evidence to the justice andhomeaffairs committee organisations such as
evidence to the justice andhomeaffairs committee professor miller said
19 september 2000 justice andhomeaffairs committee protection of wild
2000 that the justice andhomeaffairs committee recommends that nothing
2001 that the justice andhomeaffairs committee recommends that the
2000 that the justice andhomeaffairs committee recommends that the
convener of the justice andhomeaffairs committee roseanna cunningham for
to this debate justice andhomeaffairs committee s 9th report
report of the justice andhomeaffairs committee s meeting of
members of the justice andhomeaffairs committee showed a great
members of the justice andhomeaffairs committee supported michael matheson
referred to the justice andhomeaffairs committee that committee which
advocate told the justice andhomeaffairs committee that fiscals do
opinion of the justice andhomeaffairs committee the petition should
presented to the justice andhomeaffairs committee the two paragraphs
length in the justice andhomeaffairs committee there is concern
us by the justice andhomeaffairs committee there was an
scotland bill the justice andhomeaffairs committee to be the
of committees the justice andhomeaffairs committee to be the
convener of the justice andhomeaffairs committee to members of
write to the justice andhomeaffairs committee to raise the
2000 scottish parliament justice andhomeaffairs committee tuesday 19 september
committee nor the justice andhomeaffairs committee want to take
of course the justice andhomeaffairs committee was subject to
members of the justice andhomeaffairs committee who listened to
members of the justice andhomeaffairs committee will recall from
meeting of the justice andhomeaffairs committee yesterday i listened
10 december 2002 justice andhomeaffairs council 20 december 2002
working groups on justice andhomeaffairs issues the danish presidency
including those on justice andhomeaffairs it is not as
record on pursuing justice andhomeaffairs matters in europe over
convener should write to thehomeaffairs minister for a response
the area of justice andhomeaffairs scotland s problem is
see section a justice andhomeaffairs see section a local
care 8 march justice andhomeaffairs see section a local
see section a justice andhomeaffairs see section a local
care 8 march justice andhomeaffairs see section a local
care 12 january justice andhomeaffairs see section a local
28 november 2000 justice andhomeaffairs subject to annulment until
28 november 2000 justice andhomeaffairs subject to annulment until
5 april 2000 justice andhomeaffairs subject to annulment until
13 november 2000 justice andhomeaffairs subject to annulment until
28 april 2000 justice andhomeaffairs subject to annulment until
18 may 2000 justice andhomeaffairs subject to annulment until
30 august 2000 justice andhomeaffairs subject to annulment until
7 december 2000 justice andhomeaffairs subject to annulment until
18 may 2000 justice andhomeaffairs subject to annulment until
19 april 2000 justice andhomeaffairs subject to annulment until
16 march 2000 justice andhomeaffairs subject to annulment until
meetings relating to justice andhomeaffairs that record makes it
15 june 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the civil legal aid
15 june 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the civil legal aid
15 june 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the civil legal aid
15 june 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the community care direct
15 june 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the community care direct
15 june 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the community care direct
9 march 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the draft advice and
9 march 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the draft advice and
25 april 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the draft civic government
13 november 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the draft producer responsibility
16 june 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the education assisted places
16 june 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the education assisted places
16 june 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the education assisted places
29 september 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the food protection emergency
9 september 1999 justice andhomeaffairs the food protection emergency
29 september 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the food protection emergency
9 september 1999 justice andhomeaffairs the food protection emergency
26 november 1999 justice andhomeaffairs the local statutory provisions
26 november 1999 justice andhomeaffairs the local statutory provisions
10 march 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the national health service
15 june 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the national health service
16 june 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the national health service
15 june 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the national health service
15 june 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the national health service
16 june 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the national health service
16 june 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the national health service
9 november 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the potatoes originating in
16 june 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the prisons and young
16 june 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the prisons and young
16 june 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the prisons and young
specific issues of justice andhomeaffairs the role of the
29 september 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the specified risk material
29 september 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the specified risk material
9 march 2000 justice andhomeaffairs the town and country
has already mentioned justice andhomeaffairs under the community umbrella
a committee on justice andhomeaffairs will probably need such
affairs than i did athomemainly from outdated copies of
house the sue ryder carehomeat ecclesmachan west lothian which
it intended to close thehomesince then lothian nhs board
cooper took a discretionary dramhomeoccasionally and john s well
john the merchant he camehomeon a ship from amsterdam
the school holidays john camehometo an empty house although
gow clean up team welcomehometo you all ed john
s the fun in goinghomewhere s the john maclaurin
servants holding office in thehomecivil service s51 9 the
for tae go tae thehomeoffice an as i say
on asylum seekers to thehomeoffice and if so whether
co ordinated exercises involving thehomeoffice and the cabinet office
he has had with thehomeoffice and the convention of
it has had with thehomeoffice and the department of
loopholes in the legislation thehomeoffice and the scottish executive
told dad was at thehomeoffice but got no further
best to wait for thehomeoffice consultation but i am
act 1997 slipped because thehomeoffice decided that it needed
will introduce that protocol thehomeoffice document contained three different
the legislation was drafted thehomeoffice has already been advised
michael matheson s argument thehomeoffice has issued a document
to local authorities by thehomeoffice in relation to the
our european partners than thehomeoffice intends to be and
that were highlighted in thehomeoffice led review of the
i understand that the relevanthomeoffice minister has the power
february 1998 the then juniorhomeoffice minister lord williams of
to the crown the juniorhomeoffice minister lord williams of
executive ministers have had withhomeoffice ministers over the past
process officials have agreed withhomeoffice officials to amend our
shall give an example thehomeoffice produced a document on
confirm for him that thehomeoffice proposes that the word
for the outcome of thehomeoffice review convener would it
behind in waiting for thehomeoffice review i would point
await the outcome of thehomeoffice review the timetable for
investigation from other authorities thehomeoffice says that as far
to monitor bank accounts thehomeoffice suggests choosing the second
account that they hold thehomeoffice suggests three options for
the scottish executive and thehomeoffice the recommendations in lady
concern the refusal by thehomeoffice to approve asylum status
least in liaising with thehomeoffice to ensure that the
convener would write to thehomeoffice to seek clarification on
has been sent via thehomeoffice which is the normal
highest judicial office in theirhomestates they are to be
burnside hotel near east kilbridehomeby motherwell hamilton airdrie etc
far east when i camehomei was using er words
maley set off from hishomein the east end of
think that he has beenhomeyet helen eadie dunfermline east
care about her and comehomeagnes goes to her takes
who are in a carehomeand are currently self funding
better services more care athomeand better joint working between
c 20 or a carehomeand ii sub paragraph ii
and care provided in thehomeand the value of joint
and care provided in thehomeand the value of joint
scotland to close its carehomeat leslie house in fife
and adaptations and for betterhomecare a focus on bedblocking
so was the expansion ofhomecare and respite care and
think about eight hours ofhomecare each week when he
will be of providing nursinghomecare for all the pensioners
price thousands of hours ofhomecare have been lost by
the loss of 30 000homecare hours since 1998 due
and thousands of hours ofhomecare meals on wheels services
from the funding for thehomecare package shona robison that
debate nicola sturgeon supported thehomecare package that susan deacon
number of people receiving ahomecare service has declined since
develop more intensive and flexiblehomecare services by april 2003
divergent approach on charges forhomecare services my view and
up to four weeks freehomecare when we consider things
of the report on carehomecosts for older people in
of the report on carehomecosts for older people in
in any recalculation of carehomecosts in any updated version
of delayed discharge and carehomefees and recognises that such
of delayed discharge and carehomefees and recognises that such
care is being provided athomefor people who for example
5 b i above carehomehas the meaning given by
appreciation of the army ofhomehelps and care workers and
and care for her athomei saw her mother walking
s1m 2359 sue ryder carehomemarchmont house greenlaw lodged on
s1m 2359 sue ryder carehomemarchmont house greenlaw lodged on
been withdrawn and that carehomeoperators will work in partnership
a nursing or residential carehomeor at home they will
whom social care either athomeor in care homes would
local authority provision of nursinghomeor residential care s1w 9187
a solution with the carehomepeople when we talk about
the funding of private carehomeplaces and if it does
the funding of private carehomeplaces broken down by health
need to know that carehomeplaces will be available for
major crisis in the carehomesector and few areas have
the elderly residential and carehomesector in the light of
the elderly residential and carehomesector over the next 10
of fees in the carehomesector we have delivered an
place there is inserted carehomeservice has the meaning given
accommodation provided by a carehomeservice registered under part 1
residential care home or athomethey will have to meet
that they must stay athometo take care of adult
need for more care athometoo often we hear as
of dunselma the nearest carehomewill be in patna in
variable i ll probably behomearound mid september i hope
m still working towards beinghomearound mid september luggage is
christmas if circumstances force mehomeby september i ll probably
september when i should behomeit s been a good
10th september 1985 at thehomeof m [censored: surname] present r
but for tonight it washomeseptember 10th had a frustrating
f606: uh huh f828: camehomeand accidentally said tatties then
her and then michael camehomeand said oh ehm you
mining and then he camehomeand the postman followed him
and eh and then camehomeand was showin off that
the car and i camehomeas fast as i could
for her and i camehomeat about 10 20 metro
day because the men camehomeat mid day to rest
children around when he camehomeat night greg found it
mm f965: and they camehomeback to our school f963:
to really love snow athomebefore before i came to
f943: i did this athomebefore i came here m944:
were when we were cominhomebefore we came home we
on friday and then wenthomecame back up on sunday
came from a gaelic speakinghomeer there were nine children
the best one anyone fromhomeever came up with was
and every night he camehomefae his work that was
as possible i only camehomefor lilian s sake beaumont
hens the dist also camehomefor the hens this wis
warm for when they camehomefrom school where they just
oh right f643: i camehomefrom the incident and said
war and when he camehomefrom the war he was
and japan when he camehomehe brought a japanese teaset
again so before he camehomei went round the whole
[laugh] you should have camehome[inaudible] plan okay [laugh] okay
mrs reid came first inhomenursing arbuthnott games as far
maybe but then betty camehomepretty and rich and everybody
for dinner we came backhomequite early because i was
that he sort of camehomesmelling of it as well
day that horse f643: camehometo me m642: nae wonder
young women the point camehometo us when we saw
comin home before we camehomewe were on a bus
wells g 1985 language athomeand at school two conclusions
on language spoken in thehomeand i ask members to
committee about language in thehomeand i hope that we
language is acquired in thehomeand in pre school groups
questions on language spoken athomeand on income primarily because
on language spoken in thehomeand on scots language the
on languages spoken in thehomeand on the scots language
complication that the language ofhomeand school are two distinct
encouragement and mutual enrichment ofhomeand school language and then
particularly income language spoken athomeand the scots language it
ethnic group language in thehomeand the scots language there
question on language spoken athomeand there is no mention
language and culture of thehomeas he crosses the school
language capabilities derived from theirhomebackground or social class and
on language spoken in thehomebut the real need is
main ways a that thehomedialect is deficient as language
on language spoken in thehomedoes not work as a
a different language in thehomei give my guarantee to
on language spoken in thehomein scotland the commission for
on language spoken in thehomein the ethnic minority boost
and language spoken in thehomeincluding scots monitoring evidence on
question on language spoken athomeis not to be included
of language breaks down thehomeis the last bastion of
to become bilingual in theirhomelanguage and english yet in
forced to choose between thathomelanguage and the world of
european language erm or ahomelanguage and we ve tried
development of a child shomelanguage as a hindrance to
lost competence in using hishomelanguage as a result of
switch between that and thehomelanguage as contexts dictate yet
many may still see thehomelanguage as merely a support
development of learning through thehomelanguage can be assisted by
that the learning of ahomelanguage is a positive advantage
it is correct and thehomelanguage is inferior it is
language therefore like those whosehomelanguage is scottish dialect these
for the child since thehomelanguage is so close to
them in books in hishomelanguage or dual language books
they start with their ownhomelanguage or native language or
who become bilingual with theirhomelanguage strongly supported whilst their
bilingual pupil to use hishomelanguage taking steps to highlight
and a version of theirhomelanguage therefore like those whose
further his competence in hishomelanguage through incorporating activities featuring
development of a child shomelanguage through the home through
activities featuring use of thehomelanguage throughout the curriculum see
neighbourhood language if different fromhomelanguage until he goes to
minority communities may use theirhomelanguage urdu cantonese gaelic west
way they are to theirhomelanguage we need to look
their own community in thehomelanguage with the children speculating
of the language of thehomem1174: well erm i- in
between the typical language ofhomeneighbourhood and school they may
not the language of thehomeor part of the language
language is spoken in yourhomescots do your parents always
group language spoken in thehomethe scots language and income
acquisition of language in thehomethere seems to be very
s home language through thehomethrough community schools and within
on language spoken in thehomewhatever size the sample the
speak the native language athomewhilst using the majority language
groupings and language spoken athomewith a specific question on
home or cannot be senthomeafter hospital treatment they reflect
residents and it was ahomeaway from home for many
him up there f1114: hishomef1113: in his home look
s the little piggy shomef1113: little piggy s home
where s that fitt f1118: homef1117: where s that home
home f1117: where s thathomef1118: i canna find it
been home sin- i washomefo- for all of august
was a home away fromhomefor many many members would
were home for they werehomefor six weeks [inaudible] and
the bairns when they werehomefor they were home for
or ten of them athomeget home quite a lot
bombed and that night arbuthnotthomeguard joined with bervie home
home guard joined with berviehomeguard to protect bervie bridge
was what you did athomeguy would come home on
cried one of them bawlinghomehome i stared at the
one of them bawling homehomei stared at the eyes
home in on [inaudible] m816: homein home in on them
three and really m815: yeahhomein on [inaudible] m816: home
on [inaudible] m816: home inhomein on them and just
division or scottish cup orhomeinternational football match the home
home f1113: little piggy shomeis in there that s
do so much home sweethomekey in the lock a
redheaded aussie who sped offhomelast november he s home
his home f1113: in hishomelook and the little chicken
there was no home wherehomemeans house and love is
that home where s thathomemum f1117: where s that
at home guy would comehomeon a friday night and
longer be looked after athomeor cannot be sent home
of them at home gethomequite a lot f746: right
home international football match thehomeservice might be covering the
well i haven t beenhomesin- i was home fo-
home last november he shomestarting his course again at
call can do so muchhomesweet home key in the
home wh- once i gothomethere would be nobody in
that that if i gothomewh- once i got home
staying where there was nohomewhere home means house and
f1118: where where s thathomewhere s that home mum
[laugh] f1155: oh i wenthomeand got mine done at
it so much i wenthomeand spent the wednesday getting
after the performance we wenthomeand watched some incredible gymnastics
that m941: so you wenthomeand went do you know
posters for chris to takehomeand went for a quick
my was really like myhomeand when i went to
these days were born athomeand you only went into
the beach they went backhomeat teatime could be expanded
the cold and i wenthomeearly to bed feeling totally
a little shopping i wenthomeearly to catch up on
a year and ye wenthomeevery sunday f1027: well we
bored and so left wenthomef807: yeah f806: after two
then they went to thehomefarm frendraught and stayed from
when the smiths went tohomefarm frendraught in 1921 there
letter thanksgiving weekend everybody wenthomefor a turkey dinner there
f640: so ye never wenthomefor lunch f637: aye f638:
school lunch i always wenthomefor lunch mm f718: did
breaks piece bags often wenthomefull of tatties but the
august 1941 members of thehomeguard went to a three
the ussr so we wenthomehappy in the early evening
was in an old folkshomein arcachon and i went
satisfy everybody but i wenthomemuch distressed to get it
we went to see thehomeof rest for horses on
weekend f1155: [cough] i wenthomeon well i went to
that was being sorted forhomerepairs the fit went into
but when she went fromhomeshe was quite the lady
security system when he wenthomethe duguid family must account
bold enough when you wenthomethen you began to correct
just got up and wenthometo bed one could speculate
t well i went backhometo do my dissertation for
so at length we wenthometo spend a peaceful night
quicker but when you wenthometo your pals or your
an stuff then we wenthometook our goodies back to
some more wine i wenthomewith nick and teresa straight
on the metro and wenthomeyesterday was quite busy i
her pining away longing forhomeafter she d worked herself
glossary abreid abroad away fromhomeagrouf lying face downwards albeid
he s not going awayhomeah mummy can i watch
s sister peggy was awayhomeand ann was alone with
i ve moved away fromhomeand left my boyfriend two
away we could not gohomebecause the punishment would fit
your door when away fromhomebeds chaff beds were made
he s not going awayhomef1111: cause he s out
away i won t behomefor a bit pause how
eh she s eh awayhomefor mother s day she
rapscallion that ran away fromhomeharry hm jack lilian that
erm even run away fromhomein falkirk and go up
again f643: he was awayhomem608: [laugh] m642: and here
awa every day f643: comehomem608: [laugh] m642: run away
to go away to ahomepartly to shock gertie and
night in scotland away fromhomeregardless of the purpose of
e they re all cominghomesmile away your troubles f1112:
let me live away fromhomeso i was commuting from
know peo- they re athomeso they can get away
bad beastie mother runs awayhomestill holding andy away from
he flies away left forhomethe witch waves him goodby
he s not going awayhome[?]this year[/?] f1111: pardon f1112: he
his personal hygiene letters fromhomewere thrown away unopened and
passing away in the eventidehomewhere she spent the last
seemed to say away fromhomeyou re given to adventure
nick johnston s1m 1996 residentialhomeclosures lodged on 6 june
irene oldfather s1m 1996 residentialhomeclosures lodged on 6 june
local authority provision of dedicatedhomesafety officers lodged 11 june
local authority provision of dedicatedhomesafety officers lodged 11 june
2000 david mundell s1m 1389homeand community safety lodged on
johnston s1m 1480 glencaple dogshomelodged on 18 december 2000
it seemed a long wayhomea last glow of sunset
around saturday 16 smooth runhomea1 all the way from
commuters all making their wayhomeafter another day s graft
picked up on his wayhomeafter injuring his daughter he
eating broom on the wayhomeall the children had to
a long way to cyclehomeand after being overheated in
the kingsway all the wayhomeand it was a long
sort of half way backhomeand then you remember something
met lisa on the wayhomeand we had a cup
the bus on the wayhomeand you re sort of
proceedence we made our wayhomeclimbing the jelly floor banking
has he lost his wayhomedoes he not know how
ah wended ma weary wayhomedoon eh cliff an across
they re on their wayhomef1111: oh they ve found
let s find their wayhomef1111: okay well we ll
this so they sent mehomef1150: there s no way
flat tyre on her wayhomefrom doing relief in johnshaven
who was on their wayhomefrom jerusalem to emmaus and
of children on the wayhomefrom school decided to stop
the metro on the wayhomefrom the blue bird jazz
my shopping on the wayhomeget some food f810: i
curly bush on his wayhomehis neighbor pepper discovers him
entirely the wrong way fromhomehowever it was a nice
m just on ma wayhomei ll no be botherin
wee wee all the wayhomeis your feet tickly f1114:
they can find their wayhomeit doesn t cost you
half m815: yeah m816: wayhomeit s oh god i
the water all the wayhomejust as well you ve
moved them on their wayhomekathleen and douglas couldn t
the bus on the wayhomem1048: oh and then after
that s a long wayhomem1096: that s a way
think i was pining forhomemartha is that the way
figure out the cheapest wayhomemaybe i ll go down
tried out a faster wayhomemetro to profsoyuzkaya and then
way you called it athomeno m1008: no seise m1007:
the day on the wayhomeon this bright and sunny
we re on our wayhomeriding my daddy horse along
they ve found their wayhomethat s cause they knew
draughty fireworks on the wayhometo commemorate something to do
the playground on their wayhometo dinner miss wood is
form of a half wayhometo help people who have
for ourselves on the wayhometrying to catch a 111
won t find their wayhomeyou d better sing them
and walk all the wayhomeyou know along the kingsway
animal musicians accompany hen goinghomeand having a sleep hen
until his big brother comeshomeand he s going to
going to have to stayhomeand look after you and
you know going and cominghomeand that kinda thing f746:
in my head like goinghomeand then the whole trek
are going to be athomearound that time so that
f1038: yeah yeah so f1037: homeat christmas are you going
and was astonished on goinghomeat lunchtime to hear on
up car breaks down goinghomebut we make it eric
like bailing out and goinghomedamn that toothlock doddy boy
going to be staying athomef1037: okay f1038: so then
down f958: i m goinghomefor christmas and then i
[?]there all day[/?] are you going uphomefor christmas or are you
was not going to behomehe would let m [censored: surname]
you always call it goinghomei always do anyway f947:
going to try working athomei m just going to
of it i m goinghomei quit you don t
you said you were goinghomei thought oh i imagined
uh huh i m goinghomein like during reading week
to mummy i m goinghomein my own time i
the stage as though goinghomein pain and is met
for christmas he s goinghomelike he lives in m959:
eh carolanne i m goinghomemaggie what agnes lassie are
to come when daddy comeshomenext time we re going
erm yeah i m goinghomenext wednesday f1155: hm why
s why i m goinghomeobviously get my eyebrows waxed
weld stones forever then goinghomeplanting my feet in granda
m going to be goinghomeshe s gonna be there
baby who wants to runhometo mummy i m going
a single room is goinghometo new zealand for a
the maggie hugh is goinghometo new zealand for march
knew that i was goinghometo scotland and granma and
of the single men goinghometo the deep in the
hill he d be goinghomewhen other folk were getting
by news of tragedy athomea bomb exploded on a
yeah i think living athomeactually there comes a point
back indoors with them returninghomeafter the service at great
at house today feels likehomeagain snow all over plumber
spoke nothing else at athomealso there s a a
world we could produce athomealthough the climate is obviously
about when he was athomean overdue rubbish bin that
wealth of literary criticism athomeand abroad and being studied
meetings speaking at conferences athomeand abroad and fact finding
looking inclusive nation both athomeand abroad congratulates him on
f638: and i d comehomeand at the weekend we
it as the tenant shomeand b at the end
where slovenian is spoken athomeand german in schools business
of display cupboard bit athomeand i broke one of
wisely decided to stay athomeand i think is travelling
i when i was athomeand i would be out
lot of books both athomeand in erm friends houses
i was growing up athomeand in school this was
to peace and security athomeand in the community is
demotic they may hear athomeand in the streets is
too easy to live athomeand it it just makes
the bacon was cured athomeand mealy and black puddings
they had been washed athomeand not ironed much dilapidated
books off the shelf athomeand put them in a
but discipline was strict athomeand the girls were never
found for her in ahomeand the house at cairndhu
women who might be athomeand the programmes were in
at all really like athomeand then you come here
our european clients feel athomeand there is no kosher
tens of millions stayed athomeand watched coronation street drinking
are dressed for relaxing athomeangelica there s hardly onything
have ye didna feel athomeanywhere f606: mm f828: and
well those looked after athomeare supported and recognises the
impact of those events athomeare uppermost in everyone s
school children at the parentalhomearticle 5 stipulates the persons
they never had this athomeas her father couldn t
in 1846 and educated athomeas were all the children
which means that she getshomeat 10 30 and is
pm good run i amhomeat 11 p m 7
that one s wife returnshomeat 2 30 in the
for the maid to comehomeat 3 a m have
30pm this will mean leavinghomeat 6 20am changing bus
five o clock and returnedhomeat 6 p m after
travel in guards van crowdedhomeat 8 from 12 35
services there have to leavehomeat a very early age
more sceptical she will behomeat [censored: address] if you want
because they ve gottae behomeat certain times for their
with no luck he washomeat christmas and wasn t
f1113: now [inaudible] [censored: forename] behomeat dinnertime [censored: forename] f1114: yes
playground i use it athomeat granny s at my
9 at night and comeshomeat half past 2 in
for example there is ahomeat lasswade people who are
i was virtually just takenhomeat night and put to
life as such he lefthomeat seven each morning to
i- say you re walkinghomeat six o clock in
remembered why he d lefthomeat sixteen then a few
supports the creation of ahomeat the city halls for
over the hill from hishomeat the gobbs past the
shed in kilbarchan into ahomeat the time i could
you re not often athomeat this time of day
the quines never got athomeaunties and cousins would come
you d probably be athomeavoiding writing your essay anyway
i just use scots athomebecause i m a bit
i just use scots athomebecause i m a bit
excuse yourself and stay athomebut keep your options open
like in the church athomebut then i don t
had been brilliantly educated athomeby a father who had
and enjoy it saturday 10homeby huntly stop at aberdeen
ointment 8 tuesday again athomecath a little better her
that he just bought athomecause the hall s broken
not one single elephant athomecontrary beast provided with safety
looking after the children andhomecould help at the threshing
of american tv including americanhomedelivery pizza ads at participating
you never tidy up athomedo you f1122: you help
sometimes think that living athomedoes have downsides i mean
up when he s athomedoes he f1122: see knife
enjoy a good christmas athomedon t worry about my
erm the women are athomeduring ramadan m608: mmhm m1174:
when most mothers stayed athomedusting baking changing nappies scrubbing
only 8 turn up comehomeearly 7 thursday cath at
aye i was good athomeeconomics [inaudible] m939: who was
word that we used athomeer or my father would
at lighting fires because athomeerm olive you know would
shop on a bus athomeetc they would then brainstorm
library than i do athomef1037: yeah no i found
works but she s athomef1037: yeah yeah f1038: having
s- you re living athomef1038: no i m living
really want a pad athomef1049: his was only like
does he keep them athomef1049: no they re in
ll look after me athomef1103: when f1104: on saturday
and then they all gohomef1115: aw aw look at
f1117: are you staying athomef1118: no i m coming
oil rigs [censored: forename] s athomef1136: [censored: forename] works erm o-
have left this bike athomef1136: hmm f1135: we should
have left this bike athomef1136: how f1135: well cause
bike and leave yours athomef1136: yep here s another
most infants were born athomef631: mmhm f634: so my
from what we spoke athomef718: mm m017: because i
here when i lived athomef965: mmhm f963: [tut] erm
were phased out at thehomefarm about 1939 40 a
karpinski eddie worked at thehomefarm and mrs karpinski ran
1907 they were at thehomefarm auchmacoy from 1907 to
the anxieties oooooooooooo at aberkinniehomefarm mary was helping her
to 1909 and at thehomefarm philorth from 1909 to
when they were at thehomefarm philorth maybe wages were
with the harvest at thehomefarm where his father worked
on the sunday at thehomefarm which was addressed by
to be a stay athomefather living on single parent
but we speak english athomefinzean the school population was
mug and when i arrivedhomefiona was still at her
his family he ll behomefor a long weekend at
not much doing at workhomefor lunch now 6 wednesday
out in force at allhomegames in order to maximise
was in auchenblae at ahomeguard meeting and lady dorothy
inca but pero is athomehe arrives in the fiat
and visit monboddo at hishomehe d got out of
shame over his selfishness athomehe made a fuss of
after this george was calledhomehe retired at 11pm on
be mrs lindsay peggy yourhomehelp at this time she
penis and vaginal wall athomeher mother muttered darkly about
i felt very much athomehere and i didn t
others might be as athomehere as in any hellenic
to a working minimum athomei found a backlog which
s never like this athomei pottered about on tuesday
o work having them athomei think f823: ah well
because when you re athomei think working sometimes there
15pm all seems fine athomei was tired but not
tae speak aboot starvation athomeif it was really cold
it who uses scots athomeif my dad s in
a look at my childhoodhomeif only from the outside
alerted mr mutch at hishomeif there were poachers around
she has a baby athomein a hoarse voice he
and when he was athomein bed ill he had
trust that you all athomein l il ol britain
of my filing cabinet athomein scotland i keep a
ve got a book athomein scots and it s
experiential context is not athomein the educational world as
had sowens at the oldhomein the evenings when they
the furnace he left hishomein the morning at five
people to remain living athomeis further concerned about the
what i do here athomeis unbridgeable what fun my
work f1150: yeah f1151: athomeit annoys me as long
in the dining room athomeit looked like a swiss
the lack of money athomeit s okay fir you
they tackled the difficulties athomejack became lord lieutenant of
he s got two athomejust now he s got
e mornin and got backhomelate at night fish cadgers
evening 6 thursday prepare forhomeleave get off at 3
at school and outside ofhomelife you know f631: mmhm
has he just stayed athomelike f1155: at [inaudible] uh
everyone knows about it athomelike i thought you would
like to get married athomelike in the church at
a bit like being athomelike you recognise people on
his friends and relatives athomelive under constant threat of
on lizzie and angelica athomelizzie i ve found it
to educate their children athomelodged on 31 january 2002
what we would have athomem1007: uh huh yeah m1008:
when most women were athomem608: uh huh m1174: we
to call him bert athomem636: [sniff] [exhale] m635: er
cheese oatcakes and butter allhomemade at this time the
waulk mill used for finishinghomemade cloth situated at the
world to sample the qualityhomemade food served at the
fine to have him athomemeantime monday 7 legs feel
have left that bike athomemm f1136: well go and
enthusiasm about better things athomemy friends were unconvinced they
i read doric books athomemy mother s father s
often kept and butchered athomenormally this took place in
in school or safe athomenot begging on the streets
wedding feasts were held athomenot in hotels but these
got eight hundred books athomenot read yet f809: although
at ca na gaia thehomeof a mutual friend alice
a stimulating evening at thehomeof joe campbell singer poet
14th january 1986 at thehomeof m [censored: surname] present m
1984 at [censored: house number] wilton streethomeof mrs [censored: surname] at 7
february at [censored: house number] wilton streethomeof mrs m [censored: surname] mi
year finds us at thehomeof my wifes family 4
to support the recovery athomeof people who come out
8th january 1985 at thehomeof r [censored: surname] present r
this little piggy stayed athomeoh have you heard this
at school my brother washomeon leave from the army
plummeted as she sat athomeon maternity leave feeling constantly
boots were usually repaired athomeon the devil but sunday
football matches in songs athomeon the radio in shops
installing a gas stove athomeone firm that i phoned
f1037: are you living athomeor do you actually s-s-
class folk got married athomeor in the manse weddings
income on languages spoken athomeor on scots there was
really bad you stayed athomeotherwise you greased your boots
paint new upstairs bedroom athomepa hep supplies paint a
christmas actually she ll behomeprobably at [censored: address] well keep
i could never live athomeprobably cause i like just
allowed an extra year athomeprovided that her father taught
at least enough to gethomequite easily flushed with the
least you were like athomerather than being trailed around
now choose to stay athomerather than endure non smoking
t want to live athomeshe doesn t cause she
a vegetarian in moscow athomeshe grew her own fish
lunch at aberdour but comehomesit in garden sunday 16
again to georgie presumably athomesitting with a basin on
the croft and helped athomeso her grandfather as the
from our vocabulary but athomeso that er we we
wear trousers you know athomeso you re talking this
treacle toffee were made athomesometimes treacle toffee was the
they tended to stay athomestudying and generally moving towards
to maintaining older people athomesupported by shona robison mr
huntlie desyrit at the lordhomethat he wald help the
winning art abroad than athomethat is changing as goma
i mind folk sayin athomethat they never referred tae
sure an make yourself athomethe affair wis organis t
s bidding and stay athomethe ballad shows the mother
stronach for the table athomethe butter could be made
the tables with receptions athomethe furniture was shifted back
pleasure when at his ownhomethe hill he d be
words waiting for her athomethen suddenly with a cough
we ll just stay athomethen will we f1136: no
but i never spoke athomethere had been no one
dad speak some scots athomethey say wifie and mannie
within the campus and athomethis expectation cannot always be
with prof [censored: surname] at hishomethis morning and i spent
at school and incidentally athomethrough radio television newspapers and
at holy corner which ishometo many voluntary organisations the
had her second letter fromhometo my none but at
monday i am never athometo persons from porlock who
mm f1135: they ll behometoday who was at playgroup
all day and one athometoo and i do feel
yirnt milk often enough athometoo and i remember it
mean i wouldn t behomeuntil christmas at the earliest
are depressing too war athomewar between israel and the
at 5pm the train ridehomewas a mirror image of
right m1174: the pc athomewas his sort of expertise
rod the son who shomewas working at a local
as a breakfast dish athomewe only had it at
to my friends and athomewhat about pets do you
and a fourth helping athomewhen it happened that a
t always been heard athomewhen james boyle chair of
of daffodils and snowdrops athomewhen there s still about
your family speak scots athomewhich do you like best
their costs those living athomewho currently pay towards their
in hospital or b athomewho have been assessed as
was another convivial soirée athomewith [censored: forename] and [censored: forename] outside
brought up like obviously athomewith his mum f1027: aye
was tired however and headedhomewith james at around 11pm
we would speak urdu athomewith the elders m608: mmhm
as a scotch critic athomewith the english literary scene
that he was more athomewith the whole reading writing
journey but is soon athomewith us 12 wednesday we
no i m living athomeyeah i can t erm
mmhm f746: like obviously athomeyou d get a dance
children didn t live athomeyou know f1038: [laugh] f1037:
work than i am athomeyou know more much more
to me why are youhomeyou should be at school
from an alley english gohomea cry that is laced
walk i didnae go straighthomeagain and must hae got
f1149: [laugh] will you gohomeagain before christmas or f1148:
clock and time to gohomeagain doreen also remembers hanging
and dog and go backhomeagain women in service would
an tell them tae gohomean find out an very
i m plannin to gohomeand do some work tonight
riding my reluctance to gohomeand face my father s
i m just gonna gohomeand ge- i might get
made you want to gohomeand get bags of raw
no mair doggies [inaudible] gohomeand get more doggies f1115:
we ll need to gohomeand get this we re
it up when i gohomeand let you know but
i bet i ll gohomeand my mum ll tell
but i ll probably gohomeand see them after finals
basically she would never gohomeand she sai- like she
a lot of people gohomeand that do you still
idea i just go backhomeand type it into the
i was wanting to gohomebut i didn t know
needle forces pompitie to gohomeby the hen wyfe s
turns himself round to gohomeby the hen wyfe s
needle forces pompitie to gohomeby the toll road scene
weekends and stuff to gohomecause it s not like
have in other areas inhomeeconomics etcetera just go to
hoose f1116: [inaudible] and gohomef1115: okay it s finished
the library and just gohomef1155: mm f1154: erm and
flooer gairden when i gohomef606: [laugh] f1073: du can
up their pension to gohomef606: mmhm m845: so you
thing to do is gohomef631: [laugh] f634: and i
or did you go backhomef746: no i haven t
an i used to gohomefae isobel s an she
s shoulder blade english gohomeflashed from a furtive eye
f809: no i might gohomefor a week though but
said she wouldn t gohomefor christmas or anything so
i ve got to gohomefor my christmas lunch twenty
and had gas masks arbuthnotthomeguard had to go to
many other members i gohomehappily if i have contributed
why can t you gohomei demanded by this time
didn t need to gohomei didn t think she
think i m gonna gohomei m meant to be
i said to her gohomelilian there s no need
oh no when i gohomenext week my mum s
go and also to comehomenext year if i don
surround myself with reminders ofhomeno tomorrow i might go
it s time to gohomenow i ve had enough
dad says when we gohomeokay f1102: okay look that
well i used to gohomeon a sunday to do
think i- i ll gohomeon friday maybe afternoon cause
was do you normally gohomeover easter f809: no i
mother expects me to gohomeover easter or not f810:
to stay in their ownhomerather than having to go
required to go to ahomeregistrar to ask whether we
a compass time to gohomeshe lisped with maudlin sentimentality
thence got my bearings andhomesunday never go sightseeing on
i was made to gohomethat week because we did
you want to go backhomethe car s only up
were then afraid to gohomethe shoes were eventually found
a lot of people gohomethen f947: mmhm yeah but
to leave unb and gohometo australia he s doing
church some members will gohometo bungalows which is hindustani
about it when they gohometo their family and their
are being free to gohometo your studio and do
raining a lot just likehomewell better go to bed
f638: i used to gohomewhen i worked but when
and go back to hishomewhich is westminster as for
said now when you gohomeyou need to brush your
m194: so i come backhomeagain m608: uh huh m194:
alone and they ll comehomebringing their tails behind them
ignition we had to comehomeby taxi and kevin took
ah he used to comehomefor his tea an then
tea or will we comehomefor tea f1118: oh [inaudible]
a man who would comehomefrom work and take me
you come by regularly thehomehelp s in every day
no i can t comehomei love you too you
f1049: gettin the stupid trainhomem1048: no i could come
well see if you comehomewith me on friday we

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