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loan mhairi ran intil hirhoussan steikit the dure ticht
he gart hir cairrie thehoussdure alang wi hir on
the wyce man steikit hishoussdure an gaed grumfin awa
wes askin hir owre thehoussdure an giein hir his
mahiri s neives on hishoussdure an he rase oot
kists bi the weidae shoussdure an he wadna keik
gaed he an unsteikit thehoussdure an syne the wee
laid forenent the weidae shoussdure an the prince gaed
reed haed been at thehoussdure an wes awa cantie
til the lintil abuin thehoussdure an whan he fand
unco waesum maen outby thehoussdure an whan he luikit
mends rainbows staunin at hirhoussdure an whan she set
that mends rainbows at hirhoussdure at aince pompitie hid
kists forenent yeir mither shoussdure but that he maunna
abuin the lintel o hishoussdure for ti keep it
gaed in an steikit hirhoussdure nou ah sal flie
in the river forenent thehoussdure or a mawkin in
never aince gaed owre thehoussdure she fand bi the
a chap chappin at thehoussdure syne the dure opent
ti the hen wyfe shoussdure thare she wes cryin
set his fuit owre thehoussdure the wund gied a
an gart hir haigil thehoussdure up inti the tree
ever cum chappin at oorhoussdure whan thay ken ye
dird on the weidae shoussdure wi the verra first
twa gairdens ane ahint thehoussan ane forenent it in
huai wattir forenent a yillhousshowf the quyne thai hae
the green knowe forenent yeirhousssyne as loud as ye
lassie feinisht up in thehoussablo the green knowe aince
the green knowe asyde thehoussan swyth she raired oot
lassie forby cam til thehoussanaith the gress knowe an
pompitie hame til his weehoussbi the heuchie knowe an
the heuchie knowe his weehousshaed twa windaes in it
wi us til our fairiehoussablo the grund spiert anither
cam doun ti the grundhoussan said fegs ye hae
nae less in the grundhoussdoun ablo this place the
awa doun ti the grundhoussshe gaed an staupit inti
wes doun in the grundhoussthe day an here ah
left thaim in the grundhoussti dry oot an gaed
lassie doun ti the grundhousswi ye an yeir sisters
thay warna ferr frae thehoussa gentilman an his sairvant
she left hir faither shoussan gaed ferr an ferr
the ferr end o thehoussan thare ye wul finnd
the ferr en o thehoussbot the entrie wes ower
cam aerlie til a fynehoussthat stuid on the ferr
gang the tea wyfe shousswes ferr ferr awa an
stuil no ferr frae yeirhousswutch but mercie afore ah
aff embrowan laein tammas shoussa rewyne thai pit aw
the duir o tammas shoussan thai gaed ben afoir
a pictur o tammas shousscam ti mynd aw tummilt
vexin quastioun o tammas shoussdidna gar m muive a
ettil tammas wuid tyne hizhoussgin he cuidna wun mail
the rodd wes tammas shoussthan ahent it hiz gairden
sumwhaur near the wutch shoussbut ah hae been aw
maun gae roond bi thehousso the wutch that mends
maun gae roun bi thehousso the wutch that mends
here frae the wutch shousspepper ye didna speak til
wutch maun git oot thishoussthe morn stamps her foot
finndin his wyfe in thehoussathout sayin a wurd he
for the tea wyfe shousseftir that keep gaun strecht
his wyfe his bairns hishousshis teitils aw ahint in
that he staupit out thehousshis wyfe rinnin greitin ahint
sal set oot for thehousso the tea wyfe pompitie
s aither his wyfe hishoussor his estate or his
bi the hen wyfe shousspompitie is astonished and examines
an cairrie hir inti thehoussan we l git hir
keep ah gaed inti thehoussan whit did ah see
an gaed back inti thehousshouanever the yung laird wes
ah winna gang inti thathoussnou an ah m no
an follaed hir inti thehoussshe pyntit ti the seivin
the hunt prinkit inti thehoussshe wes in a huntin
brocht that wumman inti thishoussthere is another series of
inti the forest ayont thehousswhan cormac says alasdair ma
ti hunt thaim out ohoussan hame he tuik hiz
houss hiz waarm cosie beinhoussat bene hypothecated ti pey
thochts o hiz ain cosiehoussat gaitsgill cam ti mynd
o the damish ti hizhousseftir the dowie nyows bene
pictur abuin aw ithers hizhousshiz waarm cosie bein houss
o hiz fece gin yeirhoussis tint ye se can
in the wuid ahint thehoussay thay did that aften
doun the bed ahint thehoussdoor ti mak siccar naebodie
roond ahint i the stickhousspompitie a a ah im
freins ti cum til thehoussabout the tyme that caermoulis
wad cum doun athort thehoussah plantit it the year
cum on inby ben thehoussan ah l steik up
sum blek spell on thehousshou coud ma faither cum
lane in this mukkil cauldhoussnaither ah wad but cum
ballroom olia cum ben thehoussolga enters from the ballroom
guidman cum you inby thehousssee here a cushin at
bairn cum til in thishoussshona nae ill at aw
better cum back ti mahousswi me gin the r
let stoutherie frae ben thehoussan ane fur ilkane o
jowellerie tak hir ben thehoussan dinna forleit hir wallets
onie mair maet ben thehoussay reponed the elder man
wi the duirs ben thehoussgod kens wi the blinnin
whan the duirs o thehoussswang ajie gaed ben an
lads brocht ye ben mahoussthan fu o deceivenie ye
thai wes nivver ben thehoussti tak caws the faimilie
for ah wes ben thehousswhan it happent ye d
for ah wes ben thehousswhan it happent ye d
me she wes ben thehousswhan it wes duin an
meg pat him ben thehousswhyle she bade in the
a vissier ti vyow thehoussat gaitsgill at thai nou
about the rinnin o thehoussfur thai baith ettled ti
thair mait frae pareis thairhoussis in lunnonburgh an thai
cam til anither keing shoussan she gaed intil t
she gaed up til thehoussdoor an chappit on it
he gaed widdershins roun thehoussti the guise fank an
gaed inby an here thehousswes tuim but the war
kist til the weida shoussan on ilka traik he
an affront til yeuir ryalhoussan soud be brunt at
an juist gang til hirhoussan tell hir ah fand
gae back til ma lanesumhoussbi the river dumb freinless
l never win til yeirhoussfrom the chinese of mei
meg back til his ainhousshe shawed hir a gret
kynd mistress til aw hirhousslassies weill ae nicht the
his wey back til hishousson the forelaund bi the
bairn an gaes intil hirhousssingin til t aw the
he haes actually mortgaged thishousstil a bank an that
the rain oot nae warmhoussto gang hame til an
yeir hieness lades upon thishousswe byde behauden til ye
faems up til the verrahoussyett basho waesum lassie cat
the wee fowk intil hishoussan up rase the guidman
up the staups intil ahoussanither twasum ruggit apen the
weirwaws an stakkets monie fermhoussbene mowenced intil bastils ti
auld stane byre intil ahoussoutby howgate rab broun wes
biggit whaur yeir faither shoussaince stuid gunlöd is t
she an aince mair thehoussis weill cuivert wi gress
aince she wes a dauncehoussquyne but nou she is
veisitit rab in his weehoussan thay haed supper an
thay wul rin oot yeirhoussas fest as thay dow
ti shyne on the heichhousso the shin for thay
naet inby the big fermhoussthegither did thay no cuik
thay hae wun tintil yeirhoussye did weill tho ti
the yung princess o thehoussan hir name wes eilidh
sets hir fuit owre thehoussdoor dae ye ken jock
that mends rainbows at hirhoussdoor scene 1 the gress
dae nou for hir ainhoussquynes it wes chappin midnicht
aw the chaumers in thehousstellin hir ti gang whaur
belangin hir left in thehoussti bring me in mynd
dounricht lee back at hirhoussye telt hir ye haedna
strecht for yeir mither shoussagain for ti finnd ye
laid haunds on in yeirhoussan whan ye hae duin
ah ken ah mortgaged thehoussathout askin yeir leave that
aw ma lane i thehousschebutykin whit aboot yeir guidwyfe
fairie fowk is oot yeirhoussgang you back hame nou
gaun ti burn doun yeirhoussthorfinn is silent whit s
man but in yeir ainhousswhaur ye belang but whaur
lyke that in ma ainhoussyou watch yeir tung knicht
nearest road ti ma weehoussah aye gang this road
nearest wey ti ma weehoussah aye gang this road
gang awhaur in the mukkilhoussan see the ferlies o
thaim ti gang owre thehoussdoor athout a strang gaird
the back yett o thehoussti gang an see aforehaund
nae mair ti the haillhoussglamis haes murdert sleep an
frae the ruif o mahousshaes aw growne back again
follaein cosmic chynge ma cothousshaes becum ma universe from
ten acre lyke the fermhousshaes echt or nyne chaumers
she haes duin in thishoussjek dully gin that is
fell curse haes befawn thishoussjek takes moula by the
gaun ti set the haillhoussahaud rintoul wes that aw
o tulyie wes aw abouthoussbene brunt an feilds war
ah hae serred in thishoussever sen ah wes a
skyved aff ti the publicthoussfur a meridian this wes
wauk m bak ti thehousshe wes giein a lest
ah premise that the oothousso kittilrumpit wes biggit on
bi wey o requit tihoussthe fugiears this wes a
out thair chaumers the halehousswes a bayin o alairms
quaet lown pleasaunce whyles thehousswes a ram stam jing
an the kelpies i thehousswes aw ae ou fur
ah coud see that oorhousswes awricht an oot o
mak mair space this wiehousswes stade i the wey
warks it s a thesaurhousswes the awnser fur goud
brig the war shuirlie ahousswhaur wes t wes it
hirpil the length o thehoussdoor pompitie coud ye coud
ti anither puir buddie shoussan stert thair cantrips aw
natasha ay it s thairhoussanaw ah l tell thaim
in the mirk leivin thairhoussdoor open sae that whaever
t no it s thairhousseftir aw natasha ay it
a richt gliff thair haillhoussnearly burnt doun awthegither they
garron wallopin up ti thairhousssauf an weill the twenes
an beguid ti dae thairhoussskodgies an tak pairt in
mercie na no in oorhoussbanquo it wad be owre
him set fuit owre thehoussdoor frae the soond o
juist canna manage ower thehoussdoor an ah dout ah
a mouss she opent thehoussdoor an lowpit out hie
that carnival pairtie ower thehoussdoor andrey irresolutely weill it
canna set fuit ower thehoussdoor athout ye can ye
a lang whyle bi thehoussdoor ma wee son is
peach trees staun bi thehoussdoor the clachan is richt
fou ah slounge bi thehoussdoor the muin leims in
dirdum ti mak at mahoussdoor ye ve juist waukent
ye can buller or thehoussshaks ye canna shout doun
ti settil doun in thehoussthey r makkin an awfu
in an out o thehousswantin tyme ti set doun
a guid solit scotch baronialhoussan weill wuid med fine
did awthing weill i thehoussnou she maun mak ane
in the tree bi oorhoussend the nicht a monkey
an ah m rinnin thehoussan whan ah say oniething
aw the fowk in thehoussbut whan th supper we
aye better nor a tuimhoussbut whan ye ir fou
snaw sen he quut thehoussthat mornin but whan meg
he heids for a teahousswhan his siller is gaen
speired wha bydes in oorhoussnou says he look you
leeve thegither in the whytehousswhaur callum nou bade his
nou serrs me for mahousswi mattit felt for sillie
cosie as yeirsells i thehoussa m verra blyth ti
lyke ti keep an orderlyhoussah canna be daein wi
ti the maister o thehoussan him staunin on his
the siller an yit thehoussdisna belang ti him it
back ti moscow sell thehoussfeinish wi oor lyfe here
the fowersum forkit throu thehoussfrae crap ti ruit an
alang a loan neirby thehoussfur ti haud the leirichielarichie
a warrand ti serrs thishoussfur we hae a suspecioun
heir the kie ti mahoussi gaitsgill an the k
ti be mistress in thishoussmalcolm sae ye ir shona
want ti dae i thehoussnaebodie wul conter ye in
me ti gie this craiturhoussroom morag shamefacedly ay an
ti be funnd i thehousssae whit did he dae
juist hae ti set uphoussthegither in yir mither s
up he cam but thehoussti beik i the sunn
an pats to waarm thehoussti licht the foirpad ti
set thaim up about thehoussti nik the skellum at
queen if he s nohousstrained he l hae ti
ma man ti tirr yourhoussyou mortals thinks ye can
the cleidin o aw hishoussan haudin he haed a
byte nor sowp i thehoussfor fergal haed haen nae
syde the trees an thehousshaed heich touers an braw
ye haena seen roond thehoussan steidin yit ye wul
you r the mistress thehousswul be run the wey
burds goes off andrey oorhousswul seem fair desertit awthegither
be nae peace in thishousswul ye never leave me
772 846 wunter nicht mahoussis puir an thaim ah
lament corp n body cothoussn cottage coud v could
dabbled daidil v linger dauncehoussn dance house dauner n
s eve hou adv howhoussn house howderin v swarming
v hobble hou adv howhoussn house howe n v
pron herself hou adv howhoussn house howf n den
around an whit a brawhoussah fair envy ye aw
an meg aw throu thehoussan lat him see a
forenicht at the rector shoussfor aw his puir health
war sumbodie dernit in thehoussforby thairsells the lave aw
douglas the maistres o thehousswesna blate durand aw the
he bocht ane auld manerhoussower luikin huls an muirs
fermer biggit ane horrid wiehoussricht afoir the maner lik
ah set fuit in thishoussah hae never been walcum
i early 8th century kintriehoussah plantit a hunder mulberry
locks me in the coalhoussan ah m no hochlin
wurks whyles in ma killinhoussan ah uise him whyles
here strecht frae the killinhoussat cupar but ah didna
ah dout ah haena ahoussfor ye an we canna
we l be settin uphoussthegither in the palace ah
chaipel ah see the yillhousswi its theikit ruif ma
ah im issa in mahousswi me the verra myce
lock t in ma cothousschaumer ma brukken cruisie burns
sum day in ma ainhoussfor we never hae a
left me in this mukkilhoussma lane again he s
ower the neuk o mahoussma neibor s dugs yowl
rademe the wadset on mahousstho a mey nivver sei
an the waws o thehoussor awthing kythed as gin
fluit at loyang frae whashoussairts the soun o this
odour at waashed throu thehoussfrae the gairden fur the
lowpin an rinnin about thehoussscrannin maet frae the baudron
the r weirdrie in thishoussbut ye sal ken tae
lock ye in the coalhoussin here ye r no
an the bern ootby thehousshae been a wee thing
how houdie hooded houlet owlhousshouse howf inn howk dig
boits awned a nummer ohoussan hauddins restorin auld kerrs
that auld kimmer in thehoussfor olga taken aback forgie
the temper up i thehousstho says the auld faither
at the sleepers in thishoussspeak oot man speak macduff
saw him cummin oot thehoussthe broun ogre looks around
ootby in wanhowp neirhaund thehoussthe war a cleuch wi
swaw as big as ahoussthorfinn thare ye tell a
claith for sae mukkil ahoussan haudin at lest puir
an a hauf an thehoussis quaet as a grave
wir warsillin bein a treisurhousso lair an mense in
se finnd massell in ahoussthe lykes o this an
staunan an god bigna thehoussthey fash for nought wha
swaw as big as ahoussvalgerd an syne orm an
the ruif o a hurehoussthe caunil licht leimed on
thrang o fowk in thehoussthe place is ful o
claes she helps aboot thehousswhyles she s nae bather
me this puddok is nohousstrained wha wad clean up
he didna lyke the tuimhousshe didna lyke the spreid
gruggilt beauty i the lazarhousscuid i but see the
kintrie cothouss a cottar shoussasyde the clear wattir the
the host even a chyngehoussdenner is better hansilt meat
cou nanse cous in thehoussis it that soonds hieland
the first book the auntieloiphoussis of love freedom and
the carnival croud in thehoussthe day ir we no
wei 701 761 15 kintriehoussch u ch uang i

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