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june 2001 linda fabiani fionahyslopalasdair morgan s1m 2033 very
duncan hamilton linda fabiani fionahyslopalasdair morgan s1m 2038 scottish
welsh ms sandra white fionahyslopalex neil alasdair morgan mr
kay ullrich fiona mcleod fionahyslopalex neil alasdair morgan mrs
supported by christine grahame fionahyslopalex neil business bulletin 96
kay ullrich fiona mcleod fionahyslopalex neil fergus ewing brian
kay ullrich fiona mcleod fionahyslopalex neil fergus ewing s1m
kay ullrich fiona mcleod fionahyslopalex neil fergus ewing s1m
russell mr kenneth gibson fionahyslopalex neil mr adam ingram
press for it as fionahyslopalso said it is clearly
jim wallace amendment moved fionahyslopamendment moved ben wallace the
shona robison colin campbell fionahyslopandrew wilson alasdair morgan tommy
margo macdonald adam ingram fionahyslopandrew wilson kenny macaskill robin
linda fabiani colin campbell fionahyslopandrew wilson michael matheson alasdair
mr jim wallace yes fionahyslopas the minister is addressing
kenny macaskill phil gallie fionahyslopben wallace dr winnie ewing
whitefield mrs margaret ewing fionahyslopbill butler hugh henry ms
neil dr sylvia jackson fionahyslopbill butler irene mcgugan tommy
fiona mcleod cathy peattie fionahyslopbrian adam michael matheson ms
tricia marwick andrew wilson fionahyslopbristow muldoon alex neil lloyd
2002 mr andrew welsh fionahyslopbristow muldoon s1m 2620 miners
michael matheson tricia marwick fionahyslopbruce crawford s1m 1066 helen
margo macdonald adam ingram fionahyslopbusiness bulletin 42 1999 thursday
wilson mr lloyd quinan fionahyslopcolin campbell michael russell robert
jamie mcgrigor brian adam fionahyslopdavid mundell maureen macmillan mrs
subject of s1m 1569 fionahyslopdebt advice and debt awareness
subject of s1m 1569 fionahyslopdebt advice and debt awareness
lloyd quinan tricia marwick fionahyslopdennis canavan alex neil kay
brian adam stewart stevenson fionahyslopdennis canavan fiona mcleod robin
brian adam stewart stevenson fionahyslopdennis canavan michael russell proposed
craigie margaret curran convener fionahyslopdeputy convener john mcallion alex
discussion on that issue fionahyslopdoes the committee operate on
donald gorrie has raised fionahyslopdonald gorrie makes a very
winnie ewing cathy jamieson fionahyslopdonald gorrie mr lloyd quinan
hamilton mrs lyndsay mcintosh fionahyslopdonald gorrie roseanna cunningham alasdair
david mundell michael russell fionahyslopdonald gorrie shona robison fergus
christine grahame robert brown fionahyslopdonald gorrie tricia marwick alasdair
richard lochhead elaine smith fionahyslopdr elaine murray mr duncan
trish godman rhoda grant fionahyslopdr elaine murray tommy sheridan
peattie mr jamie mcgrigor fionahyslopdr winnie ewing mr john
brian adam christine grahame fionahyslopelaine smith nora radcliffe robert
alex neil bruce crawford fionahyslopfergus ewing ms sandra white
hughes janis glasgow rutherglen labhyslopfiona jane lothians snp i
snp harper robin lothians greenhyslopfiona lothians snp ingram mr
con harper robin lothians greenhyslopfiona lothians snp ingram mr
mid scotland and fife conhyslopfiona lothians snp ingram mr
snp harper robin lothians greenhyslopfiona lothians snp ingram mr
duncan highlands and islands snphyslopfiona lothians snp ingram mr
mid scotland and fife conhyslopfiona lothians snp ingram mr
snp harper robin lothians greenhyslopfiona lothians snp ingram mr
snp harper robin lothians greenhyslopfiona lothians snp ingram mr
snp harper robin lothians greenhyslopfiona lothians snp ingram mr
snp harper robin lothians grnhyslopfiona lothians snp ingram mr
hughes janis glasgow rutherglen labhyslopfiona lothians snp ingram mr
duncan highlands and islands snphyslopfiona lothians snp ingram mr
duncan highlands and islands snphyslopfiona lothians snp ingram mr
duncan highlands and islands snphyslopfiona lothians snp ingram mr
snp harper robin lothians greenhyslopfiona lothians snp ingram mr
christine south of scotland snphyslopfiona lothians snp ingram mr
mid scotland and fife conhyslopfiona lothians snp ingram mr
mid scotland and fife conhyslopfiona lothians snp ingram mr
duncan highlands and islands snphyslopfiona lothians snp ingram mr
duncan highlands and islands snphyslopfiona lothians snp ingram mr
con harper robin lothians greenhyslopfiona lothians snp ingram mr
duncan highlands and islands snphyslopfiona lothians snp ingram mr
irene mcgugan christine grahame fionahyslopfiona mcleod colin campbell tricia
grace elder tricia marwick fionahyslopfiona mcleod kay ullrich andrew
linda fabiani donald gorrie fionahyslopfiona mcleod mr adam ingram
ewing mr duncan hamilton fionahyslopfiona mcleod mr adam ingram
grace elder fergus ewing fionahyslopfiona mcleod mr mike rumbles
maureen macmillan nick johnston fionahyslopfiona mcleod pauline mcneill richard
john mcallion linda fabiani fionahyslopfiona mcleod richard lochhead nicola
their communities supported by fionahyslopfiona mcleod roseanna cunningham mr
those points miss goldie fionahyslophas drawn an interesting and
happen within that period fionahyslopi agree alasdair rankin when
at liege and flanders fionahyslopi am aware of that
done in previous papers fionahyslopi have a question and
i support the proposals fionahyslopi have a simple question
amendment to the proposal fionahyslopi support donald gorrie s
fiona mcleod michael russell fionahyslopirene mcgugan alex neil mr
be a good thing fionahyslopis quite right i look
do not suggest that fionahyslopis trying to bounce a
keith harding david mundell fionahyslopjohn scott nick johnston bill
russell dorothy grace elder fionahyslopkay ullrich mr john swinney
scott barrie donald gorrie fionahysloplinda fabiani andrew wilson dorothy
shona robison tommy sheridan fionahysloplinda fabiani andrew wilson dorothy
douglas hamilton cathy peattie fionahysloplinda fabiani tommy sheridan mr
good investment 17 36 fionahysloplothians snp almost 10 years
justice mr jim wallace fionahysloplothians snp ben wallace north
jackson glasgow govan lab fionahysloplothians snp dr sylvia jackson
the parliament to take fionahysloplothians snp i know some
not otherwise be one fionahysloplothians snp i was brought
3678 1 15 46 fionahysloplothians snp i will move
gorrie central scotland ld fionahysloplothians snp paul martin glasgow
nora radcliffe gordon ld fionahysloplothians snp the deputy minister
speak on the matter fionahysloplothians snp this is the
beyond the point that fionahyslopmade the committee might want
within the 40 days fionahyslopmakes a pertinent point about
janis hughes david mundell fionahyslopmargaret jamieson cathy jamieson mrs
mundell dr elaine murray fionahyslopmargaret jamieson mrs mary mulligan
october 2000 nick johnston fionahyslopmichael matheson dr richard simpson
kenneth gibson irene mcgugan fionahyslopmichael matheson mr adam ingram
gil paterson fergus ewing fionahyslopmichael matheson mr john swinney
on 4 october 2000 fionahyslopmichael matheson s1m 1233 day
on 5 october 2000 fionahyslopmichael matheson s1m 1248 macmillan
mcallion dorothy grace elder fionahyslopmichael russell mr adam ingram
tricia marwick brian adam fionahyslopmichael russell ms margo macdonald
glasgow and across scotland fionahyslopmoved amendment s1m 921 1
heating for elderly people fionahyslopmoved s1m 2023 that the
kenny macaskill richard lochhead fionahyslopmr adam ingram dr winnie
by ms linda fabiani fionahyslopmr alex neil mr lloyd
campbell mr duncan hamilton fionahyslopmr andrew welsh shona robison
tricia marwick brian adam fionahyslopmr brian monteith dr winnie
neil mr brian monteith fionahyslopmr david davidson nora radcliffe
michael matheson tricia marwick fionahyslopmr duncan hamilton ms margo
tricia marwick brian adam fionahyslopmr duncan hamilton s1m 1125
gil paterson tricia marwick fionahyslopmr duncan hamilton tommy sheridan
gil paterson tricia marwick fionahyslopmr duncan hamilton tommy sheridan
gil paterson tricia marwick fionahyslopmr duncan hamilton tommy sheridan
michael matheson tricia marwick fionahyslopmr duncan hamilton tommy sheridan
on 15 january 2002 fionahyslopmr gil paterson mr adam
2002 mr andrew welsh fionahyslopmr gil paterson mr adam
kenny macaskill shona robison fionahyslopmr john mcallion s1m 3859
2002 mr andrew welsh fionahyslopmr keith raffan s1m 2621
ian jenkins alex fergusson fionahyslopmr kenneth gibson andrew wilson
wilson ms sandra white fionahyslopmr kenneth gibson fiona mcleod
ewing ms sandra white fionahyslopmr kenneth gibson s1m 989
gil paterson colin campbell fionahyslopmr kenneth gibson shona robison
grant mr lloyd quinan fionahyslopmr kenneth macintosh mr duncan
rented sector supported by fionahyslopmr kenneth macintosh robert brown
therapy treatment supported by fionahyslopmr kenny macaskill david mundell
elder ms sandra white fionahyslopmr kenny macaskill s1m 1144
cathy peattie kay ullrich fionahyslopmr lloyd quinan malcolm chisholm
tommy sheridan brian adam fionahyslopmr lloyd quinan mr duncan
andrew wilson roseanna cunningham fionahyslopmr lloyd quinan tommy sheridan
richard lochhead irene mcgugan fionahyslopmr mike rumbles mr kenneth
tricia marwick fergus ewing fionahyslopmrs margaret ewing michael russell
on 30 october 2000 fionahyslopmrs margaret ewing s1m 1289
andrew wilson donald gorrie fionahyslopms fiona mcleod mr brian
david mundell donald gorrie fionahyslopms sandra white andrew wilson
supported by malcolm chisholm fionahyslopms sandra white linda fabiani
macaskill mr gil paterson fionahyslopnick johnston john scott tommy
rhoda grant maureen macmillan fionahyslopnicola sturgeon donald gorrie linda
lloyd quinan fiona mcleod fionahyslopnicola sturgeon ms sandra white
fabiani ms sandra white fionahyslopnora radcliffe alex neil tricia
margaret jamieson cathy jamieson fionahyslopnora radcliffe kay ullrich michael
parties into the press fionahyslopon a point of order
in which to proceed fionahyslopon that basis i propose
keith harding s1m 59 fionahyslopopen cast mining that the
european as a people fionahyslopopinion polls that take the
chisholm ms sandra white fionahysloppauline mcneill dr richard simpson
grace elder fergus ewing fionahyslopphil gallie mary scanlon rhoda
kenny macaskill s1m 1174 fionahyslopprevention of home accidents that
deadline the convener okay fionahyslopproposes a change to standing
michael matheson nicola sturgeon fionahysloprichard lochhead mr kenneth gibson
cunningham ms linda fabiani fionahysloprichard lochhead mr kenny macaskill
adam ingram colin campbell fionahysloprichard lochhead stewart stevenson christine
adam ingram colin campbell fionahysloprichard lochhead stewart stevenson christine
brian adam christine grahame fionahysloprobert brown tommy sheridan ms
september 2001 supported by fionahysloproseanna cunningham mr lloyd quinan
mcnaughton in relation to fionahyslops point about not extending
to gather views on fionahyslops timing suggestion we will
robin harper tricia marwick fionahyslops1m 1023 mr andrew welsh
marilyn livingstone robin harper fionahyslops1m 1069 fergus ewing criminal
michael matheson tricia marwick fionahyslops1m 1103 irene mcgugan skye
sheridan mrs margaret ewing fionahyslops1m 1119 brian adam aberdeen
on 3 october 2000 fionahyslops1m 1230 voluntary organisations for
on 4 october 2000 fionahyslops1m 1244 democracy in azerbaijan
on 13 november 2000 fionahyslops1m 1251 discrimination against teaching
bruce crawford nicola sturgeon fionahyslops1m 2 3 brian monteith
bruce crawford nicola sturgeon fionahyslops1m 2 3 brian monteith
elaine smith robin harper fionahyslops1m 2933 alain baxter lodged
matheson ms sandra white fionahyslops1m 2944 register of pensioners
march 2002 robin harper fionahyslops1m 2953 timber industry lodged
christine grahame irene mcgugan fionahyslops1m 2955 deportation of eduardo
brian adam susan deacon fionahyslops1m 2957 glasgow city council
on 5 september 2002 fionahyslops1m 3355 erskine hospital lodged
fiona mcleod donald gorrie fionahyslops1m 568 heart disease lodged
michael russell shona robison fionahyslops1m 583 iranian elections lodged
donald gorrie shona robison fionahyslops1m 594 volvo plant irvine
donald gorrie shona robison fionahyslops1m 595 fuel duty rebate
paterson mr kenny macaskill fionahyslops1m 977 michael matheson nuclear
macaskill dr winnie ewing fionahyslops1m 980 christine grahame web
states for example as fionahyslopsaid powers should be given
of the regions as fionahyslopsaid we support having a
not the problem as fionahyslopsays the problem is the
national party business manager fionahyslopscottish conservative and unionist party
national party business manager fionahyslopscottish conservative and unionist party
national party business manager fionahyslopscottish conservative and unionist party
national party business manager fionahyslopscottish conservative and unionist party
national party business manager fionahyslopscottish conservative and unionist party
christine grahame maureen macmillan fionahyslopshona robison karen whitefield elaine
christine grahame maureen macmillan fionahyslopshona robison karen whitefield mr
brian adam christine grahame fionahyslopshona robison ms sandra white
brian adam christine grahame fionahyslopshona robison ms sandra white
brian adam christine grahame fionahyslopshona robison nora radcliffe tommy
andrew wilson roseanna cunningham fionahyslopshona robison richard lochhead irene
tommy sheridan michael russell fionahyslopshona robison robin harper donald
grace elder michael russell fionahyslopshona robison robin harper mr
experience and my reaction fionahyslopthank you for bringing the
in the name of fionahyslopthat the parliament notes with
and what is allowable fionahyslopthe change is helpful because
university scotland s1w 15094 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
the community s1w 7703 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
asylum seekers s1w 17708 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
will be s1w 23096 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
such developments s1w 7700 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
scotland s1o 110 7 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
community s1o 441 21 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
eu respectively s1w 17642 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
this area s1w 14989 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
sick children s1w 27539 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
in scotland s1w 17707 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
complaints lodged s1w 17744 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
be operational s1w 27541 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
on pensions s1w 23097 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
refers to s1w 23095 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
this recommendation s1w 9240 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
board area s1w 9217 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
made available s1w 27538 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
1998 99 s1w 23092 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
a database s1w 9235 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
this recommendation s1w 9238 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
working group s1w 23100 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
in place s1w 17743 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
industries s1o 5370 30 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
r s1o 6419 23 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
warrant procedure s1w 32295 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
this matter s1w 9237 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
arrest warrant s1w 32296 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
and buildings s1w 17643 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
police forces s1w 33715 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
police force s1w 33712 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
arrest warrant s1w 32301 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
such meetings s1w 17704 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
the nhs s1w 27540 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
financial year s1w 23099 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
group pensioners s1w 17738 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
detention centre s1w 17740 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
the parliament s1w 32291 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
five years s1w 33714 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
or wales s1w 17739 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
in scotland s1w 32299 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
revenue budgets s1w 23098 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
this matter s1w 32293 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
this recommendation s1w 9242 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
petition pe242 s1w 17709 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
this area s1w 14992 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
asylum seekers s1w 17706 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
interferon treatment s1w 33711 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
five years s1w 33713 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
detention centre s1w 17741 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
into force s1w 32298 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
refers to s1w 23094 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
the community s1w 7702 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
mouth disease s1w 15002 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
would have s1w 32302 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
parliamentary constituency s1w 17616 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
their membership s1w 31080 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
been completed s1w 31078 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
been identified s1w 17742 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
arrest warrant s1w 32300 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
this area s1w 14991 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
may 1999 s1w 32297 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
this area s1w 14990 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
the report s1w 17705 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
this area s1w 14988 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
judicial authorities s1w 32292 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
disease s1o 3300 20 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
five years s1w 7701 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
was discussed s1w 31079 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
the approval s1w 9234 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
this recommendation s1w 9241 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
life s1o 253 24 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
transport s1o 5795 28 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
borders s1o 336 6 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
chemical pollution s1w 14987 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
april 2001 s1w 16547 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
scotland s1o 110 7 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
the position s1w 27373 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
and england s1w 23093 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
carried out s1w 9239 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
this matter s1w 9236 fionahyslopto ask the scottish executive
have a request from fionahyslopto speak on the matter
presiding officer i invite fionahyslopto speak to and move
ability of my colleague fionahyslopto talk about good will
in scotland supported by fionahysloptommy sheridan allan wilson bristow
on 16 january 2002 fionahysloptommy sheridan bristow muldoon s1m
tricia marwick brian adam fionahysloptommy sheridan mr lloyd quinan
iain smith nicola sturgeon fionahysloptommy sheridan mr murray tosh
kenneth gibson alasdair morgan fionahysloptommy sheridan richard lochhead cathy
alasdair morgan tricia marwick fionahysloptommy sheridan s1m 1025 christine
adam ingram tricia marwick fionahysloptommy sheridan s1m 1045 john
michael matheson tricia marwick fionahysloptommy sheridan s1m 1052 brian
scottish office s1m 391 fionahyslopwarm deal that the parliament
change members indicated agreement fionahyslopwere junior ministers not legitimate
fairly generous with interventions fionahyslopwill the minister give way
at i think that fionahyslopwould accept that as a
a 15 day period fionahyslopyes for the last week

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