See this word as a collocate cloud
the confluence o the borth | ick | an ti iot waitters whan |
the waiter shed atweesh borth | ick | an yill waitters leukin doon |
the ti iot an borth | ick | waitters afore thay gaed on |
whan a wur up borth | ick | ae wheen yeir sin a |
thocht thit life up borth | ick | afore the 1939 1945 war |
ma young days up borth | ick | blawearie wis feklie staundin empie |
manse burn an the borth | ick | fur the yaise o the |
the ither families up borth | ick | i thain days aa spak |
ma young life up borth | ick | it s hard physical wurk |
aa ma life up borth | ick | it wur tied in wi |
hei wis hind it borth | ick | mains a mynd on ae |
hei wrocht on the borth | ick | mains ferm a think it |
whae bade i the borth | ick | mains ferm hoose an hei |
wur ae laddie up borth | ick | oral tradition hed eet at |
rickle o stanes up borth | ick | sei the skreivens i the |
things hev chynged up borth | ick | sin syne an athourt the |
en o the river borth | ick | tae craik hope an whan |
tyme a wur up borth | ick | the valley wis black wi |
boddom end o the borth | ick | valley richt owre ti iot |
kirk i roberton pairish borth | ick | wa as grave yaird kent |
a read i the borth | ick | waiter 2000 millennium magazine at |
owre the hill tae borth | ick | waiter heid via the auld |
rins doun intil the borth | ick | waiter sei d yin o |
transactions 1991 c the borth | ick | waitter 2000 millennium beuk d |
rins doun anenst the borth | ick | waitter an it at pynt |
ae brig owre the borth | ick | waitter an tho the brig |
events an siclik up borth | ick | waitter ay yid s still |
anenst the history o borth | ick | waitter ay yince yid gits |
2000 millennium beuk d borth | ick | waitter bi the umwhile r |
brae face abuin the borth | ick | waitter fornenst craik ferm anenst |
the tap end o borth | ick | waitter frae ma howdien it |
tither side o the borth | ick | waitter frae philhope an braidley |
at wis seen i borth | ick | waitter heid turn t oot |
mei tae wutness up borth | ick | waitter i the ware spring |
thochts an myndins o borth | ick | waitter is a reca it |
this biggin athort the borth | ick | waitter is the craw wud |
laist residenter joiner i borth | ick | waitter it s efter ae |
the banks o the borth | ick | waitter it the tap end |
raxes doun til the borth | ick | waitter itsel ingaen an ootgaen |
it the heid o borth | ick | waitter kent locally is the |
i scots i the borth | ick | waitter noos letter aa credit |
ither side o the borth | ick | waitter rob jackson whae wis |
transactions 1909 reminiscences o borth | ick | waitter saxtie ear sin by |
hoscote burn an the borth | ick | waitter thair aince wur ae |
r e scott enteetled borth | ick | waitter thar s ae fouth |
hae i mynd a borth | ick | waitter twae centuries o life |
fit brig owre the borth | ick | waitter wis ae smiddy an |
the haugh kis the borth | ick | waitter wis i spate an |
ferm fordson tractor up borth | ick | watt wis keen on mechanics |
sexes thar wur up borth | ick | whan a wur ae callant |
weir athort the river borth | ick | whilk sheddit the waitter intil |
fludit raiglar whan the borth | ick | wis doun i spate that |
the praisent road up borth | ick | wis gaen ae sicker an |
the waitter frae the borth | ick | wis weel up the main |
scottish festival at kapiolani park | ick | said morag it gits worse |
fit brig atourt the borthw | ick | whilk wis biggit an up |