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bodies to prepare publish andimplementa gaelic language plan the
any obligation to prepare andimplementa glp highlands islands enterprise
body to prepare publish andimplementa glp we believe that
public body to prepare andimplementa plan section 3 2
local authorities to prepare andimplementgaelic language plans lodged 18
local authorities to prepare andimplementgaelic language plans lodged 18
public bodies to prepare andimplementgaelic policies to guarantee the
forestry commission to prepare andimplementsuch a scheme rather than
a failure to capture andimplementdata properly the seb and
particular the failure to fullyimplementthe findings of the report
than the continuing failure toimplementthe new higher in english
public body a failure toimplementthe plan in that respect
me as a failure toimplementzonal management because if it
upon the scottish executive toimplementimmediately recommendation 167 of the
upon the scottish executive toimplementin full the recommendation of
spend that is necessary toimplementsutherland s recommendation for universal
that the fund intends toimplementthe committee s recommendation that
scottish executive whether it willimplementthe recommendation made by the
urges the scottish executive toimplementthe recommendation of the royal
that is why we willimplementthe sutherland recommendation for free
the first place if weimplementall the recommendations on preventing
upon the scottish executive toimplementfully the recommendations of the
will the scottish executive thereforeimplementprofessor sutherland s recommendations in
upon the scottish executive toimplementthe key recommendations of the
executive whether it will notimplementthe recommendations in the report
parliamentary corporate body has toimplementthe recommendations of paragraph 81
calls on the executive toimplementthe recommendations of the justice
action it is taking toimplementthe recommendations of the report
it will introduce legislation toimplementthe recommendations of the scottish
scottish executive will take toimplementthe recommendations of the transport
that vote and try toimplementthe recommendations or whether he
the executive s pledge toimplementthe wide ranging recommendations contained
what plans it has toimplementthese recommendations s1o 412 10
scotland to publish maintain andimplementa gaelic language plan glp
bodies to publish maintain andimplementplans giving effect to the
bodies to publish maintain andimplementplans giving effect to the
local authorities to publish andimplementplans to use and encourage
not only that we shouldimplementin full sutherland s proposals
will of parliament fully toimplementsutherland and to get on
forward measures to establish andimplementa credit union development strategy
and whether it proposes toimplementa package of measures to
in the future we willimplementa robust range of measures
resolution which requires signatories toimplementmeasures to reduce the impact
identify discuss and seek toimplementmeasures which would eradicate fuel
much onus or impetus toimplementspecific measures in terms of
6 the public body mustimplementthe measures set out in
uk wide bill anyway toimplementthe measures that are reserved
the bill makes provision toimplementthe necessary measures in some
what measures it intends toimplementto alleviate fuel poverty among
what measures it intends toimplementto alleviate fuel poverty among
executive how it intends toimplementthe targets in the landfill
it intends to continue toimplementthese schemes s1w 10 phil
which the public body mustimplement3 public bodies 1 the
bodies to draw up andimplementa gaelic language plan shetland
bodies or local authorities toimplementthe charter article 10 of
what plans it has toimplementan integrated information strategy for
for local authorities to draftimplementand review strategic housing plans
that the scottish executive shouldimplementplans and make available the
it has any plans toimplementsuch a scheme s1w 9123
what plans there are toimplementthe proposals on the registration
problem we will develop andimplementa national sexual health strategy
scottish executive to develop andimplementa national strategy addressing the
strategy which we must thenimplementi have to say to
the work being done toimplementthe sport 21 strategy s1w
environmental and socio economic interestsimplementa crofting reform bill while
a national and international levelimplementstrategic environmental assessment across the
economic social and environmental impactimplementthe organic development plan to
the public body proposes toimplementeach measure specified in the
the only body that canimplementthe target so why keep
the only body that canimplementthe target to list the
smoking and alcohol misuse toimplementthe diet action plan and
of this bill is toimplementbinding international obligations there would
of this bill is toimplementbinding international obligations there would
will enable the uk toimplementseveral outstanding international commitments it
minister is now able toimplementa commitment that she did
commitment to the industry toimplementits stated pledge and accordingly
as a first step toimplementthis commitment to stamp out
to local authorities seeking toimplementelectronic government and b supporting
and local authorities have toimplementhealth controls when illegal imports
to enable local authorities toimplementits guidance document safer routes
to ensure that local authoritiesimplementorganisational learning in order to
local authorities to design andimplementpolicies relating to gaelic local
if authorities cannot afford toimplementthem for many years it
proposals for individual schools toimplementa race equality policy to
judges we clearly intend toimplementlady cosgrove s proposals bill
skills and experience of refugeesimplementthe proposals of the scottish
set forth with the requiredimplementfor the job a 10
that it is required toimplementi assure brian monteith that
on the regulations required toimplementprovisions of the tobacco advertising
will subsequently be required toimplementwe would have that opportunity
university college to develop andimplementthis course s1m 2626 mr
a programme of work toimplementthe necessary changes as soon
agencies should work together toimplementa regeneration programme and believes
teachers in scottish schools toimplementthe programme before they were
there was a determination toimplementthe programme within the agreed
to underpin the decision toimplementthe retox programme for prisoners
agriculture makes to rural developmentimplementland management contracts to deliver
makes legislative changes that willimplementthose commitments we are perfectly
a european union dimension weimplementand enact european legislation we
union is not due toimplementanti ageism legislation until 2006
scottish executive to employ toimplementec legislation in a given
way for the executive toimplementec legislation in scotland the
scotland act to observe andimplementeu legislation in devolved areas
its 2000 consultation exercise toimplementlegislation at the earliest opportunity
process by taking actions toimplementthe european parliament s recognition
process by taking actions toimplementthe european parliament s recognition
uk should intensify efforts toimplementinitiatives on life long learning
on 19 november and willimplementthe uk s partial participation
s diverse scotland we willimplementan independent review of the
has been allocated to helpimplementthe acute hospital services review
on how will the executiveimplementthe single assessment process and
ordinated approach member states mustimplementthe common european objectives into
development marine diversification and innovationimplementthe water environment and water
officials in the executive toimplementthe agreed procedures 4 water
scottish executive would have toimplementthe protection of wild mammals
executive to decide how theyimplementthe provisions of the charter
2000 2005 which aims toimplementthe political commitments agreed at
will take four years toimplementand will nevertheless omit the
absolutely convinced that it willimplementevery element that it is
to this chamber that willimplementfree personal care for all
by april 2003 we willimplementkey areas such as joint
how and when it willimplementthe 100 million care package
is supported the parliament willimplementthe bill one year after
boards will be invited toimplementthe guidelines and ensure that
to bring into force willimplementthe protection of children act
that if we are toimplementthe target we will expect
announced that it is toimplement250 000 of cuts to
commits large scale revival toimplementand fulfil the agreement s
new guidance and regulations toimplementand whether seeking designation for
the sqa was able toimplementin one year all that
governments have or intend toimplementin promoting social inclusion and
that we believe that toimplementit at this time when
000 that was delivered toimplementmccrone has been diverted to
which we are pledged toimplementneither the prime minister nor
it took 20 years toimplementstandard grade and there was
how one might want toimplementsuch a directive we are
for the scottish courts toimplementsuch an order if it
how member states propose toimplementthe common objectives the joint
should certainly be possible toimplementthe guideline which is obviously
ministers to make regulations toimplementthe united nations commission on
lack of trained audiologists toimplementthe use of digital hearing
work is in progress toimplementthe various strands of the
resources that they need toimplementtheir ideas alastair dempster as
may require in order toimplementthese new responsibilities s1w 27465
alternatives and raise funds toimplementthis work complete the painting
turnips hoe a long handledimplementused to single turnips or
island it s a differentimplementwe would use a different
it can withdraw from orimplementa moratorium on scottish participation
that teachers as employees shouldimplementit with undue haste we
any old bit of animplementwould be hammered into the
good practice and try andimplementit in their own situation
muckle onus or push taeimplementony specific meisures for education
for recording maintenance of housingimplementa framework for sellers surveys

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