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scottish secure tenants compensation forimprovementsregulations 2002 ssi 2002 312
scottish secure tenants compensation forimprovementsregulations 2002 ssi 2002 312
scottish secure tenants compensation forimprovementsregulations 2002 ssi 2002 312
scottish secure tenants compensation forimprovementsregulations 2002 ssi 2002 312
report scotland s transport deliveringimprovementsas the first steps in
report scotland s transport deliveringimprovementsas the first steps in
report scotland s transport deliveringimprovementsas the first steps in
report scotland s transport deliveringimprovementsas the first steps in
do not succeed in deliveringimprovementsin the quality of scottish
of the nine delivering transportimprovementsleaflets published on 18 march
supply we are delivering otherimprovementsthat will help to retain
report scotland s transport deliveringimprovementstransport indicators for scotland including
in its leaflet delivering transportimprovementswest of scotland 1 s1w
in its leaflet delivering transportimprovementswest of scotland 1 s1w
in its leaflet delivering transportimprovementswest of scotland 1 s1w
we will deliver change andimprovementsfor older people in scotland
we will deliver change andimprovementsfor older people in scotland
are used to deliver significantimprovementsin care for the largest
are used to deliver significantimprovementsin care for the largest
of time to deliver significantimprovementsin our infrastructure without penalising
and effective management will deliverimprovementsin service delivery to patients
these powers can deliver realimprovementsin the public services and
these powers can deliver realimprovementsin the public services and
have sought to deliver significantimprovementsin those more deprived communities
working together we will deliverimprovementsto benefit all those who
that ppp will deliver realimprovementsto our school estate quickly
real investments to deliver realimprovementsto people s lives by
nhs staff and deliver realimprovementsto the quality of care
road link nor deliver agreedimprovementswithin a timescale which would
the bill offer any substantiveimprovementsfor secure local authority tenants
executive intend to secure suchimprovementsfor tenants in the private
scotland in securing the infrastructureimprovementsacross the public sector rhoda
for sustainable strategic and infrastructureimprovementsand to involve itself fully
will result from these infrastructureimprovementsnotes however that the recent
will result from these infrastructureimprovementsnotes however that the recent
will be judged on theimprovementsto the public sector infrastructure
current qualifications system but significantimprovementsare needed to reduce work
we have already delivered significantimprovementsin the recruitment and retention
have failed to make significantimprovementsparticularly with regard to recycling
times and significant public healthimprovementssupported by mrs mary mulligan
only if we make substantialimprovementsto it and make significant
radcliffe we are making significantimprovementsto the a96 and will
basis competition has delivered serviceimprovementsin both the public and
executive has not delivered theimprovementsin public services expected by
work together and that theimprovementsthat we desire are delivered
b the fishing vessels safetyimprovementsgrants scheme 1995 and c
of the fishing vessel safetyimprovementsgrants scheme 1995 s i
of the fishing vessel safetyimprovementsgrants scheme 1995 s i
to set targets for futureimprovementsin rail safety and if
distinct scheme to promote safetyimprovementsin the scottish fleet in
distinct scheme to promote safetyimprovementsin the scottish fleet in
any plans for road safetyimprovementson a the a84 between
commitment to action and realimprovementsset out in the justice
are able to see realimprovementstaking place i agree with
turned into real and practicalimprovementsthe stephen lawrence inquiry steering
transport indicators for scotland includingimprovementsarising from any new announcements
transport encourage delivery of partialimprovementsbefore charging begins support the
in future years on transportimprovementsfor the regions as referred
highlands and islands and forimprovementsin the rural transport funds
package of tourism and transportimprovementsthat will promote and serve
call high level targets onimprovementsin the morbidity and mortality
set targets and drive forwardimprovementsin waiting times seem to
bill for example targets andimprovementsto the tolerable standard we
democracy to agricultural and commercialimprovementsand ensured farm workers a
the knowledge so generated toimprovementsin agricultural practice to care
of orkney with the agriculturalimprovementsof the late eighteenth and
basis for deciding where roadimprovementsare needed the cbi may
quantify much more precisely theimprovementsthat will be needed in
of urgency the much neededimprovementsto the a9 north of
should be reflected in nationalimprovementsin performance management in the
arisen from that legislation areimprovementsin the welfare and management
water management and farm managementimprovementsundertaken by the west of
the executive promises change andimprovementsfor older people in scotland
if we promise change andimprovementsfor older people in scotland
out on the recent bursaryimprovementshowever they will benefit from
the open market and thatimprovementsincluding the installation of central
ahead urgently with planned trafficimprovementson the a90 including the
at the figures for roadimprovementsand winter maintenance you will
next round of trunk roadimprovementsin 2003 04 s1o 6705
has been used on roadimprovementsin each year since 1999
continue to invest in roadimprovementsthat will reduce the number
with the uk government onimprovementsto the east and west
services and recognises that furtherimprovementsin public services in scotland
services and recognises that furtherimprovementsin public services in scotland
the recommendations would offer substantialimprovementsto the services for our
making up a list ofimprovementsone they ve missed is
of customers making proposals forimprovementsto postcomm and postal operators
that work and are makingimprovementswhere they can it is
be able to require thatimprovementsbe made to a level
to match the level ofimprovementsthat the gha plans to
in which there have beenimprovementsfor example in removing poison
as an example of theimprovementsin employment rights and health
afford to make repairs andimprovementsthat problem must be tackled
to homeowners for energy conservationimprovementsthey make to their homes
committee to make the necessaryimprovementsto that process and i
westminster has begun to makeimprovementsto the life of retired
my colleagues to make continualimprovementsto the standard of education
the amendments would make importantimprovementsto the workability of the
to be done short termimprovementsare being made where possible
we will reflect on anyimprovementsthat can be made to
and to suggest early practicalimprovementsthat could be made robert
mcgrigor about some of theimprovementsthat have been made i
has taken and all theimprovementsthat it has made but
it has provided to enableimprovementsto be made to the
we have already made majorimprovementstoday i have confirmed the
freedom security and justice whatimprovementswould have to be made
and justice in particular whatimprovementswould have to be made
of the service changes andimprovementsi stress again that i
savings but through service deliveryimprovementssome benefit must be projected
continue to consider how furtherimprovementscan be achieved tommy sheridan
proposals and suggestions that furtherimprovementscould take place at dalry
its has to announce furtherimprovementsto the a75 and a77
invested by local authorities inimprovementsand repairs has reduced however
of the building standards theseimprovementswould contribute to the commitment
irene oldfather will know thatimprovementsare also taking place on
how will the bill achieveimprovementsin housing for all sections
it will help to developimprovementsin this country the convener
that there will be someimprovementson the a96 will she
may will he consider additionalimprovementsto the a82 from dumbarton
the a75 will neither ensureimprovementsto the standards required for
june 2000 and july 2001improvementswill address concerns that notification
perhaps a view towards developingimprovementsdo members have any views
announcements indeed any announcements aboutimprovementsto the a77 in the
able to identify any helpfulimprovementsto the parliament s powers
centres are having on healthimprovementsin areas of poverty and
and biotechnology sectors and toimprovementsto health there is increased
towns and cities long termimprovementsin scotland s housing stock
desire for better government andimprovementsin the principle of subsidiarity
line but recompense for expensiveimprovementswas promised from the government
is about sustainable development andimprovementsin our environment it is
our adoption policy review recommendedimprovementsin the recruitment of prospective
increase in rent for certainimprovementsby landlord of the 1991
o acquired it in 1987improvementshave swept away almost all
montgomery there have certainly beenimprovementsin attitude some of that
have some locus in suggestingimprovementsin content of a particular
how language works leads toimprovementsin literacy and greater competence
ask the scottish executive whatimprovementsin numeracy and literacy have
have been undertaken to identifyimprovementsin schools which are attributable
increase in rent landlord simprovementsin section 15 increase in
in my lifetime and substantialimprovementsin support for business not
in towns f local authorityimprovementsin telephone information for passengers
ask the scottish executive whatimprovementsit is seeking in reviewing
systems to allow energy efficiencyimprovementsto be included in those
with jackie baillie proposals forimprovementsto the a82 in her
and suggested a number ofimprovementsto the scots in the
new economy are in theimprovementsto the supply chain ms
authorities for funding of schoolimprovementswhich are unsuccessful in the
complaint or suggestions for environmentalimprovementswould be typical forms in
executive how much the plannedimprovementsto the a95 between granish
that dialogue the issue ofimprovementsto the enforcement regime has
is progressing brian adam whatimprovementsdoes the bill provide for
bids for funding for schoolimprovementss1o 5405 9 stewart stevenson
to them and that theimprovementsthat they need are coming
and other vulnerable people allowsimprovementsrepairs and adaptations to be
alloa kincardine railway and linkedimprovementsbill introduced 21 march title
did we have like homeimprovementsbut it was just you
forward to seeing you thereimprovementsmore detailed agriculture classification under
and had different ideas aboutimprovementsthat they wanted to see
assess a range of suggestedimprovementsto part j of the
the bin areas and otherimprovementsto the area so things
caroline see the castle theimprovementsto the great hall monday
support of this petition pe554improvementsto the planning process mr
congestion stress points and otherimprovementson trunk roads networks d
1877 salvador threw himself intoimprovementsand expansions on the miramar
349 mr jamie stone a9improvementsthat the parliament calls upon

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